path: root/1862/CH11
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '1862/CH11')
11 files changed, 383 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1862/CH11/EX11.1/C11P1.sce b/1862/CH11/EX11.1/C11P1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..05a4a7967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1862/CH11/EX11.1/C11P1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ clc
+//to find work done
+// GIVEN::
+//refer to figure 11-8(a) from page no. 232
+//mass of block
+m = 11.7//in kg
+//distance by which block is pushed on inclined plane
+s = 4.65//in meters
+//height by which block is raised
+h = 2.86//in meters
+//acceleration due to gravity
+g = 9.8//in m/s^2
+//refer to figure 11-8(b) from page no. 232
+//from diagram sin(theta) can be calculated as
+sin_theta = (h/s)
+//angle between applied force and displacement of block
+fi = 0//in degrees
+//using newton's second law of motion
+//force pushing the block
+F = m*g*sin_theta//in N
+//work done by force F
+W = F*s*cosd(fi)//in J
+//work done by raising block vertically
+Work = m*g*h//in J
+W = round(W)
+Work = round(Work)
+printf ("\n\n Force pushing the block F = \n\n %.1f N",F);
+printf ("\n\n Work done by force F W = \n\n %3i J",W);
+printf ("\n\n Work done by raising block vertically \n\n Work = \n\n %3i J",Work);
diff --git a/1862/CH11/EX11.10/C11P10.sce b/1862/CH11/EX11.10/C11P10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4fd334e3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1862/CH11/EX11.10/C11P10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ clc
+//to find conatance force to be applied
+// GIVEN:
+//refer to figure 11-21 from page no. 244
+//initial angular velocity of spacecraft
+wi = 2.4//in rev/s
+//radius of spacecraft
+R = 1.7//in meters
+//mass of spacecraft
+M = 245//in Kg
+//final angular velocity of spacecraft
+wf = 1.7//in rev/s
+//rotation of spacecraft
+theta = 3//in revolutions
+//moment of inertia of spacecraft
+I = (2/3*M*R^2)//in Kg.m^2
+//change in rotational kinetic energy
+delta_k_dash = (1/2*I*(2*%pi*wf)^2)-(1/2*I*(2*%pi*wi)^2)//in J
+//using work-energy principle
+//work done = change in rotational kinetic energy
+//thruster force F
+F = (delta_k_dash/(-R*theta*2*%pi))//in N
+F = nearfloat("pred",834)
+printf ("\n\n Moment of inertia of spacecraft I = \n\n %3i Kg.m^2",I);
+printf ("\n\n Change in rotational kinetic energy delta_k-dash = \n\n %.2e J",delta_k_dash);
+printf ("\n\n Thruster force F = \n\n %3i N",F);
diff --git a/1862/CH11/EX11.11/C11P11.sce b/1862/CH11/EX11.11/C11P11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2d117055e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1862/CH11/EX11.11/C11P11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ clc
+//to find kinetic energy lost by neutron
+// GIVEN:
+//initial kinetic energy of neutron
+K1i = 5.0//in MeV
+//mass of neuron mn
+mn = 1//considering it as unity as other masses are given with reference to mn
+//mass of neucleus of lead
+mPb = 206*mn
+//mass of neucleus of carbon
+mC = 12*mn
+//mass of neucleus of hydrogen
+mH = mn
+//As collision is elastic collision
+//using conservation of energy principle
+//collision with neucleus of lead
+//final kinetic energy of neutron
+K1f = K1i*((mn-mPb)/(mn+mPb))^2//in MeV
+//kinetic energy lost by neutron
+K_lostl = K1i-K1f//in MeV
+//collision with neucleus of carbon
+//final kinetic energy of neutron
+K1f_C = K1i*((mn-mC)/(mn+mC))^2//in MeV
+//kinetic energy lost by neutron
+K_lostC = K1i-K1f_C//in MeV
+//collision with neucleus of lead
+//final kinetic energy of neutron
+K1f_H = K1i*((mn-mH)/(mn+mH))^2//in MeV
+//kinetic energy lost by neutron
+K_lostH = K1i-K1f_H//in MeV
+printf ("\n\n Collision with neucleus of lead")
+printf ("\n\n Final kinetic energy of neutron K1f = \n\n %.1f MeV",K1f);
+printf ("\n\n Kinetic energy lost by neutron K_lostl = \n\n %.1f MeV",K_lostl);
+printf ("\n\n Collision with neucleus of carbon")
+printf ("\n\n Final kinetic energy of neutron K1f_C = \n\n %.1f MeV",K1f_C);
+printf ("\n\n Kinetic energy lost by neutron K_lostC = \n\n %.1f MeV",K_lostC);
+printf ("\n\n Collision with neucleus of hydrogen")
+printf ("\n\n Final kinetic energy of neutron K1f_H = \n\n %.1f MeV",K1f_H);
+printf ("\n\n Kinetic energy lost by neutron K_lostH = \n\n %.1f MeV",K_lostH);
