path: root/modules/optimization/macros
diff options
authorShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
committerShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
commit0345245e860375a32c9a437c4a9d9cae807134e9 (patch)
treead51ecbfa7bcd3cc5f09834f1bb8c08feaa526a4 /modules/optimization/macros
CMSCOPE changed
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/optimization/macros')
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/%mps_p.binbin0 -> 696 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/%mps_string.binbin0 -> 10612 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/NDcost.binbin0 -> 1580 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/aplat.binbin0 -> 3404 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/bvodeS.binbin0 -> 20908 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/datafit.binbin0 -> 20908 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/derivative.binbin0 -> 21596 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/karmarkar.binbin0 -> 102044 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/leastsq.binbin0 -> 12416 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/libbin0 -> 764 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/list2vec.binbin0 -> 1604 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/lmisolver.binbin0 -> 65312 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/lmitool.binbin0 -> 31872 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNELDER_p.binbin0 -> 696 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNELDER_string.binbin0 -> 31580 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNMPLOT_p.binbin0 -> 696 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNMPLOT_string.binbin0 -> 4972 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/fminsearch.binbin0 -> 41624 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/libbin0 -> 1168 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_cget.binbin0 -> 9512 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_configure.binbin0 -> 53704 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_costf.binbin0 -> 1168 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_defaultoutput.binbin0 -> 1576 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_destroy.binbin0 -> 536 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_function.binbin0 -> 1436 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_get.binbin0 -> 2268 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_log.binbin0 -> 480 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_new.binbin0 -> 22920 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_restart.binbin0 -> 376 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_search.binbin0 -> 159768 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_updatesimp.binbin0 -> 18296 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_cget.binbin0 -> 1256 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_configure.binbin0 -> 1780 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_contour.binbin0 -> 3176 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_destroy.binbin0 -> 320 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_function.binbin0 -> 432 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_get.binbin0 -> 312 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_historyplot.binbin0 -> 2140 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_log.binbin0 -> 380 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_new.binbin0 -> 1744 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_outputcmd.binbin0 -> 5356 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_restart.binbin0 -> 456 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_search.binbin0 -> 13532 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_simplexhistory.binbin0 -> 3840 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimget.binbin0 -> 5024 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimplotfunccount.binbin0 -> 4800 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimplotfval.binbin0 -> 4704 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimplotx.binbin0 -> 4660 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimset.binbin0 -> 13200 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/numderivative.binbin0 -> 54600 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/numdiff.binbin0 -> 6012 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/%TOPTIM_p.binbin0 -> 696 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/%TOPTIM_string.binbin0 -> 13508 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/libbin0 -> 1020 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_cget.binbin0 -> 5780 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_checkbounds.binbin0 -> 4292 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_checkcostfun.binbin0 -> 20248 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_checkx0.binbin0 -> 908 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_configure.binbin0 -> 35224 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_destroy.binbin0 -> 1384 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_function.binbin0 -> 25312 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_get.binbin0 -> 4680 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_hasbounds.binbin0 -> 684 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_hasconstraints.binbin0 -> 1024 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_hasnlcons.binbin0 -> 284 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_histget.binbin0 -> 2640 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_histset.binbin0 -> 2588 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_incriter.binbin0 -> 292 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_isfeasible.binbin0 -> 5220 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_isinbounds.binbin0 -> 2840 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_isinnonlincons.binbin0 -> 2108 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_log.binbin0 -> 1704 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_logshutdown.binbin0 -> 1088 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_logstartup.binbin0 -> 3172 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_new.binbin0 -> 13340 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_outputcmd.binbin0 -> 4816 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_outstruct.binbin0 -> 1772 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_proj2bnds.binbin0 -> 2880 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_set.binbin0 -> 4208 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_stoplog.binbin0 -> 644 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_terminate.binbin0 -> 14120 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/%TSIMPLEX_p.binbin0 -> 696 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/%TSIMPLEX_string.binbin0 -> 3256 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/libbin0 -> 1224 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_center.binbin0 -> 300 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_check.binbin0 -> 5660 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_compsomefv.binbin0 -> 6156 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_computefv.binbin0 -> 5388 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_deltafv.binbin0 -> 676 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_deltafvmax.binbin0 -> 452 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_destroy.binbin0 -> 264 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_dirmat.binbin0 -> 1236 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_fvmean.binbin0 -> 288 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_fvstdev.binbin0 -> 288 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_fvvariance.binbin0 -> 412 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getall.binbin0 -> 2172 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getallfv.binbin0 -> 1136 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getallx.binbin0 -> 1232 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getfv.binbin0 -> 3444 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getn.binbin0 -> 984 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getnbve.binbin0 -> 996 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getve.binbin0 -> 3480 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getx.binbin0 -> 3436 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_gradientfv.binbin0 -> 5152 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_log.binbin0 -> 460 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_new.binbin0 -> 77328 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_reflect.binbin0 -> 3344 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setall.binbin0 -> 4216 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setallfv.binbin0 -> 4048 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setallx.binbin0 -> 4220 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setfv.binbin0 -> 4200 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setn.binbin0 -> 3352 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setnbve.binbin0 -> 3400 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setve.binbin0 -> 5152 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setx.binbin0 -> 4412 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_shrink.binbin0 -> 2500 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_size.binbin0 -> 5704 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_sort.binbin0 -> 600 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_xbar.binbin0 -> 2832 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/pack.binbin0 -> 6900 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/pencost.binbin0 -> 10052 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/qpsolve.binbin0 -> 3652 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/recons.binbin0 -> 4464 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/unpack.binbin0 -> 7788 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/optimization/macros/vec2list.binbin0 -> 3568 bytes
253 files changed, 10541 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/%mps_p.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/%mps_p.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c591bb5d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/%mps_p.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/%mps_p.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/%mps_p.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..77b1b6249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/%mps_p.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// %mps_p --
+// Prints the string containing the MPS component.
+function %mps_p ( this )
+ str = string ( this )
+ srows = size(str,"r")
+ for i = 1 : srows
+ mprintf("%s\n",str(i))
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/%mps_string.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/%mps_string.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c8a36f64c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/%mps_string.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/%mps_string.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/%mps_string.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0d3226d1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/%mps_string.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// %mps_string --
+// Returns the string containing the MPS component.
+function str = %mps_string ( this )
+ str = []
+ k = 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("MPS Object:\n")
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("===========")
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = ""
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("irobj: %s\n", _tostring(this.irobj));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("namec: %s\n", _tostring(this.namec));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("nameb: %s\n", _tostring(this.nameb));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("namran: %s\n", _tostring(this.namran));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("nambnd: %s\n", _tostring(this.nambnd));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("name: %s\n", _tostring(;
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("rownames: %s\n", _tostring(this.rownames));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("colnames: %s\n", _tostring(this.colnames));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("rowstat: %s\n", _tostring(this.rowstat));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("rowcode: %s\n", _tostring(this.rowcode));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("colcode: %s\n", _tostring(this.colcode));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("rownmbs: %s\n", _tostring(this.rownmbs));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("colpnts: %s\n", _tostring(this.colpnts));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("acoeff: %s\n", _tostring(this.acoeff));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("rhs: %s\n", _tostring(this.rhs));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("ranges: %s\n", _tostring(this.ranges));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("bounds: %s\n", _tostring(this.bounds));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("stavar: %s\n", _tostring(this.stavar));
+ k = k + 1
+// _strvec --
+// Returns a string for the given vector.
+function str = _strvec ( x )
+ str = strcat(string(x)," ")
+function s = _tostring ( x )
+ if ( x==[] ) then
+ s = "[]"
+ else
+ n = size ( x , "*" )
+ if ( n == 1 ) then
+ s = string(x)
+ else
+ [nr,nc] = size(x)
+ tx = typeof(x)
+ s = msprintf("%d-by-%d %s matrix",nr,nc,tx)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/NDcost.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/NDcost.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..275f7d507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/NDcost.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/NDcost.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/NDcost.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5d5ba83cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/NDcost.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [f, g, ind] = NDcost(x, ind, fun, varargin)
+ // external for optim()
+ // Computes the gradient of 'fun' at 'x' using code differentiation
+ if argn(2) < 4 then
+ f = fun(x);
+ g = numderivative(fun, x);
+ else
+ f = fun(x, varargin(:));
+ g = numderivative(list(fun, varargin(:)), x);
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/aplat.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/aplat.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8c39e04bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/aplat.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/aplat.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/aplat.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..abcc02542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/aplat.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [r,ind]=aplat(l,r)
+ //flattens a list. If l is constant it puts it in a list
+ //ind contains the list structure
+ if type(l)<>15 then r=list(l);ind=-1;return;end
+ n=size(l)
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ if rhs==1 then r=list(),nr=0,end
+ ind=list()
+ i=0
+ nind=0
+ for li=l
+ i=i+1
+ if type(li)==15 then
+ [r,ind1]=aplat(li,r)
+ ni=size(ind1)
+ for j=1:ni,nind=nind+1;ind(nind)=[i,ind1(j)];end
+ nr=size(r)
+ else
+ nr=nr+1
+ r(nr)=li
+ nind=nind+1
+ ind(nind)=i
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/buildmacros.bat b/modules/optimization/macros/buildmacros.bat
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c4e35ec40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/buildmacros.bat
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+@..\..\..\bin\scilex -nwni -ns -e exec('buildmacros.sce');quit; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/buildmacros.sce b/modules/optimization/macros/buildmacros.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7be4e4180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/buildmacros.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// Allan CORNET INRIA 2005
+if (isdef("genlib") == %f) then
+ exec(SCI+"/modules/functions/scripts/buildmacros/loadgenlib.sce");
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/bvodeS.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/bvodeS.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3dbebc470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/bvodeS.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/bvodeS.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/bvodeS.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2a3cd2e21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/bvodeS.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) Rainer von Seggern
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function z=bvodeS(x,m,n,a,b,fsub,gsub,zeta,...
+ ystart,dfsub,dgsub,fixpnt,ndimf,ndimi,ltol,tol,ntol,nonlin,...
+ collpnt,subint,iprint,ireg,ifail)
+ //
+ // Simplified call of bvode. (Version 08.05.2005)
+ // List of arguments: see help bvode in Scilab.
+ // The arguments from ystart to ifail are optional.
+ // They may be called by name in the form argument=name
+ // in any order.
+ //
+ ms=sum(m);ipar=zeros(1,11);
+ if n>20 then
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: More than 20 equations are not allowed"),"bvodeS"));
+ end
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn()
+ if rhs<8 | rhs>23 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s).\n"), ...
+ "bvodeS"));
+ end
+ if min(m)<1 | max(m)>4 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: The elements of the argument #%d must be in [%d %d].\n"),"bvodeS",2,1,4));
+ end
+ if exists("guess","local") then ystart=guess,end
+ if ~exists("ystart","local") then
+ %ys=%ystart1; iguess=0;
+ else
+ if and(type(ystart)<>[13 15 11]) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%s: external expected.\n"),"bvodeS","guess"));
+ end
+ %ys=%ystart;iguess=1;
+ end
+ if ~exists("dfsub","local") then
+ dfsubA=%dfsub;
+ else
+ if and(type(ystart)<>[13 15 11]) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%s: external expected.\n"),"bvodeS","dfsub"));
+ end
+ dfsubA=%dfsub1;
+ end
+ if ~exists("dgsub","local") then
+ dgsubA=%dgsub;
+ else
+ if and(type(ystart)<>[13 15 11]) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%s: external expected.\n"),"bvodeS","dgsub"));
+ end
+ dgsubA=%dgsub1;
+ end
+ if ~exists("ltol","local") then ltol=1:ms; end
+ if ~exists("tol","local") then tol=1e-4*ones(1,ms); end
+ if ~exists("ntol","local") then ntol=length(tol); end
+ if ~exists("nonlin","local") then nonlin=1; end
+ if ~exists("collpnt","local") then collpnt=0; end
+ if ~exists("subint","local") then subint=0; end
+ if ~exists("iprint","local") then iprint=-1; end
+ if ~exists("ireg","local") then ireg = 0; end
+ if ~exists("ndimf","local") then
+ ndimf=1000*(4+ms+(5+n*collpnt)*(ms+n*collpnt)+4*ms^2);
+ end
+ if ~exists("ndimi","local") then
+ ndimi=1000*(3+ms+n*collpnt);
+ end
+ if ~exists("fixpnt","local") then
+ fixpnt=[];
+ else
+ ipar(11)=length(fixpnt);
+ end
+ if ~exists("ifail","local") then
+ ifail=0;
+ else
+ ifail=1;
+ end
+ ipar(1)=nonlin;
+ ipar(2)=collpnt;
+ ipar(3)=subint;
+ ipar(4)=ntol;
+ ipar(5)=ndimf;
+ ipar(6)=ndimi;
+ ipar(7)=iprint;
+ ipar(9)=iguess;
+ ipar(10)=ireg;
+ if ifail==1 then
+ mprintf("%s\n",["ltol = "+sci2exp(ltol,0)
+ "tol = "+sci2exp(tol,0)
+ "fixpnt = "+sci2exp(fixpnt,0)
+ "ipar = "+sci2exp(ipar,0)])
+ end
+ z=bvode(x,n,m,a,b,zeta,ipar,ltol,tol,fixpnt,%fsub,dfsubA,%gsub,dgsubA,%ys);
+function y=%R(f_,x,z)
+ if type(f_)==15 then
+ R_=f_(1); y=R_(x,z,f_(2:$));
+ elseif type(f_)==13 then
+ y=f_(x,z)
+ end
+function y=%fsub(x,z)
+ y=%R(fsub,x,z); sy=size(y);
+ if sy(1)==1, y=y', end
+function RS=%fsubT(z,x)
+ RS=%fsub(x,z)
+function J=%dfsub(x,z)
+ sz=size(z);if sz(1)==1, z=z'; end
+ J=numderivative(list(%fsubT,x),z)
+function J=%dfsub1(x,z)
+ J=%R(dfsub,x,z)
+function g=%gsub(i,z)
+ g=%R(gsub,i,z)
+function g=%gsubT(z,i)
+ g=%gsub(i,z)
+function dg=%dgsub(i,z)
+ sz=size(z);if sz(1)==1, z=z'; end
+ dg=numderivative(list(%gsubT,i),z)
+function dg=%dgsub1(i,z)
+ dg=%R(dgsub,i,z)
+function [z,LhS]=%RR(f_,x)
+ if type(f_)==15 then
+ RR_=f_(1); [z,LhS]=RR_(x,f_(2:$));
+ elseif type(f_)==13 then
+ [z,LhS]=f_(x)
+ end
+function [z,LhS]=%ystart(x)
+ [z,LhS]=%RR(ystart,x)
+function [z,LS]=%ystart1(x),
+ z=0; LS=0;
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/cleanmacros.bat b/modules/optimization/macros/cleanmacros.bat
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..66c35f813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/cleanmacros.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+@del *.bin /s 2>NUL
+@del lib /s 2>NUL
+@del names /s 2>NUL \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/datafit.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/datafit.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8653bee1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/datafit.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/datafit.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/datafit.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c1dd616da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/datafit.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [p,err]=datafit(imp,G,varargin)
+ //
+ // [p,err]=datafit([imp,] G [,DG],Z [,W],...)
+ //
+ // Function used for fitting data to a model.
+ // For a given function G(p,z), this function finds the best vector
+ // of parameters p for approximating G(p,z_i)=0 for a set of measurement
+ // vectors z_i. Vector p is found by minimizing
+ // G(p,z_1)'WG(p,z_1)+G(p,z_2)'WG(p,z_2)+...+G(p,z_n)'WG(p,z_n)
+ //
+ // G: Scilab function (e=G(p,z), e: nex1, p: npx1, z: nzx1)
+ // p0: initial guess (size npx1)
+ // Z: matrix [z_1,z_2,...z_n] where z_i (nzx1) is the ith measurement
+ // W: weighting matrix of size nexne (optional)
+ // DG: partial of G wrt p (optional; S=DG(p,z), S: nexnp)
+ //
+ // Examples
+ //
+ //deff('y=FF(x)','y=a*(x-b)+c*x.*x')
+ //X=[];Y=[];
+ //a=34;b=12;c=14;for x=0:.1:3, Y=[Y,FF(x)+100*(rand()-.5)];X=[X,x];end
+ //Z=[Y;X];
+ //deff('e=G(p,z)','a=p(1),b=p(2),c=p(3),y=z(1),x=z(2),e=y-FF(x)')
+ //[p,err]=datafit(G,Z,[3;5;10])
+ //xset('window',0)
+ //clf();
+ //plot2d(X',Y',-1)
+ //plot2d(X',FF(X)',5,'002')
+ //a=p(1),b=p(2),c=p(3);plot2d(X',FF(X)',12,'002')
+ //
+ //a=34;b=12;c=14;
+ //deff('s=DG(p,z)','y=z(1),x=z(2),s=-[x-p(2),-p(1),x*x]')
+ //[p,err]=datafit(G,DG,Z,[3;5;10])
+ //xset('window',1)
+ //clf();
+ //plot2d(X',Y',-1)
+ //plot2d(X',FF(X)',5,'002')
+ //a=p(1),b=p(2),c=p(3);plot2d(X',FF(X)',12,'002')
+ //
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ if type(imp)<>1 then
+ varargin(0)=G
+ G=imp
+ imp=0
+ end
+ if type(G)==15 then
+ Gparams=G;Gparams(1)=null();
+ G=G(1)
+ else
+ Gparams=list()
+ end
+ DG=varargin(1)
+ if type(DG)==10|type(DG)==11|type(DG)==13 then
+ GR=%t //Jacobian provided
+ varargin(1)=null()
+ elseif type(DG)==15 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Jacobian cannot be a list, parameters must be set in G."),"datafit"));
+ else
+ GR=%f
+ end
+ Z=varargin(1);
+ varargin(1)=null()
+ if type(Z)<>1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong measurement matrix."),"datafit"));
+ end
+ nv=size(varargin)
+ if nv>=1 then
+ if size(varargin(1),2)==1 then // p0 ou 'b'
+ W=1
+ else
+ W=varargin(1);varargin(1)=null()
+ if size(W,1)~=size(W,2) then
+ if size(W,1)==1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Initial guess must be a column vector."),"datafit"));
+ else
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Weighting matrix must be square."),"datafit"));
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if type(varargin(1))==1 then // p0
+ p0=varargin(1)
+ else
+ p0=varargin(4)
+ end
+ [mz,nz]=size(Z);np=size(p0,"*");
+ if type(G)==10 then //form function to call hard coded external
+ if size(Gparams)==0 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: With hard coded function, user must give output size of G."),"datafit"));
+ end
+ m=Gparams(1);Gparams(1)=null()
+ // foo(m,np,p,mz,nz,Z,pars,f)
+ deff("f=G(p,Z)","f=call(''"+G+"'',"+..
