path: root/2792/CH11
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2792/CH11')
13 files changed, 321 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2792/CH11/EX11.1/Ex11_1.sce b/2792/CH11/EX11.1/Ex11_1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..89a0e9a4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2792/CH11/EX11.1/Ex11_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+disp("hw = "+string(hw)+"eV") //initializing value of energy of incident optical beam (h-bar omega)
+Eg = 1.43
+disp("Eg= "+string(Eg)+"eV")//initializing value of Energy of band gap
+alpha= 4.21*10^4*((hw-Eg)/(hw))
+disp("The absorption coefficient(alpha) for GaAs is ,alpha= 4.21*10^4*((hw-Eg)/(hw))= "+string(alpha)+"cm^-1")//calculation
diff --git a/2792/CH11/EX11.10/Ex11_10.sce b/2792/CH11/EX11.10/Ex11_10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..dd1fc8481
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2792/CH11/EX11.10/Ex11_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+disp("Na = "+string(Na)+"cm^-3") //initializing value of p side doping
+disp("Nd = "+string(Nd)+"cm^-3") //initializing value of n side doping
+Dn = 30
+disp("Dn= "+string(Dn)+"cm^2/s")//initializing value of electron diffusion coefficient
+Dp = 15
+disp("Dp= "+string(Dp)+"cm^2/s")//initializing value of hole diffusion coefficient
+Tn = 10^-8
+disp("Tn= "+string(Tn)+"s")//inializing value of electron minority carrier lifetime
+Tp = 10^-7
+disp("Tp= "+string(Tp)+"s")//inializing value of hole minority carrier lifetime
+e = 1.6*10^-19
+disp("e= "+string(e)+"C")//initializing value of charge of electron
+ni = 1.84*10^6
+disp("ni = "+string(ni)+"cm^-3") //initializing value of intrinsic carrier concentration in GaAs
+kbT = 0.026
+disp("kbT = "+string(kbT)+"V/K") //initializing value of kbT at 300K
+V = 1
+disp("V = "+string(V)+"V") //initializing value of forward bias potential
+disp("nQr = "+string(nQr)) //initializing value of radiative recombination efficiency
+np = ni^2/Na
+disp(" np = ni^2/Na= "+string(np)+"cm^-3")//calculation
+pn = ni^2/Nd
+disp(" pn = ni^2/Nd= "+string(pn)+"cm^-3")//calculation
+Ln = sqrt(Dn*Tn)
+disp("The electron diffusion length is ,Ln = sqrt(Dn*Tn)= "+string(Ln)+"cm")//calculation
+Lp = sqrt(Dp*Tp)
+disp("The hole diffusion length is ,Lp = sqrt(Dp*Tp)= "+string(Lp)+"cm")//calculation
+Yinj = ((e*Dn*np)/Ln)/(((e*Dn*np)/Ln)+((e*Dp*pn)/Lp))
+disp("The injection efficiency is ,Yinj = ((e*Dn*np)/Ln)/(((e*Dn*np)/Ln)+((e*Dp*pn)/Lp))= "+string(Yinj))//calculation
diff --git a/2792/CH11/EX11.11/Ex11_11.sce b/2792/CH11/EX11.11/Ex11_11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..05b74da91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2792/CH11/EX11.11/Ex11_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+A= 10^-2
+disp("A= "+string(A)+"cm^2") //initializing value of diode area
+disp("Na = "+string(Na)+"cm^-3") //initializing value of p side doping
+disp("Nd = "+string(Nd)+"cm^-3") //initializing value of n side doping
+Dn = 30
+disp("Dn= "+string(Dn)+"cm^2/s")//initializing value of electron diffusion coefficient
+Dp = 15
+disp("Dp= "+string(Dp)+"cm^2/s")//initializing value of hole diffusion coefficient
+Tn = 10^-8
+disp("Tn= "+string(Tn)+"s")//inializing value of electron minority carrier lifetime
+Tp = 10^-7
+disp("Tp= "+string(Tp)+"s")//inializing value of hole minority carrier lifetime
+e = 1.6*10^-19
+disp("e= "+string(e)+"C")//initializing value of charge of electron
+ni = 1.84*10^6