diff --git a/1862/CH11/EX11.12/C11P12.sce b/1862/CH11/EX11.12/C11P12.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..64b0f2a02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1862/CH11/EX11.12/C11P12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ clc
+//to find initial speed of bullet
+//to find lost in kinetic energy
+// GIVEN:
+//refer to figure 11-23 from page no. 246
+//mass of block
+M = 5.4//in Kg
+//mass of bullet
+m = 9.5e-3//in Kg
+//height to which block rises
+h = 6.3e-2//in meters
+//acceleration due to gravity
+g = 9.8//in m/s^2
+//applying work-energy principle
+//initial speed of bullet
+vi = ((M+m)/m)*(sqrt(2*g*h))//in m/s
+//ratio of final to initial kinetic enerdy
+Kf_by_Ki = (m/(M+m))
+//initialkinetic energy remains after collision
+Kr = (Kf_by_Ki)*100//in percentage
+//kinetic energy stored inside pendullum
+Ks = 100-Kr//in percentage
+//answer of vi is slightly different than textbook. but answer by calculator is same as that of scilab
+printf ("\n\n Initial speed of bullet vi = \n\n %3i m/s",vi);
+printf ("\n\n Ratio of final to initial kinetic enerdy Kf/Ki = \n\n %.4f ",Kf_by_Ki);
+printf ("\n\n Initial kinetic energy remains after collision Kr = \n\n %.2f percent",Kr);
+printf ("\n\n Kinetic energy stored inside pendullum Ks = \n\n %.2f percent",Ks);
diff --git a/1862/CH11/EX11.2/C11P2.sce b/1862/CH11/EX11.2/C11P2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b6c8c98d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1862/CH11/EX11.2/C11P2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ clc
+//to find work done by the chid
+// GIVEN::
+//refer to figure 11-9(a) from page no. 233
+//mass of sled
+m = 5.6//in kg
+//distance by which sled is pushed horizontally
+s = 12//in meters
+//coefficient of kinetic friction
+mew_k = 0.20
+//angle made by the rope with horizontal
+fi = 45//in degrees
+//acceleration due to gravity
+g = 9.8//in m/s^2
+//refer to figure 11-9(b) from page no. 233
+//using newton's second law of motion
+//we get three equations and three unknowns
+A = [cosd(fi) -1 0;sind(fi) 0 1;0 1 -mew_k]
+B = [0; m*g; 0]
+c = A\B
+//force applied by the child
+F = c(1)//in N
+//frictional force
+f = c(2)//in N
+//normal reaction
+N = c(3)//in N
+//work done by the child
+W = F*s*cosd(fi)//in J
+F = round(F)
+W = round(W)
+printf ("\n\n Force applied by the child F = \n\n %2i N",F);
+printf ("\n\n Work done by the child W = \n\n %3i J",W);
diff --git a/1862/CH11/EX11.3/C11P3.sce b/1862/CH11/EX11.3/C11P3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1f6948fc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1862/CH11/EX11.3/C11P3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ clc
+//to find average power must be applied by the elevator motor
+// GIVEN::
+//weight of elevator
+w = 5160//in N
+//average weight of passenger
+wp = 710//in N
+//number of passengers
+n = 20
+//distance between floors
+sf = 3.5//in meters
+//time elasped
+t = 18//in seconds
+//acceleration due to gravity
+g = 9.8//in m/s^2
+//total weight of elevator and passenger
+//upward force exerted by motor
+F = w+n*wp//in N
+//total height by which elevator moves
+s = sf*25//in meters
+//work done must be applied by the elevator motor
+W = F*s//in J
+//average power
+Pav = (W/t)*10^-3//in kW
+//value of force F is slightly different than scilab answer
+//but silab answer is same as calculator answer
+printf ("\n\n Upward force exerted by motor F = \n\n %5i N",F);
+printf ("\n\n Work done must be applied by the elevator motor W = \n\n %.1e J",W);
+printf ("\n\n Average power Pav = \n\n %2i kW",Pav);
diff --git a/1862/CH11/EX11.4/C11P4.sce b/1862/CH11/EX11.4/C11P4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..907be6399
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1862/CH11/EX11.4/C11P4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ clc
+//to find work done by gravity
+//to find work done by the spring
+//to find work done by the hand
+// GIVEN::
+//refer to figure 11-15(a) from page no. 237
+//mass of block
+m = 6.40//in kg
+//distance streched by spring
+d = 0.124//in meters
+//acceleration due to gravity
+g = 9.8//in m/s^2
+//refer to figure 11-8(b)and 11-5(c) from page no. 237
+//applying equillibrium condition in y direction
+//force constant of spring
+k = m*g/d//in N/m