+ "m,1,''i'',np,2,''i'',p,3,''d'',mz,4,''i'',nz,5,''i'',Z,6,''d'',"+..
+ "pars,7,''out'',["+string(m)+",1],8,''d'')")
+ pars=[];
+ for k=1:size(Gparams)
+ p=Gparams(k)
+ pars=[pars;p(:)]
+ end
+ Gparams=list()
+ end
+ if type(DG)==10 then //form function to call hard coded external
+ // dfoo(m,np,p,mz,nz,Z,pars,f)
+ deff("f=DG(p,Z)","f=call(''"+DG+"'',"+..
+ "m,1,''i'',np,2,''i'',p,3,''d'',mz,4,''i'',nz,5,''i'',Z,6,''d'',"+..
+ "pars,7,''out'',["+string(m)+","+string(np)+"],8,''d'')")
+ end
+ // form square cost gradient function DGG
+ if Gparams==list() then
+ GP = "G(p,Z(:,i))"
+ GPPV = "G(p+v,Z(:,i))"
+ DGP = "DG(p,Z(:,i))"
+ else
+ GP = "G(p,Z(:,i),Gparams(:))"
+ GPPV = "G(p+v,Z(:,i),Gparams(:))"
+ DGP = "DG(p,Z(:,i),Gparams(:))"
+ end
+ if ~GR then // finite difference
+ DGG=["g=0*p";
+ "pa=sqrt(%eps)*(1+1d-3*abs(p))"
+ "f=0;"
+ "for i=1:"+string(nz)
+ " g1="+GP
+ " f=f+g1''*W*g1"
+ "end"
+ "for j=1:"+string(np)
+ " v=0*p;v(j)=pa(j),"
+ " e=0;"
+ " for i=1:"+string(nz)
+ " g1="+GPPV
+ " e=e+g1''*W*g1"
+ " end"
+ " g(j)=e-f;"
+ "end;"
+ "g=g./pa;"]
+ else // using Jacobian of G
+ DGG="g=0;for i=1:nz,g=g+2*"+DGP+"''*W*"+GP+",end"
+ end
+ // form cost function for optim
+ deff("[f,g,ind]=costf(p,ind)",[
+ "if ind==2|ind==4 then "
+ " f=0;"
+ " for i=1:"+string(nz)
+ " g1="+GP
+ " f=f+g1''*W*g1"
+ " end"
+ "else "
+ " f=0;"
+ "end";
+ "if ind==3|ind==4 then"
+ "else"
+ " g=0*p;"
+ "end"])
+ [err,p]=optim(costf,varargin(:),imp=imp)
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/derivative.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/derivative.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e680681b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/derivative.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/derivative.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/derivative.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e6e574d23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/derivative.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008 - Rainer von Seggern
+// Copyright (C) 2008 - Bruno Pincon
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// First and second order numerical derivatives of a function F: R^n --> R^m
+// by finite differences.
+// J=J(x) is the m x n Jacobian (the gradient for m=1), and H=H(x) the Hessian
+// of the m components of F at x. The default form of H is a mxn^2 matrix;
+// in this form the Taylor series of F up to second order terms is given by:
+// F(x+dx) = F(x) + J(x)*dx + 1/2*H(x)*(dx.*.dx) +...
+// 1/ See for details of the parameters
+// 2/ This function uses the 3 "internal" functions (following
+// this one in this file) :
+// %DF_ => used to compute the Hessian by "differentiating
+// the derivative"
+// %deriv1_ => contains the various finite difference formulae
+// %R_ => to deal with F as this arg may be a scilab
+// function or a list embedding a function with
+// its parameters
+function [J,H] = derivative(F, x, h, order, H_form, Q , verbose )
+ warnobsolete("numderivative","6.0")
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn();
+ if rhs<2 | rhs>6 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d to %d expected.\n"),"derivative",2,6));
+ end
+ if type(x) ~= 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: N-dimensional array expected.\n"),"derivative",2));
+ end
+ [n,p] = size(x)
+ if p ~= 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A column vector expected.\n"),"derivative",2));
+ end
+ if ~exists("order","local") then
+ order = 2
+ elseif (order ~= 1 & order ~= 2 & order ~= 4) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Order must be 1, 2 or 4.\n"),"derivative"));
+ end
+ if ~exists("H_form","local") then
+ H_form = "default"
+ end
+ if ~exists("Q","local") then
+ Q = eye(n,n);
+ else
+ if norm(clean(Q*Q'-eye(n,n)))>0 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Q must be orthogonal.\n"),"derivative"));
+ end
+ end
+ if ~exists("h","local") then
+ h_not_given = %t
+ // stepsizes for approximation of first derivatives
+ select order
+ case 1
+ h = sqrt(%eps)
+ case 2
+ h = %eps^(1/3)
+ case 4
+ // TODO : check this, i found 1/5 instead !
+ h = %eps^(1/4)
+ end
+ else
+ h_not_given = %f
+ end
+ if ~exists("verbose","local") then
+ verbose = 0
+ end
+ if verbose == 1 then
+ mprintf("h = %s\n", string(h))
+ mprintf("order = %d\n", order)
+ mprintf("H_form = %s\n", H_form)
+ mprintf("Q = \n")
+ for i = 1:n
+ mprintf("%s\n", strcat(string(Q(i,:)), " "))
+ end
+ end
+ J = %deriv1_(F, x, h, order, Q)
+ m = size(J,1);
+ if lhs == 1 then
+ return
+ end
+ if h_not_given then
+ // stepsizes for approximation of second derivatives
+ select order
+ case 1
+ h = %eps^(1/3)
+ case 2
+ h = %eps^(1/4)
+ case 4
+ h = %eps^(1/6)
+ end
+ end
+ // H is a mxn^2 block matrix
+ H = %deriv1_(%DF_, x, h, order, Q)
+ if H_form == "default" then
+ // H has the old scilab form
+ H = matrix(H',n*n,m)'
+ end
+ if H_form == "hypermat" then
+ if m>1 then
+ // H is a hypermatrix if m>1
+ H=H';
+ H=hypermat([n n m],H(:));
+ end
+ end
+ if (H_form ~= "blockmat")&(H_form ~= "default")&(H_form ~= "hypermat") then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: H_form must be ""default"",""blockmat"" or ""hypermat"", but current H_form=%s\n"),"derivative",H_form));
+ end
+function z=%DF_(x)
+ // Transpose !
+ z = %deriv1_(F, x, h, order, Q)';
+ z = z(:);
+function g=%deriv1_(F_, x, h, order, Q)
+ n=size(x,"*")
+ Dy=[];
+ select order
+ case 1
+ D = h*Q;
+ y=%R_(F_,x);
+ for d=D
+ Dy=[Dy %R_(F_,x+d)-y]
+ end
+ g=Dy*Q'/h
+ case 2
+ D = h*Q;
+ for d=D
+ Dy=[Dy %R_(F_,x+d)-%R_(F_,x-d)]
+ end
+ g=Dy*Q'/(2*h)
+ case 4
+ D = h*Q;
+ for d=D
+ dFh = (%R_(F_,x+d)-%R_(F_,x-d))/(2*h)
+ dF2h = (%R_(F_,x+2*d)-%R_(F_,x-2*d))/(4*h)
+ Dy=[Dy (4*dFh - dF2h)/3]
+ end
+ g = Dy*Q'
+ end
+function y=%R_(F_,x)
+ if type(F_)==15 then
+ if ( length(F_) < 2 ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of elements in input argument #%d: At least %d elements expected, but current number is %d.\n"),"derivative",1,2,length(F_)));
+ end
+ R=F_(1);
+ if ( and(typeof(R) <> ["function" "funptr"]) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for element #%d in input argument #%d: A function is expected, but current type is %s.\n"),"derivative",1,1,typeof(R)));
+ end
+ y=R(x,F_(2:$));
+ // See extraction, list or tlist case: ...
+ // But if the extraction syntax is used within a function
+ // input calling sequence each returned list component is
+ // added to the function calling sequence.
+ elseif type(F_)==13 | type(F_)==11 then
+ y=F_(x);
+ else
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A function expected.\n"),"derivative",1));
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/karmarkar.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/karmarkar.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..399bf5074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/karmarkar.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/karmarkar.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/karmarkar.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..abacfde62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/karmarkar.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// Copyright (C) 2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// xopt=karmarkar(Aeq,beq,c)
+// xopt=karmarkar(Aeq,beq,c,x0)
+// xopt=karmarkar(Aeq,beq,c,x0,rtolf)
+// xopt=karmarkar(Aeq,beq,c,x0,rtolf,gam)
+// xopt=karmarkar(Aeq,beq,c,x0,rtolf,gam,maxiter)
+// xopt=karmarkar(Aeq,beq,c,x0,rtolf,gam,maxiter,outfun)
+// xopt=karmarkar(Aeq,beq,c,x0,rtolf,gam,maxiter,outfun,A,b)
+// xopt=karmarkar(Aeq,beq,c,x0,rtolf,gam,maxiter,outfun,A,b,lb)
+// xopt=karmarkar(Aeq,beq,c,x0,rtolf,gam,maxiter,outfun,A,b,lb,ub)
+// [xopt,fopt] = karmarkar(...)
+// [xopt,fopt,exitflag] = karmarkar(...)
+// [xopt,fopt,exitflag,iter] = karmarkar(...)
+// [xopt,fopt,exitflag,iter,yopt] = karmarkar(...)
+// exitflag = 1 if algorithm converged.
+// exitflag = 0 if maximum number of iterations was reached.
+// exitflag = -1 if no feasible point was found
+// exitflag = -2 if problem is unbounded.
+// exitflag = -3 if search direction became zero.
+// exitflag = -4 if algorithm stopped on user's request.
+// exitflag = -5 if duality gap became too large
+// exitflag = -%inf on internal error.
+function [xopt,fopt,exitflag,iter,yopt]=karmarkar(varargin)
+ function argin = argindefault ( rhs , vararglist , ivar , default )
+ // Returns the value of the input argument #ivar.
+ // If this argument was not provided, or was equal to the
+ // empty matrix, returns the default value.
+ if ( rhs < ivar ) then
+ argin = default
+ else
+ if ( vararglist(ivar) <> [] ) then
+ argin = vararglist(ivar)
+ else
+ argin = default
+ end
+ end
+ endfunction
+ //
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ if ( rhs<3 | rhs>12 | rhs==9 ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d to %d expected.\n"),"karmarkar",3,12));
+ end
+ //
+ Aeq = varargin(1)
+ beq = varargin(2)
+ c = varargin(3)
+ x0 = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 4 , [] )
+ rtolf = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 5 , 1.d-5 )
+ gam = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 6 , 1/2 )
+ maxiter = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 7 , 200 )
+ __karmarkar_outfun__ = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 8 , [] )
+ A = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 9 , [] )
+ b = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 10 , [] )
+ lb = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 11 , [] )
+ ub = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 12 , [] )
+ //
+ // Check input arguments
+ //
+ //
+ // Check type
+ //
+ if ( typeof(Aeq) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",1));
+ end
+ if ( typeof(beq) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",2));
+ end
+ if ( typeof(c) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",3));
+ end
+ if ( typeof(x0) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",4));
+ end
+ if ( typeof(rtolf) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",5));
+ end
+ if ( typeof(gam) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",6));
+ end
+ if ( typeof(maxiter) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",7));
+ end
+ if ( __karmarkar_outfun__ <> [] ) then
+ if ( and(typeof(__karmarkar_outfun__) <> ["function" "list" "fptr"] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: %s expected.\n"),"karmarkar",8,"function or list"));
+ end
+ if ( typeof(__karmarkar_outfun__)=="list" ) then
+ if ( and(typeof(__karmarkar_outfun__(1))<>["function" "fptr"] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: %s expected.\n"),"karmarkar",8,"function"));
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if ( typeof(A) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",9));
+ end
+ if ( typeof(b) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",10));
+ end
+ if ( typeof(lb) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",11));
+ end
+ if ( typeof(ub) <> "constant" ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"karmarkar",12));
+ end
+ //
+ // Check size
+ //
+ [ne,pe]=size(Aeq)
+ [ni,pi]=size(A)
+ plb=size(lb,"*")
+ pub=size(ub,"*")
+ if ( Aeq <> [] ) then
+ p = pe
+ elseif ( A <> [] ) then
+ p = pi
+ elseif ( lb <> [] ) then
+ p = plb
+ elseif ( ub <> [] ) then
+ p = pub
+ else
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Either one of Aeq, A, lb or ub must be non-empty."),"karmarkar"));
+ end
+ // The case where Aeq==[] and A==[] is treated below.
+ if ( ( Aeq <> [] & beq == [] ) | ( Aeq == [] & beq <> [] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",2));
+ end
+ if ( Aeq <> [] ) then
+ if ( or ( size(beq) <> [ne 1] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",2));
+ end
+ end
+ if ( or ( size(c) <> [p 1] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",3));
+ end
+ if ( x0 <> [] ) then
+ if ( or ( size(x0) <> [p 1] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",4));
+ end
+ end
+ if ( or ( size(rtolf) <> [1 1] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",5));
+ end
+ if ( or ( size(gam) <> [1 1] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",6));
+ end
+ if ( or ( size(maxiter) <> [1 1] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",7));
+ end
+ if ( A <> [] ) then
+ if ( Aeq <> [] ) then
+ if ( pi <> pe ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",9));
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if ( ( A <> [] & b == [] ) | ( A == [] & b <> [] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",10));
+ end
+ if ( b <> [] ) then
+ if ( size(b) <> [ni 1] ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",10));
+ end
+ end
+ if ( lb <> [] ) then
+ if ( or ( size(lb) <> [p 1] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",11));
+ end
+ end
+ if ( ub <> [] ) then
+ if ( or ( size(ub) <> [p 1] ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d."),"karmarkar",12));
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Check content
+ //
+ if ( rtolf < 0 | rtolf > 1 ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d. rtolf must be in [0,1]."),"karmarkar",5));
+ end
+ if ( gam < 0 | gam > 1 ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d. gam must be in [0,1]."),"karmarkar",6));
+ end
+ if ( maxiter < 1 ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d. maxiter must be greater than 1."),"karmarkar",7));
+ end
+ if ( floor(maxiter) <> maxiter ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d. maxiter must be a floating point integer."),"karmarkar",7));
+ end
+ if ( lb == [] & ub == [] ) then
+ if ( x0 <> [] ) then
+ if ( min(x0)<0 ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d. x0 is not positive."),"karmarkar",4));
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if ( lb <> [] & ub <> [] ) then
+ if ( or ( ub < lb ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d. One entry of the upper bound ub is lower than the lower bound lb."),"karmarkar",12));
+ end
+ end
+ if ( lb <> [] & x0 <> [] ) then
+ if ( or ( lb > x0 ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d. x0 lower than lower bound lb."),"karmarkar",12));
+ end
+ end
+ if ( ub <> [] & x0 <> [] ) then
+ if ( or ( ub < x0 ) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d. x0 greater than upper bound ub."),"karmarkar",12));
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Proceed
+ //
+ // Transform the general LP into standard form
+ [AAeq,bbeq,cc,xx0,pinit,newposvars] = karmarkar_preprocess ( Aeq , beq , c , A , b , lb , ub , x0 )
+ //
+ // Solve the standard form LP
+ outfun = list(__karmarkar_outfun__ , pinit , newposvars )
+ [xxopt,fopt,exitflag,iter,yyopt] = karmarkar_findStandardLP ( AAeq , bbeq , cc , xx0 , rtolf , gam , maxiter , outfun )
+ //
+ // Extract the solution from the initial problem
+ [xopt,fopt,yopt] = karmarkar_postprocess ( Aeq , beq , c , A , b , lb , ub , pinit , xxopt , yyopt , exitflag )
+ if lhs < 3 & exitflag~= 1 then
+ warning(msprintf(gettext("%s: The algorithm did not converge (exitflag= %d).\n"),"karmarkar",exitflag));
+ end
+function [AAeq,bbeq,cc,xx0,pinit,newposvars] = karmarkar_preprocess ( Aeq , beq , c , A , b , lb , ub , x0 )
+ // Transform the general LP into a standard LP.
+ //
+ // Parameters
+ // Aeq : a ne-by-p matrix of doubles, the matrix of linear equality constraints
+ // beq : a ne-by-1 matrix of doubles, the right hand side of linear equality constraints
+ // A : a ni-by-p matrix of doubles, the matrix of linear inequality constraints
+ // b : a ni-by-1 matrix of doubles, the right hand side of linear inequality constraints
+ // c : a p-by-1 matrix of doubles, the linear objective
+ // x0 : a p-by-1 matrix of doubles, the initial guess. If x0=[], this means that no initial guess is provided.
