path: root/day1/scipy-quickref.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'day1/scipy-quickref.tex')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/day1/scipy-quickref.tex b/day1/scipy-quickref.tex
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+ basicstyle=\ttfamily\bfseries,
+ commentstyle=\color{red}\itshape,
+ stringstyle=\color{darkgreen},
+ showstringspaces=false,
+ keywordstyle=\color{blue}\bfseries}
+\textbf{Python for Scientific Computing}\\
+\textbf{Quick Reference}\\
+FOSSEE -- Dec 1, 2010\\
+ \hr\textbf{Starting up}
+To start \lstinline|ipython| with \lstinline|pylab|:\\
+\lstinline| $ ipython -pylab| %$
+To exit: \lstinline|^D| (Ctrl-D)
+Creating a linear array:\\
+{\ex \lstinline| x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 50)|}
+Plotting two variables:\\
+{\ex \lstinline| plot(x, sin(x))|}
+Plotting two lists of equal length x, y:\\
+{\ex \lstinline| plot(x, y)|}
+Plots with colors:\\
+{\ex \lstinline| plot(x, sin(x), 'b')|} gives a blue line
+Line style and markers:\\
+{\ex \lstinline| plot(x, sin(x), '--')|} gives a dashed line\\
+{\ex \lstinline|'.'|} -- a point marker, {\ex \lstinline|'o'|} -- a circle marker
+{\ex \lstinline| xlabel('x')|} and {\ex \lstinline|ylabel('sin(x)')|}
+Title (\lstinline|pylab| accepts \TeX~in any text expression):\\
+{\ex \lstinline| title(r'$\sigma$ vs. $\sin(\sigma)$')|}
+Use standard placement:\\
+{\ex \lstinline| legend('sin(x)', loc=center)|}\\
+Or explicitly specify location:\\
+{\ex \lstinline| legend(['sin(x)'], loc=(.8,.1))|}
+{\ex \lstinline| legend('annotation string', xy=(1.5, 1))|}
+Saving figures:\\
+{\ex \lstinline| savefig('sinusoids.png')|}
+{\ex \lstinline| clf()|} to clear the plot area\\
+{\ex \lstinline| close()|} to close the figure
+\textbf{Other plots}
+Pie Charts:\\
+{\ex \lstinline| pie(science.values(), labels=science.keys())|},
+where {\ex \lstinline|science|} is a dictionary.
+\hr\textbf{Saving and Running scripts}
+{\ex \lstinline| %hist|} returns history of commands used. \\
+To save a set of lines, say 14-18, 20, 22, to \lstinline|| \\
+{\ex \lstinline| %save 14-18 20 22|}\\
+To run \lstinline|| \\
+{\ex \lstinline| %run -i|}
+ \hr\textbf{Reading from files}
+\lstinline|filename.txt| is a file with float data.
