path: root/3871
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '3871')
249 files changed, 6033 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3871/CH1/EX1.1/Ex1_1.sce b/3871/CH1/EX1.1/Ex1_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6810547df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH1/EX1.1/Ex1_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//chapter 1 example 1
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+d =2.4; //magnitude of output response in mm
+R = 6; //magnitude of input in Ω
+S = d/(R); //static sensitivity in mm/Ω
+D = R/(d); //deflection factor in Ω/mm
+mprintf("static sensitivity = %3.2f mm/Ω",S);
+mprintf("\n deflection factor = %3.2f Ω/mm",D);
diff --git a/3871/CH1/EX1.10/Ex1_10.sce b/3871/CH1/EX1.10/Ex1_10.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb8caa599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH1/EX1.10/Ex1_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//chapter 1 example 10
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+E0 = 50; //internal voltage source in V
+R0 = 100; //resitance in kΩ
+r = 99; //accuracy in %
+//Em = E0/(1+(R0/RL))
+//Em = E0*(r in %)
+//E0/(1+(R0/RL)) = E0*(r in %)
+Em = (E0*r)/(100);
+x =E0/(Em);
+y = x-1;
+Rm = R0/(y); //resistance of voltage in kΩ
+mprintf("resistance of voltage = %3.2f kΩ",Rm);
diff --git a/3871/CH1/EX1.11/Ex1_11.sce b/3871/CH1/EX1.11/Ex1_11.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..62025d39e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH1/EX1.11/Ex1_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+//chapter 1 example 11
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+E = 20; //voltage in V
+R1 = 2; //resistance in kΩ
+R2 = 2; //resistance in kΩ
+R3 = 1; //resistance in kΩ
+R = 200; //resistance whe current is connected to terminals in Ω
+Io = (E/(R1+((R2*R3)/(R2+R3))))*(R2/(R2+R3)); //nortons equivalent current in kΩ
+Rout = R3+((1/(R1))+(1/(R2))); //output resistance in kΩ
+IL = Io*((R1*1000)/((R1*1000)+R)); //measured value of current in mA
+e = ((IL-Io)/(Io))*100; //percentage error in %
+A = 100+e; //accuracy of measurement in %
+//mprintf("resistance of voltage = %3.2f kΩ",Rm);
+mprintf("actual value of current flowing through 1000 Ω is %3.2f mA",Io');
+mprintf("\nmeasured value of current when 200 Ω is connected is %3.2f mA",IL);
+mprintf("\npercentage error = %3.1f percentage(low) ",e);
+mprintf("\naccuracy of measurement = %3.1f percentage ",A);
diff --git a/3871/CH1/EX1.2/Ex1_2.sce b/3871/CH1/EX1.2/Ex1_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..86d56f056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH1/EX1.2/Ex1_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//chapter 1 example 2
+clear all;
+//variable declarations
+If = 5; //full-scale reading of instrument in A
+Ra = 0.01; //ammeter resistance in ohm
+Pf = ((If)^2)*(Ra); //power sonsumption for full-scale deflection is W
+n = (If)/(Pf); //instrument efficiency in A per watts
+mprintf("power sonsumption for full-scale deflection = %3.2f W",Pf);
+mprintf("\ninstrument efficiency = %3.0f A per watts",n);
diff --git a/3871/CH1/EX1.3/Ex1_3.sce b/3871/CH1/EX1.3/Ex1_3.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a49536c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH1/EX1.3/Ex1_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+//chapter 1 example 3
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+n = 100; //highest mutiplier switch in mA
+N = 100; //number of divisions
+R = (N*10^-3)*n; //Range of instrument in A
+S = 0-n; //scale range
+mprintf("Range of instrument = %3.2f A",R);
+mprintf("\nScale Range = 0%3.2f",S);
diff --git a/3871/CH1/EX1.4/Ex1_4.sce b/3871/CH1/EX1.4/Ex1_4.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..67a9c714d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH1/EX1.4/Ex1_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//chapter 1 example 4
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+T1 = 200; //Tempperature in °C
+T2 = 225; //Tempperature in °C
+R1 = 305; //Resistance in Ω
+R2 = 310; //Resistance in Ω
+S = (R2-R1)/(T2-T1); //dr/dt in per °C
+mprintf("measurement sensitivity S = %3.2f Ω per °C",S);
diff --git a/3871/CH1/EX1.5/Ex1_5.sce b/3871/CH1/EX1.5/Ex1_5.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37352d8b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH1/EX1.5/Ex1_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//chapter 1 example 5
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R0 = 100; //resistance in Ω
+R100 = 138.50; //resistance in Ω
+R200 = 175.83; //resistance in Ω
+T1 = 0; //Tempperature in °C
+T2 = 200; //Tempperature in °C
+T3 = 100; //Tempperature in °C
+T = ((T2-T1)/(R200-R0))*(R100-R0); //change in temperatre in °C
+D = T-T3; //deviation in °C at T3 temperature
+p = (D/(T2))*100; //per cent full scale deflection non linearity in %
+mprintf("per cent full scale deflection %3.4f percent",p);
diff --git a/3871/CH1/EX1.6/Ex1_6.sce b/3871/CH1/EX1.6/Ex1_6.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4945e76a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH1/EX1.6/Ex1_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//chapter 1 example 6
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+l = 0.2; //percent liearity
+r = 300; //full-scale readng
+R = 20; //resistance in kΩ
+V = 2; //voltage in V
+d = (l*r)/(100); //maximum displacement deviatio in °
+R1 = (l*R)/(100); //maximum resistance displacement in Ω
+//a displacement of 300 corresponds to 2V ,therfore 0.6 corresponds to a voltage of (0.6/300)*2
+ev = (d/(r))*V; //maximum voltage error in mV
+mprintf("maximum displacement deviation =%3.1f ° ",d);
+mprintf("\nmaximum resistance displacement %3.2f kΩ",R1);
+mprintf("\n maximum voltage error %3.2f mV",(ev*10^3));
diff --git a/3871/CH1/EX1.7/Ex1_7.sce b/3871/CH1/EX1.7/Ex1_7.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e972916ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH1/EX1.7/Ex1_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//chapter 1 example 7
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+t1 =500; //temperature in °C
+t2 =1250; //temperature in °C
+r = 0.12; //dead space in pyrometer in per cent of span
+S = t2-t1; //span the algebric diffeerence between the upper and lower range values
+d = (r/(100))*S; //dead space in °C
+mprintf(" a change of %3.2f °C must occur before it is detected",d);
diff --git a/3871/CH1/EX1.8/Ex1_8.sce b/3871/CH1/EX1.8/Ex1_8.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ae6f2630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH1/EX1.8/Ex1_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//chapter 1 example 8
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+E0 = 12; //open -circuit voltage in V
+R0 = 1; //output resistance in kΩ
+RL = 25; //output resistance in kΩ
+EL = E0/(1+(R0/RL)); //measured value of voltage in V
+Er = EL-E0; //errorin measurement in V
+p = ((EL-E0)/(E0))*100; //percentage error in %
+mprintf("measured value of voltage = %3.3f V",EL);
+mprintf("\nerror in measurement= %3.3f V",Er);
+mprintf("\npercentage error = %3.3f percent low",p);
diff --git a/3871/CH1/EX1.9/Ex1_9.sce b/3871/CH1/EX1.9/Ex1_9.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a430fbad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH1/EX1.9/Ex1_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//chapter 1 example 9
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+s = 4000; //instrument sensitivity in kΩ
+R = 10; //range of scale
+R0 = 20; //output resistance in kΩ
+E0 = 7.5; //open circuit voltage
+RL =s*R; //instrument resistance in kΩ
+RL1 = RL*10^-3;
+EL = E0/(1+(R0/(RL1))); //measured value of voltage in V
+p = ((EL-E0)/(E0))*100; //percentage error in %
+mprintf("measured value of voltage = %3.2f V",EL);
+mprintf("\npercentage error = %3.2f V percentage low",p);
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.1/Ex10_1.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.1/Ex10_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..451019d3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.1/Ex10_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//chapter 10 example 1
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V = 100; //voltmeter reading in V
+I =0.005; //ammeter reading in A
+S = 1000; //sensitivity of voltmeter in Ω per volt
+v = 150; //voltmeter range in V
+Rv = S*v; //voltmeter resistance in Ω
+Rm = V/I; //apparent value of unknown resistor in Ω
+y = V/(I*Rv);
+x = I*(1-y);
+Rx = V/x; //actual value of unknown resistor in Ω
+er = ((Rm-Rx)/Rx)*100; //error due to loading effect of voltmeter in %
+mprintf("apparent value of unknown resistor = %3.2f Ω",Rm);
+mprintf("\nactual value of unknown resistor = %3.2f Ω",Rx);
+mprintf("\nerror due to loading effect of voltmeter = %3.2f percentage",er);
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.10/Ex10_10.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.10/Ex10_10.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9dba89a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.10/Ex10_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//chapter 10 example 10
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+P = 100; //resistance in Ω
+Q = 100; //resistance in Ω
+S = 230; //resistance in Ω
+dP = 0.02; //limiting error(dP/P) in %
+dQ = 0.02; //limiting error(dQ/Q) in %
+dS = 0.01; //limiting error(dS/S) in %
+R = (P/Q)*S; //unknown reistance in Ω
+dR =dP+dQ+dS; //limiting error(dR/R) in %
+dR1 = (dR*R)/100;
+R1 = R-dR1; //limitng values of unknown resistance in Ω
+R2 = R+dR1; //limitng values of unknown resistance in Ω
+mprintf("unknown resistance = %3.0f Ω ",R);
+mprintf("limitng values of unknown resistance %3.3f Ω to %3.3f Ω",R1,R2);
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.11/Ex10_11.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.11/Ex10_11.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..67bf59a64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.11/Ex10_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//chapter 10 example 11
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+P = 1000; //resistance in arm AC in Ω
+Q = 1000; //resistance in arm AD in Ω
+S = 100; //resistance in arm CB in Ω
+R = 101; //resistance in arm BD in Ω
+Rg = 50; //galvanometer resistance in Ω
+E = 2; //voltage in V
+R1 = (Q*S)/P; //resistance required in arm BD for balance bridge
+dR = R-R1; //the deviation from balanced condition in Ω
+Eth = E*(((R1+dR)/(R1+dR+S))-(P/(P+Q))); //thevenin's open circuit voltage in V
+Rth = (((R1+dR)*S)/(R1+dR+S))+((P*Q)/(P+Q)); //thevenin's equivalent resistance of bridge in Ω
+Ig = Eth/(Rth+Rg); //galvanometer current in A
+mprintf("galvanometer current = %3.3f uA",(Ig*10^6));
+mprintf("\nsince the point B is at higher potential with respect to point A ,current will floe from terminal A");
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.12/Ex10_12.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.12/Ex10_12.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e01478d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.12/Ex10_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//chapter 10 example 12
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+P = 100; //resistance in arm AB in Ω
+Q = 1000; //resistance in arm BC in Ω
+S = 2000; //resistance in arm CD in Ω
+R = 202; //resistance in arm BD in Ω
+Rg = 200; //galvanometer resistance in Ω
+E = 5; //voltage in V
+Si = 5; //current sensitivity of the galavanometer in mm/uA
+Si1 = 5*10^9; //current sensitivity of the galavanometer in mm
+R1 = (P*S)/Q; //resistance required in arm BD for balance bridge
+dR = R-R1; //the deviation from balanced condition in Ω
+Eth = E*(((R1+dR)/(R1+dR+S))-(P/(P+Q))); //thevenin's open circuit voltage in V
+Rth = (((R1+dR)*S)/(R1+dR+S))+((P*Q)/(P+Q)); //thevenin's equivalent resistance of bridge in Ω
+Ig = Eth/(Rth+Rg); //galvanometer current in A
+d = Si1*Ig; //deflection of the galvanometre theta in mm
+S = d/dR; //sensitivity of the bridge in mm/Ω
+mprintf("galvanometer current = %3.2e A",Ig);
+mprintf("\ndeflection of the galvanometre theta = %3.1f mm",(d*10^-3));
+mprintf("\nsensitivity of the bridge = %3.2f mm/Ω",(S*10^-3));
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.13/Ex10_13.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.13/Ex10_13.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e69c8d3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.13/Ex10_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//chapter 10 example 13
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+P = 1000; //resistance in arm AB in Ω
+Q = 100; //resistance in arm BC in Ω
+R = 200; //resistance in arm BD in Ω
+Si1 = 10; //sensitivity
+Si2 = 5; //sensitivity
+Rg1 =400;
+Rg2 =100;
+S = R*Q/P; //resistance required in arm CD in Ω
+Rth = ((R*S/(R+S))+(P*Q/(P+Q))); //thevenin's equivalent resistance of bridge in Ω
+//theta = (Si*E*S*dR)/((R+S)^2)*(Rth+Rg1))
+//theta2/theta1 = (Si*E*S*dR)/((R+S)^2)*(Rth+Rg1))*(((R+S)^2)*(Rth+Rg1)/(Si*E*S*dR))
+r = (Si2/Si1)*((Rth+Rg1)/(Rth+Rg2)); //ratio deflection of two galvanometer
+mprintf("ratio deflection of two galvanometer = %3.3f Ω",r);
+mprintf("\nthe first galvanometer (internal resistance 400 Ω and sensitivity 10 mm/uA) is less sensitive to a small unbalance on the given bridge ,through on its own it is more sensitive than the other galavanometer")
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.14/Ex10_14.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.14/Ex10_14.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..abd99aca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.14/Ex10_14.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+//chapter 10 example 14
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+P = 500; //resistance in arm AB in Ω
+Q = 500; //resistance in arm BC in Ω
+S = 500; //resistance in arm CD in Ω
+R = 500; //resistance in arm BD in Ω
+Rg = 100; //galvanometer in Ω
+E = 10; //battery voltage in V
+Rth = 500; //thevenin's equivalent resistanceof bridge Ω
+Ig = 10^-9; //galavanometer capable of detecting Ig current in A
+//Eth = (E*dR)/(4*R);
+x = E/(4*R); //thevenin or open -circuit voltage in dR
+//Ig = Eth/(Rth+Rg)
+y = x/(Rth+Rg); //current through galvanometer
+dR = (Ig*(Rth+Rg))/x; //the smallest change in resistance that can be detected in Ω
+mprintf("the smallest change in resistance that can be detected = %3.2f m Ω",(dR*10^3));
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.15/Ex10_15.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.15/Ex10_15.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b11902f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.15/Ex10_15.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//chapter 10 example 15
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+P = 200; //resistance in arm in Ω
+Q = 200; //resistance in arm in Ω
+S = 200; //resistance in arm in Ω
+R = 200; //resistance in arm in Ω
+p = 0.5; //power in W
+r = 2; //r is internal resistance of battery in Ω
+E = 24; //voltage in V
+//P = (I^2)*R; power disiipation in W
+I = sqrt(p/R);
+V = I*2*R; //the maximum voltage ,that can be appliedto the bridge in V
+I1 = 2*I; //current through series resistor in A
+//E = V+(2*I*(r+R) battery emf E
+R1 = ((E-V)/I1)-r; //series resistance in Ω
+mprintf("current = %3.2f A",I);
+mprintf("\nseries resistance = %3.2f Ω",R1);
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.16/Ex10_16.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.16/Ex10_16.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..664500420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.16/Ex10_16.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//chapter 10 example 16
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+P = 10000; //resistance in arm AB in Ω
+Q = 10; //resistance in arm BC in Ω
+S = 5000; //resistance in arm BD in Ω
+Si = 10^8; //sensitivity
+Rg =100; //galvanometer resistance in Ω
+E = 12; //voltage in V
+d = 2.5; //deflection in mm
+R = P*S/Q; //resistance required in arm CD in Ω
+Rth = ((R*S/(R+S))+(P*Q/(P+Q))); //thevenin's equivalent resistance of bridge in Ω
+dR = ((d*(Rth+Rg)*((R+S)^2))/(Si*E*S)); //change in defelection in Ω
+mprintf("the maximum value of resistance that can be measured with the given arrangement = %3.2f Ω",R);
+mprintf("\nchange in defelction = %3.2f k Ω",(dR*10^-3));
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.17/Ex10_17.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.17/Ex10_17.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c7b87bce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.17/Ex10_17.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+//Chapter 10 Example 17
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+r = 0.0250; //resistance in Ω
+R = 1.0125; //resistance in Ω
+S = 1 //sensitivity
+P1 = 10; //resistance in Ω
+Q1 = 10; //resistamce in Ω
+P2 = 9.95; //resistance in Ω
+Q2 = 10.05; //resistamce in Ω
+l = 100;
+r1 = r/100; //resistance in Ω per scale division
+x1 = P1/Q1;
+x2 = P2/Q2;
+//P/Q = (R+(l1*r))/(S+(l-l1)*r)
+//(s*x)+((l-l1)*r) = R+(l1*r)
+//(S*x)+(l*r)-(l1*r) = R+(L1*r)
+//(S*x)+(l*r)-R = (l1*r)+(l1*r)
+l1 = ((S*x1)+(l*r1)-R)/(r1+r1); //scale divisions
+l12 = ((S*x2)+(l*r1)-R)/(r1+r1); //scale divisions
+mprintf("hence the balance is obtainde at %3.0f and 75 scale divisions",l1);
+mprintf("\nhence the balance is obtainde at %3.0f and 95 scale divisions",l12);
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.18/Ex10_18.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.18/Ex10_18.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e9324cb44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.18/Ex10_18.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//chapter 10 example 18
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V1 = 250; //voltage in V
+V2 = 92; //voltage in V
+t = 60; //time in seconds
+C = 600*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+//V2 = V1*e^(t/C*R)
+R = t/(C*log(V1/V2))
+mprintf("insulation resistance = %3.0f M Ω",(R*10^-6));
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.19/Ex10_19.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.19/Ex10_19.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9b91e560
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.19/Ex10_19.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+//chapter 10 example 19
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V1 = 100; //voltage in V
+V2 = 80; //voltage in V
+t = 20; //time in seconds
+C = 300*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+//V2 = V1*e^(t/C*R)
+R = t/(C*log(V1/V2))
+mprintf("insulation resistance = %3.2e M Ω",(R*10^-6));
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.2/Ex10_2.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.2/Ex10_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc0cec784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.2/Ex10_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//chapter 10 example 2
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+RA = 2.5; //resistance of ammeter Ω
+RV = 6000; //resistance of voltmeter Ω
+V = 38.4; //voltage in V
+I = 0.4; //current in A
+Rx = sqrt(RA*RV); //value of unknown resisitance in Ω
+Rm = V/I; //measured value of unknown resistance in Ω
+Rx1 = V/(I*(1-(V/(I*RV)))); //true value of unknown resistance in Ω
+EA = (1/2)*(1/100)*1; //error on ammeter reading in A
+EV = (1/2)*(50/100); //error on voltmeter reading in V
+PEA = (EA/I)*100; //percentage error at 0.4 A reading in %
+PEV = (EV/V)*100; //percentage error at 38.4 A reading in %
+E = sqrt((PEA^2)+(PEV^2)); //error due to ammeter and voltmeter in %
+AE = (E/100)*Rx1; //absolute error due to ammeter and voltmeter in Ω
+R1 =Rx1+AE; //resistance in Ω
+R2 = Rx1-AE; //resistance in Ω
+mprintf("resistance is specified as %3.3f and %3.3f Ω",R1,R2);
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.20/Ex10_20.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.20/Ex10_20.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21ceab4db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.20/Ex10_20.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+//chapter 10 example 20
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V1 = 200; //voltage in V
+V2 = 126; //voltage in V
+t = 30; //time in seconds
+V12 = 200; //voltage in V
+V22 = 100; //voltage in V
+//let CR = a
+//V2 = V1*e^(t/C*R)
+a = t/log(V1/V2); //C*R
+//R1 = (10*R)/(10+R)
+a1 = t/log(V12/V22); //C*R1
+//a1/a =R1/R=x
+x = a1/a;
+//since R1 = (10*R)/(10+R)
+//x*(10+R)*R = 10*R
+//(x*10)+R*x = 10
+R = (10-(x*10))/x; //Resistance in Ω
+mprintf("resistance = %3.2f M Ω",R);
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.21/Ex10_21.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.21/Ex10_21.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e22cf06d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.21/Ex10_21.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//chapter 10 example 21
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V1 = 450; //voltage in V
+V2 = 280; //voltage in V
+t = 15.2; //time in minutes
+t1 = 10.8; //time in minutes
+C = 2.5*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+t12 = t*60; //time in seconds
+t22 = t1*60; //time in seconds
+//V2 = V1*e^(t/C*R)
+x = V1/V2;
+y = log(x);
+R = t12/(C*y);
+R1 =t22/(C*y);
+//R1 = t1/(C*log(V1/V2));
+//1/R` = (1/R1)-(1/R)
+R11 = (R1*R)/(R-R1); //unknown resistance in Ω
+mprintf("unknown resistance= %3.2d M Ω",(R11*10^-6));
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.22/Ex10_22.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.22/Ex10_22.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2cc8cb3f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.22/Ex10_22.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+//chapter 10 example 22
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+r = 250; //number of scale divisions galvanometer can read
+s = 2.5; //universal shunt multiplier
+r1 = 350; //number of scale reading
+s1 = 1000; //universal shunt multiplier when standard resistor is connecter
+S = 1000000;
+//IR praportional to galvanometer*universal shunt multiplier
+IR = r*s; //current through the circuit with unknown resistance Rconnected
+Is = r1*s1; //current through the circuit with standard resistance in S
+R1 = (Is/IR)*S; //insulation resistance of cable in Ω
+mprintf("insulation resistance of cable = %3.2f MΩ",(R1*10^-6));
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.23/Ex10_23.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.23/Ex10_23.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e2868167c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.23/Ex10_23.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+//chapter 10 example 23
+clear all
+//variable declaration
+V = 3; //battery voltage in volts
+Rm = 60; //resistance in Ω
+Ifm = 1.2; //full-scale deflection meter current in mA
+Rh = 1500; //half-scale deflection resistance in Ω
+V1 = 0.3; //at 10 % drop in battery voltage in V
+If = V/Rh; //battery current for full-scale deflection in A
+If1 = If*10^3; //battery current for full-scale deflection in mA
+Ish = If1-Ifm; //current through zero adjuster resistor i.e,shunt resistor in mA
+Rsh = (Ifm*Rm)/Ish; //resistance in Ω
+Rse = Rh-((Rsh*Rm)/(Rsh+Rm)); //current limiting resistor i.e,series resistor
+V3 = V-V1; //voltage in V
+If2 = V3/Rh; //battery current at full-scale deflection in A
+If21 = If2*10^3; //battery current at full-scale deflection in mA
+Ish1 =If21-Ifm; //current through shunt resistor in mA
+Rsh1 = (Ifm*Rm)/Ish1; //shunt resistor in Ω
+Rh1 = Rse+((Rm*Rsh1)/(Rm+Rsh1)); //total internal circuit resistance in Ω
+e =((Rh-Rh1)/(Rh1))*100; //percentage error in %
+mprintf("resistance = %3.2f Ω",Rsh);
+mprintf("\ncurrent limiting resistor = %3.2f Ω",Rse);
+mprintf("\nshunt resistor = %3.2f Ω",Rsh1);
+mprintf("\npercentage error = %3.3f percentage ",e);
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.24/Ex10_24.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.24/Ex10_24.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7668dad36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.24/Ex10_24.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//chapter 10 example 24
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V = 3; //battery voltage in volts
+Rm = 2; //meter resistance in Ω
+Ifm = 10; //full scale deflection meter current in mA
+Rh = 0.5; //half scale deflection resistance in Ω
+Im = 0.5*Ifm; //half-scale deflection of the movement
+Vm = Im*Rm; //voltage across movement in mV
+Ix = (Vm*10^-3)/Rh; //current through resistor in A
+Ix1 = Ix*10^3; //urrent through resistor in mA
+IB = Im+Ix1; //total battery current in mA
+V1 = V-(Vm*10^-3); //voltage drop across current lo V
+Rse = V1/(IB*10^-3); //current limiting resistor in Ω
+mprintf("current limiting resistor = %3.1f Ω",Rse);
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.3/Ex10_3.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.3/Ex10_3.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42285ccc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.3/Ex10_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+//chapter 10 example 3
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V = 120; //voltage in V
+I = 8; //current in A
+RA = 0.3; //resistance in Ω
+AR = 0.01; //maximum reading of ammeter in A
+VR = 0.1; //maximum reading of voltmeter in V
+AR1 = 10; //ammeter rane 0-10 A
+AV1 = 150; //voltmeter range in 0-150 V
+EA = 0.25; //constructional error of ammeter in %
+EV = 0.5; //constructional error of voltmeter in %
+Rm = V/I; //measured value of unknown resistance in Ω
+Rx = Rm-RA; //true value of unknown resistance in Ω
+EA1 = (AR/AR1)*100; //reading error of ammeter in %
+EV1 = (VR/AV1)*100; //reading of voltmeter in %
+dI = EA+EA1; //error in ammeter reading in %
+dv = EV+EV1; //error in voltmeter reading in %
+d =dI+dv; //total error in % ranging - to +
+R1 = Rx+d; //Value of Rx is specified as Ω
+R2 = Rx-d; //Value of Rx is specified as Ω
+mprintf("Value of Rx is specified = %3.3f,%3.3f Ω",R1,R2);
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.4/Ex10_4.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.4/Ex10_4.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d1c7aef07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.4/Ex10_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+//chapter 10 example 4
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+S = 0.02; //resistance of standard resistor in Ω
+Vs = 0.98; //voltage drop across standard resistor in V
+Vx = 0.735; //voltage drop across resistor under test in V
+X = (S*Vx)/Vs; //Resistance of resistor under test in Ω
+mprintf("Resistance of resistor under test= %3.3f Ω",X);
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.5/Ex10_5.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.5/Ex10_5.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6bd6b4cbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.5/Ex10_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//chapter 10 example 5
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Vx1 = 0.835; //indicated calue of voltage drop across the unknown resistance in V
+emf = -25*10^-6; //thermal emf with unknown resistance in V
+S = 0.10025; //resistance of standard resistor in Ω
+Vs = 0.984; //voltage drop across standard resistor in V
+Vx = Vx1-emf;
+X = (S*Vx)/Vs; //Resistance of resistor under test in Ω
+mprintf("unknown resistor = %3.5f Ω",X);
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.6/Ex10_6.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.6/Ex10_6.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c518148c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.6/Ex10_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+//chapter 10 example 6