+ // AAeq : a m-by-q matrix of doubles, the matrix of linear equality constraints. We have m = ne + ni and q = p + ni.
+ // bbeq : a m-by-1 matrix of doubles, the right hand side of linear equality constraints
+ // cc : a p-by-1 matrix of doubles, the linear objective
+ // xx0 : a q-by-1 matrix of doubles, the initial guess. If xx0=[], this means that no initial guess is provided.
+ // pinit : the initial value of p. The solution of the original general LP is xs(1:pinit), where xs is the solution of the modified standard LP.
+ // newposvars : a 1-by-1 matrix of booleans, %f if no positive variables have been introduced, %t if positive variables have been introduced.
+ //
+ // Description
+ // Transform the general linear program into a standard linear program.
+ //
+ // More precisely, if A <> [] transform the general linear program (L.P.):
+ //
+ // min c'*x
+ // A * x <= b
+ // Aeq * x = beq
+ //
+ // into the standard LP:
+ //
+ // min cc'*z
+ // AAeq * z = bbeq
+ // z >= 0
+ //
+ // where z is the new unknown, positive, which may contain slack variables.
+ //
+ // An unrestricted variable xi is transformed into x = xp - xn, where xp,xn >= 0.
+ // This turns the inequality constraint Ax <= b into [A -A][xp;xn] <= b.
+ // The inequality constraint is turned into an equality constraint by introducing
+ // slack variables si.
+ // This transforms the inequality into: [A -A][xp;xn] + s = b which can be written :
+ //
+ // [A -A I][xp;xn;s] = b
+ //
+ // Therefore, the number of variables increases from pinit to 2*pinit + ni.
+ // The initial variable is x(1:pinit)-x(pinit+1:2*pinit).
+ // The same happens for the equality constraints which is turned from
+ // Aeq*x=b to [Aeq -Aeq 0][xp;xn;s]=b.
+ // The cost function is turned from c'*x into [c;-c;0]'[xp;xn].
+ //
+ newposvars = %f
+ //
+ [ne,pe]=size(Aeq)
+ [ni,pi]=size(A)
+ plb=size(lb,"*")
+ pub=size(ub,"*")
+ if ( Aeq <> [] ) then
+ pinit = pe
+ elseif ( A <> [] ) then
+ pinit = pi
+ elseif ( lb <> [] ) then
+ pinit = plb
+ elseif ( ub <> [] ) then
+ pinit = pub
+ end
+ //
+ if ( A == [] & lb == [] & ub == [] ) then
+ AAeq = Aeq
+ bbeq = beq
+ cc = c
+ xx0 = x0
+ return
+ end
+ //
+ // Process the lower bound : x >= lb.
+ // Move it as an inequality constraint: -I * x <= -lb.
+ // TODO : process the case lb <> [] by shifting x (instead of introducing positive variables).
+ if ( lb <> [] ) then
+ if ( A == [] ) then
+ A = -eye(plb,plb)
+ b = -lb
+ else
+ A = [A;-eye(plb,plb)]
+ b = [b;-lb]
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Process the upper bound : x <= ub.
+ // Move it as an inequality constraint : I * x <= ub.
+ if ( ub <> [] ) then
+ if ( A == [] ) then
+ A = eye(pub,pub)
+ b = ub
+ else
+ A = [A;eye(pub,pub)]
+ b = [b;ub]
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Remove constraints where b(i) = %inf.
+ // Such an A(i,:)*x <= %inf = b(i) will be satisfied anyway, but
+ // may cause failures in the algorithm.
+ iinf = find(b == %inf)
+ b(iinf) = []
+ A(iinf,:) = []
+ //
+ // Create the map from the initial constraints to the final constraints.
+ //
+ // Update the number of inequalities,
+ // given that the bounds have been updated.
+ [ni,pi]=size(A)
+ //
+ // Initialize AAeq, bbeq, cc and xx0.
+ //
+ // If ni inequality constraints are given, transform the problem by
+ // adding pinit positive variables and ni slack variables.
+ // The inequality is Ax <= b.
+ if ( A <> [] ) then
+ //
+ // Create the matrix
+ // AAeq = [
+ // Aeq -Aeq 0
+ // A -A I
+ // ]
+ AAeq (1:ne+ni,1:2*pinit+ni) = zeros(ne+ni,2*pinit+ni)
+ if ( Aeq <> [] ) then
+ AAeq (1:ne,1:pinit) = Aeq
+ AAeq (1:ne,pinit+1:2*pinit) = -Aeq
+ end
+ AAeq (ne+1:ne+ni,1:pinit) = A
+ AAeq (ne+1:ne+ni,pinit+1:2*pinit) = -A
+ AAeq (ne+1:ne+ni,2*pinit+1:2*pinit+ni) = eye(ni,ni)
+ bbeq = [beq;b]
+ cc = [c;-c;zeros(ni,1)]
+ newposvars = %t
+ if ( x0 == [] ) then
+ xx0 = []
+ else
+ xx0 = zeros(2*pinit+ni,1)
+ xx0(1:pinit) = max(x0,0)
+ xx0(pinit+1:2*pinit) = -min(x0,0)
+ s = b - A*x0
+ if ( min(s)<0 ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d. x0 does not satisfy the inequality constraints."),"karmarkar",4));
+ end
+ xx0(2*pinit+1:2*pinit+ni) = s
+ end
+ end
+function [xopt,fopt,yopt] = karmarkar_postprocess ( Aeq , beq , c , A , b , lb , ub , pinit , xxopt , yyopt , exitflag )
+ // Transform the solution of the standard LP into the solution of the original general LP.
+ //
+ // Extract the solution from the initial problem
+ if ( pinit < size(xxopt,"*") ) then
+ xopt = xxopt(1:pinit) - xxopt(pinit+1:2*pinit)
+ else
+ xopt = xxopt
+ end
+ //
+ // Extract the dual solution.
+ [ne,pe]=size(Aeq)
+ [ni,pi]=size(A)
+ plb=size(lb,"*")
+ pub=size(ub,"*")
+ //
+ // Initialize
+ if ( yyopt == [] ) then
+ yopt.ineqlin = []
+ yopt.eqlin = []
+ yopt.lower = []
+ yopt.upper = []
+ else
+ yopt.ineqlin = []
+ yopt.eqlin = []
+ yopt.lower = zeros(pinit,1)
+ yopt.upper = zeros(pinit,1)
+ end
+ //
+ // Update depending on the presence of the options.
+ kstart = 1
+ if ( ne > 0 ) then
+ kstop = kstart + ne - 1
+ yopt.eqlin = -yyopt(kstart:kstop)
+ kstart = kstop + 1
+ end
+ if ( ni > 0 ) then
+ noninf = find(b<>%inf)
+ kinf = find(b==%inf)
+ kstop = kstart + ni - 1 - size(kinf,"*")
+ yopt.ineqlin(noninf) = -yyopt(kstart:kstop)
+ kstart = kstop + 1
+ end
+ if ( ni == 0 & plb == 0 & pub == 0 ) then
+ yopt.lower = c - Aeq'*yyopt
+ elseif ( plb > 0 ) then
+ noninf = find(lb<>%inf)
+ kinf = find(lb==%inf)
+ kstop = kstart + plb - 1 - size(kinf,"*")
+ yopt.lower(noninf) = -yyopt(kstart:kstop)
+ kstart = kstop + 1
+ end
+ if ( pub > 0 ) then
+ noninf = find(ub<>%inf)
+ kinf = find(ub==%inf)
+ kstop = kstart + pub - 1 - size(kinf,"*")
+ yopt.upper(noninf) = -yyopt(kstart:kstop)
+ kstart = kstop + 1
+ end
+function [xopt,fopt,exitflag,iter,yopt] = karmarkar_findStandardLP ( Aeq , beq , c , x0 , rtolf , gam , maxiter , outfun )
+ // Solves a linear problem in standard form (searches for x0 if necessary).
+ //
+ // Parameters
+ // pinit : a 1-by-1 matrix of floating point integers, the number of parameters before the introduction of slack variables.
+ //
+ // Given x0, uses a primal affine scaling (P.A.S.) algorithm to iteratively
+ // find the solution of a linear program in standard form:
+ //
+ // min c'*x
+ // Aeq*x = beq
+ // x >= 0
+ //
+ // If x0 is the empty matrix, compute a strictly feasible point.
+ //
+ [ne,p]=size(Aeq)
+ if ( x0 == [] ) then
+ //
+ // Compute a strictly feasible point.
+ //
+ // Add an extra variable x(p+1) and solve :
+ //
+ // min z(p+1)
+ // AAeq*z = beq
+ // z >= 0
+ //
+ // where z=[x(1) x(2) ... x(p) x(p+1)].
+ // AAeq has the same number of rows, but one column more than Aeq.
+ // The initial guess for the modified problem is z0=[1 1 ... 1]=e(n+1).
+ // The last column of AAeq is beq-Aeq*e(n) so that the initial guess z0 satisfies AAeq*z0=beq.
+ //
+ // References
+ // "A Primal-Dual Exterior Point Algorithm For Linear Programming Problems"
+ // Nikolaos Samaras, Angelo Sifaleras, Charalampos Triantafyllidis
+ // Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research
+ // Vol 19 (2009), Number 1, 123-132
+ //
+ // "A modification of karmarkar's linear programming algorithm",
+ // Robert J. Vanderbei, Marc S. Meketon and Barry A. Freedman,
+ // Algorithmica, Volume 1, Numbers 1-4, 395-407, 1986.
+ //
+ s = beq - Aeq*ones(p,1)
+ AAeq = [Aeq,s]
+ cc = [zeros(p,1);1]
+ xx0 = ones(p+1,1)
+ step = 1
+ xfeasmax = %eps
+ iterstart = 0
+ [xopt1,fopt1,exitflag1,iter1,yopt1] = karmarkar_findxopt ( AAeq , beq , cc , xx0 , rtolf , gam , maxiter , outfun , step , xfeasmax , iterstart )
+ if ( exitflag1 <> 1 ) then
+ // The algorithm did not converge.
+ xopt = []
+ fopt = []
+ exitflag = -1
+ iter = iter1
+ yopt = []
+ return
+ end
+ x0 = xopt1(1:p)
+ else
+ iter1 = 0
+ end
+ //
+ // Check that the initial guess is feasible.
+ if ( x0 <> [] ) then
+ if ( norm(Aeq*x0-beq)>sqrt(%eps)*norm(beq) ) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d. x0 does not satisfy the equality constraints."),"karmarkar",4));
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Find the optimum x
+ step = 2
+ xfeasmax = %nan
+ iterstart = iter1
+ [xopt,fopt,exitflag,iter,yopt] = karmarkar_findxopt ( Aeq , beq , c , x0 , rtolf , gam , maxiter , outfun , step , xfeasmax , iterstart )
+function [xopt,fopt,exitflag,iter,yopt] = karmarkar_findxopt ( Aeq , beq , c , x0 , rtolf , gam , maxiter , outfun , step , xfeasmax , iterstart )
+ // Solves a linear problem in standard form, given x0.
+ //
+ // Parameters
+ // step : a 1-by-1 matrix of floating point integers, the kind of algorithm performed. We have step=1 during the search for a feasible point x0, and step=2 during the search for x*.
+ // xfeasmax : a 1-by-1 matrix of double, the maximum value of the feasibility variable, during the search for a feasible point x0.
+ // pinit : a 1-by-1 matrix of floating point integers, the number of parameters before the introduction of slack variables.
+ // iterstart : the initial number of iterations, including the iterations of the previous steps
+ //
+ // Description
+ // Given x0, uses a primal affine scaling (P.A.S.) algorithm to iteratively
+ // find the solution of a linear program in standard form:
+ //
+ // min c'*x
+ // Aeq*x = beq
+ // x >= 0
+ //
+ // We assume that x0 is strictly feasible, i.e. || Aeq*x0-beq || is small and x0 > 0.
+ //
+ // If step = 1, we stop when xopt($) is below the feasibility threshold xfeasmax.
+ // If step = 2, we stop when the objective function does not vary anymore, or the maximum number
+ // of iterations exceeds the maximum, or the users asks to.
+ //
+ // exitflag = 1 if algorithm converged.
+ // exitflag = 0 if maximum number of iterations was reached.
+ // exitflag = -2 if problem is unbounded.
+ // exitflag = -3 if search direction became zero.
+ // exitflag = -4 if step=2 and algorithm stopped on user's request.
+ // exitflag = -%inf on internal error.
+ //
+ // References
+ // "A variation on Karmarkar’s algorithm for solving linear programming problems,
+ // Earl R. Barnes, Mathematical Programming, Volume 36, Number 2, 174-182, 1986.
+ //
+ // "A modification of karmarkar's linear programming algorithm",
+ // Robert J. Vanderbei, Marc S. Meketon and Barry A. Freedman,
+ // Algorithmica, Volume 1, Numbers 1-4, 395-407, 1986.
+ //
+ // "Practical Optimization: Algorithms and Engineering Applications",
+ // Andreas Antoniou, Wu-Sheng Lu, Springer, 2007,
+ // Chapter 12, "Linear Programming Part II: Interior Point Methods".
+ //
+ [ne,p]=size(Aeq)
+ xopt=x0
+ yopt = []
+ tc=c'
+ fopt=tc*xopt
+ dualgapmin = %inf
+ dualgap = %inf
+ funccount = 1
+ fprev = fopt+1
+ iter=iterstart
+ s = zeros(p,1)
+ stop = %f
+ exitflag = -%inf
+ firstloop = %t
+ //
+ state = "init"
+ if ( step == 1 ) then
+ procedure = "x0"
+ else
+ procedure = "x*"
+ end
+ optimValues = struct(...
+ "funccount" , funccount , ...
+ "fval" , fopt , ...
+ "iteration" , iter , ...
+ "procedure" , procedure, ...
+ "dualgap" , dualgap ...
+ );
+ stop = karmarkar_outfunDriver ( xopt , optimValues , state , outfun )
+ //
+ while ( %t )
+ if ( iter >= maxiter ) then
+ exitflag = 0
+ break
+ end
+ if ( step == 1 ) then
+ if ( xopt($) <= xfeasmax ) then
+ exitflag = 1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if ( step == 2 ) then
+ if ( abs(fprev-fopt)<=rtolf*abs(fprev) ) then
+ exitflag = 1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Compute the duality gap
+ if ( dualgap > 1.e5 * dualgapmin ) then
+ // Unbounded problem.
+ exitflag = -2
+ break
+ end
+ //
+ // Calls back the output function
+ if ( step == 1 ) then
+ state = "init"
+ else
+ state = "iter"
+ end
+ if ( step == 1 ) then
+ procedure = "x0"
+ else
+ procedure = "x*"
+ end
+ optimValues = struct(...
+ "funccount" , funccount , ...
+ "fval" , fopt , ...
+ "iteration" , iter , ...
+ "procedure" , procedure, ...
+ "dualgap" , dualgap ...
+ );
+ stop = karmarkar_outfunDriver ( xopt , optimValues , state , outfun )
+ if ( stop ) then
+ exitflag = -4
+ break
+ end
+ iter=iter+1
+ // Compute B as B = Aeq*X where X = diag(xopt).
+ // The following method is equivalent, but faster.
+ xt = xopt'
+ B = Aeq.*xt(ones(ne,1),:)
+ v = xopt.*c
+ // y = inv(B*B') * (B*v) i.e. y is the solution of (B*B') y = B*v.
+ // This implies that y is the solution of (B')*y = v, i.e.
+ yopt = B'\v
+ p = -v+B'*yopt
+ if ( min(p)==0 ) then
+ exitflag = -3
+ break
+ end
+ d = xopt.*p
+ if ( min(d)>0 ) then
+ // Unbounded problem.
+ exitflag = -2
+ break
+ end
+ alpha = -gam / min(p)
+ s = alpha*d
+ xopt=xopt+s
+ fprev = fopt
+ fopt=tc*xopt
+ funccount = funccount + 1
+ //
+ // Compute the duality gap
+ dualgap = abs(yopt'*beq - fopt)
+ if ( firstloop ) then
+ dualgapmin = dualgap
+ else
+ if ( dualgapmin > dualgap ) then
+ dualgapmin = dualgap
+ end
+ end
+ firstloop = %f
+ end
+ //
+ if ( step == 1 ) then
+ state = "init"
+ else
+ state = "done"
+ end
+ if ( step == 1 ) then
+ procedure = "x0"
+ else
+ procedure = "x*"
+ end
+ optimValues = struct(...
+ "funccount" , funccount , ...
+ "fval" , fopt , ...
+ "iteration" , iter , ...
+ "procedure" , procedure, ...
+ "dualgap" , dualgap ...
+ );
+ stop = karmarkar_outfunDriver ( xopt , optimValues , state , outfun )
+function stop = karmarkar_outfunDriver ( xopt , optimValues , state , outfun )
+ //
+ // The driver for the output function.
+ // outfun : a list where the first item is the output function.
+ __karmarkar_outfun__ = outfun (1)
+ pinit = outfun (2)
+ newposvars = outfun (3)
+ //
+ // Calls back the user's output function, if required.
+ // Reduce the size of the vectors, to take into account for potential slack variables.
