path: root/2510
diff options
authorpriyanka2015-06-24 15:03:17 +0530
committerpriyanka2015-06-24 15:03:17 +0530
commitb1f5c3f8d6671b4331cef1dcebdf63b7a43a3a2b (patch)
treeab291cffc65280e58ac82470ba63fbcca7805165 /2510
initial commit / add all books
Diffstat (limited to '2510')
226 files changed, 4366 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2510/CH10/EX10.1/Ex10_1.sce b/2510/CH10/EX10.1/Ex10_1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1360cb293
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH10/EX10.1/Ex10_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Gr = 100.0 //Grashof number
+Re = 50.0 //Reynolds number
+LT = Gr/Re**2 //Measure of influence of convection effect
+if (LT<1.0) then
+ printf("The free convection effects can be neglected.")
+elseif (LT>1.0) then
+ printf("The free convection effects can not be neglected.")
diff --git a/2510/CH10/EX10.10/Ex10_10.sce b/2510/CH10/EX10.10/Ex10_10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..554e71728
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH10/EX10.10/Ex10_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 10.9:
+h = 9.01 //Heat transferred from bulb (W/m^2.K)
+D = 0.06 //Diameter of sphere (m)
+Ts = 113.0+273.0 //Surface temperature of bulb (K)
+Too = 31.0+273.0 //Ambient air temperature (K)
+A = %pi*D**2 //Surface area of bulb (m^2)
+Q = h*A*(Ts-Too) //Heat transfer lost by free convection from light bulb (W)
+printf("The heat transfer lost by free convection from light bulb is : %.2f W .",Q)
diff --git a/2510/CH10/EX10.11/Ex10_11.sce b/2510/CH10/EX10.11/Ex10_11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c8fd0df7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH10/EX10.11/Ex10_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 10.9-10.10:
+Q = 8.36 //Heat transfer lost by free convection from light bulb (W)
+E = Q/100.0*(100.0) //Percent energy lost by free convection (%)
+printf("The percentage of the energy lost by free convection is : %.2f %%.",E)
+printf("The energy lost fraction is : %.4f .",E/100.0)
diff --git a/2510/CH10/EX10.13/Ex10_13.sce b/2510/CH10/EX10.13/Ex10_13.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3211dbf9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH10/EX10.13/Ex10_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+F = 50.0 //Buoyancy flux of gas (m^4/s^3)
+u = 4.0 //wind speed (m/s)
+xc = 14*F**(5.0/8.0) //Downward distance (m)
+xf = 3.5*xc //distance of transition from first stage of rise to the second stage of rise (m)
+Dh = 1.6*F**(1.0/3.0)*u**-1*xf**(2.0/3.0) //Plume rise (m)
+printf("The plume rise is : %.0f m .",Dh)
diff --git a/2510/CH10/EX10.2/Ex10_2.sce b/2510/CH10/EX10.2/Ex10_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..942dbaf8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH10/EX10.2/Ex10_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Ts = 110.0+273.0 //Surface temperature of plate (K)
+Too = 30.0+273.0 //Ambient air temperature (K)
+L = 3.5 //Height of plate (m)
+g = 9.807 //Gravitational acceleration (m^2/s)
+Tf = (Ts+Too)/2 //Film temperature (K)
+DT = Ts - Too //Temperature difference between surface and air (K)
+//From appendix:
+v = 2.0*10**-5 //Kinematic viscosity for air (m^2/s)
+k = 0.029 //Thermal conductivity for air (W/m.K)
+Pr = 0.7 //Prandtl number
+B = 1.0/Tf //Coefficient of expansion (K^-1)
+Gr = g*B*DT*L**3/v**2 //Grashof number
+Ra = Gr*Pr //Rayleigh number
+printf("The Grashof number is : %.2f x 10^11 .",Gr/10**11)
+printf("The Rayleigh number is : %.2f x 10^11 .",Ra/10**11)
diff --git a/2510/CH10/EX10.3/Ex10_3.sce b/2510/CH10/EX10.3/Ex10_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4e4c014c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH10/EX10.3/Ex10_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 10.2:
+Ra = 1.71*10**11 //Rayleigh number
+if (Ra>10**9) then
+ printf("The convection flow category is turbulent.")
+elseif(Ra<10**9) then
+ printf("The convection flow category is laminar.")
diff --git a/2510/CH10/EX10.4/Ex10_4.sce b/2510/CH10/EX10.4/Ex10_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5478014c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH10/EX10.4/Ex10_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From Table 10.1:
+c = 0.1 //Constant c
+m = 1.0/3.0 //Constant for turbulent free conection
+//From example 10.2:
+Ra = 1.71*10**11 //Rayleigh number
+k = 0.029 //Thermal conductivity (W/m.K)
+L = 3.5 //Thickness of plate (m)
+Nu = c*Ra**m //Average Nusselt number
+h = Nu*k/L //Average heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+printf("The average heat transfer coefficient is : %.1f W/m^2.K .",h)
diff --git a/2510/CH10/EX10.6/Ex10_6.sce b/2510/CH10/EX10.6/Ex10_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..85a5e7a26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH10/EX10.6/Ex10_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Ts = 200.0+460.0 //Surface temperature of pipe (°R)
+Too = 70.0+460.0 //Air temperature (°R)
+D = 0.5 //Diameter of pipe (ft)
+R = 0.73 //Universal gas constant (ft^3.atm.R^−^−1)
+P = 1.0 //Atmospheric pressure (Pa)
+MW = 29.0 //Molecular weight of fluid (mol)
+//From Appendix:
+mu = 1.28*10**-5 //Absolute viscosity (lb/ft.s)
+k = 0.016/3600.0 //Thermal conductivity (Btu/s.ft.°F)
+g = 32.174 //Gravitational acceleration (ft/s^2)
+Tav = (Ts+Too)/2 //Average temperature (°R)
+v = R*Tav/P //kinematic viscosity (ft^3/lbmol)
+p = MW/v //Air density (lb/ft^3)
+B = 1.0/Tav //Coefficient of expansion (°R^-1)
+DT = Ts-Too //Temperature difference (°R)
+Gr = D**3*p**2*g*B*DT/mu**2 //Grashof number
+//From equation 10.5:
+Cp = 0.25 //Air heat capacity (Btu/lb.°F)
+Pr = Cp*mu/k //Prandtl number
+GrPr = 10**8.24 //Rayleigh number
+//From Holman^(3):
+Nu = 10**(1.5) //Nusselt number
+h = Nu*(k/D)*3600.0 //Air heat transfer film coefficient (Btu/h.ft.°F)
+printf("The required air heat transfer film coefficient is : %.2f Btu/h.ft.°F .",h)
diff --git a/2510/CH10/EX10.7/Ex10_7.sce b/2510/CH10/EX10.7/Ex10_7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ba85adbcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH10/EX10.7/Ex10_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Ts = 120.0+460 //Surface temperature of plate (°R)
+Too = 60.0+460 //Ambient temperature of nitrogen (°R)
+L = 6 //Height of plate (ft)
+//From Appendix:
+p = 0.0713 //Air density (lb/ft^3)
+k = 0.01514 //Thermal conductivity (Btu/h.ft.°F)
+v = 16.82*10**-5 //Kinematic viscosity (ft^2/s)
+Pr = 0.713 //Prandtl number
+g = 32.2 //Gravitational acceleration (ft/s^2)
+Tf = (Ts+Too)/2 //Mean film temperature (°R)
+B = 1.0/Tf //Coefficient of expansion (°R^-1)
+Gr = g*B*(Ts-Too)*L**3/v**2 //Grashof number
+Ra = Gr*Pr //Rayleigh number
+//From equation 10.13(Table 10.2) and costants from Table 10.1:
+h = 0.10*(k/L)*Ra**(1.0/3.0) //Free convection heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
+printf("The free convection heat transfer coefficient is : %.3f Btu/h.ft^2.°F .",h)
+printf("There is a calculation mistake in the book for calculating Gr, so, value of h alters from that given.")
diff --git a/2510/CH10/EX10.8/Ex10_8.sce b/2510/CH10/EX10.8/Ex10_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c90ec575a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH10/EX10.8/Ex10_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example:
+h = 0.675 //Free convection heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
+A = 6.0*8.0 //Area of plate (ft^2)
+Ts = 120.0 //Surface temperature of plate (°F)
+Too = 60.0 //Ambient temperature of nitrogen (°F)
+Q = h*A*(Ts-Too) //Heat loss (Btu/h)
+Q = round(Q * 10**-1)/10**-1
+printf("The heat loss is : %f Btu/h .",Q)
+printf(" The h obtained in the previous example differs, therefore, Q obtained here also differs from that given in book.")
diff --git a/2510/CH10/EX10.9/Ex10_9.sce b/2510/CH10/EX10.9/Ex10_9.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..97ce4585f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH10/EX10.9/Ex10_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Ts = 113.0+273.0 //Surface temperature of bulb (K)
+Too = 31.0+273.0 //Ambient air temperature (K)
+D = 0.06 //Diameter of sphere (m)
+g = 9.8 //Gravitational acceleration (m/s^2)
+Tf = (Ts+Too)/2 //Mean temperature (K)
+//From Appendix:
+v = (22.38*10**-5)*0.0929 //Kinematic viscosity (m^2/s)
+Pr = 0.70 //Prandtl number
+k = 0.01735*1.729 //Thermal conductivity (W/m.K)
+B = 1.0/(Tf) //Coefficient of expansion (K^-1)
+Gr = g*B*(Ts-Too)*D**3/v**2 //Grashof number
+Ra = Gr*Pr //Rayleigh number
+//From equation 10.13:
+h = (k/D)*0.6*Ra**(1.0/4.0) //Heat transferred from bulb (W/m^2.K)
+printf("The heat transferred from bulb to air is : %.2f W/m^2.K.",h)
diff --git a/2510/CH11/EX11.10/Ex11_10.sce b/2510/CH11/EX11.10/Ex11_10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..234813c06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH11/EX11.10/Ex11_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+TH = 140.0+460.0 //Absolute outside temperature of pipe (ft^2)
+TC = 60.0+460.0 //Absolute temperature of surrounding atmosphere (ft^2)
+A = 10.0 //Area of pipe (ft^2)
+E = 0.9 //Emissivity of pipe
+Q = E*A*0.173*((TH/100.0)**4-(TC/100.0)**4) //Heat loss due to radiation (Btu/h)
+Q = round(Q*10**-1)/10**-1
+printf("The heat loss due to radiation is : %f Btu/h.",Q)
diff --git a/2510/CH11/EX11.11/Ex11_11.sce b/2510/CH11/EX11.11/Ex11_11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ded3aa878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH11/EX11.11/Ex11_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//Froma example 11.10:
+Q = 880.0 //Heat loss due to radiation (Btu/h)
+A = 10.0 //Area of pipe (ft^2)
+TH = 140.0 //Absolute outside temperature of pipe (°F)
+TC = 60.0 //Absolute temperature of surrounding atmosphere (°F)
+hr = Q/(A*(TH-TC)) //Radiation heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
+printf("The radiation heat transfer coefficient is : %.1f Btu/h.ft^2.°F.",hr)
diff --git a/2510/CH11/EX11.12/Ex11_12.sce b/2510/CH11/EX11.12/Ex11_12.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d808e5af5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH11/EX11.12/Ex11_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+D = 0.0833 //Diameter of tube (ft)
+L = 2.0 //Length of tube (ft)
+h = 2.8 //Heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
+Ta1 = 1500.0+460.0 //Temperature of hot air in furnace (°R)
+Ta2 = 1350.0+460.0 //Temperature of hot air in the furnace brick walls (°R)
+Tt = 600.0+460.0 //Surface temperature of tube (°R)
+E = 0.6 //Surface emissivity of tube
+s = 0.1713*10**-8 //Stefan-Boltzmann constant
+pi = %pi
+//Case 1:
+A = pi*D*L //Area of tube (ft^2)
+Qc = round(h*A*(Ta1-Tt)*10**-1)/10**-1 //Convection heat transfer from air to tube (Btu/h)
+Qr = round(E*s*A*(Ta2**4-Tt**4)*10**-2)/10**-2 //Radiation feat transfer from wall to tube (Btu/h)
+Q = Qr+Qc //Total heat transfer (Btu/h)
+//Case 2:
+Qp = Qr/Q*100 //Radiation percent
+//Case 3:
+hr = Qr/(A*(Ta2-Tt)) //Radiation heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
+//Case 4:
+T = Ta2-Tt //Temperature difference (°F)
+printf("1. The convective heat transferred to the metal tube is : %f Btu/h.",Qc)
+printf(" The radiative heat transferred to the metal tube is : %f Btu/h.",Qr)
+printf(" The total heat transferred to the metal tube is : %f Btu/h .",Q)
+printf("2. The percent of total heat transferred by radiation is : %.1f %%.",Qp)
+printf("3. The radiation heat transfer coefficient is : %.1f Btu/h.ft^2.°F.",hr)
+if (T > 200) then
+ printf("4. The use of the approximation Equation (11.30), hr = 4EsTav^3, is not appropriate.")
+elseif (T < 200) then
+ printf("4. The use of the approximation Equation (11.30), hr = 4EsTav^3, is appropriate.")
diff --git a/2510/CH11/EX11.13/Ex11_13.sce b/2510/CH11/EX11.13/Ex11_13.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..813920638
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH11/EX11.13/Ex11_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Q = 5.0 //Radiation heat transfer (W)
+E = 1.0 //Emissivity of filament
+s = 5.669*10**-8 //Stefan-Boltzmann constant
+T1 = 900.0+273.0 //Light bulb temperature (K)
+T2 = 150.0+273.0 //Glass bulb temperature (K)
+A = Q/(E*s*(T1**4-T2**4)) //Surface area of the filament (m^2)
+printf("The surface area of the filament is : %.2f cm^2",A*10**4)
diff --git a/2510/CH11/EX11.14/Ex11_14.sce b/2510/CH11/EX11.14/Ex11_14.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..91ab7fd9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH11/EX11.14/Ex11_14.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+T1 = 127.0+273.0 //Surface temperature (K)
+T2 = 20.0+273.0 //Wall temperature (K)
+T3 = 22.0+273.0 //Air temperature (K)
+s = 5.669*10**-8 //Stefan-Boltzmann constant
+e = 0.76 //Surface emissivity of anodized aluminium
+D = 0.06 //Diameter of %pipe (m)
+L = 100.0 //Length of %pipe (m)
+h = 15.0 //%pipe convective heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+Eb = s*T1**4 //Emissive energy of %pipe (W/m^2)
+E = e*Eb //Emissive power from surface of %pipe (W/m^2)
+A = %pi*D*L //Surface area of %pipe (m^2)
+Qc = h*A*(T1-T3) //Convection heat transfer to air (W)
+Qr = e*s*A*(T1**4-T2**4) //Radiation heat transfer rate (W)
+Q = Qc+Qr //Total heat transfer rate (Btu/h)
+Tav = (T1+T2)/2.0 //Average temperature (K)
+hr = 4*e*s*Tav**3 //Radiation heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+printf("The emissive power from surface of %%pipe is : %.0f W/m^2.",E)
+printf("The convection heat transfer to air is : %.1f kW.",Qc/10**3)
+printf("The radiation heat transfer rate is : %.1f kW",Qr/10**3)
+printf("The radiation heat transfer coefficient is : %.1f W/m^2.K.",hr)
diff --git a/2510/CH11/EX11.15/Ex11_15.sce b/2510/CH11/EX11.15/Ex11_15.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6d61ab3f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH11/EX11.15/Ex11_15.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 11.14:
+Qc = 15.0 //Convection heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+hr = 7.2 //Radiation heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+X = hr/(Qc+hr)*100.0 //Percent heat transfer by radiation (%)
+printf("The percent heat transfer by radiation is : %.1f %%.",X)
diff --git a/2510/CH11/EX11.16/Ex11_16.sce b/2510/CH11/EX11.16/Ex11_16.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9b7dbbfec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH11/EX11.16/Ex11_16.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+FV = 1.0 //Correction factor
+//From example 11.9:
+FE = 0.358 //Emissivity correction factor
+TH = 300.0+460.0 //Absolute temperature of external surface (°R)
+TC = 75.0+460.0 //Absolute temperature of duct (°R)
+AH = 0.622 //Area of pipe (ft^2)
+s = 0.173*10**-8 //Stefan-Boltzmann constant
+Q = FV*FE*AH*s*(TH**4-TC**4) //Heat transfer rate (Btu/h.ft)
+printf("The heat transfer rate is : %.2f Btu/h.ft",Q)
+printf("Since, Q obtained in (11.9) is 96.96 Btu/h.ft, the solution does not match with book.")
diff --git a/2510/CH11/EX11.17/Ex11_17.sce b/2510/CH11/EX11.17/Ex11_17.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..46e7f8b55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH11/EX11.17/Ex11_17.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From figure 11.2:
+L = 1.0 //Space between plates (m)
+X = 0.5 //Length of plate (m)
+Y = 2.0 //Width of plate (m)
+s = 5.669*10**-8 //Stefan-Boltzmann constant
+TH = 2000.0+273.0 //Temperature of hotter plate (K)
+TC = 1000.0+273.0 //Temperature of colder plate (K)
+Btu = 0.2934*10**-3 //Btu/h in a KW
+A = X*Y //Area of plate (m^2)
+Z1 = Y/L //Ratio of width with space
+Z2 = X/L //Ratio of length with space
+//From figure 11.2:
+FV = 0.18 //Correction factor
+FE = 1.0 //Emissivity correction factor
+Q1 = FV*FE*s*A*(TH**4-TC**4) //Net radiant heat exchange between plates (kW)
+Q2 = Q1/Btu //Net radiant heat exchange between plates in Btu/h (Btu/h)
+Q1 = round(Q1*10**-2)/10**-2
+printf("The net radiant heat exchange between plates is : %f kW.",Q1)
+printf("The net radiant heat exchange between plates in Btu/h is : %.2f x 10^8 Btu/h.",Q2/10**8)
diff --git a/2510/CH11/EX11.3/Ex11_3.sce b/2510/CH11/EX11.3/Ex11_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0af8b179b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH11/EX11.3/Ex11_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+syms l //Wavelength (mu.m)
+I = 40*exp(-l**2) //Intensity of radiation (Btu/h.ft^
+E = eval(integrate(I, l,0,%inf)) //Total emissive power (Btu/h.ft^2)
+printf("The total emissive power is : %.1f Btu/h.ft^2.",E)
diff --git a/2510/CH11/EX11.4/Ex11_4.sce b/2510/CH11/EX11.4/Ex11_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a31d594c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH11/EX11.4/Ex11_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+l = 0.25 //Wavelength (mu.m)
+//From equation 11.4:
+lT = 2884 //Product of wavelength and absolute temperature (mu.m.°R)
+T = lT/l //Sun's temperature (°R)
+T1 = round(T * 10**-2)/10**-2
+T = T - 460
+T460 = round(T * 10**-3)/10**-3
+printf("The Sun s temperature is : %f °R.",T1)
+printf("The Sun s temperature in fahrenheit scale is : %f °F.",T460)
diff --git a/2510/CH11/EX11.5/Ex11_5.sce b/2510/CH11/EX11.5/Ex11_5.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d2c3cfd5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH11/EX11.5/Ex11_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+T1 = 1500.0+460.0 //Absolute temperature 1 (°R)
+T2 = 1000.0+460.0 //Absolute temperature 2 (°R)
+X = T1**4/T2**4 //Ratio of quantity of heat transferred
+x = 100*(T1**4-T2**4)/T2**4 //Percentage increase in heat transfer (%)
+printf("The ratio of the quantity/rate of heat transferred is : %.2f .",X)
+printf("The percentage increase in heat transfer is : %.0f %%",x)
diff --git a/2510/CH11/EX11.6/Ex11_6.sce b/2510/CH11/EX11.6/Ex11_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..46239f3ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH11/EX11.6/Ex11_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+T1 = 1200.0+460.0 //Absolute temperature of wall 1 (°R)
+T2 = 800.0+460.0 //Absolute temperature of wall 2 (°R)
+//From equation 11.23:
+X = 0.173*((T1/100.0)**4-(T2/100.0)**4) //Heat removed from colder wall (Btu/h.ft^2)
+printf("The heat removed from the colder wall to maintain a steady-state is : %.0f Btu/h.ft^2.",X)
diff --git a/2510/CH11/EX11.7/Ex11_7.sce b/2510/CH11/EX11.7/Ex11_7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..afaca937d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH11/EX11.7/Ex11_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+s = 0.173 //Stefan-Boltzmann constant (Btu/h.ft^2.°R)
+EH = 0.5 //Energy transferred from hotter body (Btu/h.ft^2)
+EC = 0.75 //Energy transferred to colder body (Btu/h.ft^2)
+TH = 1660.0 //Absolute temperature of hotter body (°R)
+TC = 1260.0 //Absolute temperature of colder body (°R)
+E = s*((TH/100.0)**4-(TC/100.0)**4)/((1.0/EH)+(1.0/EC)-1.0) //Net energy exchange per unit area (Btu/h.ft^2)
+E = round(E*10**-1)/10**-1
+printf("The net energy exchange per unit area is : %f Btu/h.ft^2.",E)
diff --git a/2510/CH11/EX11.8/Ex11_8.sce b/2510/CH11/EX11.8/Ex11_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..936f56aaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH11/EX11.8/Ex11_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 11.6-11.7:
+E1 = 8776.0 //Energy exchange between black bodies (Btu/h.ft^2)
+E2 = 3760.0 //Energy exchange between non-black bodies (Btu/h.ft^2)
+D = (E1-E2)/E1*100 //Percent difference in energy (%)
+printf("The percent difference relative to the black body is: %.1f %%.",D)
diff --git a/2510/CH11/EX11.9/Ex11_9.sce b/2510/CH11/EX11.9/Ex11_9.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..504fb2449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH11/EX11.9/Ex11_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+s = 0.173*10**-8 //Stefan-Boltzmann constant (Btu/h.ft^2.°R)
+TH = 300.0+460.0 //Absolute temperature of external surface (°R)
+TC = 75.0+460.0 //Absolute temperature of duct (°R)
+//From Table 6.2:
+AH = 0.622 //External surface area of pipe (ft^2)
+//From Table 11.2:
+EH = 0.44 //Emissivity of oxidized steel
+AC = 4.0*1.0*1.0 //External surface area of duct (ft^2)
+EC = 0.23 //Emissivity of galvanized zinc
+FE = 1.0/(1.0/EH+((AH/AC)*(1.0/EC-1.0))) //Emissivity correction factor
+Q = FE*AH*s*(TH**4-TC**4) //Net radiation heat transfer (Btu/h.ft)
+printf("The net radiation heat transfer is : %.2f Btu/h.ft^2.",Q)
+printf("There is a calculation error in book.")
diff --git a/2510/CH12/EX12.10/Ex12_10.sce b/2510/CH12/EX12.10/Ex12_10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5de5b331b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH12/EX12.10/Ex12_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 12.9:
+Ts1 = 102.0 //Original surface temperature (°C)
+Ts2 = 103.0 //New surface temperature (°C)
+Tsat = 100.0 //Saturation temperature (°C)
+DTe1 = (Ts1 - Tsat) //Original excess temperature (°C)
+DTe2 = (Ts2 - Tsat) //New excess temperature (°C)
+printf("The original excess temperature is: DTe = %f °C .",DTe1)
+printf("The new excess temperature is: DTe = %f °C .",DTe2)
+if ((DTe1 < 5) & (DTe2 < 5)) then
+ printf("The assumption of the free convection mechanism is valid since DTe < 5°C.")
diff --git a/2510/CH12/EX12.11/Ex12_11.sce b/2510/CH12/EX12.11/Ex12_11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..85c0af1ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH12/EX12.11/Ex12_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 12.9:
+Cp = 4127.0 //heat capacity (J/kg . K)
+DTe = 3.0 //New excess temperature (°C)
+h_vap = 2.26*10**6 //latent heat of vaporization (J/kg)
+Ja_L = Cp*DTe/h_vap //Liquid Jakob number
+printf("The liquid Jakob number is : %.5f",Ja_L)
diff --git a/2510/CH12/EX12.12/Ex12_12.sce b/2510/CH12/EX12.12/Ex12_12.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d07af2ad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH12/EX12.12/Ex12_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Ts = 106.0 //Surface temperature (°C)
+Tsat = 100.0 //Saturation temperature (°C)
+DTe = Ts-Tsat //Excess temperature (°C)
+//From table 12.5:
+C1 = 5.56 //Constant C1
+n1 = 3.0 //Constant n1
+C2 = 1040.0 //Constant C2
+n2 = 1.0/3.0 //Constant n2
+P = 1.0 //Absolute pressure (atm)
+Pa = 1.0 //Ambient absolute pressure (atm)
+h1 = C1*DTe**n1*(P/Pa)**0.4 //Boiling water heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2)
+Qs1 = h1*DTe //Surface flux (W/m^2)
+h2 = C2*DTe**n2*(P/Pa)**0.4 //Second Boiling water heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2)
+Qs2 = h2*DTe //Second Surface flux (W/m^2)
+if (Qs1/10**3 > 15.8 & Qs1/10**3 < 236) then
+ printf("The boiling regime is : %.1f kW/m^2 .",Qs1/10**3)
+ printf("The heat transfer coefficient is : %.0f W/m^2 .",h1)
+elseif (Qs1/10**3 < 15.8) then
+ printf("The boiling regime is : %.2f kW/m^2 .",Qs2/10**3)
+ printf("The heat transfer coefficient is : %.0f W/m^2.",h2)
diff --git a/2510/CH12/EX12.13/Ex12_13.sce b/2510/CH12/EX12.13/Ex12_13.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..393070ec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH12/EX12.13/Ex12_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 12.12:
+Qs1 = 11340.0 //Surface flux (W/m^2)
+D = 0.3 //Diameter of electric heater (m)
+A = %pi*(D/2.0)**2 //Surface area of heater (m^2)
+Qs = Qs1*A //Heat transfer rate (W)
+printf("The rate of heat transfer is : %.0f W.",Qs)
diff --git a/2510/CH12/EX12.2/Ex12_2.sce b/2510/CH12/EX12.2/Ex12_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ba8669f3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH12/EX12.2/Ex12_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+C = 1 //Number of constituents
+P = 1 //Number of phases
+F = C-P+2 //Number of degrees of freedom
+printf("The number of degrees of freedom is : %.2f .",F)
diff --git a/2510/CH12/EX12.4/Ex12_4.sce b/2510/CH12/EX12.4/Ex12_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b30b7a3a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH12/EX12.4/Ex12_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From steam tables:
+U1 = 1237.1 //Internnal energy of gas (Btu/lb)
+U2_g = 1112.2 //Internal energy of gas (Btu/lb)
+U2_l = 343.15 //Internal energy of liquid (Btu/lb)
+Q = 0.5*(U2_g+U2_l)-1*U1 //Heat removed (Btu/lb)
+printf("Heat removed from the system during the process is : %.1f Btu/lb.",Q)
diff --git a/2510/CH12/EX12.5/Ex12_5.sce b/2510/CH12/EX12.5/Ex12_5.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b35245a04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH12/EX12.5/Ex12_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+T1 = 99.0 //Mean film temperature (°C)
+T2 = 98.0 //Plate surface temperature (°C)
+g = 9.807 //Gravitational acceleration (m/s^2)
+//From Appendix:
+T3 = 100.0 //Saturation temperatre (°C)
+h_vap1 = 970.3 //Latent heat of steam in Btu/lb (Btu/lb)
+h_vap2 = 2.255*10**6 //Latent heat of steam in J/kg (J/kg)
+p_v = 0.577 //Density of steam (kg/m^3)
+p_l = 960.0 //Density of liquid water condensate (kg/m^3)
+mu_l = 2.82*10**-4 //Absolute viscosity of liquid water condensate (kg/m.s)
+k = 0.68 //Thermal conductivity of water (W/m.K)
+//From table 12.2
+Z = 0.4 //Height of rectangular plate (m)
+Pw = 0.2 //Wetted perimeter of rectangular plate (m)
+syms h //Average heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+A = Z*Pw //Heat transfer area of plate (m^2)
+R = A/Pw //Ratio A/Pw (m)
+v_l = mu_l/p_l //Kinematic viscosity of liquid water condensate (m^2/s)
+Co1 = (h/k)*(v_l**2/g/(1-p_v/p_l))**(1/3) //Condensation number (in terms of the average heat transfer coefficient)
+Re = 4*h*Z*(T3-T2)/(mu_l*h_vap2) //Reynolds number in terms of the average heat transfer coefficient
+//From equation 12.14:
+CO1 = 0.0077*Re**Z //Co in terms of Reynolds number for flow type 1
+x1 = solve(h,Co1-CO1) //Solving heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+h1 =x1(2); //Average heat transfer coefficient for flow type 1 (W/m^2.K)
+Re1 = subst(h1,h,Re) //Reynolds number for flow type 1
+CO2 = 1.874*Re**(-1/3) //Co in terms of Reynolds number for flow tupe 2
+x2 = solve(Co1-CO2,h) //Solving average heat transfer coefficient for flow type 2 (W/m^2.K)
+h2 = x2(1); //Average heat transfer coefficient for flow type 2 (W/m^2.K)
+Re2 = subst(h2,h,Re) //Reynolds number for flow type 2
+h2 = round(h2*10**-1)/10**-1
+printf("The type of condensation flow type 2 is laminar.")
