path: root/modules/optimization/macros/karmarkar.sci
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authorShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
committerShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
commit0345245e860375a32c9a437c4a9d9cae807134e9 (patch)
treead51ecbfa7bcd3cc5f09834f1bb8c08feaa526a4 /modules/optimization/macros/karmarkar.sci
CMSCOPE changed
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/optimization/macros/karmarkar.sci')
1 files changed, 736 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/karmarkar.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/karmarkar.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..abacfde62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/karmarkar.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// Copyright (C) 2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// xopt=karmarkar(Aeq,beq,c)
+// xopt=karmarkar(Aeq,beq,c,x0)
+// xopt=karmarkar(Aeq,beq,c,x0,rtolf)
+// xopt=karmarkar(Aeq,beq,c,x0,rtolf,gam)
+// xopt=karmarkar(Aeq,beq,c,x0,rtolf,gam,maxiter)
+// xopt=karmarkar(Aeq,beq,c,x0,rtolf,gam,maxiter,outfun)
+// xopt=karmarkar(Aeq,beq,c,x0,rtolf,gam,maxiter,outfun,A,b)
+// xopt=karmarkar(Aeq,beq,c,x0,rtolf,gam,maxiter,outfun,A,b,lb)
+// xopt=karmarkar(Aeq,beq,c,x0,rtolf,gam,maxiter,outfun,A,b,lb,ub)
+// [xopt,fopt] = karmarkar(...)
+// [xopt,fopt,exitflag] = karmarkar(...)
+// [xopt,fopt,exitflag,iter] = karmarkar(...)
+// [xopt,fopt,exitflag,iter,yopt] = karmarkar(...)
+// exitflag = 1 if algorithm converged.
+// exitflag = 0 if maximum number of iterations was reached.
+// exitflag = -1 if no feasible point was found
+// exitflag = -2 if problem is unbounded.
+// exitflag = -3 if search direction became zero.
+// exitflag = -4 if algorithm stopped on user's request.
+// exitflag = -5 if duality gap became too large
+// exitflag = -%inf on internal error.
+function [xopt,fopt,exitflag,iter,yopt]=karmarkar(varargin)
+ function argin = argindefault ( rhs , vararglist , ivar , default )
+ // Returns the value of the input argument #ivar.
+ // If this argument was not provided, or was equal to the
+ // empty matrix, returns the default value.
+ if ( rhs < ivar ) then
+ argin = default
+ else
+ if ( vararglist(ivar) <> [] ) then
+ argin = vararglist(ivar)
+ else
+ argin = default
+ end
+ end
+ endfunction
+ //
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ if ( rhs<3 | rhs>12 | rhs==9 ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d to %d expected.\n"),"karmarkar",3,12));
+ end
+ //
+ Aeq = varargin(1)
+ beq = varargin(2)
+ c = varargin(3)
+ x0 = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 4 , [] )
+ rtolf = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 5 , 1.d-5 )
+ gam = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 6 , 1/2 )
+ maxiter = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 7 , 200 )
+ __karmarkar_outfun__ = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 8 , [] )
+ A = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 9 , [] )
+ b = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 10 , [] )
+ lb = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 11 , [] )
+ ub = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 12 , [] )
+ //
+ // Check input arguments
+ //
+ //
+ // Check type
+ //
+ if ( typeof(Aeq) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",1));
+ end
+ if ( typeof(beq) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",2));
+ end
+ if ( typeof(c) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",3));
+ end
+ if ( typeof(x0) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",4));
+ end
+ if ( typeof(rtolf) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",5));
+ end
+ if ( typeof(gam) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",6));
+ end
+ if ( typeof(maxiter) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",7));
+ end
+ if ( __karmarkar_outfun__ <> [] ) then
+ if ( and(typeof(__karmarkar_outfun__) <> ["function" "list" "fptr"] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: %s expected.\n"),"karmarkar",8,"function or list"));
+ end
+ if ( typeof(__karmarkar_outfun__)=="list" ) then
+ if ( and(typeof(__karmarkar_outfun__(1))<>["function" "fptr"] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: %s expected.\n"),"karmarkar",8,"function"));
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if ( typeof(A) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",9));
+ end
+ if ( typeof(b) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",10));
+ end
+ if ( typeof(lb) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",11));
+ end
+ if ( typeof(ub) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",12));
+ end
+ //
+ // Check size
+ //
+ [ne,pe]=size(Aeq)
+ [ni,pi]=size(A)
+ plb=size(lb,"*")
+ pub=size(ub,"*")
+ if ( Aeq <> [] ) then
+ p = pe
+ elseif ( A <> [] ) then
+ p = pi
+ elseif ( lb <> [] ) then
+ p = plb
+ elseif ( ub <> [] ) then
+ p = pub
+ else
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Either one of Aeq, A, lb or ub must be non-empty."),"karmarkar"));
+ end
+ // The case where Aeq==[] and A==[] is treated below.