+ if ( __karmarkar_outfun__ <> [] ) then
+ if ( newposvars ) then
+ xopt = xopt(1:pinit) - xopt(pinit+1:2*pinit)
+ else
+ xopt = xopt(1:pinit)
+ end
+ cbktype = typeof( __karmarkar_outfun__ )
+ if ( cbktype == "list" ) then
+ __karmarkar_outfun__f_ = __karmarkar_outfun__ (1)
+ stop = __karmarkar_outfun__f_ ( xopt , optimValues , state , __karmarkar_outfun__ (2:$))
+ elseif ( or(cbktype == ["function" "fptr"] ) ) then
+ stop = __karmarkar_outfun__ ( xopt , optimValues , state )
+ end
+ else
+ stop = %f
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/leastsq.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/leastsq.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..43384ee30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/leastsq.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/leastsq.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/leastsq.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..418ebdf4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/leastsq.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [f,x,g]=leastsq(imp,fun,varargin)
+ // n p
+ // min sum (fun(x).^2) where fun is a function from R to R
+ // x
+ //
+ // [f]=fun(x) computes the value f of the function at the point x
+ // and the gradient g of f at x g(i,j)=Dfi/dxj
+ if type(imp)<>1 then
+ varargin(0)=fun
+ fun=imp
+ imp=0
+ end
+ if type(fun)==15 then
+ fn=fun(1);params=fun;params(1)=null()
+ else
+ fn=fun;params=list()
+ end
+ Dfun=varargin(1),kr=1;
+ if type(Dfun)==10 then //the 'b' keyword or the jacobian entry point name
+ if Dfun=="b" & size(varargin) >= 3 then
+ if type(varargin(2))==1 & type(varargin(3))==1 then
+ J=%f //bounds specification
+ else
+ J=%t //jacobian
+ end
+ else
+ J=%t //jacobian
+ end
+ elseif type(Dfun)==11|type(Dfun)==13 then
+ J=%t //Jacobian provided
+ elseif type(Dfun)==15 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Jacobian cannot be a list, parameters must be set in fun."),"leastsq"));
+ else
+ J=%f;
+ end
+ if J then, varargin(1)=null(), end // to correct bug 1219 (bruno, 22 feb 2005)
+ kr=1
+ if varargin(kr)=="b" then kr=kr+3,end
+ x0=varargin(kr)
+ if type(fn)==10 then //hard coded function given by its name
+ if size(params)==0 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: With hard coded function, user must give output size of fun."),"leastsq"));
+ end
+ m=params(1);params(1)=null()
+ n=size(x0,"*")
+ // foo(m,nx,x,params,f)
+ deff("f=fn(x)","f=call(''"+fn+"'',"+..
+ "m,1,''i'',n,2,''i'',x,3,''d'',"+..
+ "pars,4,''d'',''out'',["+string(m)+",1],5,''d'')")
+ pars=[];
+ for k=1:size(params)
+ p=params(k)
+ pars=[pars;p(:)]
+ end
+ params=list()
+ end
+ if J then //jacobian given
+ if type(Dfun)==10 then //form function to call hard coded external
+ // dfoo(m,nx,x,params,g)
+ deff("g=Dfun(x)","g=call(''"+Dfun+"'',"+..
+ "m,1,''i'',n,2,''i'',x,3,''d'',"+..
+ "pars,4,''d'',''out'',["+string(m)+","+string(n)+"],5,''d'')")
+ end
+ else
+ if params==list() then
+ deff("g=Dfun(x)","g=numderivative(fn,x)")
+ else
+ deff("g=Dfun(x,varargin)","g=numderivative(list(fn,varargin(:)),x)")
+ end
+ end
+ if params==list() then
+ deff("[f,g,ind]=%opt(x,ind)",[
+ "ff=fn(x);gf=Dfun(x)"
+ "f=sum(ff.^2)"
+ "g=2*(gf''*ff(:))"])
+ else
+ deff("[f,g,ind]=%opt(x,ind)",[
+ "ff=fn(x,params(:));gf=Dfun(x,params(:))"
+ "f=sum(ff.^2)"
+ "g=2*(gf''*ff(:))"])
+ end
+ [f,x,g]=optim(%opt,varargin(:),imp=imp)
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/lib b/modules/optimization/macros/lib
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1aa14478d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/lib
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/list2vec.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/list2vec.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7c6a74fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/list2vec.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/list2vec.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/list2vec.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f2ae4cfd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/list2vec.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [bigVector,varsizes]=list2vec(li)
+ //li=list(X1,...Xk) is a list of matrices
+ //bigVector: big vector [X1(:);...;Xk(:)] (stacking of matrices in li)
+ //varsizes: k x 2 matrix, with varsiz(i,:)=size(Xi)
+ bigVector=[];varsizes=[];
+ li=aplat(li)
+ for mati=li
+ sm=size(mati);
+ varsizes=[varsizes;sm];
+ bigVector=[bigVector;matrix(mati,-1,1)];
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/lmisolver.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/lmisolver.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9831ad689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/lmisolver.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/lmisolver.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/lmisolver.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..208b7a0ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/lmisolver.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [%Xlist,%OPT]=lmisolver(%Xinit,%evalfunc,%options)
+ %OPT=[];%Xlist=list();
+ [LHS,RHS]=argn(0);
+ if RHS < 2 then
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d to %d expected.\n"),"lmisolver",2,3))
+ end
+ if RHS==2 then
+ %Mb = 1e3;%ato = 1e-10;%nu = 10;%mite = 100;%rto = 1e-10;
+ else
+ %Mb=%options(1);%ato=%options(2);%nu=%options(3);%mite=%options(4);%rto=%options(5);
+ end
+ %to=1e-5
+ %tol=1e-10
+ [%Xinit,%ind_X]=aplat(%Xinit);
+ %dim_X=[]
+ for %ia=1:size(%Xinit)
+ %dim_X=[%dim_X;size(%Xinit(%ia))]
+ end
+ %x0=list2vec(%Xinit);
+ %nvars=size(%x0,"*")
+ //Testing feasibility of initial guess
+ [%E,%I,%O]=%evalfunc(vec2list(%x0,%dim_X,%ind_X));
+ if size(%O,"*")==0 then //only feasible point is searched
+ if lmicheck(aplat(%E),aplat(%I)) then
+ %Xlist=vec2list(%x0,%dim_X,%ind_X);
+ lmisolvertrace(msprintf(_("%s: initial guess is feasible."),"lmisolver"));
+ // only feasibility claimed and given initial value is feasible, so
+ // there in nothoting to do!
+ return;
+ end
+ end
+ //Construction of canonical representation:
+ //A first transformation is applied to form explicit linear equations:
+ // LMIs Hj(X1,X2,...,XN) > 0 gives I0 + I1*x1+...+In*xn >0
+ // LMEs Gi(X1,X2,...,XN)=0 gives E0 + E1*x1+...+En*xn =0
+ // Obj O(X1,X2,...,XN) gives O0 + O1*x1+...+On*xn
+ // where Fi, Ci are matrices and fi scalars this is done using the
+ // cannonical basis for the vector space of {X1,X2,...,XN}. The xi i=1..n are
+ // the unknown components for this cannonical basis
+ // A second transformation I0v=I0(:); Iiv=Fi(:) ;
+ // E0v=V0(:); Eiv=Ei(:) ;
+ // allows to rewrite the LMIs as I0v+I*X, the LMEs as E0v+E*X;
+ // and the Objective as O0+O*X
+ // where
+ // X is a column vector of all undknowns
+ // I=[I1v, ..., Inv]
+ // E=[E1v, ..., Env]
+ // O=[O1, ..., On]
+ // allows to rewrite
+ //compute affine parts of LME LMI and OBJ
+ [%E0,%I0,%O0]=%evalfunc(vec2list(zeros(%nvars,1),%dim_X,%ind_X));
+ %E0v=list2vec(aplat(%E0));
+ %I0=aplat(%I0);
+ %O0v=list2vec(aplat(%O0));
+ %blck_szs=[];
+ for %lmii=%I0
+ [%mk,%mk]=size(%lmii);%blck_szs=[%blck_szs,%mk]
+ end
+ %blck_szs=%blck_szs(find(%blck_szs~=0));
+ [%I0v,%dim_I]=list2vec(%I0);
+ %E=[];%I=[];%O=[];
+ lmisolvertrace(msprintf(_("%s: Construction of canonical representation."),"lmisolver"));
+ %spI0=sparse(%I0v); //the sparse representation of F0
+ %spE0=sparse(%E0v); //the sparse representation of C0
+ %lX=size(%Xinit)
+ %XZER=%Xinit
+ for %ka=1:%lX
+ %XZER(%ka)=sparse(0*%Xinit(%ka));
+ end
+ //construct a generators for LMI, LME and Obj ranges using a cannonical
+ //basis for {X1, ..., Xn}
+ for %ja=1:%lX //loop on matrices Xi
+ %row=%dim_X(%ja,1)
+ %coll=%dim_X(%ja,2)
+ for %ca=1:%coll //loop on columns of Xi
+ for %ra=1:%row //loop on rows of Xi
+ //set the cannonical basis vector
+ %XZER(%ja)(%ra,%ca)=1;
+ //compute LME LMI and OBJ component for this base vector
+ [%Ei,%Ii,%Oi]=%evalfunc(recons(%XZER,%ind_X));
+ //transform into sparse column vectors
+ %Eiv=splist2vec(%Ei)-%spE0;
+ %Iiv=splist2vec(%Ii)-%spI0;
+ //assemble the matrices
+ %E=[%E,%Eiv];
+ %I=[%I,%Iiv];
+ %O=[%O,%Oi-%O0];
+ //reset XZER to zero
+ %XZER(%ja)(%ra,%ca)=0;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ clear %spI0 %spE0
+ // all the LMIs may be generated by %I*X + %I0v
+ // the LMEs may be generated by %E*X + %E0v
+ // the OBJs may be generated by %O*X + %O0
+ // for any column vector X
+ if size(%E,"*")==0 then
+ %kerE=speye(%nvars,%nvars);
+ else
+ lmisolvertrace(msprintf(_("%s: Basis Construction."),"lmisolver"));
+ //reduce the LMEs: all X solution of %E*X + %E0v can be written
+ // X=X0+ker(%E)*W
+ //where
+ // X0 is a X such that %E*X + %E0v=0
+ //and
+ // W is arbitrary (the new unknown)
+ [%x0,%kerE]=linsolve(%E,%E0v,%x0);
+ clear %E
+ //now %kerE contains the kernel
+ end
+ // all the LMIs may then be generated by %I*(X0+ker(%E)*W) + %I0v
+ // the LMEs by %E*(X0+ker(%E)*W) + %E0v
+ // the OBJs by %O*(X0+ker(%E)*W) + %O0
+ %I0v=%I0v+%I*%x0;
+ %I=%I*%kerE;
+ %O0=%O0+%O*%x0;
+ %O=%O*%kerE;
+ clear %E
+ //with this updated notations
+ // all the LMIs may then be generated by %I*W + %I0v
+ // the OBJs by %O*W + %O0
+ // The initial unknown may be obtained by X=%x0+%kerE*W
+ if %blck_szs == [] then
+ // is objective constant on LME constraint set, Xinit is feasible
+ if max(abs(%O+0)) < %to then
+ lmisolvertrace(msprintf(_("%s: Objective constant."),"lmisolver"));
+ %Xlist=vec2list(%x0,%dim_X,%ind_X);
+ %Xopt=%O0;
+ return
+ else
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: solution unbounded."),"lmisolver"));
+ end
+ end
+ [%fm,%m]=size(%I);
+ //Testing well-posedness
+ if %fm<%m then
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: Ill-posed problem. Number of unknowns (%s) > number of constraints (%s)"),"lmisolver",%m,%fm));
+ end
+ //Testing rank deficiency
+ if size(%I,"*")<>0 then
+ [%ptr,%rk]=lufact([%I spzeros(%fm,%fm-%m)]',[%tol,0.001]);
+ if %rk<%m then
+ [%P,%L,%U,%Q]=luget(%ptr);%L=[];%U=[];%Q=[];
+ %P=%P';%P=%P(1:%rk,1:%m)';
+ warning(msprintf(_("%s: rank deficient problem"),"lmisolver"));
+ ludel(%ptr);
+ //Testing to see if linobj is in the range of F_is
+ if size(%O,"*") <> 0 then
+ [%ptr,%rk2]=lufact([[%I;%O] spzeros(%fm+1,%fm+1-%m)]',[%tol,0.001]);
+ ludel(%ptr);
+ if %rk<%rk2 then
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: solution unbounded."),"lmisolver"));
+ end
+ end
+ %O=%O*%P
+ %I=%I*%P;
+ %kerE=%kerE*%P;
+ %m=%rk;
+ %P=[];
+ end
+ end
+ //Testing to see if solution or the LMI value is unique
+ if size(%I,"*")==0 then //the LMI reduces to %I0 >0
+ //checking positiveness of %I0
+ if ~lmicheck(list(),vec2list(%I0v,%dim_I))
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: not feasible or badly defined problem."),"lmisolver"));
+ else
+ %Xlist=vec2list(%x0,%dim_X,%ind_X);
+ return;
+ end
+ end
+ //Testing feasibility of initial guess
+ //are LMIs positive?
+ [ok,%sm]=lmicheck(list(),vec2list(%I0v,%dim_I))
+ if ok&size(%O,"*")==0 then
+ //LMIs are positive, problem is feasible, return
+ %Xlist=vec2list(%x0,%dim_X,%ind_X);
+ return;
+ end
+ %M=%Mb*norm([%I0v,%I],1)
+ if ~(%sm>%to) then
+ //given initial point is not feasible. Look for a feasible initial point.
+ lmisolvertrace(msprintf(_("%s: FEASIBILITY PHASE."),"lmisolver"));
+ // mineigI is the smallest eigenvalue of I0
+ %mineigI=min(real(flat_block_matrix_eigs(%I0v,%blck_szs)))
+ // Id is the identity
+ %Id = build_flat_identity(%blck_szs)
+ if (%M < %Id'*%I0v+1e-5),
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: Mbound too small."),"lmisolver"));
+ end;
+ // initial x0
+ %x00 = [zeros(%m,1); max(-1.1*%mineigI, 1e-5)];
+ //Compute Z0 the projection of Id on the space Tr Ii*Z = 0
+ %Z0=%Id-%I*(%I\%Id);
+ if %f then
+ //check: trace(Ii*Z0) = 0 <=> %Id'*%Z0= 0
+ %I'*%Z0
+ end
+ //compute mineigZ is the smallest eigenvalue of Z0
+ %mineigZ=min(real(flat_block_matrix_eigs(%Z0,%blck_szs)));
+ %ka=sum(%blck_szs.^2);
+ %Z0(%ka+1) = max( -1.1 *%mineigZ, 1e-5 ); // z
+ %Z0(1:%ka) = %Z0(1:%ka) + %Z0(%ka+1)*%Id;
+ %Z0 = %Z0 / (%Id'*%Z0(1:%ka)); // make Tr Z0 = 1
+ if %f then //for checking semidef
+ Z=sysdiag(matrix(%Z0(1:16),4,-1),%Z0(17))
+ F0=full(sysdiag(matrix(%I0v,4,-1), %M-%Id'*%I0v));
+ for i=1:10,
+ Fi=full(sysdiag(matrix(%I(:,i),4,-1),-%Id'*%I(:,i)));
+ mprintf("i=%d %e\n",i,abs(trace(Fi*Z)-%c(i)));
+ end
+ F11=sysdiag(matrix(%Id,4,-1),0);
+ mprintf("i=%d %e\n",11,abs(trace(F11*Z)-%c(11)))
+ end
+ //Pack Z0 and I
+ %Z0=pack(%Z0,[%blck_szs,1]);
+ %temp=full(pack([%I0v, %I, %Id;
+ %M-%Id'*%I0v, -%Id'*%I, 0 ],[%blck_szs,1]));
+ %c=[zeros(%m,1); 1];
+ [%xi,%Z0,%ul,%info]=semidef(%x00,%Z0,%temp,[%blck_szs,1],%c,[%nu,%ato,-1,0,%mite]);
+ %temp=[];
+ %xi=%xi(1:%m);
+ select %info(1)
+ case 1
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: Max. iters. exceeded."),"lmisolver"))
+ case 2 then
+ lmisolvertrace(msprintf(_("%s: Absolute accuracy reached."),"lmisolver"))
+ case 3 then
+ lmisolvertrace(msprintf(_("%s: Relative accuracy reached."),"lmisolver"))
+ case 4 then
+ lmisolvertrace(msprintf(_("%s: Target value reached."),"lmisolver"))
+ case 5 then
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: Target value not achievable."),"lmisolver"))
+ else
+ warning(msprintf(_("%s: No feasible solution found."),"lmisolver"))
+ end
+ if %info(2) == %mite then
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: max number of iterations exceeded."),"lmisolver"));
+ end
+ if (%ul(1) > %ato) then
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: No feasible solution exists."),"lmisolver"));
+ end
+ // if (%ul(1) > 0) then %I0v=%I0v+%ato*%Id;end
+ lmisolvertrace(msprintf(_("%s: feasible solution found."),"lmisolver"));
+ else
+ lmisolvertrace(msprintf(_("%s: Initial guess feasible."),"lmisolver"));
+ %xi=zeros(%m,1);
+ end
+ if size(%O,"*")<>0 then
+ lmisolvertrace(msprintf(_("%s: OPTIMIZATION PHASE.") ,"lmisolver"));
+ %M = max(%M, %Mb*sum(abs([%I0v,%I]*[1; %xi])));
+ // Id is the identity
+ %Id = build_flat_identity(%blck_szs)
+ // M must be greater than trace(F(x0)) for bigM.sci
+ [%ptr,%rkA]=lufact(%I'*%I,[%tol,0.001]);
+ %Z0=lusolve(%ptr,full(%I'*%Id-%O'));
+ %Z0=%Id-%I*%Z0;
+ ludel(%ptr)
+ //check: trace(Ii*Z0) = c <=> %I(:,k)'*%Z0= %O(k) (k = 1:m)
+ // mineigZ is the smallest eigenvalue of Z0
+ %mineigZ=min(real(flat_block_matrix_eigs(%Z0,%blck_szs)))
+ %ka=sum(%blck_szs.^2);
+ %Z0(%ka+1) = max(1e-5, -1.1*%mineigZ);
+ %Z0(1:%ka) = %Z0(1:%ka) + %Z0(%ka+1)*%Id;
+ if (%M < %Id'*[%I0v,%I]*[1;%xi] + 1e-5),
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: M must be strictly greater than trace of F(x0)."),"lmisolver"));
+ end;
+ // add scalar block Tr F(x) <= M
+ %blck_szs = [%blck_szs,1];
+ temp=full(pack([%I0v, %I;
+ %M-%Id'*%I0v, -%Id'*%I],%blck_szs));
+ [%xopt,%z,%ul,%info]=semidef(%xi,pack(%Z0,%blck_szs),temp,%blck_szs,full(%O),[%nu,%ato,%rto,0.0,%mite]);
+ clear temp
+ if %info(2) == %mite then
+ warning(msprintf(_("%s: max number of iterations exceeded, solution may not be optimal"),"lmisolver"));
+ end;
+ if sum(abs([%I0v,%I]*[1; %xopt])) > 0.9*%M then
+ lmisolvertrace(msprintf(_("%s: may be unbounded below"),"lmisolver"));
+ end;
+ if %xopt<>[]&~(%info(2) == %mite) then
+ lmisolvertrace(msprintf(_("%s: optimal solution found"),"lmisolver"));
+ else %xopt=%xi;
+ end
+ else
+ %xopt=%xi;
+ end
+ %Xlist=vec2list((%x0+%kerE*%xopt),%dim_X,%ind_X);
+ %OPT=%O0+%O*%xopt;
+function [bigVector]=splist2vec(li)
+ //li=list(X1,...Xk) is a list of matrices
+ //bigVector: sparse vector [X1(:);...;Xk(:)] (stacking of matrices in li)
+ bigVector=[];
+ li=aplat(li)
+ for mati=li
+ sm=size(mati);
+ bigVector=[bigVector;sparse(matrix(mati,prod(sm),1))];
+ end
+function [A,b]=spaff2Ab(lme,dimX,D,ind)
+ //Y,X,D are lists of matrices.