+disp("And the condensation heat transfer coefficient is : ")
diff --git a/2510/CH12/EX12.6/Ex12_6.sce b/2510/CH12/EX12.6/Ex12_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..333baca4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH12/EX12.6/Ex12_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 12.5:
+Re = 73.9 //Reynolds number
+mu_l = 2.82*10**-4 //Absolute viscosity of liquid water condensate (kg/m.s)
+Pw = 0.2 //Wetted perimeter of rectangular plate (m)
+h = 14700.0 //Heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+T_sat = 100.0 //Saturation temperature (°C)
+Ts = 98.0 //Surface temperature (°C)
+A = 0.2*0.4 //Heat transfer area of plate (m^2)
+m1 = Re*mu_l/4.0 //Mass flow rate of condensate (kg/m.s)
+m = Pw*m1 //Mass flow rate of condensate (kg/s)
+Co = (3.038*10**-5)*h //Condensation number
+Q = h*A*(T_sat-Ts) //Heat transfer rate (W)
+printf("1. The mass flow rate of condensate is : %.4f kg/m.s.",m1)
+printf("2. The heat transfer rate is : %.2f kW.",Q/10**3)
diff --git a/2510/CH12/EX12.7/Ex12_7.sce b/2510/CH12/EX12.7/Ex12_7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..90331fcc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH12/EX12.7/Ex12_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+T_sat = 126.0 //Saturation temperature (°F)
+T = 64.0 //Surface temperature of tube (°F)
+g = 32.2 //Gravitational acceleration (ft^2/s)
+D = 4.0/12.0 //Outside diameter of tube (ft)
+Tf = (T_sat+T)/2.0 //Mean film temperature (°F)
+//From approximate values of key properties:
+h_vap = 1022.0 //Latent heat of steam (Btu/lb)
+p_v = 0.00576 //Density of steam (lb/ft^3)
+p_l = 62.03 //Density of liquid (lb/ft^3)
+k_l = 0.364 //Thermal conductivity of liquid (Btu/h.ft.°F)
+mu_l = 4.26*10**-4 //Absolute viscosity of liquid water condensate (lb/ft.s)
+h = 0.725*((p_l*(p_l-p_v)*g*h_vap*k_l**3)/(mu_l*D*(T_sat-T)/3600.0))**(1.0/4.0) //Average heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
+printf("The average heat transfer coefficient is : %.1f Btu/h.ft^2.°F.",h)
diff --git a/2510/CH12/EX12.9/Ex12_9.sce b/2510/CH12/EX12.9/Ex12_9.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0a6ab11ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH12/EX12.9/Ex12_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Qs1 = 9800.0 //Heat flux (W/m^2)
+Ts1 = 102.0 //Original surface temperature (°C)
+Ts2 = 103.0 //New surface temperature (°C)
+Tsat = 100.0 //Saturation temperature (°C)
+h1 = Qs1/(Ts1-Tsat) //Original heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+DT1 = (Ts1 - Tsat) //Original excess temperature (°C)
+DT2 = (Ts2 - Tsat) //New excess temperature (°C)
+n = 0.25 //Value of n for laminar flow
+h2 = h1*(DT2/DT1)**(n) //New heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+Qs2 = h2*(Ts2-Tsat) //New heat flux (W/m^2)
+printf("The new heat flux is : %.0f W/m^2.K .",Qs2)
diff --git a/2510/CH13/EX13.1/Ex13_1.sce b/2510/CH13/EX13.1/Ex13_1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..879546da7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH13/EX13.1/Ex13_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+LR = 7.5/12.0 //Thickness of refractory (ft)
+LI = 3.0/12.0 //Thickness of insulation (ft)
+LS = 0.25/12.0 //Thickness of steel (ft)
+kR = 0.75 //Thermal conductivity of refractory
+kI = 0.08 //Thermal conductivity of insulation
+kS = 26.0 //Thermal conductivity of steel
+TR = 2000.0 //Average surface temperature of the inner face of the refractory (°F)
+TS = 220.0 //Average surface temperature of the outer face of the steel (°F)
+DT = TR-TS //Temperature difference (°F)
+Q = DT/(LR/kR+LI/kI+LS/kS) //Heat loss (Btu/h.ft^2)(here representing Qdot/A)
+printf("The heat loss is : %.0f Btu/h.ft^2 .",Q)
diff --git a/2510/CH13/EX13.10/Ex13_10.sce b/2510/CH13/EX13.10/Ex13_10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..00ec06062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH13/EX13.10/Ex13_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 13.9:
+TS = -10.0+273.0 //Fluid’s saturation temperature expressed in Kelvin (K)
+QC = 160.0 //Heat absorbed by the evaporator (kJ/kg)
+DS = QC/TS //Fluid’s change in entropy(kJ/kg.K)
+printf("The fluids change in entropy across the evaporator is : %.2f kJ/kg.K.",DS)
diff --git a/2510/CH13/EX13.11/Ex13_11.sce b/2510/CH13/EX13.11/Ex13_11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..63b906462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH13/EX13.11/Ex13_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From figure 13.2:
+h1 = 390.0 //Fluid enthalpy on entering the compressor (kJ/kg)
+h2 = 430.0 //Fluid enthalpy on leaving the compressor (kJ/kg)
+h3 = 230.0 //Fluid enthalpy on leaving the condenser (kJ/kg)
+QH = h2 - h3 //Heat rejected from the condenser (kJ/kg)
+W_in = h2 - h1 //Change in enthalpy across the compressor (kJ/kg)
+QC = QH - W_in //Heat absorbed by the evaporator (kJ/kg)
+printf("The heat absorbed by the evaporator of the refrigerator is : %.0f kJ/kg.",QC)
diff --git a/2510/CH13/EX13.12/Ex13_12.sce b/2510/CH13/EX13.12/Ex13_12.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..412ce1ace
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH13/EX13.12/Ex13_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 13.11:
+W_in = 40.0 //Change in enthalpy across the compressor (kJ/kg)
+QC = 160.0 //Heat absorbed by the evaporator (kJ/kg)
+COP = QC/W_in //Refrigerator’s C.O.P.
+printf("the refrigerators C.O.P. is : %.0f .",COP)
diff --git a/2510/CH13/EX13.13/Ex13_13.sce b/2510/CH13/EX13.13/Ex13_13.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a99521db8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH13/EX13.13/Ex13_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+h1 = 548.0 //Steam enthalpy at the entry and exit to the boiler (kJ/kg)
+h2 = 3989.0 //Steam enthalpy at the entry and exit to the turbine (kJ/kg)
+h3 = 2491.0 //Steam enthalpy at the entry and exit to the pump (kJ/kg)
+QH = 2043.0 //Heat rejected by the condenser (kJ/kg)
+h4 = h3 - QH //Steam enthalpy at the entry and exit to the condenser (kJ/kg)
+Qb = h2 - h1 //Enthalpy change across the boiler (kJ/kg)
+printf("The enthalpy change across the boiler is : %.0f kJ/kg.",Qb)
diff --git a/2510/CH13/EX13.14/Ex13_14.sce b/2510/CH13/EX13.14/Ex13_14.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9c874a53c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH13/EX13.14/Ex13_14.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 13.4:
+h1 = 548.0 //Steam enthalpy at the entry and exit to the boiler (kJ/kg)
+h2 = 3989.0 //Steam enthalpy at the entry and exit to the turbine (kJ/kg)
+h3 = 2491.0 //Steam enthalpy at the entry and exit to the pump (kJ/kg)
+h4 = 448.0 //Steam enthalpy at the entry and exit to the condenser (kJ/kg)
+Qb = 3441.0 //Enthalpy change across the boiler (kJ/kg)
+Wt = h2 - h3 //Work produced by the turbine (kJ/kg)
+Wp = h1 - h4 //Work used by the pump (kJ/kg)
+W_net = Wt - Wp //Net work by subtracting the pump work from the turbine work (kJ/kg)
+n_th = W_net/Qb //Thermal efficiency
+printf("The thermal efficiency is : %.1f %%.",n_th*100)
diff --git a/2510/CH13/EX13.15/Ex13_15.sce b/2510/CH13/EX13.15/Ex13_15.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..173de515e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH13/EX13.15/Ex13_15.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From table 13.4:
+x3 = 0.9575 //Mass fraction vapour at point 3
+h3 = 2491.0 //Steam enthalpy at the entry and exit to the pump (kJ/kg)
+s3 = 7.7630 //Entropy at the entry and exit to the pump (kJ/kg.K)
+s4 = 1.4410 //Entropy at the entry and exit to the condenser (kJ/kg.K)
+//From example13.14:
+h4 = 448.0 //Steam enthalpy at the entry and exit to the condenser (kJ/kg)
+Q_out = h3 - h4 //Heat rejected (kJ/kg)
+DS = s3 - s4 //Process change in entropy (kJ/kg)
+T3 = Q_out/DS //Temperature at point 3 (K)
+printf("The temperature at point 3 is : %.0f K.",T3)
+printf("Or, the temperature at point 3 is : %.0f °C.",T3-273)
diff --git a/2510/CH13/EX13.2/Ex13_2.sce b/2510/CH13/EX13.2/Ex13_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6f44f747d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH13/EX13.2/Ex13_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+LR = 7.5/12.0 //Thickness of refractory (ft)
+kR = 0.75 //Thermal conductivity of refractory
+TR = 2000.0 //Average surface temperature of the inner face of the refractory (°F)
+Q = 450.0 //Heat loss (Btu/h.ft^2)
+TI = TR - Q*(LR/kR) //Temperature of the boundary where the refractory meets the insulation (°F)
+printf("The temperature of the boundary where the refractory meets the insulation is : %.0f °F .",TI)
diff --git a/2510/CH13/EX13.3/Ex13_3.sce b/2510/CH13/EX13.3/Ex13_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2a4d3ac96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH13/EX13.3/Ex13_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+QbyA = 70000.0 //Total heat loss (Btu/h)
+Q = 450.0 //Heat loss (Btu/h.ft^2)
+A = QbyA/Q //Area available for heat transfer (ft^2)
+printf("The area available for heat transfer is : %.1f ft^2 .",A)
diff --git a/2510/CH13/EX13.9/Ex13_9.sce b/2510/CH13/EX13.9/Ex13_9.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e055b2e30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH13/EX13.9/Ex13_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+h_out = 390.0 //Enthalpy of the fluid that exits from the evaporator (kJ/kg)
+h_in = 230.0 //Enthalpy of the fluid that enters the unit (kJ/kg)
+QC = h_out - h_in //Heat absorbed by the evaporator (kJ/kg)
+printf("The heat absorbed by the evaporator is : %.0f kJ/kg.",QC)
diff --git a/2510/CH14/EX14.1/Ex14_1.sce b/2510/CH14/EX14.1/Ex14_1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2f623ae7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH14/EX14.1/Ex14_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+scfm = 20000.0 //Volumetric flow rate of air at standard conditions (scfm)
+H1 = 1170.0 //Enthalpy at 200°F (Btu/lbmol)
+H2 = 14970.0 //Enthalpy at 2000°F (Btu/lbmol)
+Cp = 7.53 //Average heat capacity (Btu/lbmol.°F)
+T1 = 200.0 //Initial temperature (°F)
+T2 = 2000.0 //Final temperature (°F)
+n = scfm/359.0 //Flow rate of air in a molar flow rate (lbmol/min)
+DH = H2 - H1 //Change in enthalpy (Btu/lbmol)
+DT = T2 - T1 //Change in temperature (°F)
+Q1 = n*DH //Heat transfer rate using enthalpy data (Btu/min)
+Q2 = n*Cp*DT //Heat transfer rate using the average heat capacity data (Btu/min)
+printf("The heat transfer rate using enthalpy data is : %.2f x 10^5 Btu/min.",Q1/10**5)
+printf("The heat transfer rate using the average heat capacity data is : %.2f x 10^5 Btu/min.",Q2/10**5)
diff --git a/2510/CH14/EX14.10/Ex14_10.sce b/2510/CH14/EX14.10/Ex14_10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..33197c1ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH14/EX14.10/Ex14_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+A = 1.0 //Surface area of glass (m^2)
+h1 = 11.0 //Heat transfer coefficient inside room (W/m^2.K)
+L2 = 0.125*0.0254 //Thickness of glass (m)
+k2 = 1.4 //Thermal conductivity of glass (W/m.K)
+h3 = 9.0 //Heat transfer coefficient from window to surrounding cold air (W/m^2.K)
+R1 = 1.0/(h1*A) //Internal convection resistance (K/W)
+R2 = L2/(k2*A) //Conduction resistance through glass panel (K/W)
+R3 = 1.0/(h3*A) //Outside convection resistance (K/W)
+Rt = R1+R2+R3 //Total thermal resistance (K/W)
+U = 1.0/(A*Rt) //Overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+printf("The overall heat transfer coefficient is : %.1f W/m^2.K.",U)
diff --git a/2510/CH14/EX14.11/Ex14_11.sce b/2510/CH14/EX14.11/Ex14_11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..67476a79d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH14/EX14.11/Ex14_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Dx = 0.049/12.0 //Thickness of copper plate (ft)
+h1 = 208.0 //Film coefficient of surface one (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
+h2 = 10.8 //Film coefficient of surface two (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
+k = 220.0 //Thermal conductivity for copper (W/m.K)
+U = 1.0/(1.0/h1+Dx/k+1.0/h2) //Overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
+printf("The overall heat transfer coefficient is : %.2f Btu/h.ft^2.°F.",U)
diff --git a/2510/CH14/EX14.12/Ex14_12.sce b/2510/CH14/EX14.12/Ex14_12.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f43f5e73e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH14/EX14.12/Ex14_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Do = 0.06 //Outside diameter of pipe (m)
+Di = 0.05 //Inside diameter of pipe (m)
+ho = 8.25 //Outside coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+hi = 2000.0 //Inside coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+R = 1.33*10**-4 //Resistance for steel (m^2.K/W)
+U = 1.0/(Do/(hi*Di)+R+1.0/ho) //Overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.°K)
+printf("The overall heat transfer coefficient is : %.2f W/m^2.°K.",U)
diff --git a/2510/CH14/EX14.14/Ex14_14.sce b/2510/CH14/EX14.14/Ex14_14.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c3cba5c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH14/EX14.14/Ex14_14.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Di = 0.825/12.0 //Pipe inside diameter (ft)
+Do = 1.05/12.0 //Pipe outside diameter (ft)
+Dl = 4.05/12.0 //Insulation thickness (ft)
+l = 1.0 //Pipe length (ft)
+kp = 26.0 //Thermal conductivity of pipe (Btu/h.ft.°F)
+kl = 0.037 //Thermal conductivity of insulation (Btu/h.ft.°F)
+hi = 800.0 //Steam film coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
+ho = 2.5 //Air film coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
+pi = %pi
+ri = Di/2.0 //Pipe inside radius (ft)
+ro = Do/2.0 //Pipe outside radius (ft)
+rl = Dl/2.0 //Insulation radius (ft)
+Ai = pi*Di*l //Inside area of pipe (ft^2)
+Ao = pi*Do*l //Outside area of pipe (ft^2)
+Al = pi*Dl*l //Insulation area of pipe (ft^2)
+A_Plm = (Ao-Ai)/log(Ao/Ai) //Log mean area for steel pipe (ft^2)
+A_Ilm = (Al-Ao)/log(Al/Ao) //Log mean area for insulation (ft^2)
+Ri = 1.0/(hi*Ai) //Air resistance (m^2.K/W)
+Ro = 1.0/(ho*Al) //Steam resistance (m^2.K/W)
+Rp = (ro-ri)/(kp*A_Plm) //Pipe resistance (m^2.K/W)
+Rl = (rl-ro)/(kl*A_Ilm) //Insulation resistance (m^2.K/W)
+U = 1.0/(Ai*(Ri+Rp+Ro+Rl)) //Overall heat coefficient based on the inside area (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
+printf("The overall heat transfer coefficient based on the inside area of the pipe is : %.3f Btu/h.ft^2.°F .",U)
diff --git a/2510/CH14/EX14.15/Ex14_15.sce b/2510/CH14/EX14.15/Ex14_15.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a18cc385f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH14/EX14.15/Ex14_15.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 14.14:
+Di = 0.825/12.0 //%pipe inside diameter (ft)
+L = 1.0 //%pipe length (ft)
+Ui = 0.7492 //Overall heat coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
+Ts = 247.0 //Steam temperature (°F)
+ta = 60.0 //Air temperature (°F)
+Ai = %pi*Di*L //Inside area of %pipe (ft^2)
+Q = Ui*Ai*(Ts-ta) //Heat transfer rate (Btu/h)
+printf("The heat transfer rate is : %.1f Btu/h.",Q)
diff --git a/2510/CH14/EX14.16/Ex14_16.sce b/2510/CH14/EX14.16/Ex14_16.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f1cc5f60e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH14/EX14.16/Ex14_16.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+hw = 200.0 //Water heat coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
+ho = 50.0 //Oil heat coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
+hf = 1000.0 //Fouling heat coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
+DTlm = 90.0 //Log mean temperature difference (°F)
+A = 15.0 //Area of wall (ft^2)
+X = 1.0/hw+1.0/ho+1.0/hf //Equation 14.34 for constant A
+U = 1.0/X //Overall heat coeffocient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
+Q = U*A*DTlm //Heat transfer rate (Btu/h)
+Q = round(Q*10**-1)/10**-1
+printf("The heat transfer rate is : %f Btu/h.",Q)
diff --git a/2510/CH14/EX14.17/Ex14_17.sce b/2510/CH14/EX14.17/Ex14_17.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e14d0f6d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH14/EX14.17/Ex14_17.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ //Variable declaration:
+T = 80.0 //Pipe surface temperature (°F)
+t1 = 10.0 //Brine inlet temperature (°F)
+syms DT2 //Discharge temperature of the brine solution (°F)
+m = 20*60 //Flowrate of brine solution (lb/h)
+Cp = 0.99 //Heat capacity of brine solution (Btu/lb.°F)
+U1 = 150 //Overall heat transfer coefficient at brine solution entrance (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
+U2 = 140 //Overall heat transfer coefficientat at brine solution exit (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
+A = 2.5 //Pipe surface area for heat transfer (ft^2)
+DT1 = T-t1 //Temperature approach at the pipe entrance (°F)
+Q = m*Cp*(DT1-DT2) //Energy balance to the brine solution across the full length of the pipe (Btu/h)
+DT1m = (DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2) //Equation for the LMTD
+QQ = A*(U2*DT1-U1*DT2)/log(U2*DT1/U1/DT2) //Equation for the heat transfer rate (Btu/h)
+E = QQ-Q //Energy balance equation
+R = integrate(E,DT2,1.2)
+ //
+DT = 51.6254331484575 //Log mean temperature difference
+t2 = T-DT //In discharge temperature of the brine solution (°F)
+t2c = 5/9*(t2-32) //In discharge temperature of the brine solution in °C (c/5 = (F-32)/9)
+_Q_ = eval(subst(DT,DT2,Q)) //Heat transfer rate (Btu/h)
+Q1 = round(_Q_*10**-1)/10**-1
+Q2 = round(_Q_/3.412*10**-2)/10**-2
+printf("The temperature approach at the brine inlet side is : %.1f °F.",DT1)
+printf("Or, the temperature approach at the brine inlet side is : %.1f °C.",DT1/1.8)
+printf("The exit temperature of the brine solution is : %.2f °F.",t2)
+printf("Or, the exit temperature of the brine solution is : %.1f °C.",(t2-32)/1.8)
+printf("The rate of heat transfer is : %f Btu/h.",Q1)
+printf("Or, the rate of heat transfer is : %f W.",Q2)
diff --git a/2510/CH14/EX14.2/Ex14_2.sce b/2510/CH14/EX14.2/Ex14_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..632d51d66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH14/EX14.2/Ex14_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+n = 1200.0 //Flow rate of air in a molar flow rate (lbmol/min)
+Cp = 0.26 //Average heat capacity (Btu/lbmol.°F)
+T1 = 200.0 //Initial temperature (°F)
+T2 = 1200.0 //Final temperature (°F)
+DT = T2 - T1 //Change in temperature (°F)
+Q = n*Cp*DT //Required heat rate (Btu/min)
+printf("The required heat rate is : %.2f x 10^5 Btu/min.",Q/10**5)
diff --git a/2510/CH14/EX14.3/Ex14_3.sce b/2510/CH14/EX14.3/Ex14_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..32770a949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH14/EX14.3/Ex14_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Tc1 = 25.0 //Initial temperature of cold fluid (°C)
+Th1 = 72.0 //Initial temperature of hot fluid (°C)
+Th2 = 84.0 //Final temperature of hot fluid (°C)
+//From equation 14.2:
+Tc2 = (Th2-Th1)+Tc1 //Final temperature of cold fluid (°C)
+printf("The final temperature of the cold liquid is : %f °C.",Tc2)
+printf("There is a printing mistake in unit of final temperature in book.")
diff --git a/2510/CH14/EX14.4/Ex14_4.sce b/2510/CH14/EX14.4/Ex14_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..22b0d7621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH14/EX14.4/Ex14_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Ts = 100.0 //Steam temperature at 1 atm (°C)
+Tl = 25.0 //Fluid temperature (°C)
+DTlm = Ts - Tl //Log mean temperature difference (°C)
+printf("The LMTD is : %f °C.",DTlm)
diff --git a/2510/CH14/EX14.5/Ex14_5.sce b/2510/CH14/EX14.5/Ex14_5.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..897834383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH14/EX14.5/Ex14_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Ts = 100.0 //Steam temperature at 1 atm (°C)
+T1 = 25.0 //Initial fluid temperature (°C)
+T2 = 80.0 //Final fluid temperature (°C)
+DT1 = Ts - T1 //Temperature difference driving force at the fluid entrance (°C)
+DT2 = Ts - T2 //Temperature driving force at the fluid exit (°C)
+DTlm = (DT1 - DT2)/log(DT1/DT2) //Log mean temperature difference (°C)
+printf("The LMTD is : %.1f °C.",DTlm)
+printf("There is a calculation mistake regarding final result in book.")
diff --git a/2510/CH14/EX14.6/Ex14_6.sce b/2510/CH14/EX14.6/Ex14_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9bc785658
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH14/EX14.6/Ex14_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+T1 = 500.0 //Temperature of hot fluid entering the heat exchanger (°F)
+T2 = 400.0 //Temperature of hot fluid exiting the heat exchanger (°F)
+t1 = 120.0 //Temperature of cold fluid entering the heat exchanger (°F)
+t2 = 310.0 //Temperature of cold fluid exiting the heat exchanger (°F)
+DT1 = T1 - t2 //Temperature difference driving force at the heat exchanger entrance (°F)
+DT2 = T2 - t1 //Temperature difference driving force at the heat exchanger exit (°F)
+DTlm = (DT1 - DT2)/(log(DT1/DT2)) //LMTD (driving force) for the heat exchanger (°F)
+printf("The LMTD (driving force) for the heat exchanger is : %.0f °F.",DTlm)
diff --git a/2510/CH14/EX14.7/Ex14_7.sce b/2510/CH14/EX14.7/Ex14_7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e78e683a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH14/EX14.7/Ex14_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+m = 8000.0 //Rate of oil flow inside the tube (lb/h)
+Cp = 0.55 //Heat capacity of oil (Btu/lb.°F)
+T1 = 210.0 //Initial temperature of oil (°F)
+T2 = 170.0 //Final temperature of oil (°F)
+t = 60.0 //Tube surface temperature (°F)
+DT = T2 - T1 //Change in temperature (°F)
+Q = m*Cp*DT //Heat transferred from the heavy oil (Btu/h)
+DT1 = T1 - t //Temperature difference driving force at the pipe entrance (°F)
+DT2 = T2 - t //Temperature difference driving force at the pipe exit (°F)
+DTlm = (DT1 - DT2)/(log(DT1/DT2)) //LMTD (driving force) for the heat exchanger (°F)
+printf("The heat transfer rate is : %.0f Btu/h.",Q)
+printf("The LMTD for the heat exchanger is : %.0f °F.",DTlm)
diff --git a/2510/CH14/EX14.8/Ex14_8.sce b/2510/CH14/EX14.8/Ex14_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..fe3fcd8ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH14/EX14.8/Ex14_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+T1 = 138.0 //Temperature of oil entering the cooler (°F)
+T2 = 103.0 //Temperature of oil leaving the cooler (°F)
+t1 = 88.0 //Temperature of coolant entering the cooler (°F)
+t2 = 98.0 //Temperature of coolant leaving the cooler (°F)
+//For counter flow unit:
+DT1 = T1 - t2 //Temperature difference driving force at the cooler entrance (°F)
+DT2 = T2 - t1 //Temperature difference driving force at the cooler exit (°F)
+DTlm1 = (DT1 - DT2)/(log(DT1/DT2)) //LMTD (driving force) for the heat exchanger (°F)
+//For parallel flow unit:
+DT3 = T1 - t1 //Temperature difference driving force at the cooler entrance (°F)
+DT4 = T2 - t2 //Temperature difference driving force at the cooler exit (°F)
+DTlm2 = (DT3 - DT4)/(log(DT3/DT4)) //LMTD (driving force) for the heat exchanger (°F)
+printf("The LMTD for counter-current flow unit is : %.1f °F.",DTlm1)
+printf("The LMTD for parallel flow unit is : %.1f °F.",DTlm2)
diff --git a/2510/CH15/EX15.10/Ex15_10.sce b/2510/CH15/EX15.10/Ex15_10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..744313fa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH15/EX15.10/Ex15_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+MC = 2000.0
+mc = 1000.0
+U = 2000.0
+A = 10.0
+T1 = 300.0
+t1 = 60.0
+e = %e
+B = 1.0/mc
+b = 1.0/MC
+x = B/b
+y = U*(B-b)
+T2 = ((x-y)*T1 + x*(e-y)*t1)/(2*e-1)
+t2 = t1+(T1-T2)/x
+printf("T2 = : %.0f ",T2)
+printf("t2 = : %.0f ",t2)
diff --git a/2510/CH15/EX15.11/Ex15_11.sce b/2510/CH15/EX15.11/Ex15_11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2b49cce78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH15/EX15.11/Ex15_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+h1 = 1200.0 //Hot film coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2..)
+h2 = 1175.0 //Cold film coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2..)
+L = 200.0 //Length of pipe (ft)
+MC = 30000.0
+mc = 22300.0
+T1 = 300.0 //Inlet temperature of hot fluid in pipe (.)
+t1 = 60.0 //Inlet temperature of cold fluid in pipe (.)
+syms T2 //Outlet temperature of hot fluid .
+syms t2 //Outlet temperature of cold fluid .
+//From table 6.2:
+ID = 2.067 //Inside diameter of pipe (in)
+OD = 2.375 //Outside diameter of pipe (in)
+Dx = 0.154 //Thickness of pipe (in)
+Ai = 0.541 //Inside sectional area of pipe (ft^2/ft)
+k = 25.0 //Thermal conductivity of pipe (Btu/h)
+Ui = 1.0/((1.0/h1) +(Dx/(k*12.0))+(1.0/(h2*(OD/ID)))) //Overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2..)
+Ai1 = Ai*L //Inside area of pipe (ft^3/ft)
+QH = MC*(T1-T2) //Heat transfer rate of hot fluid (Btu/h)
+QC = mc*(t2-t1) //Heat transfer rate of cold fluid (Btu/h)
+t2ht = 195 //t2 by hit and trial
+[x] = fsolve(T2,QC-QH)
+T2 = x(1)
+DTlm = (T1-t1-T2+t2)/log((T1-t1)/(T2-t2)) //Log mean temperature difference (.)
+Q = Ui*Ai1*subst(t2ht,t2,DTlm) //Total heat transfer rate (Btu/h)
+disp("T2 :")
+disp("t2 :")
+disp("Qdot :")
+disp("x 10**6 Btu/h")
diff --git a/2510/CH15/EX15.12/Ex15_12.sce b/2510/CH15/EX15.12/Ex15_12.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..fc71588f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH15/EX15.12/Ex15_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+B = 3.33*10**-5
+b = 4.48*10**-5
+//From example 15.11:
+A = 108.2 //Inside area of pipe (ft^3/ft)
+U = 482 //Overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2..)
+MC = 30000.0
+mc = 23000.0
+T1 = 300.0 //Inlet temperature of hot fluid in pipe (.)
+t1 = 60.0 //Inlet temperature of cold fluid in pipe (.)
+e = %e
+//From equation 15.28:
+T2 = ((B/b)*(e**(U*A*(B-b))-1)*t1+T1*(B/b-1))/((B/b)*e**(U*A*(B-b))-1) //Outlet temperature of hot fluid (.)
+//From equation 15.32:
+t2 = ((b/B)*(e**(U*A*(b-B))-1)*T1+t1*(b/B-1))/((b/B)*e**(U*A*(b-B))-1) //Outlet temperature of cold fluid (.)
+DT = ((T2-t1)-(T1-t2))/(log((T2-t1)/(T1-t2))) //Log mean difference temperature (.)
+Q1 = U*A*DT //Heat transfer rate of hot fluid (Btu/h)
+Q2 = MC*(T1-T2) //Heat transfer rate of cold fluid (Btu/h)
+Q2 = round(Q2 * 10**-3)/10**-3
+printf("The heat load is : %f Btu/h.",Q2)
diff --git a/2510/CH15/EX15.14/Ex15_14.sce b/2510/CH15/EX15.14/Ex15_14.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ac607cfe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH15/EX15.14/Ex15_14.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Ts = 100.0 //Saturation temperature (u00b0C)
+t1 = 25.0 //Initial temperature of water (u00b0C)
+t2 = 73.0 //Final temperature of water (u00b0C)
+m = 228.0/3600.0 //Mass flow rate of water (kg/s)
+cp = 4174.0 //Heat capacity of water (J/kg.K)
+m_s = 55.0/3600.0 //Mass flow rate of steam (kg/s)
+h_vap = 2.26*10**26 //Latent heat of condensation (J/kg)
+k = 54.0 //Thermal conductivity for 0.5% carbon steel (W/m.K)
+rii = 0.013 //Inner radius of inner %pipe of the double %pipe heat exchanger (m)
+roi = 0.019 //Outer radius of inner %pipe of the double %pipe heat exchanger (m)
+Rf = 0.0002 //Fouling factor (m^2.K/W)
+Uc = 0.00045 //Clean overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+DT1 = Ts-t1 //Temperature driving force at end 1 (K)
+DT2 = Ts-t2 //Temperature driving force at end 2 (K)
+DTlm = (DT1-DT2)/(log(DT1/DT2)) //Log mean difference temperature (u00b0C)
+Cw =m*cp //Capacitance rate of water (W/K)
+Q = Cw*(t2-t1) //Heat transfer rate (W)
+Qmax1 = Cw*(Ts-t1) //Maximum heat term from the water stream (W)
+Qmax2 = m_s*h_vap //Maximum heat term from the steam (W)
+E = Q/Qmax1 //Effectiveness
+Lmin = (Q*(log(roi/rii)))/(2*%pi*k*(Ts-t1)) //Minimum required length of heat exchanger (m)
+Ud = 1.0/(1.0/Uc+Rf) //Dirty overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+ud = round(1/Ud * 10**-1)/10**-1
+printf("1. The temperature profile of the water and steam along the length of the exchanger is : %.0f C .",DTlm)
+printf("2. Effectiveness of energy from steam to heat the water is : %.3f .",E)
+printf("3. The minimum length of the heat exchanger is : %.3f m .",Lmin)
+printf("4. The dirty overall heat transfer coefficient : %.5f W/m^2.K",Ud)
+printf("5. U_dirty: %f W/m^2.K",ud)
diff --git a/2510/CH15/EX15.15/Ex15_15.sce b/2510/CH15/EX15.15/Ex15_15.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d635dbd84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH15/EX15.15/Ex15_15.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Q = 12700.0 //Heat transfer rate (W)
+Ud = 2220.0 //Dirty overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+DTlm = 47.0 //Log mean difference temperature (u00b0C)
+rii = 0.013 //Inner radius of inner %pipe of the double %pipe heat exchanger (m)
+A = Q/(Ud*DTlm) //Heat transfer area (m^2)
+L = A/(2*%pi*rii) //Tube length (m)
+printf("The heat transfer area is : %.4f m^2.",A)
+printf("The length of the heat exchanger is : %.2f m.",L)
diff --git a/2510/CH15/EX15.16/Ex15_16.sce b/2510/CH15/EX15.16/Ex15_16.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b350a9c86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH15/EX15.16/Ex15_16.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Ud = 2220.0 //Dirty overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+A = 0.1217 //Heat transfer area (m^2)
+Cw = 264.0 //Capacitance rate of water (W/K)
+NTU = (Ud*A)/Cw //Number of transfer units of the exchanger
+printf("The number of transfer units (NTU) of the exchanger is : %.2f .",NTU)
diff --git a/2510/CH15/EX15.18/Ex15_18.sce b/2510/CH15/EX15.18/Ex15_18.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d0fb90e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH15/EX15.18/Ex15_18.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Ao = 1.85 //Area of heat exchanger (ft^2)
+//From figure 15.6:
+y = 0.560*10**-3 //Intercept 1/UoAo (..h/Btu)
+ho = 1.0/(Ao*y) //Thermal conductivity for heat exchanger (Btu/h.ft^2..)