+disp("ni = "+string(ni)+"cm^-3") //initializing value of intrinsic carrier concentration in GaAs
+kbT = 0.026
+disp("kbT = "+string(kbT)+"V/K") //initializing value of kbT at 300K
+V = 1
+disp("V = "+string(V)+"V") //initializing value of forward bias potential
+disp("nQr = "+string(nQr)) //initializing value of radiative recombination efficiency
+Eph = 1.41
+disp("Eph= "+string(Eph)+"eV")//initializing value of Energy of each photon
+np = ni^2/Na
+disp(" np = ni^2/Na= "+string(np)+"cm^-3")//calculation
+pn = ni^2/Nd
+disp(" pn = ni^2/Nd= "+string(pn)+"cm^-3")//calculation
+Ln = sqrt(Dn*Tn)
+disp("The electron diffusion length is ,Ln = sqrt(Dn*Tn)= "+string(Ln)+"cm")//calculation
+Lp = sqrt(Dp*Tp)
+disp("The hole diffusion length is ,Lp = sqrt(Dp*Tp)= "+string(Lp)+"cm")//calculation
+In = ((A*e*Dn*np)/Ln)*(exp(V/kbT)-1)
+disp("The injected current is ,In = ((A*e*Dn*np)/Ln)*(exp(V/kbT)-1)= "+string(In)+"A")//calculation
+Iph = (In*nQr)/e
+disp("The photon generated per second is ,Iph = (In*nQr)/e= "+string(Iph)+"s^-1")//calculation
+P = Iph*e*Eph
+disp("The optical power is ,P = Iph*e*Eph= "+string(P)+"W")//calculation
diff --git a/2792/CH11/EX11.12/Ex11_12.sce b/2792/CH11/EX11.12/Ex11_12.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f396d39bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2792/CH11/EX11.12/Ex11_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+R =.33
+disp("R = "+string(R)) //initializing value of reflection coefficient
+alpha_R = 20
+disp("alpha_R = "+string(alpha_R)+"cm^-1") //initializing value of absorption loss coefficient
+L= (-1/alpha_R)*log(R)
+disp("The length of the cavity is ,L= (-1/alpha_R)*log(R)= "+string(L)+"cm")//calculation
diff --git a/2792/CH11/EX11.14/Ex11_14.sce b/2792/CH11/EX11.14/Ex11_14.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..79ce7e4d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2792/CH11/EX11.14/Ex11_14.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+n = 1.1*10^18
+disp("n = "+string(n)+"cm^-3") //initializing value of number of electron or hole
+disp("nth = "+string(nth)+"cm^-3") //initializing value of theshold density
+e = 1.6*10^-19
+disp("e= "+string(e)+"C")//initializing value of charge of electron
+d = 2*10^-4
+disp("d= "+string(d)+"cm")//initializing value of active layer thickness
+Tr = 2.4*10^-9
+disp("Tr= "+string(Tr)+"J")//initializing value of radiatve recombination time
+Jth = (e*nth*d)/Tr
+disp("The current density is Jth = (e*nth*d)/Tr= "+string(Jth)+"A/cm^2")//calculation
diff --git a/2792/CH11/EX11.2/Ex11_2.sce b/2792/CH11/EX11.2/Ex11_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e99d3274b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2792/CH11/EX11.2/Ex11_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+disp("hw = "+string(hw)+"eV") //initializing value of energy of incident optical beam (h-bar omega)
+alpha = 2.5*10^4
+disp("alpha= "+string(alpha)+"cm^-1")//initializing value of absorption coefficient(alpha) for GaAs
+amt = .9
+disp("amt= "+string(amt))//initializing value of amount of light to be absorbed
+L= -(1/alpha)*log(1-amt)
+disp("The length of the material is ,L= -(1/alpha)*ln(1-amt)= "+string(L)+"cm")//calculation
diff --git a/2792/CH11/EX11.3/Ex11_3.sce b/2792/CH11/EX11.3/Ex11_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c39bc52ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2792/CH11/EX11.3/Ex11_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Pop = 10
+disp("Pop= "+string(Pop))//initializing value of amount of optical intensity