+ //Y=lme(X,D)= affine fct of Xi's;
+ //[A,b]=matrix representation of lme in canonical basis.
+ [LHS,RHS]=argn(0)
+ select RHS
+ case 3 then
+ nvars=0;
+ for k=dimX'
+ nvars=nvars+prod(k);
+ end
+ x0=zeros(nvars,1);
+ b=list2vec(lme(vec2list(x0,dimX),D));
+ A=[];
+ for k=1:nvars
+ xi=x0;xi(k)=1;
+ A=[A,sparse(list2vec(lme(vec2list(xi,dimX),D))-b)];
+ end
+ case 4 then
+ nvars=0;
+ for k=dimX'
+ nvars=nvars+prod(k);
+ end
+ x0=zeros(nvars,1);
+ b=list2vec(lme(vec2list(x0,dimX,ind),D));
+ A=[];
+ for k=1:nvars
+ xi=x0;xi(k)=1;
+ A=[A,sparse(list2vec(lme(vec2list(xi,dimX,ind),D))-b)];
+ end
+ end
+function lmisolvertrace(txt)
+ mprintf("%s\n",txt)
+function [ok,%sm,%nor]=lmicheck(E,I)
+ //checking positiveness of the LMI
+ %sm=100;
+ for %w=I
+ if %w~=[] then
+ s=min(real(spec(%w)))
+ %sm=min(%sm,s)
+ end
+ end
+ ok=%sm>=-%tol
+ //Checking norm of the LME
+ %nor=0
+ for %w=E
+ if %w~=[] then
+ n=norm(%w,1)
+ %nor=max(%nor,n)
+ end
+ end
+ ok=%sm>=-%tol & %nor<%tol
+function e=flat_block_matrix_eigs(V,blck_szs)
+ // Computes the eigenvalues of each block of a flatten block matrix
+ ka=0; e=[];
+ for n=matrix(blck_szs,1,-1)
+ e=[e;spec(matrix(V(ka+[1:n^2]),n,n))]
+ ka=ka+n^2;
+ end;
+function Id = build_flat_identity(blck_szs)
+ //build a flat representation of a block identity matrix
+ ka=0;
+ for n=matrix(blck_szs,1,-1)
+ Id(ka+[1:n^2]) = matrix(eye(n,n),-1,1); // identity
+ ka=ka+n^2;
+ end;
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/lmitool.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/lmitool.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5ebafffe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/lmitool.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/lmitool.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/lmitool.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..09dfea957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/lmitool.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [txtdo]=lmitool(PROBNAME,XNAME,DNAME)
+ [LHS,RHS]=argn(0);
+ txtdo=[]
+ if or(RHS == [0 2]) then
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d or %d expected.\n"),"lmitool",1,3))
+ end
+ if RHS == 1 then
+ messagebox([gettext("Welcome to LMITOOL");" ";" ";
+ gettext("LMITOOL is a Scilab package for LMI optimization");
+ " ";
+ " ";
+ gettext("It can solve the following problem");
+ " ";
+ gettext(" minimize f(X1,...,XM) ");
+ gettext("subject to the LME constraints: ");
+ gettext(" Gi(X1,...,XM)=0, i=1,2,...,p,");
+ gettext("and the LMI constraints: ");
+ gettext(" Hj(X1,...,XM)>=0, j=1,2,...,q.");
+ " ";
+ gettext("where");
+ gettext("X1,...,XM are unknown real matrices, referred to as the unknown matrices,");
+ gettext("f is the objective function, a linear scalar function of the entries of the X''s,");
+ gettext("Gi''s are affine matrix functions of the entries of the X''s,");
+ gettext("Hj''s are affine symmetric matrix functions of the entries of the X''s.");
+ " ";
+ gettext("These functions are parameterized by the entries of known data matrices D1,...,DN.");
+ " ";
+ gettext("For a detailed description and examples consult: ");
+ gettext(" ''LMITOOL: a Package for LMI Optimization in Scilab, User''s Guide'' ");
+ " ";
+ gettext("LMITOOL uses Semidefinite Programming package SP developed by L. Vandenberghe and S. Boyd.")],"modal","scilab");
+ tt=read(PROBNAME,-1,1,"(a)");
+ tt=stripblanks(tt);
+ mat=str2vec(tt);
+ [q1,p1]=find(mat'=="[");
+ [q2,p2]=find(mat'=="]");
+ XNAME1=mat(p1(1),q1(1)+1:q2(1)-1);
+ XNAME1=strcat(XNAME1);
+ [q1,p1]=find(mat'=="(");
+ [q2,p2]=find(mat'==")");
+ DNAME1=mat(p1(1),q1(1)+1:q2(1)-1);
+ DNAME1=strcat(DNAME1);
+ [q2,p2]=find(mat'=="=");
+ PROBNAME1=mat(p2(1),q2(1)+1:q1(1)-1);
+ labels=[gettext("LMI problem name: ");gettext("Names of unknown matrices: "); ...
+ gettext("Names of data matrices: ")];
+ [ok,PROBNAME,XNAME,DNAME]=getvalue([gettext("Problem definition");
+ gettext("LMITOOL will generate a skeleton of the functions needed");
+ gettext(" (see User''s Guide for details). For that, you need to specify:");
+ gettext("1- Name of your problem which will be given to the solver function,");
+ gettext("2- Names of unknown matrices or list of unknown matrices,");
+ gettext("3- Names of data matrices or list of data matrices.")], labels', ...
+ list("str",1,"str",1,"str",1), ...
+ if ok==%f then
+ txtdo=gettext("Try again");
+ return;
+ end
+ end
+ PROBNAME=stripblanks(PROBNAME);
+ XNAME=stripblanks(XNAME);
+ DNAME=stripblanks(DNAME);
+ pathname=pwd();
+ fname = pathname+filesep()+PROBNAME+".sci";
+ txt0="function ["+XNAME+"]="+PROBNAME+"("+DNAME+")"
+ txt0=[txt0;"/"+"/ Generated by lmitool on ";" "];
+ txt0=[txt0;
+ " Mbound = 1e3;";
+ " abstol = 1e-10;";
+ " nu = 10;";
+ " maxiters = 100;";
+ " reltol = 1e-10;";
+ " options=[Mbound,abstol,nu,maxiters,reltol];"
+ " "]
+ nv=length(XNAME);
+ index_commas=[];
+ for k=1:nv
+ if part(XNAME,k)=="," then index_commas=[index_commas,k],end
+ end
+ vnum = length(index_commas)+1;
+ index_commas = [0 index_commas length(XNAME)+1];
+ txt1=[];txt2=[];
+ for i = 1:vnum,
+ vname = part(XNAME,index_commas(i)+1:index_commas(i+1)-1);
+ if RHS<>1 then
+ txt1 = [txt1;
+ vname+"_init=..."]
+ end
+ txt2=[txt2,vname+"_init"];
+ end
+ txts1=["function [LME,LMI,OBJ]="+PROBNAME+"_eval(XLIST)";
+ "["+XNAME+"]=XLIST(:)"]
+ if RHS ~= 1 then
+ txts2=["LME=...";"LMI=...";"OBJ=..."]
+ else
+ [p,q]=size(mat);
+ ind=[]
+ for i=1:p
+ if mat(i,2:7)==["/","/","/","/","/","/"] then
+ ind=[ind i];
+ end
+ end
+ if size(ind,"*")<>4 then
+ error(gettext("File not generated by lmitool or badly modified."));
+ end
+ txt1=[];
+ for i=ind(1)+1:ind(2)-1
+ txt1=[txt1;strcat(mat(i,:))];
+ end
+ txts2=[];
+ for i=ind(4)+1:p
+ txts2=[txts2;strcat(mat(i,:))];
+ end
+ end
+ sep12="/////////// "
+ sep13="/////////////////DEFINE LME, LMI and OBJ BELOW"
+ sep2="/////////////////EVALUATION FUNCTION////////////////////////////"
+ txt2=[
+ "XLIST0=list("+strcat(txt2,",")+")";
+ "XLIST=lmisolver(XLIST0,"+PROBNAME+"_eval,options)";
+ "["+XNAME+"]=XLIST(:)"];
+ txt4=[txt0;sep11;txt1;sep12;" ";txt2;" ";" ";" ";...
+ sep2;" ";txts1;" ";sep13;txts2];
+ if RHS==0|RHS==1 then
+ [txt4]=x_dialog([gettext("Function definitions: ");
+ gettext("Here is a skeleton of the functions you should edit.");
+ gettext("You can edit in this window or click on ''ok''.");
+ gettext("Save and edit the skeleton later through your favorite editor.")],[txt4]);
+ end
+ if txt4==[] then txtdo="Try again";return;end
+ txt=[txt4];
+ n=1;
+ if RHS<>3 then
+ fname=x_dialog([gettext("Name of the file where to save the solver function");
+ gettext("and the evaluation function");
+ gettext("(Will overwrite if a file with the same name already exists).")],[fname+" "])
+ fname=stripblanks(fname);
+ else
+ messagebox(gettext("functions saved in ")+fname',"modal","info");
+ end
+ if fname<>[] then
+ deletefile(fname)
+ write(fname,txt)
+ else
+ return
+ end
+ // Tell the user what to do:
+ if RHS==0|RHS==1 then
+ txtdo = [" To solve your problem, you need to ";
+ "1- load your functions using the command:";
+ " exec(''"+fname'+"'')";
+ "2- Define "+DNAME+" and call function "+PROBNAME+" as follows:";
+ " "+"["+XNAME+"]="+PROBNAME+"("+DNAME+")";
+ " Good luck! ";
+ "To check the result, use [LME,LMI,OBJ]="+PROBNAME+"_eval(list("+XNAME+"))"]
+ messagebox(txtdo,"modal","info");return
+ end
+ if RHS==3 then
+ txtdo = [gettext(" To solve your problem, you need to ");
+ gettext("1- edit file ")+fname
+ gettext("2- load (and compile) your functions:");
+ " exec(''"+fname'+"'')";
+ gettext("3- Define ")+DNAME+gettext(" and call ")+PROBNAME+gettext(" function:");
+ " "+"["+XNAME+"]="+PROBNAME+"("+DNAME+")";
+ gettext("To check the result, use [LME,LMI,OBJ]=")+PROBNAME+"_eval(list("+XNAME+"))"]
+ end
+function [vec]=str2vec(str)
+ w=length(str);
+ [p,q]=size(w);ma=max(w);
+ vec=[];
+ for i=1:ma
+ vec=[vec part(str,i)]
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/names b/modules/optimization/macros/names
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a01147900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/names
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNELDER_p.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNELDER_p.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8202074ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNELDER_p.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNELDER_p.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNELDER_p.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a17001fe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNELDER_p.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// %TNELDER_p --
+// Prints the string containing the nelder mead component.
+function %TNELDER_p ( this )
+ str = string ( this )
+ srows = size(str,"r")
+ for i = 1 : srows
+ mprintf("%s\n",str(i))
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNELDER_string.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNELDER_string.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c81b4b2f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNELDER_string.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNELDER_string.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNELDER_string.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f80856a6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNELDER_string.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// %TNELDER_string --
+// Returns the string containing the Nelder-Mead component.
+function str = %TNELDER_string ( this )
+ str = []
+ k = 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Nelder-Mead Object:\n")
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("======================")
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = ""
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Simplex0 Method : %s\n", string(this.simplex0method));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Simplex0 Length : %s\n", string(this.simplex0length));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Simplex0, Pfeffer, Delta Usual : %s\n", string(this.simplex0deltausual));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Simplex0, Pfeffer, Delta Zero : %s\n", string(this.simplex0deltazero));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Simplex0, Given, Coords :\n");
+ if ( this.coords0 == [] ) then
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("[]\n");
+ else
+ nbve = size(this.coords0,"r")
+ for i = 1 : nbve
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("%s\n" , _tostring(this.coords0(i,:)));
+ end
+ end
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Termination
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("\n");
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination parameters\n");
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination on simplex size : %s\n", string(this.tolsimplexizemethod));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination on simplex size, Absolute Tolerance : %s\n", string(this.tolsimplexizeabsolute));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination on simplex size, Relative Tolerance : %s\n", string(this.tolsimplexizerelative));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination on simplex size, Initial Simplex Size : %s\n", string(this.simplexsize0));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination on simplex size + Delta of function value : %s\n", string(this.tolssizedeltafvmethod));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination on simplex size + Delta of function value, Absolute Tolerance on Delta F : %s\n", string(this.toldeltafv));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination on Kelley''s Stagnation : %s\n", string(this.kelleystagnationflag));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination on Kelley''s Stagnation, Normalization : %s\n", string(this.kelleynormalizationflag));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination on Kelley''s Stagnation, Alpha0 : %s\n", string(this.kelleystagnationalpha0));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination on Kelley''s Stagnation, Alpha : %s\n", string(this.kelleyalpha));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination by Box : %s\n", string(this.boxtermination));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination by Box, Absolute Tolerance on Function: %s\n", string(this.boxtolf));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination by Box, Maximum Number of Consecutive Match : %s\n", string(this.boxnbmatch));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination by Box, Current Number of Consecutive Match : %s\n", string(this.boxkount));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination on Variance : %s\n", string(this.tolvarianceflag));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination on Variance, Absolute Tolerance : %s\n", string(this.tolabsolutevariance));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination on Variance, Relative Tolerance : %s\n", string(this.tolrelativevariance));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination on Variance, Variance of Initial Simplex : %s\n", string(this.variancesimplex0));
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Algorithm parameters
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("\n");
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Algorithms parameters\n");
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Method : %s\n", string(this.method));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Reflection Factor (rho) : %s\n", string(this.rho));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Expansion Factor (chi) : %s\n", string(this.chi));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Contraction Factor (gamma) : %s\n", string(this.gamma));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Shrinkage Factor (sigma) : %s\n", string(this.sigma));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Kelley Stagnation : %s\n", string(this.kelleystagnationflag));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Restart Epsilon : %s\n", string(this.restarteps));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Restart Step : %s\n", _strvec(this.restartstep));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Restart Maximum : %d\n", this.restartmax);
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Restart Simplex Method : %s\n", string(this.restartsimplexmethod));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Restart Flag : %s\n", string(this.restartflag));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Restart Number : %s\n", string(this.restartnb));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Restart Detection Method : %s\n", string(this.restartdetection));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Startup Flag : %s\n", string(this.startupflag));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Automatic Checking of Cost Function : %s\n", string(this.checkcostfunction));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Box, Number of Points : %s\n", string(this.boxnbpoints));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Box, Current Number of Points : %s\n", string(this.boxnbpointseff));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Box, Scaling, Factor : %s\n", string(this.boxineqscaling));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Box, Scaling, Method : %s\n", string(this.scalingsimplex0));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Box, Scaling, Minimum : %s\n", string(this.guinalphamin));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Box, Bounds Parameter: %s\n", string(this.boxboundsalpha));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Box, Reflection Coefficient : %s\n", string(this.boxreflect));
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Sub-objects
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = "";
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("optbase: <%s Object>\n", typeof(this.optbase));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("simplex0: <%s Object>\n", typeof(this.simplex0));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("simplexopt: <%s Object>\n", typeof(this.simplexopt));
+// _strvec --
+// Returns a string for the given vector.
+function str = _strvec ( x )
+ str = strcat(string(x)," ")
+function s = _tostring ( x )
+ if ( x==[] ) then
+ s = "[]"
+ else
+ n = size ( x , "*" )
+ if ( n == 1 ) then
+ s = string(x)
+ else
+ s = "["+strcat(string(x)," ")+"]"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNMPLOT_p.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNMPLOT_p.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0b71feaa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNMPLOT_p.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNMPLOT_p.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNMPLOT_p.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4e2c006ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNMPLOT_p.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// %TNMPLOT_p --
+// Prints the string containing the nelder mead plot component.