+ if ( ( Aeq <> [] & beq == [] ) | ( Aeq == [] & beq <> [] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",2));
+ end
+ if ( Aeq <> [] ) then
+ if ( or ( size(beq) <> [ne 1] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",2));
+ end
+ end
+ if ( or ( size(c) <> [p 1] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",3));
+ end
+ if ( x0 <> [] ) then
+ if ( or ( size(x0) <> [p 1] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",4));
+ end
+ end
+ if ( or ( size(rtolf) <> [1 1] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",5));
+ end
+ if ( or ( size(gam) <> [1 1] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",6));
+ end
+ if ( or ( size(maxiter) <> [1 1] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",7));
+ end
+ if ( A <> [] ) then
+ if ( Aeq <> [] ) then
+ if ( pi <> pe ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",9));
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if ( ( A <> [] & b == [] ) | ( A == [] & b <> [] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",10));
+ end
+ if ( b <> [] ) then
+ if ( size(b) <> [ni 1] ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",10));
+ end
+ end
+ if ( lb <> [] ) then
+ if ( or ( size(lb) <> [p 1] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",11));
+ end
+ end
+ if ( ub <> [] ) then
+ if ( or ( size(ub) <> [p 1] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",12));
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Check content
+ //
+ if ( rtolf < 0 | rtolf > 1 ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d. rtolf must be in [0,1]."),"karmarkar",5));
+ end
+ if ( gam < 0 | gam > 1 ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d. gam must be in [0,1]."),"karmarkar",6));
+ end
+ if ( maxiter < 1 ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d. maxiter must be greater than 1."),"karmarkar",7));
+ end
+ if ( floor(maxiter) <> maxiter ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d. maxiter must be a floating point integer."),"karmarkar",7));
+ end
+ if ( lb == [] & ub == [] ) then
+ if ( x0 <> [] ) then
+ if ( min(x0)<0 ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d. x0 is not positive."),"karmarkar",4));
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if ( lb <> [] & ub <> [] ) then
+ if ( or ( ub < lb ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d. One entry of the upper bound ub is lower than the lower bound lb."),"karmarkar",12));
+ end
+ end
+ if ( lb <> [] & x0 <> [] ) then
+ if ( or ( lb > x0 ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d. x0 lower than lower bound lb."),"karmarkar",12));
+ end
+ end
+ if ( ub <> [] & x0 <> [] ) then
+ if ( or ( ub < x0 ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d. x0 greater than upper bound ub."),"karmarkar",12));
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Proceed
+ //
+ // Transform the general LP into standard form
+ [AAeq,bbeq,cc,xx0,pinit,newposvars] = karmarkar_preprocess ( Aeq , beq , c , A , b , lb , ub , x0 )
+ //
+ // Solve the standard form LP
+ outfun = list(__karmarkar_outfun__ , pinit , newposvars )
+ [xxopt,fopt,exitflag,iter,yyopt] = karmarkar_findStandardLP ( AAeq , bbeq , cc , xx0 , rtolf , gam , maxiter , outfun )
+ //
+ // Extract the solution from the initial problem
+ [xopt,fopt,yopt] = karmarkar_postprocess ( Aeq , beq , c , A , b , lb , ub , pinit , xxopt , yyopt , exitflag )
+ if lhs < 3 & exitflag~= 1 then
+ warning(msprintf(gettext("%s: The algorithm did not converge (exitflag= %d).\n"),"karmarkar",exitflag));
+ end
+function [AAeq,bbeq,cc,xx0,pinit,newposvars] = karmarkar_preprocess ( Aeq , beq , c , A , b , lb , ub , x0 )
+ // Transform the general LP into a standard LP.