+clc;clear all;
+//variable decalartion
+p = 200.62; //resistance in Ω
+q = 400; //resistance in Ω
+P = 200.48; //resistance in Ω
+Q = 400; //resistance in Ω
+S = 100.03; //resistance in Ω
+r = 700; //resistance in Ω
+X = ((P/Q)*S)+((q*r)/(p+q))*((P/Q)-(p/q));
+mprintf("unknown resistance = %3.4f uΩ",X);
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.7/Ex10_7.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.7/Ex10_7.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da12a846b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.7/Ex10_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//chapter 10 example 7
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+P = 100; //resistance in Ω
+Q = 10; //resistance in Ω
+S = 46; //resistance in Ω
+R = (P/Q)*S; //unknown reistance in Ω
+mprintf("unknown resistance = %3.2f Ω ",R);
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.8/Ex10_8.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.8/Ex10_8.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a7179509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.8/Ex10_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+//chapter 10 example 8
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+S = 6; //resistance in Ω
+AB = 25; //length of AB in cm
+BC = 75; //length of BC in cm
+R = (AB/BC)*S; //unknown reistance in Ω
+mprintf("unknown resistance = %3.0f Ω ",R);
diff --git a/3871/CH10/EX10.9/Ex10_9.sce b/3871/CH10/EX10.9/Ex10_9.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..828615e2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH10/EX10.9/Ex10_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//chapter 10 example 9
+clc;clear all;
+//variable decalartion
+R =5000; //a resistance of apporximately required to balance a bridge in Ω
+E = 0.1; //in per cent
+R2 = R+(R*(E/100)); //limiting value in Ω
+R1 = R-(R*(E/100)); //limiting value in Ω
+mprintf("limiting value %3.0f Ω to %3.0f Ω",R1,R2);
+mprintf("\nThus dials of 1000,100,10,1 Ω would have to be adjusted");
diff --git a/3871/CH11/EX11.1/Ex11_1.sce b/3871/CH11/EX11.1/Ex11_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d26f8a1e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH11/EX11.1/Ex11_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+//chapter 11 example 1
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declartion
+v = 1.0186; //emf of standard cell in volts
+l = 60; //length in cm
+l1 = 75; //length in cm
+l2 = 66; //length in cm
+l3 = 84; //length in cm
+l4 = 40; //length in cm
+l5 = 72; //length in cm
+S = 2; //resistance in Ω
+r = 100; //ratio of volt ratio box
+S1 = 2.5; //resistance in Ω
+I = 0.28; //ammeter reading in ampere
+v1 =1.25; //voltmeter reading in volts
+v0 = v/l; //the voltage drop per cm length of potentiometer wire in volt
+V1 = v0*l1; //emf of cell which balances at 75 cm in volts
+V2 = v0*l2; //emf of cell which balances at 66 cm in volts
+I1 = v/S; //current flowing through 2 Ω resistance in A
+V3 = v0*l3; //emf of cell which balances at 84 cm in volts
+v31 = V3*r; //voltage of supply main in volts
+V4 = v0*l4; //emf of cell which balances at 40 cm in volts
+I4 =V4/S1; //current flowing through 2.5 Ω resistance in A
+e = ((I-I4)/I4)*100; //percentage error in the ammeter reading in %
+V5 = v0*l5; //emf of cell which balances at 72 cm in volts
+e1 = ((v1-V5)/V5)*100; //percentage error in the voltmeter reading in %
+mprintf("emf of cell which balances at 75 cm = %3.5f volts",V1);
+mprintf("\ncurrent flowing through 2 Ω resistance = %3.5f A",I1);
+mprintf("\nvoltage of supply main in volts = %3.5f volts",v31);
+mprintf("\npercentage error in the ammeter reading = %3.1d percentage high",e);
+mprintf("\npercentage error in the voltmeter reading = %3.2f percentage ",e1);
diff --git a/3871/CH11/EX11.2/Ex11_2.sce b/3871/CH11/EX11.2/Ex11_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b04df9705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH11/EX11.2/Ex11_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//chapter 11 example 2
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R = 10; //resistance of slide wire in Ω
+n = 15; //number of steps of dial
+r = 10; //resistance of each dial in Ω
+I = 0.01; //working current in A
+N = 100; //number of divisions of slide
+a = 0.2; //each division of slide can read upto a accurately of its span
+R1 = (n*r)+R; //total resistance of potentiometer in Ω
+V = I*R1; //voltage range of the potentiometer V
+v = R*I; //voltage drop across slide wire V
+x = v/N; //each division represents in V
+y = x*a; //resolution of potentiometer in V
+mprintf("resolution of potentiometer = %3.4f V",y);
diff --git a/3871/CH11/EX11.3/Ex11_3.sce b/3871/CH11/EX11.3/Ex11_3.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ea913838
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH11/EX11.3/Ex11_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//chapter 11 example 3
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R = 400; //total resistance of slide-wire of 200 cmin Ω
+L1 = 101.8; //length of slide wire in cm
+L = 200; //length of wire in cm
+v1 = 1.018; //voltage drop across 101.8cm length of slide wire in V
+v = 3; //battery voltage in V
+a = 0.2; //it is possible to read a of 1 mm
+R1 = (R/L)*L1; //resistance of slide wire of 101.8 cm in Ω
+I1 = v1/R1; //working current in A
+RT = v/I1; //total resistance of battery circuit in Ω
+RR = RT-R; //resistance of series rheostat in Ω
+r = I1*R; //measuring range in V
+//since 200cm length represents 2 V
+//1 mm length represents = z
+z = (r/L)*(1/10); //voltage represented for 1mm length
+Ri = z*a; //resolution of instrument in mV
+mprintf("working current = %3.1e A",(I1*10^3));
+mprintf("\nresistance of series rheostat = %3.2f Ω",RR);
+mprintf("\nmeasuring range = %3.2f V",r);
+mprintf("\nresolution of the instrument = %3.2f mV",(Ri*10^3));
diff --git a/3871/CH11/EX11.4/Ex11_4.sce b/3871/CH11/EX11.4/Ex11_4.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f594688ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH11/EX11.4/Ex11_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//chapter 11 example 4
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R1 = 0.1; //standard resistance in Ω
+V2 = 0.613; //voltage drop across standard resistance in V
+a = 100;
+r = 0.781; //volt ration box
+theta = 50.48;
+theta1 = 12.6;
+f = 50; //frequency in in HZ
+I = V2/R1; //current through coil in A
+V1 = a*r; //voltage drop across inductive coil in V
+theta2 = theta -theta1;
+L = V1*sin(theta2*180/%pi)/(2*%pi*f*I); //inducatance of coil in H
+mprintf("inductance of coil =%3.2f H",L);
diff --git a/3871/CH11/EX11.5/Ex11_5.sce b/3871/CH11/EX11.5/Ex11_5.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f265a03e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH11/EX11.5/Ex11_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//chapter 11 example 5
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R1 = 1; //standard resistance in Ω
+V3 = 0.952-0.340*%i; //voltage through the coil in A
+a = 10; //multiplying power of potential divider
+V2 = 1.35+1.28*%i; //voltage across potential in A
+x = complex([0.952,-0.342])
+y = complex([1.35,1.28])
+I = x/R1;, //current through coil in A
+I = x/R1 //current through coil in A
+I1 = 0.952-0.340*%i;
+V1 = a*y //voltage across coil in V
+V11 = 13.5+12.8*%i;
+Z = V11/I1
+R = real(Z) //resistance of coil in Ω
+X = imag(Z) //reactance of coil Ω
+mprintf("%g + %gi\n",R,X);
+mprintf("resistance of coil = %3.4f Ω",R);
+mprintf("\nreactance of coil = %3.2f Ω",X);
diff --git a/3871/CH11/EX11.6/Ex11_6.sce b/3871/CH11/EX11.6/Ex11_6.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6bd391a01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH11/EX11.6/Ex11_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//chapter 11 example 6
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R = 1; //resistace in Ω
+V2 = 0.238-%i*0.085; //voltage across standard resistor in V
+P = 10; //multiplying ower of potential divider
+V1 = 0.3375+%i*0.232; //voltage across potential divider in V
+I = V2/R; //current through coil in A
+V2 = P*V1; //voltage acrossthe coil in V
+Z = V2/I; //impedance of coil in Ω
+R1 = real(Z); // resistance of coil in Ω
+X1 =imag(Z); //reactance of coil in Ω
+mprintf("resistance = %3.2f Ω",R1);
+mprintf("\nreactance = %3.3f Ω",X1);
diff --git a/3871/CH11/EX11.7/Ex11_7.sce b/3871/CH11/EX11.7/Ex11_7.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..50a324f47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH11/EX11.7/Ex11_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//chapter 11 example 7
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R1 = 1.0; //resistace in Ω
+V1 = 0.8-%i*0.75; //voltage drop across the resistance in volt
+V2 = 1.2+%i*0.3; //voltage across the coil in volt
+I = V1/R1; //current through coil in A
+x = (atan(imag(V1)/real(V1)))*180/%pi;
+y = (atan(imag(V2)/real(V2)))*180/%pi;
+phi = y-x;
+a =sqrt(((real(V2))^2)+((imag(V2))^2));
+b =sqrt(((real(I))^2)+((imag(I))^2));
+V3 = a*cos(phi*%pi/180); //resistive drop the coil in V
+P = a*b*cos(phi*%pi/180); //power loss in the coil in W
+mprintf("iron loss in the coil =%3.3f watt",P);
diff --git a/3871/CH11/EX11.8/Ex11_8.sce b/3871/CH11/EX11.8/Ex11_8.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0109ff7ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH11/EX11.8/Ex11_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+//chapter 11 example 8
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R1 = 0.1; //standard resistance in Ω
+V1 = 0.35-%i*0.1; //voltage drop across resistance in V
+V2 = 0.8-%i*0.15; //voltage across coil in V
+I = V1/R1;, //current through coil in A
+V = 300*V2; //apply voltage V
+x1 = real(I);
+y1 = abs(imag(I));
+V1 = sqrt((x1^2)+(y1^22));
+x = real(V);
+y = imag(V);
+I1 = sqrt((x^2)+(y^2));
+P = (x1*x)+(y1*y);
+//pf = P/(V1*I); //power factor of the load circuit in lagging
+pf = P/(V1*I1); //power factor of the load circuit in cos(phi)
+mprintf("power factor of the load circuit = %3.3f lagging",pf);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.1/Ex12_1.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.1/Ex12_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b59567303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.1/Ex12_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 1
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Z1 = 100; //resistance of arm in Ω
+Z2 = 50; //resistance of arm in Ω
+Z3 = 200; //resistance of arm in Ω
+Z4 = 100; //resistance of arm in Ω
+theta1 = 30; //phase angle in °
+theta2 = 0; //phase angle in °
+theta3 = -90; //phase angle in °
+theta4 = 30; //phase angle in °
+x = Z1*Z4; //magnitude
+y = Z2*Z3; //magnitude
+thetax = theta1+theta4;
+thetay = theta2+theta3;
+mprintf("x = %3.2f",x)
+mprintf("\nx = %3.2f",y);
+mprintf("\nsince x =y\n');
+mprintf("\nthe first condition is satisfied');
+mprintf("\nthetax = %3.2f",thetax);
+mprintf("\nthetay = %3.2f",thetay);
+mprintf("\nsecond condition is not saatisfied');
+mprintf("\nIt means bridge is unbalancedthrough first condition for equality of magnitude product satisfied,obviously balance is not possible under above conditions");
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.10/Ex12_10.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.10/Ex12_10.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..648643c4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.10/Ex12_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Chapter 12 Example 10
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 10000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 2000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C4 = 1*10**-6; //capacitance in F
+w = 3000; //radian per second
+L1 = (R2*R3*C4)/(1+((w^2)*(R4^2)*(C4^2))); //inductance in H
+R1 = (R2*R3*R4*(w^2)*(C4^2))/(1+((w^2)*(R4^2)*(C4^2))); //resistance in Ω
+mprintf("\ninductance of inductor = %3.2f H",L1);
+mprintf("resistance of coil = %3.2f Ω",R1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.11/Ex12_11.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.11/Ex12_11.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2e32f2e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.11/Ex12_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Chapter 12 Example 11
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 2410; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 750; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 64.9; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R = 0.4; //resistance in Ω
+C4 = 0.35*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+f = 500; //frequency in Hz
+w = 2*(%pi)*f; //radian per second
+R41 = R4+R; //resistance in Ω
+L1 = (R2*R3*C4)/(1+((w)*(R4^2)*(C4^2))); //inductance in H
+R1 = (R2*R3*R41*(w^2)*(C4^2))/(1+((w^2)*(R41^2)*(C4^2))); //resistance in Ω
+mprintf("resistance of coil = %3.2f Ω",R1);
+mprintf("\ninductance of inductor = %3.4f Henry",L1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.12/Ex12_12.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.12/Ex12_12.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf50e6913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.12/Ex12_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 12
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 834; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 100; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 64.9; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R = 0.4; //resistance in Ω
+C4 = 0.1*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+C2 = 0.124*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+f = 2000; //frequency in Hz
+L1 = R2*R3*C4; //inductance in H
+R1 = (R3*C4/C2); // resistance in Ω
+Z = R1+(2*%pi*f*L1)*%i; //effective impedance
+Z1 = sqrt(((real(Z))^2)+(((imag(Z))^2)));
+angle = (atan((imag(Z))/real(Z)))*180/%pi;
+mprintf("L1 = %3.2e",L1);
+mprintf("\nR1 = %3.2f",R1);
+mprintf("\neffective impedance of test specimen =%3.2f Ω angle %3.2f °",Z1,angle);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.13/Ex12_13.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.13/Ex12_13.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a99b0e2b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.13/Ex12_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 13
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R1 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R2 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 2000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 2000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C1 = 1*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+f = 1000;
+r1 =10; //resistance in Ω
+W = 2*%pi*f;
+C2 = (C1*R1)/(R2); //capacitance in F
+r2 = ((R2*(R3+r1))-(R1*R4))/(R1); //Resistance in Ω
+d1 = (W*r1*C1)*(180/%pi); //phase angle error in °
+d2 = (W*r2*C2)*(180/%pi); //phase angle error in °
+mprintf("phase angle error = %3.1f °",d1);
+mprintf("\nphase angle error = %3.1f °",d2);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.14/Ex12_14.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.14/Ex12_14.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..482675759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.14/Ex12_14.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 14
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 4.8; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 2000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 2850; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C2 = 0.5*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+f = 500; //frequency in Hz
+r2 =0.4; //resistance in Ω
+w = 2*(%pi)*f;
+C1 = C2*(R4/(R3)); //unknown capacitance in F
+x =R2+r2
+r1 = (R3/R4)*(x); //resistance in Ω
+D = w*C1*r1; //dissipation factor
+mprintf("unknown capacitance = %3.2e uF",(C1*10^6));
+mprintf("\nresistance = %x3.2f Ω",x);
+mprintf("\ndissipation factor = %3.5f",D);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.15/Ex12_15.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.15/Ex12_15.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d6f2e3f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.15/Ex12_15.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 15
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 100; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 309; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C4 = 0.5*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+C3 = 109*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+f = 50; //frequency in Hz
+w =2*(%pi)*f;
+Cx = (R4*C3)/(R2); //equivalent series capacitance in F
+Rx = (C4*R2)/(C3); //series resistance in Ω
+p = w*Rx*Cx; //power factor of the specimen (sind =tand)
+mprintf("power factor of the specimen = %3.5f",p) ;
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.16/Ex12_16.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.16/Ex12_16.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..585f51ad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.16/Ex12_16.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 16
+clc;clear all;
+//variable decalaration
+R4 = 1000; //resistance in Ω
+C3 = 50*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+A = 314*10^-4; //area in m**2
+D = 0.3*10^-2; //thickness in m
+er = 2.3; //dielectric constant
+e0 = 8.854*10^-12; //dielectric constant
+d = 9; //loss angle in °
+f = 50;
+theta = 9;
+C1 = (er*e0*A)/D; //capacitance in F
+tand = tan(9*%pi/180);
+cosd = cos(9*%pi/180);
+w = 2*%pi*f;
+R1 = 1/(w*C1*tand); //resistance in Ω
+C4 = 1/((w^2)*C1*R1*R4); //variable capacitor in F
+R2 = (C3*R4*(cosd^2))/(C1); //variable resistance in Ω
+mprintf("Variable capacitor = %3.2f uF",(C4*10^6));
+mprintf("\nvariable resistance = %3.3f Ω",cosd);
+mprintf("\nNote:Answer in textbooks is taken tha approximate values")
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.17/Ex12_17.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.17/Ex12_17.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..733e0a4c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.17/Ex12_17.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//chapter 12 example 17
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R1 = 3100; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R2 = 25000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 100000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C1 = 5.2*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+f = 25000; //frequency in Hz
+//C3 = C1*((R2/R4)-(R1/R3))
+//X = C1*(R2/R4)
+//Y = C1*(R1/R3)
+w = 2*%pi*f;
+x =1/((w^2)*R1*C1);
+//R3 = x/C3
+A = (C1*R2)/R4;
+B = 1+(C1*R1/x);
+C3 = A/B; //capcitance in uuF
+R3 = x/C3; //equivalent parallel resistance in Ω
+mprintf("equivalent parallel resistance = %3.2f K Ω",(R3*10^-3));
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.18/Ex12_18.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.18/Ex12_18.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c73cb20fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.18/Ex12_18.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 18
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R3 = 2000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 2950; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R2 = 5; //resistance of arm in Ω
+r2 = 0.4; //resistance in Ω
+C2 = 0.5*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+f = 450; //frequency in Hz
+r1 = (R3*(r2+R2))/R4 //resistance in Ω
+C1 = ((R4/R3)*C2) //capacitance in F
+tand = 2*(%pi)*f*C1*r1 //dissipation power ,C1 in uF
+mprintf("resistace = %3.2f Ω",r1);
+mprintf("\ncapacitance = %3.2e uF",(C1*10^6));
+mprintf("\ndissipation factor = %3.2e ",(tand));
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.19/Ex12_19.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.19/Ex12_19.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0e78607c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.19/Ex12_19.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 19
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R3 = 300; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 72.6; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C2 = 500*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+C4 = 0.148*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+f = 50; //frequency in Hz
+Cx = (R4*C2)/(R3); //capacitance in F
+Rx = (R3*C4)/(C2); //resistance in Ω
+x = 2*(%pi)*f*Cx*Rx;
+d = atan(x); //dielectric loss angle of bushing in °
+d1 = (d*180)/%pi;
+mprintf("\ncapacitance = %3.2e uF",(Cx));
+mprintf("resistace = %3.2f KΩ",(Rx*10^-3));
+mprintf("\ndielectric loss angle of bushing = %3.3f °",d1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.2/Ex12_2.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.2/Ex12_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12c7efba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.2/Ex12_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+//Chapter 12 Example 2
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Z1 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+Z2 = 500; //resistance of arm in Ω
+Z3 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+Z4 = 509.9; //resistance of arm in Ω
+ZX4 =100+500*%i;
+theta1 = -90; //angle in °
+theta2 = 0; //angle in °
+theta3 = 0; //angle in °
+theta4 = -90; //angle in °
+theta41 = 78.69;
+thetax = theta1+theta41;
+thetay = theta2+theta3;
+x = Z2*Z3;
+//Z1*Z4 =Z2*Z3
+//1/Z1 = A = Z4/Z2*Z3 = Z4/x
+A = ZX4/x;
+//1/Z1 = 1/R1 +(w*C1)*%i
+Zx3 = (Z1*Z4)/Z2;
+thetax3 = theta1+theta41-theta2;
+Z3 = (Zx3*cos(thetax3*%pi/180))+(Zx3*sin(thetax3*%pi/180));
+mprintf("thetax = %3.2f °",thetax);
+mprintf("\nthetax = %3.2f °",thetay);
+mprintf("\nbalance can be restored by modifying the circuit so asto satisfy the phase angle condition");
+mprintf("\ncomparing equations 1 and 2 R1 = %3.2f",1/real(A));
+mprintf("\ncomparing equations 1 and 2 1/w*C1 = %3.2e",imag(A));
+mprintf("\n1/w*C1 is already equal to 1000 Ω so the bridge can be easily balanced by adding 5000 Ω accross capacitor in arm 1");
+mprintf("\nsince R3 is already of 1000 Ω so the bridge can be easily balanced by adding capacitance 200 Ω in series across in arm 3");
+mprintf("Note:there was a possibility that with the addition of resistance R1 in armm 1 as first option or with teh addition of capacitance C3 in arm 3");
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.20/Ex12_20.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.20/Ex12_20.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4fc9c28e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.20/Ex12_20.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 20
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R3 = 130; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 318; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C2 = 106*10**-12; //capacitance in F
+C4 = 0.35*10**-6; //capacitance in F
+f = 50; //frequency in Hz
+Cx = (R4*C2)/(R3); //capacitance in F
+Rx = (R3*C4)/(C2); //resistance in Ω
+x = 2*(%pi)*f*Cx*Rx; //power factor
+mprintf("capacitance = %3.2e uF",(Cx));
+mprintf("\nresistace = %3.2f KΩ",(Rx*10^-3));
+mprintf("\npower factor = %3.3f ",x);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.21/Ex12_21.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.21/Ex12_21.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4cc88b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.21/Ex12_21.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 21
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+M1 = 15.9; //mutual inductance in mH
+M2 = 0.1; //mutual inductance in mH
+r1 = 25.9; //resistance in Ω
+r2 = 12.63; //resistance in Ω
+L1 = 2*(M1-M2); //self inductance in mH
+R1 = r1-r2; //resistance in Ω
+mprintf("self inductance = %3.2f mH",L1);
+mprintf("\nresistance = %3.2f Ω",R1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.22/Ex12_22.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.22/Ex12_22.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..898a0dce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.22/Ex12_22.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 22
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+f1 = 2*10^6; //frequency from second data in Hz
+f2 = 1*10^6; //frequency from first data in Hz
+C1 = 230*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+C2 = 8*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+C = C1+C2;
+L = 1/((((2*(%pi)*f1)^2)*C)); //inductance in uH
+Cx = 1/(((2*(%pi)*f2)^2)*L); //capacitance in pF
+mprintf("inductance = %3.2f uH",(L*10^6));
+mprintf("\ncapacitance = %3.2f pF",(Cx*10^12));
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.23/Ex12_23.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.23/Ex12_23.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f95a0c6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.23/Ex12_23.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 23
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+f = 165*10^3; //frequency in Hz
+C1 = 208*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+C2 = 184*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+Q1 = 80; //Q-factor
+Q2 = 50; //Q-factor
+x = C2*Q2;
+y = C1*Q1;
+w = 2*(%pi)*f;
+Rm = (1/(w))*((1/(x))-(1/(y))); //resistive component of unknown impedance in Ω
+Xm = (1/(w))*((1/C2)-(1/C1)); //reactive component of unknown impedance in Ω
+mprintf("resistive component of unknown impedance =%3.2f Ω",Rm);
+mprintf("\nreactive component of unknown impedance =%3.0f Ω",Xm);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.24/Ex12_21.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.24/Ex12_21.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4cc88b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.24/Ex12_21.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 21
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+M1 = 15.9; //mutual inductance in mH
+M2 = 0.1; //mutual inductance in mH
+r1 = 25.9; //resistance in Ω
+r2 = 12.63; //resistance in Ω
+L1 = 2*(M1-M2); //self inductance in mH
+R1 = r1-r2; //resistance in Ω
+mprintf("self inductance = %3.2f mH",L1);
+mprintf("\nresistance = %3.2f Ω",R1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.25/Ex12_25.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.25/Ex12_25.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..203e64934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.25/Ex12_25.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 25
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+f1 = 3; //frequency in MHz
+f2 =6; //frequency in MHz
+C1 = 251; //capacitance in pF
+C2 = 50; //capacitance in pF
+Cd = (C1-(4*C2))/(3); //self capacitance of the coil in uuF
+//since f1 = 2f2
+mprintf("self capacitance of the coil = %3.2f pF",Cd);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.26/Ex12_26.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.26/Ex12_26.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..31eb0e178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.26/Ex12_26.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 26
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+C1 = 1530; //capacitance in pF
+C2 = 162; //capacitance in pF
+f1 = 3; //frequency in MHz
+f2 =1; //frequency in MHz
+//f1 = 1/((2*math.pi)*(math.sqrt(L*(C2+Cd))))
+//f1 = 1/((2*math.pi)*(math.sqrt(L*(C2+Cd))))
+//f2 = 3*f1
+Cd = (C1-(9*C2))/(8); //self capacitance of the coil in pF