+function %TNMPLOT_p ( this )
+ str = string ( this )
+ srows = size(str,"r")
+ for i = 1 : srows
+ mprintf("%s\n",str(i))
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNMPLOT_string.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNMPLOT_string.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9f38f41b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNMPLOT_string.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNMPLOT_string.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNMPLOT_string.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8054bd094
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/%TNMPLOT_string.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// %TNMPLOT_string --
+// Returns the string containing the Nelder-Mead plot component.
+function str = %TNMPLOT_string ( this )
+ str = []
+ k = 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Nelder-Mead Plot Object:\n")
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("======================")
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = ""
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Simplex data file : %s\n", this.simplexfn);
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Fbar data file : %s\n", this.fbarfn);
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Fopt data file : %s\n", this.foptfn);
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Sigma data file : %s\n", this.sigmafn);
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Nelder Mead Object
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = "";
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("nmbase: <%s Object>\n", typeof(this.nmbase));
+// _strvec --
+// Returns a string for the given vector.
+function str = _strvec ( x )
+ str = strcat(string(x)," ")
+function s = _tostring ( x )
+ if ( x==[] ) then
+ s = "[]"
+ else
+ n = size ( x , "*" )
+ if ( n == 1 ) then
+ s = string(x)
+ else
+ s = "["+strcat(string(x)," ")+"]"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/fminsearch.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/fminsearch.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9b7522a90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/fminsearch.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/fminsearch.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/fminsearch.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2b74e8837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/fminsearch.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// fminsearch --
+// Emulate the fminsearch command of Matlab.
+// Search the minimum with Nelder-Mead algorithm.
+// [x,fval,exitflag,output] = fminsearch(fun,x0,options)
+// Arguments, input
+// fun : the function to minimize
+// x0 : a row vector with dimension n where n is the number of parameters
+// to optimize.
+// Initial guess for optimization algorithm.
+// options : an optional struct, as provided by optimset
+function [x,fval,exitflag,output] = fminsearch ( varargin )
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn();
+ if rhs<>2 & rhs<>3 then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d or %d expected.\n"), "fminsearch", 2,3);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ fun = varargin(1);
+ x0 = varargin(2);
+ // Get x0 and change it into a column vector
+ x0t = size(x0,"*");
+ x0 = matrix(x0,x0t,1);
+ defaultoptions = optimset ("fminsearch");
+ msg="";
+ if rhs==2 then
+ // No options on the command line
+ // Set default values
+ options = defaultoptions;
+ elseif rhs==3 then
+ // One options struc on the command line : use it !
+ options = varargin(3);
+ end
+ // Compute options from the options struct
+ numberofvariables = size(x0,"*");
+ MaxFunEvals = optimget ( options , "MaxFunEvals" , defaultoptions.MaxFunEvals );
+ MaxIter = optimget ( options , "MaxIter" , defaultoptions.MaxIter );
+ TolFun = optimget ( options , "TolFun" , defaultoptions.TolFun );
+ TolX = optimget ( options , "TolX" , defaultoptions.TolX );
+ Display = optimget ( options , "Display" , defaultoptions.Display );
+ OutputFcn = optimget ( options , "OutputFcn" , defaultoptions.OutputFcn );
+ PlotFcns = optimget ( options , "PlotFcns" , defaultoptions.PlotFcns );
+ // If the MaxIter option is a string, we make the assumption that it is the default 200 value.
+ // If not, this is the actual value.
+ if ( type ( MaxIter ) == 10 ) then
+ if ( MaxIter == "200*numberofvariables" ) then
+ MaxIter = 200 * numberofvariables;
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unexpected maximum number of iterations %s."), "fminsearch", MaxIter );
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ end
+ // If the MaxFunEvals option is a string, this is the default 200 value
+ // If not, this is the actual value.
+ if ( type ( MaxFunEvals ) == 10 ) then
+ if ( MaxFunEvals == "200*numberofvariables" ) then
+ MaxFunEvals = 200 * numberofvariables;
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unexpected maximum number of function evaluations %s."), "fminsearch", MaxFunEvals );
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ end
+ if ( Display == "iter" ) then
+ mprintf ( "%10s %10s %10s %17s\n" , "Iteration", "Func-count" , "min f(x)" , "Procedure" );
+ end
+ //
+ // Check input arguments
+ assert_typecallable ( fun , "costf" , 1)
+ assert_typereal ( x0 , "x0" , 2 );
+ //
+ // Prepare the data structure to pass to the output function
+ fmsdata = tlist(["T_FMINSEARCH"
+ "Display"
+ "OutputFcn"
+ "PlotFcns"
+ ]);
+ fmsdata.Display = Display
+ fmsdata.OutputFcn = OutputFcn
+ fmsdata.PlotFcns = PlotFcns
+ // Prepare the data structure to pass to the cost function
+ fmsfundata = tlist(["T_FMINSEARCH"
+ "Fun"
+ ]);
+ fmsfundata.Fun = fun
+ // Perform Optimization
+ nm = neldermead_new ();
+ nm = neldermead_configure(nm,"-x0",x0);
+ nm = neldermead_configure(nm,"-numberofvariables",numberofvariables);
+ nm = neldermead_configure(nm,"-simplex0method","pfeffer");
+ nm = neldermead_configure(nm,"-simplex0deltausual",0.05);
+ nm = neldermead_configure(nm,"-simplex0deltazero",0.0075);
+ nm = neldermead_configure(nm,"-method","variable");
+ nm = neldermead_configure(nm,"-function",list(fminsearch_function,fmsfundata));
+ nm = neldermead_configure(nm,"-maxiter",MaxIter);
+ nm = neldermead_configure(nm,"-maxfunevals",MaxFunEvals);
+ nm = neldermead_configure(nm,"-tolxmethod",%f);
+ nm = neldermead_configure(nm,"-tolfunmethod",%f);
+ nm = neldermead_configure(nm,"-tolssizedeltafvmethod",%t);
+ nm = neldermead_configure(nm,"-tolsimplexizemethod",%f);
+ nm = neldermead_configure(nm,"-toldeltafv",TolFun);
+ nm = neldermead_configure(nm,"-tolsimplexizeabsolute",TolX);
+ nm = neldermead_configure(nm,"-checkcostfunction",%f);
+ nm = neldermead_configure(nm,"-outputcommand",list(fminsearch_outputfun,fmsdata));
+ //nm = neldermead_configure(nm,"-verbose",1);
+ //nm = neldermead_configure(nm,"-verbosetermination",1);
+ nm = neldermead_search(nm, "off");
+ x = neldermead_get(nm,"-xopt").';
+ fval = neldermead_get(nm,"-fopt");
+ status = neldermead_get(nm,"-status");
+ select status
+ case "maxiter" then
+ if ( ( Display == "notify" ) | ( Display == "iter" ) | ( Display == "final" ) ) then
+ msg = "%s: Exiting: Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded\n" + ...
+ " - increase MaxIter option.\n" + ...
+ " Current function value: %s\n"
+ mprintf(gettext(msg) , "fminsearch" , string(fval) )
+ end
+ exitflag = 0;
+ case "maxfuneval" then
+ if ( ( Display == "notify" ) | ( Display == "iter" ) | ( Display == "final" ) ) then
+ msg = "%s: Exiting: Maximum number of function evaluations has been exceeded\n" + ...
+ " - increase MaxFunEvals option.\n" + ...
+ " Current function value: %s\n"
+ mprintf(gettext(msg) , "fminsearch" , string(fval) )
+ end
+ exitflag = 0;
+ case "tolsizedeltafv" then
+ exitflag = 1;
+ msg = sprintf("%s\n%s %s\n%s %s", "Optimization terminated:",...
+ " the current x satisfies the termination criteria using OPTIONS.TolX of",...
+ string(TolX),...
+ " and F(X) satisfies the convergence criteria using OPTIONS.TolFun of",...
+ string(TolFun));
+ case "userstop" then
+ msg = sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s", "Optimization terminated:",...
+ " ",...
+ " User Stop");
+ exitflag = -1;
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unknown status %s"), "fminsearch", status)
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ output = struct(...
+ "algorithm" ,[],...
+ "funcCount" ,[],...
+ "iterations" ,[],...
+ "message" , []);
+ output.algorithm = "Nelder-Mead simplex direct search";
+ output.funcCount = neldermead_get(nm,"-funevals");
+ output.iterations = neldermead_get(nm,"-iterations");
+ output.message = msg;
+ if ( ( Display == "final" ) | ( Display == "iter" ) ) then
+ if ( ( exitflag == 1 ) ) then
+ mprintf( "%s\n" , output.message(1) );
+ mprintf( "%s\n" , output.message(2) );
+ mprintf( "%s\n" , output.message(3) );
+ end
+ end
+ nm = neldermead_destroy(nm);
+// The output function called back by fminsearch
+// Arguments
+// state : the current state of the algorithm
+// "init", "iter", "done"
+// data : the data at the current state
+// This is a tlist with the following entries:
+// * x : the optimal vector of parameters
+// * fval : the minimum function value
+// * simplex : the simplex, as a simplex object
+// * iteration : the number of iterations performed
+// * funccount : the number of function evaluations
+// * step : the type of step in the previous iteration
+// fmsdata : this is a tlist which contains specific data of the
+// fminsearch algorithm
+// * Display : what to display
+// * OutputFcn : the array of output functions
+function stop = fminsearch_outputfun ( state , data , fmsdata )
+ //
+ // Compute procedure
+ //
+ select data.step
+ case "init" then
+ if ( data.iteration == 0 ) then
+ procedure = "";
+ else
+ procedure = "initial simplex";
+ end
+ case "done" then
+ procedure = ""
+ case "reflection" then
+ procedure = "reflect"
+ case "expansion" then
+ procedure = "expand"
+ case "insidecontraction" then
+ procedure = "contract inside"
+ case "outsidecontraction" then
+ procedure = "contract outside"
+ case "shrink" then
+ procedure = "shrink"
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unknown step %s"), "fminsearch", data.step)
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ //
+ // Display a message
+ //
+ if ( fmsdata.Display == "iter" ) then
+ if ( data.step <> "done" ) then
+ mprintf ( "%6s %5s %12s %-20s\n", ...
+ string(data.iteration) , string(data.funccount) , string(data.fval) , procedure )
+ else
+ mprintf ( "\n" )
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Process output functions
+ //
+ stop = %f
+ optimValues = struct(...
+ "funccount" ,data.funccount , ...
+ "fval" ,data.fval , ...
+ "iteration" , data.iteration , ...
+ "procedure" , procedure ...
+ );
+ if ( fmsdata.OutputFcn <> [] ) then
+ if ( type ( fmsdata.OutputFcn ) == 13 ) then
+ // The output function is a macro
+ stop = fmsdata.OutputFcn ( data.x , optimValues , state );
+ //
+ // Backward-compatibility: define the stop variable
+ //
+ if ( exists("stop")==0 ) then
+ fms_warnheaderobsolete ( "outputfun(x,optimValues , state )" , "stop=outputfun(x,optimValues , state )", "5.4.1" )
+ stop = %f
+ end
+ elseif ( type ( fmsdata.OutputFcn ) == 15 ) then
+ // The output function is a list of macros
+ for i = 1:length(fmsdata.OutputFcn)
+ stop = fmsdata.OutputFcn(i) ( data.x , optimValues , state );
+ end
+ //
+ // Backward-compatibility: define the stop variable
+ //
+ if ( exists("stop")==0 ) then
+ fms_warnheaderobsolete ( "outputfun(x,optimValues , state )" , "stop=outputfun(x,optimValues , state )", "5.4.1" )
+ stop = %f
+ end
+ else
+ // The user did something wrong...
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The value of the ''OutputFcn'' option is neither a function nor a list."), "fminsearch")
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ end
+ // Process plot functions
+ if ( fmsdata.PlotFcns <> [] ) then
+ if ( type ( fmsdata.PlotFcns ) == 13 ) then
+ // The output function is a macro
+ fmsdata.PlotFcns ( data.x , optimValues , state );
+ elseif ( type ( fmsdata.PlotFcns ) == 15 ) then
+ // The output function is a list of macros
+ for i = 1:length(fmsdata.PlotFcns)
+ fmsdata.PlotFcns(i) ( data.x , optimValues , state );
+ end
+ else
+ // The user did something wrong...
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The value of the ''PlotFcns'' option is neither a function nor a list."), "fminsearch")
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ end
+// fminsearch_function --
+// Calls the cost function and make it match
+// neldermead requirements.
+function [ f , index , fmsfundata ] = fminsearch_function ( x , index , fmsfundata )
+ funtype = typeof(fmsfundata.Fun)
+ if ( funtype == "function" ) then
+ __fminsearch_f__ = fmsfundata.Fun
+ __fminsearch_args__ = list()
+ else
+ __fminsearch_f__ = fmsfundata.Fun(1)
+ __fminsearch_args__ = list(fmsfundata.Fun(2:$))
+ end
+ f = __fminsearch_f__ ( x , __fminsearch_args__(:))
+function fms_warnheaderobsolete ( oldheader , newheader , removedVersion )
+ warnMessage = msprintf(_("Calling sequence %s is obsolete."),oldheader)
+ warnMessage = [warnMessage, msprintf(_("Please use %s instead."),newheader)]
+ warnMessage = [warnMessage, msprintf(_("This feature will be permanently removed in Scilab %s"), removedVersion)]
+ warning(warnMessage);
+function assert_typecallable ( var , varname , ivar )
+ // Check that var is a function or a list
+ if ( and ( type ( var ) <> [11 13 15] ) ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected function or list for variable %s at input #%d, but got %s instead."),"assert_typecallable", varname , ivar , typeof(var) );
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ if ( type ( var ) == 15 ) then
+ // Check that var(1) is a function
+ if ( and ( type ( var(1) ) <> [11 13] ) ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected function for variable %s(1) at input #%d, but got %s instead."),"assert_typecallable", varname , ivar , typeof(var) );
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ end
+// Generates an error if the given variable is not of type real
+function assert_typereal ( var , varname , ivar )
+ if ( type ( var ) <> 1 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected real variable for variable %s at input #%d, but got %s instead."),"assert_typereal", varname , ivar , typeof(var) );
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/lib b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/lib
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0cab3f3a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/lib
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/names b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/names
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..dbaa66016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/names
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_cget.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_cget.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..441788f69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_cget.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_cget.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_cget.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5e5b70823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_cget.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// neldermead_cget --
+// Get the value for the given key.
+// If the key is unknown, generates an error.
+function value = neldermead_cget (this,key)
+ select key
+ case "-method" then
+ value = this.method;
+ case "-coords0" then
+ value = this.coords0;
+ case "-simplex0method" then
+ value = this.simplex0method;
+ case "-simplex0length" then
+ value = this.simplex0length;
+ case "-simplex0deltausual" then
+ value = this.simplex0deltausual;
+ case "-simplex0deltazero" then
+ value = this.simplex0deltazero;
+ case "-rho" then
+ value= this.rho;
+ case "-chi" then
+ value = this.chi;
+ case "-gamma" then
+ value = this.gamma;
+ case "-sigma" then
+ value = this.sigma;
+ case "-tolsimplexizemethod" then
+ value = this.tolsimplexizemethod;
+ case "-tolsimplexizeabsolute" then
+ value = this.tolsimplexizeabsolute;
+ case "-tolsimplexizerelative" then
+ value = this.tolsimplexizerelative;
+ case "-toldeltafv" then
+ value = this.toldeltafv;
+ case "-tolssizedeltafvmethod" then
+ value = this.tolssizedeltafvmethod;
+ case "-restartmax" then
+ value = this.restartmax;
+ case "-restarteps" then
+ value = this.restarteps;
+ case "-restartstep" then
+ value = this.restartstep;
+ case "-kelleystagnationflag" then
+ value = this.kelleystagnationflag;
+ case "-kelleynormalizationflag" then
+ value = this.kelleynormalizationflag;
+ case "-kelleystagnationalpha0" then
+ value = this.kelleystagnationalpha0;
+ case "-restartflag" then
+ value = this.restartflag;
+ case "-restartdetection" then
+ value = this.restartdetection;
+ case "-restartsimplexmethod" then
+ value = this.restartsimplexmethod;
+ case "-boxnbpoints" then
+ value = this.boxnbpoints;
+ case "-checkcostfunction" then
+ value = this.checkcostfunction;
+ case "-scalingsimplex0" then
+ value = this.scalingsimplex0;
+ case "-guinalphamin" then
+ value = this.guinalphamin;
+ case "-boxtermination" then
+ value = this.boxtermination
+ case "-boxtolf" then
+ value = this.boxtolf
+ case "-boxnbmatch" then
+ value = this.boxnbmatch
+ case "-boxreflect" then
+ value = this.boxreflect
+ case "-boxineqscaling" then
+ value = this.boxineqscaling;
+ case "-mymethod" then
+ value = this.mymethod
+ case "-greedy" then
+ value = this.greedy;
+ //
+ // Obsolete options.
+ //
+ case "-tolvarianceflag" then
+ value = this.tolvarianceflag
+ case "-tolabsolutevariance" then
+ value = this.tolabsolutevariance;
+ case "-tolrelativevariance" then
+ value = this.tolrelativevariance;
+ case "-greedy" then
+ value = this.greedy;
+ //
+ // Obsolete options.
+ //
+ case "-myterminate" then
+ value = this.myterminate
+ case "-myterminateflag" then
+ value = this.myterminateflag
+ else
+ // Delegate to the optimization object
+ value = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , key );
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_configure.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_configure.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7bbea8459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_configure.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_configure.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_configure.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8a614b414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_configure.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// neldermead_configure --
+// Configure neldermead and returns the modified object.