+ //
+ // Parameters
+ // Aeq : a ne-by-p matrix of doubles, the matrix of linear equality constraints
+ // beq : a ne-by-1 matrix of doubles, the right hand side of linear equality constraints
+ // A : a ni-by-p matrix of doubles, the matrix of linear inequality constraints
+ // b : a ni-by-1 matrix of doubles, the right hand side of linear inequality constraints
+ // c : a p-by-1 matrix of doubles, the linear objective
+ // x0 : a p-by-1 matrix of doubles, the initial guess. If x0=[], this means that no initial guess is provided.
+ // AAeq : a m-by-q matrix of doubles, the matrix of linear equality constraints. We have m = ne + ni and q = p + ni.
+ // bbeq : a m-by-1 matrix of doubles, the right hand side of linear equality constraints
+ // cc : a p-by-1 matrix of doubles, the linear objective
+ // xx0 : a q-by-1 matrix of doubles, the initial guess. If xx0=[], this means that no initial guess is provided.
+ // pinit : the initial value of p. The solution of the original general LP is xs(1:pinit), where xs is the solution of the modified standard LP.
+ // newposvars : a 1-by-1 matrix of booleans, %f if no positive variables have been introduced, %t if positive variables have been introduced.
+ //
+ // Description
+ // Transform the general linear program into a standard linear program.
+ //
+ // More precisely, if A <> [] transform the general linear program (L.P.):
+ //
+ // min c'*x
+ // A * x <= b
+ // Aeq * x = beq
+ //
+ // into the standard LP:
+ //
+ // min cc'*z
+ // AAeq * z = bbeq
+ // z >= 0
+ //
+ // where z is the new unknown, positive, which may contain slack variables.
+ //
+ // An unrestricted variable xi is transformed into x = xp - xn, where xp,xn >= 0.
+ // This turns the inequality constraint Ax <= b into [A -A][xp;xn] <= b.
+ // The inequality constraint is turned into an equality constraint by introducing
+ // slack variables si.
+ // This transforms the inequality into: [A -A][xp;xn] + s = b which can be written :
+ //
+ // [A -A I][xp;xn;s] = b
+ //
+ // Therefore, the number of variables increases from pinit to 2*pinit + ni.
+ // The initial variable is x(1:pinit)-x(pinit+1:2*pinit).
+ // The same happens for the equality constraints which is turned from
+ // Aeq*x=b to [Aeq -Aeq 0][xp;xn;s]=b.
+ // The cost function is turned from c'*x into [c;-c;0]'[xp;xn].
+ //
+ newposvars = %f
+ //
+ [ne,pe]=size(Aeq)
+ [ni,pi]=size(A)
+ plb=size(lb,"*")
+ pub=size(ub,"*")
+ if ( Aeq <> [] ) then
+ pinit = pe
+ elseif ( A <> [] ) then
+ pinit = pi
+ elseif ( lb <> [] ) then
+ pinit = plb
+ elseif ( ub <> [] ) then
+ pinit = pub
+ end
+ //
+ if ( A == [] & lb == [] & ub == [] ) then
+ AAeq = Aeq
+ bbeq = beq
+ cc = c
+ xx0 = x0
+ return
+ end
+ //
+ // Process the lower bound : x >= lb.
