path: root/2510/CH22
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2510/CH22')
9 files changed, 263 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2510/CH22/EX22.10/Ex22_10.sce b/2510/CH22/EX22.10/Ex22_10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2cea58d8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH22/EX22.10/Ex22_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From example 22.9:
+t1 = 23.5 //Initial temperature of oil ( C)
+t2 = 27 //Final temperature of oil ( C)
+T1 = 93 //Water heating temperature of water ( C)
+T2 = 88.16 //Minimum temperature of heating water ( C)
+U = 34.6 //Overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2. C)
+Q = 7227.2 //Duty of exchanger (W)
+D = 6*0.0254 //Inside diameter of %pipe (m)
+l = 6.68 //Previous heat transfer length (m)
+DT1 = T1-t1 //Inlet temperature difference ( C)
+DT2 = T2-t2 //Outlet temperature difference ( C)
+DTlm = (DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2) //Log mean temperature difference ( C)
+A = Q/(U*DTlm) //Required heat transfer area (m^2)
+L = A/(%pi*D) //Required heat transfer length (m)
+printf("The length of the parallel %%pipe heat exchanger is : %.2f ",L)
+if L>l then
+ printf("The tube length would increase slightly.")
+elseif L<l then
+ printf("The tube length would decrease slightly.")
diff --git a/2510/CH22/EX22.12/Ex22_12.sce b/2510/CH22/EX22.12/Ex22_12.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..30538292d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH22/EX22.12/Ex22_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+T = 80 //Pipe surface temperature ( F)
+t1 = 10 //Inlet temperature of brine solution ( F)
+m = 1200 //mass flowrate of solution (kg/s)
+c = 0.99 //Heat capacity of brine solution (Btu/lb. F)
+A = 2.5 //Heat transfer area (ft^2)
+U1 = 150 //Overall heat transfer coefficient at temperature approach (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+U2 = 140 //Overall heat transfer coefficient at inlet brine temperature (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+DT1 = T-t1 //Temperature approach at the pipe entrance ( F)
+function [ans] = equation(DT2)
+ Q1 = m*c*(DT1-DT2) //Energy balance to the brine solution across the full length of the pipe (Btu/h)
+ DTlm = (DT1-DT2)*log(DT2/DT1) //Log mean temperature difference ( F)
+ Q2 = A*(U2*DT1-U1*DT2)/log((U2*DT1)/(U1*DT2)) //Heat transfer rate (Btu/h)
+ ans = Q2-Q1
+t2 = T-fsolve(1,equation) //The temperature of the brine solution ( F)
+printf("The temperature of brine solution is: %.0f C",(t2-32)/1.8)
diff --git a/2510/CH22/EX22.13/Ex22_13.sce b/2510/CH22/EX22.13/Ex22_13.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..dec3f79be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH22/EX22.13/Ex22_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+m = 1200 //mass flowrate of solution (kg/s)
+c = 0.99 //Heat capacity of brine solution (Btu/lb. F)
+DT1 = 70 //Temperature approach at the pipe entrance ( F)
+DT2 = 51.6 //Temperature difference at the pipe exit ( F)
+Q = m*c*(DT1-DT2) //Heat transfer rate (Btu/h)
+DTlm = (DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2) //Log mean temperature difference ( F)
+Q1 = round(Q*10**-1)/10**-1
+printf("1. The rate of heat transfer is : %f Btu/h.",Q1)
+printf("Or, the rate of heat transfer is : %.0f W.",Q/3.412)
+printf("2. The log mean temperature difference is : %.1f F.",DTlm)
+printf("Or, the log mean temperature difference is : %.1f C.",DTlm/1.8)