+mprintf("self capacitance of the coil = %3.2f pF",Cd);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.27/Ex12_27.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.27/Ex12_27.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f02395a59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.27/Ex12_27.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 27
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+f = 450*10^3; //resistance inHz
+C = 250*10^-12; //capcaitance in F
+Rsh = 0.75; //resistance in Ω
+ Q = 105; //Q-factor
+w = 2*(%pi)*f;
+L = 1/(((w)^2)*(C)); //inductance in uH
+R = ((w*L)/(Q))-Rsh; //resistance of the coil in Ω
+mprintf("inductance = %3.2f uH",(L*10^6));
+mprintf("\n resistance of the coil = %3.2f Ω",R);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.28/Ex12_28.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.28/Ex12_28.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a0e33e7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.28/Ex12_28.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 28
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+f = 500*10^3; //resistance inHz
+C = 120*10^-12; //capcaitance in F
+R = 5; //resistance in Ω
+r = 0.02; //resistance across oscilltory circuit in Ω
+w = 2*(%pi)*f;
+Qt = 1/(w*C*R); //the true or effective Q of the coil
+Qi = 1/(w*C*(R+r)); //the indicated or calculated Q of the coil
+e = ((Qt-Qi)/(Qt))*100; //percentage error in %
+mprintf("percentage error =%3.2f percentage ",e);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.29/Ex12_29.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.29/Ex12_29.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca70a0d51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.29/Ex12_29.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 29
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+C1 = 95*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+f1 = 800*10^3; //frequency in Hz
+f2 = 2.5*10^6; //frequency in Hz
+w2 = 2*%pi*f;
+L = 1/((w2)^2)*Cd;
+L = 1/((w2)^2)*(C1+Cd)
+//comparing above equations
+// Cd =(((w1)**2)*C1)/((w2)**2)-(w1)**2))
+Cd =(((f1)^2)*C1)/(((f2)^2)-((f1)^2)); //capcitance in pF
+mprintf("capacitance = %3.2f pF",(Cd*10^12));
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.3/Ex12_3.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.3/Ex12_3.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1220a77c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.3/Ex12_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//Chapter 12 Example 3
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 100; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 32.7; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 100; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R = 1.36; //resistance of arm in Ω
+L = 47.8; //inducatance in mH
+R1 = ((R2*R3)/(R4))-R; //resistance of coil in Ω
+L1 = (R2/(R4))*L; //in case of balanced position of bridge in mH
+mprintf("Resistance pf the coil = %3.2f Ω",R1);
+mprintf("\ninductance in case of balanced bridge = %3.2f mH",L1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.30/Ex12_30.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.30/Ex12_30.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b676f21b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.30/Ex12_30.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 30
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+f1 = 1*10^6; //frequency in Hz
+f2 = 2*10^6; //frequency in Hz
+C1 = 480*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+C2 = 90*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+R = 10; //resistance
+Cd = (C1-(4*C2))/3; //self capacitance of the coil in pF
+Q1 = 1/(2*%pi*f1*(C1+Cd)*R); //the indicated or effective Q of the coil
+Q11 = 1/(2*%pi*f1*(C1)*R); //the true Q of the first instrument
+Q2 = 1/(2*(%pi)*f2*(C2+Cd)*R); //the indicated or effective Q for the second instrument
+Q22 = 1/(2*(%pi)*f2*(C2)*R); //the true Q of the second instrument
+mprintf("the indicated or effective Q of the coil = %3.1f ",Q1);
+mprintf("\nthe true Q of the first instrument = %3.3f",Q11);
+mprintf("\nthe indicated or effective Q for the second instrument = %3.3f",Q2);
+mprintf("\nthe true Q of the second instrument = %3.2f",Q22);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.4/Ex12_4.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.4/Ex12_4.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..67e819206
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.4/Ex12_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Chapter 12 Example 4
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C4 = 0.5*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+R1 = ((R2*R3)/(R4)); //resistance of coil in Ω
+L1 = C4*R2*R3; //inductance of inductor in H
+mprintf("resistance of coil = %3.2f Ω",R1);
+mprintf("\ninductance of inductor = %3.2f H",L1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.5/Ex12_5.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.5/Ex12_5.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0396d684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.5/Ex12_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//Chapter 12 Example 5
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 218; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C4 = 10*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+r = 469;
+R1 = ((R2*R3)/(R4)); //resistance of coil in Ω
+x = (r*(R3+R4))+(R3*R4)
+L1 = (C4*R2*x)/(R2); //inductance of inductor in H
+mprintf("resistance of coil = %3.2f Ω",R1);
+mprintf("\ninductance of inductor = %3.2f H",L1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.6/Ex12_6.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.6/Ex12_6.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3eaab29cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.6/Ex12_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Chapter 12 Example 6
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 400; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 400; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 400; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C4 = 2*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+r = 500; //resistance in Ω
+R1 = ((R2*R3)/(R4)); //resistance of coil in Ω
+x = (r*(R3+R4))+(R3*R4)
+L1 = (C4*R2*x)/(R3); //inductance of inductor in H
+mprintf("resistance of coil = %3.2f Ω",R1);
+mprintf("\ninductance of inductor = %3.2f Henry",L1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.7/Ex12_7.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.7/Ex12_7.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5bbde399b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.7/Ex12_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//Chapter 12 Example 7
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 500; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C4 = 3*10**-6; //capacitance in F
+r = 100;
+R1 = ((R2*R3)/(R4)); //resistance of coil in Ω
+x = (r*(R3+R4))+(R3*R4)
+L1 = (C4*R2*x)/(R4); //inductance of inductor in H
+mprintf("resistance of coil = %3.2f Ω",R1);
+mprintf("\ninductance of inductor = %3.2fHenry",L1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.8/Ex12_8.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.8/Ex12_8.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..927eaf172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.8/Ex12_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Chapter 12 Example 8
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 16800; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 833; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C4 = 0.38*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+f = 50; //frequency in Hz
+w = 2*(%pi)*f;
+L1 = (R2*R3*C4)/(1+((w^2)*(R4^2)*(C4^2))); //inductance in H
+R1 = (R2*R3*R4*(w^2)*(C4^2))/(1+((w^2)*(R4^2)*(C4^2))); //resistance in Ω
+mprintf("inductance of inductor = %3.2fHenry",L1);
+mprintf("\nresistance of coil = %3.2f Ω",R1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.9/Ex12_9.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.9/Ex12_9.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5cba7301c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.9/Ex12_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//Chapter 12 Example 9
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R1 = 500; //resistance of arm in Ω
+L1 = 0.18; //inductance in H
+f = 5000/(2*(%pi)); //frequency in Hz
+w = 2*(%pi)*f;
+x = R1/((w^2)*L1); //R4*C4 be x
+z = ((w^2)*(x^2));
+a = (1+z);
+C4 = (L1*a)/(R2*R3);
+//from 1 and 2 equations
+//R4 = R4*C4/C4 = x/C4
+R4 = (x)/(C4); //resistance in Ω
+mprintf("resistance = %3.2f Ω",R4);
diff --git a/3871/CH13/EX13.1/Ex13_1.sce b/3871/CH13/EX13.1/Ex13_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..854c1566e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH13/EX13.1/Ex13_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//Chapter 13 example 1
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+l = 0.6; //length of solenoid in m
+N = 600; //number of turns
+I = 2; //current passing through solenoid in A
+ur = 1; //air coiled solenoid
+r = 0.025; //radius in m
+H = (N*I)/(l); //magnetic field at the centre in AT/metre
+u0 = 4*(%pi)*(10^-7); //flux
+a = ((%pi)/(4))*(r^2); //area
+phi = ur*u0*H*a; //flux passing through thesecondary coil
+mprintf("magnetic field = %3.2f AT/metre",H);
+mprintf("flux = %3.2e Wb",phi);
diff --git a/3871/CH13/EX13.10/Ex13_10.sce b/3871/CH13/EX13.10/Ex13_10.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21bae3cdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH13/EX13.10/Ex13_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+//Chapter 13 example 10
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+d = 0.3; //diameter in m
+a = 4*10^-4; //cross sectional area of iron ring in m**2
+N = 80; //number of turns on magnetising coil
+Ns = 30; //number of turns on secondary coil
+F = 0.1*10^-3; //flux meter constant in Wb-turn
+D = 46; //deflection factor
+I = 2; //current in A
+//phi = (N*I*u0*ur*a)/l
+// phi = x*l
+//lat x = (N*I*u0*a)/l
+l = d*%pi;
+u0 = 4*(%pi)*10^-7;
+x =(N*I*u0*a)/(l);
+// total change in Wb-turns y = 2*phi*Ns = 2*x*ur*Ns
+y = 2*x*Ns;
+df = F*D; //change in flux measuredby the flux meter in wb-turns
+ur =df/y; //relative permeability
+mprintf("relative permeabitlity = %3.0d",ur);
+mprintf("\n Note:textbook answer represents the approximate value")
diff --git a/3871/CH13/EX13.11/Ex13_11.sce b/3871/CH13/EX13.11/Ex13_11.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65e751633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH13/EX13.11/Ex13_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Chapter 13 example 13
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Q = 1000; //Charge passed through galvanometer in uC
+theta1 = 60;
+d = 10; //defelction in mm
+r = 1000; //m=circular scale
+theta2 = %pi/(3) //conversion of degrees to radians
+K = Q/(theta2); //galvanometer constant in uC/radian
+theta = d/(2*r); //angle turned through by reflected ray for aswing of 10 mm
+Q1 = K*theta; //charge for a swing of 0.005 radian in uC
+mprintf("charge for a swing of 0.005 radian = %3.2f uC",Q1);
diff --git a/3871/CH13/EX13.12/Ex13_12.sce b/3871/CH13/EX13.12/Ex13_12.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c5da438c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH13/EX13.12/Ex13_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Chapter 13 example 12
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+f = 50; //number of reversals
+m = 1; //mass
+d = 7.8*10**3; //density
+A = 4800; //area of the loop m^3
+x = 200; //in AT/m
+x1 = 10; // 1 unit in mm
+y1 = 10; // 1 unit in mm
+y = 0.1; //in T
+V = m/d; //volume of magnetic material in m^3
+l = A*(x/x1)*(y/y1);
+l1 = l*V*f; //hysteresis loss in watts per kg at 50 Hz
+mprintf("hysteresis loss at 50 Hz = %3.3f watts per kg ",l1);
diff --git a/3871/CH13/EX13.13/Ex13_13.sce b/3871/CH13/EX13.13/Ex13_13.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24a319699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH13/EX13.13/Ex13_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+f = 60; //supply frequency in Hz
+Pi = 360; //iron loss in W
+f = 60;
+//Pe =6*Ph;
+//Pi = Pe+Ph
+//360= (6*Ph)+Ph
+Ph = Pi/7; //hysteresis loss in W
+Pe = Pi-Ph; //eddy current loss in W
+ //Ph1 = (f1/f)*Ph
+Ph1 = (1/f)*Pe; //hysteresis loss in watts
+//Ph1 =Ph1*f1
+//Pe1 = ((f1/f)^2)*Pe
+Pe1 =((1/f)^2)*Pe; //eddy current loss
+//Pe1 = Pe1*Pe
+Pi1 =Ph1+Pe1;
+Pi1 = 2*Pi;
+//720 = 0.857*f1+(0.0857*f1^2)
+f1 =86.8
+mprintf("new supplyfrequency = %3.2f HZ",f1);
diff --git a/3871/CH13/EX13.14/Ex13_14.sce b/3871/CH13/EX13.14/Ex13_14.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71df4d8d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH13/EX13.14/Ex13_14.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+//Chapter 13 example 14
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+//Ph = A*f
+//Pe = B*f^2
+//Pi = Ph+Pe
+Pi = 17.2; //power in W
+f = 50; //frequency in Hz
+Pi1 = 28.9; //iron loss in W
+m = 13; //weight in kg
+//17.2 = 40*A+((40)^2)*B
+//28.9 = 60*A+((60)^2)*B
+A = 0.326667
+B = 0.002583
+Ph = (A*f)/m //hysteresis loss per kg in W
+Pe = (B*(f^2))/m //eddy current loss per kg in W
+mprintf("hysteresis loss per kg = %3.2f W",Ph);
+mprintf("\neddy current loss per kg = %3.3f W",Pe);
diff --git a/3871/CH13/EX13.15/Ex13_15.sce b/3871/CH13/EX13.15/Ex13_15.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a8dd818cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH13/EX13.15/Ex13_15.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//Chapter 13 example 15
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+A = 0.5;
+B = 0.01;
+f = 50;
+n = 10;
+Pe = B*(f^2); //eddy current loss at 50 Hz in W
+Pe1 = Pe/n; //eddy current loss per kg at 50 Hz in watts
+mprintf("eddy current loss per kg at 50 Hz = %3.2f watts",Pe1);
diff --git a/3871/CH13/EX13.16/Ex13_16.sce b/3871/CH13/EX13.16/Ex13_16.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb6052971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH13/EX13.16/Ex13_16.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//Chapter 13 example 16
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+x = 0.8; //Kf2/Kf1
+y =1.2;
+//Pe2/Pe1 = (Kf2/Kf1)^2
+p = x^2;
+//Pe2 = p*Pe1; //
+//p1 = (Pe1-Pe2)/Pe1;
+p1 = (1-p)*100; //percentage change in hysteresis current loss
+p2 = y^2;
+p12 = (y-1)*100; //percentage change in hysteresis current loss
+p3 =(p2-1)*100; //percentage change in eddy current loss in %
+mprintf("percentage change in hysteresis current loss = %3.3f percentage decrease",p1);
+mprintf("\npercentage change in hysteresis current loss = %3.3f percentage increase",p12);
+mprintf("\npercentage change in eddy current loss in = %3.2f percentage increase",p3);
diff --git a/3871/CH13/EX13.17/Ex13_17.sce b/3871/CH13/EX13.17/Ex13_17.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..693a5f32f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH13/EX13.17/Ex13_17.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+//Chapter 13 example 17
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+w = 0.03; //width of plates in m
+n = 51; //number of plates
+t = 0.000489; //thickness in m^3
+f = 50; //frequency in Hz
+Bmax = 1;
+N = 600;
+P1 = 3; //copper loss in watts
+m = 11; //weight in kg
+A = w*n*t; //mean area of plates in m^3
+E = 4.44*f*Bmax*A*N; //induced voltage in V
+//from graph corresponding to voltage of 100 volts
+P2 = 30.5; //total losses in watts
+P = P2-P1; //iron loss in watts
+PL = P/m; //loss per kg in watts
+mprintf("iron loss per kg = %3.2f watts",PL);
diff --git a/3871/CH13/EX13.2/Ex13_2.sce b/3871/CH13/EX13.2/Ex13_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5238cb299
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH13/EX13.2/Ex13_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//Chapter 13 example 2
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+m = 100; //number of turns
+n = 1000; //turns per m
+theta1 = 10; //first throw in mm
+theta2 = 9.5; //second throw in mm
+I =10; //current in A
+R = 500; // resistance in Ω
+A = 0.002; //area in m**2
+//Q = (8*(math.pi)*(10**-7)*N*Ns*I*A)/(l*R) //in columbs
+//Q = (8*(math.pi)*(10**-7)*n*l*m*I*A)/(l*R)
+//Q =(8*(math.pi)*(10**-7)*n*m*I*A)/(R)
+lamda = log(theta1/(theta2));
+theta = theta1*(1+(lamda/(2)));
+K =(8*(%pi)*(10^-7)*n*m*I*A)/(R*theta); //galvanometer constant in C/mm
+mprintf("galvanometer constant = %3.2e C/mm",K);
diff --git a/3871/CH13/EX13.4/Ex13_4.sce b/3871/CH13/EX13.4/Ex13_4.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ec1e4a27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH13/EX13.4/Ex13_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+//Chapter 13 example 4
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+T0 = 4; //time of swing in seconds
+Ig =0.001; //current in A
+lamda = 0;
+theta = 50; //steady deflection in scale divisions
+theta1 = 220; //maximum throw in scale division
+V =100; //potential of the condenser in V
+Q = (T0/(2*%pi))*(Ig/theta)*(1+(lamda/2))*theta1; //quantity of electricity discharged in uC
+C = Q/(V); //capacity of the condenser in F
+mprintf("capacity of the condenser = %3.2d uF",(C*10^6));
diff --git a/3871/CH13/EX13.5/Ex13_5.sce b/3871/CH13/EX13.5/Ex13_5.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c0bf2960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH13/EX13.5/Ex13_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Chapter 13 example 5
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+N = 1; //number of turns on search coil
+Rc = 0.025; //resistance of search coil in Ω
+Nw = 1.5*10^-4; //number of wb-turns required for deflection of 1 division
+M = 120000; //reluctane of magnetic circuit
+MMF = 8000; //magnetic circuit is excited in ampere-turn
+f = 1.5*10^-4; //fluxmeter without shunt (K/N = phi/theta)
+theta =120;
+phi = (MMF/(M)); //flux produced in WB
+//phi = ((Rs+Rc)/Rs)*((K*theta)/N)
+Rs = (Rc*f*theta)/(phi-(f*theta)); //resistance of shunt in Ω
+mprintf("resistance of shunt = %3.2e Ω",Rs);
diff --git a/3871/CH13/EX13.6/Ex13_6.sce b/3871/CH13/EX13.6/Ex13_6.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..91a4c46bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH13/EX13.6/Ex13_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+//Chapter 13 example 6
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Rc = 1; //resistance in Ω
+N = 5; //multiplying factor
+//N = (Rs+Rc)/Rs
+Rs = Rc/(N-1); //shunt resistance in Ω
+mprintf("shunt resistance = %3.2f Ω",Rs);
diff --git a/3871/CH13/EX13.7/Ex13_7.sce b/3871/CH13/EX13.7/Ex13_7.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96ca3a745
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH13/EX13.7/Ex13_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//Chapter 13 example 7
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R1 = 180; //resistance in Ω
+R2 = 20; //resistance in Ω
+A = 0.005; //area in m^2
+Ns = 1000; //number of turns on search coil
+G1 = 100*10^-6; //galvanometer constant C
+G2 = 100; //galvanometer throw
+Rs = R1+R2; //total resistance of secondary circuit in Ω
+Q = G1*G2; //charge passed through ballistic galvanometer in C
+//Q = i*t = (E/Rs)*t = ((2*phi*Ns)/(t*Rs))*t = (2*phi*Ns)/Rs
+phi = (Q*Rs)/(2*Ns); //flux in Wb
+B = phi/(A); //flux density in Wb/m^2
+mprintf("flux density = %3.2f Wb/m^2",B);
diff --git a/3871/CH13/EX13.8/Ex13_8.sce b/3871/CH13/EX13.8/Ex13_8.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bba9c53ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH13/EX13.8/Ex13_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+//Chapter 13 example 8
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+d = 0.1; //diameter in m
+a = 33.5*10^-6; //cross sectional area of iron ring in m^2
+Ns = 220; //number of turns on secondary coil
+Nm = 320; //number of turns on magnetising winding
+I = 10; //current in A
+B = 2.5*10^-3; //flux in Wb
+n = 102; //reading of scale
+g = 272; //galvanometer throw
+l = (%pi)*d; //mean length of iron ring in m
+H = (Nm*I)/(l); //magnetising force with 10 A current
+K = B/(n);
+//2*phi*Ns = K*g
+phi = (K*g)/(2*Ns); //flux in Wb
+B1 = phi/(a); //flux density in Wb/m**2
+u0 = 4*%pi*10^-7;
+//B = u0*ur*H
+x = u0*H;
+//B = x*ur
+//ur = B/x
+ur = B1/x; //relative permeability
+mprintf("relative permeability = %3.1f",ur);
diff --git a/3871/CH13/EX13.9/Ex13_9.sce b/3871/CH13/EX13.9/Ex13_9.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b7989bc34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH13/EX13.9/Ex13_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//Chapter 13 example 9
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R = 2000; //resistance in Ω
+l = 1; //mean length of iron ring in m
+A = 350*10^-6; //area in m**2
+Ns = 200; //number of turns on secondary coil
+G1 = 1*10^-6; //galvanometer constant C
+G2 = 100; //galvanometer throw
+N =100;
+u0 = 4*(%pi)*10^-7;
+H = (N*I)/(l); //magnetising force with 10 A current
+Q = G1*G2; //charge passed through ballistic galvanometer in C
+//Q = i*t = (E/Rs)*t = ((2*phi*Ns)/(t*Rs))*t = (2*phi*Ns)/Rs
+phi = (Q*R)/(2*Ns); //flux in Wb
+B = phi/(A); //flux density in Wb/m**2
+ur = (B/(u0*H)); //relative permeability
+mprintf("flux density = %3.3f Wb/m**2",B);
+mprintf("\nrelative permeability = %3.0f",ur);
diff --git a/3871/CH14/EX14.1/Ex14_1.sce b/3871/CH14/EX14.1/Ex14_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a9426659
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH14/EX14.1/Ex14_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Chapter 14 example 1
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+VREF =10; //reference voltage in V
+W1 = VREF/2; //the second MSB weight in V
+W2 = VREF/4; //the third MSB weight in V
+W3 = VREF/8 //the fourth (or LSB ) MSB weight in V
+W = VREF+W1+W2+W3; //full scale output in V
+r = W/4; //resolution in V
+mprintf("the second MSB weight =%3.2d",W1);
+mprintf("\nthe third MSB weight =%3.2d",W2);
+mprintf("\nthe fourth (or LSB ) weight =%3.2d",W3);
+mprintf("\nthe resolution of DAC is equal to the weight of the LSB = %3.2f V",W3);
+mprintf("\nfull scale output = %3.2f V",r);
diff --git a/3871/CH14/EX14.2/Ex14_2.sce b/3871/CH14/EX14.2/Ex14_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..abae991ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH14/EX14.2/Ex14_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//Chapter 14 example 2
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+D = 16; //output voltage in V
+Dn1 = D/(2^1); //first MSB output in V
+Dn2 = D/(2^2); //second MSB output in V
+Dn3 = D/(2^3); //third MSB output in V
+Dn4 = D/(2^4); //fourth MSB output in V
+Dn5 = D/(2^5); //fifth MSB output in V
+Dn6 = D/(2^6); //Sixth MSB output in V
+V = Dn1+Dn2+Dn3+Dn4+Dn5+Dn6;
+Vout = ((D*(2^0))+(D*(2^1))+(0*(2^2))+(D*(2^3))+(0*(2^4))+(D*(2^5)))/(2^6); //for digital input 101011
+mprintf(" first MSB output = %3.2f V",Dn1);
+mprintf("\n second MSB output = %3.2f V",Dn2);
+mprintf("\n third MSB output = %3.2f V",Dn3);
+mprintf("\n fourth MSB output = %3.2f V",Dn4);
+mprintf("\n fifth MSB output = %3.2f V",Dn5);
+mprintf("\n Sixth MSB output = %3.2f V",Dn6);
+mprintf("\nthe resolution is equal to the weight of the LSB = %3.2f V",Dn6);
+mprintf("\nthe full scale output for digital input of 101011 =%3.2f V",V);
+mprintf("\nthe voltage output for a digital input of 101011 = %3.2f V",Vout);
diff --git a/3871/CH14/EX14.3/Ex14_3.sce b/3871/CH14/EX14.3/Ex14_3.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa9e94930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH14/EX14.3/Ex14_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Chapter 14 example 3
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+T = 2500; //transitions per second
+t1 = 0.1; //time in s
+t2 = 1; //time in s
+t3 = 10; //time in s
+C1 = T*t1; //counter can count or display
+C2 = T*t2; //counter can count or display
+C3 = T*t3; //counter can count or display
+mprintf(" counter can count or display when 0.1 s = %3.2d",C1);
+mprintf(" \ncounter can count or display when 1 s = %3.2d",C2);
+mprintf(" \ncounter can count or display when 10 s = %3.2d",C3);
diff --git a/3871/CH14/EX14.4/Ex14_4.sce b/3871/CH14/EX14.4/Ex14_4.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e2c726603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH14/EX14.4/Ex14_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//Chapter 14 example 4
+clear al;
+//variable declaration
+N = 45; //count
+t = 0.01; //gate enable time in s
+f = N/t; //frequency in Hz
+mprintf("frequency = %3.1f kHz",(f*10^-3));
diff --git a/3871/CH14/EX14.5/Ex14_5.sce b/3871/CH14/EX14.5/Ex14_5.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..706237a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH14/EX14.5/Ex14_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+//Chapter 14 example 5
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+t = 5*10^6; //time reaading in ms
+t2 = 500; //time reaading in ms
+x = 0.005; //accuracy in percent of reading
+t3 = 500*10^3; //time reaading in ms
+e = ((x/100)*t)+1; //maximum likely timing error in ms
+e1 = ((x/100)*t2)+1; //maximum timing error in ms
+a = t2*10^6; //maximum accuracy mininum error will be obtained when the time is read on the us read
+e3 = ((x/100)*t3)+1; //maximum timing error in ms
+mprintf("maximum likely timing error when time reading is 05000000 ms = %3.2f ms",e);
+mprintf("\nmaximum timing error when time reading is 00000500 ms = %3.2f ms",e1);
+mprintf("\nmaximum error when time reading is 00500000 = %3.2f ms",e3);
diff --git a/3871/CH14/EX14.6/Ex14_6.sce b/3871/CH14/EX14.6/Ex14_6.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7a3474d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH14/EX14.6/Ex14_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+//Chapter 14 example 6
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+n =3; //number of full digits
+v1 = 1; //voltage in V
+v2 = 10; //voltage in V
+v3 = 5; //voltage in V
+a = 0.5; //accuracy of reading in %
+r = 2; //reading in V
+R = 1/(10^n); //resolution
+V1 = R*v1; //for full scale range of 1V ,the resolution in V
+V2 = R*v2; //for full scale range of 10V ,the resolution in V
+v = v3*R; //the digit in least significant digit has a value of in V
+e = ((a/100)*r)+v; //total possible error on in V
+mprintf("for full scale range of 1V ,the resolution = %3.4f V",V1);
+mprintf("\nfor full scale range of 10V ,the resolution = %3.4f V",V2);
+mprintf("\ntotal possible error = %3.5f V",e);
diff --git a/3871/CH14/EX14.7/Ex14_7.sce b/3871/CH14/EX14.7/Ex14_7.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c5ff2899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH14/EX14.7/Ex14_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//Chapter 14 example 7
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+n =4; //number of full digits
+v1 = 1; //voltage in V
+v2 = 10; //voltage in V
+R = 1/(10^n); //resolution
+R1 = R*v1; //resolution on 1V range in V
+R2 = R*v2; //resolution on 10V range in V
+mprintf("R = %3.4f V",R);
+mprintf("\nthere are 5 digits in 4 (1/2) display digit display ,so 15.84 would display as 15.840");
+mprintf("\nR1 = %3.4f V",R1);
+mprintf("\nany reading upto 4 th decimal can be displayed ");
+mprintf("\nhence 0.5243 can be dislayed as 0.5243")
+mprintf("\n R2 = %3.4f V",R2);
+mprintf("\nany reading upto third decimal can be displayed ");
+mprintf("\nhence 0.5243 can be dislayed as 0.524 instead of 0.5243");
diff --git a/3871/CH14/EX14.8/Ex14_8.sce b/3871/CH14/EX14.8/Ex14_8.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b67b2880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH14/EX14.8/Ex14_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//Chapter 14 example 8