+printf("Thermal conductivity for the heat exchanger is : %.0f Btu/h.ft^2.. .",ho)
diff --git a/2510/CH15/EX15.19/Ex15_19.sce b/2510/CH15/EX15.19/Ex15_19.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c66dbae43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH15/EX15.19/Ex15_19.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From figure 15.7:
+a = 0.00126
+b = 0.0276
+ho = 1.0/a //The value of ho (Btu/h.ft^2..)
+printf("Thermal conductivity is : %.0f Btu/h.ft^2.. .",ho)
diff --git a/2510/CH15/EX15.2/Ex15_2.sce b/2510/CH15/EX15.2/Ex15_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e44dc7bc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH15/EX15.2/Ex15_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Q = 12000.0 //Heat transfer rate (Btu/h)
+U = 48.0 //Overall heat coefficient (Btu/ft^2.h..)
+DTlm = 50.0 //Log mean temperature difference (.)
+A = Q/(U*DTlm) //Area of exchanger (ft^2)
+printf("The area of the exchanger is : %.0f ft^2 .",A)
diff --git a/2510/CH15/EX15.20/Ex15_20.sce b/2510/CH15/EX15.20/Ex15_20.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8f0f73974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH15/EX15.20/Ex15_20.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Di = 0.902/12.0 //Inside diameter of tube (ft)
+Do = 1.0/12.0 //Outside diameter of tube (ft)
+k = 60.0 //Thermal conductivity of tube (Btu/h.ft^2..)
+//From example 15.19:
+a = 0.00126
+Dr = (Do - Di)/2.0 //Radial thickness of tube wall (ft)
+Rw = Dr/k //Resistance of wall (Btu/h..)
+ho = 1.0/(a-Rw) //The revised ho (Btu/h.ft^2..)
+printf("The revised ho is : %.0f Btu/h.ft^2.. .",ho)
diff --git a/2510/CH15/EX15.21/Ex15_21.sce b/2510/CH15/EX15.21/Ex15_21.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..817c8e347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH15/EX15.21/Ex15_21.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+a1 = 0.00044 //Term 'a' for U_clean
+a2 = 0.00089 //Term 'a' for U_dirty
+Rs = a2 - a1 //Resistance associated with the scale
+hs = 1.0/Rs //Scale film coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2..)
+printf("The scale film coefficient neglecting the wall resistance is: %.0f Btu/h.ft^2.. .",hs)
diff --git a/2510/CH15/EX15.3/Ex15_3.sce b/2510/CH15/EX15.3/Ex15_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e529b2f38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH15/EX15.3/Ex15_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Q = 56760 //Heat transfer rate (Btu/h)
+U = 35.35 //Overall heat coefficient (Btu/ft.h..)
+A = 32.1 //Area of exachanger (ft^2)
+t1 = 63.0 //Outlet cold water temperature (.)
+T1 = 164 //Outlet hot water temperature (.)
+T2 = 99 //Inlet hot water temperature (.)
+syms t2 //Inlet cold water temperature (.)
+DTlm = Q/(U*A) //Log mean temperature difference (.)
+dT1 = T1-t1 //Temperature approach at pipe outlet (.)
+dT2 = T2-t2 //Temperature approach at pipe inlet (.)
+Eq = (dT2-dT1)/log(dT2/dT1)-DTlm
+R = eval(subst(0,t2,Eq)) //Inlet cold water temperature (.)
+disp("The inlet cold water temperature is : ")
+// There is some mistake in calculation in book. Please calculate manually.
diff --git a/2510/CH15/EX15.4/Ex15_4.sce b/2510/CH15/EX15.4/Ex15_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9b2c2d187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH15/EX15.4/Ex15_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+m = 14.6 //Flow rate of water inside the tube (lb/min)
+Cp = 1 //Heat capacity of water (Btu/lb..)
+t2 = 79 //Initial temperature of water (.)
+t1 = 63 //Final temperature of water (.)
+//From example 15.3:
+Q1 = 56760 //Old heat transfer rate (Btu/h)
+Q2 = m*Cp*(t2-t1) //New heat transfer rate (Btu/min)
+printf("The new heat transfer rate is : %.0f Btu/min.",Q2)
+printf("Or, the new heat transfer rate is : %.0f Btu/h.",Q2*60)
+if (Q1==Q2) then
+ printf("This result agree with the Qu02d9 provided in the problem statement. Shakespeare is wrong, nothing is rotten there.")
+ printf("This result does not agree with the Qu02d9 provided in the problem statement. Shakespeare is right, something is indeed rotten.")
diff --git a/2510/CH15/EX15.5/Ex15_5.sce b/2510/CH15/EX15.5/Ex15_5.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c92af9937
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH15/EX15.5/Ex15_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+T1 = 210.0 //Initial temperature of oil (.)
+T2 = 170.0 //Final temperature of oil (.)
+T3 = 60.0 //Surface temperature of oil (.)
+m = 8000.0 //Flow rate of oil inside tube (lb/h)
+cp = 0.55 //Heat capacity of oil (Btu/lb..)
+U = 63.0 //Overall heat teansfer coefficient (Btu.h.ft^2..)
+DT1 = T1-T3 //Temperature difference 1 (.)
+DT2 = T2-T3 //Temperature difference 2 (.)
+DTlm = (DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2) //Log mean temerature difference (.)
+Q = m*cp*(T1-T2) //Heat transferred (Btu/h)
+A = Q/(U*DTlm) //Heat transfer area (ft^2)
+printf("The required heat transfer area is : %.2f ft^2 .",A)
diff --git a/2510/CH15/EX15.6/Ex15_6.sce b/2510/CH15/EX15.6/Ex15_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..07d4c5ca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH15/EX15.6/Ex15_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+T1 = 140.0 //Initial temperature of hot water (.)
+T2 = 110.0 //Final temperature of hot water (.)
+T3 = 60.0 //Initial temperature of cold water (.)
+T4 = 90.0 //Initial temperature of cold water (.)
+DTlm2 = 50.0 //Log mean temerature difference for countercurrent flow, a constant (.) (part 2)
+m = 100.0*60 //Water flow rate (lb/h)
+cp = 1.0 ////Heat capacity of water (Btu/lb..)
+U = 750.0 //Overall heat teansfer coefficient (Btu.h.ft^2..)
+DT1 = T1-T3 //Temperature difference 1 (.) (part 1)
+DT2 = T2-T4 //Temperature difference 2 (.)
+DTlm1 = (DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2) //Log mean temerature difference (.)
+Q = m*cp*(T1-T2) //Heat transferred (Btu/h)
+Ap = Q/(U*DTlm1) //Heat transfer area for parallel flow (ft^2)
+Ac = Q/(U*DTlm2) //Heat transfer area for counter flow (ft^2)
+printf("1. The double pipe co-current flow is : %.2f ft^2 .",Ap)
+printf("1. The double pipe countercurrent flow is : %.2f ft^2 .",Ac)
diff --git a/2510/CH15/EX15.8/Ex15_8.sce b/2510/CH15/EX15.8/Ex15_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d9c07b2a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH15/EX15.8/Ex15_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+uC = 3.7*10**-4 //Viscosity of benzene (lb/ft.s)
+uH = 2.05*10**-4 //Viscosity of water @200 . (lb/ft.s)
+u2 = 2.16*10**-4 //Viscosity of water @192 . (lb/ft.s)
+pC = 54.8 //Density of benzene (lb/ft^3)
+pH = 60.13 //Density of water (lb/ft^3)
+cpC = 0.415 //Specific heat capacity of benzene (Btu/lb..)
+cpH = 1 //Specific heat capacity of water (Btu/lb..)
+sgC = 0.879
+kC = 0.092 //Thermal conductivity of benzene (Btu/h.ft..)
+kH = 0.392 //Thermal conductivity of water @200 . (Btu/h.ft..)
+k2 = 0.390 //Thermal conductivity of water @192 . (Btu/h.ft..)
+mC = 2500 //Flow rate of benzene (lb/s)
+mH = 4000 //Flow rate of water (lb/s)
+Re = 13000 //Reynolds number
+dTc = 120-60 //Difference in temperature heating for benzene
+Tw = 200 //Temperatperature of hot water (.)
+//For 2-inch schedule 40 pipe
+Ai = 0.541 //Inside area of pipe (ft^2/ft)
+Ao = 0.622 //Outside area of pipe (ft^2/ft)
+Di = 2.067 //Inside diameter of pipe (inch)
+Do = 2.375 //Outside diameter of pipe (inch)
+Si = 0.0233 //Inside surface area of pipe (ft^2)
+dXw = 0.128 //Width of pipe (ft)
+pi = %pi
+//For 4-inch schedule 40 pipe
+Dio = 4.026 //Inside diameter of pipe (inch)
+Doi = Do //Outside diameter of pipe (inch)
+kw = 26
+function [a] = St(Re,Pr) //Dittus Boelter equation
+ a = 0.023*Re**-0.2*Pr**-0.667
+//For inside tubes:
+Dicalc = 4*mC/(Re*pi*uC)/3600 //Inside diameter (ft)
+mHcalc = Re*pi*uH*(Doi+Dio)/4*3600/12 //Mass flow rate of water (lb/h)
+Q = mC*cpC*dTc //Heat in water (Btu/h)
+dTH = Q/mH //Temperature difference of water (.)
+THo = Tw - dTH //Outlet temperature of water (.)
+THav = (Tw+THo)/2 //Average temperature of water (.)
+//For benzene:
+PrC = cpC*uC/kC*3600 //Prandtl number
+StC = round(St(13000, PrC) * 10**5)/10**5 //Stanton number
+hi = StC*cpC*mC/Si //Heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2..)
+//For water:
+ReH = 4*mH/3600/(pi*u2*(Doi+Dio)/12) //Reynolds number
+PrH = cpH*(u2)/k2*3600 //Prandtl number
+StH = round(St(ReH, PrH) * 10**5)/10**5 //Stanton number
+Sann = pi/4*(Dio**2-Doi**2)/144 //Surface area of annulus (ft^2)
+ho = round(StH*cpH*mH/Sann) //Heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2..)
+//For pipe:
+Dlm = (Do-Di)/log(Do/Di)*12 //Log mean difference in diameter (ft)
+Uo = 1/(Do/Di/hi + dXw*Do/kw/Dlm + 1/ho) //Overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2..)
+dTlm = (124.4-80)/log(124.4/80) //Log mean temperature difference (.)
+L = Q/(Uo*0.622*dTlm) //Length of pipe (ft)
+printf("The required length of pipe: %.1f ft",L)
diff --git a/2510/CH16/EX16.10/Ex16_10.sce b/2510/CH16/EX16.10/Ex16_10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c338ed1f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH16/EX16.10/Ex16_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+t2 = 84.0 //Temperature of water leaving the tube ( C)
+t1 = 16.0 //Temperature of water entering the tube ( C)
+m1 = 10000.0/3600.0 //Mass flowrate of water (kg/s)
+T2 = 94.0 //Temperature of oil leaving the shell ( C)
+T1 = 160.0 //Temperature of oil entering the shell ( C)
+Tw = (t1+t2)/2.0 //Average bulk temperature of water ( C)
+To = (T1+T2)/2.0 //Average bulk temperature of oil ( C)
+//From table 16.1:
+p1 = 987.0 //Density of water (kg/m^3)
+cp1 = 4176.0 //Heat capacity of water (J/kg. C)
+p2 = 822.0 //Density of oil (kg/m^3)
+Q = m1*cp1*(t2-t1) //Heat load (W)
+cp2 = 4820.0 //Heat capacity of oil (J/kg. C)
+m2 = Q/(cp2*(T1-T2)) //Mass flowrate of oil (kg/s)
+DT1 = T2-t1 //Temperature driving force 1 ( C)
+DT2 = T1-t2 //Temperature driving force 2 ( C)
+DTlm1 = ((DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2)) //Log mean temperature driving force for ideal countercurrent heat exchanger ( C)
+P = (t2-t1)/(T1 - t1) //Dimensionless ratio P
+R = (T1-T2)/(t2-t1) //Dimensionless ratio R
+//From figure 16.7:
+F = 0.965 //Correction factor
+DTlm2 = F*DTlm1 //Log mean temperature driving force for 1-4 shell and tube exchanger ( C)
+printf("1. The heat load is : %.3f MW .",Q/10**6)
+printf("2. The countercurrent flow log mean temperature difference is : %.0f C .",DTlm1)
+printf("3. The F correction factor and the corrected log mean temperature difference is : %.1f C .",DTlm2)
diff --git a/2510/CH16/EX16.11/Ex16_11.sce b/2510/CH16/EX16.11/Ex16_11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d1cb37f7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH16/EX16.11/Ex16_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 16.10:
+U = 350.0 //Over all heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2. C)
+DTlm = 74.3 //Log mean temperature driving force for 1-4 shell and tube exchanger ( C)
+Q = 788800.0 //Heat load (W)
+Nt = 11.0 //Number of tubes per pass
+Np = 4.0 //Number of passes
+Di = 0.0229 //Inside diameter of tube (m)
+pi = %pi
+A = Q/(U*DTlm) //Heat transfer area required for heat exchanger (m^2)
+N = Nt*Np //Total number of tubes
+L = A/(pi*Di*N) //Tube length (m)
+printf("The heat transfer area required for the heat exchanger is : %.2f m^2 .",A)
+printf("The length of the tubes required for the heat exchanger is : %.1f ft",L*3.28)
diff --git a/2510/CH16/EX16.18/Ex16_18.sce b/2510/CH16/EX16.18/Ex16_18.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8dc81d9ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH16/EX16.18/Ex16_18.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 16.10:
+m1 = 2.778 //Mass flowrate of water (kg/s)
+cp1 = 4176.0 //Heat capacity of water (J/kg. C)
+cp2 = 4820.0 //Heat capacity of oil (J/kg. C)
+m2 = 2.48 //Mass flowrate of oil (kg/s)
+t2 = 84.0 //Temperature of water leaving the tube ( C)
+t1 = 16.0 //Temperature of water entering the tube ( C)
+T2 = 94.0 //Temperature of oil leaving the shell ( C)
+T1 = 160.0 //Temperature of oil entering the shell ( C)
+U = 350.0 //Over all heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2. C)
+A = 30.33 //Heat transfer area required for heat exchanger (m^2)
+C1 = m1*cp1 //Capacitance rate of water (W/ C)
+C2 = m2*cp2 //Capacitance rate of oil (W/ C)
+Q = C1*(t2-t1) //Heat load of water (W)
+Qmax = C1*(T1-t1) //Maximum heat load of water (W)
+E = Q/Qmax //Effectiveness
+if (C1<C2) then
+ Cmin = C1 //Minimum capacitance rate (W/ C)
+ Cmax = C2 //Maximum capacitance rate (W/ C)
+ Cmin = C2 //Minimum capacitance rate (W/ C)
+ Cmax = C1 //Maximum capacitance rate (W/ C)
+NTU = U*A/Cmin //Number of transfer units
+C = Cmin/Cmax //Capacitance rate ratio
+printf("The effectiveness is : %.3f .",E)
+printf("The number of transfer units is : %.3f",NTU)
+printf("The capacitance rate ratio is : %.3f",C)
diff --git a/2510/CH16/EX16.19/Ex16_19.sce b/2510/CH16/EX16.19/Ex16_19.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a25a22911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH16/EX16.19/Ex16_19.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From table 16.4:
+Cw = 11680.3 //Capacitance rate of water (W/ C)
+t2 = 65.0 //Temperature of water leaving the tube ( C)
+t1 = 20.0 //Temperature of water entering the tube ( C)
+T2 = 107.3 //Temperature of steam leaving the shell ( C)
+T1 = 107.3 //Temperature of steam entering the shell ( C)
+hv = 2.238*10**6 //Latenet heat of condensation for steam (J/kg)
+U = 2000.0 //Overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2. C)
+Q = Cw*(t2-t1) //Heat load (W)
+m2 = Q/hv //Steam condensation rate (kg/s)
+DT1 = T2-t1 //Temperature driving force 1 ( C)
+DT2 = T1-t2 //Temperature driving force 2 ( C)
+DTlm1 = ((DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2)) //Log mean temperature driving force for ideal countercurrent heat exchanger ( C)
+F = 1.0 //Correction factor (since, T2 = T1)
+DTlm2 = F*DTlm1 //Log mean temperature driving force for shell and tube exchanger ( C)
+A1 = Q/(U*DTlm2) //Heat transfer area using LMTD method (m^2)
+E = (t2-t1)/(T1-t1) //Effectiveness
+//From figure 16.18:
+NTU = 0.7 //Number of transfer units
+A2 = (NTU*Cw)/U //Heat transfer area using E-NTU method (m^2)
+printf("The heat transfr area for the exchanger (using LMTD method) is : %.2f m^2 .",A1)
+printf("The heat transfr area for the exchanger (using E-NTU method) is : %.1f m^2",A2)
diff --git a/2510/CH16/EX16.21/Ex16_21.sce b/2510/CH16/EX16.21/Ex16_21.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5b5e22465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH16/EX16.21/Ex16_21.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From table 16.5:
+t2 = 75.0 //Temperature of water leaving the shell ( C)
+t1 = 35.0 //Temperature of water entering the shell ( C
+T2 = 75.0 //Temperature of oil leaving the tube ( C)
+T1 = 110.0 //Temperature of oil entering the tube ( C)
+mw = 1.133 //Mass flowrtae of water (kg/s)
+cpw = 4180.0 //Heat capacity of water (J/kg.K)
+cpo = 1900.0 //Heat capacity of oil (J/kg.K)
+p = 850.0 //Density of oil (kg/m^3)
+Di = 0.01905 //Inside diameter of tube (m)
+V = 0.3 //Average velocity of oil flow inside the tube (m/s)
+Np = 2.0 //Number of passes
+Uc = 350.0 //Overall heat transfer coefficient for clean heat exchanger (W/m^2)
+Rf = 0.00027 //Fouling factor (m^2.K/w)
+pi = %pi
+Cw = mw*cpw //Water capacitance rate (W/K)
+Q = Cw*(t2-t1) //Heat load (W)
+Co = Q/(T1-T2) //Oil capacitance rate (W/K)
+mo = Co/cpo //Total flowrate of oil (kg/s)
+if (Cw<Co) then
+ Cmin = Cw //Minimum capacitance rate (W/K)
+ Cmax = Co //Maximum capacitance rate (W/K)
+ Cmin = Co //Minimum capacitance rate (W/K)
+ Cmax = Cw //Maximum capacitance rate (W/K)
+m_ot = p*V*(pi/4.0)*Di**2 //Oil flowrate per tube (kg/s)
+Nt = mo/m_ot //Number of tubes per pass
+N = Nt*Np //Number of tubes
+DT1 = T2-t1 //Temperature driving force 1 ( C)
+DT2 = T1-t2 //Temperature driving force 2 ( C)
+DTlm1 = ((DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2)) //Log mean temperature driving force for ideal countercurrent heat exchanger ( C)
+P = (t2-t1)/(T1 - t1) //Dimensionless parameter P
+R = (T1-T2)/(t2-t1) //Dimensionless parameter R
+//From figure 16.7:
+F = 0.81 //Correction factor
+DTlm2 = F*DTlm1 //Log mean temperature driving force for shell and tube exchanger ( C)
+Ud = 1.0/(1.0/Uc+Rf) //Dirty overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+A = Q/(Ud*DTlm2) //Required heat transfer area (m^2)
+L = A/(N*pi*Di) //Tube length (m)
+N = round(N*10**-1)/10**-1
+printf("1. The mass flow rate of the oil is : %.2f kg/s .",mo)
+printf("2. The minimum and maximum heat capacity rate is : %.0f and %.1f W/K",Cmin,Cmax)
+printf("3. The heat load, Q is : %.0f W .",Q)
+printf("4. The total number of tubes is : %f ",N)
+printf("5. The tube length is : %.1f m .",L)
diff --git a/2510/CH16/EX16.22/Ex16_22.sce b/2510/CH16/EX16.22/Ex16_22.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5c289d40d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH16/EX16.22/Ex16_22.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 16.22:
+t2 = 75.0 //Temperature of water leaving the shell ( F)
+t1 = 35.0 //Temperature of water entering the shell ( F)
+T2 = 75.0 //Temperature of oil leaving the tube ( F)
+T1 = 110.0 //Temperature of oil entering the tube ( F)
+U = 320.0 //Overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+A = 19.5 //Required heat transfer area (m^2)
+Cmin = 4736.0 //Minimum capacitance rate (W/K)
+DT1 = t2-t1 //Actual water temperature change ( F)
+DT2 = T1 - t1 //Maximum water temperature change ( F)
+E = DT1/DT2 //Effectiveness
+NTU = (U*A)/Cmin //Number of transfer units
+printf("The effectiveness is : %.3f .",E)
+printf("The NTU is : %.3f",NTU)
diff --git a/2510/CH16/EX16.5/Ex16_5.sce b/2510/CH16/EX16.5/Ex16_5.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..cdda6437e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH16/EX16.5/Ex16_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From figure 16.13, for ideal countercurrent heat exchanger:
+T1 = 150.0 //Inlet temperature of hot fluid ( F)
+T2 = 100.0 //Outet temperature of hot fluid ( F)
+t1 = 50.0 //Inlet temperature of cold fluid ( F)
+t2 = 80.0 //Outet temperature of hot fluid ( F)
+//From figure 16.14, for shell and tube exchanger:
+T_1 = 50.0 //Inlet temperature of cold fluid ( F)
+T_2 = 80.0 //Outet temperature of hot fluid ( F)
+t_1 = 150.0 //Inlet temperature of hot fluid ( F)
+t_2 = 100.0 //Outet temperature of hot fluid ( F)
+DT1 = T1 - t2 //Temperature driving force 1 ( F)
+DT2 = T2 - t1 //Temperature driving force 1 ( F)
+DTlm1 = ((DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2)) //Log mean temperature driving force for ideal countercurrent heat exchanger ( F)
+P = (t2-t1)/(T1 - t1) //Dimensionless ratio P
+R = (T1-T2)/(t2-t1) //Dimensionless ratio R
+//From figure 16.7:
+F = 0.925 //Correction Factor
+DTlm2 = F*DTlm1 //Log mean temperature driving force for shell and tube exchanger ( F)
+printf("The log mean temperature difference for ideal system is : %.1f F.",DTlm1)
+printf("The log mean temperature difference for real system is : %.2f F.",DTlm2)
diff --git a/2510/CH16/EX16.6/Ex16_6.sce b/2510/CH16/EX16.6/Ex16_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0c4f47f3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH16/EX16.6/Ex16_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+T1 = 400.0 //Temperature of fluid entering the shell ( F)
+T2 = 250.0 //Temperature of fluid leaving the shell ( F)
+t1 = 100.0 //Temperature of fluid entering the tube ( F)
+t2 = 175.0 //Temperature of fluid leaving the tube ( F)
+DT1 = T1 - T2 //Temperature driving force 1 ( F)
+DT2 = t2 - t1 //Temperature driving force 1 ( F)
+DTlm1 = ((DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2)) //Log mean temperature driving force for ideal countercurrent heat exchanger ( F)
+P = (t2-t1)/(T1 - t1) //Dimensionless ratio P
+R = (T1-T2)/(t2-t1) //Dimensionless ratio R
+//From figure 16.8:
+F = 0.985 //Correction factor
+DTlm2 = F*DTlm1 //Log mean temperature driving force for shell and tube exchanger ( F)
+printf("The log mean temperature difference between the hot fluid and the cold fluid is : %.1f F.",DTlm2)
diff --git a/2510/CH16/EX16.7/Ex16_7.sce b/2510/CH16/EX16.7/Ex16_7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9d958a5d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH16/EX16.7/Ex16_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 16.5:
+P1 = 0.30 //Dimensionless ratio P
+R1 = 1.67 //Dimensionless ratio R
+//From example 16.6:
+P2 = 0.30 //Dimensionless ratio P
+R2 = 1.67 //Dimensionless ratio R
+//Applying Equation 16.27:
+F1 = 0.92 //Correction Factor
+//Applying Equation 16.33:
+F2 = 0.985 //Correction Factor
+//From example 16.6:
+LMTD1 = 59.4 //Log mean temperature driving force 1 for ideal countercurrent heat exchanger ( F)
+LMTD2 = 108.0 //Log mean temperature driving force 2 for ideal countercurrent heat exchanger ( F)
+DTlm1 = F1*LMTD1 //Log mean temperature driving force 1 for shell and tube exchanger ( F)
+DTlm2 = F2*LMTD2 //Log mean temperature driving force 2 for shell and tube exchanger ( F)
+printf("The log mean temperature difference for real system (in example 16.5) is : %.2f F.",DTlm1)
+printf("The log mean temperature difference for real system (in example 16.6) is : %.1f F .",DTlm2)
diff --git a/2510/CH16/EX16.8/Ex16_8.sce b/2510/CH16/EX16.8/Ex16_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..db26f8ad3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH16/EX16.8/Ex16_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+t2 = 75.0 //Temperature of water leaving the shell ( C)
+t1 = 35.0 //Temperature of water enteringing the shell ( C)
+T2 = 75.0 //Temperature of oil leaving the tube ( C)
+T1 = 110.0 //Temperature of oil entering the tube ( C)
+m = 1.133 //Mass flowrate of water (kg/s)
+cp = 4180.0 //Heat capacity of water (J/kg.K)
+F = 0.965 //Correction factor
+U = 350.0 //Overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+Q = m*cp*(t2-t1) //Heat load (W)
+DT1 = T1-t2 //Temperature driving force 1 ( C)
+DT2 = T2-t1 //Temperature driving force 2 ( C)
+DTlm1 = (DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2)+273.0 //Countercurrent log-mean temperature difference (K)
+DTlm2 = F*DTlm1 //Corrected log-mean temperature difference (K)
+A = Q/(U*DTlm2) //Required heat transfer area (m^2)
+printf("The required heat-transfer area is : %.3f m^2.",A)
diff --git a/2510/CH17/EX17.1/Ex17_1.sce b/2510/CH17/EX17.1/Ex17_1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..69e6d1ba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH17/EX17.1/Ex17_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+w1 = 1.5 //Thicknessof fin (in)
+L = 12.0 //Length of fin (in)
+w2 = 0.1 //Thickness of fin(in)
+Af = 2*w1*L //Face area of fin (in^2)
+At = Af + L*w2 //Total area of fin (in^2)
+printf("The face area of the fin is : %.0f in^2 ",Af)
+printf("The face area of the fin is : %.2f ft^2 .",Af/12**2)
+printf("The total area of the fin is : %.1f in^2 .",At)
+printf("The total area of the fin is : %.3f ft^2 .",At/12**2)
diff --git a/2510/CH17/EX17.10/Ex17_10.sce b/2510/CH17/EX17.10/Ex17_10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6743c6203
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH17/EX17.10/Ex17_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Do = 2.5/100 //Outside diameter of tube (m)
+t = 1/10**3 //Thickness of fin (m)
+T = 25 //Fluid temperature ( C)
+Tb = 170 //Surface temperature ( C)
+h = 130 //Heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+k = 200 //Thermal conductivity of fin (W/m.K)
+rf = 2.75/100 //Outside radius of fin (m)
+ro = Do/2 //Radius of tube (m)
+Ab = 2*%pi*ro*t //Area of the base of the fin (m^2)
+Te = Tb-T //Excess temperature at the base of the fin (K)
+Q1 = h*Ab*Te //Total heat transfer rate without the fin (W)
+Bi = h*(t/2)/k //Biot number
+L = rf-ro //Fin height (m)
+rc = rf+t/2 //Corrected radius (m)
+Lc = L+t/2 //Corrected height (m)
+Ap = Lc*t //Profile area (m^2)
+Af = 2*%pi*(rc**2-ro**2) //Fin surface area (m^2)
+Qm = h*Af*Te //Maximum fin heat transfer rate (W)
+A = sqrt(Lc**3*h/(k*Ap)) //Abscissa of fin efficiency
+C = rf/ro //Curve parameter of fin efficiency
+//From figure 17.4:
+nf = 0.86 //Fin efficiency
+Qf = nf*Qm //Fin heat transfer rate (W)
+R = Te/Qf //Fin resistance (K/W)
+printf("1. The heat transfer rate without the fin is : %.2f W .",Q1)
+printf("Or, the heat transfer rate without the fin is : %.0f Btu/h .",Q1*3.412)
+printf("2. The corrected length is : %.4f m .",Lc)
+printf("3. The outer radius is : %.3f m ",rc)
+printf("4. The maximum heat transfer rate from the fin is : %.2f W .",Qm)
+printf("5. The fin efficiency is : %.0f %%",nf*100)
+printf("6. The fin heat transfer rate is : %.0f %%",Qf)
+printf("Or, the fin heat transfer rate is : %.0f %%",Qf*3.412)
+printf("7. The fin thermal resistance is : %.2f K/W .",R)
diff --git a/2510/CH17/EX17.11/Ex17_11.sce b/2510/CH17/EX17.11/Ex17_11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..66232cc78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH17/EX17.11/Ex17_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 17.10:
+Qf = 64 //Fin heat transfer rate (W)
+Q1 = 1.48 //Total heat transfer rate without the fin (W)
+E = Qf/Q1 //Fin effectiveness
+printf("The fin effectiveness is : %.1f",E)
+if E>2 then
+ printf("Hence, the use of the fin is justified.")