diff --git a/2510/CH22/EX22.23/Ex22_23.sce b/2510/CH22/EX22.23/Ex22_23.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a9416287d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH22/EX22.23/Ex22_23.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Too = 100 //Steam temperature ( C)
+Ti = 18 //Initial temperature of liquid TCA ( C)
+Tf = 74 //Final temperature of liquid TCA ( C)
+t = 180 //Heating time (s)
+p = 87.4 //Density of TCA (lb/ft^3)
+V = 18 //Kinematic viscosity of TCA (m^2/s)
+cp = 0.23 //Heat capacity of TCA (Btu/lb. F)
+U = 200 //Overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+ui = Too-Ti //Initial excess temperature ( C)
+uf = Too-Tf //Final excess temperature ( C)
+R = log(ui/uf) //Ratio t/r
+r = t/R //Thermal time constant (s)
+A = p*V*cp/(3600*U*r) //Required heating area (ft^3)
+Ti_F = Ti*9/5+32 //Initial temperature in fahrenheit scale ( F)
+Tf_F = Tf*9/5+32 //Final temperature in fahrenheit scale ( F)
+Q = p*V*cp*(Tf_F-Ti_F) //Total amount of heat added (Btu)
+printf("1. The required surface area of the heating coil is : %e ft^3",A)
+printf("2. The total heat added to the liquid TCA is : %.0f Btu",Q)
diff --git a/2510/CH22/EX22.24/Ex22_24.sce b/2510/CH22/EX22.24/Ex22_24.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..365c0072e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH22/EX22.24/Ex22_24.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+m1 = 62000 //Mass flowrate of alcohol (lb/h)
+h1 = 365 //Enthalpy of vapour (Btu/lb)
+cp = 1 //Heat capacity of water (Btu/lb. F)
+T1 = 85 //Entering temperature of water ( F)
+T2 = 120 //Exit temperature of water ( F)
+a1 = 2.11 //Flow area for the shell side (ft^2)
+N = 700 //Total number of tubes
+a2 = 0.546 //Flow area per tube (in^2/tube)
+n = 4 //Number of tube passes
+p = 62.5 //Density of water (lb/ft^3)
+L = 16 //Length of condenser (ft)
+hio = 862.4 //Cooling water inside film coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+g = 9.8 //Gravitational accleration (m^2/s)
+Rf = 0.003 //Fouling factor (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+Q1 = m1*h1 //Heat loss from alcohol (Btu/h)
+Q2 = Q1 //Heat gained by water (Btu/h)
+DT = T2-T1 //Temperature difference ( F)
+m2 = Q2/(cp*DT) //Water mass flow rate (lb/h)
+LMTD = ((T2-32)-(T1-32))/log((T2-32)/(T1-32)) //Log mean temperature difference ( F)
+at = (N*a2)/(144*n) //Total flow area for tube side (ft^2)
+G1 = m1/a1 //Mass velocity of flow in shell side (lb/h.ft^2)
+G2 = m2/at //Mass velocity of flow in tube side (lb/h.ft^2)
+V = G2/(3600*p) //Velocity of water (ft/s)
+G3 = m1/(L*N)**(2/3) //Loading G (lb/h.ft)
+//For alcohol:
+kf = 0.105 //Thermal conductivity (Btu/h.ft. F)
+muf = 0.55*2.42 //Dynamic viscosity (lb/ft.h)
+sf = 0.79 //
+pf = sf*p //Density (lb/ft^3)
+h = 151*(((kf**3)*(pf**2)*g*muf)/((muf**2)*n*G3))**(1/3) //Heat transfer coefficient for the shell side (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+ho = h //Outside heat transfer coefficient of the tube bundle (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+Uc = (hio*ho)/(hio+ho) //Overall heat transfer coefficient for a new (clean) heat exchanger (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+A = N*L*0.2618 //Area for heat transfer (ft^2)
+Ud = Q1/(A*DT) //Design (D) overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+Rd = (Uc-Ud)/(Uc*Ud) //Dirt (d) factor (Btu/h.ft^2. F)
+printf("The dirt (d) factor is : %.4f Btu/h.ft^2. F .",Rd)
+if (Rd>Rd) then
+ printf("Therefore, the exchanger as specified is unsuitable for these process conditions since the fouling factor is above the recommended value. Cleaning is recommended.")