+ // Move it as an inequality constraint: -I * x <= -lb.
+ // TODO : process the case lb <> [] by shifting x (instead of introducing positive variables).
+ if ( lb <> [] ) then
+ if ( A == [] ) then
+ A = -eye(plb,plb)
+ b = -lb
+ else
+ A = [A;-eye(plb,plb)]
+ b = [b;-lb]
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Process the upper bound : x <= ub.
+ // Move it as an inequality constraint : I * x <= ub.
+ if ( ub <> [] ) then
+ if ( A == [] ) then
+ A = eye(pub,pub)
+ b = ub
+ else
+ A = [A;eye(pub,pub)]
+ b = [b;ub]
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Remove constraints where b(i) = %inf.
+ // Such an A(i,:)*x <= %inf = b(i) will be satisfied anyway, but
+ // may cause failures in the algorithm.
+ iinf = find(b == %inf)
+ b(iinf) = []
+ A(iinf,:) = []
+ //
+ // Create the map from the initial constraints to the final constraints.
+ //
+ // Update the number of inequalities,
+ // given that the bounds have been updated.
+ [ni,pi]=size(A)
+ //
+ // Initialize AAeq, bbeq, cc and xx0.
+ //
+ // If ni inequality constraints are given, transform the problem by
+ // adding pinit positive variables and ni slack variables.
+ // The inequality is Ax <= b.
+ if ( A <> [] ) then
+ //
+ // Create the matrix
+ // AAeq = [
+ // Aeq -Aeq 0
+ // A -A I
+ // ]
+ AAeq (1:ne+ni,1:2*pinit+ni) = zeros(ne+ni,2*pinit+ni)
+ if ( Aeq <> [] ) then
+ AAeq (1:ne,1:pinit) = Aeq
+ AAeq (1:ne,pinit+1:2*pinit) = -Aeq
+ end
+ AAeq (ne+1:ne+ni,1:pinit) = A
+ AAeq (ne+1:ne+ni,pinit+1:2*pinit) = -A
+ AAeq (ne+1:ne+ni,2*pinit+1:2*pinit+ni) = eye(ni,ni)
+ bbeq = [beq;b]
+ cc = [c;-c;zeros(ni,1)]
+ newposvars = %t
+ if ( x0 == [] ) then
+ xx0 = []
+ else
+ xx0 = zeros(2*pinit+ni,1)
+ xx0(1:pinit) = max(x0,0)
+ xx0(pinit+1:2*pinit) = -min(x0,0)
+ s = b - A*x0
+ if ( min(s)<0 ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d. x0 does not satisfy the inequality constraints."),"karmarkar",4));
+ end
+ xx0(2*pinit+1:2*pinit+ni) = s
+ end
+ end
+function [xopt,fopt,yopt] = karmarkar_postprocess ( Aeq , beq , c , A , b , lb , ub , pinit , xxopt , yyopt , exitflag )
+ // Transform the solution of the standard LP into the solution of the original general LP.
+ //
+ // Extract the solution from the initial problem
+ if ( pinit < size(xxopt,"*") ) then
+ xopt = xxopt(1:pinit) - xxopt(pinit+1:2*pinit)
+ else
+ xopt = xxopt
+ end
+ //
+ // Extract the dual solution.
+ [ne,pe]=size(Aeq)
+ [ni,pi]=size(A)
+ plb=size(lb,"*")
+ pub=size(ub,"*")
+ //
+ // Initialize
+ if ( yyopt == [] ) then
+ yopt.ineqlin = []
+ yopt.eqlin = []
+ yopt.lower = []
+ yopt.upper = []
+ else
+ yopt.ineqlin = []
+ yopt.eqlin = []
+ yopt.lower = zeros(pinit,1)
+ yopt.upper = zeros(pinit,1)
+ end
+ //
+ // Update depending on the presence of the options.