+disp("hw = "+string(hw)+"eV") //initializing value of energy of incident optical beam (h-bar omega)
+alpha = 7*10^3
+disp("alpha= "+string(alpha)+"cm^-1")//initializing value of absorption coefficient(alpha) for GaAs
+T = 10^-9
+disp("T= "+string(T)+"s")//inializing value of e-h recombination time
+GL = (alpha*Pop)/(hw*1.6*10^-19)
+disp("The rate of e-h pair production is ,GL = (a*Pop)/(hw)= "+string(GL)+"cm^-3s^-1")//calculation
+dn = (GL*T)
+disp("The excess carrier density is ,dn = (GL*T)= "+string(dn)+"cm^-3")//calculation
diff --git a/2792/CH11/EX11.4/Ex11_4.sce b/2792/CH11/EX11.4/Ex11_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5704699e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2792/CH11/EX11.4/Ex11_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+A= 10^4*10^-8
+disp("A= "+string(A)+"cm^2") //initializing value of diode area
+disp("Na = "+string(Na)+"cm^-3") //initializing value of p side doping
+disp("Nd = "+string(Nd)+"cm^-3") //initializing value of n side doping
+Dn = 20
+disp("Dn= "+string(Dn)+"cm^2/s")//initializing value of electron diffusion coefficient
+Dp = 12
+disp("Dp= "+string(Dp)+"cm^2/s")//initializing value of hole diffusion coefficient
+Tn = 10^-8
+disp("Tn= "+string(Tn)+"s")//inializing value of electron minority carrier lifetime
+Tp = 10^-8
+disp("Tp= "+string(Tp)+"s")//inializing value of hole minority carrier lifetime
+GL = 10^22
+disp("GL= "+string(GL)+"cm^-3s^-1")//inializing value of rate of e-h pair production
+kbT = 0.026
+disp("kbT = "+string(kbT)+"V/K") //initializing value of kbT at 300K
+Es = 11.9*8.85*10^-14
+disp("Es = "+string(Es)) //initializing value of relative permitivity
+e = 1.6*10^-19
+disp("e= "+string(e)+"C")//initializing value of charge of electron
+VR = 2
+disp("VR= "+string(VR)+"V")//initializing value of Reverse bias voltage
+ni = 1.5*10^10
+disp("ni = "+string(ni)+"cm^-3") //initializing value of intrinsic carrier concentration
+Ln = sqrt(Dn*Tn)
+disp("The electron diffusion length is ,Ln = sqrt(Dn*Tn)= "+string(Ln)+"cm")//calculation
+Lp = sqrt(Dp*Tp)
+disp("The hole diffusion length is ,Lp = sqrt(Dp*Tp)= "+string(Lp)+"cm")//calculation
+Vbi = kbT*log((Na*Nd)/(ni)^2)
+disp("The built in voltage is ,Vbi = kbT*log((Na*Nd)/(ni)^2)= "+string(Vbi)+"V")//calculation
+W = sqrt((2*Es*(Na+Nd)*(Vbi+VR))/(e*Na*Nd))
+disp("The depletion width is ,W = sqrt((2*Es*(Na+Nd)*(Vbi+VR))/(e*Na*Nd))= "+string(W)+"cm")//calculation
+IL= (e*A*GL*(W+Ln+Lp))
+disp("The photocurrent is ,IL= (e*A*GL*(W+Ln+Lp)= "+string(IL)+"A")//calculation
diff --git a/2792/CH11/EX11.5/Ex11_5.sce b/2792/CH11/EX11.5/Ex11_5.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b060bb287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2792/CH11/EX11.5/Ex11_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+A= 1
+disp("A= "+string(A)+"cm^2") //initializing value of diode area
+disp("Na = "+string(Na)+"cm^-3") //initializing value of p side doping
+disp("Nd = "+string(Nd)+"cm^-3") //initializing value of n side doping
+Dn = 20
+disp("Dn= "+string(Dn)+"cm^2/s")//initializing value of electron diffusion coefficient
+Dp = 10
+disp("Dp= "+string(Dp)+"cm^2/s")//initializing value of hole diffusion coefficient
+Tn = 3*10^-7
+disp("Tn= "+string(Tn)+"s")//inializing value of electron minority carrier lifetime
+Tp = 10^-7
+disp("Tp= "+string(Tp)+"s")//inializing value of hole minority carrier lifetime
+kbT = 0.026
+disp("kbT = "+string(kbT)+"eV/K") //initializing value of kbT at 300K
+IL = 25*10^-3
+disp("IL= "+string(IL)+"A")//initializing value of photocurrent