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+n =3; //number of full digits
+v1 = 10; //voltage in V
+v2 = 100; //voltage in V
+R = 1/(10^n); //resolution
+R1 = R*v1; //resolution on 1V range in V
+R2 = R*v2; //resolution on 10V range in V
+mprintf("R = %3.4f V",R);
+mprintf("\nthe meter cannot distinguish the values that differ from each by less than 0.001 of full scale");
+mprintf("\nR1 = %3.4f V",R1);
+mprintf("\nany decimal upto second decimal can be displayed ");
+mprintf("\nhence 15.45 can be dislayed as 15.45")
+mprintf("\n R2 = %3.4f V",R2);
+mprintf("\nany deccimal upto one decimal can be displayed ");
+mprintf("\nhence 25.65 can be dislayed as 025.6 instead of 25.65");
diff --git a/3871/CH14/EX14.9/Ex14_9.sce b/3871/CH14/EX14.9/Ex14_9.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63e0840bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH14/EX14.9/Ex14_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+//Chapter 14 example 9
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+n =4; //number of full digits
+v1 = 10; //voltage in V
+V1 = 1; //voltage in V
+V2 =10; //voltage in V
+R = 1/(10^n); //resolution
+R1 = R*v1; //resolution on 1V range in V
+R2 = R*V1; //resolution on 1V range in V for display 0.6132 V
+R3 = R*V2; //resolution on 10V range in V for display 0.6132 V
+mprintf("R = %3.4f V",R);
+mprintf("\nR1 = %3.4f V",R1);
+mprintf("\nany decimal upto third decimal can be displayed ");
+mprintf("\nhence 13.97 can be dislayed as 13.970")
+mprintf("\n R2 = %3.4f V",R2);
+mprintf("\nany deccimal upto fourth decimal can be displayed on 1V");
+mprintf("\nhence 0.6132 can be dislayed as 0.6132 V");
+mprintf("\n R3 = %3.4f V",R3);
+mprintf("\nany deccimal upto third decimal can be displayed on 10 V ");
+mprintf("\nhence 0.6132 can be dislayed as 0.613 V");
diff --git a/3871/CH15/EX15.1/Ex15_1.sce b/3871/CH15/EX15.1/Ex15_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51910d2d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH15/EX15.1/Ex15_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//Chapter 15 example 1
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Ip = 25; //power level ot the third-order intercept in dBm
+M = -85; //minimum detectable signal in dBm
+Rd = (2/3)*(Ip-M);
+mprintf("dynamic range = %3.0f dB",Rd);
diff --git a/3871/CH15/EX15.2/Ex15_2.sce b/3871/CH15/EX15.2/Ex15_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b93a99266
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH15/EX15.2/Ex15_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//Chapter 15 example 2
+clc;clear all;
+//variable decalaration
+N = 20; //noise figure indB
+B = 1000; //bandwidth in Hz
+x = B/(10^6);
+//log(10**-3)= (-3)*log(1) = -3
+M = (-114)+((10*(-3))*(1))+N; //log(1) = 1
+mprintf("minimum detectable signal = %3.2f dBm",M);
diff --git a/3871/CH16/EX16.1/Ex16_1.sce b/3871/CH16/EX16.1/Ex16_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..871bfb780
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH16/EX16.1/Ex16_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//Chapter 16 example 1
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+l = 0.025; //length of plates in m
+d = 0.005; //distance between plates in m
+S = 0.2; //the distance between the screen and centre of plates in m
+Va =3000; //accelerating voltage in V
+x =0.1; //trace length(2*y) in m
+//y = lSVd/(2*d*Va)
+Vd = (d*Va*x)/(l*S); //deflection voltgae in V
+Vrms = Vd/(sqrt(2)); //rms value of sinusoidal voltage applied to the X-deflecting plates in V
+Sd = (l*S)/(2*d*Va); //deflection voltage in mm/V
+mprintf("rms value of sinusoidal voltage applied to the X-deflecting plates = %3.2d V",Vrms);
+mprintf("\ndefelection sensitivity = %3.3f mm/V",(Sd*10**3));
diff --git a/3871/CH16/EX16.10/Ex16_10.sce b/3871/CH16/EX16.10/Ex16_10.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a90c0ffdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH16/EX16.10/Ex16_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+//Chapter 16 example 10
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declartion
+wy = 3; //positive Y-axis in pattern
+wx = 2; //positive X-axis in pattern
+f =wy/(wx); //frequency of vertical and horizontal signal
+mprintf("frequency of vertical and horizontal signal = %3.1f",f);
diff --git a/3871/CH16/EX16.11/Ex16_11.sce b/3871/CH16/EX16.11/Ex16_11.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba92250d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH16/EX16.11/Ex16_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//Chapter 16 example 11
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+y1 = 2; //positive y- peaks in pattern
+y2 = 0.5; //positive y-peaks in pattern
+x1 = 0.5; //positive x-peaks in pattern
+x2 = 0.5; //positive x-peaks in pattern
+F = 3; //frequency of horizontal voltage signal in kHz
+fx = x1+x2; //frequency of X
+fy = y1+y2; //frequency of Y
+f = fy/(fx);
+fv = f*F; //frequency of vertical voltage signal in kHz
+mprintf("frequency of vertical voltage signal in = %3.1f kHz",fv);
diff --git a/3871/CH16/EX16.12/Ex16_12.sce b/3871/CH16/EX16.12/Ex16_12.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00cff751f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH16/EX16.12/Ex16_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//Chapter 16 example 12
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+fx = 1000; //frequency of horizontal input in Hz
+Pv = 2; //pointsof tangency to vertical line
+Ph = 5; //pointsof tangency to horizontal line
+fy = fx*(Ph/(Pv)); //frequency ofvertical input in Hz
+mprintf("frequency ofvertical input = %3.2f Hz",fy);
diff --git a/3871/CH16/EX16.13/Ex16_13.sce b/3871/CH16/EX16.13/Ex16_13.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c97bd8e65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH16/EX16.13/Ex16_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//Chapter 16 example 13
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+d = 1; //1 division is equal to 1 cm
+M = 0.4; //mark in cm
+S = 1.6; //mark in cm
+A = 2.15; //amplitude in cm
+t = 10; //time-base control setting in us
+p = 0.2; //amplitude control setting
+R = M/S; //mark to space ratio
+T = (M+S)*t; //time for mark and space in divisions
+f = 1/T; //pulse in frequency kHz
+P = A*p; //magnitude of pule voltage in V
+mprintf("mark-to-space ratio = %3.2f",R);
+mprintf("\npulse frequency = %3.2f kHz",f);
+mprintf("\nmagnitude of pulse voltage = %3.2f V",P);
diff --git a/3871/CH16/EX16.2/Ex16_2.sce b/3871/CH16/EX16.2/Ex16_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bedf5701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH16/EX16.2/Ex16_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//Chapter 16 example 2
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+l = 0.02; //length of plates in m
+d = 0.005; //distance between plates in m
+S = 0.3; //the distance between the screen and centre of plates in m
+Va =2000; //accelerating voltage in V
+Y =0.03; //trace length in m
+//y = lSVd/(2*d*Va)
+Vd = (d*Va*x)/(l*S); //deflection voltgae in V
+Vrms = Vd/(sqrt(2)); //rms value of sinusoidal voltage applied to the X-deflecting plates in V
+Vin = Vrms/(Vd); //input voltage required in V
+mprintf(" nput voltage required = %3.3f V",Vin);
diff --git a/3871/CH16/EX16.3/Ex16_3.sce b/3871/CH16/EX16.3/Ex16_3.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a7e5a575c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH16/EX16.3/Ex16_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//Chapter 16 example 3
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Va = 1000; //accelerating voltage in V
+e = 1.6*10^-19; //charge of electron in C
+m = 9.1*10^-31; //mass of electron in kg
+V = sqrt(2*Va*(e/m)); //maximum velocity of electrons in m/s
+mprintf("maximum velocity of electrons = %3.3e m/s",V);
diff --git a/3871/CH16/EX16.4/Ex16_4.sce b/3871/CH16/EX16.4/Ex16_4.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8d4988f81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH16/EX16.4/Ex16_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//Chapter 16 example 4
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Va = 2000; //accelerating voltage in V
+e = 1.6*10^-19; //charge of electron in C
+m = 9.1*10^-31; //mass of electron in kg
+l = 0.015; //length of plates in m
+d = 0.005; //distance between plates in m
+S = 0.5; //the distance between the screen and centre of plates in m
+V = sqrt(2*Va*(e/m)); //beam speed in m/s
+Sd = (l*S)/(2*d*Va); //deflection sensitivity of the tube in mm/V
+D = 1/(Sd); //defelection factor in V/mm
+mprintf("Beam speed = %3.3e m/s",V);
+mprintf("\ndeflection sensitivity of the tube %3.3f mm/V",(Sd*10^3));
+mprintf("\ndefelcction factor = %3.4f V/mm",(D*10^-3));
diff --git a/3871/CH16/EX16.5/Ex16_5.sce b/3871/CH16/EX16.5/Ex16_5.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3e3bef30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH16/EX16.5/Ex16_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//Chapter 16 example 5
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+l = 0.02; //length of plates in m
+d = 0.005; //distance between plates in m
+S = 0.2; //the distance between the screen and centre of plates in m
+Va = 2500; //accelerating voltage in V
+Sd = (l*S)/(2*d*Va); //deflection sensitivity of the tube in mm/V
+mprintf("deflection sensitivity of the tube %3.2f mm/V",(Sd*10^3));
diff --git a/3871/CH16/EX16.6/Ex16_6.sce b/3871/CH16/EX16.6/Ex16_6.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3eb0ae54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH16/EX16.6/Ex16_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Chapter 16 example 6
+clc;clear all;
+//varable declaration
+l = 2.5; //length of plates in cm
+d = 1; //distance between plates in cm
+theta = 1; //angular defelecction of electron beam in degrees
+Va = 1000; //accelerating voltage in V
+//tan(theta) = l*Vd/(2*d*Va)
+x = tan(((theta*%pi)/180));
+Vd =(( 2*d*Va)/(l))*x; //required voltage in V
+mprintf("Voltage required across the deflection plates = %3.2f V",Vd);
diff --git a/3871/CH16/EX16.7/Ex16_7.sce b/3871/CH16/EX16.7/Ex16_7.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a58186e8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH16/EX16.7/Ex16_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//Chapter 16 example 7
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaartion
+l = 0.025; //length of plates in m
+d = 0.005; //distance between plates in m
+S = 0.2; //the distance between the screen and centre of plates in m
+Va = 2500; //accelerating voltage in V
+//y = (s*(d/2))/(l/2)
+y = (S*d)/(l); //defelction in m
+mprintf("deflection= %3.2f m",y);
diff --git a/3871/CH16/EX16.8/Ex16_8.sce b/3871/CH16/EX16.8/Ex16_8.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82d4b3558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH16/EX16.8/Ex16_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+//Chapter 16 example 8
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+//as shown in patern is straight line
+dvo = 0;
+Dv = 6;
+//pattern is ellipse
+dvo1 = 3;
+Dv1 =6;
+//pattern is circle
+dvo2 = 1;
+Dv2 = 1;
+//pattern is ellipse
+dvo3 = 3;
+Dv3 =5;
+y4 =dvo1/(Dv1);
+phi1 = asin(dvo/(Dv)); //phase angle in degrees
+phi2 = asin(dvo1/(Dv1)); //phase angle in degrees
+phi3 = asin(dvo2/(Dv2)); //phase angle in degrees
+phi4 = asin(dvo3/(Dv3)); //phase angle in degrees
+phi22 = 180-((phi2*180)/(%pi));
+phi44 = 180-((phi4*180)/(%pi));
+mprintf("phase angle = %3.2f °",((phi1*180)/%pi));
+mprintf("\nphase angle = %3.2f ° or %3.2f °",((phi2*180)/%pi),(phi22));
+mprintf("\nbut from figure ellipse is inn 2nd and fourt quarterso the valid value of phase angle is %3.2f °",phi2);
+mprintf("\nphase angle = %3.2f °",((phi3*180)/(%pi)));
+mprintf("\nphase angle = %3.2f° or %3.2f °",(((phi4*180)/%pi)),(phi44));
+mprintf("\nbut from figure ellipse is inn 2nd and fourt quarterso the valid value of phase angle is %3.2f °",phi44);
diff --git a/3871/CH16/EX16.9/Ex16_9.sce b/3871/CH16/EX16.9/Ex16_9.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f56e39d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH16/EX16.9/Ex16_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+//Chapter 16 example 9
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+f = 2000; //frequency in Hz
+D = 0.2; //duty cycle
+T = 1/(f); //time period in ms
+d = D*T; //pulse duration in ms
+mprintf("pulse duration = %3.2f ms",(d*10^3));
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.1/Ex3_1.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.1/Ex3_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb2112613
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.1/Ex3_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//chapter 3 example 1
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Am = 10.25; //measured value in Ω
+A = 10.22; //True value in Ω
+dA = Am-A; //absolute error in Ω
+mprintf("abslotue error = %3.2f Ω",dA);
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.10/Ex3_10.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.10/Ex3_10.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..567b91878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.10/Ex3_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//chapter 3 example 10
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R = 100; //resistance in Ω
+dR = 0.2; //resistancce error in Ω(ranging + to -)
+I = 2; //current in A
+dI = 0.01; //error in current in A(ranging + to -)
+eR = (dR/(R))*100; //percentage limiting error to resistance in %(ranging + to -)
+eI = (dI/(I))*100; //percentage limiting error to current in %(ranging + to -)
+P = (I^2)*R; //power dissioation in W
+eP = (2*eI)+eR; //worst ossible combination of errors the limiting error in the power dissipation in %
+p = (eP*10^-2)*P; //error in power in watts
+P1 = P+p; //power dissipation in W
+P2 =P-p; //power dissipation in W
+mprintf("limiting error = %3.2f percentage',eP);
+mprintf("\npower dissipation %3.2f W %3.2f W",P2,P1);
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.11/Ex3_11.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.11/Ex3_11.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..114fa25cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.11/Ex3_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+//chapter 3 example 11
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V = 200; //full-scale reading i V
+n = 100; //number of divivsions of scale
+n1 = V/(n); //1 scale division in V
+R = n1/(5); //1/5 th of scale division in V
+mprintf("resolution = %3.2f V",R);
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.12/Ex3_12.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.12/Ex3_12.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0119b6f19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.12/Ex3_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//chapter 3 example 12
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+u = 150; //capacitance in uF
+du = 2.4; //capacitance in uF
+v = 120; //capacitance in uF
+dv = 1.5; //capacitance in uF
+y = u+v; //resultant capacitance when capacitors are connectedd in parallel in uF
+dy = du+dv; //limiting error in uF(ranging + to -)
+er = (dy/(y))*100; //relative limiting error in %(ranging + to -)
+mprintf("limiting error of the resultant capacitance = %3.2f percentage',er);
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.13/Ex3_13.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.13/Ex3_13.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c76ab75c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.13/Ex3_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//chapter 3 example 13
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R1 = 1000; //resistance in Ω
+R2 = 500; //resistance in Ω
+eR1 = 1; //error resistance
+eR2 = 1; //error resistance
+R = (R1*R2)/(R1+R2); //resistance in Ω
+X = R1*R2;
+Y = R1+R2;
+dX = (eR1+eR2); //error in X
+//dY = (dR1/Y)+(dR2/Y);
+//dY = (R1/Y)*(dR1/R1)+((R2/Y)*(dR2/R2)
+dY = ((R1/(Y))*(eR1))+((R2/(Y))*(eR2)); //error in Y
+eP = dX+dY; //percentage error in equivaent parallel resistance in %
+e = R*(eP/(100)); //error(maximum ossible) in equivalent parallel resistance in Ω
+mprintf("percentage error = %3.2f percentage",eP);
+mprintf("\nerror in equivalent parallel resistance = %3.2f Ω",e);
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.14/Ex3_14.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.14/Ex3_14.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ceb1d0b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.14/Ex3_14.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+//chapter 3 example 14
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R1 = 200; //resistancce in Ω
+R2 = 100; //resistancce in Ω
+R3 = 50; //resistancce in Ω
+dR1 = 5; //change in resistancce(dR1/R1) in %
+dR2 = 5; //change in resistancce(dR2/R2) in %
+dR3 = 5; //change in resistancce(dR3/R3) in %
+y1 = 20000;
+y2 = 5000;
+y3 = 10000;
+Rse = R1+R2+R3; //equivalent resistance in Ω
+R = ((R1/(Rse))*(dR1))+((R2/(Rse))*(dR2))+((R3/(Rse))*(dR3));
+e = Rse*(R/(100)); //relative limiting error of series equivalent in Ω
+X = R1*R2*R3;
+Y = (R2*R3)+(R1*R3)+(R1*R2);
+RP = X/(Y); //equivalent resistance in Ω
+eX = dR1+dR2+dR3; //error in X in %
+dy1 = dR1+dR2; //error(dy1/y1) n y1 in %
+dy2 = dR2+dR3; //error(dy2/y2) in y2 in %
+dy3 = dR3+dR1; //error(dy3/y3) in y3 in %
+eY = ((y1/(Y))*(dy1))+((y2/(Y))*(dy2))+((y3/(Y))*(dy3)); //percentage error in %
+pemax = eX+eY; //percentage error (maximum possible) in equivalent parallel resistance in %
+emax = RP*(pemax/(100)); //error maximum possible in equivalent parallel resistance in Ω
+mprintf("equivalent resistance = %3.2f Ω",Rse);
+mprintf("\nrelative limiting error of series resistance = %3.2f percentage",R);
+mprintf("\nrelative limiting error of series equivalent = %3.2f Ω",e);
+mprintf("\npercentage error (maximum possible) in equivalent parallel resistance= %3.2f percetage",pemax);
+mprintf("\nerror maximum possible in equivalent parallel resistance =%3.4f Ω',emax);
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.15/Ex3_15.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.15/Ex3_15.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3161d5be4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.15/Ex3_15.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//chapter 3 example 15
+clc;clear all;
+//variable decelaration
+er = 0.015; //limiting error
+V = 100; //range of voltmeter in V
+I = 150; //range of ammeter in mA
+V1 = 70; //magnitude of voltage being measured in V
+I1 = 80; //magnitude of current being measured in mA
+dV = er*V; //magnitude(dV/V of limiting error of the voltmeter in V
+eV = (dV/(V1))*100; //percentage(dI/I) limitng error at this voltage in %
+dI = er*I; //magnitude of limitng error off the ammeter in mA
+eI = (dI/(I1))*100; //percentage limitng error at this current in %
+P = V1*(I1/(1000)); //power in W
+dPx = eV+eI; //relative limiting error(dPx/Px) in power measurement in %
+mprintf("relative limitng error in power measurement= %3.4f percentage",dPx);
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.16/Ex3_16.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.16/Ex3_16.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bdebb00e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.16/Ex3_16.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//chapter 3 example 16
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+E =200; //limiting voltage in V
+R = 1000; //resistance in Ω
+eE = 1; //relative limiting error(dE/E) in %
+eR = 5; //relative limting error(dR/R) in %
+P = (E**2)/(R); //normal power consumed in W
+eP = ((2*eE)+eR); //relative limiting error(dP/P) in measurement of power in %
+dP = P*(eP/(100)); //limitng error of power in watts
+mprintf("Normal power consumed = %3.2f W",P);
+mprintf("\nrelative limitng error in power measurement= %3.2f percentage rangng +eP to -eP",eP);
+mprintf("\nlimitng error of power = %3.2f percentage",dP);
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.17/Ex3_17.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.17/Ex3_17.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2623a1f4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.17/Ex3_17.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//chapter 3 example 17
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R1 = 500; //resistance in Ω
+R2 = 615; //resistance in Ω
+R3 = 100; //resistance in Ω
+dR1 = 1; //limiting error(dR1/R1) in %
+dR2 = 1; //limiting error(dR1/R1) in %
+dR3 = 0.5; //limiting error(dR1/R1) in %
+R4 = (R1*R2)/(R3); //unknown resistance in Ω
+dR4 =dR1+dR2+dR3; //relative error of unknown resistance in % ranging - to +
+e = R4*(dR4/(100)); //limitng error in Ω
+mprintf("unknown resistance = %.2f Ω",R4);
+mprintf("\nrelative error of unknown resistance ranging - to + = %3.2f percentage ",dR4);
+mprintf("\nlimitng error = %3.2f Ω",e);
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.18/Ex3_18.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.18/Ex3_18.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..251db7ea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.18/Ex3_18.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+//chapter 3 example 18
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declartaion
+r = 0.5*10^-3; //in mm
+p1 = 200; //in Pa
+p2 = 150; //in Pa
+Q = 4*10^-7; //in m**3/s
+l = 1; //length in m
+dr = 0.01;
+dp1 = 3;
+dp2 = 2
+dQ =0
+dl =0;
+u = ((%pi)*((r^4)*((p1*10^3)-(p2*10^3)))/((8*Q*l))); //absolute error inkr/m-s
+er = (dr/((r/(10^-3))))*100; //dr/r in %
+ep1 = (dp1/(p1))*100; //dp1/p1 in %
+ep2 = (dp2/(p2))*100; //dp2/p2 in %
+eQ = (dQ/(Q))*100; //dQ/Q in %
+el = (dl/(l))*100; //dl/l in %
+p = p1-p2; //dp/p in Pa
+ep = (((p1/(p))*(ep1))+(p2/(p))*(ep2)); //percentage error in % anging - to +
+eu = (4*er)+(ep+eQ+el); //percentage error in % ranging - to +
+ua = u*(eu/100); //absolute error in kg/m-s
+mprintf("absolute error = %3.3e kg/m-s",u);
+mprintf("\nxabsolute error = %3.2e kg/m-s",ua);
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.19/Ex3_19.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.19/Ex3_19.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..52c203443
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.19/Ex3_19.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+//chapter 3 example 19
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+C = 1*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+dC = 1; //error capacitance in %
+P = 1000; //resistance in Ω
+dP = 0.4; //error in resistance in %
+Q = 2000; //resistance in Ω
+dQ = 1; //error in resistance in %
+S = 2000; //resistance in Ω
+dS = 0.5; //error in resistance in %
+r = 200; //resistance in Ω
+dr = 0.5; //error in resistance in %
+Lx = ((C*P)*((r*(Q+S))+(Q*S)))/(S); //unknown inductance in Henry
+u =Q+S; //in Ω
+du = ((Q/(u))*(dQ))+((S/(u))*(dS)); //percentage error in %
+v = r*(Q+S);
+dv = dr+du; //percentage error of v in %
+x = Q*S;
+dx = dQ+dS; //percentage error of x in %
+y = (r*(Q+S))+(Q*S);
+dy = ((v/(y))*(dQ))+((x/(y))*(dx)); //percentage error in %
+dLx = dC+dP+dS+dy;
+mprintf("unknown inductance = %3.2f henry",Lx);
+mprintf("\npercentage error on inductance = %3.1f percentage",dLx);
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.2/Ex3_2.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.2/Ex3_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7fe9cebb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.2/Ex3_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Am = 25.34; //measured value in watts
+dA = -0.11; //absolute error in watts
+A = Am-dA; //True value in wtts
+mprintf("abslotue error = %3.2f watts",A);
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.20/Ex3_20.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.20/Ex3_20.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c087da9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.20/Ex3_20.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//chapter 3 example 20
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R = 100; //resistance in Ω
+dR = 5; // error (dR/R) in %
+L = 2; //inductance
+r = 50;
+dL = 10; // error (dl/L) in %
+u = R**2;
+du = 2*dR; //percentage error(du/u) in %
+v = ((2*(%pi)*(r))**2)*(L**2);
+dv =2*dL; //percentage error(dv/v) in %
+x = u+v;
+dx =((u/(x))*(du))+((v/(x))*(dv)); //percentage error(dx/x)in %
+Z = sqrt(x);
+dZ = dx/(2); //uncertanity (dZ/Z) in %
+mprintf("uncertanity in the measurement = %3.3f percentage",dZ);
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.21/Ex3_21.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.21/Ex3_21.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ebc84c89a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.21/Ex3_21.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+//chapter 3 example 21
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+x1 = 49.7; //voltage in V
+x2 = 50.1; //voltage in V
+x3 = 50.2; //voltage in V
+x4 = 49.6; //voltage in V
+x5 = 49.7; //voltage in V
+n =5;
+x =(x1+x2+x3+x4+x5)/(5); //arthimetic mean
+d1 =x-x1; //deviation
+d2 =x-x2; //deviation
+d3 =x-x3; //deviation
+d4 =x-x4; //deviation
+d5 =x-x5; //deviation
+d = (d1**2)+(d2**2)+(d3**2)+(d4**2)+(d5**2);
+sigma = sqrt(d/(n-1)); //standard devation
+mprintf("arthimetic mean = %3.2f ",x);
+mprintf("\nstandard deviation = %3.3f",sigma);
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.22/Ex3_22.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.22/Ex3_22.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d31c698e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.22/Ex3_22.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+//chapter 3 example 22
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+x1 = 41.7; //voltage in V
+x2 = 42; //voltage in V
+x3 = 41.8; //voltage in V
+x4 = 42; //voltage in V
+x5 = 42.1; //voltage in V
+x6 = 41.9; //voltage in V
+x7 = 42.5; //voltage in V
+x8 = 42; //voltage in V
+x9 = 41.9; //voltage in V
+x10 = 41.8; //voltage in V
+n =10;
+x =(x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6+x7+x8+x9+x10)/(10); //arthimetic mean
+d1 =x-x1; //deviation
+d2 =x-x2; //deviation
+d3 =x-x3; //deviation
+d4 =x-x4; //deviation
+d5 =x-x5; //deviation
+d6 =x-x6; //deviation
+d7 =x-x7; //deviation
+d8 =x-x8; //deviation
+d9 =x-x9; //deviation
+d10 =x-x10; //deviation
+d = (d1^2)+(d2^2)+(d3^2)+(d4^2)+(d5^2)+(d6^2)+(d7^2)+(d8^2)+(d9^2)+(d10^2);
+sigma = sqrt(d/(n-1)); //standard devation
+r = 0.6745*sigma; //probable error of one reading
+mprintf("arthimetic mean = %3.2f ",x);
+mprintf("\nstandard deviation = %3.3f",sigma);
+mprintf("\nprobable error of ne reading = %3.3f",r);
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.23/Ex3_23.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.23/Ex3_23.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7fef867ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.23/Ex3_23.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+//chapter 3 example 23
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+x1 = 41.7; //voltage in V
+x2 = 42; //voltage in V
+x3 = 41.8; //voltage in V
+x4 = 42; //voltage in V
+x5 = 42.1; //voltage in V
+x6 = 41.9; //voltage in V
+x7 = 42.5; //voltage in V
+x8 = 42; //voltage in V
+x9 = 41.9; //voltage in V
+x10 = 41.8; //voltage in V
+n =10;
+x =(x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6+x7+x8+x9+x10)/(10); //arthimetic mean
+d1 =x-x1; //deviation
+d2 =x-x2; //deviation
+d3 =x-x3; //deviation
+d4 =x-x4; //deviation
+d5 =x-x5; //deviation
+d6 =x-x6; //deviation
+d7 =x-x7; //deviation
+d8 =x-x8; //deviation
+d9 =x-x9; //deviation
+d10 =x-x10; //deviation
+d = (d1**2)+(d2**2)+(d3**2)+(d4**2)+(d5**2)+(d6**2)+(d7**2)+(d8**2)+(d9**2)+(d10**2);