diff --git a/2510/CH17/EX17.12/Ex17_12.sce b/2510/CH17/EX17.12/Ex17_12.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5ef496cff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH17/EX17.12/Ex17_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+w = 1 //Length of tube (m)
+S = 10/10**3 //Fin patch (m)
+//From example 17.10:
+t = 1/10**3 //Thickness of fin (m)
+ro = 0.0125 //Radius of tube (m)
+Af = 3.94*10**-3 //Fin surface area (m^2)
+Tb = 145 //Excess temperature at the base of the fin (K)
+h = 130 //Heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+Qf = 64 //Fin heat transfer rate (W)
+Nf = w/S //Number of fins in tube length
+wb = w-Nf*t //Unfinned base length (m)
+Ab = 2*%pi*ro*wb //Unfinned base area (m^2)
+At =Ab+Nf*Af //Total transfer surface area (m^2)
+Qt = h*(2*%pi*ro*w*Tb) //Total heat rate without fins (W)
+Qb = h*Ab*Tb //Heat flow rate from the exposed tube base (W)
+Qft = Nf*Qf //Heat flow rate from all the fins (W)
+Qt2 = Qb+Qft //Total heat flow rate (W)
+Qm = h*At*Tb //Maximum heat transfer rate (W)
+no = Qt2/Qm //Overall fin efficiency
+Eo = Qt2/Qt //Overall effectiveness
+Rb = 1/(h*Ab) //Thermal resistance of base (K/W)
+Rf = 1/(h*Nf*Af*no) //Thermal resistance of fins (K/W)
+printf("1. The total surface area for heat transfer is : %.3f m^2 .",At)
+printf("2. The exposed tube base total heat transfer rate is : %.1f W .",Qb)
+printf("Or, the exposed tube base total heat transfer rate is : %.0f Btu/h .",Qb*3.412)
+printf("3. The overall efficiency of the surface is : %.1f %%",no*100)
+printf("4. The overall surface effectiveness is : %.2f .",Eo)
diff --git a/2510/CH17/EX17.13/Ex17_13.sce b/2510/CH17/EX17.13/Ex17_13.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4bf8728ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH17/EX17.13/Ex17_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+w = 1 //Width of single of fin (m)
+t = 2/10**3 //Fin base thickness (m)
+l = 6/10**3 //Fin length thickness (m)
+T1 = 250 //Surface temperature ( C)
+T2 = 20 //Ambient air temperature ( C)
+h = 40 //Surface convection coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+k = 240 //Thermal conductivity of fin (W/m.K)
+Ab = t*w //Base area of the fin (m^2)
+Te = T1-T2 //Excess temperature at the base of the fin (K)
+Qw = h*Ab*Te //Heat transfer rate without a fin (W)
+Af = 2*w*(sqrt(l**2-(t/2)**2)) //Fin surface area (m^2)
+Qm = h*Af*Te //Maximum heat transfer rate (m^2)
+Bi = h*(t/2)/k //Biot number
+Lc = l //Corrected length (m)
+Ap = l*t/2 //Profile area (m^2)
+A = sqrt((Lc**3*h)/k*Ap) //Abscissa for the fin efficiency figure
+//From figure 17.4:
+nf = 0.99 //Fin efficiency
+Qf = nf*Qm //Fin heat transfer rate (W)
+R = Te/Qf //Fin thermal resistance (K/W)
+E = Qf/Qw //Fin effectiveness
+Qm = round(Qm*10**-1)/10**-1
+printf("1. The heat transfer rate without the fin is : %.1f W .",Qw)
+printf("2. The maximum heat transfer rate from the fin is : %f W .",Qm)
+printf("3. The fin efficiency is : %.0f %%",nf*100)
+printf(" The fin thermal resistance is : %.1f C/W .",R)
+printf(" The fin effectiveness is : %.1f .",E)
diff --git a/2510/CH17/EX17.14/Ex17_14.sce b/2510/CH17/EX17.14/Ex17_14.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..aa51305e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH17/EX17.14/Ex17_14.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 17.13:
+Qf = 108.9 //Fin heat transfer rate (W)
+Qw = 18.4 //Total heat transfer rate without the fin (W)
+E = Qf/Qw //Fin effectiveness
+printf("The fin effectiveness is : %.2f .",E)
+if E>2 then
+ printf("Hence, the use of the fin is justified.")
diff --git a/2510/CH17/EX17.15/Ex17_15.sce b/2510/CH17/EX17.15/Ex17_15.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8a282671c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH17/EX17.15/Ex17_15.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Do = 50/10**3 //Outside diameter of tube (m)
+t = 4/10**3 //Thickness of fin (m)
+T = 20 //Fluid temperature ( C)
+Tb = 200 //Surface temperature ( C)
+h = 40 //Heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+k = 240 //Thermal conductivity of fin (W/m.K)
+l = 15/10**3 //Length of fin (m)
+ro = Do/2 //Radius of tube (m)
+rf = ro+l //Outside radius of fin (m)
+Ab = 2*%pi*ro*t //Area of the base of the fin (m^2)
+Te = Tb-T //Excess temperature at the base of the fin (K)
+Q1 = h*Ab*Te //Total heat transfer rate without the fin (W)
+Bi = h*(t/2)/k //Biot number
+L = rf-ro //Fin height (m)
+rc = rf+t/2 //Corrected radius (m)
+Lc = L+t/2 //Corrected height (m)
+Ap = Lc*t //Profile area (m^2)
+Af = 2*%pi*(rc**2-ro**2) //Fin surface area (m^2)
+Qm = h*Af*Te //Maximum fin heat transfer rate (W)
+A = sqrt(Lc**3*h/(k*Ap)) //Abscissa of fin efficiency
+C = rf/ro //Curve parameter of fin efficiency
+//From figure 17.4:
+nf = 0.97 //Fin efficiency
+Qf = nf*Qm //Fin heat transfer rate (W)
+R = Te/Qf //Fin resistance (K/W)
+E = Qf/Q1 //Fin effectiveness
+printf("The fin efficiency is : %.0f %%",nf*100)
+printf("The fin thermal resistance is : %.1f C/W.",R)
+printf("The fin effectiveness is : %.2f .",E)
+printf("The maximum heat transfer rate from a single fin is : %.2f W .",Qm)
+if E>2 then
+ printf("Since Ef = FCP>2, the use of the fin is justified.")
diff --git a/2510/CH17/EX17.16/Ex17_16.sce b/2510/CH17/EX17.16/Ex17_16.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d9192b1de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH17/EX17.16/Ex17_16.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Nf = 125 //Array of fins per meter
+w = 1 //Length of fin (m)
+//From example 17.15:
+t = 4/10**3 //Thickness of fin (m)
+Do = 50/10**3 //Outside diameter of tube (m)
+Af = 7.157*10**-3 //Fin surface area (m^2)
+h = 40 //Heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+DTb = 180 //Excess temperature at the base of the fin (K)
+Qf = 50 //Fin heat transfer rate (W)
+ro = Do/2 //Radius of tube (m)
+wb = w-Nf*t //Unfinned exposed base length (m)
+Ab = 2*%pi*ro*wb //Area of the base of the fin (m^2)
+At = Ab+Nf*Af //Total heat transfer surface area (m^2)
+Qw = h*(2*%pi*ro*w)*DTb //Heat rate without fin (W)
+Qb = h*Ab*DTb //Heat rate from the base (W)
+Qft = Nf*Qf //Heat rate from the fin (W)
+Qt = Qb+Qft //Total heat rate (W)
+Qm = h*At*DTb //Maximum heat transfer rate (W)
+n = Qt/Qm //Overall fin efficiency
+E = Qt/Qw //Overall fin effectiveness
+Rb = 1/(h*Ab) //Thermal resistance of base ( C/W)
+Rf = 1/(h*Nf*Af*n) //Thermal resistance of fin ( C/W)
+printf("The rate of heat transfer per unit length of tube is : %.1f W .",Qt)
+printf("Or, the rate of heat transfer per unit length of tube is : %.2f kW .",Qt/10**3)
+printf("The overall fin efficiency is : %.1f %%",n*100)
+printf("The overall fin effectiveness is : %.2f .",E)
diff --git a/2510/CH17/EX17.17/Ex17_17.sce b/2510/CH17/EX17.17/Ex17_17.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..22af4a2a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH17/EX17.17/Ex17_17.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+printf('Analytical Solution')
diff --git a/2510/CH17/EX17.18/Ex17_18.sce b/2510/CH17/EX17.18/Ex17_18.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d87459d37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH17/EX17.18/Ex17_18.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 17.18:
+T = 250 //Base temperature of fin ( F)
+h = 15 //Convection coefficient of heat transfer (Btu/h.ft. F)
+w = 1 //Base width of fin (ft)
+t = 1 //Thickness of fin (in)
+H = 1/8 //Height of fin (in)
+l = 1 //Length of fin (in)
+Q = 357.2 //Heat transfer rate (Btu/h.ft)
+A = (l*w+t*w+H*w)/12 //Heat transfer area of fin (ft^2)
+Qm = h*A*(T-70) //Maximum heat transfer rate (Btu/h.ft)
+n = Q/Qm*100 //Fin efficiency
+printf("The fin efficiency is : %.1f %%",n)
diff --git a/2510/CH17/EX17.3/Ex17_3.sce b/2510/CH17/EX17.3/Ex17_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9556ddecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH17/EX17.3/Ex17_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+rf = 6.0/12.0 //Outside radius of fin (ft)
+ro = 4.0/12.0 //Outside radius of %pipe (ft)
+t = 0.1/12.0 //Thickness of fin (ft)
+Af = 2*%pi*(rf**2-ro**2) //Face area of fin (ft^2)
+At = Af + 2*%pi*rf*t //Total area of fin (ft^2)
+printf("The total fin area is : %.3f ft^2 .",At)
diff --git a/2510/CH17/EX17.4/Ex17_4.sce b/2510/CH17/EX17.4/Ex17_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..87c3206d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH17/EX17.4/Ex17_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+L = 3.0*0.0254 //Height of fin (m)
+t = 1.0*0.0254 //Thickness of fin (m)
+h = 15.0 //Heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+k = 300.0 //Thermal conductivity (W/m.K)
+Lc = L + t/2.0 //Corrected height of fin (m)
+Ap = Lc*t //Profile area of fin (m^2)
+x = sqrt((Lc**3*h)/(k*Ap)) //x-coordinate of figure 17.3
+//From figure 17.3:
+nf = 98.0 //Fin efficiency
+printf("The fin efficiency is : %f %%",nf)
diff --git a/2510/CH17/EX17.5/Ex17_5.sce b/2510/CH17/EX17.5/Ex17_5.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2ac673dba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH17/EX17.5/Ex17_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 17.4:
+X = 0.1246 //X-coordinate of figure 17.3
+//Applying equation (A) from Table 17.3:
+Y = 4.5128*X**3 - 10.079*X**2 - 31.413*X + 101.47
+printf("The fin efficiency is : %.1f %%",Y)
diff --git a/2510/CH17/EX17.6/Ex17_6.sce b/2510/CH17/EX17.6/Ex17_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1ff551c5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH17/EX17.6/Ex17_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+w = 0.2/100.0 //Width of fin (m)
+t = 0.2/100.0 //Thickness of fin (m)
+L = 1.0/100.0 //Length of fin (m)
+h = 16.0 //Heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+k = 400.0 //Thermal conductivity of fin (W/m.K)
+Tc = 100.0 //Circuit temperature ( C)
+Ta = 25.0 //Air temperature ( C)
+P = 4*w //Fin cross-section parameter (m)
+Ac = w*t //Cross-sectional area of fin (m^2)
+Lc = L+Ac/P //Corrected height of fin (m)
+m = sqrt((h*P)/(k*Ac)) //Location of minimum temperature (m^-1)
+Q = (sqrt(h*P*k*Ac))*(Tc-Ta)*atan(h)*(m*Lc) //Heat transfer from each micro-fin (W)
+printf("The heat transfer from each micro-fin is : %.2f W .",Q)
diff --git a/2510/CH17/EX17.8/Ex17_8.sce b/2510/CH17/EX17.8/Ex17_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f06516247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH17/EX17.8/Ex17_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+h1 = 13.0 //Air-side heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+A = 1.0 //Base wall area (m^2)
+L = 2.5/100 //Length of steel fins (m)
+L2 = 1.5/10**3 //Length of steel wall (m)
+k = 13.0 //Thermal conductivity of fin (W/m.K)
+k1 = 38.0 //Thermal conductivity of steel wall (W/m.K)
+h2 = 260.0 //Water side heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+T4 = 19.0 //Air temperature ( C)
+T1 = 83.0 //Water temperature ( C)
+t = 1.3/10**3 //Thickness of steel fins (m)
+w = 1.0 //Width of wall (m)
+S = 1.3/100 //Fin pitch(m)
+R1 = 1/(h1*A) //Air resistance ( C/W) (part 1)
+R2 = L2/(k1*A) //Conduction resistance ( C/W)
+R3 = 1/(h2*A) //Water resistance ( C/W)
+Rt = (R1+R3) //Total resistance ( C/W) (part 2)
+Q = (T1-T4)/Rt //Total heat transfer (W)
+Nf = 1/S //Number of fins (part 3)
+Lbe = w - Nf*t //Unfinned exposed base surface
+Abe = w*Lbe //Exposed base surface area (m^2)
+Lc = L+t/2 //Corrected length (m)
+Ap = Lc*t //Profile area (m^2)
+Af = 2*w*Lc //Fin surface area (m^2)
+Bi = h1*(t/2)/k1 //Biot number
+a = sqrt(Lc**3*h1/(k*Ap)) //Abscissa of the fin efficiency
+//From figure 17.3:
+nf = 0.88 //Fin efficiency
+Rb = 1/(h1*Abe) //Air thermal resistance of base wall ( C/W)
+Rf = 1/(h1*Nf*Af*nf) //Air thermal resistance of fins ( C/W)
+RT1 = 1/(1/Rb+1/Rf) //Total outside resistance of the fin array ( C/W)
+Rt3 = RT1+R3 //Total resistance on air side fins ( C/W)
+Qt = (T1-T4)/Rt3 //Heat transfer rate on air side fins (W)
+I = (Qt/Q - 1)*100 //Percent increase in heat transfer rate to air side fins (W)
+A = sqrt(Lc**3*h2/(k1*Ap)) //Abscissa of the new fin efficiency (part 4)
+//From figure 17.3:
+nf2 = 38.0 //New fin efficiency
+Rb2 = 1/(h2*Abe) //Thermal resistance of base wall ( C/W)
+Rf2 = 1/(h2*Nf*Af*nf2) //Thermal resistance of fins ( C/W)
+Rt4 = 1/(1/Rb2+1/Rf2) //Total resistance of the finned surface ( C/W)
+Rt5 = R1+Rt4 //Total resistance on water side fins ( C/W)
+QT1 = (T1-T4)/Rt5 //Heat transfer rate on water side fins (W)
+I2 = (QT1/Q - 1)*100 //Percent increase in heat transfer rate to water side fins (W)
+if (R2<R1 | R2<R3) then
+ printf("1. The conduction resistance may be neglected.")
+ printf("1. The conduction resistance can not be neglected.")
+printf("2. The rate of heat transfer from water to air is : %.1f W .",Q)
+printf("3. The percent increase in steady-state heat transfer rate by adding fins to the air side of the plane wall is : %.1f %%",I)
+printf("4. The percent increase in steady-state heat transfer rate by adding fins to the water side of the plane wall is : %.1f %%",I2)
+printf("____There is a calculation mistake in book in calculating Qt(83-19/0.0214 = 2999), hence slight differences in answer______")
diff --git a/2510/CH18/EX18.10/Ex18_10.sce b/2510/CH18/EX18.10/Ex18_10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f4302600a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH18/EX18.10/Ex18_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+T1 = 2000 //Hot gas temperature ( F)
+T2 = 550 //Cool gas temperature ( F)
+T3 = 330 //Steam temperature ( F)
+T4 = 140 //Water temperature ( F)
+m = 30000 //Mass flow rate of steam (lb/h)
+cp = 0.279 //Average heat capacity of gas (Btu/lb. F)
+N = 800 //Number of boiler tubes
+DT = (T1-T3)/(T2-T3) //Temperature difference ratio
+Tav = (T1+T2)/2 //Average gas temperature ( F)
+//From steam tables (Appendix):
+hs = 1187.7 //Steam enthalpy (Btu/lb)
+hw = 107.89 //Water enthalpy (Btu/lb)
+Q = m*(hs-hw) //Heat duty (Btu/h)
+mh = Q/cp*(T1-T2) //Mass flow rate of gas (lb/h)
+x = mh/N //Gas mass flow rate per tube (lb/h)
+//From figure 18.5:
+L = 15 //Length of boiler tubes (ft)
+printf("The length of boiler tubes is : %f ft .",L)
diff --git a/2510/CH18/EX18.12/Ex18_12.sce b/2510/CH18/EX18.12/Ex18_12.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e93d703e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH18/EX18.12/Ex18_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+T1 = 1800 //Hot gas temperature ( F)
+T2 = 500 //Cool gas temperature ( F)
+//From steam tables:
+Tw = 312 //Boiling point of water at 80 psia ( F)
+m1 = 120000 //Mass flow rate of flue gas (lb/h)
+D = 2/12 //Inside diameter of tube (ft)
+cp = 0.26 //Average heat capacity of flue gas (Btu/lb. F)
+DT = (T1-Tw)/(T2-Tw) //Temperature difference ratio
+Tav = (T1+T2)/2 //Average gas temperature ( F)
+//From figure 18.4:
+x = 150 //Gas mass flow rate per tube (m/N) (lb/h)
+N = m1/x //Number of tubes
+L = 21.5 //Length of tubes (ft)
+A = N*L*D //Total heat transfer area (ft^2)
+Q = m1*cp*(T1-T2) //Heat duty (Btu/h)
+//From steam tables (Appendix):
+hs = 1183.1 //Steam enthalpy at 80 psia (Btu/lb)
+hw = 168.1 //Water enthalpy at 200 F (Btu/lb)
+m2 = Q/(hs-hw) //Mass flow rate of water (lb/h)
+m2 = round(m2*10**-4)/10**-4
+printf("The required heat transfer area is : %.0f ft^2 .",A)
+printf("The tube length is : %f ft .",L)
+printf("The heat duty is : %.2f x 10^7 .",Q/10**7)
+printf("The water mass flow rate is : %f lb/h .",m2)
diff --git a/2510/CH18/EX18.18/Ex18_18.sce b/2510/CH18/EX18.18/Ex18_18.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3ba48e148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH18/EX18.18/Ex18_18.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+m1 = 144206 //Mass flow rate of flue gas (lb/h)
+cp = 0.3 //Average flue gas heat capacity (Btu/lb. F)
+T1 = 2050 //Initial temperature of gas ( F)
+T2 = 560 //Final temperature of gas ( F)
+T3 = 70 //Ambient air temperature ( F)
+Q = m1*cp*(T1-T2) //Duty rate (Btu/h)
+//From appendix:
+cpa = 0.243 //Average ambient air heat capacity 70 F (Btu/lb. F)
+MW = 29 //Molecular weight of air at 70 F
+Q5 = round(Q*10**-5)/10**-5
+ma = Q5/(cpa*(T2-T3)) //Mass of air required (lb/h)
+m2 = round(ma)/MW //Moles of air required (lb mol/h)
+m3 = round(ma)*13.32 //Volume of air required (ft^3/h)
+ma = round(ma*10**-2)/10**-2
+m2 = round(m2*10**-1)/10**-1
+m3 = round(m3*10**-3)/10**-3
+printf("The mass of air required is : %f lb/h .",ma)
+printf("The moles of air required is : %f lb mol/h .",m2)
+printf("The volume of air required is : %f ft^3/h .",m3)
diff --git a/2510/CH18/EX18.19/Ex18_19.sce b/2510/CH18/EX18.19/Ex18_19.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5664a05fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH18/EX18.19/Ex18_19.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 18.19:
+m1 = 144200 //Mass flow rate of flue gas (lb/h)
+m2 = 541700 //Mass flow rate of air (lb/h)
+R = 0.73 //Universal gas constant (psia.ft^3/lbmol. R)
+P = 1 //Absolute pressure (psia)
+T = 1020 //Absolute temperature ( R)
+MW = 29 //Molecular weight of air
+t = 1.5 //Residence time (s)
+m = m1+m2 //Total mass flow rate of the gas (lb/h)
+q = m*R*T/(P*MW) //Volumetric flow at 560 F (ft^3/h)
+V = q*t/3600 //Volume of tank (ft^3)
+m = round(m*10**-2)/10**-2
+printf("The total mass flow rate of the gas is : %f lb/h .",m)
+printf("The volumetric flow at 560 F is : %.2f x 10^7 ft^3/h",q/10**7)
+printf("The volume of tank is : %.0f ft^3 .",V)
diff --git a/2510/CH18/EX18.2/Ex18_2.sce b/2510/CH18/EX18.2/Ex18_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..298ac5bd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH18/EX18.2/Ex18_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+T1 = 25 //Temperature of H2SO4 ( C)
+m = 50+200 //Mass of H2SO4 (lb)
+//From figure 18.2:
+W1 = 50+100 //Weight of H2SO4 (lb)
+W2 = 100 //Weight of H2O (lb)
+m = W1/(W1+W2)*100 //Percent weight of H2SO4 (%)
+m2 = W1+W2 //Mass of mixture (lb)
+//From fgure 18.2:
+T2 = 140 //Final temperature between the 50% solution and pure H2SO4 at 25 C ( F)
+h1 = -86 //Specific heat capacity of H2O (Btu/lb)
+h2 = -121.5 //Specific heat capacity of H2SO4 (Btu/lb)
+Q = m2*(h2-h1) //Heat transferred (Btu)
+printf("The final temperature between the 50%% solution and pure H2SO4 at 25 C is : %.0f F .",T2)
+printf("The heat transferred is : %.0f Btu .",Q)
diff --git a/2510/CH18/EX18.20/Ex18_20.sce b/2510/CH18/EX18.20/Ex18_20.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4ca382903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH18/EX18.20/Ex18_20.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//Fro example 18.20:
+V = 7335 //Volume of tank (ft^3)
+D = (4*V/%pi)**(1/3) //Diameter of tank (ft)
+H = D //Height of tube (ft)
+printf("The diameter of tank is : %.2f ft .",H)
+printf("The height of tube is : %.2f ft .",D)
diff --git a/2510/CH18/EX18.21/Ex18_21.sce b/2510/CH18/EX18.21/Ex18_21.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..392267b1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH18/EX18.21/Ex18_21.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+m1 = 144206 //Mass flow rate of flue gas (lb/h)
+cp1 = 0.3 //Average heat capacities of the flue gas (Btu/lb F)
+cp2 = 0.88 //Average heat capacities of the solid (Btu/lb F)
+//From example 18.18:
+T1 = 550 //Initial temperature of gas ( F)
+T2 = 2050 //Final temperature of gas ( F)
+T3 = 70 //Initial temperature of solid ( F)
+T4 = 550-40 //Final temperature of solid ( F)
+Dhf = m1*cp1*(T2-T1) //For the flue gas, the enthalpy change for one hour of operation (Btu)
+Dhs = round(Dhf*10**-4)/10**-4 //For the solids, the enthalpy change for one hour of operation (Btu)
+m2 = Dhs/(cp2*(T4-T3)) //Mass of solid (lb)
+printf("The mass of solid is : %.0f lb .",m2)
diff --git a/2510/CH18/EX18.22/Ex18_22.sce b/2510/CH18/EX18.22/Ex18_22.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f2a0c1083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH18/EX18.22/Ex18_22.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 18.21:
+m = 144206 //Mass flow rate of flue gas (lb/h)
+cp = 0.3 //Average heat capacities of the flue gas (Btu/lb F)
+T1 = 2050 //Initial temperature of gas ( F)
+T2 = 180 //Final temperature of gas ( F)
+T3 = 60 //Ambient air temperature ( F)
+U = 1.5 //Overall heat transfer coefficient for cooler (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+MW = 28.27 //Molecular weight of gas
+R = 379 //Universal gas constant (psia.ft^3/lbmol. R)
+v = 60 //Duct or pipe velcity at inlet (2050 F) (ft/s)
+pi = %pi
+Q = m*cp*(T1-T2) //Heat duty (Btu/h)
+DTlm = ((T1-T3)-(T2-T3))/log((T1-T3)/(T2-T3)) //Log-mean temperature difference ( F)
+A1 = round(Q * 10**-5)/10**-5/(U*round(DTlm)) //Radiative surface area (ft^2)
+q = m*R*(T1+460)/(T3+460)/MW //Volumetric flow at inlet (ft^3/h)
+A2 = q/(v*3600) //Duct area (ft^2)
+D = sqrt(A2*4/pi) //Duct diameter (ft)
+L = A1/(pi*D) //Length of required heat exchange ducting (ft)
+A1 = round(A1*10**-1)/10**-1
+printf(" The radiative surface area required is : %f ft^2 .",A1)
+printf(" The length of required heat exchange ducting is : %.0f ft .",L)
diff --git a/2510/CH18/EX18.3/Ex18_3.sce b/2510/CH18/EX18.3/Ex18_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4f40560d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH18/EX18.3/Ex18_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+F = 10000 //Mass flow rate of NaOH (lb/h)
+C1 = 10 //Old concentration of NaOH solution (%)
+C2 = 75 //New concentration of NaOH solution (%)
+h1 = 1150 //Enthalpy of saturated steam at 14.7 psia (Btu/lb)
+U = 500 //Overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+T1 = 212 //Absolute temperature of evaporator ( F)
+T2 = 340 //Saturated steam temperature ( F)
+L = F*(C1/100)/(C2/100) //Flow rate of steam leaving the evaporator (lb/h)
+V = F-L //Overall material balance (lb/h)
+//From figure 18.3:
+hF = 81 //Enthalpy of solution entering the unit (Btu/lb)
+hL = 395 //Enthalpy of the 75% NaOH solution (Btu/lb)
+Q = round(V)*h1+round(L)*hL-F*hF //Evaporator heat required (Btu/h)
+A = Q/(U*(T2-T1)) //Area of the evaporaor (ft^2)
+Q = round(Q*10**-2)/10**-2
+printf("The heat transfer rate required for the evaporator is : %f Btu/h ",Q)
+printf("The area requirement in the evaporator is : %.1f ft^2 .",A)
diff --git a/2510/CH18/EX18.4/Ex18_4.sce b/2510/CH18/EX18.4/Ex18_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c4dcf90f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH18/EX18.4/Ex18_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+U1 = 240 //Overall heat transfer coefficient for first effect (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+U2 = 200 //Overall heat transfer coefficient for second effect (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+U3 = 125 //Overall heat transfer coefficient for third effect (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+A1 = 125 //Heating surface area in first effect (ft^3)
+A2 = 150 //Heating surface area in second effect (ft^3)
+A3 = 160 //Heating surface area in third effect (ft^3)
+T1 = 400 //Condensation stream temperature in the first effect ( F)
+T2 = 120 //Vapor leaving temperature in the first effect ( F)
+R1 = 1/(U1*A1) //Resistance across first effect
+R2 = 1/(U2*A2) //Resistance across second effect
+R3 = 1/(U3*A3) //Resistance across third effect
+R = R1+R2+R3 //Total resistance
+DT1 = (R1/R)*(T1-T2) //Temperature drop across the heating surface in the first effect ( F)
+printf("The temperature drop across the heating surface in the first effect is : %.0f F .",DT1)
diff --git a/2510/CH18/EX18.6/Ex18_6.sce b/2510/CH18/EX18.6/Ex18_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..60d79b610
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH18/EX18.6/Ex18_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+F = 5000 //Mass of soltuion fed in the evaporator (lb)
+xF = 2/100 //Concentration of feed
+xL = 5/100 //Concentration of liquor
+U = 280 //Overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+//From figure 18.1 & 18.3:
+TF = 100 //Feed temperature ( F)
+TS = 227 //Steam temperature ( F)
+TV = 212 //Vapour temperature ( F)
+TL = 212 //Liquor temperature ( F)
+TC = 227 //Condensate temperature ( F)
+//From steam tables:
+hF = 68 //Enthalpy of feed (Btu/lb)
+hL = 180 //Enthalpy of liquor (Btu/lb)
+hV = 1150 //Enthalpy of vapour (Btu/lb)
+hS = 1156 //Enthalpy of steam (Btu/lb)
+hC = 195 //Enthalpy of condensate (Btu/lb)
+s1 = F*xF //Total solids in feed (lb)
+w = F-s1 //Total water in feed (lb)
+s2 = F*xF //Total solids in liquor (lb)
+L = s2/xL //Total water in liquor (lb)
+V = F-L //Overall balance (lb)
+S = (V*hV+L*hL-F*hF)/(hS-hC) //Mass of steam (lb)
+Q = S*(hS-hC) //Total heat requirement (Btu)
+A = Q/(U*(TS-TL)) //Required surface aea (ft^2)
+printf("The mass of vapor produced is : %.0f lb .",V)
+printf("The total mass of steam required is : %.0f lb .",S)
+printf("The surface area required is : %.0f ft^2 .",A)
diff --git a/2510/CH18/EX18.7/Ex18_7.sce b/2510/CH18/EX18.7/Ex18_7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..68b181326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH18/EX18.7/Ex18_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+F = 5000 //Mass flow rate of NaOH (lb/h)
+xF = 20/100 //Old concentration of NaOH solution
+TF = 100 //Feed temperature ( F)
+xL = 40/100 //New concentration of NaOH solution
+xv = 0 //Vapour concentration at x
+yv = 0 //Vapour concentration at y
+T1 = 198 //Boiling temperature of solution in the evaporator ( F)
+T2 = 125 //Saturated steam temperature ( F)
+U = 400 //Overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+Ts = 228 //Steam temperature ( F)
+//From steam tables at 228 F and 5 psig:
+hS = 1156 //Enthalpy of steam (Btu/lb)
+hC = 196 //Enthalpy of condensate (Btu/lb)
+hV = hS-hC //Enthalpy of vapour (Btu/lb)
+Tw = 125.4 //Boiling point of water at 4 in Hg absolute ( F)
+hS2 = 1116 //Enthalpy of saturated steam at 125 F (Btu/lb)
+hs = 0.46 //Heat capacity of superheated steam (Btu/lb. F)
+//From figure 18.3:
+hF = 55 //Enthalpy of feed (Btu/lb)
+hL = 177 //Enthalpy of liquor (Btu/lb)
+L = F*xF/xL //Mass of liquor (lb)
+V = L //Mass of vapour (lb)
+hV = hS2+hs*(T1-T2) //Enthalpy of vapour leaving the solution (Btu/lb)
+S = (V*hV+L*hL-F*hF)/(hS-hC) //Mass flow rate of steam (lb/h)
+Q = S*(hS-hC) //Total heat requirement (Btu)
+A = Q/(U*(Ts-T1)) //Required heat transfer area (ft^2)
+S = round(S*10**-1)/10**-1
+printf("The steam flow rate is : %f lb/h .",S)
+printf("The required heat transfer area is : %.0f ft^2 .",A)
diff --git a/2510/CH19/EX19.1/Ex19_1.sce b/2510/CH19/EX19.1/Ex19_1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5fddaac8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH19/EX19.1/Ex19_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+H = 2.5 //Height of wall (m)
+W = 4 //Width of wall (m)
+h = 11 //Convective heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+T1 = 24 //Outside surface temperature ( C)
+T3 = -15 //Outside air temperature ( C)
+L = 7.62/10**3 //Insulation thickness (m)
+k = 0.04 //Thermal conductivity of wool (W/m.K)
+A = H*W //Heat transfer area (m^2)
+Q = h*A*(T1-T3) //Heat transfer rate (W)
+Ri = L/(k*A) //Insuation resistance (K/W)
+Rc = 1/(h*A) //Convective resitance (K/W)
+R = Ri+Rc //Total resistance (K/W)
+Qt = (T1-T3)/R //Revised heat transfer rate (Btu/h)
+printf("1. The heat transfer rate without insulation is : %.0f W .",Q)
+printf("Or, the heat transfer rate without insulation is : %.0f Btu/h .",Q*3.412)
+printf("2. The revised heat transfer rate with insulation is : %.0f W .",Qt)
+printf("Or, the revised heat transfer rate with insulation is : %.0f Btu/h .",Qt*3.412)
+printf("There is a calculation mistake in book.")