+Using a for loop: (reading line by line)
+for line in open('filename.txt'):
+ # some processing
+Using loadtxt: (reading all the data at once)\\
+{\ex \lstinline|X = loadtxt('filename.txt')|} \\
+X is an array with all the data from \lstinline|filename.txt|\\
+{\ex \lstinline|X = loadtxt('filename.txt', delimiter=';')|} \\
+when ';' delmits the columns of data
+\hr\textbf{Statistical operations}
+{\ex \lstinline|mean|, \lstinline|median|, \lstinline|std|}
+\hr\textbf{Array Creation}
+{\ex \lstinline|C = array([[11,12,13], [21,22,23], [31,32,33]])|}\\
+{\ex \lstinline|C.shape|} shape--- rows \& cols\\
+{\ex \lstinline|C.dtype|} data type\\
+{\ex \lstinline|B = ones_like(C)|} array of ones; same shape, dtype as C\\
+\skipin similarly \lstinline|zeros_like, empty_like| \\
+{\ex \lstinline|A = ones((3,2))|} array of ones of shape (3,2)\\
+\skipin similarly \lstinline|zeros, empty|\\
+{\ex \lstinline|I = identity(3)|} identity matrix of size 3x3
+\hr\textbf{Accessing \& Changing elements}
+{\ex \lstinline|C[1, 2]|} gets third element of second row\\
+\skipin \textbf{Note:} Indexing starts from 0. \\
+{\ex \lstinline|C[1]|} gets the second row \\
+{\ex \lstinline|C[1,:]|} same as above (`:' implies all columns)\\
+{\ex \lstinline|C[:,1]|} gets the second column (`:' implies all rows)\\
+{\ex \lstinline|C[0:2,:]|} or {\ex \lstinline|C[:2,:]|} gets $1^{st}, 2^{nd}$ rows; all cols\\
+{\ex \lstinline|C[1:3,:]|} or {\ex \lstinline|C[1:,:]|} gets $2^{nd}, 3^{rd}$
+rows; all cols\\
+{\ex \lstinline|C[0:3:2,:]|} or {\ex \lstinline|C[::2,:]|} gets $1^{st}, 3^{rd}$
+rows; all cols
+\hr\textbf{Matrix Operations}
+For a Matrix A and B of equal shapes:\\
+{\ex \lstinline|A.T|} transpose\\
+{\ex \lstinline|sum(A)|} sum of all elements\\
+{\ex \lstinline|A+B|} addition\\
+{\ex \lstinline|A*B|} element wise product\\
+{\ex \lstinline|dot(A, B)|} Matrix multiplication\\
+{\ex \lstinline|inv(A)|} inverse, {\ex \lstinline|det(A)|} determinant\\
+{\ex \lstinline|eig(A)|} eigen values and vectors\\
+{\ex \lstinline|norm(A)|} norm\\
+{\ex \lstinline|svd(A)|} singular value decomposition
+\hr\textbf{Solving Linear Equations}
+{\ex \lstinline|A = array([[3,2,-1], [2,-2,4], [-1, 0.5, -1]])|}\\
+\skipin coefficient array\\
+{\ex \lstinline|b = array([1, -2, 0])|} constant array\\
+{\ex \lstinline|x = solve(A, b)|} the required solution
+Checking the solution:\\
+{\ex \lstinline|Ax = dot(A,x)|} matrix multiplication of A and x\\
+{\ex \lstinline|allclose(Ax, b)|} check the closeness of Ax, b
+\hr\textbf{Roots of Polynomials}
+{\ex \lstinline|coeffs = [1, 6, 13]|} coefficients in descending order\\
+{\ex \lstinline|roots(coeffs)|} returns complex roots of the polynomial
+\hr\textbf{Roots of non-linear equations}
+{\ex \lstinline|from scipy.optimize import fsolve|}\\
+\skipin \lstinline|fsolve| is not in \lstinline|pylab|\\
+\skipin we import from \lstinline|scipy.optimize| \\
+We wish to find the roots of $f(x)=sin(x)+cos(x)^2$
+def f(x):
+ return sin(x)+cos(x)**2
+{\ex \lstinline|fsolve(f, 0)|} \\
+\skipin arguments are function name and initial estimate
+To solve the ODE below:\\
+$\frac{dy}{dt} = ky(L-y)$, L = 25000, k = 0.00003, y(0) = 250\\
+def f(y, t):
+ k, L = 0.00003, 25000
+ return k*y*(L-y)
+{\ex \lstinline|t = linspace(0, 12, 60)|} time over which to solve ODE\\
+{\ex \lstinline|y0 = 250|} initial conditions\\
+{\ex \lstinline|from scipy.integrate import odeint|}\\
+{\ex \lstinline|y = odeint(f, y0, t)|}
+{\ex \lstinline|t = linspace(0, 2*pi, 500)|}\\
+{\ex \lstinline|y = sin(4*pi*t)|} a sinusoidal signal\\
+{\ex \lstinline|f = fft(y)|}\\
+{\ex \lstinline|freq = fftfreq(500, t[1] - t[0])|}\\
+{\ex \lstinline|plot(freq[:250], abs(f)[:250])|}\\