path: root/2510/CH22/EX22.23/Ex22_23.sce
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2510/CH22/EX22.23/Ex22_23.sce')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2510/CH22/EX22.23/Ex22_23.sce b/2510/CH22/EX22.23/Ex22_23.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a9416287d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH22/EX22.23/Ex22_23.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Too = 100 //Steam temperature ( C)
+Ti = 18 //Initial temperature of liquid TCA ( C)
+Tf = 74 //Final temperature of liquid TCA ( C)
+t = 180 //Heating time (s)
+p = 87.4 //Density of TCA (lb/ft^3)
+V = 18 //Kinematic viscosity of TCA (m^2/s)
+cp = 0.23 //Heat capacity of TCA (Btu/lb. F)
+U = 200 //Overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+ui = Too-Ti //Initial excess temperature ( C)
+uf = Too-Tf //Final excess temperature ( C)
+R = log(ui/uf) //Ratio t/r
+r = t/R //Thermal time constant (s)
+A = p*V*cp/(3600*U*r) //Required heating area (ft^3)
+Ti_F = Ti*9/5+32 //Initial temperature in fahrenheit scale ( F)
+Tf_F = Tf*9/5+32 //Final temperature in fahrenheit scale ( F)
+Q = p*V*cp*(Tf_F-Ti_F) //Total amount of heat added (Btu)
+printf("1. The required surface area of the heating coil is : %e ft^3",A)
+printf("2. The total heat added to the liquid TCA is : %.0f Btu",Q)