+sigma = sqrt(d/(n-1)); //standard devation
+r = 0.6745*sigma; //probable error of one reading
+rm = r/(sqrt(n-1)); //probable error of mean in V
+R = x7-x1; //range in V
+mprintf("arthimetic mean = %3.2f",x);
+mprintf("\nstandard deviation = %3.3f",sigma);
+mprintf("\nprobable error of one reading = %3.3f",r);
+mprintf("\nprobable error of mean = %3.5f V',rm);
+mprintf("\nRange = %3.2f V',R);
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.24/Ex3_24.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.24/Ex3_24.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1e96f424
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.24/Ex3_24.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+//chapter 3 example 24
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+x1 = 1.570; //voltage in V
+x2 = 1.597; //voltage in V
+x3 = 1.591; //voltage in V
+x4 =1.562; //voltage in V
+x5 =1.577; //voltage in V
+x6 = 1.580; //voltage in V
+x7 = 1.564; //voltage in V
+x8 = 1.586; //voltage in V
+x9 = 1.550; //voltage in V
+x10 = 1.575; //voltage in V
+n =10;
+x =(x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6+x7+x8+x9+x10)/(10); //arthimetic mean
+d1 =x1-x; //deviation
+d2 =x2-x; //deviation
+d3 =x3-x; //deviation
+d4 =x4-x; //deviation
+d5 =x5-x; //deviation
+d6 =x6-x; //deviation
+d7 =x7-x; //deviation
+d8 =x8-x; //deviation
+d9 =x9-x; //deviation
+d10 =x10-x; //deviation
+D =(abs(d1)+abs(d2)+abs(d3)+abs(d4)+abs(d5)+abs(d6)+abs(d7)+abs(d8)+abs(d9)+abs(d10))/(n);
+d = ((d1^2)+(d2^2)+(d3^2)+(d4^2)+(d5^2)+(d6^2)+(d7^2)+(d8^2)+(d9^2)+(d10^2));
+sigma = sqrt(d/(n-1)); //standard devation
+r = 0.6745*sigma; //probable error of one reading
+v = sigma^2;
+rm = r/(sqrt(n-1)); //probable error of mean in V
+mprintf("arthimetic mean = %3.3f",x);
+mprintf("\naverage deviation = %3.3f gramme",D);
+mprintf("\nstandard deviation = %3.5f gramme*2",sigma);
+mprintf("\nprobable error of one reading = %3.5f gramme",r);
+mprintf("\n variance= %3.3e gramme^2",v);
+mprintf("\nprobable error of mean = %3.4f gramme",rm);
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.3/Ex3_3.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.3/Ex3_3.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f96ec025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.3/Ex3_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//chapter 3 example 2
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Am = 205.3*10**-6; //measured value in Ω
+A = 201.4*10**-6; //True value in Ω
+e0 = Am-A; //absolute error in Ω
+r = (e0/(A))*100; //relative error in %
+mprintf("abslotue error = %3.2e F ",e0);
+mprintf("\nrelative error = %3.2f percentage",r);
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.4/Ex3_4.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.4/Ex3_4.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..03aa19196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.4/Ex3_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+//chapter 3 example 4
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+ep = 5; //percentage error
+Am = 20; //measuredd value in H
+er = ep/(100); //relative error
+//A = Am+dA
+//dA = er*Am
+A = Am*(1+er); //limiting value of inductance in H
+A1 = Am*(1-er); //limiting value of inductance in H
+mprintf("limits of inductance =%3.2f H",A);
+mprintf("\n and = %3.2f H",A1);
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.5/Ex3_5.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.5/Ex3_5.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13bbea96e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.5/Ex3_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//chapter 3 example 5
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+er = 1.5*10^-2; //accuracy
+A1 = 10; //current in A
+A2 = 2.5; //current in A
+dA = er*A1; //magnitude of limiting error of the instrument
+er1 = dA/(A2); //magnitude of current
+A11 = A2*(1+er1); //current in A
+A12 = A2*(1-er1); //current in A
+er2 = (dA/(A2))*100; //limiting error in %
+mprintf("limiting values of current =%3.2f A and %3.2f",A11,A12);
+mprintf("\nlimiting error = %3.1f percentage',er2);
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.6/Ex3_6.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.6/Ex3_6.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb2f9fd2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.6/Ex3_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//chapter 3 example 6
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+e = 0.01; //acuuracy
+v = 150; //voltage in V
+v1 = 83; // measured voltage in V
+dV = e*v; //magnitude of the limiting error of the instrument in V
+er = (dV/(v1))*100; //percentage limiting error at v1 voltage in %
+mprintf("limmiting error in case of 83V is = %3.2f percentage',er);
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.7/Ex3_7.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.7/Ex3_7.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d482a921a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.7/Ex3_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+//chapter 3 example 7
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+er = 0.01; // limiting error
+P = 1000; //power in watts
+P1 = 100; // true power in watts
+dP = er*P; //magnitude of instrument error of the instrument watts
+eP = (dP/(P1))*100; //percentage limiting error at 100 W power in %
+mprintf("percentage limiting error at 100 W power = %3.2f percentage',eP);;
diff --git a/3871/CH3/EX3.9/Ex3_9.sce b/3871/CH3/EX3.9/Ex3_9.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4aba39803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH3/EX3.9/Ex3_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//chapter 3 example 9
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+v = 110.2; //voltage drop in V
+i = 5.3; //current in A
+v1 = 0.2; //uncertainity in measurements in V
+i1 = 0.6; //uncertanity in measurments in A
+erv = (v1/(v))*100; //limiting error to voltage drop in %(ranging + to -)
+eri = (i1/(i))*100; //limitng error in currrent in %(ranging + to -)
+P = v*i; //power dissipated in the resistor in W
+eP = (erv+eri); //limting error in the power dissipation in %(ranging + to -)
+p = eP*P*10^-2; //power with limiting error in W
+e = erv+eri; //limiting error in power dissipation
+P1 = P+p; //power dissipation is given in W
+P11 = P-p; //power dissipation is given in W
+mprintf("power dissipated = %3.2f W',P);
+mprintf("\nlimiting error in the power dissipation = %3.1f percentage",e)
+mprintf("\nuncertanity in power ranging in %3.2f W to %3.2f",P11,P1);
diff --git a/3871/CH4/EX4.1/Ex4_1.sce b/3871/CH4/EX4.1/Ex4_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f0bd68ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH4/EX4.1/Ex4_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+//chapter 4 example 1
+clear all;
+//variable decalartion
+L =0.4; //length of the strip in m
+W = 0.0005; //width of the strip in m
+t = 0.00008 //thickness in m
+E = 1.2*10^10; //young's modulus in kg/m**2
+d = 90; //deflection in degrees
+theta = %pi/(2); //deflection in radians
+T = ((E*W*(t^3))/(12*L*2))*(%pi); //torque exerted in Kg-m
+mprintf("torque exerted T = %3.2e Kg-m",T);
diff --git a/3871/CH4/EX4.2/Ex4_2.sce b/3871/CH4/EX4.2/Ex4_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..240800e10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH4/EX4.2/Ex4_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//chapter 4 example 2
+clear all;
+//variable decalartion
+W = 0.005; //controlling weight in Kg
+L = 0.024; //length in m
+Td = 1.05*10**-4; //deflecting Torque in kg-m
+x = Td/(W*L);
+//Td = W*L*sin(theta)
+theta = asin(x);
+theta1 = (theta*180)/(%pi);
+mprintf("deflection = %3.0f °",theta1);
diff --git a/3871/CH4/EX4.3/Ex4_3.sce b/3871/CH4/EX4.3/Ex4_3.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d3cba3b18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH4/EX4.3/Ex4_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+//chapter 4 example 3
+clear all;
+//variable decalartion
+Smax = 3.0*10^6; //maximum stress in kg/m**2
+E = 1.2*10^10; //young's modulus in kg/m**2
+w = 0.0006; //width of spring in m
+Td = 1.2*10^-4; //deflecting torque in kg-m
+d = 90; //deflection in degrees
+theta = %pi/(2); //deflection in radians
+//since T = ((E*W*(t*3))/(12*L))*theta
+//t^3/l = (12*Tc)/(E*W*theta)
+Tc = Td/(2); //controlling torque of each spring in kg-m
+//x = t**3/l
+x = (12*Tc)/((E*w*theta)); //equqation 1
+//y =l/t
+y = (E*theta)/(2*Smax); //equation 2
+//by multiplying equations 1 and 2 (x*y =t**2 =z)
+z = x*y;
+t = sqrt(z); //thickness of spring strip in mm
+l = y*t; //length on m
+mprintf("thickness of spring strip = %3.2f mm",(t*10^3));
+mprintf("\nlength in = %3.2f m",l);
diff --git a/3871/CH4/EX4.4/Ex4_4.sce b/3871/CH4/EX4.4/Ex4_4.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f01e491a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH4/EX4.4/Ex4_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//chapter 4 example 4
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+theta1 = 90; //deflection in °
+x = 0.5; //I2/I1
+//Td proprtional to I
+//theta proprtional to I
+theta2 = theta1*(x); //deflection for the current equal to the half of the current in spring controlled instrument in °
+//Tc proprtional to sin(theta)
+//sin(theta) proprtional to I
+y = sin((%pi/(2)))
+theta21 = asin(x*y); //deflection for the current equal to the half of the current in gravity controlled instrument in °
+theta22 = (theta21*180)/(%pi);
+mprintf("deflection for the current equal to the half of the current in spring controlled instrument = %3.2f °",theta2);
+mprintf("\ndeflection for the current equal to the half of the current in gravity controlled instrument = %3.2f °",theta22);
diff --git a/3871/CH4/EX4.5/Ex4_5.sce b/3871/CH4/EX4.5/Ex4_5.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a83c3e258
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH4/EX4.5/Ex4_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//chapter 4 example 5
+clear all;
+//variable decelaration
+theta1 = 90; //deflection in °
+I1 = 10;
+I2 =5;
+//Td proprtional to I^2
+//Theta proprtional to I^2
+theta2 = theta1*((I2/(I1))^2); //deflection for I1 A spring controlled instrument in °
+//Tc proprtional to sin(theta)
+//sin(theta) proprtional to I**2
+x = (I2/((I1)))
+theta21 = asin(x**2)*(sin(%pi/(2))); //deflection for I1 A Gravity controlled instrument in °
+theta22 = (theta21*180)/(%pi);
+mprintf("deflection for I1 A spring controlled instrument = %3.2f °",theta2);
+mprintf("\ndeflection for I1 A Gravity controlled instrument = %3.1f °",theta22);
diff --git a/3871/CH4/EX4.6/Ex4_6.sce b/3871/CH4/EX4.6/Ex4_6.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22896cc90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH4/EX4.6/Ex4_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//chapter 4 example 6
+clear all;
+//Variable declaration
+I1 = 10; //current in A
+theta1 = 60; //deflection in °
+theta2 = 40; //deflection in °
+I2 = (I1)*(theta2/(theta1)); //current in case spring controlled ammeter in A
+x = sin(((theta2*%pi)/(180)));
+y = sin((theta1*%pi)/(180));
+I21 = (I1)*(x/y); //current in case gravity controlled ammeter in A
+mprintf("current in case spring controlled ammeter = %3.2f A",I2);
+mprintf("\ncurrent in case gravity controlled ammeter = %3.2f A",I21);
diff --git a/3871/CH4/EX4.7/Ex4_7.sce b/3871/CH4/EX4.7/Ex4_7.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..177295b7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH4/EX4.7/Ex4_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+//chapter 4 example 7
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Td = 1.13*10^-3; //defelecting torque in Nm
+m = 5*10^-3; //weight in kg
+g = 9.81; //gravity
+theta = 60; //deflection in °
+d = Td/(m*g*sin(((theta*%pi)/(180)))); //distance of the controlling weight from spindle in mm
+mprintf("distance of the controlling weight from spindle = %3.1f mm",(d*10^3));
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.1/Ex5_1.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.1/Ex5_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b65775617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.1/Ex5_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//chapter 5 example 1
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+K = 24*10^-6; //spring constant in Nm/radian
+I = 5; //current in A
+//L = 20+10*theta - 2*(theta^2)
+//partial differentiate w.r.t to theta
+//dL/dtheta = x = 10- 4*theta
+//dL/dtheta = 2*K*theta/(I^2)
+//x = 10-4*theta
+//y = theta/x
+y = ((I^2)/(2*K))*10^-6;
+theta = (10*y)/(1+(4*y)); //defelction for current in radians
+theta1 = ((theta*180)/(%pi));
+mprintf("deflection = %3.1f °',theta1);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.10/Ex5_10.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.10/Ex5_10.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8ee25f32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.10/Ex5_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+//chapter 5 example 10
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R = 400; //resistance in Ω
+V = 150; //voltmeter reading in V
+I = 0.05; //current in A
+alphac = 0.004; //temperature coefficient of copper
+alphas = 0.00001; //temperature coefficient of eureka
+f = 100; //frequency in Hz
+L = 0.75; //inductance in H
+//R1 = R+r;
+R1 = V/(I); //total reistance in Ω
+r = R1-R; //swamping resistancein Ω
+R11 = (R*(1+alphac))+(r*(1+alphas)); //total resistance for 1° C rise in temperature in Ω
+e = ((R11-R1)/(R1))*100; //percentage rise in resistance per degree rise in temperature
+W = 2*%pi*f*L; //inductive reactance in Ω
+Z = sqrt((R1^2)+(W^2)); //impedance in Ω
+v = V*(R1/(Z)); //reading indicated on 100 Hz in V
+mprintf("R1 =%3.0f",W);
+mprintf("percentage rise in resistance per degree rise in temperature = %3.4f percentage",e);
+mprintf("\nreading indicated on 100 Hz= %3.1f V",v);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.11/Ex5_11.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.11/Ex5_11.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b47481e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.11/Ex5_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//chapter 5 example 11
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V = 300; //voltage in V
+R = 12000; //coil resistance in Ω
+B = 6*10^-2; //flux density in Wb/m**2
+l = 0.04; //length in m
+r = 0.03; //width in m
+N = 100;
+Tc = 25*10^-7; //torque in Nm per degree
+i = V/(R); //current in A
+Td = N*B*i*l*r; //deflecting Torque in Nm
+//Tc =(25*10^-7)*theta
+theta = Td/(Tc); //defelction in °
+mprintf('defelction = %3.0f °",theta);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.12/Ex5_12.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.12/Ex5_12.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7b933ed3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.12/Ex5_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+//chapter 5 example 12
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V = 0.1; //voltage in V
+R = 200; //coil resistance in Ω
+B = 0.2; //flux density in Wb/m^2
+l = 0.03; //length in m
+r = 0.025; //width in m
+N = 100;
+Tc = 25*10^-7; //torque in Nm per degree
+theta = 100; //deflaction in °
+p = 1.7*10^-8; //specific resistance of coil in Ω-m
+d = 30;
+d1 = 25;
+i = V/(R); //current in A
+Td = N*B*i*l*r; //deflecting Torque in Nm
+K = Td/(theta); //control constant of spring in N-m
+l = (d+d1)*2*100*10^-3; //length of copper coil in m
+R1 = (R*20)/(100);
+a = (p*l)/(R1); //area of x-section of copper wire inm^2
+D = sqrt((4*a)/(%pi)); //diameter of wire in mm
+mprintf("diameter fo wire = %3.3f mm",(D*10^3));
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.13/Ex5_13.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.13/Ex5_13.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7d9e3799
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.13/Ex5_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+//chapter 5 example 13
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V1 = 50*10^-3; //voltage in V
+I1 = 5; //current in A
+I2 = 10; //current in A
+v1 =4;
+v2 =4.2;
+//v1 = (r+R1)*I1
+//v1 = (r+R1)*I2
+//since potential difference is same in both cases
+//v1= v2
+R1 = V1/(I1);
+R2 = V1/(I2);
+r = ((v2*R2)-(v1*R1))/(v1-v2);
+v = (r+R1)*v1; //potential difference in V
+I = v/(r); //current when neither meter in the circuit in A
+mprintf("current when neither meter in the circuit = %3.2f A",I);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.14/Ex5_14.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.14/Ex5_14.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca30e2483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.14/Ex5_14.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//chapter 5 example 14
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V = 250; //voltage in V
+RA = 100; //resistance in Ω
+RB = 400; //resistance in Ω
+x = 0.005; //error in measuring voltage in
+I = V/(RA+RB); //current flowing through resistance in A
+VB = I*RB; //potential drop acreoss resitance in V
+//Req = RA+((r*RB)/(r+RB))
+//Ieq =V/Req = V/ RA+((r*RB)/(r+RB))
+//Ieq = (V*(r+RB))/((RA*(r+RB))+(r*RB))
+//V1 = Ieq*(r*RB)/(r+RB)
+// V1 = (V*(r+RB))*(r*RB))/((r+RB)*((RA*(r+RB))+(r*RB)))
+//V1 = (V*r*RB)/((r+RB)*((RA*(r+RB))+(r*RB)))
+//V1 = (200*r)/(80+r)
+V1 = VB*(1-x); //voltage measured with 0.5% error
+r = (V1*80)/(200-V1); //solving equations we get minimum resistance in Ω
+mprintf("minimum resistance = %3.2f Ω",r);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.15/Ex5_15.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.15/Ex5_15.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5d5172e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.15/Ex5_15.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//chapter 5 example 15
+clc;clear all;
+//variable decalartaion
+C = 1*10**-7; //spring torsion constant in N-m/degree
+I = 10; //current in A
+theta = 110; //full-deflection in °
+L1 = 2*10**-6; //initial inductance in uH
+Td =C*theta; //full-scale deflceting torque in N-m
+//dM/dtheta =x
+x = Td/(I^2);
+theta1 = ((theta*%pi)/(180)); //converstion of radians to degrees
+dM = x*theta1; //change in inductance in uH
+M = L1+dM; //total inductance in uH
+mprintf("total inductance = %3.3f uH",(M*10^6));
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.16/Ex5_16.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.16/Ex5_16.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a9867903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.16/Ex5_16.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+//chapter 5 example 16
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+theta = 90; //full-deflection in °
+Td = 0.4*10^-4; //full-scale deflecting torque in Nm
+I = 0.05; //current in A
+M = 0.25; //initial inductance in H
+V = 50; //voltage in V
+I = 0.05; //current in A
+f =50; //frequency in Hz
+V2 = 25;
+R = 1000;
+//dM/dtheta = x
+x = (Td/(I^2)); //change in inductance in H
+dM = (Td/(I^2))*((theta*%pi)/(180)); //change in inductance in H
+M1 = M+dM; //total mutual inductance in H
+R = V/(I); //the resistance of voltmeter in Ω
+Z =sqrt((R**2)+((2*%pi*f*M1)**2)); //toatal impedance in Ω
+V1 = (V/(Z))*R; //voltmeter reading in V
+d = V-V1; //difference in reading in V
+I1 = V2/(R); //current through instrument in A
+theta1 = ((theta*%pi)/(180))*((I1/(I))^2); //defelction
+M2 = M+(x*theta1); //total mutual inductance in H
+Z1 = sqrt((R**2)+((2*%pi*f*M2)**2)); //toatal impedance in Ω
+V21 = (V2*R)/(Z1); //voltmeter reading in V
+d1 = V2-V21; //difference in voltmeter reading in V
+mprintf("impedancewhile measuring the voltage = %3.3f Ω",Z1);
+mprintf("\ndifference in reading = %3.1f V",d);
+mprintf("\ndifference in reading when 25v is used = %3.2f V",d1);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.17/Ex5_17.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.17/Ex5_17.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff796d7be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.17/Ex5_17.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//chapter 5 example 17
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+theta1 = 90; //defelction in °
+theta2 = 360; //defelction in °
+theta3 = 180; //defelction in °
+I1 = 30; //current in A
+I4 = 25; //current in A
+//T is proportional to I**2
+//T is proportional to theta
+//theta is proportional to math.sqrt (I)
+I2 = I1*sqrt((theta2/(theta1))); //current corresponding to deflection of 360 °
+I3 = I1*sqrt((theta3/(theta1))); //current corresponding to deflection of 180 °
+theta4 = theta1*((I4/I1)^2); //defelction corresponding tocurrent of 25 A
+mprintf("current corresponding to deflection of 360 ° = %3.2f A",I2);
+mprintf("\ncurrent corresponding to deflection of 180 ° = %3.2f A",I3);
+mprintf("\ndefelction corresponding tocurrent of 25 A = %3.2f °",theta4);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.18/Ex5_18.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.18/Ex5_18.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96122312f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.18/Ex5_18.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+//Chapter 5 example 18
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+p = 80;
+q = 60
+//i = 80-60*sqrt(2)*sin(theta+%pi/6)
+//i^2 = x = (80)^2)-((2*80*60*sqrt*sin(theta+(%pi/6))0^2)+((80^2)*(sin(theta+(%pi/6))^2))
+//x =a-b*(sin(theta+(%pi/6))^2)+(c)*(sin(theta+(%pi/6))^2)
+//x = (80)^2)-((2*80*60*sqrt*sin(theta+(%pi/6))0^2)+(((80^2)/2)*(1-(cos(theta+(%pi/6))^2))
+//x = a-(b*sin(theta+(%pi/6)))+(c/2)-cos(theta+((pi/6)^2))
+ a = p^2;
+ b =(2*(q^2)*(sqrt(2)));
+ c = (q*sqrt(2))^2;
+ //x = (1/2*%pi)*{(integral(x*dtheta))}(0-2*%pi)
+ //applying integration
+ y =(a+(c/2));
+ x = (1/%pi)*y*(%pi); //Irms^2
+ Irms =sqrt(x); //reading in A
+ //result
+ mprintf("electrodynamometer instrument indicates the rms value of the current therefore the dreading will be equla ")
+ mprintf("Irms = %3.2f A",Irms);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.19/Ex5_19.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.19/Ex5_19.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b81b35f24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.19/Ex5_19.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//chapter 5 example 19
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+L = 150; //length of working wire at room temperature in mm
+alpha = 16*10^-6; //coefficient of linear expansion
+T = 85; //temperature in ° C
+Si =1; //initial sag in mm
+dL = alpha*L*T; //increase in length of the wire when gets heated through 85 ° C in mm
+M = sqrt(L/(2*dL)); //magnification with no intial sag
+S = sqrt((L*dL)/(2)); //Sag in mm
+Sn = S-Si; //net increase in Sag in mm
+M1 = Sn/(dL); //magnification with initial Sag of 1 mm
+mprintf("magnification with no intial sag = %3.2f",M);
+mprintf("\nSag = %3.2f mm",S);
+mprintf("\nnet increase in Sag =%3.2f mm",Sn);
+mprintf("\nmagnification with initial Sag of 1 mm = %3.2f",M1);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.2/Ex5_2.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.2/Ex5_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be3b32475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.2/Ex5_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+//chapter 5 example 2
+clc;clear all;
+//Variable declaration
+I = 5; //current in A
+d = 30; //deflection
+I2 = 10;
+//L = 10+5*theta - 2*(theta^2) //inductancein uH
+//partial differentiate w.r.t to theta
+//dL/dtheta = x = 5- 4*theta
+//dL/dtheta = 2*K*theta/(I^2)
+//x = 10-4*theta
+theta = %pi/(6);
+K = (((5-(4*theta))*10^-6)*(I^2))/(2*theta) //spring constant in Nm/radian
+x = ((2*K)/(I2^2))*10^6;
+theta2 = (5)/(x+4);
+mprintf("spring constant = %3.4e Nm/radian",K);
+mprintf("\ndeflection for 10 A current = %3.3f radian",theta2);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.20/Ex5_20.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.20/Ex5_20.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7d7f8f75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.20/Ex5_20.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//chapter 5 example 20
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+L = 170; //length of the wire in mm
+dL = 0.2; //increase in length in mm
+L1 =100; //length of the second wire in mm
+S = sqrt((L*dL)/(2)); //Sag in mm
+S1 = sqrt((L1*S)/(2)); //Sag in mm
+M = S1/(dL); //magnification
+mprintf("magnification = %3.1f",M);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.21/Ex5_21.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.21/Ex5_21.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57f4f44e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.21/Ex5_21.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//Chapter 5 example 21
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+I = 10; //current in A
+//e = (alpha*(dt))+(b(dt^2))= alpha*dt
+//dt = (K1*(I^2)*R)
+//theta = K2*e
+//theta = K2*e = K2*K1*alpha*dt = K2*K1*alpha*(I^2)*R
+//thetaF = K3*(I^2)
+//K3 = (thetaF)/(I^2);
+x = 1/(I^2);
+mprintf("K3 = %3.2f *thetaf",x);
+//K3 =thetaF*x
+mprintf("\ntheta = theatF/3");
+//I = sqrt((thetaF/3)*((K3)))
+//I = sqrt((thetaF/3)/K3)
+I =sqrt((1/3)*((1/x)))
+mprintf("\ncurrent = %3.2f A",I);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.22/Ex5_22.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.22/Ex5_22.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f2d0168d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.22/Ex5_22.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//chapter 5 example 22
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+ Irms = 32; //measured reading reading in A
+ Ir = 30; //rectifier ammeter reading in A
+Ks = 1.11; //form factor for sinusoidal wave
+Iav = Ir/(Ks); //average value of current under measurement in A
+e = ((Irms)/(Iav)); //percentage errror in %
+mprintf("form factor = %3.3f ",e);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.23/Ex5_23.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.23/Ex5_23.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9231163c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.23/Ex5_23.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//chapter 5 example 23
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+ Ir = 2.22; //measured reading reading in A
+Ks = 1.11; //form factor for sinusoidal wave
+Iav = Ir/(Ks); //average value of current under measurement in A
+Imax = 2*Iav; //peak value of current in A
+Irms = Imax/(sqrt(3)); //RMS value of current in
+e = ((Ir-Irms)/(Irms))*100; //percentage errror in %
+mprintf("peak value of current = %3.2f A",Imax);
+mprintf("\nRMS value of current = %3.3f A",Irms);
+mprintf("\npercentage error = %3.2f percentage(low)",e);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.24/Ex5_24.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.24/Ex5_24.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69c71a8ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.24/Ex5_24.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//chapter 5 example 24
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Iav = 40*10^-3; //average value of current in mA
+Ks = 1.11; //assuming form factor for sinusoidal wave
+f = 50; //frequency in Hz
+V = 10^5; //voltage in V
+Irms = Iav*Ks; //RMS value of current in A
+//Irms = V/Xc = 2*%pi*f*C*V
+C = Irms/(2*%pi*f*V); //capacitance to be connected in pF
+mprintf("capacitance to be connected = %3.0f pF",(C*10^12));