+ kstart = 1
+ if ( ne > 0 ) then
+ kstop = kstart + ne - 1
+ yopt.eqlin = -yyopt(kstart:kstop)
+ kstart = kstop + 1
+ end
+ if ( ni > 0 ) then
+ noninf = find(b<>%inf)
+ kinf = find(b==%inf)
+ kstop = kstart + ni - 1 - size(kinf,"*")
+ yopt.ineqlin(noninf) = -yyopt(kstart:kstop)
+ kstart = kstop + 1
+ end
+ if ( ni == 0 & plb == 0 & pub == 0 ) then
+ yopt.lower = c - Aeq'*yyopt
+ elseif ( plb > 0 ) then
+ noninf = find(lb<>%inf)
+ kinf = find(lb==%inf)
+ kstop = kstart + plb - 1 - size(kinf,"*")
+ yopt.lower(noninf) = -yyopt(kstart:kstop)
+ kstart = kstop + 1
+ end
+ if ( pub > 0 ) then
+ noninf = find(ub<>%inf)
+ kinf = find(ub==%inf)
+ kstop = kstart + pub - 1 - size(kinf,"*")
+ yopt.upper(noninf) = -yyopt(kstart:kstop)
+ kstart = kstop + 1
+ end
+function [xopt,fopt,exitflag,iter,yopt] = karmarkar_findStandardLP ( Aeq , beq , c , x0 , rtolf , gam , maxiter , outfun )
+ // Solves a linear problem in standard form (searches for x0 if necessary).
+ //
+ // Parameters
+ // pinit : a 1-by-1 matrix of floating point integers, the number of parameters before the introduction of slack variables.
+ //
+ // Given x0, uses a primal affine scaling (P.A.S.) algorithm to iteratively
+ // find the solution of a linear program in standard form:
+ //
+ // min c'*x
+ // Aeq*x = beq
+ // x >= 0
+ //
+ // If x0 is the empty matrix, compute a strictly feasible point.
+ //
+ [ne,p]=size(Aeq)
+ if ( x0 == [] ) then
+ //
+ // Compute a strictly feasible point.
+ //
+ // Add an extra variable x(p+1) and solve :
+ //
+ // min z(p+1)
+ // AAeq*z = beq
+ // z >= 0
+ //
+ // where z=[x(1) x(2) ... x(p) x(p+1)].
+ // AAeq has the same number of rows, but one column more than Aeq.
+ // The initial guess for the modified problem is z0=[1 1 ... 1]=e(n+1).
+ // The last column of AAeq is beq-Aeq*e(n) so that the initial guess z0 satisfies AAeq*z0=beq.
+ //
+ // References
+ // "A Primal-Dual Exterior Point Algorithm For Linear Programming Problems"
+ // Nikolaos Samaras, Angelo Sifaleras, Charalampos Triantafyllidis
+ // Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research
+ // Vol 19 (2009), Number 1, 123-132
+ //
+ // "A modification of karmarkar's linear programming algorithm",
+ // Robert J. Vanderbei, Marc S. Meketon and Barry A. Freedman,
+ // Algorithmica, Volume 1, Numbers 1-4, 395-407, 1986.
+ //
+ s = beq - Aeq*ones(p,1)
+ AAeq = [Aeq,s]
+ cc = [zeros(p,1);1]
+ xx0 = ones(p+1,1)
+ step = 1
+ xfeasmax = %eps
+ iterstart = 0
+ [xopt1,fopt1,exitflag1,iter1,yopt1] = karmarkar_findxopt ( AAeq , beq , cc , xx0 , rtolf , gam , maxiter , outfun , step , xfeasmax , iterstart )
+ if ( exitflag1 <> 1 ) then
+ // The algorithm did not converge.
+ xopt = []
+ fopt = []
+ exitflag = -1
+ iter = iter1
+ yopt = []
+ return
+ end
+ x0 = xopt1(1:p)
+ else
+ iter1 = 0
+ end
+ //
+ // Check that the initial guess is feasible.