+e = 1.6*10^-19
+disp("e= "+string(e)+"C")//initializing value of charge of electron
+ni = 1.5*10^10
+disp("ni = "+string(ni)+"cm^-3") //initializing value of electron density of ionisation electron for silicon
+Ln = sqrt(Dn*Tn)
+disp("The electron diffusion length is ,Ln = sqrt(Dn*Tn)= "+string(Ln)+"cm")//calculation
+Lp = sqrt(Dp*Tp)
+disp("The hole diffusion length is ,Lp = sqrt(Dp*Tp)= "+string(Lp)+"cm")//calculation
+Io = A*e*(ni)^2*((Dn/(Ln*Na))+(Dp/(Lp*Nd)))
+disp("The saturation current is ,Io = A*e*(ni)^2*((Dn/(Ln*Na))+(Dp/(Lp*Nd)))= "+string(Io)+"A")//calculation
+Voc= (kbT)*log(1+(IL/Io))
+disp("The open circuit voltage is ,Voc= (kbT)*log(1+(IL/Io))= "+string(Voc)+"V")//calculation
diff --git a/2792/CH11/EX11.6/Ex11_6.sce b/2792/CH11/EX11.6/Ex11_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..be64588ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2792/CH11/EX11.6/Ex11_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+A= 1
+disp("A= "+string(A)+"cm^2") //initializing value of diode area
+disp("Na = "+string(Na)+"cm^-3") //initializing value of p side doping
+disp("Nd = "+string(Nd)+"cm^-3") //initializing value of n side doping
+Dn = 20
+disp("Dn= "+string(Dn)+"cm^2/s")//initializing value of electron diffusion coefficient
+Dp = 10
+disp("Dp= "+string(Dp)+"cm^2/s")//initializing value of hole diffusion coefficient
+Tn = 3*10^-7
+disp("Tn= "+string(Tn)+"s")//inializing value of electron minority carrier lifetime
+Tp = 10^-7
+disp("Tp= "+string(Tp)+"s")//inializing value of hole minority carrier lifetime
+kbT = 0.026
+disp("kbT = "+string(kbT)+"V/K") //initializing value of kbT at 300K
+IL = 25*10^-3
+disp("IL= "+string(IL)+"A")//initializing value of photocurrent or short circuit current of solar cell
+e = 1.6*10^-19
+disp("e= "+string(e)+"C")//initializing value of charge of electron
+ni = 1.5*10^10
+disp("ni = "+string(ni)+"cm^-3") //initializing value of electron density of ionisation electron for silicon
+Io = 3.66*10^-11
+disp("Io= "+string(Io)+"A")//initializing value of diode saturation current
+Voc= (kbT)*log(1+(IL/Io))
+disp("The open circuit voltage is ,Voc= (kbT)*log(1+(IL/Io))= "+string(Voc)+"V")//calculation
+P = 0.8*IL*Voc
+disp("The power per solar cell is ,P = 0.8*IL*Voc = "+string(P)+"W")//calculation
+// Note: Answer given in the book is incorrect it is 10.6 mW not 1.06 mW
+N_series = 10/(0.9*Voc)
+disp("The number of solar cell needed to produce output power 10V is ,N_series = 10/(0.9*Voc) = "+string(N_series))//calculation
+N_parallel = 10/(0.9*IL*10)
+disp("The number of solar cell needed to produce output power 10W is ,N_parallel = 10/(0.9*IL*10) = "+string(N_parallel))//calculation
+// Note : due to different precisions taken by me and the author ... my answer differ
diff --git a/2792/CH11/EX11.7/Ex11_7.sce b/2792/CH11/EX11.7/Ex11_7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..dd10b730c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2792/CH11/EX11.7/Ex11_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Pop = 1
+disp("Pop= "+string(Pop)+"W/cm^2")//initializing value of amount of optical power
+disp("hw = "+string(hw)+"eV") //initializing value of energy of incident optical beam (h-bar omega)
+a = 700
+disp("a= "+string(a)+"cm^-1")//initializing value of absorption coefficient(alpha)
+W = 10^-3
+disp("W= "+string(W)+"m")//inializing value of intrinsic region width
+e = 1.6*10^-19
+disp("e= "+string(e)+"C")//initializing value of charge of electron
+Phi_o = (Pop)/(hw*1.6*10^-19)