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.25/Ex5_25.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.25/Ex5_25.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00c4205d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.25/Ex5_25.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//chapter 5 example 25
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Emax = 200; //emf of peak value in V
+R = 10; //resistance in Ω
+Imax = Emax/(R); //peak value of current in A
+Iav = (2*Imax)/(%pi); //reading of moving -coil ammeter in A
+Irms = Imax/(sqrt(2)); //reading of moving -iron ammeter in A
+mprintf("reading of moving -coil ammeter = %3.2f A",Iav);
+mprintf("\nreading of moving -iron ammeter = %3.2f A",Irms);
+mprintf("\nreading of hot-wire ammeter = %3.2f A",Irms);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.26/Ex5_26.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.26/Ex5_26.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7674d1771
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.26/Ex5_26.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+//Chapter 5 example 26
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Vmax = 100; //maximum value of applied voltage in V
+R = 2; //resistance in Ω
+Imax = Vmax/R; //maximum value of current flowing through instruments in A
+mprintf("x = (Imax^2)*((sin(theta))^2)");
+//Irms = sqrt((1/2*%pi)*{(integral(x*dtheta))}(0-%pi))
+Irms = sqrt(((Imax^2)/(2*%pi))*((%pi/2)));
+mprintf("\n y = (Imax*sin(theta))");
+//Iav = sqrt((1/2*%pi)*{(integral(y*dtheta))}(0-%pi)
+Iav = Imax/%pi;
+mprintf("\nthe hot-wire ammeter reads rms value = %3.2f A",Irms);
+mprintf("\nmoving coil ammeter reads average value = %3.2f A",Iav);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.27/Ex5_27.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.27/Ex5_27.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63e5bf63a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.27/Ex5_27.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+//Chapter 5 example 27
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+//V = (5*sin(theta))+(0.6*sin(3*theta))\
+a = 5;
+b = 0.6;
+rd = 35; //resistance in Ω
+ra = 30; //resistance in Ω
+R = (3*rd)+ra; //resitance in Ω
+//i = v/R
+//i = (5*sin(theta)/R)+(0.6*(sin(3*theta)/R))
+x1 = a/R;
+y1 =b/R;
+//i = (x1*sin(theta))+(y1*sin(3*theta))
+//Iav = ((1/%pi)*{(integral(i*dtheta))}(0-%pi)))
+//Iav = (1/%pi)*((0.5*sin(theta))-(0.006/3)*(cos(3*theta)))
+//solving above equation we get (1/%pi)*(1)
+p = (-0.05*((cos((180*%pi/180))-cos(0))))-((0.002*((cos(3*180*%pi/180))-cos(3*0))));
+z = (1/%pi)*p; //average value in mA
+mprintf("average value reading of PMMC ammeter = %3.1f mA",(z*10^3));
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.28/Ex5_28.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.28/Ex5_28.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..408b88c76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.28/Ex5_28.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+//Chapter 5 example 28
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V = 230; //RMS value of voltage applied in volts
+r1 = 115; //resistance in Ω
+r2 = 115; //resistance in Ω
+r3 = 575; //resistance in Ω
+Vmax =230*sqrt(2);
+R1 =r1+r2; //resiatance in one directions in Ω
+R2 =r2+r3; //resiatance in other directions in Ω
+Imax1 = Vmax/R1; //current(maximum value) in one direction in A
+Imax2 = Vmax/R2; //current(maximum value) in other direction in A
+//Iav = Iav1-Iav2
+//x = (Imax1*sin(theta))
+//Iav = ((1/2*%pi)*{(integral(x*dtheta))}(0-%pi)))
+//y = (Imax2*sin(theta))
+//Iav = ((1/2*%pi)*{(integral(y*dtheta))}(0-%pi)))
+z1 =-((cos(180*%pi/180))-cos(0))
+z2 = -((cos(180*%pi/180))-cos(0))
+A = ((Imax1*z1)-(Imax2*z2));
+Iav = A/(2*%pi);
+//x1 = (Imax1*sin(theta))^2
+//I1 = ((1/2*%pi)*{(integral(x1*dtheta))}(0-%pi)))
+//y1 = (Imax2*sin(theta))^2
+//I2 = ((1/2*%pi)*({(integral((1-cos(2*theta))/2*dtheta))}(0-%pi)))-{(integral((1-cos(2*theta))/2*dtheta))}(0-%pi)))
+//Irms= I1+I2
+//Irms = ((1/2*%pi)*{(integral(y1*dtheta))}(0-%pi)))
+Z1 =-((cos(2*180*%pi/180))-cos(180*%pi/180));
+Z2 = -((cos(2*180*%pi/180))-cos(180*%pi/180));
+Irms1 = (((Imax1^2)/(2*2*%pi))*(%pi-0))+(((Imax2^2)/(2*2*%pi))*(%pi-0))-Z1+Z2
+Irms =sqrt(Irms1);
+P = (1/2)*(((V^2)/R1)+((V^2)/R2));
+Irms11 = 1;
+Irms22 = 1/3;
+Pd = (((Irms11^2)*r2)+((Irms22^2)*r3))/2;
+mprintf("Iav = %3.2f A",Irms1);
+mprintf("\npower taken from the mains = %3.2f",P);
+mprintf("\npower dissipated in rectifying device =%3.2f W",Pd);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.29/Ex5_29.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.29/Ex5_29.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76d4b1606
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.29/Ex5_29.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//Chapter 5 example 29
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V1 = 1000; //potential of vane in volts
+//v = VA-VB
+mprintf("theta 10 S D");
+mprintf("\ntheta praportional to Tt praportional to 2*V1*V")
+mprintf("\n10 praportional to 2 praportional to 1000");
+mprintf("\ndividing above expressions ")
+v = (10/25)*(2500/2000);
+mprintf("v = %3.2f volt",v);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.3/Ex5_3.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.3/Ex5_3.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e53bdfa7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.3/Ex5_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//chapter 5 example 3
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R = 500; //resistance in
+r = 2000; //non inductive resistance in
+V = 250; //voltage in V
+f = 50; //frequency in Hz
+L = 1; //inductance in H
+x = (r+R)^2;
+W = (2*%pi*f*L)^2;
+Z =sqrt(x+W); //impedance of the instrument circuit
+I = V/(Z); //current drawn by instrument in A
+I2 = V/(R+r); //since voltmeter reads correctly on dc supply on 250 V,corresponding current in A
+V1 = V*(I/(I2)); //voltmeter reading when connected to 250V ,50Hz supply
+mprintf("voltmeter reading = %3.1d V",V1);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.30/Ex5_30.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.30/Ex5_30.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a9beade97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.30/Ex5_30.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//chapter 5 example 30
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+d = 0.08; //diameter in m
+D = 0.004; //distance between plates in m
+F = 0.002; //force in Newton
+e0 = 8.85*10^-12; //permittivity in N
+A = (%pi/4)*(d^2); //area of the plates in m**2
+x = (F*2*(D^2))/(e0*A);
+V = sqrt(x); //potential diference in V
+mprintf("potential diference = %3.1f V",V);
+mprintf("\nNote:final answer in textbook is wrong printed")
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.31/Ex5_31.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.31/Ex5_31.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3daf51b9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.31/Ex5_31.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+//chapter 5 example 31
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+d = 0.1; //diameter in m
+F = 0.005; //force in Newton
+V = 10000; //potential diference in V
+e0 = 8.85*10^-12; //permittivity in N
+d2 = 26.4*10^-3; //distance between plates in mm
+d1 = 25.4*10^-3; //distance between plates in mm
+A = (%pi/4)*(d^2); //area of the plates in m**2
+x = sqrt((e0*A)/(2*F));
+d2 = x*V; //distance between plates in mm
+//C = e0*A/d
+x1 = 1/d1;
+x2 = 1/d2;
+C = e0*A*(x1-x2); //change in capacitance in uF
+mprintf("change in capacitance due to change in distance between plates from 26.4 to 25.4 mm = %3.2f u uF",(C*10^12));
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.32/Ex5_32.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.32/Ex5_32.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f39316092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.32/Ex5_32.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//chapter 5 example 32
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+K = 0.0981*10^-6;
+theta = 80; //full scale of deflection in °
+V = 1000; //voltage in V
+C = 10*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+//x =dC/dtheta = (2*K*theta)/V^2
+x = (2*K*theta)/V^2; //rate of change of capacitance
+dC = x*(theta/180)*%pi;
+C1 = C+dC;
+mprintf("capacitance when reading 1kV = %3.3e F",C1);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.33/Ex5_33.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.33/Ex5_33.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cec96d0d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.33/Ex5_33.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//chapter 5 example 33
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+//x = dC/d(theta)
+//Td = (1/2)*(V^2)*(dC/d(theta))
+x = 0.5*10^-12; //dC/d(theta) in pF/degree
+y = 1.5*10^-12; //dC/d(theta) in pF/degree
+T = 8*10^-6; //torison constant in Nm
+N1 =100;
+N2 =35;
+x1 = x*(180/%pi); //dC/d(theta) in pF/radian
+y1 = y*(180/%pi); //dC/d(theta) in pF/radian
+//Td = Tc = T*N*(%pi/180)
+Td = T*N1*(%pi/180); //deflecting torque in N-m
+V1 = sqrt((2*Td)/x1); //voltage required in V
+Td1 = T*N2*(%pi/180); //deflecting torque in N-m
+V2 = sqrt((2*Td1)/y1); //voltage required in V
+mprintf("voltage deflection at 100 = %3.0f V",V1);
+mprintf("\nvoltage deflection at 100 = %3.0f V",V2);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.34/Ex5_34.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.34/Ex5_34.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..31c29cd5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.34/Ex5_34.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+//chapter 5 example 34
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+e0 =8.854*10^-12;
+d =0.05;
+er = 1;
+a = 0.25;
+V1 = 12000; //voltage in V
+V2 = 32000; //voltage in V
+//x-x0 = (1/2)*((V^2)/k)*(dc/dx)
+//C =(2*e0*er*A)/d
+//dC =(2*e0*er*a*x)/d
+// y = dC/dx = (2*e0*er*a)/d
+y = (2*e0*er*a)/d;
+X1 = 0.25/4;
+// A =x1+x01 = (1/2)*((V1^2)/k)*(dc/dx)
+X2 = 0.25/2;
+//B = x2+x01 = (1/2)*((V2^2)/k)*(dc/dx)
+//C = B/A =(V2/V1)^2
+C = (V2/V1)^2;
+x01 = (X2-(C*X1))/(1-C);
+k = ((1/2)*((V1^2))*(y))/(X1-x01);
+X3 = (3/4)*0.25;
+V = sqrt(((X3-x01)*2*k)/y); //voltage in V
+mprintf("voltage required to pull the plate three quarte way in = %3.3f KV",(V*10^-3));
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.35/Ex5_35.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.35/Ex5_35.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24af63b2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.35/Ex5_35.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+//chapter 5 example 35
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+e = 8.85*10^-12;
+V = 10000; //voltage in V
+r = 40*10^-3; //radius in m
+d = (4/2)*10^-3; //voltage in V
+theta = (100)*(%pi/180);
+k = (2.5*e*(r^2)*(V^2))/(d*theta);
+mprintf("spring constant = %3.3e Nm per radian",k);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.36/Ex5_36.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.36/Ex5_36.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b307de90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.36/Ex5_36.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//chapter 5 example 36
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+theta1 = 105; //deflection in °
+I1 = 20; //current in A
+I2 = 20; //current in A
+f1 = 50; //frequency in Hz
+f2 = 75; //frequency in Hz
+theta = (theta1)*((I2/I1)^2)*(f2/f1);
+mprintf("deflection of the instrument while measuring 20 A = %3.1f °",theta);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.37/Ex5_37.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.37/Ex5_37.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..795c1454b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.37/Ex5_37.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+//chapter 5 example 37
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V1 = 240; //voltage in V
+theta1 = 300; // defelection in °
+theta2 = 180; // defelection in °
+//T praportional to V^2/Z)*(f*cos(alpha)*(sin(beta)))
+//T praportional V^2
+//theta praportional to V^2
+V2 = V1*sqrt(theta2/theta1);
+mprintf("voltage for deflection of 180° =%3.0f° ",V2);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.4/Ex5_4.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.4/Ex5_4.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9653f766d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.4/Ex5_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//chapter 5 example 4
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Vac = 500; //voltage in V
+Iac = 0.1; //current in A
+f = 50; //frequency in Hz
+L = 0.8; //inductance in H
+Vdc = 300; //voltage in V
+Z =5000;
+W = 2*(%pi)*f*L;
+R = (sqrt((Z^2)-(W^2))); //resistance in Ω
+Idc = Vdc/(R); //instrument current in A
+V = (Vac/(Iac))*(Idc); //Reading of instrument when connected to 300V in V
+mprintf("Reading of instrument when connected to 300V = %3.1f V",V);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.5/Ex5_5.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.5/Ex5_5.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8103c1ffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.5/Ex5_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//chapter 5 example 5
+clc;clear all;
+//variable decalaration
+Iac = 0.1; //current in A
+f = 50; //frequency in Hz
+L = 0.8; //inductance in H
+Vac = 300; //voltage in V
+V = 200; //true value in V
+XL = 2*%pi*f*L; //instrument reactance in Ω
+Z = Vac/(Iac); //instrument impedance in Ω
+R1 = sqrt((Z^2)-(XL^2)); //instrument resistance(R+r) in Ω
+Idc = V/(R1); //instrument current when connected to 200V dc supply
+V1 = (Idc*Vac)/(Iac); //reading of the instrument when connected to 200V dc supply
+e = ((V1-V)/(V))*100;
+mprintf("percentage error = %3.2f percentage",e);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.6/Ex5_6.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.6/Ex5_6.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aad9838c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.6/Ex5_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+//Chapter 5 example 6
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R = 50; //resistance of the magnetic coil in Ω
+Rt = 500; //resistance in Ω
+L = 0.09; //inductance of the voltmeter in H
+f = 50;
+I = 1;
+r = Rt-R; //swamping resistance in Ω
+X = (2*%pi*f*r)^2;
+Y = L*x;
+Y1 = I*L;
+//L = C*r^2/(I+w^2*C^2*r^2)
+//C*r^2 = L*I+L*w^2*C^2*r^2
+//C*r^2 =y1+x*(C^2)
+a = X;
+b = -r^2;
+c = Y1;
+x = (-b-sqrt((b^2)-(4*a*c)))/(2*a); //we consider the positive value
+mprintf("swamping resistance = %3.2e",x);
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.7/Ex5_7.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.7/Ex5_7.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e2885ed6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.7/Ex5_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//chapter 5 example 7
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R = 50; //resistance of the magnetic coil in Ω
+Rt = 500; //resistance in Ω
+L = 0.09; //inductance of the voltmeter in H
+r =Rt-R;
+C = (L/(r^2)); //capacitance to be placed in u F
+mprintf("capacitance to be placed to make the instrument read correctly bot dc as well as ac = %3.3fe uF",(C*10^6));
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.8/Ex5_8.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.8/Ex5_8.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06cf9acfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.8/Ex5_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//chapter 5 example 8
+clc;clear all;
+//variable decalaration
+Td = 4*10^-5; //full-scale defelcting torque in N-m
+I = 10; //full-scale current in A
+//Td = (1/2)*(I^2)*(dL/dtheta);
+//dL/dtheta = x
+x = (2*Td)/(I^2);
+mprintf('rate of change of selfinductance = %3.1f uH/rad",(x*10^6));
diff --git a/3871/CH5/EX5.9/Ex5_9.sce b/3871/CH5/EX5.9/Ex5_9.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5fa635988
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH5/EX5.9/Ex5_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//chapter 5 example 9
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+//dL/dtheta = x
+y = 2.3*10^-6;
+Td1 = 5*10**-7;
+t = 52;
+x = y*(180/%pi);
+Td = Td1*t;
+//Td = (1/2)*(I**2)*(dL/dtheta);
+I = sqrt((Td*2)/(x)); //current in A
+mprintf("current = %3.2f A",I);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.1/Ex6_1.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.1/Ex6_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c952ce3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.1/Ex6_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//chapter 6 example 1
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Im = 50*10^-6; //full scale deflection current in A
+Rm = 1000; //instrument resistance in Ω
+I = 1; //total current to be measured in A
+Rs = (Rm/((I/(Im))-1)); //resistance of ammeter in Ω
+mprintf("resistance of ammeter shunt required Rs = %3.7f Ω",Rs);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.10/Ex6_10.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.10/Ex6_10.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..301e16ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.10/Ex6_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//chapter 6 example 10
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+alpha0 = 0.0043;
+t1 = 25; //temperature in °C
+t2 = 45; //temperature in °C
+e = 1.1; //percentage error in %
+R1 = ((1+(alpha0*t2))/(1+(alpha0*t2)));
+//r1 = R1*r
+//I2 = V/r1+R
+//e = (I1-I2)/100
+//I2 = 0.989I1
+//I2 = V/1.0776r+R
+//I1 = V/R+r
+//V/(1.0776r+R) = 0.989V/R+r
+//R/r = 5.96
+x = 5.96;
+mprintf("R/r= %3.2f",x);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.11/Ex6_11.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.11/Ex6_11.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7185446c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.11/Ex6_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//chapter 6 example 11
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Rm1 = 1000; //resistance of ammeter of A1 in Ω
+Rs1 = 0.05; //resistance of shunt connected across ammeter A1 in Ω
+Rm2 = 1500; //resistance of ammeter of A2 in Ω
+Rs2 = 0.02; //resistance of shunt connected across ammeter A2 in Ω
+I =10; //current in A
+//in normal connecetion
+I1 = (Rs1/(Rs1+Rm1))*I; //current through in A
+I2 = (Rs2/(Rs2+Rm2))*I; //current through in A
+//when shunts are interchanged
+I11 = (Rs2/(Rs2+Rm1))*I; //current through in A
+I12 = (Rs1/(Rs1+Rm2))*I; //current through in A
+A1 = (I11/(I1))*I; //current through ammeter in A
+A2 = (I12/(I2))*I; //current through ammeter in A
+mprintf("reading of ammeter A1 = %3.0d A",A1)
+mprintf("\nreading of ammeter A2 = %3.0f A",A2);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.12/Ex6_12.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.12/Ex6_12.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b79b80f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.12/Ex6_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+//chapter 6 example 12
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Rv = 2400; //resistance in Ω
+L =0.6; //instrument inductace in H
+f = 60; //frequency in Hz
+XL = 2*%pi*f*L; //instrument reactance in Ω
+Z = sqrt((Rv^2)+(XL^2)); //instrument impedance in Ω
+//when the instrument range is extended from 120V to 600V the impedance will have to be made 5 times in order to have the same current
+//math.sqrt((RV**2)+XL^2) = 5*Z
+x = (5*Z)^2;
+y = XL^2;
+z = x-y;
+a = (sqrt(z));
+R = a-Rv; //series resistance in Ω
+mprintf("instrument reactance = %3.1f Ω",XL);
+mprintf("\nseries resistance = %3.2f Ω",R);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.13/Ex6_13.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.13/Ex6_13.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b37087a45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.13/Ex6_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//chapter 6 example 13
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Cv = 70*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+V =10000; //electrostatic measurement in V
+Vv = 100; //reading in V
+Vc = V-Vv; //voltage across series capacitor in V
+//since the capacitors are connected in series ,te charge on each is same
+//Vv*Cv = Vc*C
+C = (Vv*Cv)/(Vc); //capacitance in uuF
+mprintf("capacitance of the condenser = %3.4f uuF ",(C*10^12));
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.14/Ex6_14.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.14/Ex6_14.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44f02a118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.14/Ex6_14.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+//chapter 6 example 14
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Rm =40; //resistance in Ω
+Im = 1; //current in mA
+I1 = 10; //current in mA
+I2 = 20; //current in mA
+I3 = 30; //current in mA
+I4 = 40; //current in mA
+I5 = 50; //current in mA
+R1 = Rm/(((I1/(Im)))-1);
+R2 = (R1+Rm)/(((I2/(Im))));
+R3 = (R1+Rm)/(((I3/(Im))));
+R4 = (R1+Rm)/(((I4/(Im))));
+R5 = (R1+Rm)/(((I5/(Im))));
+r1 = R1-R2; //resistance in Ω
+r2 = R2-R3; //resistance in Ω
+r3 = R3-R4; //resistance in Ω
+r4 = R4-R5; //resistance in Ω
+r5 = R5; //resistance in Ω
+mprintf("resistance of various section of the ayrtons shunt are = %3.4f Ω , %3.4f Ω , %3.4f Ω, %3.4f Ω, %3.4f Ω ",r1,r2,r3,r4,r5);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.15/Ex6_15.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.15/Ex6_15.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea9c1d7a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.15/Ex6_15.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//chapter 6 example 15
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Si = 0.1*10^-3; //current sensitivity in mA
+Rm = 500; //meter resistance in Ω
+V1 = 10; //full -scale voltage in V
+V2 =50; //volage range in V
+V3 =100; //volage range in V
+V4 =500; //volage range in V
+Sv = (1/(Si))*10^-3; //voltage sensitivity in Ω/V
+Rm1 =500*10**-3; //Rm in kΩ
+RT1 = Sv*V1; //total resistance required in kΩ
+R1 = RT1-Rm1; //additional resistance in kΩ
+RT2 = Sv*V2; //total resistance required in kΩ
+R2 = RT2-Rm1-R1; //additional resistance in kΩ
+RT3 = Sv*V3; //total resistance required in kΩ
+R3 = RT3-Rm1-R2-R1; //additional resistance in kΩ
+RT4 = Sv*V4; //total resistance required in kΩ
+R4 = RT4-Rm1-R1-R2-R3; //additional resistance in kΩ
+mprintf("additional resistance = %3.2f kΩ",R1);
+mprintf("\nadditional resistance = %3.2f kΩ",R2);
+mprintf("\nadditional resistance = %3.2f kΩ",R3);
+mprintf("\nadditional resistance = %3.2f kΩ",R4);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.16/Ex6_16.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.16/Ex6_16.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b36d3eec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.16/Ex6_16.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+//chapter 6 example16
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Tp = 1; //numberof turns on primary
+Ts = 200; //numberof turns on secondary
+Is = 5; //secondary current in A
+Zs = 1; // secondary burden in Ω
+f = 50; //frequency in Hz
+a = 0.0011; //cross sectional area of core in m**2
+S = 0.91; //stamping faactor
+KT =200; //turns ratio
+M =80; //ampere turns
+Vs =5; //voltage
+Vs = Is*Zs; //secondary voltage in V
+phimax = Vs/(4.44*f*Ts); //flux in the core in mWb
+A = a*S; //net crss sectional area in m**2
+Bmax = phimax/(A); //flux density in the core in T
+Im = M/(Tp); //magnetising current in A
+Ip = sqrt(((KT*Is)^2)+(Im**2)); //primary current in A
+Ir = Ip/(Is); //current ratio
+b = ((180/(%pi))*(Im/(KT*Is))); //phase angle in °(degrees)
+mprintf("flux density in the core = %3.4f T",Bmax);
+mprintf("\ncurrent ratio = %3.2f",Ir);
+mprintf("\nphase angle = %3.2f °",b);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.17/Ex6_17.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.17/Ex6_17.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..007efa6d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.17/Ex6_17.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//chapter 6 example 17
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Tp = 1; //number of turns in primary
+KT = 200; //turns ratio
+Is = 5; //secondary current in A
+Rs = 1.5; //secondary burden in Ω
+f = 50; //frequency in Hz
+L =1.5; //iron loss in Watts
+Ie = 40; //current in A
+Ts = KT*Tp; //number of turns in secondary
+Vs = Is*Rs; //secondary voltage in V
+phimax = Vs/(4.44*f*Ts); //flux inn the core in mWb
+Il = L/(Vs); //iron-loss in the secondary side in A
+Ip = KT*Il; //iron-loss current in primary side in A
+x =(KT*Is)+Ie;
+e = ((-Ie/((x))))*100; //ratio error in %
+mprintf("flux in the core = %3.3e percentage mWb",(phimax*10^3));
+mprintf("\nratio error = %3.4f percentage",e);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.18/Ex6_18.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.18/Ex6_18.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5dac1f964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.18/Ex6_18.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+//chapter 6 example 18
+clear all;
+//variable declraration
+Ts = 300; //number of turns in secondary winding
+Tp = 1; //number of turns in primary winding
+Is =5; //current in A
+Zs =(1.5)+(%i*1) //secondary impedance ‎Ω
+MMF = 100;
+Pi = 1.2; //iron loss in watts
+KN = 300; //turn ratio
+KT =Ts/Tp; //turn ratio
+Es = Is*Zs; //secondary voltage in volts
+Es1 = sqrt(((real(Es))^2)+((imag(Es))^2));
+Im =MMF/Tp; //magnetising current in A
+E = Pi/Es1; //energy compnent of exciting current on secondary side in A
+Ie = KT*E; //energy compnent of exciting current on primary side in A
+I0 = Im+%i*Ie; //exciting current on primary side in A
+I01 =sqrt(((real(I0))^2)+((imag(I0))^2));
+alpha = atan(Ie/Im);
+alpha1 = (alpha*180)/%pi;
+theta = atan(imag(Zs)/real(Zs));
+theta1 = (theta*180)/%pi;
+KC = KT+((I01*sin(((theta1+alpha1)*%pi)/180))/Is); //actual current ratio
+e = ((KN-KC)/KC)*100; //percentage ratio error in %
+b = (I01*cos((((theta1+alpha1)*%pi)/180)))/(KT*Is); //phase angle in radians
+b1 = b*(180/%pi);
+mprintf("percentage ratio error =%3.2f percentage ",e);
+mprintf("\nphase angle = %3.2f °",b1);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.19/Ex6_19.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.19/Ex6_19.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f63da90ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.19/Ex6_19.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+//chapter 6 example 19
+clear all;
+//variable declraration
+Ts = 200; //number of turns in secondary winding
+Tp = 1; //number of turns in primary winding
+Is = 5; //current in A
+Zs = (1.2+0.2)+(%i*(0.5+0.3)); //secondary impedance ‎Ω
+MMF = 100;
+Pi = 1.2; //iron loss in watts
+Ie = 50; //energy component of eddy current in A
+KT =Ts/Tp //turn ratio
+//Es = Is*Zs //secondary voltage in volts
+Im =MMF/Tp //magnetising current in A
+I0 = Im+%i*Ie //exciting current on primary side in A
+I01 =sqrt(((real(I0))^2)+((imag(I0))^2))
+alpha = atan(Ie/Im)
+alpha1 = (alpha*180)/%pi
+theta = atan(imag(Zs)/real(Zs))
+theta1 = (theta*180)/%pi
+Ip = (KT*Is)+(I01*sin(theta+alpha)) //primary current in A
+e = ((-I01*sin(((theta1+alpha1)*%pi)/180))/Ip)*100 //ratio error
+N = (I01*sin(((theta1+alpha1)*%pi)/180))/Is //number of secondary turns to be reduced
+mprintf("ratio error = %3.1f percentage",e);