+function this = neldermead_configure (this,key,value)
+ UN=number_properties("tiny")
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn();
+ if ( rhs <> 3 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument: %d expected.\n"), "neldermead_configure", 3);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ select key
+ case "-method" then
+ nelmead_typestring ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkoption ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , ["fixed" "variable" "box" "mine"])
+ this.method = value
+ case "-coords0" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ this.coords0 = value;
+ case "-simplex0method" then
+ nelmead_typestring ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkoption ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , ["given" "axes" "spendley" "pfeffer" "randbounds"])
+ this.simplex0method = value
+ case "-simplex0length" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkgreq ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , UN )
+ this.simplex0length = value;
+ case "-simplex0deltausual" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkgreq ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , UN )
+ this.simplex0deltausual = value;
+ case "-simplex0deltazero" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkgreq ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , UN )
+ this.simplex0deltazero = value;
+ case "-rho" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkgreq ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , UN )
+ this.rho = value;
+ case "-chi" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkgreq ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , UN )
+ this.chi = value;
+ case "-gamma" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkrange ( "neldermead_configure" , var , "value" , 3 , UN , 1-%eps )
+ this.gamma = value;
+ case "-sigma" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkrange ( "neldermead_configure" , var , "value" , 3 , UN , 1-%eps )
+ this.sigma = value;
+ case "-tolsimplexizeabsolute" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkgreq ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , 0 )
+ this.tolsimplexizeabsolute = value;
+ case "-tolsimplexizerelative" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkgreq ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , 0 )
+ this.tolsimplexizerelative = value;
+ case "-tolsimplexizemethod" then
+ nelmead_typeboolean ( value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ this.tolsimplexizemethod = value;
+ case "-toldeltafv" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkgreq ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , 0 )
+ this.toldeltafv = value;
+ case "-tolssizedeltafvmethod" then
+ nelmead_typeboolean ( value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ this.tolssizedeltafvmethod = value;
+ case "-restartmax" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkgreq ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , UN )
+ nelmead_checkflint ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ this.restartmax = value;
+ case "-restarteps" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkgreq ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , UN )
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ this.restarteps = value;
+ case "-restartstep" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkgreq ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , UN )
+ n = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-numberofvariables" );
+ steprows = size ( value , "r" );
+ stepcols = size ( value , "c" );
+ if ( steprows * stepcols <> 1 ) then
+ if ( ( steprows <> n ) | ( stepcols <> 1 ) ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The restartstep vector is expected to have %d x %d shape, but current shape is %d x %d"),"neldermead_configure",n,1,steprows,stepcols);
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ end
+ this.restartstep = value;
+ case "-kelleystagnationflag" then
+ nelmead_typeboolean ( value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ this.kelleystagnationflag = value;
+ case "-kelleynormalizationflag" then
+ nelmead_typeboolean ( value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ this.kelleynormalizationflag = value;
+ case "-kelleystagnationalpha0" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkgreq ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , UN )
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ this.kelleystagnationalpha0 = value;
+ case "-restartflag" then
+ nelmead_typeboolean ( value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ this.restartflag = value;
+ case "-restartdetection" then
+ nelmead_typestring ( value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkoption ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , ["oneill" "kelley"])
+ this.restartdetection = value;
+ case "-restartsimplexmethod" then
+ nelmead_typestring ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkoption ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , ["oriented" "axes" "spendley" "pfeffer" "randbounds"])
+ this.restartsimplexmethod = value;
+ case "-checkcostfunction" then
+ nelmead_typeboolean ( value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ this.checkcostfunction = value;
+ case "-boxnbpoints" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkgreq ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , UN )
+ nelmead_checkflint ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ this.boxnbpoints = value;
+ case "-boxineqscaling" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkrange ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , 0 , 1 )
+ this.boxineqscaling = value;
+ case "-scalingsimplex0" then
+ nelmead_typestring ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkoption ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , ["tox0" "tocenter"])
+ this.scalingsimplex0 = value;
+ case "-guinalphamin" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkgreq ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , UN )
+ this.guinalphamin = value;
+ case "-boxboundsalpha" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkgreq ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , 0 )
+ this.boxboundsalpha = value
+ case "-boxtermination" then
+ nelmead_typeboolean ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ this.boxtermination = value
+ case "-boxtolf" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkgreq ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , 0 )
+ this.boxtolf = value
+ case "-boxnbmatch" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkgreq ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , UN )
+ nelmead_checkflint ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ this.boxnbmatch = value
+ case "-boxreflect" then
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkgreq ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , 1+%eps )
+ this.boxreflect = value
+ case "-mymethod" then
+ nelmead_typefunction ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ this.mymethod = value
+ case "-greedy" then
+ nelmead_typeboolean ( value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ this.greedy = value
+ //
+ // Obsolete options.
+ //
+ case "-myterminate" then
+ nelmead_warnoptobs ( "-myterminate" , "-outputcommand" , "5.4.1" )
+ nelmead_typefunction ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ this.myterminate = value
+ case "-myterminateflag" then
+ nelmead_warnoptobs ( "-myterminateflag" , "-outputcommand" , "5.4.1" )
+ nelmead_typeboolean ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ this.myterminateflag = value;
+ case "-tolvarianceflag" then
+ nelmead_warnoptobs ( "-tolvarianceflag" , "-outputcommand" , "5.4.1" )
+ nelmead_typeboolean ( value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ this.tolvarianceflag = value
+ case "-tolabsolutevariance" then
+ nelmead_warnoptobs ( "-tolabsolutevariance" , "-outputcommand" , "5.4.1" )
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkgreq ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , 0 )
+ this.tolabsolutevariance = value
+ case "-tolrelativevariance" then
+ nelmead_warnoptobs ( "-tolrelativevariance" , "-outputcommand" , "5.4.1" )
+ nelmead_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ nelmead_checkscalar ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ nelmead_checkgreq ( "neldermead_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , 0 )
+ this.tolrelativevariance = value
+ else
+ // Delegate to the optimization object
+ this.optbase = optimbase_configure ( this.optbase , key , value );
+ end
+// Generates an error if the given variable is not of type real
+function nelmead_typereal ( var , varname , ivar )
+ if ( type ( var ) <> 1 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected real variable for variable %s at input #%d, but got %s instead."),"nelmead_typereal", varname , ivar , typeof(var) );
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+// Generates an error if the given variable is not of type string
+function nelmead_typestring ( var , varname , ivar )
+ if ( type ( var ) <> 10 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected string variable for variable %s at input #%d, but got %s instead."),"nelmead_typestring", varname , ivar , typeof(var) );
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+// Generates an error if the given variable is not of type function (macro)
+function nelmead_typefunction ( var , varname , ivar )
+ if ( type ( var ) <> 13 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected function but for variable %s at input #%d, got %s instead."),"nelmead_typefunction", varname , ivar , typeof(var) );
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+// Generates an error if the given variable is not of type boolean
+function nelmead_typeboolean ( var , varname , ivar )
+ if ( type ( var ) <> 4 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected boolean but for variable %s at input #%d, got %s instead."),"nelmead_typeboolean", varname , ivar , typeof(var) );
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+function nelmead_warnoptobs ( oldoption , newoption , removedVersion )
+ warnMessage = msprintf(_("Option %s is obsolete."),oldoption)
+ warnMessage = [warnMessage, msprintf(_("Please use %s instead."),newoption)]
+ warnMessage = [warnMessage, msprintf(_("This feature will be permanently removed in Scilab %s"), removedVersion)]
+ warning(warnMessage);
+function nelmead_checkrange ( funname , var , varname , ivar , vmin , vmax )
+ if ( ~and ( vmin <= var & var <= vmax ) ) then
+ k = find ( vmin > var | var > vmax )
+ k = k(1)
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected that all entries of input argument %s at input #%d are in the range [%s,%s], but entry #%d is equal to %s."),funname,varname,ivar,string(vmin),string(vmax),k,string(var(k)));
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+function nelmead_checkgreq ( funname , var , varname , ivar , thr )
+ if ( or ( var < thr ) ) then
+ k = find ( var < thr )
+ k = k(1)
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected that all entries of input argument %s at input #%d are greater or equal than %s, but entry #%d is equal to %s."),funname,varname,ivar,string(thr),k,string(var(k)));
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+function nelmead_checkflint ( funname , var , varname , ivar )
+ if ( or ( round(var)<>var ) ) then
+ k = find ( round(var)<>var )
+ k = k(1)
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected floating point integer for input argument %s at input #%d, but entry #%d is equal to %s."),funname,varname,ivar,k,string(var(k)));
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+function nelmead_checkscalar ( funname , var , varname , ivar )
+ if ( or(size(var) <> [1 1]) ) then
+ strcomp = strcat(string(size(var))," ")
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"), funname, ivar , 1, 1 );
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+function nelmead_checkoption ( funname , var , varname , ivar , expectedopt )
+ if ( and ( var <> expectedopt ) ) then
+ stradd = """ or """
+ strexp = """" + strcat(string(expectedopt),stradd) + """"
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected value [%s] for input argument %s at input #%d, but got ""%s"" instead."),funname,strexp,varname,ivar,string(var));
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_costf.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_costf.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..358b56e46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_costf.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5c954241b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_costf.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// neldermead_costf --
+// Call the cost function and return the value.
+// Note
+// This function is given to the simplex class as
+// a callback.
+// Input/Output arguments are swapped w.r.t.
+// optimbase_function, so that it matches
+// the requirements of simplex methods.
+function [ f , this ] = neldermead_costf ( x , this )
+ [ this.optbase , hascons ] = optimbase_hasnlcons ( this.optbase );
+ if ( hascons ) then
+ [ this.optbase , f , c , index ] = optimbase_function ( this.optbase , x , 2 );
+ else
+ [ this.optbase , f , index ] = optimbase_function ( this.optbase , x , 2 );
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_defaultoutput.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_defaultoutput.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e3a62252f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_defaultoutput.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..46641109b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_defaultoutput.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// neldermead_defaultoutput --
+// The default output function.
+function stop = neldermead_defaultoutput(state, data)
+ if ( state == "init" ) then
+ mprintf ( "Initialization\n");
+ elseif ( state == "done" ) then
+ mprintf ( "End of Optimization\n");
+ end
+ mprintf ( "Iter. #%s, Feval #%s, Fval = %s -- %s\n", ..
+ string(data.iteration), string(data.funccount), string(data.fval), data.step);
+ stop = %f
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_destroy.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_destroy.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c6f77584d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_destroy.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..17afea2b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_destroy.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// neldermead_destroy --
+// Destroy a Nelder-Mead object.
+function this = neldermead_destroy (this)
+ this.optbase = optimbase_destroy ( this.optbase );
+ this.simplex0 = optimsimplex_destroy ( this.simplex0 );
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_function.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_function.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6df5ebf15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_function.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..eb1b70aad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_function.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// neldermead_function --
+// Call the cost function and return the value of f.
+// This is a simple way to get the value of the cost function
+// from outside.
+// Arguments
+// x : the point where the function is to be evaluated.
+// index : a flag to pass to the cost function (default = 1)
+// f : the cost function
+function [ this , f ] = neldermead_function ( this , x )
+ index = 2;
+ [ this.optbase , hasnlcons ] = optimbase_hasnlcons ( this.optbase );
+ if ( hasnlcons ) then
+ [ this.optbase , f , c , index ] = optimbase_function ( this.optbase , x , index );
+ else
+ [ this.optbase , f , index ] = optimbase_function ( this.optbase , x , index );
+ end
+ // Ignores the value of index at output.
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_get.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_get.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8917078f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_get.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c89b0c954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_get.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// neldermead_get --
+// Get the value for the given key.
+// If the key is unknown, generates an error.
+function value = neldermead_get ( this , key )
+ select key
+ case "-historysimplex" then
+ storehistory = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-storehistory" );
+ if ( ~storehistory ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: History disabled ; turn on -storehistory option."), "neldermead_get")
+ error(errmsg)
+ else
+ value = this.historysimplex;
+ end
+ case "-simplexopt" then
+ value = this.simplexopt;
+ case "-simplex0" then
+ value = this.simplex0;
+ case "-restartnb" then
+ value = this.restartnb;
+ else
+ // Delegate to optbase
+ value = optimbase_get ( this.optbase , key );
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_log.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_log.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..332aea4e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_log.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_log.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_log.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a45e7c156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_log.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// neldermead_log --
+// Prints the given message.
+function this = neldermead_log ( this , msg )
+ // Delegate to optimbase
+ this.optbase = optimbase_log ( this.optbase , msg )
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_new.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_new.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..86f8de52d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_new.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_new.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_new.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..53cfd3103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_new.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// neldermead_new --
+// Creates a new Nelder-Mead object.
+function newobj = neldermead_new ()
+ newobj = tlist(["TNELDER"
+ "optbase"
+ "method"
+ "simplex0"
+ "simplex0method"
+ "simplex0length"
+ "rho"
+ "chi"
+ "gamma"
+ "sigma"
+ "tolfstdeviation"
+ "tolfstdeviationmethod"
+ "tolsimplexizeabsolute"
+ "tolsimplexizerelative"
+ "tolsimplexizemethod"
+ "simplexsize0"
+ "toldeltafv"
+ "tolssizedeltafvmethod"
+ "historysimplex"
+ "coords0"
+ "simplex0deltausual"
+ "simplex0deltazero"
+ "restartsimplexmethod"
+ "simplexopt"
+ "restartmax"
+ "restarteps"
+ "restartstep"
+ "kelleystagnationflag"
+ "kelleynormalizationflag"
+ "kelleystagnationalpha0"
+ "kelleyalpha"
+ "restartnb"
+ "restartflag"
+ "restartdetection"
+ "startupflag"
+ "boxnbpoints"
+ "boxnbpointseff"
+ "boxineqscaling"
+ "checkcostfunction"
+ "scalingsimplex0"
+ "guinalphamin"
+ "boxboundsalpha"
+ "boxtermination"
+ "boxtolf"
+ "boxnbmatch"
+ "boxkount"
+ "boxreflect"
+ "tolvarianceflag"
+ "tolabsolutevariance"
+ "tolrelativevariance"
+ "variancesimplex0"
+ "mymethod"
+ "greedy"
+ //
+ // Obsolete options
+ //
+ "myterminate"
+ "myterminateflag"
+ ]);
+ newobj.optbase = optimbase_new();
+ // Possible values "variable", "fixed".
+ newobj.method = "variable";
+ newobj.simplex0 = optimsimplex_new ( );
+ // Possible values : "axes", "spendley", "pfeffer"
+ newobj.simplex0method = "axes";
+ newobj.simplex0length = 1.0;
+ // Reflection factor : rho
+ newobj.rho = 1.0;
+ // Expansion factor : chi
+ newobj.chi = 2.0;
+ // Contraction factor : gamma
+ newobj.gamma = .5;
+ // Shrinkage factor : sigma
+ newobj.sigma = .5;
+ // The tolerance for the standard deviation
+ newobj.tolfstdeviation = 0.0;
+ // Possible values : %t, %f
+ newobj.tolfstdeviationmethod = %f;
+ // The absolute tolerance for the simplex size
+ newobj.tolsimplexizeabsolute = 0.0;
+ // The relative tolerance for the simplex size
+ newobj.tolsimplexizerelative = %eps;
+ // Possible values : %t, %f
+ // Note :
+ // If the simplex method converges, the simplex size is near zero.
+ newobj.tolsimplexizemethod = %t;
+ // The tolerance for the function value delta
+ newobj.toldeltafv = %eps;
+ // Possible values : %t, %f
+ newobj.tolssizedeltafvmethod = %f;
+ // The value used in Pfeffer method initial simplex computation for non-zero parameters
+ newobj.simplex0deltausual = 0.05;
+ // The value used in Pfeffer method initial simplex computation for zero parameters
+ newobj.simplex0deltazero = 0.0075;
+ // The coordinates of the initial simplex, given by the user
+ newobj.coords0 = [];
+ // Initialize the simplex history
+ newobj.historysimplex = [];
+ // The Kelley stagnation detection in termination criteria : 0/1
+ // (i.e. sufficient decrease of function value)
+ newobj.kelleystagnationflag = %f
+ // The Kelley stagnation detection parameter
+ newobj.kelleystagnationalpha0 = 1.e-4
+ // The Kelley stagnation detection can be normalized or not.
+ // Note:
+ // * in the 1997 paper "Detection and Remediation of Stagnation in Nelder-Mead
+ // algorithm", Kelley uses the constant value of 1.e-4.
+ // * in the 1999 book "Iterative Methods for Optimization", Kelley uses normalization.
+ // Results are slightly changed, as indicated in the book/paper (the modification is
+ // not mentioned, but the iteration number when the restart is performed
+ // is modified).
+ newobj.kelleynormalizationflag = %t
+ // The current value of Kelley's alpha, after normalization, if required
+ newobj.kelleyalpha = 1.e-4;
+ // The optimum simplex, after one optimization process
+ newobj.simplexopt = [];
+ // The maximum number of restarts
+ newobj.restartmax = 3;
+ // The epsilon value for O'Neill restart detection
+ newobj.restarteps = %eps;
+ // The step length for O'Neill restart detection
+ newobj.restartstep = 1.0;
+ // Possible values : "oriented", "axes", "spendley", "pfeffer"
+ newobj.restartsimplexmethod = "oriented";
+ // Possible values : %t, %f
+ newobj.restartflag = %f;
+ // Number of restarts performed
+ newobj.restartnb = 0;
+ // Type of restart detection method : "kelley", "oneill"
+ newobj.restartdetection = "oneill";
+ // Set to %t when the startup has been performed
+ newobj.startupflag = %f;
+ // Initial size of the simplex, for the tolerance on the simplex size
+ newobj.simplexsize0 = 0.0
+ // Number of points required in the simplex (for Box method)
+ newobj.boxnbpoints = "2n"
+ // Effective number of points required in the simplex (for Box method)
+ newobj.boxnbpointseff = 0
+ // The scaling coefficient in nonlinear inequality constraints
+ // in Box method, in (0,1) range
+ newobj.boxineqscaling = 0.5
+ // Set to %f to disable the checking of the connection of the cost function
+ newobj.checkcostfunction = %t;
+ // The scaling algorithm : "tox0", "tocentroid"
+ newobj.scalingsimplex0 = "tox0";
+ // Minimum alpha for constraints scaling
+ newobj.guinalphamin = 1.e-5;
+ // Box's alpha coefficient for bounds constraints.