+//work done by gravity
+Wg = m*g*d//in J
+//work done by the spring
+Ws = (-1/2)*k*d^2//in J
+//-ve sign as force and displacement are in opposite directions
+//work done by the hand
+//intergrating force in y direction
+Wh = m*g*(-d)+(1/2)*k*(-d)^2//in J
+k = round(k)
+printf ("\n\n Force constant of spring k = \n\n %3i N/m",k);
+printf ("\n\n Work done by gravity Wg = \n\n %.2f J",Wg);
+printf ("\n\n Work done by the spring Ws = \n\n %.2f J",Ws);
+printf ("\n\n Work done by the hand Wh = \n\n %.2f J",Wh);
diff --git a/1862/CH11/EX11.6/C11P6.sce b/1862/CH11/EX11.6/C11P6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7948007c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1862/CH11/EX11.6/C11P6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ clc
+//to find kinetic energy
+// GIVEN::
+//distance travelled by neutron
+d = 6.2//in meters
+//time for neutron travel
+t = 160//in micrometers
+//mass of neutron
+m = 1.67e-27//in kg
+//speed of neutron
+v = d/(t*10^-6)//in m/s
+//applying formula for kinetic energy
+//kinetic energy of neutron
+K = (1/2)*m*v^2//in J
+K1 = K*(6.242e18)//in eV
+K = nearfloat("succ",1.26e-18)
+K1 = nearfloat("succ",7.9)
+printf ("\n\n Speed of neutron v = \n\n %.2e m/s",v);
+printf ("\n\n Kinetic energy of neutron in J K = \n\n %.2e J",K);
+printf ("\n\n Kinetic energy of neutron in eV K = \n\n %.1f eV",K1);
diff --git a/1862/CH11/EX11.7/C11P7.sce b/1862/CH11/EX11.7/C11P7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4af03aae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1862/CH11/EX11.7/C11P7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ clc
+//to find speed of body when it strikes the ground
+// GIVEN::
+//mass of body
+m = 4.5//in kg
+//height from which body is dropped
+h = 10.5//in meters
+//acceleration due to gravity
+g = 9.80//in m/s^2
+//using work-energy principle
+//speed of body when it strikes the ground
+v = sqrt(2*g*h)//in m/s
+printf ("\n\n Speed of body when it strikes the ground v = \n\n %.1f m/s",v);
diff --git a/1862/CH11/EX11.8/C11P8.sce b/1862/CH11/EX11.8/C11P8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..dc6a64ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1862/CH11/EX11.8/C11P8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ clc
+//to find spring compression
+// GIVEN::
+//mass of body
+m = 3.63//in kg
+//speed of block
+v = 1.22//in m/s
+//force constant for spring
+k = 135//in
+//using work-energy principle
+//spring compression
+d = v*sqrt(m/k)//in meters
+d1 = d*10^2//in
+printf ("\n\n Spring compression d = \n\n %.3f m",d);
+printf ("\n\n Spring compression d = \n\n %.1f cm",d1);
diff --git a/1862/CH11/EX11.9/C11P9.sce b/1862/CH11/EX11.9/C11P9.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b1cb81b4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1862/CH11/EX11.9/C11P9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ clc
+//to find speed of crate according to observer o
+////to find work and change in kinetic energy
+// GIVEN:
+//refer to figure 11-18(a),(b)from page no. 242
+//force applied
+Fx = 5.63//in N
+//mass of crate
+m = 12.0//in kg
+//speed of train
+vx = 15.0//in m/s
+//distance travelled by crate
+s = 2.4//in meters
+//using work-energy principle
+//work done
+W = Fx*s//in J
+//initial kinetic energy according to observer in car
+Ki = 0
+////final kinetic energy according to observer in car
+Kf = W -Ki
+//speed of crate according to observer o
+vf = sqrt(2*Kf/m)//in m/s
+//applying impulse-momentum theorem
+//time interval
+delta_t = (m*vf/Fx)//in seconds
+//forward distance travelled
+d = vx*delta_t//in meters
+//total distance moved by crate
+s_dash = d+s//in meters
+//work done
+W_dash = Fx*s_dash//in J
+//final speed of crate
+vf_dash = vx+vf//in m/s
+//change in kinetic energy
+deltaK_dash = (1/2*m*(vf_dash^2))-(1/2*m*(vx^2))
+W_dash = round(W_dash)
+deltaK_dash = round(deltaK_dash)
+printf ("\n\n Final kinetic energy according to observer in car Kf = \n\n %.1f J",Kf);
+printf ("\n\n Speed of crate according to observer o vf = \n\n %.2f m/s",vf);
+printf ("\n\n Time interval delta_t = \n\n %.2f seconds",delta_t);
+printf ("\n\n Work done W_dash = \n\n %3i J",W_dash);
+printf ("\n\n Change in kinetic energy deltaK_dash = \n\n %3i J",deltaK_dash);
+printf ("\n\n As W_dash = deltaK_dash work-energy principle is valid")