+ if ( x0 <> [] ) then
+ if ( norm(Aeq*x0-beq)>sqrt(%eps)*norm(beq) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d. x0 does not satisfy the equality constraints."),"karmarkar",4));
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Find the optimum x
+ step = 2
+ xfeasmax = %nan
+ iterstart = iter1
+ [xopt,fopt,exitflag,iter,yopt] = karmarkar_findxopt ( Aeq , beq , c , x0 , rtolf , gam , maxiter , outfun , step , xfeasmax , iterstart )
+function [xopt,fopt,exitflag,iter,yopt] = karmarkar_findxopt ( Aeq , beq , c , x0 , rtolf , gam , maxiter , outfun , step , xfeasmax , iterstart )
+ // Solves a linear problem in standard form, given x0.
+ //
+ // Parameters
+ // step : a 1-by-1 matrix of floating point integers, the kind of algorithm performed. We have step=1 during the search for a feasible point x0, and step=2 during the search for x*.
+ // xfeasmax : a 1-by-1 matrix of double, the maximum value of the feasibility variable, during the search for a feasible point x0.
+ // pinit : a 1-by-1 matrix of floating point integers, the number of parameters before the introduction of slack variables.
+ // iterstart : the initial number of iterations, including the iterations of the previous steps
+ //
+ // Description
+ // Given x0, uses a primal affine scaling (P.A.S.) algorithm to iteratively
+ // find the solution of a linear program in standard form:
+ //
+ // min c'*x
+ // Aeq*x = beq
+ // x >= 0
+ //
+ // We assume that x0 is strictly feasible, i.e. || Aeq*x0-beq || is small and x0 > 0.
+ //
+ // If step = 1, we stop when xopt($) is below the feasibility threshold xfeasmax.
+ // If step = 2, we stop when the objective function does not vary anymore, or the maximum number
+ // of iterations exceeds the maximum, or the users asks to.
+ //
+ // exitflag = 1 if algorithm converged.
+ // exitflag = 0 if maximum number of iterations was reached.
+ // exitflag = -2 if problem is unbounded.
+ // exitflag = -3 if search direction became zero.
+ // exitflag = -4 if step=2 and algorithm stopped on user's request.
+ // exitflag = -%inf on internal error.
+ //
+ // References
+ // "A variation on Karmarkar’s algorithm for solving linear programming problems,
+ // Earl R. Barnes, Mathematical Programming, Volume 36, Number 2, 174-182, 1986.
+ //
+ // "A modification of karmarkar's linear programming algorithm",
+ // Robert J. Vanderbei, Marc S. Meketon and Barry A. Freedman,
+ // Algorithmica, Volume 1, Numbers 1-4, 395-407, 1986.
+ //
+ // "Practical Optimization: Algorithms and Engineering Applications",
+ // Andreas Antoniou, Wu-Sheng Lu, Springer, 2007,
+ // Chapter 12, "Linear Programming Part II: Interior Point Methods".
+ //
+ [ne,p]=size(Aeq)
+ xopt=x0
+ yopt = []
+ tc=c'
+ fopt=tc*xopt
+ dualgapmin = %inf
+ dualgap = %inf
+ funccount = 1
+ fprev = fopt+1
+ iter=iterstart
+ s = zeros(p,1)
+ stop = %f
+ exitflag = -%inf
+ firstloop = %t
+ //
+ state = "init"
+ if ( step == 1 ) then
+ procedure = "x0"
+ else
+ procedure = "x*"
+ end
+ optimValues = struct(...
+ "funccount" , funccount , ...
+ "fval" , fopt , ...
+ "iteration" , iter , ...
+ "procedure" , procedure, ...
+ "dualgap" , dualgap ...