diff --git a/2510/CH19/EX19.10/Ex19_10.sce b/2510/CH19/EX19.10/Ex19_10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..fe576f6e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH19/EX19.10/Ex19_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+r1 = 1.1/100 //Inside radius of %pipe (m)
+r2 = 1.3/100 //Outside radius of %pipe (m)
+r3 = 3.8/100 //Outside radius of asbestos insulation (m)
+L = 1 //Length of tube (m)
+h1 = 190 //Heat transfer coefficient from ethylene glycol to the stainless steel %pipe (W/m^2.K)
+k2 = 19 //Thermal conductivity of %pipe (W/m.K)
+h2 = 14 //Outside heat transfer coefficient from the air to the surface of the insulation (W/m^2.K)
+k3 = 0.2 //Thermal conductivity of asbestos (W/m.K)
+T1 = 124 //Hot ethylene glycol temperature ( C)
+T5 = 2 //Surrounding air temperature ( C)
+k4 = 0.0242 //Thermal conductivity of air (W/m.K)
+A1 = 2*%pi*r1*L //Inside surface area of %pipe (m^2) (part1)
+A2 = 2*%pi*r2*L //Outside surface area of %pipe (m^2)
+A3 = 2*%pi*r3*L //Outside surface area of asbestos insulation (m^2)
+R1 = 1/(h1*A1) //Inside convection resistance ( C/W)
+R2 = log(r2/r1)/(2*%pi*k2*L) //Conduction resistance through the tube ( C/W)
+R3 = 1/(h2*A2) //Outside convection resistance ( C/W)
+Rt1 = R1+R2+R3 //Total resistance without insulation ( C/W)
+Q1 = (T1 - T5)/Rt1 //Heat transfer rate without insulation (W)
+R4 = log(r3/r2)/(2*%pi*k3*L) //Conduction resistance associated with the insulation ( C/W) (part 2)
+R5 = 1/(h2*A3) //Outside convection resistance ( C/W)
+Rt2 = R1+R2+R4+R5 //Total rsistance with the insulation ( C/W)
+Q2 = (T1-T5)/Rt2 //Heat transfer rate with the insulation (W)
+U1 = 1/(Rt2*A1) //Overall heat transfer coefficient based on the inside area (W/m^2.K) (part 3)
+U3 = 1/(Rt2*A3) //Overall heat transfer coefficient based on the outside area (W/m^2.K) (part 4)
+T3 = T1-(R1+R2)*Q2 //Temperature at the steelu2013insulation interface ( C) (part 5)
+Bi1 = h2*(2*r3)/k3 //Outside Biot number (part 6)
+Bi2 = h1*(2*r1)/k2 //Inside Biot number
+Nu = h1*(2*r1)/k4 //Nusselt number of the air
+rlm = (r3-r2)/log(r3/r2) //Log mean radius of the insulation (m) (part 7)
+printf("1. The rate of heat transfer without insulation is : %.1f W.",Q1)
+printf("2. The rate of heat transfer with insulation is : %.1f W.",Q2)
+printf("3. The overall heat transfer coefficient based on the inside area of the tube is : %.2f W/m^2.K .",U1)
+printf("4. The overall heat transfer coefficient based on the outside area of the insulation is : %.1f W/m^2.K .",U3)
+printf("5. The temperature, T3, at the steelu2013insulation interface is : %.1f C.",T3)
+printf("6. The inside Biot numbers is : %.2f",Bi2)
+printf(" The outside Biot numbers is : %.2f",Bi1)
+printf(" The Nusselt number is : %.1f",Nu)
+printf("7. The log mean radius of insulation is : %.2f cm.",rlm*100)
+printf("There is a printing mistake in book for unit in part 7.")
diff --git a/2510/CH19/EX19.11/Ex19_11.sce b/2510/CH19/EX19.11/Ex19_11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2dc08e48c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH19/EX19.11/Ex19_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+h1 = 800 //Heat transfer coefficient for steam condensing inside coil (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+h2 = 40 //Heat transfer coefficient for oil outside coil (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+h3 = 40 //Heat transfer coefficient for oil inside tank wal (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+h4 = 2 //Heat transfer coefficient for outer tank wall to ambient air (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+k1 = 0.039 //Thermal conductivity of insulation layer (Btu/h.ft. F)
+l1 = 2/12 //Thickness of insulation layer (ft)
+D = 10 //Diameter of tank (ft)
+H = 30 //Height of tank (ft)
+k2 = 224 //Thermal conductivity of copper tube (Btu/h.ft. F)
+l2 = (3/4)/12 //Thickness of insulation layer (ft)
+T1 = 120 //Temperature of tank ( F)
+T2 = 5 //Outdoor temperature ( F)
+Uo1 = 1/(1/h3+(l1/k1)+1/h4) //Overall heat transfer coefficient for tank (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+At = %pi*(D+2*l1)*H //Surface area of tank (ft^2)
+Q = Uo1*At*(T1-T2) //Heat transfer rate lost from the tank (Btu/h)
+//From table 6.3:
+l2 = 0.049/12 //Thickness of coil (ft)
+A = 0.1963 //Area of 18 guage, 3/4-inch copper tube (ft^2/ft)
+Uo2 = 1/(1/h2+(l2/k2)+1/h1) //Overall heat transfer coefficient for coil (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+//From steam tables:
+Tst = 240 //Temperature for 10 psia (24.7 psia) steam ( F)
+Ac = Q/(Uo2*(Tst-T1)) //Area of tube (ft^2)
+L = Ac/A //Lengt of tube (ft)
+printf("The length ofcopper tubing required is : %.1f ft",L)
diff --git a/2510/CH19/EX19.12/Ex19_12.sce b/2510/CH19/EX19.12/Ex19_12.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..85aef843f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH19/EX19.12/Ex19_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//For 1-inch %pipe schedule 40:
+Di = 1.049/12 //Inside diameter (ft)
+Do = 1.315/12 //Outside diameter (ft)
+L = 8000 //Length of %pipe (ft)
+hi = 2000 //Heat transfer coefficient inside of the %pipe (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+ho = 100 //Outside heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft. F)
+kl = 0.01 //Thermal conductivity of insulation (Btu/h.ft. F)
+T1 = 240 //Steam temperature ( F)
+T2 = 20 //Air temperature ( F)
+k = 24.8 //Thermal conductivity for steel (Btu/h.ft. F)
+Dxl = ([3/8,1/2,3/4,1])/12 //thickness(ft)
+amt = ([1.51,3.54,5.54,8.36])/6 //Cost per feet($)
+D_ = (Do-Di)/log(Do/Di) //log-mean diameter of the %pipe (ft)
+Dl = Do+2*(Dxl) //Insulation thickness (ft)
+D_l = [ 0.13849079 0.14734319 0.16423045 0.18025404]
+//D_l = (Dl-Do)/log(Dl/Do) //log mean diameter of %pipe (ft)
+Dxw = (Do-Di)/2 //%pipe thickness (ft)
+Rw = Dxw/(k*%pi*D_*L) //Wall resistance ((Btu/h. F)^-1)
+Ri = 1/(hi*%pi*Di*L) //Inside steam convection resistance ((Btu/h. F)^-1)
+Rl = [ 0.00089782 0.00112517 0.00151421 0.00183947] //Dxl/(kl*%pi*D_l*L) //Insulation resistance ((Btu/h. F)^-1)
+Ro = [ 2.31217835e-06 2.06248306e-06 1.69614504e-06 1.44031623e-06] //1/(ho*%pi*Dl*L) //Outside air convection resistance ((Btu/h. F)^-1)
+R = [ 0.00090054, 0.00112764,0.00151632,0.00184132] //Total resistance ((Btu/h. F)^-1)
+Uo = [ 0.25675435 0.18290211 0.11185958 0.07822176] //Overall outside heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+Ui = [ 0.50543158 0.40364002 0.30017609 0.24719271] //Overall inside heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+dT = T1-T2
+Ai = %pi*Di*L //Inside area (ft^2)
+Q = Ui*Ai*dT //Energy loss (Btu/h)
+function [a] =energyPerDollar(Q1,Q2,amt1,amt2)
+ a = ((Q1-Q2)/(8000*(amt2-amt1)))
+printf("Energy saved per dollar ingoing from 3/8 to 1/2 inch is : %.1f Btu/h.$",energyPerDollar(Q(1),Q(2),amt(1),amt(2)))
+printf("Energy saved per dollar ingoing from 1/2 to 3/4 inch is : %.1f Btu/h.$",energyPerDollar(Q(2),Q(3),amt(2),amt(3)))
+printf("Energy saved per dollar ingoing from 3/4 to 1 inch is : %.1f Btu/h.$",energyPerDollar(Q(3),Q(4),amt(3),amt(4)))
diff --git a/2510/CH19/EX19.16/Ex19_16.sce b/2510/CH19/EX19.16/Ex19_16.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a4709155e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH19/EX19.16/Ex19_16.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+ki = 0.44 //Thermal conductivity of insulation (Btu/h.ft. F)
+ho = 1.32 //Air flow coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+OD = 2 //Outside diameter of pipe (in)
+rc = (ki/ho)*12 //Outer critical radius of insulation (in)
+ro = OD/2 //Outside radius of pipe (in)
+L = rc-ro //Critical insulation thickness (in)
+printf("The outer critical radius of insulation is : %.0f in .",rc)
+if ro<rc then
+ printf("Since, ro<rc, the heat loss will increase as insulation is added.")
+ printf("Sice, ro>rc, the heat loss will decrease as insulation is added.")
diff --git a/2510/CH19/EX19.18/Ex19_18.sce b/2510/CH19/EX19.18/Ex19_18.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..74fe78441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH19/EX19.18/Ex19_18.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Lf = 6/12 //Length of firebrick (ft)
+kf = 0.61 //Thermal conductivity of firebrick (Btu/h.ft. F)
+A = 480 //Surface area of wall (ft^2)
+Lw = 8/12 //Length of rock wool (ft)
+kw = 0.023 //Thermal conductivity of rock wool (Btu/h.ft. F)
+T1 = 1900 //Temperature of insulation of firebrick ( F)
+T2 = 140 //Temperature of insulation of rock wool ( F)
+Rf = Lf/(kf*A) //Resistance of firebrick (h. F/Btu)
+Rw = Lw/(kw*A) //Resistance of rock wool (h. F/Btu)
+R = Rf+Rw //Total resitance (h. F/Btu)
+Q = (T1-T2)/R //Heat loss through the wall (Btu/h)
+printf("The heat loss through the wall is : %.0f Btu/h .",Q)
diff --git a/2510/CH19/EX19.19/Ex19_19.sce b/2510/CH19/EX19.19/Ex19_19.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ccfca3b4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH19/EX19.19/Ex19_19.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+h1 = 1700 //Steam heat-transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+h2 = 2 //Air heat-transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+A = 1 //Area of base (ft^2) (assumption)
+k1 = 26 //Thermal conductivity of steel (Btu/h.ft. F)
+k2 = 218 //Thermal conductivity of copper (Btu/h.ft. F)
+t = 0.375 //Thickness of steel sheet (in)
+h3 = 2500 //Increased steam heat-transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+h4 = 12 //Increased air heat-transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+R1 = 1/(h1*A) //Steam resistance (h. F/Btu)
+R2 = 1/(h2*A) //Air resistance (h. F/Btu)
+R3 = (t/12)/(k1*A) //Steel resistance (h. F/Btu)
+Rt1 = R1+R2+R3 //Total resistance (with steel) (h. F/Btu)
+R4 = (t/12)/(k2*A) //Copper resistance (h. F/Btu) (part 1)
+Rt2 = R1+R2+R4 //Total resistance (with copper) (h. F/Btu)
+R5 = 1/(h1*A) //New steam resistance (h. F/Btu)
+Rt3 = R5+R2+R3 //Total resistance after increasing the steam coefficient (h. F/Btu)
+R6 = 1/(h4*A) //Air resistance (h. F/Btu)
+Rt4 = R1+R6+R3 //Total resistance after increasing the air coefficient (h. F/Btu)
+if (Rt1==Rt2) then
+ printf("1.The rate of heat transfer is essentially unaffected.")
+ printf("1. The rate of heat transfer is essentially affected.")
+if (Rt1==Rt3) then
+ printf("2. The rate is again unaffected.")
+ printf("2. The rate is again affected.")
+if (Rt1==Rt4) then
+ printf("3. The rate is unaffected for this case.")
+ printf("3. The rate is affected for this case.")
diff --git a/2510/CH19/EX19.2/Ex19_2.sce b/2510/CH19/EX19.2/Ex19_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..768e8ce71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH19/EX19.2/Ex19_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 19.1:
+T1 = 24 //Outside surface temperature ( C)
+Ri = 0.0191 //Insulation resistance (K/W)
+Q = 1383 //Revised heat transfer rate (Btu/h)
+T2 = T1-Q*Ri //Temperature at outer surface of insulation ( C)
+printf("The temperature at the outer surface of the insulation is : %.1f C .",T2)
diff --git a/2510/CH19/EX19.20/Ex19_20.sce b/2510/CH19/EX19.20/Ex19_20.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..84af3eef1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH19/EX19.20/Ex19_20.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+rfo = 12/2 //Outside radius of firebrick (ft)
+rfi = 5.167 //Inside radius of firebrick (ft)
+rso = 6.479 //Outside radius of sil-o-cel (ft)
+rsi = 6.063 //Inside radius of fsil-o-cel (ft)
+L = 30 //Length of incinerator (ft)
+kf = 0.608 //Thermal conductivity of firebrick (Btu/h.ft. F)
+ks = 0.035 //Thermal conductivity of sil-o-cel (Btu/h.ft. F)
+Rf= log(rfo/rfi)/(2*%pi*L*kf) //Resistance of firebrick (h.ft. F/Btu)
+Rs= log(rso/rsi)/(2*%pi*L*ks) //Resistance of sil-o-cel (h.ft. F/Btu)
+R = Rf+Rs //Total resistance (h.ft. F/Btu)
+ro = exp(R*(2*%pi*L*ks))*rso //New outside radius of sil-o-cel (ft)
+r= ro-rso //Extra thickness (ft)
+printf("The extra thickness is : %.3f ft",r)
+printf("Or, the extra thickness is : %.2f in.",r*12)
diff --git a/2510/CH19/EX19.3/Ex19_3.sce b/2510/CH19/EX19.3/Ex19_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c9b71d9d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH19/EX19.3/Ex19_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 19.1:
+h = 11 //Convective heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+L = 7.62/10**3 //Insulation thickness (m)
+k = 0.04 //Thermal conductivity of wool (W/m.K)
+Bi = h*L/k //Biot number
+printf("The Biot nmuber is : %.1f ",Bi)
diff --git a/2510/CH19/EX19.4/Ex19_4.sce b/2510/CH19/EX19.4/Ex19_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0fd234072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH19/EX19.4/Ex19_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+k = 0.022 //Thermal conductivity of glass wool (Btu/h.ft. F)
+T1 = 400 //Inside wall temperature ( F)
+T2 = 25 //Outside wall temperature ( C)
+L = 3/12 //Length of insulation cover (ft)
+T_2 = T2*(9/5)+32 //Outside wall temperature in fahrenheit scale ( F)
+QbyA = k*(T1-T_2)/L //Heat flux across the wall (Btu/h.ft^2)
+printf("The heat flux across the wall is : %.1f Btu/h.ft^2 .",QbyA)
diff --git a/2510/CH19/EX19.5/Ex19_5.sce b/2510/CH19/EX19.5/Ex19_5.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..01aa172ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH19/EX19.5/Ex19_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+w = 8 //Width of wall (m)
+H = 3 //Height of wall (m)
+h = 21 //Convective heat transfer coefficient between the air and the surface (W/m^2.K)
+T1 = -18 //Outside surace of wall temperature ( C)
+T3 = 26 //Surrounding air temperature ( C)
+l1 = 80/100 //Reduction in cooling load
+k = 0.0433 //Thermal conductivity of cork board insulation (W/m.K)
+T = 12000 //Units Btu/h in 1 ton of refrigeration
+A = w*H //Heat transfer area (m^2) (part 1)
+Q1 = h*A*(T1-T3) //Rate of heat flow in the absence of insulation (W)
+Q2 = Q1*3.4123/T //Rate of heat flow in the absence of insulation (ton of refrigeration)
+l2 = 1-l1 //Reduced cooling load (part 2)
+Q3 = l2*Q1 //Heat rate with insulation (W)
+Rt = (T1-T3)/Q3 //Total thermal resistance ( C/W)
+R2 = 1/(h*A) //Convection thermal resistance ( C/W)
+R1 = Rt-R2 //Insulation conduction resistance ( C/W)
+L = R1*k*A //Required insulation thickness (m)
+printf("1. The rate of heat flow through the rectangular wall without insulation is : %.2f kW .",Q1/10**3)
+printf("Or, the rate of heat flow through the rectangular wall without insulation in tons of refrigeration is : %.1f ton of refrigeration .",Q2)
+if (Q1<0) then
+ printf("The negative sign indicates heat flow from the surrounding air into the cold room.")
+ printf(" The positive sign indicates heat flow from the surrounding air into the cold room.")
+printf("2. The required thickness of the insulation board is : %.2f mm .",L*10**3)
diff --git a/2510/CH19/EX19.6/Ex19_6.sce b/2510/CH19/EX19.6/Ex19_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..816774977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH19/EX19.6/Ex19_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 19.5:
+Q = -4435.2 //Heat rate with insulation (W)
+R2 = 0.00198 //Convection thermal resistance ( C/W)
+T3 = 26 //Surrounding air temperature ( C)
+h = 21 //Convective heat transfer coefficient between the air and the surface (W/m^2.K)
+k = 0.0433 //Thermal conductivity of cork board insulation (W/m.K)
+L = 0.00825 //Required insulation thickness (m)
+T2 = T3+Q*R2 //Interface temperature ( C) (part 1)
+Bi = h*L/k //Biot number (part 2)
+printf("1. The interface temperature is : %.2f C .",T2)
+printf("2. The Biot number is : %.0f ",Bi)
+printf("3. Theoretical part.")
diff --git a/2510/CH19/EX19.7/Ex19_7.sce b/2510/CH19/EX19.7/Ex19_7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4cc7b8abd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH19/EX19.7/Ex19_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+D2 = 0.5/10**3 //External diameter of needle (m)
+h3 = 12 //Heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+L = 1 //Insulation thickness (m)
+T1 = 95 //Reactant temperature ( C)
+T3 = 20 //Ambient air temperature ( C)
+k1 = 16 //Thermal conductivity of needle (W/m.K)
+k3 = 0.0242 //Thermal conductivity of air (W/m.K)
+D3 = 2/10**3 //Diameter of rubber tube (m)
+r2 = D2/2 //External radius of needle (m)
+r3 = D3/2 //Radius of rubber tube (m)
+Rt1 = 1/(h3*(2*%pi*r2*L)) //Thermal resistance ( C/W)
+Q1 = (T1-T3)/Rt1 //Rate of heat flow in the absence of insulation (W)
+Bi = h3*D2/k1 //Biot number
+Nu = h3*D2/k3 //Nusselt number
+R2 = log(r3/r2) //Thermal resistance of needle ( C/W)
+R3 = 1/(h3*(2*%pi*r3*L)) //Thermal resistance of rubber tube ( C/W)
+Rt2 = R2+R3 //Total thermal resistance ( C/W)
+Q2 = (T1-T3)/Rt2 //Rate of heat loss (W)
+printf("1. The rate of the heat loss from the hypodermic needle with the rubber insulation is : %.2f W .",Q1)
+printf(" The rate of the heat loss from the hypodermic needle without the rubber insulation is : %.2f W .",Q2)
+printf("2. The Biot number is : %f",Bi)
+printf(" The nusselt number is : %.3f ",Nu)
diff --git a/2510/CH19/EX19.9/Ex19_9.sce b/2510/CH19/EX19.9/Ex19_9.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f5d3d31bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH19/EX19.9/Ex19_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+h = 140 //Convention heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+D1 = 10/10**3 //Rod diameter (m)
+L = 2.5 //Rod length (m)
+T1 = 200 //Surface temperature of rod ( C)
+T2 = 25 //Fluid temperature ( C)
+k = 1.4 //Thermal conductivity of bakellite (W/m.K)
+l = 55/10**3 //Insulation thickness (m)
+Q1 = h*%pi*D1*L*(T1-T2) //Rate of heat transfer for the bare rod (W) (part 1)
+Bi = 2 //Critical Biot number (part 2)
+D2 = Bi*k/h //Critical diameter associated with the bakelite coating (m)
+r2 = D2/2 //Critical radius associated with the bakelite coating (m)
+r1 = D1/2 //Rod radius (m)
+R1 = log(r2/r1)/(2*%pi*k*L) //Insulation conduction resistance ( C/W)
+R2 = 1/(h*(2*%pi*r2*L)) //Convection thermal resistance ( C/W)
+Rt1 = R1+R2 //Total thermal resistance ( C/W)
+Qc = (T1-T2)/Rt1 //Heat transfer rate at the critical radius (W)
+r3 = r1+l //New radius associated with the bakelite coating after insulation (m) (part 3)
+R3 = log(r3/r1)/(2*%pi*k*L) //Insulation conduction bakelite resistance ( C/W)
+R4 = 1/(h*(2*%pi*r3*L)) //Convection bakelite thermal resistance ( C/W)
+Rt2 = R3+R4 //Total bakelite thermal resistance ( C/W)
+Q2 = (T1-T2)/Rt2 //Heat transfer rate at the bakelite critical radius (W)
+Re = ((Q1-Q2)/Q1)*100 //Percent reduction in heat transfer rate relative to the case of a bare rod (%)
+printf("1. The rate of heat transfer for the bare rod is : %0.f W .",Q1)
+printf("2. The critical radius associated with the bakelite coating is : %.0f mm.",r2*10**3)
+printf(" & the heat transfer rate at the critical radius is : %.0f W .",Qc)
+printf("3. The fractional reduction in heat transfer rate relative to the case of a bare rod is : %.1f ",Re)
diff --git a/2510/CH21/EX21.1/Ex21_1.sce b/2510/CH21/EX21.1/Ex21_1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d8d30f789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH21/EX21.1/Ex21_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+m = 1 //Mass flowrate (lb)
+cP = 1 //Heat capacity (Btu/lb. F)
+//From figure 21.3:
+T1 = 300 //Temperature of hot fluid leaving exchanger ( F)
+T2 = 540 //Temperature of hot fluid entering exchanger ( F)
+T3 = 60 //Temperature of cold fluid leaving exchanger ( F)
+T4 = 300 //Temperature of cold fluid entering exchanger ( F)
+DSh = m*cP*log((T1+460)/(T2+460)) //Entropy for hot fluid (Btu/ F)
+DSc = m*cP*log((T4+460)/(T3+460)) //Entropy for cold fluid (Btu/ F)
+DSa = DSh+DSc //Entropy for one exchanger (Btu/ F)
+DSt = DSa*2 //Total entropy change (Btu/ F)
+printf("The entropy chage is : %.4f Btu/ F .",DSt)
+if (DSt>0) then
+ printf("There is a positive entropy change.")
+ printf("There is a negative entropy change.")
diff --git a/2510/CH21/EX21.2/Ex21_2.sce b/2510/CH21/EX21.2/Ex21_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f5b06ae38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH21/EX21.2/Ex21_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 21.1:
+DSh = -0.2744 //Entropy for hot fluid (Btu/ F)
+DSc = 0.3795 //Entropy for cold fluid (Btu/ F)
+m = 1 //Mass flowrate (lb)
+cP = 1 //Heat capacity (Btu/lb. F)
+//From figure 21.4:
+DT = 0 //Temperature difference driving force ( F)
+DS_D = 0 //Entropy for D exchanger (Btu/ F)
+DS_C = DSh+DSc //Entropy for C exchanger (Btu/ F)
+DSt = DS_C+DS_D //Total entropy change of exchangers (Btu/ F)
+printf("The total entropy change is : %f Btu/ F .",DSt)
diff --git a/2510/CH21/EX21.3/Ex21_3.sce b/2510/CH21/EX21.3/Ex21_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a340e8add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH21/EX21.3/Ex21_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From figure 21.5:
+m = 2 //Mass flowrate (lb)
+cP = 1 //Heat capacity (Btu/lb. F)
+DS1 = -0.2744 //Entropy for hot fluid for E exchanger (Btu/ F)
+T1 = 180 //Temperature cold fluid entering the E exchabger ( F)
+T2 = 60 //Temperature cold fluid leaving the E exchabger ( F)
+DS2 = m*cP*log((T1+460)/(T2+460)) //Entropy for cold fluid for E exchanger (Btu/ F)
+DS_E = DS1+DS2 //Entropy for E exchanger (Btu/ F)
+DS_F = DS_E //Entropy for F exchanger (Btu/ F)
+DSt = DS_F+DS_E //Entropy change in exchangers E and F (Btu/ F)
+printf("The entropy change in exchangers E and F is : %.4f Btu/ F",DSt)
diff --git a/2510/CH22/EX22.10/Ex22_10.sce b/2510/CH22/EX22.10/Ex22_10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2cea58d8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH22/EX22.10/Ex22_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 22.9:
+t1 = 23.5 //Initial temperature of oil ( C)
+t2 = 27 //Final temperature of oil ( C)
+T1 = 93 //Water heating temperature of water ( C)
+T2 = 88.16 //Minimum temperature of heating water ( C)
+U = 34.6 //Overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2. C)
+Q = 7227.2 //Duty of exchanger (W)
+D = 6*0.0254 //Inside diameter of %pipe (m)
+l = 6.68 //Previous heat transfer length (m)
+DT1 = T1-t1 //Inlet temperature difference ( C)
+DT2 = T2-t2 //Outlet temperature difference ( C)
+DTlm = (DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2) //Log mean temperature difference ( C)
+A = Q/(U*DTlm) //Required heat transfer area (m^2)
+L = A/(%pi*D) //Required heat transfer length (m)
+printf("The length of the parallel %%pipe heat exchanger is : %.2f ",L)
+if L>l then
+ printf("The tube length would increase slightly.")
+elseif L<l then
+ printf("The tube length would decrease slightly.")
diff --git a/2510/CH22/EX22.12/Ex22_12.sce b/2510/CH22/EX22.12/Ex22_12.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..30538292d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH22/EX22.12/Ex22_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+T = 80 //Pipe surface temperature ( F)
+t1 = 10 //Inlet temperature of brine solution ( F)
+m = 1200 //mass flowrate of solution (kg/s)
+c = 0.99 //Heat capacity of brine solution (Btu/lb. F)
+A = 2.5 //Heat transfer area (ft^2)
+U1 = 150 //Overall heat transfer coefficient at temperature approach (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+U2 = 140 //Overall heat transfer coefficient at inlet brine temperature (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+DT1 = T-t1 //Temperature approach at the pipe entrance ( F)
+function [ans] = equation(DT2)
+ Q1 = m*c*(DT1-DT2) //Energy balance to the brine solution across the full length of the pipe (Btu/h)
+ DTlm = (DT1-DT2)*log(DT2/DT1) //Log mean temperature difference ( F)
+ Q2 = A*(U2*DT1-U1*DT2)/log((U2*DT1)/(U1*DT2)) //Heat transfer rate (Btu/h)
+ ans = Q2-Q1
+t2 = T-fsolve(1,equation) //The temperature of the brine solution ( F)
+printf("The temperature of brine solution is: %.0f C",(t2-32)/1.8)
diff --git a/2510/CH22/EX22.13/Ex22_13.sce b/2510/CH22/EX22.13/Ex22_13.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..dec3f79be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH22/EX22.13/Ex22_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+m = 1200 //mass flowrate of solution (kg/s)
+c = 0.99 //Heat capacity of brine solution (Btu/lb. F)
+DT1 = 70 //Temperature approach at the pipe entrance ( F)
+DT2 = 51.6 //Temperature difference at the pipe exit ( F)
+Q = m*c*(DT1-DT2) //Heat transfer rate (Btu/h)
+DTlm = (DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2) //Log mean temperature difference ( F)
+Q1 = round(Q*10**-1)/10**-1
+printf("1. The rate of heat transfer is : %f Btu/h.",Q1)
+printf("Or, the rate of heat transfer is : %.0f W.",Q/3.412)
+printf("2. The log mean temperature difference is : %.1f F.",DTlm)
+printf("Or, the log mean temperature difference is : %.1f C.",DTlm/1.8)
diff --git a/2510/CH22/EX22.23/Ex22_23.sce b/2510/CH22/EX22.23/Ex22_23.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a9416287d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH22/EX22.23/Ex22_23.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Too = 100 //Steam temperature ( C)
+Ti = 18 //Initial temperature of liquid TCA ( C)
+Tf = 74 //Final temperature of liquid TCA ( C)
+t = 180 //Heating time (s)
+p = 87.4 //Density of TCA (lb/ft^3)
+V = 18 //Kinematic viscosity of TCA (m^2/s)
+cp = 0.23 //Heat capacity of TCA (Btu/lb. F)
+U = 200 //Overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+ui = Too-Ti //Initial excess temperature ( C)
+uf = Too-Tf //Final excess temperature ( C)
+R = log(ui/uf) //Ratio t/r
+r = t/R //Thermal time constant (s)
+A = p*V*cp/(3600*U*r) //Required heating area (ft^3)
+Ti_F = Ti*9/5+32 //Initial temperature in fahrenheit scale ( F)
+Tf_F = Tf*9/5+32 //Final temperature in fahrenheit scale ( F)
+Q = p*V*cp*(Tf_F-Ti_F) //Total amount of heat added (Btu)
+printf("1. The required surface area of the heating coil is : %e ft^3",A)
+printf("2. The total heat added to the liquid TCA is : %.0f Btu",Q)
diff --git a/2510/CH22/EX22.24/Ex22_24.sce b/2510/CH22/EX22.24/Ex22_24.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..365c0072e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH22/EX22.24/Ex22_24.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+m1 = 62000 //Mass flowrate of alcohol (lb/h)
+h1 = 365 //Enthalpy of vapour (Btu/lb)
+cp = 1 //Heat capacity of water (Btu/lb. F)
+T1 = 85 //Entering temperature of water ( F)
+T2 = 120 //Exit temperature of water ( F)
+a1 = 2.11 //Flow area for the shell side (ft^2)
+N = 700 //Total number of tubes
+a2 = 0.546 //Flow area per tube (in^2/tube)
+n = 4 //Number of tube passes
+p = 62.5 //Density of water (lb/ft^3)
+L = 16 //Length of condenser (ft)
+hio = 862.4 //Cooling water inside film coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+g = 9.8 //Gravitational accleration (m^2/s)
+Rf = 0.003 //Fouling factor (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+Q1 = m1*h1 //Heat loss from alcohol (Btu/h)
+Q2 = Q1 //Heat gained by water (Btu/h)
+DT = T2-T1 //Temperature difference ( F)
+m2 = Q2/(cp*DT) //Water mass flow rate (lb/h)
+LMTD = ((T2-32)-(T1-32))/log((T2-32)/(T1-32)) //Log mean temperature difference ( F)
+at = (N*a2)/(144*n) //Total flow area for tube side (ft^2)
+G1 = m1/a1 //Mass velocity of flow in shell side (lb/h.ft^2)
+G2 = m2/at //Mass velocity of flow in tube side (lb/h.ft^2)
+V = G2/(3600*p) //Velocity of water (ft/s)
+G3 = m1/(L*N)**(2/3) //Loading G (lb/h.ft)
+//For alcohol:
+kf = 0.105 //Thermal conductivity (Btu/h.ft. F)
+muf = 0.55*2.42 //Dynamic viscosity (lb/ft.h)
+sf = 0.79 //
+pf = sf*p //Density (lb/ft^3)
+h = 151*(((kf**3)*(pf**2)*g*muf)/((muf**2)*n*G3))**(1/3) //Heat transfer coefficient for the shell side (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+ho = h //Outside heat transfer coefficient of the tube bundle (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+Uc = (hio*ho)/(hio+ho) //Overall heat transfer coefficient for a new (clean) heat exchanger (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+A = N*L*0.2618 //Area for heat transfer (ft^2)
+Ud = Q1/(A*DT) //Design (D) overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+Rd = (Uc-Ud)/(Uc*Ud) //Dirt (d) factor (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+printf("The dirt (d) factor is : %.4f Btu/h.ft^2. F .",Rd)
+if (Rd>Rd) then
+ printf("Therefore, the exchanger as specified is unsuitable for these process conditions since the fouling factor is above the recommended value. Cleaning is recommended.")