+ printf("Therefore, the exchanger as specified is suitable for these process conditions since the fouling factor is below the recommended value. Cleaning is not recommended.")
diff --git a/2510/CH22/EX22.6/Ex22_6.sce b/2510/CH22/EX22.6/Ex22_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..892d35303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH22/EX22.6/Ex22_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ //Variable declaration:
+//From steam tables:
+h1 = 1572 //Enthalpy for super heated steam at (P = 40 atm, T = 1000 F) (Btu/lb)
+h2 = 1316 //Enthalpy for super heated steam at (P = 20 atm, T = 600 F) (Btu/lb)
+h3 = 1151 //Enthalpy for saturated steam (Btu/lb)
+h4 = 28.1 //Enthalpy for saturated water (Btu/lb)
+m1 = 1000 //Mass flowrate of steam (lb/h)
+syms m //Mass flow rate of steam (lb/h)
+Dh1 = m1*(h3-h4) //The change in enthalpy for the vaporization of the water stream (Btu/h)
+Dh2 = m*(h1-h2) //The change in enthalpy for the cooling of the water stream (Btu/h)
+x = eval(solve(Dh1-Dh2,m)) //Mass flowrate of steam (lb/h)
+m2 = x; //Mass flowrate of steam (lb/h)
+disp("The mass flowrate of the utility steam required is : ")
+disp(" lb/h.")
diff --git a/2510/CH22/EX22.7/Ex22_7.sce b/2510/CH22/EX22.7/Ex22_7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ca5c03fc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH22/EX22.7/Ex22_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+//From table 22.1:
+QH1 = 12*10**6 //Heat duty for process unit 1 (Btu/h)
+QH2 = 6*10**6 //Heat duty for process unit 2 (Btu/h)
+QH3 = 23.5*10**6 //Heat duty for process unit 3 (Btu/h)
+QH4 = 17*10**6 //Heat duty for process unit 4 (Btu/h)
+QH5 = 31*10**6 //Heat duty for process unit 5 (Btu/h)
+T1 = 90 //Supply water temperature ( F)
+T2 = 115 //Return water temperature ( F)
+cP = 1 //Cooling water heat capacity (Btu/(lb. F))
+p = 62*0.1337 //Density of water (lb/gal)
+BDR = 5/100 //Blow-down rate
+QHL = (QH1+QH2+QH3+QH4+QH5)/60 //Heat load (Btu/min)
+DT = T2-T1 //Change in temperature ( F)
+qCW = round(QHL*10**-5)/10**-5/(DT*cP*p) //Required cooling water flowrate (gpm)
+qBD = BDR*qCW //Blow-down flow (gpm)
+qCW = round(qCW*10**-1)/10**-1
+printf("The total flowrate of cooling water required for the services is : %f gpm.",qCW)
+printf("The required blow-down flow is : %.0f gpm.",qBD)
diff --git a/2510/CH22/EX22.8/Ex22_8.sce b/2510/CH22/EX22.8/Ex22_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..59da2015f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH22/EX22.8/Ex22_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Q1 = 10*10**6 //Unit heat duty for process unit 1 (Btu/h)
+Q2 = 8*10**6 //Unit heat duty for process unit 2 (Btu/h)
+Q3 = 12*10**6 //Unit heat duty for process unit 3 (Btu/h)
+Q4 = 20*10**6 //Unit heat duty for process unit 4 (Btu/h)
+hv = 751 //Enthalpy of vaporization for pressure 500 psig (Btu/lb)
+mB1 = Q1/hv //Mass flowrate of 500 psig steam through unit 1 (lb/h)
+mB2 = Q2/hv //Mass flowrate of 500 psig steam through unit 2 (lb/h)
+mB3 = Q3/hv //Mass flowrate of 500 psig steam through unit 3 (lb/h)
+mB4 = Q4/hv //Mass flowrate of 500 psig steam through unit 4 (lb/h)