+mprintf("\nnumber of secondary turns to be reduced = %3.0f ",N);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.2/Ex6_2.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.2/Ex6_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff969b20e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.2/Ex6_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//chapter 6 example 2
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Rm = 1; //instrument resistance in Ω
+Rse = 4999; //series resistance in Ω
+V = 250; //full-scale deflection voltage in V
+Rs = 4999; //Shunt resistance in Ω(Rs =1/(499))
+I1 = 50; //full-scale defelction current in A
+Rs1 = 1/(Rs);
+Im = V/(Rm+Rse); //full-scale deflection current in A
+I = Im*(1+(Rm/Rs1)); //current in A
+N = I1/(Im);
+Rsh = Rm/(N-1); //shunt resistance in Ω
+mprintf("full-scale defelction current in Im = %3.2f A",Im);
+mprintf("\ncurrent range of instrument when used as an ammeter with coil connected across shunt is I = %3.2f A",I);
+mprintf("\nShunt resistance for the instrument to give a full-scale deflection of 50A is Rsh = %3.4f Ω",Rsh);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.20/Ex6_20.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.20/Ex6_20.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..241d21cbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.20/Ex6_20.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+//chapter 6 example 20
+clear all;
+//variable declraration
+Ts = 300; //number of turns in secondary winding
+Tp = 3; //number of turns in primary winding
+Is = 5; //current in A
+Zs = (0.583)+%i*(0.25); //secondary impedance ‎Ω
+n1 =10;
+n2 =5;
+KT =Ts/Tp; //turn ratio
+Es = Is*Zs; //secondary voltage in volts
+Nm = n1*Es; //total magnetising amp-turns
+Ni =n2*Es; //total iron loss amp-turns
+Im =Nm/Tp; //magnetising componenet of exciting current in A
+Ie = Ni/Tp; //
+I0 = Im+%i*Ie; //exciting current on primary side in A
+I01 =sqrt(((real(I0))^2)+((imag(I0))^2))
+alpha = atan(Ie/Im); //energy component of exciting current in A
+alpha1 = (alpha*180)/%pi
+theta = atan(imag(Zs)/real(Zs));
+theta1 = (theta*180)/%pi
+x = sin(((theta1+alpha1)*%pi)/180)
+Ip = (KT*Is)+(I01*x); //primary current in A
+y = cos(((theta1+alpha1)*%pi)/180);
+b =(180/%pi)*((I01*y)/(KT*Is)); //phase angle
+mprintf("primary current = %3f. A",y);
+mprintf("\nphase angle = %3.3f ",b);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.21/Ex6_21.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.21/Ex6_21.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2ab474e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.21/Ex6_21.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+//Chapter 6 Example 21
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R = 25; //rate burden in VA
+Is = 5; //current in A
+r = 6; //Rs/Es ratio of resistance to reactance
+IL = 0.2; //iron loss in W
+Im = 1.5; //magnetising compnent of current in A
+KT = 100/5; //turn ratio
+Es = R/Is; // Secondary rated voltage in V
+Zs = Es/Is; //total secondary impedance in Ω
+theta = (atan(1/r))*180/%pi; //angle in °
+Zs1 = (Zs*cos(theta*%pi/180))+(Zs*sin(theta*%pi/180))*%i;
+Ie = KT*0.04; //energy component of exciting current on primary side
+r = (((Im*sin(theta*%pi/180))+(Ie*cos(theta*%pi/180)))/((KT*Is)+(Ie*cos(theta*%pi/180))+(Im*sin(theta*%pi/180))))*100; //percentage ratio error in %
+beta = (180/%pi)*(((Im*cos(theta*%pi/180))-(Ie*sin(theta*%pi/180)))/(KT*Is)); //phase angle erro in °
+mprintf("percentage ratio error = -%3.1f percentage",r);
+mprintf("\nphase angle error = %3.4f °",beta);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.22/Ex6_22.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.22/Ex6_22.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3795dce56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.22/Ex6_22.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+//Chapter 6 Example 22
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+r = 12.5; //rate burden in VA
+Is = 5' //secondary rated curret in A
+f = 50; //frequency in Hz
+L = 0.96*10^-3;
+Im = 16; //magnetising component of exciting current in A
+Ie = 12; //energy component of exciting current in A
+Is = 5; //secondary rated current in A
+KN = 1000/5; ///nominal ration
+KT = 196/1; //turn ratio
+Es = r/Is; //secondary rated voltage in V
+Zs = Es/Is; //secondary impedance in Ω
+Xs = 2*%pi*f*L; //secondary reactance in Ω
+theta = (asin(Xs/Zs))*180/%pi; //secondary circuit phase angle in °
+KC = KT+(((Ie*cos(theta*%pi/180))+(Im*sin(theta*%pi/180)))/Is);
+e = ((KN-KC)/KC)*100; //ratio error
+beta = (180/%pi)*(((Im*cos(theta*%pi/180))-(Ie*sin(theta*%pi/180)))/(KT*Is)); //phase angle erro in °
+mprintf("ratio error = %3.2f percentage ",e);
+mprintf("\nphase angle error = %3.2f °",beta);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.23/Ex6_23.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.23/Ex6_23.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e562b68d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.23/Ex6_23.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+//chapter 6 example 23
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+KT = 8; //turn ratio
+Ie = 0; //current in A
+I0 = 0.08;
+R1 = 1.5; //resistance in Ω
+R2 = 0.4; //resistance in Ω
+L1 =60*10^-3; //inductance in H
+L2 =0.7*10^-3; //inductance in H
+f = 50; //frequency in Hz
+phi = 0; //angle in °
+Im = 0.01*KT; //Im = 1% of primary current = 0.01*Ip = 0.01*KT*Is
+alpha =atan(Ie/Im); //phase angle in radians
+R = R1+R2; //resistance of burden Ω
+L = L1+L2; //inductance in H
+theta = (atan((2*%pi*f*L)/R)*%pi/180); //phase angle in °
+KC = KT+((I0*sin(theta+alpha))/Is);
+KC = KT+((0.08*Is*sin(theta+alpha))/Is);
+KC = KT+(0.08*sin(theta+alpha)); //actual current ratio
+b = (I0*cos(theta+phi))/(KT*Is);
+mprintf("actual current ratio = %3.1f ",KC);
+mprintf("\nphase angle error = %3.2d ",b);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.24/Ex6_24.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.24/Ex6_24.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a02c192fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.24/Ex6_24.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+//chapter 6 example 24
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+KT = 201; //turn ration
+Is = 5; //secondary current in A
+Im = 7; //magnetising component of exciting current in A
+Ie = 3; //cross-loss component of exciting current in A
+delta =0;
+Kn = 1000/5; //nominal ratio
+alpha =atan(Ie/Im); //angle in °
+alpha1 = (alpha*180)/%pi;
+theta = delta-(((acos(0.8))*180)/%pi); //from figure taken the value of gamma
+z = cos((theta*%pi)/180);
+z1 = sin(((theta)*%pi)/180);
+Kc = KT+(((Ie*z)+(Im*z1))/Is); //actual current in A
+e = ((Kn-Kc)/Kc)*100;//ratio error
+b =(180/%pi)*(((Im*z)-(Ie*z1))/(KT*Is));
+mprintf("ratio error = %3.3f percentage",e);
+mprintf("\nphase angle error = %3.3f °",b);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.25/Ex6_25.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.25/Ex6_25.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44422862b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.25/Ex6_25.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//chapter 6 example 25
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+KT = 201; //turn ration
+Ie = 3; //cross loss current in A
+Im = 7; //magnetising component of exciting current in A
+delta =0;
+theta = delta+(((acos(0.8))*180)/%pi); //from figure taken the value of gamma
+z = cos((theta*%pi)/180);
+z1 = sin(((theta)*%pi)/180);
+Kc = KT+(((Ie*z)+(Im*z1))/Is); //actual current in A
+e = ((Kn-Kc)/Kc)*100; //ratio error
+b =(180/%pi)*(((Im*z)-(Ie*z1))/(KT*Is));
+mprintf("ratio error = %3.3f percentage",e);
+mprintf("\nphase angle error = %3.4f °",b);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.26/Ex6_26.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.26/Ex6_26.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d15d7ff9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.26/Ex6_26.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+//chapter 6 example 26
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+KT = 199; //turn ration
+Is = 5; //secondary current in A
+Im = 7; //magnetising component of exciting current in A
+Ie = 4; //cross-loss component of exciting current in A
+delta =0;
+KN = 1000/5 //nominal ratio
+alpha =atan(Ie/Im) //angle in °
+alpha1 = (alpha*180)/%pi
+theta = delta+(((acos(0.8))*180)/%pi) //from figure taken the value of gamma
+z = cos((theta*%pi)/180)
+z1 = sin(((theta)*%pi)/180)
+Kc = KT+(((Ie*z)+(Im*z1))/Ie) //actual current in A
+e = ((Kn-Kc)/Kc)*100 //ratio error
+b =(180/%pi)*(((Im*z)-(Ie*z1))/(KT*Is))
+theta1 = delta-(((acos(0.8))*180)/%pi) //from figure taken the value of gamma
+z11 = cos((theta1*%pi)/180)
+z12 = sin(((theta1*%pi)/180))
+Kc1 = KT+(((Ie*z11)+(Im*z12))/Is) //actual current in A
+e1 = ((Kn-Kc1)/Kc1)*100 //ratio error
+b1 =(180/%pi)*(((Im*z11)-(Ie*z12))/(KT*Is))
+mprintf("ratio error = %3.2f percentage",e);
+mprintf("\nphase angle error = %3.1f °",b);
+mprintf("\nratio error = %3.2f percentage",e1);
+mprintf("\nphase angle error = %3.2f percentage°",b1);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.27/Ex6_27.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.27/Ex6_27.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82d173d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.27/Ex6_27.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//chapter 6 example 27
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+KT = 198; //turn ratio
+e =0; //ratio error
+Is = 5; // secondary current in A
+P = 5; //load in VA
+Rs = 0.02; //resistance in Ω
+KN = 200; //KN=KC since e=0
+KC = 200;
+V2 = P/Is; //secondary voltage in V
+Es = V2+(Is*Rs); //secondary induced emf in V
+Ep = Es/KT; //primary induced emf
+Ie = (KC-KT)*Is; //eddy current loss in A
+IL = Ep*Ie; //iron loss in W
+mprintf("iron loss = %3.3f mW",(IL*10^3));
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.28/Ex6_28.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.28/Ex6_28.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e82e9cf3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.28/Ex6_28.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+//Chapter 6 Example 28
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Vs = 100+0*%i; //secondary terminal voltage in V
+Rp = 97.5; //primary resistance in Ω
+Xp = 67.4; //primary reactance in Ω
+X1 = 110; // total equivalent reactance in Ω
+K =1000/100;
+//Es = Vs+(Is*(Rs+Xs*%i);
+Es = Vs;
+Ep = 10*(100+0*%i); //induced emf in primary winding in V
+I0 = 0.02*(0.4-0.9165*%i); //no load current in A
+Zp = Rp+Xp*%i;
+Vd = I0*Zp;
+Vp = Ep+Vd;
+beta = (atan((imag(Vp))/real(Vp)))*180/%pi; //phase angle between primary and secondary voltage in °
+Xs1 = X1-Xp; //reactance of secondary winding in Ω
+//Es = Vs+(Is*Zs); //induced emf in secondary winding
+//IP = (Is/10)+I0;
+//V = Ip*Zp = (IS/10)+0.008-0.01833*i
+//V = (9.75*Is)+2.015)-((1.2478-6.74*Is)*%i).....equation 1
+//Vp = K*(ES+IP*ZP)
+//VP =(1002.015+18.35*%i)-(1.2478-11*Is)*%i....equation 2
+//comparing equation 1 and 2 we get
+//1.2478-11*Is =0;
+Is = 1.2478/11; //secondary current in A
+v = Vs*Is;
+mprintf("phase angle between primary and secondary voltage = %3.2f ° lagging",beta);
+mprintf("\nvolt ampere rating for zero phase angle = %3.2f",v);
+mprintf("\nnote:Is values is taken as 0.114 wchich is approximate when answer is 0.1134");
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.29/Ex6_29.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.29/Ex6_29.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef0c21455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.29/Ex6_29.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+//Chapter 6 Example 29
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Vs = 63+0*%i; //secondary terminal voltage in V
+Zs1 = 2+1*%i; //equivalent mpedance referred to prmary in Ω
+Zb = 100+200*%i; //secondary burden in Ω
+KN =60.5;
+KT = 3810/63; //turn ratio
+Ep = KT*Vs; //primary induced emf in V
+Zp1 = (KT^2)*Zs1; //equivalent impedance
+Zs12 = sqrt(((real(Zp1))^2)+((imag(Zp1))^2));
+Is = Vs/Zb; //secondary current in A
+Is1 = sqrt(((real(Is))^2)+((imag(Is))^2));
+Ip = Is/KT; //primary current in A
+Ip1 = sqrt(((real(Ip))^2)+((imag(Ip))^2));
+Vp = Ep+(Ip*Zp1); //applied voltage to primary in V
+Vp1 = sqrt(((real(Vp))^2)+((imag(Vp))^2));
+beta = (atan((imag(Vp))/real(Vp)))*180/%pi; //phase angle error in °
+e = (((KN*Vs)-Vp)/Vp)*100; //ratio error in percentage
+//beta = (atan((imag(Zp1))/real(Zp1)))*180/%pi;
+mprintf("phase angle error = %3.2f °",beta);
+mprintf("ratio error = %3.1f percentage ",e);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.3/Ex6_3.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.3/Ex6_3.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07b5c8a15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.3/Ex6_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//chapter 6 example 3
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Rm = 10; //instrument resistance in Ω
+Im = 0.05; //full scale defelection current in A
+I =100; //current to be measured in A
+V = 750; //voltage to be measured in V
+R = (V/(Im))-Rm; //series resistance in Ω
+N = I/(Im); //power of shunt
+Rs = Rm/(N-1); //resistance in Ω
+mprintf("resistance to be connected in series to enable the instrument to measure current upto 1A is %3.5f Ω",R);
+mprintf("\nshunt resistance required for full-scale defelction with 10v is %3.4f Ω",Rs);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.4/Ex6_4.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.4/Ex6_4.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d4882412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.4/Ex6_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//chapter 6 example 4
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Rm = 5; //instrument resistance in Ω
+Im = 15*10^-3; //full scale defelection current in A
+I =1; //current to be measured in A
+V = 10; //voltage to be measured in V
+N = I/(Im); //power of shunt
+Rs = Rm/(N-1); //resistance in Ω
+R = (V/(Im))-Rm; //series resistance in Ω
+mprintf("resistance to be connected in parallel to enable the instrument to measure current upto 1A is %3.5f Ω",Rs);
+mprintf("\nshunt resistance required for full-scale defelction with 10v is %3.4f Ω",R);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.5/Ex6_5.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.5/Ex6_5.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4643bc66c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.5/Ex6_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+//chapter 6 example 5
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Rm = 2; //instrument coil resistance in Ω
+V = 250; //full-scale reading in V
+Rs = 5000; //series resistance in Ω
+Rsh = 2*10^-3; //shunt resistance in Ω
+Im = V/((Rm+Rs)); //current flowing through the instrument for full-scale deflection in A
+Is = (Im*Rm)/(Rsh); //current through shunt resistance in A
+I = Im+Is; //current range of instrument in A
+mprintf("current flowing through the instrument for full-scale deflection is %3.5fA",Im);
+mprintf("\ncurrent through shunt resistance is %3.2f A",Is);
+mprintf("\ncurrent range of instrumentis %3.1f A",I);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.6/Ex6_6.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.6/Ex6_6.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c831c704d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.6/Ex6_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+//chapter 6 example 6
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Rsh = 0.02; //shunt resistance in Ω
+V = 0.5; //potential difference across the shunt in V
+Rm = 1000; //resistance in Ω
+I1 = 10; //current in A
+I2 = 75; //current in A
+I = 100; //current in A
+x = 40; //deflection %
+Is = V/(Rs); //current through shunt in A
+Im = V/(Rm); //current through ammeter for full-scale defelction in A
+V1 = I1*Rsh; //voltage across shunt for 10A in V
+R1 = V1/(Im); //resistance for the ammeter for a current of 10 A for full-scale defelction in Ω
+V2 = I2*Rsh; //voltage across shunt for 75A in V
+R2 = V2/(Im); //resistance for the ammeter for a current of 75 A for full-scale defelction in Ω
+I3 = I*(100/(x)); //full-scale defelction current when 100 A gives 40% defelction
+V3 = I3*Rsh; //voltage across shunt for 250 A in V
+R3 = V3/(Im); //resistance for the ammeter for a current of 250 A for full-scale defelction in Ω
+mprintf("current through ammeter for full-scale defelction is %3.2f mA",(Im*10^3));
+mprintf("\nResistance for the ammeter for a current of 10 A for full-scale defelction is %3.2f Ω",R1);
+mprintf("\nResistance for the ammeter for a current of 75 A for full-scale defelction is %3.2f Ω",R2);
+mprintf("\nResistance for the ammeter for a current of 250 A for full-scale defelction is %3.2f Ω",R3);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.7/Ex6_7.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.7/Ex6_7.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc6fa14bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.7/Ex6_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//chapter 6 example 7
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+B = 0.5; //flux density of the magnetic field in Wb/m**2
+N = 100; //number of turns in coil
+l = 0.04; //length in m
+r =0.03; //width in m
+Tc = 120*10^-6; //controlling torque in N-m
+v = 1; //volts per division in V
+n = 100; //number of division on full-scale
+Rm = 0;
+x =B*N*l*r;
+I = Tc/(x); //current for full-scale deflection in A
+V = n*v; //full-scale reading of instrument in V
+R = (V/(I))-(Rm); //External resistance required to be put in series with the coil in Ω
+mprintf("current for full-scale deflection is %3.3f A",I);
+mprintf("\nExternal resistance required to be put in series with the coil is %3.2f Ω",R);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.8/Ex6_8.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.8/Ex6_8.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb2005137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.8/Ex6_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//chapter 6 example 8
+clc;clear all;
+//variable decalaration
+Rm = 5; //coil resistance in Ω
+Rm1 = 0.00075; //coil resistance in Ω
+Im = 0.015; //full-scale defelction current in A
+I = 100; //current to be measured in A
+T1 = 0.004; //temperature coeficient of copper in Ω/Ω/°C
+T2 = 0.00015; //temperature coeficient of manganin in Ω/Ω/°C
+T =10; //rise in temperature in °C
+N = I/(Im); //multiplying power of shunt
+Rs = Rm/(N-1); //resistance of manganin shunt in Ω
+Rc = Rm*(1+(T1*T)); //coil resitance with 10°C in temperature in Ω
+Rsh = Rm1*(1+(T2*T)); //shunt resitance with 10°C in temperature in Ω
+In = (Rsh/((Rc+Rsh)))*100; //new instrument current in A
+r = (In/(Im))*100; //new instrument reading in A
+e = ((r-I)/(I))*100; //percentage error in %
+mprintf('percentage error %3.3f percentage",e);
diff --git a/3871/CH6/EX6.9/Ex6_9.sce b/3871/CH6/EX6.9/Ex6_9.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c7e59fa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH6/EX6.9/Ex6_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//chapter 6 example 9
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Rm = 25; //instrument resistance in Ω
+V = 25*10^-3; //full-scale deflection voltage in V
+V1 = 10; //voltage to be measured in V
+t = 10;
+alphac = 0.004;
+alpham = 0.00015;
+Im = V/(Rm); //full-scale deflection in mA
+R = (V1/(Im))-Rm; //external resistance in Ω
+Rt = Rm+R;
+Rm1 = Rm*(1+(alphac*t)); //instrument resistance with 10°C rise in temperature in Ω
+R1 = R*(1+(alpham*t)); //series resistance with 10°C rise in temperature in Ω
+R2 = Rm1+R1; //total resistance in the voltmeter circuit in Ω
+V2 = V1*(Rt/(R2)); //reading of voltmeter at 10°C rise in temerature in V
+er = ((V2-V1)/(V1))*100; //percentage error in %
+mprintf('percentage error = %3.2f percentage",er);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.1/Ex7_1.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.1/Ex7_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e884ff9ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.1/Ex7_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//chapter 7 example 1
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+P = 250; //wattmeter reading in watts
+Rp = 2000; //pressure coil circuit resistance in Ω
+VL = 200; //load voltage in V
+p = (VL^2)/Rp; //power lost in pressure coil in watts
+P1 = P-p; //power lost in the pressure coil circuit in watts
+mprintf("power lost in the pressure coil circuit = %3.2f watts",P1);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.10/Ex7_10.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.10/Ex7_10.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6cea02795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.10/Ex7_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//chapter 7 example 10
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V1 = 200; //voltage across an inductive load in volts
+V2 = 180; //voltage across an nono- inductive resistor in volts
+V3 = 300; //voltage across the two in series in volts
+x = ((V3^2)-(V1^2)-(V2^2))/(2*V1*V2); //cos(phi)
+mprintf("power factor cos (phi) = %3.3f lagging",x);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.11/Ex7_11.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.11/Ex7_11.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c3339acdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.11/Ex7_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//chapter 7 example 11
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+I1 = 2.5; //current across an inductive load in A
+I2 = 2.4; //current across an non- inductive resistor in A
+I3 = 4.5; //current across the two in series in A
+V = 250; //supply voltage in V
+R = V/I2; // non- inductive resistance in Ω
+P = ((I3^2)-(I1^2)-(I2^2))*(R/2); //power absorbed by the load in watts
+Z = V/I1; //load impedance in Ω
+x = ((I3^2)-(I1^2)-(I2^2))/(2*I1*I2); //cos(phi)
+mprintf("power absorbed by the load = %3.2f watts",P);
+mprintf("\nload impedance = %3.2f Ω",Z);
+mprintf("\npower factor cos (phi) = %3.4f lagging",x);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.12/Ex7_12.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.12/Ex7_12.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..25780fcc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.12/Ex7_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//chapter 7 example 12
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V1 = 6600; //primary voltage in V
+V2 = 110; //secondary voltage in V
+I1 = 50; //primary current in A
+I2 = 5; //secondary voltage in A
+r = V1/V2; //hence transformation ratio of PT
+r1 = I1/I2; //transformation ratio of CT
+mprintf("transformation ratio of CT = %3.2f ",r1);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.13/Ex7_13.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.13/Ex7_13.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cfbb55f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.13/Ex7_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//chapter 7 example 13
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+m = 10; //wattmeter multiplying factor
+x = 100/5; //CT ratio
+y = 1000/100; //PT ratio
+W = x*y*m; //new multiplying factor of wattmeter
+mprintf("new multiplying factor of wattmeter = %3.2f",W);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.14/Ex7_14.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.14/Ex7_14.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c7e5b9d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.14/Ex7_14.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+//chapter 7 example 14
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V = 6000; //load voltage in V
+I = 100; //load current in A
+p = 0.5; //power factor cos(phi) lagging
+theta = 0; //since wattmeter reads correctly
+x1 = 20; // current transformers nominal ratio
+x2 = 60; // potenetial transformers nominal ratio
+e1 =-0.005; // ration error
+e2 = 0.01; // ratio error
+P = V*I*p; //actual power consumed in W
+phi =acos(p);
+phi1 = (phi*180)/%pi;
+d = -1; //phase angle in °
+b = 2; //phase angle in °
+g = phi1+d-theta1-b; //phase angle in °
+theta1 =theta*180/%pi
+g1 = g*180/%pi;
+A =cos(phi1)
+K = (cos(phi1*%pi/180))/((cos(theta1*%pi/180))*(cos(g*%pi/180)));
+CT = x1*(1+e1); //actual transformation ratio of CT
+PT = x2*(1+e2); //actual transformation ratio of PT
+P1 = P/(K*CT*PT); //power indicated by wattmeter in kW
+T = P/(x1*x2); //true reading of wattmeter in kW
+e = ((P1-T)/T)*100; //percentage errror in %
+mprintf("phase angle between the currents in CC and PC of wattmeter %3.2f ° ",K);
+mprintf("\npercentage error = %3.0f percentage ",e);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.15/Ex7_15.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.15/Ex7_15.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0686bcc01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.15/Ex7_15.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+//chapter 7 example 15
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+W1 = 300; //wattmeter reading in kW
+W2 = 100; //wattmeter reading in kW
+P = W1+W2; //input power in kW
+phi = atan(((W1-W2)/(W1+W2))*sqrt(3)); //phase angle in radians
+phi1 = (phi*180)/%pi;
+pf =cos((phi1*%pi)/180); //power factor lagging
+mprintf("input power = %3.2f kW",P);
+mprintf("power factor = %3.3f lagging",pf);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.16/Ex7_16.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.16/Ex7_16.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..750409d15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.16/Ex7_16.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+//chapter 7 example 16
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+W1 = 20; //wattmeter reading in kW
+W2 = -5; //wattmeter reading in kW
+P = W1+W2; //input power in kW
+phi = atan(((W1-W2)/(W1+W2))*sqrt(3)); //phase angle in °
+pf =cos(phi); //power factor lagging
+mprintf("input power = %3.2f kW",P);
+mprintf("\npower factor = %3.4f lagging",pf);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.17/Ex7_17.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.17/Ex7_17.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..015e0dbea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.17/Ex7_17.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+//chapter 7 example 17
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+P = 30000; //total power in kW
+pf = 0.4; //power factor assuming lagging
+phi = acos(pf); //phase angle in radians
+phi1 = (phi*180)/%pi;
+y = sqrt(3);
+z =y*pf;
+x = P/(y*pf); //VL*IL in VA
+//W = VL*IL*cos(30-phi)
+//VL*IL = x;
+W1 = x*cos((30*%pi/180)-(phi1*%pi/180)); //reading of wattemeter in W
+W2 = x*cos((30*%pi/180)+(phi1*%pi/180)); //reading of wattemeter in W
+mprintf("reading of wattemeter %3.2f W %3.0f W",W1,W2);
+mprintf("\nNote:x value is taken approximate value,so the w1 and w2 differing ")
+mprintf("\nif power factor is leading the readings of wattmeters interchange ");
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.18/Ex7_18.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.18/Ex7_18.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..708fd5d8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.18/Ex7_18.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//chapter 7 example 18
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+VL =400; //voltage in V
+IL = 10; //current in A
+//r = W1/W2
+//tan(phi) = sqrt(3)*((W1-W2)/(W1+W2))
+//tan(phi) = sqrt(3)*((1-(W2/W1))/(1+(W2/W1)))
+//tan(phi) = sqrt(3)*((1-r)/(1+r))