+ printf("Therefore, the exchanger as specified is suitable for these process conditions since the fouling factor is below the recommended value. Cleaning is not recommended.")
diff --git a/2510/CH22/EX22.6/Ex22_6.sce b/2510/CH22/EX22.6/Ex22_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..892d35303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH22/EX22.6/Ex22_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ //Variable declaration:
+//From steam tables:
+h1 = 1572 //Enthalpy for super heated steam at (P = 40 atm, T = 1000 F) (Btu/lb)
+h2 = 1316 //Enthalpy for super heated steam at (P = 20 atm, T = 600 F) (Btu/lb)
+h3 = 1151 //Enthalpy for saturated steam (Btu/lb)
+h4 = 28.1 //Enthalpy for saturated water (Btu/lb)
+m1 = 1000 //Mass flowrate of steam (lb/h)
+syms m //Mass flow rate of steam (lb/h)
+Dh1 = m1*(h3-h4) //The change in enthalpy for the vaporization of the water stream (Btu/h)
+Dh2 = m*(h1-h2) //The change in enthalpy for the cooling of the water stream (Btu/h)
+x = eval(solve(Dh1-Dh2,m)) //Mass flowrate of steam (lb/h)
+m2 = x; //Mass flowrate of steam (lb/h)
+disp("The mass flowrate of the utility steam required is : ")
+disp(" lb/h.")
diff --git a/2510/CH22/EX22.7/Ex22_7.sce b/2510/CH22/EX22.7/Ex22_7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ca5c03fc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH22/EX22.7/Ex22_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From table 22.1:
+QH1 = 12*10**6 //Heat duty for process unit 1 (Btu/h)
+QH2 = 6*10**6 //Heat duty for process unit 2 (Btu/h)
+QH3 = 23.5*10**6 //Heat duty for process unit 3 (Btu/h)
+QH4 = 17*10**6 //Heat duty for process unit 4 (Btu/h)
+QH5 = 31*10**6 //Heat duty for process unit 5 (Btu/h)
+T1 = 90 //Supply water temperature ( F)
+T2 = 115 //Return water temperature ( F)
+cP = 1 //Cooling water heat capacity (Btu/(lb. F))
+p = 62*0.1337 //Density of water (lb/gal)
+BDR = 5/100 //Blow-down rate
+QHL = (QH1+QH2+QH3+QH4+QH5)/60 //Heat load (Btu/min)
+DT = T2-T1 //Change in temperature ( F)
+qCW = round(QHL*10**-5)/10**-5/(DT*cP*p) //Required cooling water flowrate (gpm)
+qBD = BDR*qCW //Blow-down flow (gpm)
+qCW = round(qCW*10**-1)/10**-1
+printf("The total flowrate of cooling water required for the services is : %f gpm.",qCW)
+printf("The required blow-down flow is : %.0f gpm.",qBD)
diff --git a/2510/CH22/EX22.8/Ex22_8.sce b/2510/CH22/EX22.8/Ex22_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..59da2015f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH22/EX22.8/Ex22_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Q1 = 10*10**6 //Unit heat duty for process unit 1 (Btu/h)
+Q2 = 8*10**6 //Unit heat duty for process unit 2 (Btu/h)
+Q3 = 12*10**6 //Unit heat duty for process unit 3 (Btu/h)
+Q4 = 20*10**6 //Unit heat duty for process unit 4 (Btu/h)
+hv = 751 //Enthalpy of vaporization for pressure 500 psig (Btu/lb)
+mB1 = Q1/hv //Mass flowrate of 500 psig steam through unit 1 (lb/h)
+mB2 = Q2/hv //Mass flowrate of 500 psig steam through unit 2 (lb/h)
+mB3 = Q3/hv //Mass flowrate of 500 psig steam through unit 3 (lb/h)
+mB4 = Q4/hv //Mass flowrate of 500 psig steam through unit 4 (lb/h)
+mBT = mB1+mB2+mB3+mB4 //Total steam required (lb/h)
+mBT = round(mBT*10**-1)/10**-1
+printf("The total steam required is : %f lb/h.",mBT)
diff --git a/2510/CH22/EX22.9/Ex22_9.sce b/2510/CH22/EX22.9/Ex22_9.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..13a64b8e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH22/EX22.9/Ex22_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+po = 53*16.0185 //Density of oil (kg/m^3)
+co = 0.46*4186.7 //Heat capacity of oil (J/kg. C)
+pi = %pi
+muo = 150/1000 //Dynamic viscosity of oil (kg/m.s)
+ko = 0.11*1.7303 //Thermal conductivity of oil (W/m. C)
+qo = 28830*4.381*10**-8 //Volumetric flowrate of oil (m^3/s)
+pw = 964 //Density of water (kg/m^3)
+cw = 4204 //Heat capacity of water (J/kg. C)
+muw = 0.7/3600*1.4881 //Dynamic viscosity of water (kg/m.s)
+kw = 0.678 //Thermal conductivity of water (W/m. C)
+qw = 8406*4.381*10**-8 //Volumetric flowrate of water (m^3/s)
+t1 = 23.5 //Initial temperature of oil ( C)
+t2 = 27 //Final temperature of oil ( C)
+T1 = 93 //Water heating temperature of water ( C)
+syms T2 //Minimum temperature of heating water ( C)
+syms A //Heat transfer area (m^2)
+Uc = 35.4 //Clean heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+Rf = 0.0007 //Thermal resistance (m^2.K/W)
+D = 6*0.0254 //Inside diameter of pipe (m)
+vo = muo/po //Kinematic viscosity of oil (m^2/s)
+mo = po*qo //Mass flowrate of oil (kg/s)
+vw = muw/pw //Kinematic viscosity of (m^2/s)
+mw = pw*qw //Masss flow rate of water (kg/s)
+Q1 = mo*co*(t2-t1) //Duty of exchanger of oil (W)
+T2m = t1 //Lowest possible temperature of the water ( C) (part 1)
+Qmw = mw*cw*(T1-T2m) //Maximum duty of exchanger of water (W) (part 2)
+Q2 = mw*cw*(T1-T2) //Duty of exchanger of water in terms of T2 (W)
+x = eval(solve(Q1-Q2,T2)) //Solving value for T2 ( C)
+T3 = x; //Minimum temperature of heating water ( C)
+DT1 = T3-t1 //Inlet temperature difference ( C)
+DT2 = T1-t2 //Outlet temperature difference ( C)
+DTlm = (DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2) //Log mean temperature difference ( C)
+Ud1 = 1/Uc+Rf //Dirty heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K) (part 3)
+Ud2 = 34.6 //Dirty heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2. C)
+Q3 = Ud2*A*DTlm //Duty of exchanger (W) (part 4)
+y = eval(solve(Q1-Q3,A)) //Heat transfer area (m^2)
+A1 = y //Required heat transfer area (m^2)
+L = A1/(pi*D) //Required heat transfer length (m)
+Qmo = mo*co*(T1-t1) //Maximum duty of exchanger of oil (W) (part 5)
+Qm = Qmw //Maximum duty of exchanger (W)
+E = Q1/Qm*100 //Effectiveness (%)
+NTU = Ud2*A1/(mw*cw) //Number of transfer units
+disp("1. The lowest possible temperature of the water is :")
+disp(" C .")
+disp("2. The log mean temperature difference is : ")
+disp (DTlm)
+disp(" C .")
+disp("3. The overall heat transfer coefficient for the new clean exchanger is : ")
+disp (Ud2)
+disp ("W/m^2. C .")
+disp("4. The length of the double pipe heat exchanger is : ")
+disp (" m .")
+disp("5. The effectiveness of the exchanger is : ")
+disp("The NTU of the exchanger is : ")
+// Answers are correct. Please calculate manually.
diff --git a/2510/CH23/EX23.6/Ex23_6.sce b/2510/CH23/EX23.6/Ex23_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4c50544f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH23/EX23.6/Ex23_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Q = 20000 //Fuel input (Btu)
+e = 1 //Energy produced (kW.h)
+Btu = 3412 //Units Btu in 1 kW.h
+ER = Q/Btu //Energy requirement in 1990 (kW.h)
+E = e/ER*100 //Efficiency of energy conversion (%)
+printf("The efficiency of energy conversion is : %.1f %%",E)
diff --git a/2510/CH23/EX23.7/Ex23_7.sce b/2510/CH23/EX23.7/Ex23_7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..cf3dec1b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH23/EX23.7/Ex23_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+ADL1 = 2 //Average daily load (MW)
+R = 25/100 //Reduction in electrical load (%)
+L = 1-R //New load fraction
+ADL2 = ADL1*L //New average daily load (MW)
+AR = ADL1-ADL2 //Average reduction in electrical load (MW)
+printf("The new Average daily load for the plant is : %f MW.",ADL2)
+printf("The average reduction in electrical load is : %f MW.",AR)
diff --git a/2510/CH24/EX24.10/Ex24_10.sce b/2510/CH24/EX24.10/Ex24_10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..256e98437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH24/EX24.10/Ex24_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+//variable Declaration:
+mTa = [100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100] //Mean weeks for thermometer failure(A)
+mTb = [90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90] //Mean weeks for thermometer failure(B)
+mTc = [80,80,80,80,80,80,80,80,80,80] //Mean weeks for thermometer failure(C)
+sTa = 30 //Standard deviation (weeks) for thermometer failure(A)
+sTb = 20 //Standard deviation (weeks) for thermometer failure(B)
+sTc = 10 //Standard deviation (weeks) for thermometer failure(C)
+Ra = [0.52,0.80,0.45,0.68,0.59,0.01,0.50,0.29,0.34,0.46] //Random No corrosponding to A
+Rb = [0.77,0.54,0.96,0.02,0.73,0.67,0.31,0.34,0.00,0.48] //Random No corrosponding to B
+Rc = [0.14,0.39,0.06,0.86,0.87,0.90,0.28,0.51,0.56,0.82] //Random No corrosponding to B
+Za = [0.05,0.84,-0.13,0.47,0.23,-2.33,0.00,-0.55,-0.41,-0.10] //Normal variable corrosponding to random No for A
+Zb = [0.74,0.10,1.75,-2.05,0.61,0.44,-0.50,-0.41,-3.90,-0.05] //Normal variable corrosponding to random No for B
+Zc = [-1.08,-0.28,-1.56,1.08,1.13,1.28,-0.58,0.03,0.15,0.92] //Normal variable corrosponding to random No for C
+Ta = mTa+sTa*Za
+Tb = mTb+sTb*Zb
+Tc = mTc+sTc*Zc
+Ts = min(list(Ta,Tb))
+Ts = min(list(Ts,Tc))
+k = sum(Ts)/length(Ts)
+m = [k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k]
+s = sqrt(sum((Ts-m)**2)/(length(Ts)-1))
+printf("Standard deviation : %.1f Weeks",s)
diff --git a/2510/CH24/EX24.15/Ex24_15.sce b/2510/CH24/EX24.15/Ex24_15.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..760db22c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH24/EX24.15/Ex24_15.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+t = 273 //Standard temperature (K)
+v = 0.0224 //Volume of air occupied by 1 gmol of ideal gas (m^3)
+V = 1100 //Volume of heat exchanger (m^3)
+T = 22+273 //Temperature of heat exchanger (K)
+x1 = 0.75 //gmols of hydrocarbon leaking from the exchanger (gmol)
+n = V*(1/v)*(t/T) //Total number of gmols of air in the room (gmol)
+xHC = (x1/(n+x1))*10**6 //The mole fraction of hydrocarbon in the room (ppm)
+ans = round((xHC*1000)*10**-1)/10**-1
+printf("1. The mole fraction of hydrocarbon in the room is : %f ppb .",ans)
diff --git a/2510/CH24/EX24.4/Ex24_4.sce b/2510/CH24/EX24.4/Ex24_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..eb49afda8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH24/EX24.4/Ex24_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+fm = 30/100 //Mole fraction of methane
+fe = 50/100 //Mole fraction of ethane
+fp = 20/100 //Mole fraction of pentane
+LFLm = 0.046 //Lower flammability limit for methane
+LFLe = 0.035 //Lower flammability limit for ethane
+LFLp = 0.014 //Lower flammability limit for propane
+UFLm = 0.142 //Upper flammability limit for methane
+UFLe = 0.151 //Upper flammability limit for ethane
+UFLp = 0.078 //Upper flammability limit for propane
+LFLmix = 1/((fm/LFLm)+(fe/LFLe)+(fp/LFLp)) //Lower flammability limit of gas mixture
+UFLmix = 1/((fm/UFLm)+(fe/UFLe)+(fp/UFLp)) //Upper flammability limit of gas mixture
+printf("The upper flammability limit (UFL) of the gas mixture is : %.2f %%",UFLmix*100)
+printf("The lower flammability limit (LFL) of the gas mixture is : %.2f %%",LFLmix*100)
+printf("There is a printing mistake in book.")
diff --git a/2510/CH24/EX24.5/Ex24_5.sce b/2510/CH24/EX24.5/Ex24_5.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..db07b5bae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH24/EX24.5/Ex24_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+P_A = 10/100 //Probability that the first tube is defective if the first is replaced
+P_B = 10/100 //Probability that the second tube is defective if the first is replaced
+P_AB = P_A*P_B //Probability that the two tubes are defective if the first is replaced
+P_B_A = 9/99 //Probability that the second tube is defective if the first tube is not replaced
+Pd_AB = P_A*P_B_A //Probability that both tubes are defective if the first tube is not replaced
+printf("The probability that both tubes are defective if :")
+printf("(a) the first is replaced before the second is drawn is : %f",P_AB)
+printf("(b) the first is not replaced before the second is drawn is : %f",Pd_AB)
diff --git a/2510/CH24/EX24.6/Ex24_6.sce b/2510/CH24/EX24.6/Ex24_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..989079e1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH24/EX24.6/Ex24_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+syms X //Range of X
+Px = 1.7*(exp(-1.7*X)) //Probability distribution function
+P = eval(integrate(Px, X,2,6)) //Probability that X will have a value between 2 and 6
+printf("The probability that X will have a value between 2 and 6 is : %.4f",P)
diff --git a/2510/CH24/EX24.7/Ex24_7.sce b/2510/CH24/EX24.7/Ex24_7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b69899f04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH24/EX24.7/Ex24_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Variable Declaration:
+n = 20 //Total number of components
+p = 0.1 //Probability of success
+function [ans]= binomial(n,p,x)
+ P=0
+ for x = 0:x-1
+ P = P + p**x*(1-p)**(n-x)*factorial(n)/(factorial(x)*factorial(n-x))
+ end
+ disp(P);
+ ans = P
+printf("Probability that the sprinkler system fails : %.2f %%",(1-binomial(n,p,4))*100)
diff --git a/2510/CH24/EX24.8/Ex24_8.sce b/2510/CH24/EX24.8/Ex24_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..70492c7e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH24/EX24.8/Ex24_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+a = 1.3*10^-3 //Constant a
+B = 0.77 //Constant B
+syms t //Time (h)
+Ft = a*B*t^(B-1)*(exp(-a*t^B)) //Pdf for heat exchanger tube
+Pt = eval(integrate(Ft, "t",0,1000)) //Probability that a heat exchanger will fail within 100 hours
+printf("The probability that a tube in a heat exchanger will fail in 1000 hours is : %.2f",Pt)
diff --git a/2510/CH24/EX24.9/Ex24_9.sce b/2510/CH24/EX24.9/Ex24_9.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c5ecabac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH24/EX24.9/Ex24_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+m = 0.4008 //Mean(inch)
+s = 0.0004 //Standard Deviation(inch)
+UL = 0.4000+0.001 //Upper Limit
+LL = 0.4000-0.001 //Upper Limit
+Ps = cdfnor("PQ",UL,m,s)-cdfnor("PQ",LL,m,s)//Probability of meeting specs
+Pd = 1-Ps //Probability of defect
+printf("Probability of meeting specifications: %.2f %%",Ps*100)
+printf("Probability of Defect: %.2f %%",Pd*100)
diff --git a/2510/CH26/EX26.11/Ex26_11.sce b/2510/CH26/EX26.11/Ex26_11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..01209cd9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH26/EX26.11/Ex26_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//f(x) : Objective Function
+//ci(x)'s : Constraints
+//Variable Declaration:
+function [a] = f(x)
+ a = -2.0*x(1) - 1.6*x(2)
+X = [16820,1152]
+printf("Maximum Profit is $ %.0f /day or $ %f /year",-f(X),-365*f(X))
diff --git a/2510/CH26/EX26.8/Ex26_8.sce b/2510/CH26/EX26.8/Ex26_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..52998dda4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH26/EX26.8/Ex26_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Variable Declaration:
+syms A
+syms B
+syms r
+syms C
+res = solve([A + B*log(2)-log(3),A + B*log(4)-log(12)],[A,B])
+A = -0.2877
+B = round(float(res[B]))
+kA = round(exp(A),2)
+a = B
+disp("The equation for rate of reaction is: %f kA*C**a ")
diff --git a/2510/CH26/EX26.9/Ex26_9.sce b/2510/CH26/EX26.9/Ex26_9.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..853a3b1ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH26/EX26.9/Ex26_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//Variable Declaration:
+T = [-40,-20,0,10,12,30,40,50,60,80,100,150,200,250,300,400,500]
+u = [1.51,1.61,1.71,1.76,1.81,1.86,1.90,1.95,2.00,2.09,2.17,2.38,2.57,2.75,2.93,3.25,3.55]
+[B,A] = reglin(T,u)
+printf("The value of A in regression model is: %.4f",A)
+printf("The value of B in regression model is: %.4f",B)
diff --git a/2510/CH27/EX27.10/Ex27_10.sce b/2510/CH27/EX27.10/Ex27_10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..620dec6ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH27/EX27.10/Ex27_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+f = 100000 //Flow rate of flue gas (acfm)
+i = 0.1 //Interest rate
+//From table 27.4:
+//For finned preheater:
+ac1 = 3.1 //Equipment cost ($/acfm)
+ac2 = 0.8 //Installation cost ($/acfm)
+ac3 = 0.06 //Operating cost ($/acfm-yr)
+ac4 = 14000 //Maintenance cost ($/yr)
+an = 20 //Lifetime (yr)
+//For 4-pass preheater:
+bc1 = 1.9 //Equipment cost ($/acfm)
+bc2 = 1.4 //Installation cost ($/acfm)
+bc3 = 0.06 //Operating cost for ($/acfm-yr)
+bc4 = 28000 //Maintenance cost ($/yr)
+bn = 15 //Lifetime of (yr)
+//For 2-pass preheater:
+cc1 = 2.5 //Equipment cost ($/acfm)
+cc2 = 1.0 //Installation cost ($/acfm)
+cc3 = 0.095 //Operating cost for ($/acfm-yr)
+cc4 = 9500 //Maintenance cost for ($/yr)
+cn = 20 //Lifetime of (yr)
+//For Finned preheater:
+aEC = f*ac1 //Total equipment cost ($)
+aIC = f*ac2 //Total installation cost ($)
+aOC = f*ac3 //Total operating cost ($)
+aMC = f*ac4 //Total maintenance cost ($)
+aCRF = (i*(1+i)**an)/((1+i)**an-1) //Capital recovery factor
+aAEC = aEC*aCRF //Equipment annual cost ($/yr)
+aAIC = aIC*aCRF //Installation annual cost($/yr)
+aAOC = ac3*f //Annual operating cost ($)
+aAMC = ac4 //Annual maintenance cost ($)
+aTAC = aAEC+aAIC+aAOC+aAMC //Total annual cost ($)
+//For 4-pass preheater:
+bEC = f*bc1 //Total equipment cost ($)
+bIC = f*bc2 //Total installation cost ($)
+bOC = f*bc3 //Total operating cost ($)
+bMC = f*bc4 //Total maintenance cost ($)
+bCRF = (i*(1+i)**bn)/((1+i)**bn-1) //Capital recovery factor
+bAEC = bEC*bCRF //Equipment annual cost ($/yr)
+bAIC = bIC*bCRF //Installation annual cost($/yr)
+bAOC = bc3*f //Annual operating cost ($)
+bAMC = bc4 //Annual maintenance cost ($)
+bTAC = bAEC+bAIC+bAOC+bAMC //Total annual cost ($)
+//For 2-pass preheater:
+cEC = f*cc1 //Total equipment cost ($)
+cIC = f*cc2 //Total installation cost ($)
+cOC = f*cc3 //Total operating cost ($)
+cMC = f*cc4 //Total maintenance cost ($)
+cCRF = (i*(1+i)**cn)/((1+i)**cn-1) //Capital recovery factor
+cAEC = cEC*cCRF //Equipment annual cost ($/yr)
+cAIC = cIC*cCRF //Installation annual cost($/yr)
+cAOC = cc3*f //Annual operating cost ($)
+cAMC = cc4 //Annual maintenance cost ($)
+cTAC = cAEC+cAIC+cAOC+cAMC //Total annual cost ($)
+printf("Total annual cost for finned preheater is : $ %.0f",aTAC)
+printf("Total annual cost for 4-pass preheater is : $ %.0f",bTAC)
+printf("Total annual cost for 2-pass preheater is : $ %.0f",cTAC)
+if (cTAC<aTAC & cTAC<bTAC) then
+ printf("According to the analysis, the 2-pass exchanger is the most economically attractive device since the annual cost is the lowest.")
+elseif (bTAC<aTAC & bTAC<cTAC) then
+ printf("According to the analysis, the 4-pass exchanger is the most economically attractive device since the annual cost is the lowest.")
+elseif (aTAC<cTAC & aTAC<bTAC) then
+ printf("According to the analysis, the finned exchanger is the most economically attractive device since the annual cost is the lowest.")
diff --git a/2510/CH27/EX27.12/Ex27_12.sce b/2510/CH27/EX27.12/Ex27_12.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..fbd3ef295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH27/EX27.12/Ex27_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+TH = 500 //Hot stream temperature at exchanger 1 ( F)
+tc = 100 //Cold stream temperature at exchanger 2 ( F)
+A = 10 //Constant A
+B1 = 100000 //Constant B1
+B2 = 4000 //Constant B2
+B3 = 400000 //Constant B3
+//It forms equation fo form t^2 - t(Th-tc) +tcTH +B/A
+t1 = roots([1, -(TH+tc),(tc*TH + B1/A) ]); //Roots
+tmax1 = TH - sqrt(B1/A) //Upon maximising profit
+t2 = roots([1, -(TH+tc),(tc*TH + B2/A) ]); //Roots
+tmax2 = TH - sqrt(B2/A) //Upon maximising profit
+t3 = roots([1, -(TH+tc),(tc*TH + B3/A) ]); //Roots
+tmax3 = TH - sqrt(B3/A) //Upon maximising profit
+printf("tBE for case 1: %.0f F %.0f F",t1(1),t1(2))
+printf("tmax1: %.0f F",tmax1)
+printf("tBE for case 2: %.0f F %.0f F",t2(1),t2(2))
+printf("tmax1: %.0f F",tmax2)
+printf("tBE for case 1: %.0f F %.0f F",t3(1),t3(2))
+printf("tmax1 : %.0f F",tmax3)
diff --git a/2510/CH27/EX27.15/Ex27_15.sce b/2510/CH27/EX27.15/Ex27_15.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e2cee42fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH27/EX27.15/Ex27_15.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//f(x) : Objective Function
+//ci(x)'s : Constraints
+//Variable Declaration:
+function [ans] = f(x)
+ ans = -1.70*x(1) - 2*x(2)
+X = [7500,6000]
+printf("Maximum Profit is $ %.1f /day or $ %.1f /year",-f(X),-365*f(X))
diff --git a/2510/CH27/EX27.5/Ex27_5.sce b/2510/CH27/EX27.5/Ex27_5.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..df8b3aac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH27/EX27.5/Ex27_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+i = 0.03375 //Rate of interest (%)
+n = 9 //Years to the end of life (yr)
+P = 60000 //Cost of exchanger ($)
+L = 500 //Salvage value ($)
+x = 5 //Time after 5 years (yr)
+SFDF = i/((1+i)**n-1) //Sinking fund depreciation factor
+UAP = (P-L)*SFDF //Uniform annual payment ($)
+B = ceil(P-((P-L)/n)*x) //Appraisal value after 5 years ($)
+printf("1. The uniform annual payment made into the fund at the of the year is : $ %.0f",UAP)
+printf("2. The appraisal value of the exchanger at the end of the fifth year is : $ %.0f",B)
diff --git a/2510/CH27/EX27.6/Ex27_6.sce b/2510/CH27/EX27.6/Ex27_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..09eaf1a32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH27/EX27.6/Ex27_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+C = 150000 //Capital cost ($)
+i = 7/100 //Interest rate
+n = 5 //Time (yr)
+OC = 15000 //Operating cost ($)
+A = 75000 //Annual cost for the old process ($)
+CRF = (i*(1+i)**n)/((1+i)**n-1) //Capital recovery factor
+IC = CRF*C //Initial cost ($)
+AC = IC+OC //Total annualized cost ($)
+printf("The annualized cost for the new heating system is : $ %.0f",AC)
+if (AC<A) then
+ printf("Since this cost is lower than the annual cost of $75,000 for the old process, the proposed plan should be implemented.")
+ printf("Since this cost is higher than the annual cost of $75,000 for the old process, the proposed plan should not be implemented.")
diff --git a/2510/CH27/EX27.7/Ex27_7.sce b/2510/CH27/EX27.7/Ex27_7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e8db5cd70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH27/EX27.7/Ex27_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+i = 12/100 //Intersest rate
+n = 12 //Lifetime period (yr)
+CC = 2625000 //Capital cost ($)
+IC = 1575000 //Installation cost ($)
+//From table 27.3:
+Ic1 = 2000000 //Income credit for double pipe ($/yr)
+Ic2 = 2500000 //Income credit for Shell-and-tube ($/yr)
+AC1 = 1728000 //Total annual cost for double pipe ($/yr)
+AC2 = 2080000 //Total annual cost for Shell-and-tube ($/yr)
+CRF = i/(1-(1+i)**-n) //Capital recovery factor
+DPc = (CC+IC)*CRF //Annual capital and installation costs for the DP unit ($/yr)
+STc = (CC+IC)*CRF //Annual capital and installation costs for the ST unit ($/yr)
+DPp = Ic1-AC1 //Profit for the DP unit ($/yr)
+STp = Ic2-AC2 //Profit for the ST unit ($/yr)
+printf("The profit for the shell-and-tube unit is : $ %.0f /yr .",DPp)
+printf("The profit for the double pipe unit is : $ %.0f /yr .",STp)
+if (STp>DPp) then
+ printf("A shell-and-tube heat exchanger should therefore be selected based on the above economic analysis.")
