path: root/2510/CH10/EX10.6/Ex10_6.sce
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2510/CH10/EX10.6/Ex10_6.sce')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2510/CH10/EX10.6/Ex10_6.sce b/2510/CH10/EX10.6/Ex10_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..85a5e7a26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH10/EX10.6/Ex10_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Ts = 200.0+460.0 //Surface temperature of pipe (°R)
+Too = 70.0+460.0 //Air temperature (°R)
+D = 0.5 //Diameter of pipe (ft)
+R = 0.73 //Universal gas constant (ft^3.atm.R^−^−1)
+P = 1.0 //Atmospheric pressure (Pa)
+MW = 29.0 //Molecular weight of fluid (mol)
+//From Appendix:
+mu = 1.28*10**-5 //Absolute viscosity (lb/ft.s)
+k = 0.016/3600.0 //Thermal conductivity (Btu/s.ft.°F)
+g = 32.174 //Gravitational acceleration (ft/s^2)
+Tav = (Ts+Too)/2 //Average temperature (°R)
+v = R*Tav/P //kinematic viscosity (ft^3/lbmol)
+p = MW/v //Air density (lb/ft^3)
+B = 1.0/Tav //Coefficient of expansion (°R^-1)
+DT = Ts-Too //Temperature difference (°R)
+Gr = D**3*p**2*g*B*DT/mu**2 //Grashof number
+//From equation 10.5:
+Cp = 0.25 //Air heat capacity (Btu/lb.°F)
+Pr = Cp*mu/k //Prandtl number
+GrPr = 10**8.24 //Rayleigh number
+//From Holman^(3):
+Nu = 10**(1.5) //Nusselt number
+h = Nu*(k/D)*3600.0 //Air heat transfer film coefficient (Btu/h.ft.°F)
+printf("The required air heat transfer film coefficient is : %.2f Btu/h.ft.°F .",h)