+//cos(phi) = 1/sec(phi) = 1/sqrt(1+(tan(phi)^2) = 1/sqrt(1+(3*((1-r)/(1+r))^2)
+r = 0.5;
+z = ((1-r)/(1+r))^2;
+pf = 1/sqrt(1+(3*z));
+phi = (acos(pf)*180/%pi);
+W1 = VL*IL*cos((30*%pi/180)-(phi*%pi/180)); //wattmeter reading in W
+W2 = VL*IL*cos((30*%pi/180)+(phi*%pi/180)); //wattmeter reading in W
+mprintf("wattmeter reading = %3.2f W", W1);
+mprintf("\nwattmeter reading = %3.2f W",W2);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.19/Ex7_19.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.19/Ex7_19.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..101477de1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.19/Ex7_19.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//chapter 7 example 19
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+W1 = 3000; //wattmeter reading in W
+W2 = 1000; //wattmeter reading in W
+f = 50; //frequency in HZ
+V = 400; //voltage in V
+VP = V/sqrt(3); //voltage in V
+P = W1+W2; //input power in kW
+phi = atan(((W1-W2)/(W1+W2))*sqrt(3)); //phase angle in radians
+phi1 = phi*180/%pi; //phase angle in degrees
+pf =cos(phi1*%pi/180); //power factor lagging
+IL = P/((sqrt(3))*V*pf); //line current in A
+ZP =VP/IL; //impedance of the circuit per phase in Ω
+R = ZP*pf; //resistance per phase Ω
+XL = sqrt((ZP^2 )-(R^2)); //reactance per phase in Ω
+L = XL/(2*%pi*f); //inducatance per phase in H
+mprintf("resistance per phase = %3.2f Ω",R);
+mprintf("\ninducatance per phase in = %3.3f H",L);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.2/Ex7_2.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.2/Ex7_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1abd4fcb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.2/Ex7_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+//chapter 7 example 2
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+x = 0.004;
+y = 0.707; //power factor lagging
+y1 = 0.5; //power factor lagging
+theta = atan(x) //theta in degrees
+a = cos(theta)
+b = sin(theta)
+phi = acos(y)
+c = cos(phi)/(a*cos(theta-phi)) //correction factor
+A = cos(phi)/sin(phi);
+e = (b/(A+b))*100 //percentage error in %
+phi1 = acos(y1)
+c1 = cos(phi1)/(a*cos(theta-phi1)) //correction factor
+B = cos(phi1)/sin(phi1);
+e1 = (b/(B+b))*100 //percentage error in %
+mprintf("correction factor when 0.707 pf lagging = %3.3f",c);
+mprintf("\npercentage error =%3.2f percentage ",e);
+mprintf("\ncorrection factor when 0.707 pf lagging = %3.3f",c1);
+mprintf("\npercentage error =%3.1f percentage ",e1)
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.20/Ex7_20.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.20/Ex7_20.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80a8cbd43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.20/Ex7_20.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//chapter 7 example 20
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+IPR = 8; //current in line R in A
+IPY = 10; //current in line Y in A
+IPB = 6; //current in line B in A
+VP =120; //voltage in V
+pf = 1; //power factor
+W1 = VP*IPR*pf; //wattage shown by wattmeter having current coil in line R in watts
+W2 = VP*IPY*pf; //wattage shown by wattmeter having current coil in line Y in watts
+W3 = VP*IPB*pf; //wattage shown by wattmeter having current coil in line B in watts
+p = W1+W2+W3; //power taken by lighting load in watts
+mprintf("wattage shown by wattmeter having current coil in line R = %3.2f watts",W1);
+mprintf("\nwattage shown by wattmeter having current coil in line Y = %3.2f watts",W2);
+mprintf("\nwattage shown by wattmeter having current coil in line B = %3.2f watts",W3);
+mprintf("\npower taken by lighting load = %3.2f watts",p);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.21/Ex7_21.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.21/Ex7_21.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..121a5b0e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.21/Ex7_21.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//chapter 7 example 21
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R = 10; //resistance in Ω
+XL = 10; //reactance in Ω
+VL = 440; //load voltage in V
+Z = sqrt((R^2)+(XL^2)); //impedance of each choking coil in Ω
+VP = VL/sqrt(3); //phase voltage in V
+IP = VP/Z; //phase current in A
+IL = IP; //line current in A
+phi = atan(XL/R); //phase angle in °
+phi1 = phi*180/%pi;
+W1 = VL*IL*cos((30*%pi/180)-(phi1*%pi/180)); //wattmeter reading in W
+W2 = VL*IL*cos((30*%pi/180)+(phi1*%pi/180)); //wattmeter reading in W
+mprintf("line current = %3.2f A",IL);
+mprintf("\nwattmeter reading = %3.2f W",W1);
+mprintf("\nwattmeter reading = %3.2f W",W2);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.22/Ex7_22.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.22/Ex7_22.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..87b6dd3c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.22/Ex7_22.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+//chapter 7 example 22
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+W1 = 5000; //wattmeter reading in W
+W2 = -1000; //wattmeter reading in W
+VL = 440; //load voltage in V
+f = 50; //frequency in Hz
+VP = 440;
+P = W1+W2; //total power in the load circuit in W
+phi = atan(((W1-W2)/(W1+W2))*sqrt(3)); //phase angle in °
+phi1 = phi*180/%pi;
+pf = cos(phi); //power factor
+IP = P/((sqrt(3)*VL*pf)); //load current per phase in A
+IP1 = IP/sqrt(3);
+ZP = VP/IP1; //load impedance per phase
+RP = ZP*pf; //load resistance per phase in Ω
+XP =ZP*sin(phi); //load reactance per phase in Ω
+pf1 = 0.5; //power factor
+phi2 = (acos(pf1))*180/%pi;
+//reading of wattmeter will be zero
+XP1 = RP*tan((phi2)*%pi/180); //reactnace in circuit per phase in Ω
+XC =XP-XP1; //value of capacitive reactance in troduced in each phase in Ω
+C = 1/(2*%pi*f*XC); //value of capacitive reactance introduced in each phase of delta connected in uF
+mprintf("value of capacitive reactance introduced in each phase of delta connected = %3.0f uF",(C*10^6));
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.23/Ex7_23.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.23/Ex7_23.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ec29ab83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.23/Ex7_23.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+//chapter 7 example 23
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+VAB1 = 400+0*%i; //voltage in V
+VBC1 = -200-346.41*%i; //voltage in V
+VCA1 = -200+346.41*%i; //voltage in V
+VAB =400;
+VBC = 400;
+VCA = 400;
+TVAB = 0;
+TVBC = -120;
+TVCA =120;
+PAB = 20000; //Wwattmetr readig VA
+PBC = 30000; //Wwattmetr readig VA
+PCA = 20000; //Wwattmetr readig VA
+IAB = PAB/VAB; //magnitude of IABC
+IBC = PBC/VAB; //magnitude of IABC
+ICA = PCA/VAB; //magnitude of IABC
+c1 = 0;
+c2 = (acos(0.8)*180/%pi);
+c3 = -(acos(0.6)*180/%pi);
+angle1 = c1-TVAB;
+angle2 = c2-TVBC;
+angle3 = c3-TVCA;
+IAB1 = (IAB*cos(angle1))+(IAB*sin(angle1))*%i;
+IBC1 = (IBC*cos(angle2*%pi/180))+(IBC*sin(-angle2*%pi/180))*%i;
+ICA1 = (ICA*cos(angle3*%pi/180))+(ICA*sin(-angle3*%pi/180))*%i;
+IA = IAB1-ICA1;
+IB = IBC1-IAB1;
+IC = ICA1-IBC1;
+W1 = -(VBC1)*IA;
+W2 = VCA1*IB;
+mprintf("line current IA = %3.2f %3.2f *j A",real(IA),imag(IA));
+mprintf("\nline current IA = %3.2f%3.2f*j A",real(IB),imag(IB));
+mprintf("\nline current IA = %3.2f + %3.2f*j A",real(IC),imag(IC));
+mprintf("\nreading of wattmeter W1 = %3.2f W",W1);
+mprintf("\nreading of wattmeter W2 = %3.2f W",W2);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.24/Ex7_24.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.24/Ex7_24.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f378291f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.24/Ex7_24.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//chapter 7 example 24
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+W1 = 2000; //reading of wattmeter in watts
+W2 = 1000; //reading of wattmeter in watts
+Q = sqrt(3)*(W1-W2); //reactive power of the network in V A
+P = Q/(sqrt(3)); //wattmeter reading when current coil is connected in one phase and the potential coil across the two phases in VA
+mprintf("Wattmeter reading = %3.2f reactive volt amperes",P);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.25/Ex7_25.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.25/Ex7_25.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f1a39531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.25/Ex7_25.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//chapter 7 example 25
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+VL = 415; //voltage in V
+IL = 20; //current in A
+pf = 0.8; //phase angle
+phi =acos(pf) //phase angle in °
+phi1 = (phi*180)/%pi
+x = cos((30-phi1)*%pi/180)
+W1 = VL*IL*x //wattmeter reading in W
+W2 = VL*IL*cos((30+phi1)*%pi/180) //wattmeter reading in W
+//total KVAR = sqrt(3))*(W1-W2)
+// W = totalKVAR/sqrt(3)
+//W = (sqrt(3))*(W1-W2))/sqrt(3); //wattmeter reading
+W = W1-W2 //wattmeter reading
+mprintf("reading on wattmeter 1 = %3.2d W",W1);
+mprintf("\nreading on wattmeter 2 = %3.2d W",W2);
+mprintf("\nreading on wattmeter = %3.2f W",W);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.3/Ex7_3.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.3/Ex7_3.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b30c19bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.3/Ex7_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+//chapter 7 example 3
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V = 240; //voltage in V
+I = 8; //current in A
+x = 0.1; //pf lagging
+Rp = 8000; //resistance in Ω
+f = 50; //frequency in Hz
+L = 63.6*10^-3 //inductance
+phi = acos(x);
+phi1 =(phi*180)/%pi;
+P = V*I*x; //load power
+Pl = (V^2)/Rp; //power lost in the pressure coil circuit in watts
+Pt = P+Pl; //neglecting inductance of the voltage coil the reading of wattmeter would be in watts
+Xp = 2*%pi*f*L; //reactance in Ω
+theta = atan(Xp/Rp);
+theta1 = (theta*180)/%pi;
+A = cos(theta1);
+B =cos(phi1-theta1);
+C = cos(phi1);
+w = Pt*(A)*(B/C); //wattmeter reading
+e = ((w-P)/P)*100; //percentage error in %
+mprintf("phi value in textbook is taken wrong correct is 84°.16 but value is 84°.26 so textbook answer is coming wrong")
+mprintf("\npercentage error in %3.2f percentage ",e);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.4/Ex7_4.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.4/Ex7_4.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..beb6261cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.4/Ex7_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+//chapter 7 example 4
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+w = 23; //wattmeter reading in watts
+Rp = 2000; //resistance in Ω
+f = 100; //frequency in Hz
+L = 10*10^-3 //inductance
+V = 240; //voltage in V
+I = 4.5; //current in A
+Xp = 2*%pi*f*L; //reactance in Ω
+theta = atan(Xp/Rp);
+theta1 =(theta*180)/(%pi)
+//phi = acos(P/V*I)
+//w = Pt*(cos(theta))*(cos(phi-theta))/cos(phi); //wattmeter reading
+W1 = V*I; //V*I in watts
+//phi = acos(P/W) = acos(P/1080)
+//W = P*cos(theta)*(cos(phi-theta))/cos(phi)
+//W =23 =P*cos(0.18)*cos((acos(P/1080))-0.18)/(P/V*I)
+//let cos(acos(P/1080)-0.18) =A
+//B = cos(0.18)
+//W=23 = (P*B*A)/(P/(V*I))
+// W= B*A*V*I
+//A = W/(B*V*I)
+B = cos((theta1*%pi)/180);
+A = w/(B*V*I);
+//cos(acos(P/1080)-0.18) =A
+//C =acos(P/1080) = acos(A)+0.18
+A1 =(acos(A))*(180/%pi);
+C = A1+0.18
+D = cos(C*%pi/180)
+P =1080*D;
+e = ((w-P)/P)*100; //percentage error in %
+mprintf("percentage error in %3.2f percentage ",e);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.5/Ex7_5.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.5/Ex7_5.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a5ba78d77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.5/Ex7_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+//chapter 7 example 5
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+f = 50; //frequency in Hz
+L = 5*10^-3 //inductance
+V = 100; //voltage in V
+I = 10; //current in A
+R1 = 3000; //resistance in Ω
+x = ((2*%pi*f*L)/R1); //tan(theta)
+theta = atan(x); //the angle by which the current in pressure coil lags behind the voltage
+//W = V*I*sin(90+theta) = V*I*cos(theta) = V*I*tan(theta)
+//W=V*I*theta //since theta is small
+W = V*I*x; //reading of wattmeter in watt
+mprintf("error = %3.2f watts",W);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.6/Ex7_6.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.6/Ex7_6.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c6825183
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.6/Ex7_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+//chapter 7 example 6
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+RL = 2; //resistance in Ω
+f =50; //frequency in Hz
+L = 0.25; //inductance in H
+V = 200; //voltage in V
+LP = 5.6*10^-3; //inductance in H
+RP =1000;
+XL = 2*%pi*f*L; //load reactance in Ω
+ZL = RL+XL*%i; //load impedance
+IL = V/ZL; //load current in A
+XLP = 2*%pi*f*LP; //reactance in Ω
+ZP = RP+XLP*%i; //pressure coil circuit impedance in Ω
+IP = V/ZP; //pressure coil current in A
+theta = (atan(imag(IP)/real(IP)))*180/%pi;
+Ic = IL+IP;
+Ic1 = sqrt(((imag(Ic))^2)+((real(Ic))^2))
+phi = (atan(imag(Ic)/real(Ic)))*180/%pi;
+A = (phi-theta);
+x = cos((A*%pi)/180);
+y =cos((theta*%pi)/180);
+W = V*Ic1*y*x; //actual reading of wattmeter in watts
+mprintf("actual reading of wattmeter = %3.4f watts",W);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.7/Ex7_7.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.7/Ex7_7.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2c868146
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.7/Ex7_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//chapter 7 example 7
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V = 250; //load voltage in V
+I = 12; //load current in A
+Rc = 0.1; //resistance in Ω
+Rp =6500; //resistance in Ω
+x = 1; //pf cos(phi)
+y = 0.4; //pf cos(phi)
+P = V*I*x; //power input to the apparatus in W
+PL = (I^2)*Rc; //power lost in current coil in W
+e = (PL/P)*100; //percentage error in %
+Pc = (V^2)/Rp; //power lost in presuure coil in W
+e = (Pc/P)*100; //percentage error in %
+P1 = V*I*y; //power input to the apparatus in W
+PL1 = (I^2)*Rc; //power lost in current coil in W
+e1 = (PL1/P1)*100; //percentage error in %
+Pc1 = (V^2)/Rp; //power lost in presuure coil in W
+e1 = (Pc1/P1)*100; //percentage error in %
+mprintf("percentage error when pf 1 lagging %3.2f percentage",e);
+mprintf("\npercentage error when pf 0.4 lagging %3.2f percentage",e1);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.8/Ex7_8.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.8/Ex7_8.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7746901c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.8/Ex7_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ //============================================================================
+//Chapter 7 Example 8
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+theta1 =1; //pressure coil phase angle in °
+theta2 =2; //pressure coil phase angle in °
+P1 = 700; //wattmeter reading in W
+P2 = 620; //wattmeter reading in W
+V = 240; //voltage in V
+x = P1/P2;
+//P1 =P*cos(theta2)*cos(phi-theta2)/cos(phi)
+//P2 = P*cos(theta1)*cos(phi-theta1)/cos(phi)
+//P1/P2 = cos(theta2)*cos(phi-theta2)/cos(phi)/cos(theta1)*cos(phi-theta1)/cos(phi)
+//x = cos(theta2)*cos(phi-theta2)/cos(phi)/cos(theta1)*cos(phi-theta1)/cos(phi)
+//x = (cos(theta2)/cos(theta1))*(cos(phi-theta2)/cos(phi-theta1))
+//x = y*(cos(phi-theta2)/cos(phi-theta1))
+//(cos(phi-theta2)/cos(phi-theta1)) = x/y
+y = (cos(theta2*%pi/180)/cos(theta1*%pi/180));
+z = x/y;
+//(cos(phi-theta2)/cos(phi-theta1)) = ((cos(thet2*%pi/180))*cos(phi))+(sin(thet2*%pi/180))*sin(phi))/((cos(theta1*%pi/180))*cos(phi))+(sin(thet1*%pi/180))*sin(phi))
+//z = ((cos(thet2*%pi/180))*cos(phi))+(sin(thet2*%pi/180))*sin(phi))/((cos(theta1*%pi/180))*cos(phi))+(sin(thet1*%pi/180))*sin(phi))
+t = ((z*cos(theta1*%pi/180))-(cos(theta2*%pi/180)))/((sin(theta2*%pi/180))-(z*sin(theta1*%pi/180)));
+phi = (atan(t))*180/%pi;
+pf = cos(phi*%pi/180);
+C = (phi-theta2)
+c = cos(C*%pi/180);
+a = (cos(theta2*%pi/180));
+b = a*c;
+B = P1*pf;
+P = B/b;
+I = P/(V*pf);
+mprintf("actual power = %3.3f W",P);
+mprintf("\ncurrent drawn = %3.2f A",I);
diff --git a/3871/CH7/EX7.9/Ex7_9.sce b/3871/CH7/EX7.9/Ex7_9.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..97da88e05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH7/EX7.9/Ex7_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+//chapter 7 example 9
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Np = 500; //number of turns on moving coil
+Ip = 0.05; //current through moving coil in A
+B = 0.012; // flux density in the air gap in T
+d = 0.03; //diameter in m
+theta1 = 30;
+theta2 = 90;
+x = 0.866; //power factor cos(phi)
+A = (%pi/4)*(d^2); //area of x-section of moving coilin m^2
+phimax = B*A; //maximum flux through moving coil in Wb
+//Mmax = (phimax*Np)/Ic
+//Mmax*Ic = X = phimax*Np
+X = (phimax*Np);
+//T = Ip*Ic*Mmax*cos(phi)*sin(theta)
+//T = Ip*Ic*(X/Ic)*cos(phi)*sin(theta)
+//T = Ip*(X)*cos(phi)*sin(theta)
+T1 = Ip*X*x*sin(theta1*%pi/180);
+T2 = Ip*X*x*sin(theta2*%pi/180);
+mprintf("torque in when 30° = %3.4e N-m",T1);
+mprintf("\ntorque in when 90° = %3.4e N-m",T2);
diff --git a/3871/CH8/EX8.1/Ex8_1.sce b/3871/CH8/EX8.1/Ex8_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dfbcea5c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH8/EX8.1/Ex8_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//chapter 8 example 1
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+P = 360; //power in W
+t = 100; //time in seconds
+n = 10; //revolutions
+E = (P*(t/(3600)))/(1000); //energy consumed in kWh
+M = n/(E); //meter constant in revolutions/KWh
+mprintf("meter constant in revolutions/KWh = %3.2f ",M);
diff --git a/3871/CH8/EX8.10/Ex8_10.sce b/3871/CH8/EX8.10/Ex8_10.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d264b82df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH8/EX8.10/Ex8_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//chapter 8 example 10
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V = 230; //voltage in V
+I = 10; //current in A
+T = 30; //time in minutes
+x =0.8; //power factor
+n = 890; //number of revolutions made
+M = 1200; //meter constant in revolutions per kWh
+E = 58.25; //dial reading at the end of test
+E1 = 57.35; //dial reading at the start of test
+Ea = (V*I*(T/(60))*x)/(1000); //Energy consumed 1 minute
+Em = E-E1; //energy consumption recorded by the meter in kWh
+e = Em-Ea; //error in registration in kWh
+N = M*Em; //actual revolutions required to be made by the meter for an energy consumption of 0.90kWh
+e = (n-N)/(T); //error in rpm
+mprintf("error = %3.2f rpm",e);
diff --git a/3871/CH8/EX8.11/Ex8_11.sce b/3871/CH8/EX8.11/Ex8_11.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9dab573f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH8/EX8.11/Ex8_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//chapter 8 example 11
+clc;clear all;
+ //variable declaration
+V = 230; //voltage in volts
+I = 4; //current in A
+I1 = 5; //current in A
+cosphi = 1; //power factor
+h = 6; //hours
+R = 2208; //revolutios made by meter
+R1 = 1472; //revolutios made by meter
+E1 = 400; //energy consumption
+h1 =4;
+E = (V*I*cosphi*h)/(1000); //energy consumption in kWh
+M = R/(E); //meter constant in rev/kWh
+cosphi2 = (R1/(E1)*(1000/(V*I1*h1))); //power factor of the load is cosphi2 for second measuremnet
+mprintf("meter constant = %3.2f revolutions/kWhr",M);
+mprintf("\npower factor of the load is cosphi2 for second measuremnet = %3.2f",cosphi2);
diff --git a/3871/CH8/EX8.2/Ex8_2.sce b/3871/CH8/EX8.2/Ex8_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46b4b9091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH8/EX8.2/Ex8_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//chapter 8 example 2
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V = 220; //voltage in V
+I = 5; //current in A
+Rp = 8800; //resistance of pressure in Ω
+V1 = 6; //voltage excited in V
+P1 = V*I; //power consumed in current coil circuit in W
+P2 = (V^2)/(Rp); //power consumed in pressure coil circuit in W
+P = P1+P2; //total power consumed in W
+P11 = V1*I; //power consumed in current coil circuit in W
+P21 = (V^2)/(Rp); //power consumed in pressure coil circuit in W
+PP = P11+P21; //total power consumed in W
+mprintf("total power consumed for direct load arrangement = %3.2f W",P);
+mprintf("\ntotal power consumed for phanton loading with current circuit = %3.1f W",PP);
diff --git a/3871/CH8/EX8.3/Ex8_3.sce b/3871/CH8/EX8.3/Ex8_3.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5221ec15f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH8/EX8.3/Ex8_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//chapter 8 example 3
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+T = 0.5; //time in hours
+V = 220; //voltage in V
+I = 5; //current in A
+P = 525; //consumption registered in Wh
+P1 =0.525; //consumption registered in kWh
+E = ((V*I)/(1000))*T; //energy consumed in kWh
+e = ((P1-E)/(E))*100; //percentage error in %
+mprintf("percentage error = %3.2f percentage(slow) ",e);
diff --git a/3871/CH8/EX8.4/Ex8_4.sce b/3871/CH8/EX8.4/Ex8_4.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f7366c986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH8/EX8.4/Ex8_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//chapter 8 example 4
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+M1 = 5; //meter constant in A-s/rev
+V = 250; //voltage in V
+t = 60; //time in minute
+M2 = M1*V; //meter constant in W-s/rev with rated voltage of 250V
+M3 = M2/(1000*3600); //meter constant in kWh/rev
+M = 1/(M3); //meter constant in rev/kWh
+E = (M2/(t*1000)); //energy consumed in 1 minute at full-load
+S = M*E; //full-load speed in rpm
+mprintf("meter constant in revolutions per kWh = %3.2d",M);
+mprintf("\nfull-load speed = %3.2d rpm",S);
diff --git a/3871/CH8/EX8.5/Ex8_5.sce b/3871/CH8/EX8.5/Ex8_5.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..737709ff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH8/EX8.5/Ex8_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+//chapter 8 example 5
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+n = 15; //number of revolutions made
+M = 750; //meter constant in revolutions per kWh
+T = 30; //time in seconds
+E = n/(M); //Energy consumed in 30 seconds
+L = (E*3600)/T; //load in kW
+mprintf("Energy consumed in 30 seconds = %3.2f kWh",E);
+mprintf("\nLoad = %3.2f kW",L);
diff --git a/3871/CH8/EX8.6/Ex8_6.sce b/3871/CH8/EX8.6/Ex8_6.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c3d3d1ac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH8/EX8.6/Ex8_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//chapter 8 example 6
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+M = 500; //meter constant in revolutions per kWh
+n = 40; //number of revolutions made
+T1 = 58.1; //time in seconds
+P = 5; //power in kW
+x =P*T1;
+E =(x/3600); //Energy consumed in 58.1 seconds
+E1 = n/(M); //energy consumption registeredin kWh
+e = ((E1-E)/E)*100; //percentage error in %
+mprintf("percentage error = %3.2f percentage",e);
diff --git a/3871/CH8/EX8.7/Ex8_7.sce b/3871/CH8/EX8.7/Ex8_7.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..583598b19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH8/EX8.7/Ex8_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//chapter 8 example 7
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V = 230; //voltage in V
+I = 4.4; //current in A
+T = 3; //time in minutes
+x =1; //cos(0)=1
+n = 10; //number of revolutions made
+M = 200; //meter constant in revolutions per kWh
+E = (V*I*(T/(60))*x)/(1000); //Energy consumed i3 minutes
+E1 = n/(M); //energy consumption registeredin kWh
+e = ((E1-E)/(E))*100; //percentage error in %
+mprintf("percentage error = %3.3f percentage",e);
diff --git a/3871/CH8/EX8.8/Ex8_8.sce b/3871/CH8/EX8.8/Ex8_8.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26999cb01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH8/EX8.8/Ex8_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+//chapter 8 example 8
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+L = 1; //Load in kW
+S = 10.2; //speed of the disc in rpm
+T1 = 12; //time in hours
+M = 600; //meter constant in revolutions per kWh
+T2 = T1*60; //time in minutes
+E = L*T1; //actual energy consumed in 12 hours in kWh
+N = S*T2; //Revolutions made by the disc in 12 hours
+E1 = N/(M); //Energy consumption recorded by the meter
+e = E1-E; //error in kWh
+mprintf("error = %3.2f kWh more",e);
diff --git a/3871/CH8/EX8.9/Ex8_9.sce b/3871/CH8/EX8.9/Ex8_9.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b2215336b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH8/EX8.9/Ex8_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//chapter 8 example 9
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+V = 240; //voltage in V
+I = 8; //current in A
+T = 1; //time in minutes
+x =0.6; //power factor
+M = 600; //meter constant in revolutions per kWh
+E = (V*I*(T/(60))*x)/(1000); //Energy consumed 1 minute
+S = E*M; //speed of the disc in rev/minute
+mprintf("speed of the disc = %3.2f rev/minute",S);
diff --git a/3871/CH9/EX9.1/Ex9_1.sce b/3871/CH9/EX9.1/Ex9_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1343b88c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH9/EX9.1/Ex9_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+//chapter 9 example 1
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+N = 1500; //speed of shaft in rm
+T =120; //number of teeth on rotator
+f = (N/60)*T; //frequency of output pulses in pulses per second
+mprintf("frequency of output pulses in pulses = %3.2f pulses per second",f);
diff --git a/3871/CH9/EX9.2/Ex9_2.sce b/3871/CH9/EX9.2/Ex9_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7febc3cd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH9/EX9.2/Ex9_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//chapter 9 example 2
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R = 4; //digital counter reading
+G = 0.001; //gatting period in s
+T = 150; //number of teeth on rotor
+f = R/(G); //number of pulses per second
+N = (f/T)*60; //rotational speed in rpm
+mprintf("rotational speed = %3.2f rpm",N);
diff --git a/3871/CH9/EX9.3/Ex9_3.sce b/3871/CH9/EX9.3/Ex9_3.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2af2527a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH9/EX9.3/Ex9_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//chapter 9 example 3
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+H = 120; //number of holes on the rotating disc
+f = 5400; //frequency of output pulses in per second
+N = (f/(H))*60; //rotational speed in rpm
+mprintf("rotational speed = %3.2f rpm",N);
diff --git a/3871/CH9/EX9.4/Ex9_4.sce b/3871/CH9/EX9.4/Ex9_4.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d6e35306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH9/EX9.4/Ex9_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//chapter 9 example 4
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+f1 = 60; //frequency in Hz
+f2 = 50; //frequency in Hz
+C1 = 10^-6; //inductance of circuit
+R1 = 100; //resistance in Ω
+C2 = 1.5*10^-6; //capacitance
+L1 = 1/(4*((%pi)^2)*((f1)^2)*C1); //inductance of circuit in H
+w = 2*%pi*f2;
+Z1 = R1+(%i)*((w*L1)-(1/(w*C1))); //impedance of circuit at 50 Hz Ω
+//Z2 = R1+(%i)*((w*L2)-(1/(w*C2))); //impedance of circuit at 50 Hz Ω
+//real(Z2) = real(Z1)
+//((w*L2)-(1/(w*C2))) = real(Z1)=963
+x =abs((w*L1)-(1/(w*C1)))
+y = 1/(w*C2);
+L2 =(x+y)/w;
+z = sqrt(1/(L2*C2));
+f2 = (1/(2*%pi))*(z);
+mprintf("resonant frequency of circuit = %3.1f Hz",f2);