+ printf("A double pipe heat exchanger should therefore be selected based on the above economic analysis.")
diff --git a/2510/CH27/EX27.8/Ex27_8.sce b/2510/CH27/EX27.8/Ex27_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..00caf42fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH27/EX27.8/Ex27_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+m = 50000 //Mass flowrate of the organic fluid (lb/h)
+cP = 0.6 //The heat capacity of the organic liquid (Btu/lb. F)
+T1 = 150 //Initial temperature of organic fluid ( F)
+T2 = 330 //Final temperature of organic fluid ( F)
+Ts1 = 358 //Saturation temperature for 150 psia ( F)
+Ts2 = 417 //Saturation temperature for 300 psia ( F)
+L1 = 863.6 //Latent heat for 150 psia (Btu/lb)
+L2 = 809 //Latent heat for 300 psia (Btu/lb)
+c1 = 5.20/1000 //Cost for 150 psia ($/lb)
+c2 = 5.75/1000 //Cost for 300 psia ($/lb)
+CI1 = 230 //Cost index in 1998
+CI2 = 360 //Cost index in 2011
+IF = 3.29 //Installation factor
+PF1 = 1.15 //Pressure factors for 100 to 200 psig
+PF2 = 1.20 //Pressure factors for 200 to 300 psig
+OP = 90/100 //Plant on-stream operation factor
+h = 365*24 //Hours in a year (h)
+Q = m*cP*(T2-T1) //Overall heta duty (Btu/h)
+DT1 = Ts1-T1 //Temperature driving force 1 for 150 psia ( F)
+DT2 = Ts1-T2 //Temperature driving force 2 for 150 psia ( F)
+LMTD1 = (DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2) //Log-mean temperature difference for 150 psia ( F)
+DT3 = Ts2-T1 //Temperature driving force 1 for 300 psia ( F)
+DT4 = Ts2-T2 //Temperature driving force 2 for 300 psia ( F)
+LMTD2 = (DT3-DT4)/log(DT3/DT4) //Log-mean temperature difference for 1300 psia ( F)
+A1 = Q/(138*LMTD1) //Required heat transfer area for 150 psia (ft^2)
+A2 = Q/(138*LMTD2) //Required heat transfer area for 300 psia (ft^2)
+BC1 = 117*A1**0.65 //Base cost for 150 psia ($)
+BC2 = 117*A2**0.65 //Base cost for 13000 psia ($)
+C1 = BC1*(CI2/CI1)*IF*PF1 //Capital cost for 150 psia ($)
+C2 = BC2*(CI2/CI1)*IF*PF2 //Capital cost for 300 psia ($)
+S1 = Q*(h*OP)/L1 //Steam requirement for 150 psia (lb/yr)
+S2 = Q*(h*OP)/L2 //Steam requirement for 300 psia (lb/yr)
+SC1 = S1*c1 //Annual steam cost for 150 psia ($/yr)
+SC2 = S2*c2 //Annual steam cost for 300 psia ($/yr)
+C1 = round(C1*10**-3)/10**-3
+C2 = round(C2*10**-3)/10**-3
+SC1 = round(SC1*10**-3)/10**-3
+SC2 = round(SC2*10**-3)/10**-3
+printf("1. The capital cost for 150 psia is : $ %f",C1)
+printf(" The capital cost for 300 psia is : $ %f",C2)
+printf("2. The annual steam cost for 150 psia is : $ %f /yr .",SC1)
+printf(" The annual steam cost for 300 psia is : $ %f /yr .",SC2)
+if (C1<C2 & SC1>SC2) then
+ printf("The 300-psia exchanger costs less to purchase and install, but it costs more to operate. Choosing the more expensive, 150-psia exchanger is the obvious choice.")
+else if (C1>C2 & SC1<SC2) then
+ printf("The 150-psia exchanger costs less to purchase and install, but it costs more to operate. Choosing the more expensive, 300-psia exchanger is the obvious choice.")
diff --git a/2510/CH27/EX27.9/Ex27_9.sce b/2510/CH27/EX27.9/Ex27_9.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..cadcb41d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH27/EX27.9/Ex27_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+TCC_TB = 2500000 //Total capital cost ($)
+R_TB = 3600000 //R_TBevenue generated from the facility ($)
+AOC_TB = 1200000 //Annual operating costs ($)
+TCC_FB = 3500000 //Total capital cost ($)
+R_FB = 5300000 //R_TBevenue generated from the facility ($)
+AOC_FB = 1400000 //Annual operating costs ($)
+n = 10 //Time of facility (yr)
+D = 0.1*TCC_TB //Depriciation ($)
+WC = 0.1*TCC_TB //Working capital ($)
+TI = R_TB-AOC_TB-D //Taxable income ($)
+IT = 0.5*TI //Income tax to be paid ($)
+A = R_TB-AOC_TB-IT //After-tax cash flow ($)
+function [ans] = eqTB(i)
+ x = (((1+i)**n-1)/(i*(1+i)**n))*A + (1/(1+i)**n)*WC //Equation for computing rate of return for TB unit
+ y = WC + 0.5*TCC_TB + 0.5*TCC_TB*(1+i)**1 //Equation for computing rate of return for TB unit
+ ans = x-y
+iTB = ceil(fsolve(0.8,eqTB)*100) //Rate of return for TB unit (%)
+D = 0.1*TCC_FB //Depriciation ($)
+WC = 0.1*TCC_FB //Working capital ($)
+TI = R_FB-AOC_FB-D //Taxable income ($)
+IT = 0.5*TI //Income tax to be paid ($)
+A = R_FB-AOC_FB-IT //After-tax cash flow ($)
+function [ans] = eqFB(i)
+ x = (((1+i)**n-1)/(i*(1+i)**n))*A + (1/(1+i)**n)*WC //Equation for computing rate of return for FB unit
+ y = WC + 0.5*TCC_FB + 0.5*TCC_FB*(1+i)**1 //Equation for computing rate of return for FB unit
+ ans = x-y
+iFB = fsolve(0.8,eqFB)*100 //Rate of return for FB unit (%)
+printf("The rate of return for TB unit is: %.0f %%",iTB)
+printf("The rate of return for FB unit is: %.1f %%",iFB)
diff --git a/2510/CH28/EX28.11/Ex28_11.sce b/2510/CH28/EX28.11/Ex28_11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5136800b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH28/EX28.11/Ex28_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From table 28.3:
+//For stream 1 to be heated:
+hm1 = 50000 //Mass flowrate (lb/h)
+hcP1 = 0.65 //Heat capacity (Btu/lb. F)
+hTi1 = 70 //Inlet temperature ( F)
+hTo1 = 300 //Outlet temperature ( F)
+//For stream 2 to be heated:
+hm2 = 60000 //Mass flowrate (lb/h)
+hcP2 = 0.58 //Heat capacity (Btu/lb. F)
+hTi2 = 120 //Inlet temperature ( F)
+hTo2 = 310 //Outlet temperature ( F)
+//For stream 3 to be heated:
+hm3 = 80000 //Mass flowrate (lb/h)
+hcP3 = 0.78 //Heat capacity (Btu/lb. F)
+hTi3 = 90 //Inlet temperature ( F)
+hTo3 = 250 //Outlet temperature ( F)
+//From table 28.4:
+//For stream 1 to be cooled:
+cm1 = 60000 //Mass flowrate (lb/h)
+ccP1 = 0.70 //Heat capacity (Btu/lb. F)
+cTi1 = 420 //Inlet temperature ( F)
+cTo1 = 120 //Outlet temperature ( F)
+//For stream 2 to be cooled:
+cm2 = 40000 //Mass flowrate (lb/h)
+ccP2 = 0.52 //Heat capacity (Btu/lb. F)
+cTi2 = 300 //Inlet temperature ( F)
+cTo2 = 100 //Outlet temperature ( F)
+//For stream 3 to be cooled:
+cm3 = 35000 //Mass flowrate (lb/h)
+ccP3 = 0.60 //Heat capacity (Btu/lb. F)
+cTi3 = 240 //Inlet temperature ( F)
+cTo3 = 90 //Outlet temperature ( F)
+H1 = hm1*hcP1*(hTo1-hTi1) //Heating duty for stream 1 (Btu/h)
+H2 = hm2*hcP2*(hTo2-hTi2) //Heating duty for stream 2 (Btu/h)
+H3 = hm3*hcP3*(hTo3-hTi3) //Heating duty for stream 1 (Btu/h)
+H = H1+H2+H3 //Total heating duty (Btu/h)
+C1 = cm1*ccP1*(cTi1-cTo1) //Cooling duty for stream 1 (Btu/h)
+C2 = cm2*ccP2*(cTi2-cTo2) //Cooling duty for stream 2 (Btu/h)
+C3 = cm3*ccP3*(cTi3-cTo3) //Cooling duty for stream 1 (Btu/h)
+C = C1+C2+C3 //Total Cooling duty (Btu/h)
+printf("Table: Duty Requirements.")
+printf("Stream Duty, Btu/h")
+printf("1 %.0f",H1)
+printf("2 %.0f",H2)
+printf("3 %.0f",H3)
+printf("4 %.0f",C1)
+printf("5 %.0f",C2)
+printf("6 %.0f",C3)
diff --git a/2510/CH3/EX3.11/Ex3_11.sce b/2510/CH3/EX3.11/Ex3_11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..59debe696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH3/EX3.11/Ex3_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+D = 5 //Diameter of pipe (ft)
+V = 10 //Fluid velocity (ft/s)
+p = 50 //Fluid density (lb/ft^3)
+u = 0.65 //Fluid viscosity (lb/ft.s)
+F = 1.0/12.0 //Feet in an inch
+VCp = 6.72*10**-4 //Viscosity of centipoise (lb/ft.s)
+A = D*V*p*F/u/VCp //Reynolds Number
+if(A>2100) then
+ printf("The Reynolds number is :%.0f therefore, the flow is turbulent.",A)
+ if(A<2100) then
+ printf("The Reynolds number is : %f therefore, the flow is not turbulent.",A)
diff --git a/2510/CH3/EX3.12/Ex3_12.sce b/2510/CH3/EX3.12/Ex3_12.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b6522f3d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH3/EX3.12/Ex3_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//For the problem at hand, take as a basis 1 kilogram of water and assume the potential energy to be zero at ground level conditions.
+z1 = 0 //Intial height from ground level (m)
+z2 = 10 //Final height from ground level (m)
+PE1 = 0 //Initial potential energy at z1 (J)
+m = 1 //Mass of water (kg)
+g = 9.8 //Gravitational acceleration (m/s^2)
+gc = 1 //Conversion factor
+PE2 = m*(g/gc)*z2 //Final potential energy at z2 (J)
+disp("The potential energy of water is :")
+disp("J ")
diff --git a/2510/CH3/EX3.2/Ex3_2.sce b/2510/CH3/EX3.2/Ex3_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4f8751b90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH3/EX3.2/Ex3_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//Variable Declaration:
+Q1 = 8.03 //Years(part 1)
+D = 365 //Days in a year
+H = 24 //Hours in a day
+M = 60 //Minutes in an hour
+S = 60 //Seconds in a minute
+Q2 = 150 //Miles per hour(part 2)
+FM = 5280 //Feet in a mile
+YF = 1.0/3.0 //Yard in a feet
+Q3 = 100 //Meter per second square(part 3)
+Cmm = 100 //Centimeter in a meter
+FC = 1.0/30.48 //Feet in a centimeter
+SsMs = 60**2 //Second square in a minute square
+Q4 = 0.03 //Gram per centimeter cube (part 4)
+PG = 1.0/454.0 //Pound in a gram
+CF = (30.48)**3 //Centimeter in a feet
+A1 = Q1*D*H*M*S //Seconds (s)
+A2 = Q2*FM*YF //Yards per hour (yd/hr)
+A3 = Q3*Cmm*FC*SsMs //Feet per min square (ft/min^2)
+A4 = Q4*PG*CF //Pound per feet cube (lb/ft^3)
+printf("1. Seconds in %f year is: %f x 10**8 s",Q1,A1/10**8)
+printf("2. Yards per hour in %f miles per hour is: %f x 10**5 yd/h",Q2,A2/10**5)
+printf("3. Feets per minute square in %f meter per square is: %f x 10**6 ft/min^2",Q3,A3/10**6)
+printf("4. Pounds per feet cube in %f gram per centimeter cube is: %.0f lb/ft^3",Q4,A4)
diff --git a/2510/CH3/EX3.3/Ex3_3.sce b/2510/CH3/EX3.3/Ex3_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2eff7559d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH3/EX3.3/Ex3_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Variable Declaration:
+Q1 = 32.2 //Gravitational acceleration (ft/s^2) (part 1)
+CF = 32.2 //Conversion factor (lb.ft/lbf.s^2)
+M = 100 //Mass (lb)
+SA = 3 //Surface area (in^2)
+FsIs = (1.0/12.0)**2 //Feet square in a inch square
+Q2 = 14.7 //Atmospheric pressure (psi) (part 2)
+GP = 35 //Gauge Pressure (psig)
+F = M*Q1/CF //Force (lbf)
+P = F/SA/FsIs //Pressure at the base (lbf/ft^2)
+Pa = GP+Q2 //Absolute pressure (psia)
+disp("1. Pressure at the base is:")
+disp("2. Absolute pressure is:")
diff --git a/2510/CH3/EX3.4/Ex3_4.sce b/2510/CH3/EX3.4/Ex3_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..97904c66b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH3/EX3.4/Ex3_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//Variable Declaration:
+Q1 = 20.0 //Mass (lb) (part 1)
+MH = 1.008 //Molecular weight of H (lb/lbmol)
+MO = 15.999 //Molecular weight of O (lb/lbmol)
+Q2 = 454 //Gram in pound (part 2)
+Q3 = 6.023*10**23 //Avogadro nuber (part 3)
+Mol = 2*MH+MO //Molecular weight of water (lb/lbmol)
+A1 = Q1/Mol //Pound.moles of water (lbmol)
+A2 = Q1*Q2/Mol //Gram.moles of water (gmol)
+A3 = A2*Q3 //Molecules of water (molecules)
+disp("1. Pound.moles of water is:")
+disp("lbmol water")
+disp("2. Gram.moles of water is:")
+disp("gmol water")
+disp("3. Molecules of water is:")
+disp(" x 10**26 molecules")
diff --git a/2510/CH3/EX3.5/Ex3_5.sce b/2510/CH3/EX3.5/Ex3_5.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..df5df16b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH3/EX3.5/Ex3_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+SG = 0.92 //Specific gavity of liquid, methanol
+DW = 62.4 //Density of reference substance, water (lb/ft^3)
+DM = SG*DW //Density of methanol (lb/ft^3)
+disp("Density of methanol is:")
diff --git a/2510/CH3/EX3.6/Ex3_6.sce b/2510/CH3/EX3.6/Ex3_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4886b70c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH3/EX3.6/Ex3_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+SG = 0.8 //Specific Gravity
+AV = 0.02 //Absolute Viscosity (cP)
+cP = 1 //Viscosity of centipoise (cP)
+VcP = 6.72 * 10**-4 //Pound per feet.sec in a centipoise (lb/ft.s)
+pR = 62.43 //Reference density (lb/ft^3)
+u = AV*VcP/cP //Viscosity of gas (lb/ft.s)
+p = SG*pR //Density of gas (lb/ft^3)
+v = u/p //Kinematic viscosity of gas (ft^2/s)
+disp("Kinematic viscosity of gas is:")
+disp ("x 10**-7 ft^2/s")
diff --git a/2510/CH3/EX3.7/Ex3_7.sce b/2510/CH3/EX3.7/Ex3_7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..825f021aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH3/EX3.7/Ex3_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+X = 7.0 //Coordinate X of H2SO4
+Y = 24.8 //Coordinate Y of H2SO4
+S = 45 //Slope
+//From the figure C.1 we found the intersection of curves mu = 12cP
+mu = 12
+disp("Absolute viscosity of a 98% sulfuric acid solution at 45° C is :")
+disp(" g/cm.s")
diff --git a/2510/CH3/EX3.8/Ex3_8.sce b/2510/CH3/EX3.8/Ex3_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..cfc2faa33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH3/EX3.8/Ex3_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+CpM = 0.61 //Heat capacity of methanol (cal/g.°C)
+G = 454 //Grams in a pound
+B = 1.0/252.0 //Btu in a calorie
+C = 1.0/1.8 //Degree celsius in a degree fahrenheit
+Cp = CpM*G*B*C //Heat capacity in English units (Btu/lb.°F)
+disp("Heat capacity in English units is: ")
+disp(" Btu/lb.°F")
diff --git a/2510/CH3/EX3.9/Ex3_9.sce b/2510/CH3/EX3.9/Ex3_9.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5d7f698e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH3/EX3.9/Ex3_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+kM = 0.0512 //Thermal conductivity of methanol (cal/m.s°C)
+B = 1.0/252.0 //Btu in a calorie
+M = 0.3048 //Meters in a feet
+S = 3600 //Seconds in an hour
+C = 1.0/1.8 //Degree celsius in a degree fahrenheit
+k = kM*B*M*S*C //Thermal conductivity in English units (Btu/ft.h.°F)
+disp("Thermal coductivity in English units is:")
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.1/Ex4_1.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.1/Ex4_1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..51f82ff30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.1/Ex4_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Vx_in = 420 //Entry Velocity in X direction (m/s)
+Vx_out = 0 //Exit Velocity in X direction (m/s)
+Vy_in = 0 //Entry Velocity in Y direction (m/s)
+Vy_out = 420 //Exit Velocity in Y direction (m/s)
+m = 0.15 //Rate of water entrained by the steam (kg/s)
+lb = 1.0/4.46 //Pound force in a newton force
+Mx_out = m*Vx_out //Rate of change of momentum at entry in x-direction (kg.m)
+Mx_in = m*Vx_in //Rate of change of momentum at exit in x-direction (kg.m)
+My_out = m*Vy_out //Rate of change of momentum at entry in y-direction (kg.m)
+My_in = m*Vy_in //Rate of change of momentum at exit in y-direction (kg.m)
+Fxgc = (Mx_out - Mx_in)*lb //Force in X direction (lbf)
+Fygc = (My_out - My_in)*lb //Force in X direction (lbf)
+if Fxgc < 1 then
+ printf ("The x-direction supporting force acting on the 90° elbow is : %.1f lbf acting toward the left.",-Fxgc)
+ printf ("The x-direction supporting force acting on the 90° elbow is : %.1f lbf acting toward the right.",Fxgc)
+if Fygc < 1 then
+ printf ("The y-direction supporting force acting on the 90° elbow is : %.1f lbf acting downwards.",-Fygc)
+ printf ("The y-direction supporting force acting on the 90° elbow is : %.1f lbf acting upwards.",Fygc)
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.10/Ex4_10.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.10/Ex4_10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6fb1732cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.10/Ex4_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+T_c1 = 20 //Initial cold fluid temperature (°C)
+T_h1 = 82 //Initial hot fluid temperature (°C)
+T_h2 = 94 //Final hot fluid temperature (°C)
+T_c2 = (T_h2 - T_h1 + T_c1) //Final cold fluid temperature (°C)
+printf ("The heat transfer rate is: %.0f °C",T_c2)
+printf ("There is a printing mistake in book regarding unit of the final result.")
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.11/Ex4_11.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.11/Ex4_11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a7013a81f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.11/Ex4_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Q = -5.5*10**6 //The heat transferred out from the gas (W)
+Cp = 1090.0 //The average heat capacity of the gas (J/(kg . °C))
+m = 9.0 //The gas mass flow rate (kg/s)
+T1 = 650 //The gas inlet temperature (°C)
+T2 = Q/(m*Cp)+T1 //The gas outlet temperature (°C)
+printf ("The gas outlet temperature is : %.0f °C",T2)
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.12/Ex4_12.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.12/Ex4_12.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f7fad88f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.12/Ex4_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+n = 3500.0 //Inlet flowrate of water (gal/min)
+Cp_W = 75.4 //Heat capacity of water (J/(gmol . °C)
+p = 62.4 //Density of water (lb/ft^3)
+M = 24*60.0 //Minutes in a day (min/day)
+G = 7.48 //Gallons in a feet cube (gal/ft^3)
+gm = 454.0 //Grams in a pound (g/lb)
+J = 1054.0 //Joules in a Btu (J/Btu)
+g = 18.0 //Grams in a gmol (g/gmol)
+F = 1.8 //Degree fahrenheit in a degree celcius (°F)
+Ti = 38.0 //Initial temperature (°F)
+Tf = 36.2 //Final temperature (°F)
+T= Ti-Tf //Temperature loss (°F)
+m = n*p*M/G //Mass flow rate of water (lb/day)
+Cp = Cp_W*gm/J/g/F //Heat capacity in cosistent units (Btu/(lb.°F))
+Q = m*Cp*T //Rate of heat flow from water (Btu/day)
+printf ("The rate of Btu removed from the water per day is : %.2f x 10**8 Btu/day.",Q/10**8)
+printf ("There is a calculation mistake in the book regarding the final result.")
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.2/Ex4_2.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.2/Ex4_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e67290cdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.2/Ex4_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Fx = -63 //Force component in X direction (N)
+Fy = 63 //Force component in Y direction (N)
+lbf = 0.22481 //Pound-forrce in unit newton (lbf)
+Fr = sqrt(Fx**2 + Fy**2)*lbf //The resultant supporting force (lbf)
+u = atand(Fy,Fx) //Angle between the positive x axis and the direction of the force (degrees)
+if ( 0<u & u<90 ) then
+ printf ("The supporting force is : %.1f lbf acting at %f ° i.e in the northeast direction.",Fr,u)
+elseif (90<u & u<180) then
+ printf ("The supporting force is : %.1f lbf acting at %f ° i.e in the northwest direction.",Fr,u)
+elseif (180<u & u<270) then
+ printf ("The supporting force is : %.1f lbf acting at %f ° i.e in the southwest direction.",Fr,u)
+elseif (270<u & u<360) then
+ printf ("The supporting force is : %.1f lbf acting at %f ° i.e in the southeast direction.",Fr,u)
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.3/Ex4_3.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.3/Ex4_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ccf8aef07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.3/Ex4_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+R1_in = 10000 //Rate of fuel fed into the boiler (lb/h)
+R2_1n = 20000 //Rate of air fed into the boiler (lb/h)
+R3_in = 2000 //Rate of methane fed into the boiler (lb/h)
+m_in = R1_in + R2_1n + R3_in //Rate of mass in (lb/h)
+m_out = m_in //Rate of mass out (lb/h)
+printf ("The rate of the product gases exit from the incinerator is : %.0f lb/h",m_in)
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.4/Ex4_4.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.4/Ex4_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f7d86824a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.4/Ex4_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+E1 = 65 //Efficiency of spray tower (%)
+E2 = 98 //Efficiency of packed column (%)
+m_in = 76 //Mass flow rate of HCl entering the system (lb/h)
+m1_out = (1 - E1/100.0)*m_in //Mass flow rate of HCl leaving the spray tower (lb/h)
+m2_out = (1 - E2/100.0)*m1_out //Mass flow rate of HCl entering the packed column (lb/h)
+E = (m_in - m2_out)/m_in //Overall fractional efficiency (%)
+printf ("The mass flow rate of HCl leaving the spray tower is : %.2f lb/h HCL",m1_out)
+printf ("The mass flow rate of HCl entering the packed column is : %.3f lb/h HCL",m2_out)
+printf ("The overall fractional efficiency is : %.2f %%",E*100)
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.5/Ex4_5.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.5/Ex4_5.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c6b406a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.5/Ex4_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+m1 = 1000 //Flowrate data 1 (lb/min)
+m2 = 1000 //Flowrate data 2 (lb/min)
+m4 = 200 //Flowrate data 4 (lb/min)
+m5 = m1 + m2 - m4 //Flowrate data 5 (lb/min)
+m6 = m2 //Flowrate data 6 (lb/min)
+m = m5 - m6 //Flowrate of water lost in operation (lb/min)
+printf ("The amount of water lost by evaporation in the operation is %.0f lb/min",m)
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.6/Ex4_6.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.6/Ex4_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b9702a842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.6/Ex4_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+q1 = 1000.0 //Volumetric flowrate from tank 1 (gal/day)
+q2 = 1000.0 //Volumetric flowrate from tank 2 (gal/day)
+q3 = 2000.0 //Volumetric flowrate from tank 3 (gal/day)
+q4 = 200.0 //Volumetric flowrate from tank 4 (gal/day)
+q5 = 1800.0 //Volumetric flowrate from tank 5 (gal/day)
+q6 = 1000.0 //Volumetric flowrate from tank 6 (gal/day)
+C1 = 4.0 //Phosphate concentration in tank 1 (ppm)
+C2 = 0.0 //Phosphate concentration in tank 2 (ppm)
+C3 = 2.0 //Phosphate concentration in tank 3 (ppm)
+C4 = 20.0 //Phosphate concentration in tank 4 (ppm)
+C5 = 0.0 //Phosphate concentration in tank 5 (ppm)
+C6 = 0.0 //Phosphate concentration in tank 6 (ppm)
+Cf = 120000.0 //conversion factor for water (gal/10**6lb)
+C1q1 = C1*q1/Cf //Data 1 (lb/day)
+C2q2 = C2*q2/Cf //Data 2 (lb/day)
+C3q3 = C3*q3/Cf //Data 3 (lb/day)
+C4q4 = C4*q4/Cf //Data 4 (lb/day)
+C5q5 = C5*q5/Cf //Data 5 (lb/day)
+C6q6 = C6*q6/Cf //Data 6 (lb/day)
+if (((C1q1 + C2q2) == C3q3) & C3q3 == (C4q4 + C5q5) & C5q5 == C6q6 & C2q2 == C6q6) then
+ printf("The data appear to be consistent .")
+ printf ("The data appear to be inconsistent .")
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.7/Ex4_7.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.7/Ex4_7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7ec8f26c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.7/Ex4_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Dz = 3000 //Height (ft)
+V0 = 500000 //Flowrate of water (gal/min)
+n = 30 //Turbine efficiency (%)
+m = 0.3048 //Meters in a feet
+m3 = 0.00378 //Meters-cube in a gallon
+g = 9.8 //Gravitational acceleration (m/s^2)
+gc = 1 //Conversion factor
+MW = 10**(-6) //Megawatt in newton-meter-per-second
+V1 = (V0*m3)*1000.0/60.0 //The mass flow rate of the water in kilograms/second (kg/s)
+DPE = V1*g*Dz*m/gc*MW //The loss in potential energy (MW)
+AP = n/100.0*DPE //The actual power output (MW)
+printf ("The power generated by the lake located is : %.1f MW",AP)
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.8/Ex4_8.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.8/Ex4_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..92214d114
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.8/Ex4_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+n = 111.4 //Flowrate of air stream (lbmol/min)
+H1 = 1170 //Average heat capacity at 200°F (Btu/lbmol)
+H2 = 4010 //Average heat capacity at 600°F (Btu/lbmol)
+Q = n*(H2 - H1) //The heat transfer rate (Btu/min)
+printf ("The heat transfer rate required is: %.2f x 10**5 Btu/min",Q/10**5)
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.9/Ex4_9.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.9/Ex4_9.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b40ef03b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.9/Ex4_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+n = 600 //The mass flow rate of fluid (lbmol/min)
+Cp_AV = 0.271 //Heat capacity (Btu/lbmol . °F)
+T1 = 200 //Initial temperature(°F)
+T2 = 600 //Final temperature(°F)
+Q = n*Cp_AV*(T2 - T1) //The required heat rate (Btu/min)
+Q = Q - modulo(Q,1000)
+printf ("The required heat rate is : %.0f Btu/min",Q)
diff --git a/2510/CH5/EX5.1/Ex5_1.sce b/2510/CH5/EX5.1/Ex5_1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..dcc6c82d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH5/EX5.1/Ex5_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+qi = 3500 //Initial volumetric flow rate of gas (acfm)
+Ti = 100.0 //Initial temperature (°F)
+Tf = 300.0 //Final temperature (°F)
+Ti_R = Ti+460 //Initial temperatur in Rankine scale (°R)
+Tf_R = Tf+460 //Final temperatur in Rankine scale (°R)
+qf = qi*(Tf_R/Ti_R) //Final volumetric flow rate of gas (acfm)
+printf("The final volumetric flow rate of gas is : %.0f acfm",qf)
diff --git a/2510/CH5/EX5.10/Ex5_10.sce b/2510/CH5/EX5.10/Ex5_10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9ad34faca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH5/EX5.10/Ex5_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+qs1 = 5000.0 //Volumetric flow rate of C6H5Cl at standard conditions (scfm)
+qs2 = 3000.0 //Volumetric flow rate of air at standard conditions (scfm)
+Ta = 70+460.0 //Actual absolute temperature in Rankine scale (°R)
+Ts = 60+460.0 //Standard absolute temperature in Rankine scale (°R)
+V = 387.0 //Volume occupied by one lbmol of any ideal gas (ft^3)
+M1 = 112.5 //Molecular weight of C6H5Cl (lb/lbmol)
+M2 = 29.0 //Molecular weight of air (lb/lbmol)
+T = 60.0 //Absolute temperature (°F)
+qa1 = qs1*(Ta/Ts) //Volumetric flow rate of C6H5Cl at actual conditions (acfm)
+qa2 = qs2*(Ta/Ts) //Volumetric flow rate of air at actual conditions (acfm)
+n1 = qa1/V //Molar flow rate of C6H5Cl (lbmol/min)
+n2 = qa2/V //Molar flow rate of air (lbmol/min)
+m1 = n1*M1*T //Mass flow rate of C6H5Cl (lb/h)
+m2 = n2*M2*T //Mass flow rate of air (lb/h)
+m_in = m1+m2 //Total mass flow rate of both streams entering the oxidizer (lb/h)
+m_out = m_in //Total mass flow rate of both streams exit the cooler (lb/h)
+printf("The rate of the products exit the cooler is : %.0f lb/h",m_out)
diff --git a/2510/CH5/EX5.11/Ex5_11.sce b/2510/CH5/EX5.11/Ex5_11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f043391e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH5/EX5.11/Ex5_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+p = 0.15 //Partial pressure of SO3 (mm Hg)
+P = 760.0 //Atmospheric pressure (mm Hg)
+m = 10**6 //Particles in a million
+y = p/P //Mole fraction of SO3
+ppm = y*m //Parts per million of SO3 (ppm)
+printf("The parts per million of SO3 in the exhaust is : %.0f ppm.",ppm)
diff --git a/2510/CH5/EX5.2/Ex5_2.sce b/2510/CH5/EX5.2/Ex5_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..64bfcac93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH5/EX5.2/Ex5_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+qi = 3500 //Initial volumetric flow rate of gas (acfm)
+Pi = 1.0 //Iitial pressure (atm)
+Pf = 3.0 //Final pressure (atm)
+qf = qi*(Pi/Pf) //Final volumetric flow rate of gas (acfm)
+printf("The volumetric flow rate of the gas (100°F, 1 atm) is: %.0f acfm",qf)
diff --git a/2510/CH5/EX5.3/Ex5_3.sce b/2510/CH5/EX5.3/Ex5_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0b153c425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH5/EX5.3/Ex5_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+qi = 3500 //Initial volumetric flow rate of the gas (acfm)
+Pi = 1.0 //Initial pressure (atm)
+Pf = 3.0 //Final pressure (atm)
+Tf = 300.0+460.0 //Final temperature in Rankine scale (°R)
+Ti = 100.0+460.0 //Initial temperature in Rankine scale (°R)
+qf = qi*(Pi/Pf)*(Tf/Ti) //Final volumetric flow rate of the gas (acfm)
+printf("The volumetric flow rate of the gas at 300°F temperature is : %.0f acfm",qf)
diff --git a/2510/CH5/EX5.4/Ex5_4.sce b/2510/CH5/EX5.4/Ex5_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..beeb4ad81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH5/EX5.4/Ex5_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+P = 14.7 //Absolute pressure of air (psia)
+MW = 29 //Molecular weight of air (lb/lbmol)
+T = 75+460 //Temperature in Rankine scale (°R)
+R = 10.73 //Universal gas constant (ft^3.psi/lbmol.°R)
+p = P*MW/R/T //Density of air (lb/ft^3)
+printf("The density of air at 75°F and 14.7 psia is : %.4f lb/ft^3",p)
diff --git a/2510/CH5/EX5.5/Ex5_5.sce b/2510/CH5/EX5.5/Ex5_5.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..edb919af8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH5/EX5.5/Ex5_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+n = 1 //Molar flow rate of gas (lbmol/h)
+R = 10.73 //Universal gas constant (ft^3.psi/lbmol.°R)
+T = 60+460 //Temperature in Rankine scale (°R)
+P = 14.7 //Absolute pressure of gas (psia)
+V = n*R*T/P //Volume of gas (ft^3)
+printf("The volume of given ideal gas is : %.1f ft^3",V)
diff --git a/2510/CH5/EX5.6/Ex5_6.sce b/2510/CH5/EX5.6/Ex5_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..05d1ba940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH5/EX5.6/Ex5_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+P = 1.2 //Abslute pressure of gas (psia)
+MW = 29 //Molecular weight of gas (g/gmol)
+R = 82.06 //Universal gas constant (^3/gmol.K)
+T = 20+273 //Temperature in Kelvin (K)
+p = P*MW/R/T //Dendity of gas (g/cm^3)
+printf("The density of given gas is : %.5f g/cm^3",p)
diff --git a/2510/CH5/EX5.7/Ex5_7.sce b/2510/CH5/EX5.7/Ex5_7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..98300a583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH5/EX5.7/Ex5_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+R = 10.73 //Universal gas constant (psia . ft^3/lbmol .°R)
+T = 70+460 //Temperature in Rankine scale (°R)
+v = 10.58 //Specific volume (ft^3/lb)
+P = 14.7 //Absolute pressure (psia)
+MW = R*T/v/P //Molecular weight of gas (lb/lbmol)
+printf("The molecular weight of the gas is : %.2f lb/lbmol.",MW)
+printf("It appears that the gas is HCl (i.e., hydrogen chloride).")
diff --git a/2510/CH5/EX5.8/Ex5_8.sce b/2510/CH5/EX5.8/Ex5_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a2a6077fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH5/EX5.8/Ex5_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+qs = 30000 //Volumetric flow rate at standard conditions (scfm)
+Ta = 1100+460 //Actual absolute temperature in Rankine scale (°R)
+Ts = 60+460 //Standard absolute temperature in Rankine scale (°R)
+qa = qs*Ta/Ts //Volumetric flow rate at actual conditions (acfm)
+printf("The volumetric flow rate in actual cubic feet per minute is : %.0f acfm",qa)
diff --git a/2510/CH5/EX5.9/Ex5_9.sce b/2510/CH5/EX5.9/Ex5_9.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..316e78f43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH5/EX5.9/Ex5_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+qs = 1000 //Volumetric flow rate at standard conditions (scfm)
+Ta = 300+460 //Actual absolute temperature in Rankine scale (°R)
+Ts = 70+460 //Standard absolute temperature in Rankine scale (°R)
+A = 2.0 //Inlet area of stack (ft^2)
+qa = qs*Ta/Ts //Volumetric flow rate at actual conditions (acfm)
+v = qa/A/60 //Velocity of gas (ft/s)
+printf("The velocity of the gas through the stack inlet is : %.0f ft/s",v)
diff --git a/2510/CH6/EX6.1/Ex6_1.sce b/2510/CH6/EX6.1/Ex6_1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..050c8f3ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH6/EX6.1/Ex6_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+NPS = 2 //Nominal pipe size (inch)
+SN = 40 //Schedule number
+//From Table 6.2, we obtain that the inside diameter of steel pipe is ID = 2.067 in.