+disp("The photon flux incident on the detector Phi_o = (Pop)/(hw*1.6*10^-19)= "+string(Phi_o)+"cm^-2s^-1")//calculation
+disp("The photocurrent density is ,JL=e*Phi_o*(1-exp(-(a*W))= "+string(JL)+"A/cm^2")//calculation
diff --git a/2792/CH11/EX11.8/Ex11_8.sce b/2792/CH11/EX11.8/Ex11_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..151a3ab46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2792/CH11/EX11.8/Ex11_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+disp("h = "+string(h)+"Js") //initializing value of reduced plancks constant or dirac constant or h-bar
+mo = 9.1*10^-31
+disp("mo = "+string(mo)+"kg") //initializing value of mass of electron
+me = 0.067*9.1*10^-31
+disp("me* = "+string(me)+"kg") //initializing value of electron mass of InAs
+kbT = 0.026
+disp("kbT = "+string(kbT)+"eV") //initializing value of kbT at 300K
+mh = 0.45*9.1*10^-31
+disp("mh*= "+string(mh)+"kg")//initializing value of hole density of state mass
+To = .6*10^-9
+disp("To = "+string(To)+"s") //initializing value of minimum recombination time
+p = 10^21
+disp("p = "+string(p)+"m^-3") //initializing value of excess electron or hole density injected
+T = (p/(2*To))*((2*(%pi)*h^2)/(kbT*1.6*10^-19*(me+mh)))^(3/2)
+disp("T = (p/(2*To))*((2*(%pi)*h^2)/(kbT*1.6*10^-19*(me+mh)))^(3/2) = "+string(T)+"s^-1")//calculation
+Tr = 1/T
+disp("The e-h recombination time is Tr = 1/T = "+string(Tr)+"s")//calculation
diff --git a/2792/CH11/EX11.9/Ex11_9.sce b/2792/CH11/EX11.9/Ex11_9.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7b25baeb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2792/CH11/EX11.9/Ex11_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+disp("h = "+string(h)+"Js") //initializing value of reduced plancks constant or dirac constant or h-bar
+mo = 9.1*10^-31
+disp("mo = "+string(mo)+"kg") //initializing value of mass of electron
+me = 0.067*9.1*10^-31
+disp("me* = "+string(me)+"kg") //initializing value of electron mass of InAs
+kbT = 0.026
+disp("kbT = "+string(kbT)+"eV") //initializing value of kbT at 300K
+mh = 0.45*9.1*10^-31
+disp("mh*= "+string(mh)+"kg")//initializing value of hole density of state mass
+To = .6*10^-9
+disp("To = "+string(To)+"s") //initializing value of minimum recombination time
+tnr = 10^-7
+disp("tnr = "+string(tnr)+"s") //initializing value of nonradiative recombination time
+p = 10^21
+disp("p = "+string(p)+"m^-3") //initializing value of excess electron or hole density injected
+mr = 1/((1/me)+(1/mh))
+disp("The reduced mass for the e-h system is mr* = 1/((1/me)+(1/mh)) = "+string(mr)+"kg")//calculation
+disp(" For low p-doping such as 10^16, the recombination time is given as below")
+T1 = (p/(2*To))*((2*(%pi)*h^2)/(kbT*1.6*10^-19*(me+mh)))^(3/2)
+disp("T = (p/(2*To))*((2*(%pi)*h^2)/(kbT*1.6*10^-19*(me+mh)))^(3/2) = "+string(T1)+"s^-1")//calculation
+Tr1 = 1/T1
+disp("The e-h recombination time is Tr1 = 1/T1 = "+string(Tr1)+"s")//calculation
+nQr1 = 1/(1+(Tr1/tnr))
+disp("The internal quantum efficiency is nQr1 = 1/(1+(Tr1/tnr)) = "+string(nQr1))//calculation
+disp(" For high p-doping such as 5*10^17, the recombination time is given as below")
+T2 = (1/To)*((mr/mh)^(3/2))
+disp("T2 = (1/To)*((mr/mh)^(3/2)) = "+string(T2)+"s^-1")//calculation
+Tr2 = 1/T2
+disp("The e-h recombination time is Tr2 = 1/T2 = "+string(Tr2)+"s")//calculation
+nQr2 = 1/(1+(Tr2/tnr))
+disp("The internal quantum efficiency is nQr2 = 1/(1+(Tr2/tnr)) = "+string(nQr2))//calculation
+// Note : due to different precisions taken by me and the author ... my answer differ