+mBT = mB1+mB2+mB3+mB4 //Total steam required (lb/h)
+mBT = round(mBT*10**-1)/10**-1
+printf("The total steam required is : %f lb/h.",mBT)
diff --git a/2510/CH22/EX22.9/Ex22_9.sce b/2510/CH22/EX22.9/Ex22_9.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..13a64b8e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH22/EX22.9/Ex22_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+po = 53*16.0185 //Density of oil (kg/m^3)
+co = 0.46*4186.7 //Heat capacity of oil (J/kg. C)
+pi = %pi
+muo = 150/1000 //Dynamic viscosity of oil (kg/m.s)
+ko = 0.11*1.7303 //Thermal conductivity of oil (W/m. C)
+qo = 28830*4.381*10**-8 //Volumetric flowrate of oil (m^3/s)
+pw = 964 //Density of water (kg/m^3)
+cw = 4204 //Heat capacity of water (J/kg. C)
+muw = 0.7/3600*1.4881 //Dynamic viscosity of water (kg/m.s)
+kw = 0.678 //Thermal conductivity of water (W/m. C)
+qw = 8406*4.381*10**-8 //Volumetric flowrate of water (m^3/s)
+t1 = 23.5 //Initial temperature of oil ( C)
+t2 = 27 //Final temperature of oil ( C)
+T1 = 93 //Water heating temperature of water ( C)
+syms T2 //Minimum temperature of heating water ( C)
+syms A //Heat transfer area (m^2)
+Uc = 35.4 //Clean heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
+Rf = 0.0007 //Thermal resistance (m^2.K/W)
+D = 6*0.0254 //Inside diameter of pipe (m)
+vo = muo/po //Kinematic viscosity of oil (m^2/s)
+mo = po*qo //Mass flowrate of oil (kg/s)
+vw = muw/pw //Kinematic viscosity of (m^2/s)
+mw = pw*qw //Masss flow rate of water (kg/s)
+Q1 = mo*co*(t2-t1) //Duty of exchanger of oil (W)
+T2m = t1 //Lowest possible temperature of the water ( C) (part 1)
+Qmw = mw*cw*(T1-T2m) //Maximum duty of exchanger of water (W) (part 2)
+Q2 = mw*cw*(T1-T2) //Duty of exchanger of water in terms of T2 (W)
+x = eval(solve(Q1-Q2,T2)) //Solving value for T2 ( C)
+T3 = x; //Minimum temperature of heating water ( C)
+DT1 = T3-t1 //Inlet temperature difference ( C)
+DT2 = T1-t2 //Outlet temperature difference ( C)
+DTlm = (DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2) //Log mean temperature difference ( C)
+Ud1 = 1/Uc+Rf //Dirty heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K) (part 3)
+Ud2 = 34.6 //Dirty heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2. C)
+Q3 = Ud2*A*DTlm //Duty of exchanger (W) (part 4)
+y = eval(solve(Q1-Q3,A)) //Heat transfer area (m^2)
+A1 = y //Required heat transfer area (m^2)
+L = A1/(pi*D) //Required heat transfer length (m)
+Qmo = mo*co*(T1-t1) //Maximum duty of exchanger of oil (W) (part 5)
+Qm = Qmw //Maximum duty of exchanger (W)
+E = Q1/Qm*100 //Effectiveness (%)
+NTU = Ud2*A1/(mw*cw) //Number of transfer units
+disp("1. The lowest possible temperature of the water is :")
+disp(" C .")
+disp("2. The log mean temperature difference is : ")
+disp (DTlm)
+disp(" C .")
+disp("3. The overall heat transfer coefficient for the new clean exchanger is : ")
+disp (Ud2)
+disp ("W/m^2. C .")
+disp("4. The length of the double pipe heat exchanger is : ")
+disp (" m .")
+disp("5. The effectiveness of the exchanger is : ")
+disp("The NTU of the exchanger is : ")
+// Answers are correct. Please calculate manually.