+ID = 2.067
+printf("The inside diameter of steel pipe is : %f in.",ID)
diff --git a/2510/CH6/EX6.11/Ex6_11.sce b/2510/CH6/EX6.11/Ex6_11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..cc6a9db3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH6/EX6.11/Ex6_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+a = 1 //Length of cross-section (m)
+b = 0.25 //Width of cross-section (m)
+v = 1*10**-5 //Kinematic viscosity of air (m^2/s)
+Re = 2300.0 //Reynolds Number
+cm = 100 //Cenitmeters in a meter
+Dh = 2*a*b/(a+b) //Hydraulic diameter of duct (m)
+V = Re*v/Dh*cm //Maximum air velocity (cm/s)
+printf("The maximum air velocity before the flow becomes turbulent is : %.1f cm/s.",V)
diff --git a/2510/CH6/EX6.12/Ex6_12.sce b/2510/CH6/EX6.12/Ex6_12.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8221ee5aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH6/EX6.12/Ex6_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+q = 0.486 //Flow rate of fluid (ft^3/s)
+D = 2.0/12.0 //Diameter of tube in feet (ft)
+pi = 3.14 //Value of pi
+p = 70.0 //Density of fluid (lb/ft^3)
+u = 0.1806 //Viscosity of fluid (lb/ft)
+V = 4*q/pi/D**2 //Flow velocity (ft/s)
+Re = D*V*p/u //Reynolds Number
+if(Re<2100) then
+ printf("The flow is laminar.")
+elseif(Re>2100) then
+ printf("The flow is turbulant.")
diff --git a/2510/CH6/EX6.13/Ex6_13.sce b/2510/CH6/EX6.13/Ex6_13.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9deea2297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH6/EX6.13/Ex6_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 6.12, we have:
+D = 2.0/12.0 //Diameter of pipe in feet (ft)
+Re = 1440.0 //Reynolds number
+Lc = 0.05*D*Re //Length of pipe (ft)
+printf("The pipe length to ensure a fully developed flow is: %f ft.",Lc)
+printf("This is an abnormally long calming length for a pipe (or tube) in a heat exchanger.")
diff --git a/2510/CH6/EX6.14/Ex6_14.sce b/2510/CH6/EX6.14/Ex6_14.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..de7664586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH6/EX6.14/Ex6_14.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+u = 6.72*10**-4 //Viscosity of water (lb/ft.s)
+p = 62.4 //Density of water (lb/ft^3)
+//For laminar flow:
+Re = 2100.0 //Reynolds number
+//From table 6.2, we have:
+D = 2.067/12.0 //Inside diameter of pipe (ft)
+V = Re*u/D/p //Average velocity of water flowing (ft/s)
+printf("The average velocity of water flowing is: %.2f ft/s.",V)
diff --git a/2510/CH6/EX6.2/Ex6_2.sce b/2510/CH6/EX6.2/Ex6_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1e54feacd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH6/EX6.2/Ex6_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+NPS = 3 //Nominal pipe size (inch)
+SN = 40 //Schedule number
+//From Table 6.2, we obtain that the inside diameter of steel pipe is ID = 3.068 in, outside diameter OD = 3.5 in, wal thickness WT = 0.216 in, and pipe weight PW = 7.58 lb/ft.
+ID = 3.068
+OD = 3.5
+WT = 0.216
+PW = 7.58
+printf("The inside diameter of steel pipe is : %f in",ID)
+printf("The outside diameter of steel pipe is : %f in",OD)
+printf("The wall thickness of steel pipe is : %f in",WT)
+printf("The weight of steel pipe is : %f lb/ft.",PW)
diff --git a/2510/CH6/EX6.3/Ex6_3.sce b/2510/CH6/EX6.3/Ex6_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..04ee86ff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH6/EX6.3/Ex6_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+ID = 0.957 //Inside diameter of pipe (in)
+OD = 1.315 //Outside diameter of pipe (in)
+WT = 0.179 //Wall thickness of pipe (in)
+PW = 2.17 //Weight of pipe (lb/ft)
+//From Table 6.2, it indicates that the steel pipe is 1 inch schedule 80.
+NSP = 1
+SN = 80
+printf("The nominal size of the pipe is : %f in.",NSP)
+printf("The schedule number of the pipe is: %f .",SN)
diff --git a/2510/CH6/EX6.4/Ex6_4.sce b/2510/CH6/EX6.4/Ex6_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..62aa508f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH6/EX6.4/Ex6_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+S = 3/4 //Tube size (in)
+BWG = 16 //Birmingham Wire Gauge number (gauge)
+//From table 6.3, we get:
+ID = 0.620 //Internal diameter of tube (in)
+WT = 0.065 //Wall thickness of tube (in)
+OD = ID+2*WT //Outside diameter of tube (in)
+EA = 0.1963 //External area per foot (ft)
+printf("The inside diameter is : %f in",ID)
+printf("The wall thickness is : %f in",WT)
+printf("The outside diamater is : %f in",OD)
+printf("The external area per foot per foot : %f ft",EA)
diff --git a/2510/CH7/EX7.1/Ex7_1.sce b/2510/CH7/EX7.1/Ex7_1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..fbebb4a96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH7/EX7.1/Ex7_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Q = 3000.0 //The rate of heat flow through the glass window (W)
+L = 0.01 //Thickness of glass window (m)
+A = 3.0 //Area of heat transfer (m^2)
+TC = 10+273 //Temperature at the outside surface (K)
+k = 1.4 //Thermal onductivity of glass (W/m.K)
+TH = TC+Q*L/k/A //Temperature at the inner surface (K)
+printf("The temperature at the inner surface is : %.1f K",TH)
+printf("The temperature at the inner surface is : %.1f °C",TH-273)
diff --git a/2510/CH7/EX7.2/Ex7_2.sce b/2510/CH7/EX7.2/Ex7_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..af8f85bee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH7/EX7.2/Ex7_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+k = 0.026 //Thermal conductivity of insulating material (Btu/ft.h.°F)
+L = 1.0 //Thickness of insulating material (ft)
+TC = 70.0 //Temperature on the cold side surface (°F)
+TH = 210.0 //Temperature on the hot side surface (°F)
+c = 0.252 //Kilocalorie per hour in a Btu per hour
+m = 0.093 //meter square in a feet square
+DT = TH-TC //Change in temperature (°F)
+Q1 = k*DT/L //Rate of heat flux throughthe wall (Btu/f^t2.h.)
+Q2 = Q1*c/m //Rate of heat flux throughthe wall in SI units (kcal/m^2.h)
+printf("The rate of heat flux in Btu/ft^2.h is : %.3f Btu/ft^2.h.",Q1)
+printf("The rate of heat flux in SI units is : %.3f kcal/m^2.h.",Q2)
diff --git a/2510/CH7/EX7.3/Ex7_3.sce b/2510/CH7/EX7.3/Ex7_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f40354bc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH7/EX7.3/Ex7_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+TH = 1592.0 //Temperature of inside surface (K)
+TC = 1364.0 //Temperature of outside surface (K)
+H = 3.0 //Height of furnace wall (m)
+W = 1.2 //Width of furnace wall (m)
+L = 0.17 //Thickness furnace wall (m)
+m = 0.0929 //Meter square per second in a feet square per second
+Btu = 3.412 //Btu per hour in a Watt
+Btu2 = 0.3171 //Btu per feet square hour in a watt per meter square
+Tav = (TH+TC)/2 //Average wall temperature (K)
+//From Table in Appendix:
+p = 2645.0 //Density of material (kg/m^3)
+k = 1.8 //Thermal conductivity (W/m.K)
+Cp = 960.0 //Heat capacity of material (J/kg.K)
+a = k/(p*Cp)/m //Thermal diffusivity (ft^2/s)
+t = (TC-TH)/L //Temperature gradient (°C/m)
+A = H*W //Heat transfer area (m^2)
+Q1 = k*A*(TH-TC)/L*Btu //Heat transfer rate (Btu/h)
+Q2 = k*(TH-TC)/L*Btu2 //Heat transfer flux (Btu/h.ft^2)
+R = L/(k*A) //Thermal resistance (°C/W)
+printf("The temperature gradient is : %.0f °C/m.",t)
+printf("The heat transfer rate is : %.0f Btu/h",Q1)
+printf("The heat transfer flux is : %.1f Btu/h.ft^2.",Q2)
diff --git a/2510/CH7/EX7.4/Ex7_4.sce b/2510/CH7/EX7.4/Ex7_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8e81fbc4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH7/EX7.4/Ex7_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+TH = 25.0 //Temperature at inner suface of wall (°C)
+TC = -15.0 //Temperature at outer suface of wall (°C)
+L = 0.3 //Thickness of wall (m)
+k = 1.0 //Thermal conductivity of concrete (W/m)
+A = 30.0 //Sueface area of wall (m^2)
+DT = TH-TC //Driving force for heat transfer (°C) (part 2)
+R = L/(k*A) //Thermal resistance (°C/W) (part 3)
+Q = DT/R/10**3 //Heat loss through the wall (kW)
+printf("1. Theoretical part.")
+printf("2. The driving force for heat transfer is : %f °C.",DT)
+printf("3. The heat loss through the wall is : %f kW.",Q)
diff --git a/2510/CH7/EX7.5/Ex7_5.sce b/2510/CH7/EX7.5/Ex7_5.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a9e344f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH7/EX7.5/Ex7_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+TC = 27.0 //Inside temperature of walls (°C)
+TH = 68.7 //Outside temperature of walls (°C)
+LC = 6*0.0254 //Thickness of concrete (m)
+LB = 8*0.0254 //Thickness of cork-board (m)
+LW = 1*0.0254 //Thickness of wood (m)
+kC = 0.762 //Thermal conductivity of concrete (W/m.K)
+kB = 0.0433 //Thermal conductivity of cork-board (W/m.K)
+kW = 0.151 //Thermal conductivity of wood (W/m.K)
+RC = LC/kC //Thermal resistance of concrete (K/W)
+RB = LB/kB //Thermal resistance of cork-board (K/W)
+RW = LW/kW //Thermal resistance of wood (K/W)
+Q = (TC-TH)/(RC+RB+RW) //Heat transfer rate across the wall (W)
+T = -(Q*RW-TC) //Interface temperature between wood and cork-board (K)
+printf("The heat transfer rate across the wall is : %.3f W.",Q)
+printf("The interface temperature between wood and cork-board is : %.1f °C.",T)
+printf("The interface temperature between wood and cork-board is : %.1f K.",T+273)
diff --git a/2510/CH7/EX7.6/Ex7_6.sce b/2510/CH7/EX7.6/Ex7_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c214f0aff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH7/EX7.6/Ex7_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+D1s = 4.0 //Glass wool inside diameter (in)
+D2s = 8.0 //Glass wool outside diameter (in)
+D1a = 3.0 //Asbestos inside diameter (in)
+D2a = 4.0 //Asbestos outside diameter (in)
+TH = 500.0 //Outer surface temperature of pipe (°F)
+TC = 100.0 //Outer surface temperature of glass wool (°F)
+La = 0.5/12.0 //Thickness of asbestos (ft)
+Lb = 2.0/12.0 //Thickness of glss wool (ft)
+ka = 0.120 //Thermal conductivity of asbestos (Btu/h.ft.°F)
+kb = 0.0317 //Thermal conductivity of asbestos (Btu/h.ft.°F)
+pi = %pi
+Aa = (pi*(D2a-D1a)/12.0)/log(D2a/D1a) //Area of asbestos (ft^2)
+Ab = (pi*(D2s-D1s)/12.0)/log(D2s/D1s) //Area of glass wool (ft^2)
+Q1 = (TH-TC)/(La/(ka*Aa)+Lb/(kb*Ab)) //Steady-state heat transfer per foot of pipe (Btu/h.)
+Q2 = Q1
+printf("The steady-state heat transfer per foot of pipe, Z, is : %.1f x z Btu/h.",Q1)
+printf("The steady-state heat transfer factorizating out Z is : %.1f Btu/h.ft.",Q2)
diff --git a/2510/CH7/EX7.7/Ex7_7.sce b/2510/CH7/EX7.7/Ex7_7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..11df65174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH7/EX7.7/Ex7_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 7.6:
+TH = 500 //Outer surface temperature of pipe (°F)
+Lb = 2.0/12.0 //Thickness of glss wool (ft)
+kb = 0.0317 //Thermal conductivity of asbestos (Btu/h.ft.°F)
+Ab = 1.51 //Area of glass wool (ft^2)
+Q = 103.5 //Steady-state heat transfer per foot of pipe (Btu/h.)
+La = 0.5/12.0 //Thickness of asbestos (ft)
+ka = 0.120 //Thermal conductivity of asbestos (Btu/h.ft.°F)
+Aa = 0.91 //Area of asbestos (ft^2)
+TC = 100 //Outer surface temperature of glass wool (°F)
+Ti_b = -((Lb*Q)/(kb*Ab)-TH) //Interfacial temperature of glass wool layer (°F)
+Ti_a = (Q*La)/(ka*Aa)+TC //Interfacial temperature of asbestos layer (°F)
+printf("The interfacial temperature of glass wool layer is : %.0f °F.",Ti_b)
+printf("The interfacial temperature of asbestos layer is : %.1f °F.",Ti_a)
diff --git a/2510/CH7/EX7.8/Ex7_8.sce b/2510/CH7/EX7.8/Ex7_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f0c8bc476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH7/EX7.8/Ex7_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+syms z
+syms h
+syms k
+pi = %pi
+T = 100*cos((pi*z)/(2*h)) //Temperature of solid slab
+DT = diff(T,z) //Temperature at z
+Q = -k*(DT) //Heat flux in slab (Btu/s.ft^2)
+Q1 = subst(0,z,Q) //Heat flux in slab at z = Btu/s.ft^2)
+Q2 = subst(h,z,Q) //Heat flux in slab at z = h (Btu/s.ft^2)
+disp("The heat flux in slab is : ")
+disp("The heat flux in slab at z = 0 is : ")
+disp("The heat flux in slab at z = h is :5 ")
+disp(" Btu/s.ft^2.")
diff --git a/2510/CH8/EX8.4/Ex8_4.sce b/2510/CH8/EX8.4/Ex8_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d757db43a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH8/EX8.4/Ex8_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+k = 9.1 //Thermal coductivity of steel rod (Btu/h.ft.°F)
+p = 0.29*1728 //Density of steel rod (lb/ft^3)
+Cp = 0.12 //Heat capacity of steel rod (Btu/lb.°F)
+P = 15+14.7 //Absolute pressure (psia)
+Ta = 71.0 //Initial temperature (°F)
+L = 20.0/12.0 //Length of rod (ft)
+t = 30.0/60.0 //Time taken (h)
+x = 0.875/12.0 //Length from one of end (ft)
+pi = %pi
+e = %e
+//From assumption:
+n = 1.0 //First term
+//From tables in Appendix:
+Ts = 249.7 //Saturated steam temperature (°F)
+a = k/(p*Cp) //Thermal diffusivity (ft^2/s)
+T = Ts+(Ta-Ts)*(((n+1)*(-1)**2 + 1 )/pi)*e**((-a*((n*pi)/L)**2)*t)*sin((n*pi*x)/L) //Temperature 0.875 inches from one of the ends after 30 minutes (°F)
+printf ("The temperature 0.875 inches from one of the ends after 30 minutes is : %.0f °F.",T)
diff --git a/2510/CH9/EX9.1/Ex9_1.sce b/2510/CH9/EX9.1/Ex9_1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7f44e52ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH9/EX9.1/Ex9_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+D = 1.0 //Diamete of vessel (ft)
+L = 1.5 //Length of vessel (ft)
+T1 = 390.0 //Surface temperature of vessel (°F)
+T2 = 50.0 //Surrounding temperature of vessel (°F)
+h = 4.0 //Convective heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft.°F)
+pi = %pi
+A = pi*D*L+2*pi*(D/2)**2 //Total heat transfer area (ft^2)
+Q = h*A*(T1-T2) //Rate of heat transfer (Btu/h)
+R = 1/(h*A) //Thermal resistance (°F.h/Btu)
+printf("The thermal resistance of vessel wal is : %.4f °F.h/Btu.",R)
diff --git a/2510/CH9/EX9.10/Ex9_10.sce b/2510/CH9/EX9.10/Ex9_10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..07324c8e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH9/EX9.10/Ex9_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+D = 0.902/12.0 //Inside diameter of tube (ft)
+T_in = 60.0 //Temperature water entering the tube (°F)
+T_out = 70.0 //Temperature water leaving the tube (°F)
+V = 7.0 //Average wave velocity water (ft/s)
+p = 62.3 //Density of water (lb/ft^3)
+mu = 2.51/3600.0 //Dynamic viscosity of water (lb/ft.s)
+Cp = 1.0 //Viscosity of centipoise (Btu/lb.°F)
+k = 0.34 //Thermal conductivity of water (Btu/h.ft.°F)
+Re = D*V*p/mu //Reynolds Number
+Pr = Cp*mu/k*3600 //Prandtl number
+//From equation 9.26:
+Nu = 0.023*(Re**0.8)*(Pr**0.4) //Nusselt number
+h = (k/D)*Nu //Average film heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
+printf("The required average film heat transfer coefficient is : %.0f Btu/h.ft^2.°F.",h)
diff --git a/2510/CH9/EX9.11/Ex9_11.sce b/2510/CH9/EX9.11/Ex9_11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b37c3251d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH9/EX9.11/Ex9_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+P = 1.0132 * 10**5 //Air pressure (Pa)
+T = 300.0+273.0 //Air temperature (K)
+V = 5.0 //Air flow velocity (m/s)
+D = 2.54/100.0 //Diameter of tube (m)
+R = 287.0 //Gas constant (m^2/s^2.K)
+//From Appendix:
+Pr = 0.713 //Prandtl number of nitrogen
+mu = 1.784*10**(-5) //Dynamic viscosity of nitrogen (kg/m.s)
+k = 0.0262 //Thermal conductivity of nitrogen (W/m.K)
+Cp = 1.041 //Heat capacity of nitrogen (kJ/kg.K)
+p = P/(R*T) //Density of air
+Re = D*V*p/mu //Reynolds number
+//From table 9.5:
+Nu = 0.023*(Re**0.8)*(Pr**0.3) //Nusselt number
+h = (k/D)*Nu //Heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+printf("The required Heat transfer coefficient is : %.2f W/m^2.K.",h)
diff --git a/2510/CH9/EX9.12/Ex9_12.sce b/2510/CH9/EX9.12/Ex9_12.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b553e9162
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH9/EX9.12/Ex9_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+T1 = 15.0 //Water entering temperature (°C)
+T2 = 60.0 //Water leaving temperature (°C)
+D = 0.022 //Inside diameter of tube (m)
+V = 0.355 //Average water flow velocity (m/s)
+TC = 150.0 //Outside wall temperature (°C)
+//From Appendix:
+p = 993.0 //Density of water (kg/m^3)
+mu = 0.000683 //Dynamic viscosity of water (kg/m.s)
+Cp = 4.17*10**3 //Heat capacity of water (J/kg.K)
+k = 0.63 //Thermal conductivity of water (W/m.K)
+Tav1 = (T1+T2)/2.0 //Average bulk temperature of water (°C)
+Re = D*V*p/mu //Reynolds number
+Pr = Cp*mu/k //Prandtl number
+Tav2 = (Tav1+TC)/2.0 //Fluid's average wall temperature (°C)
+//From Appendix:
+mu_w = 0.000306 //Dynamic viscosity of fluid at wall (kg/m.s)
+//From Table 9.5:
+h = (k/D)*0.027*Re**0.8*Pr**0.33*(mu/mu_w)**0.14 //Heat transfer coefficient for water (W/m^2.K)
+printf("The heat transfer coefficient for water is : %.1f W/m^2.K.",h)
diff --git a/2510/CH9/EX9.13/Ex9_13.sce b/2510/CH9/EX9.13/Ex9_13.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ec9f8f882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH9/EX9.13/Ex9_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 9.7:
+h = 38.7 //Average heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+L = 1.2 //Length of plate (m)
+k = 0.025 //Thermal conductivity of air (W/m)
+Bi = h*L/k //Average Biot number
+printf("The average Biot number is : %.0f ",Bi)
diff --git a/2510/CH9/EX9.14/Ex9_14.sce b/2510/CH9/EX9.14/Ex9_14.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b66fe45a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH9/EX9.14/Ex9_14.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+k = 60.0 //Thermal conductivity of rod (W/m.K)
+p = 7850.0 //Density of rod (kg/m^3)
+Cp = 434.0 //Heat capacity of rod (J/kg.K)
+h = 140.0 //Convection heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+D = 0.01 //Diameter of rod (m)
+kf = 0.6 //Thermal conductivity of fluid (W/m.K)
+L = 2.5 //Length of rod (m)
+Ts = 250.0 //Surface temperature of rod (°C)
+Tf = 25.0 //Fluid temperature (°C)
+//Case 1:
+a = k/(p*Cp) //Thermal diffusivity of bare rod (m^2/s)
+//Case 2:
+Nu = h*D/kf //Nusselt number
+//Case 3:
+Bi = h*D/k //Biot number of bare rod
+//Case 4:
+Q = h*(%pi*D*L)*(Ts-Tf) //Heat transferred from rod to fluid (W)
+printf("1. The thermal diffusivity of the bare rod is : %.2f x 10^-5 m^2/s.",a/10**-5)
+printf("2. The nusselt number is : %.2f .",Nu)
+printf("3. The Biot number is : %.4f .",Bi)
+printf("4. The heat transferred from the rod to the fluid is : %.0f W.",Q)
diff --git a/2510/CH9/EX9.2/Ex9_2.sce b/2510/CH9/EX9.2/Ex9_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..77b5d1425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH9/EX9.2/Ex9_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 9.1:
+R = 0.0398 //Theral resistance (°F.h/Btu)
+Btu = 3.412 //Btu/h in a watt
+C = 1.8 //Change in degree fahrenheit for a degree change in celsius
+K = 1 //Change in degree celsius for a unit change in Kelvin
+Rc = R*Btu/C //Thermal resistance in degree cesius per watt (°C/W)
+Rk = Rc/K //Thermal resistance in Kelvin per watt (K/W)
+printf("The thermal resistance in °C/W is : %.3f °C/W.",Rc)
+printf("The thermal resistance in K/W is : %.3f K/W.",Rk)
diff --git a/2510/CH9/EX9.3/Ex9_3.sce b/2510/CH9/EX9.3/Ex9_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9ce1307c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH9/EX9.3/Ex9_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+h = 48.0 //Convective heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft.°F)
+A = 2*1.5 //Total heat transfer area (ft^2)
+Ts = 530.0 //Surface temperature of plate (°F)
+Tm = 105.0 //Maintained temperature of opposite side of plate (°F)
+kW = 3.4123*10**3 //Units kW in a Btu/h
+Q = h*A*(Ts-Tm) //Heat transfer rate in Btu/h (Btu/h)
+Q1 = Q/kW //Heat transfer rate in kW (kW)
+printf("The heat transfer rate in Btu/h is : %f Btu/h.",Q)
+printf("The heat transfer rate in kW is : %.2f kW.",Q1)
diff --git a/2510/CH9/EX9.4/Ex9_4.sce b/2510/CH9/EX9.4/Ex9_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..69a540fab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH9/EX9.4/Ex9_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+TS = 10+273 //Outer surface temperature of wall (K)
+Q = 3000.0 //Heat transfer rate (W)
+h = 100.0 //Convection coefficient of air (W/m^2)
+A = 3.0 //Area of glass window (m^2)
+TM = TS-Q/(h*A) //Bulk temperature of fluid (K)
+printf("The bulk temperature of fluid is : %f K.",TM)
+printf("The bulk temperature of fluid is : %f °C.",TM-273)
diff --git a/2510/CH9/EX9.5/Ex9_5.sce b/2510/CH9/EX9.5/Ex9_5.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5103569f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH9/EX9.5/Ex9_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+h = 24.0 //Plant operating hour per day (h/day)
+d = 350.0 //Plant operating day per year (day/yr)
+N = h*d //Operating hours per year (h/yr)
+//From example 9.1:
+Q = 8545.0 //Rate of energy loss (Btu/h)
+Qy = Q*N //Steady-state energy loss yearly (Btu/yr)
+printf("The yearly steady-state energy loss is : %.2f x 10^7 Btu/yr.",Qy/10**7)
diff --git a/2510/CH9/EX9.7/Ex9_7.sce b/2510/CH9/EX9.7/Ex9_7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5364b82bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH9/EX9.7/Ex9_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+x = 0.3 //Length from the leading age of the plate (m)
+L = 1.2 //Length of plate (m)
+TS = 58.0 //Surface temperature of plate (°C)
+Ta = 21.0 //Temperature of flowing air (°C)
+hx = 25/x**0.4 //Local heat transfer coefficient at 0.3m (W/m^2.K) (Part 1)
+syms y //Length
+hy = 25/y**0.4 //hx at the end of the plate (W/m^2.K)
+h = integrate(hy, y,0,L)/L //Average heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+Q = hx*(TS-Ta) //Heat flux at 0.3m from leading edge of plate (W/m^2)
+hL = 25/L**0.4 //Local heat transfer coefficient at plate end (W/m^2.K) (Part 2)
+r = h/hL //Ratio h/hL at the end of the plate
+printf("1. The heat flux at 0.3 m from the leading edge of the plate is : %.0f W/m^2.",Q)
+printf("2. The local heat transfer coefficient at the end of the plate is : %.1f W/m^2.K.",hL)
+disp("3. The ratio h/hL at the end of plate is : ")
diff --git a/2510/CH9/EX9.8/Ex9_8.sce b/2510/CH9/EX9.8/Ex9_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b34740b1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH9/EX9.8/Ex9_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 9.7:
+b = 1.0 //Width of plate (m)
+L = 1.2 //Length of plate (m)
+TS = 58.0 //Surface temperture of plate (°C)
+Ta = 21.0 //Air flow temperature (°C)
+h = 38.7 //Average heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+A = b*L //Area for heat transfer for the entire plate (m^2)
+Q = h*A*(TS-Ta) //Rate of heat transfer over the whole length of the plate (W)
+Q = round(Q*10**-1)/10**-1
+printf("The rate of heat transfer over the whole length of the plate is : %.1f W.",Q)
diff --git a/2510/CH9/EX9.9/Ex9_9.sce b/2510/CH9/EX9.9/Ex9_9.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b8de3f493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH9/EX9.9/Ex9_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+m = 0.075 //Mass rate of air flow (kg/s)
+D = 0.225 //Diameter of tube (m)
+mu = 208*10**-7 //Dynamic viscosity of fluid (N)
+Pr = 0.71 //Prandtl number
+k = 0.030 //Thermal conductivity of air (W/m.K)
+Re = 4*m/(%pi*D*mu) //Reynolds number
+//From equation 9.26:
+Nu = 0.023*(Re**0.8)*(Pr**0.3) //Nusselt number
+h = (k/D)*Nu //Heat transfer coefficient of air (W/m^2.K)
+printf("The Heat transfer coefficient of air is : %.2f W/m^2.K.",h)