+ );
+ stop = karmarkar_outfunDriver ( xopt , optimValues , state , outfun )
+ //
+ while ( %t )
+ if ( iter >= maxiter ) then
+ exitflag = 0
+ break
+ end
+ if ( step == 1 ) then
+ if ( xopt($) <= xfeasmax ) then
+ exitflag = 1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if ( step == 2 ) then
+ if ( abs(fprev-fopt)<=rtolf*abs(fprev) ) then
+ exitflag = 1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Compute the duality gap
+ if ( dualgap > 1.e5 * dualgapmin ) then
+ // Unbounded problem.
+ exitflag = -2
+ break
+ end
+ //
+ // Calls back the output function
+ if ( step == 1 ) then
+ state = "init"
+ else
+ state = "iter"
+ end
+ if ( step == 1 ) then
+ procedure = "x0"
+ else
+ procedure = "x*"
+ end
+ optimValues = struct(...
+ "funccount" , funccount , ...
+ "fval" , fopt , ...
+ "iteration" , iter , ...
+ "procedure" , procedure, ...
+ "dualgap" , dualgap ...
+ );
+ stop = karmarkar_outfunDriver ( xopt , optimValues , state , outfun )
+ if ( stop ) then
+ exitflag = -4
+ break
+ end
+ iter=iter+1
+ // Compute B as B = Aeq*X where X = diag(xopt).
+ // The following method is equivalent, but faster.
+ xt = xopt'
+ B = Aeq.*xt(ones(ne,1),:)
+ v = xopt.*c
+ // y = inv(B*B') * (B*v) i.e. y is the solution of (B*B') y = B*v.
+ // This implies that y is the solution of (B')*y = v, i.e.
+ yopt = B'\v
+ p = -v+B'*yopt
+ if ( min(p)==0 ) then
+ exitflag = -3
+ break
+ end
+ d = xopt.*p
+ if ( min(d)>0 ) then
+ // Unbounded problem.
+ exitflag = -2
+ break
+ end
+ alpha = -gam / min(p)
+ s = alpha*d
+ xopt=xopt+s
+ fprev = fopt
+ fopt=tc*xopt
+ funccount = funccount + 1
+ //
+ // Compute the duality gap
+ dualgap = abs(yopt'*beq - fopt)
+ if ( firstloop ) then
+ dualgapmin = dualgap
+ else
+ if ( dualgapmin > dualgap ) then
+ dualgapmin = dualgap
+ end
+ end
+ firstloop = %f
+ end
+ //
+ if ( step == 1 ) then
+ state = "init"
+ else
+ state = "done"
+ end
+ if ( step == 1 ) then
+ procedure = "x0"
+ else
+ procedure = "x*"
+ end
+ optimValues = struct(...
+ "funccount" , funccount , ...
+ "fval" , fopt , ...
+ "iteration" , iter , ...
+ "procedure" , procedure, ...
+ "dualgap" , dualgap ...
+ );
+ stop = karmarkar_outfunDriver ( xopt , optimValues , state , outfun )
+function stop = karmarkar_outfunDriver ( xopt , optimValues , state , outfun )
+ //
+ // The driver for the output function.
+ // outfun : a list where the first item is the output function.
+ __karmarkar_outfun__ = outfun (1)
+ pinit = outfun (2)
+ newposvars = outfun (3)
+ //
+ // Calls back the user's output function, if required.
+ // Reduce the size of the vectors, to take into account for potential slack variables.
+ if ( __karmarkar_outfun__ <> [] ) then
+ if ( newposvars ) then
+ xopt = xopt(1:pinit) - xopt(pinit+1:2*pinit)
+ else
+ xopt = xopt(1:pinit)
+ end
+ cbktype = typeof( __karmarkar_outfun__ )
+ if ( cbktype == "list" ) then
+ __karmarkar_outfun__f_ = __karmarkar_outfun__ (1)
+ stop = __karmarkar_outfun__f_ ( xopt , optimValues , state , __karmarkar_outfun__ (2:$))
+ elseif ( or(cbktype == ["function" "fptr"] ) ) then
+ stop = __karmarkar_outfun__ ( xopt , optimValues , state )
+ end
+ else
+ stop = %f
+ end