+ // The value used in Box's paper was 1.e-6 (delta in
+ // Richardson and Kuester's algorithm 454)
+ newobj.boxboundsalpha = 1.e-6
+ // Set to 1 to enable Box termination criteria
+ newobj.boxtermination = %f
+ // The absolute tolerance on function value in Box termination criteria (beta in
+ // Richardson and Kuester's algorithm 454)
+ newobj.boxtolf = 1.e-5
+ // The number of consecutive match in Box termination criteria (gamma in
+ // Richardson and Kuester's algorithm 454)
+ newobj.boxnbmatch = 5
+ // Current number of consecutive match
+ newobj.boxkount = 0
+ // Box reflection/expansion factor
+ newobj.boxreflect = 1.3
+ // Set to %t to enable tolerance on variance
+ newobj.tolvarianceflag = %f;
+ // Absolute tolerance on variance
+ newobj.tolabsolutevariance = 0.0;
+ // Relative tolerance on variance
+ newobj.tolrelativevariance = %eps;
+ // The variance of the initial simplex
+ newobj.variancesimplex0 = 0.0;
+ // User-defined algorithm
+ newobj.mymethod = []
+ // Set to %t to enable greedy Nelder-Mead
+ newobj.greedy = %f;
+ //
+ // Obsolete options
+ //
+ // User-defined terimination criteria
+ newobj.myterminate = []
+ // Flag to enable the user-defined terimination criteria
+ newobj.myterminateflag = %f
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_restart.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_restart.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..fd84e9d02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_restart.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_restart.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_restart.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..713151d03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_restart.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// neldermead_restart --
+// Update the simplex and restart the search.
+function this = neldermead_restart ( this )
+ this = neldermead_updatesimp ( this );
+ this = neldermead_search (this);
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_search.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_search.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..bf18c2f4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_search.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_search.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_search.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8ff765941
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_search.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,1512 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// References
+// Sequential Application of Simplex Designs in Optimisation and Evolutionary Operation
+// Spendley, W. and Hext, G. R. and Himsworth, F. R.
+// 1962
+// Convergence Properties of the Nelder-Mead Simplex Method in Low Dimensions
+// Jeffrey C. Lagarias and James A. Reeds nd Margaret H. Wright and Paul E. Wright
+// SIAM Journal of Optimization, 1998, volume 9, pp. 112--147
+// A Simplex Method for Function Minimization
+// Nelder, J. A. and Mead, R.
+// 1965
+// Iterative Methods for Optimization
+// C. T. Kelley,
+// SIAM Frontiers in Applied Mathematics
+// 1999
+// Detection and Remediation of Stagnation in the Nelder--Mead Algorithm Using a Sufficient Decrease Condition
+// Kelley C. T.
+// SIAM J. on Optimization},
+// 1999
+// neldermead_search --
+// Search the minimum with Nelder-Mead algorithm.
+function this = neldermead_search ( this , warn)
+ rhs = argn(2);
+ warn_mode = warning("query"); // Saving current warning mode to revert to it at the end
+ if rhs == 2 then
+ if warn == 0 | warn == "off" then
+ warning("off"); // Turn off warnings
+ elseif warn == 1 | warn == "on" then
+ warning("on"); // Turn on warnings
+ else
+ msg = _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: ""%s"", ""%s"", %d or %d expected.\n");
+ error(msprintf(msg, "neldermead_search", 2, "off", "on", 0, 1))
+ end
+ end
+ withderivatives = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-withderivatives" );
+ if ( withderivatives ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The -withderivatives option is true but all algorithms in neldermead are derivative-free."), "neldermead_search")
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ if ( ~this.startupflag ) then
+ this = neldermead_startup ( this );
+ this.startupflag = %t;
+ end
+ stop = neldermead_outputcmd ( this, "init" , this.simplex0 , "init" )
+ if ( stop ) then
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-status" , "userstop" );
+ verbose = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-verbose" )
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Terminate by user''s request"));
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ if ( this.restartflag ) then
+ this = neldermead_autorestart ( this )
+ else
+ this = neldermead_algo ( this );
+ end
+ stop = neldermead_outputcmd ( this, "done" , this.simplexopt , "done" )
+ if ( stop ) then
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-status" , "userstop" );
+ verbose = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-verbose" )
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Terminate by user''s request"));
+ end
+ end
+ warning(warn_mode); // Revert to the warning mode that was active before the call
+// neldermead_algo --
+// Performs an optimization without restart
+function this = neldermead_algo ( this )
+ select this.method
+ case "fixed" then
+ this = neldermead_fixed (this);
+ case "variable" then
+ this = neldermead_variable (this);
+ case "box" then
+ this = neldermead_box (this);
+ case "mine" then
+ this = this.mymethod ( this );
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unknown -method %s"), "neldermead_algo", this.method)
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+// neldermead_autorestart --
+// Performs an optimization with automatic restart
+// NOTE
+// The loop processes for i = 1 to restartmax PLUS 1
+// This is because a RE-start is performed after one simulation
+// has been performed, hence the "RE".
+// Hence,
+// * if restartmax = 0, the number of performed loops is 1.
+// * if restartmax = 1, the number of performed loops is 2.
+// * etc...
+// Example #1
+// Sample session with restart max = 3 (the default) and process pass.
+// restartnb = 0
+// Try #1/4
+// Run
+// "Must restart"
+// restartnb = 1
+// Try #2/4
+// Run
+// "Must restart"
+// restartnb = 2
+// Try #3/4
+// Run
+// "Must not restart"
+// "Convergence reached after 2 restarts."
+// reached = %t
+// status = depending on the triggered termination criteria
+// restartnb = 2 (restarts are Tries #2 and #3)
+// Example #2
+// Sample session with restart max = 3 (the default) and process fails.
+// restartnb = 0
+// Try #1/4
+// Run
+// "Must restart"
+// restartnb = 1
+// Try #2/4
+// Run
+// "Must restart"
+// restartnb = 2
+// Try #3/4
+// Run
+// "Must restart"
+// restartnb = 3
+// Try #4/4
+// Run
+// Must restart
+// "Convergence not reached after maximum 3 restarts."
+// reached = %f
+// status = "maxrestart"
+// restartnb = 3 (restarts are Tries #2, #3 and #4)
+function this = neldermead_autorestart ( this )
+ restartmax = this.restartmax;
+ reached = %f;
+ for iloop = 1: restartmax + 1
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("*****************************************************************"));
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Try #%d/%d.", iloop , restartmax + 1 ));
+ //
+ // Run algorithm
+ this = neldermead_algo ( this );
+ //
+ // Must we restart ?
+ [ this , istorestart ] = neldermead_istorestart ( this );
+ if ( istorestart ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,"Must restart.");
+ else
+ this = neldermead_log (this,"Must not restart.");
+ end
+ if ( ~istorestart ) then
+ reached = %t;
+ break
+ end
+ if ( iloop < restartmax + 1 ) then
+ // We are going to perform a restart
+ this.restartnb = this.restartnb + 1;
+ this = neldermead_log (this,"Updating simplex.");
+ this = neldermead_updatesimp ( this );
+ end
+ end
+ if ( reached ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this, sprintf ( "Convergence reached after %d restarts." , this.restartnb ) );
+ else
+ this = neldermead_log (this, sprintf ( "Convergence not reached after maximum %d restarts." , this.restartnb ) );
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-status" , "maxrestart" );
+ end
+// neldermead_variable --
+// The original Nelder-Mead algorithm, with variable-size simplex.
+function this = neldermead_variable ( this )
+ // Check settings correspond to algo
+ [ this.optbase , hascons ] = optimbase_hasconstraints ( this.optbase );
+ if ( hascons ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Problem has constraints, but variable algorithm ignores them."), "neldermead_variable")
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ verbose = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-verbose" )
+ //
+ // Order the vertices for the first time
+ //
+ simplex = this.simplex0;
+ n = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-numberofvariables" );
+ if (n==0) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The number of variable is zero."), "neldermead_variable")
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ fvinitial = optimbase_get ( this.optbase , "-fx0" );
+ // Sort function values and x points by increasing function value order
+ this = neldermead_log (this,"Step #1 : order");
+ simplex = optimsimplex_sort ( simplex );
+ // Transpose, because optimsimplex returns row vectors
+ currentcenter = optimsimplex_center ( simplex ).';
+ currentxopt = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-x0" );
+ newfvmean = optimsimplex_fvmean ( simplex );
+ greedy = this.greedy;
+ //
+ // Initialize
+ //
+ terminate = %f;
+ iter = 0;
+ step = "init";
+ //
+ // Nelder-Mead Loop
+ //
+ while ( ~terminate )
+ this.optbase = optimbase_incriter ( this.optbase );
+ iter = iter + 1;
+ // Transpose, because optimsimplex returns row vectors
+ xlow = optimsimplex_getx ( simplex , 1 ).'
+ flow = optimsimplex_getfv ( simplex , 1 )
+ xhigh = optimsimplex_getx ( simplex , n+1 ).'
+ fhigh = optimsimplex_getfv ( simplex , n+1 )
+ xn = optimsimplex_getx ( simplex , n ).'
+ fn = optimsimplex_getfv ( simplex , n )
+ //
+ // Store history
+ //
+ xcoords = optimsimplex_getallx ( simplex )
+ this = neldermead_storehistory ( this , n , flow , xlow , xcoords );
+ currentfopt = flow;
+ previousxopt = currentxopt;
+ currentxopt = xlow;
+ previouscenter = currentcenter;
+ currentcenter = optimsimplex_center ( simplex ).';
+ oldfvmean = newfvmean;
+ newfvmean = optimsimplex_fvmean ( simplex );
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_logsummary ( this, iter,xlow,flow,currentcenter,simplex )
+ end
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-xopt" , xlow );
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-fopt" , flow );
+ stop = neldermead_outputcmd ( this, "iter" , simplex , step )
+ if ( stop ) then
+ status = "userstop"
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Terminate by user''s request"));
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ //
+ // Update termination flag
+ //
+ if ( iter > 1 ) then
+ [ this , terminate , status ] = neldermead_termination (this , ...
+ fvinitial , oldfvmean , newfvmean , previouscenter , currentcenter , simplex );
+ if ( terminate ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Terminate with status : %s",status));
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Compute xbar, center of better vertices
+ //
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Reflect"));
+ end
+ // Transpose, because optimsimplex returns row vectors
+ xbar = optimsimplex_xbar ( simplex ).';
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("xbar="+_strvec(xbar)+""));
+ end
+ //
+ // Reflect the worst point with respect to center
+ //
+ xr = neldermead_interpolate ( xbar , xhigh , this.rho );
+ [ this.optbase , fr , index ] = optimbase_function ( this.optbase , xr , 2 );
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("xr=["+_strvec(xr)+"], f(xr)=%f",fr));
+ end
+ if ( fr >= flow & fr < fn ) then
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf(" > Perform reflection"));
+ end
+ simplex = optimsimplex_setve ( simplex , n+1 , fr , xr.' )
+ step = "reflection";
+ elseif ( fr < flow ) then
+ // Expand
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Expand"));
+ end
+ xe = neldermead_interpolate ( xbar , xhigh , this.rho*this.chi );
+ [ this.optbase , fe , index ] = optimbase_function ( this.optbase , xe , 2 );
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("xe="+_strvec(xe)+", f(xe)=%f",fe));
+ end
+ if ( greedy ) then
+ if ( fe < flow ) then
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf(" > Perform Greedy Expansion"));
+ end
+ simplex = optimsimplex_setve ( simplex , n+1 , fe , xe.' )
+ step = "expansion";
+ else
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf(" > Perform Greedy Reflection"));
+ end
+ simplex = optimsimplex_setve ( simplex , n+1 , fr , xr.' )
+ step = "reflection";
+ end
+ else
+ if ( fe < fr ) then
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf(" > Perform Expansion"));
+ end
+ simplex = optimsimplex_setve ( simplex , n+1 , fe , xe.' )
+ step = "expansion";
+ else
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf(" > Perform Reflection"));
+ end
+ simplex = optimsimplex_setve ( simplex , n+1 , fr , xr.' )
+ step = "reflection";
+ end
+ end
+ elseif ( fr >= fn & fr < fhigh ) then
+ // Outside contraction
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Contract - outside"));
+ end
+ xc = neldermead_interpolate ( xbar , xhigh , this.rho*this.gamma );
+ [ this.optbase , fc , index ] = optimbase_function ( this.optbase , xc , 2 );
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("xc="+_strvec(xc)+", f(xc)=%f",fc));
+ end
+ if ( fc <= fr ) then
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf(" > Perform Outside Contraction"));
+ end
+ simplex = optimsimplex_setve ( simplex , n+1 , fc , xc.' )
+ step = "outsidecontraction";
+ else
+ // Shrink
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf(" > Perform Shrink"));
+ end
+ [ simplex , this ] = optimsimplex_shrink ( simplex , costf_transposex , this.sigma , this );
+ step = "shrink";
+ end
+ else
+ // ( fr >= fn & fr >= fhigh )
+ // Inside contraction
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Contract - inside"));
+ end
+ xc = neldermead_interpolate ( xbar , xhigh , -this.gamma );
+ [ this.optbase , fc , index ] = optimbase_function ( this.optbase , xc , 2 );
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("xc="+_strvec(xc)+", f(xc)=%f",fc));
+ end
+ if ( fc < fhigh ) then
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf(" > Perform Inside Contraction"));
+ end
+ simplex = optimsimplex_setve ( simplex , n+1 , fc , xc.' )
+ step = "insidecontraction";
+ else
+ // Shrink
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf(" > Perform Shrink"));
+ end
+ [ simplex , this ] = optimsimplex_shrink ( simplex , costf_transposex , this.sigma , this )
+ step = "shrink";
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Sort simplex
+ //
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Sort"));
+ end
+ simplex = optimsimplex_sort ( simplex );
+ end
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-xopt" , xlow );
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-fopt" , flow );
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-status" , status );
+ this.simplexopt = simplex;
+// neldermead_fixed --
+// The simplex algorithm with fixed size simplex.
+// Implementation note:
+// We implement the following "rules" of the Spendley et al.
+// method.
+// Rule 1 is strictly applied, but the reflection is done
+// by reflection the high point, since we minimize a function
+// instead of maximizing it, like Spendley.
+// The Rule 2 is NOT implemented, as we expect that the
+// function evaluation is not subject to errors.
+// The Rule 3 is applied, ie reflection with respect
+// to next to high point.
+// A shrink step is included, with shrinkage factor sigma.
+// "Rule 1. Ascertain the lowest reading y, of yi ... Yk+1
+// Complete a new simplex Sp by excluding the point Vp corresponding to
+// y, and replacing it by V* defined as above."
+// "Rule 2. If a result has occurred in (k + 1) successive simplexes, and is not
+// then eliminated by application of Rule 1, do not move in the direction
+// indicated by Rule 1, or at all, but discard the result and replace it by a new
+// observation at the same point."
+// "Rule 3. If y is the lowest reading in So , and if the next observation made,
+// y* , is the lowest reading in the new simplex S , do not apply Rule 1 and
+// return to So from Sp . Move out of S, by rejecting the second lowest reading
+// (which is also the second lowest reading in So)."
+function this = neldermead_fixed (this)
+ // Check settings correspond to algo
+ [ this.optbase , hascons ] = optimbase_hasnlcons ( this.optbase );
+ if ( hascons ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Problem has constraints, but fixed algorithm ignores them."), "neldermead_fixed")
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ verbose = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-verbose" )
+ //
+ // Order the vertices for the first time
+ //
+ simplex = this.simplex0;
+ n = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-numberofvariables" );
+ fvinitial = optimbase_get ( this.optbase , "-fx0" );
+ // Sort function values and x points by increasing function value order
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Sort"));
+ simplex = optimsimplex_sort ( simplex );
+ //
+ // Compute center of simplex
+ //
+ // Transpose, because optimsimplex returns row vectors
+ currentcenter = optimsimplex_center ( simplex ).';
+ newfvmean = optimsimplex_fvmean ( simplex );
+ currentxopt = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-x0" );
+ //
+ // Set indices for "clarity"
+ //
+ ilow = 1
+ ihigh = n + 1
+ inext = n
+ //
+ // Initialize
+ //
+ terminate = %f;
+ iter = 0;
+ step = "init";
+ //
+ // main N-M loop
+ //
+ while ( ~terminate )
+ this.optbase = optimbase_incriter ( this.optbase );
+ iter = iter + 1;
+ xlow = optimsimplex_getx ( simplex , ilow ).'
+ flow = optimsimplex_getfv ( simplex , ilow )
+ xhigh = optimsimplex_getx ( simplex , ihigh ).'
+ fhigh = optimsimplex_getfv ( simplex , ihigh )
+ //
+ // Store history
+ //
+ xcoords = optimsimplex_getallx ( simplex )
+ this = neldermead_storehistory ( this , n , flow , xlow , xcoords );
+ currentfopt = flow;
+ previousxopt = currentxopt;
+ currentxopt = xlow;
+ previouscenter = currentcenter;
+ currentcenter = optimsimplex_center ( simplex ).';
+ oldfvmean = newfvmean;
+ newfvmean = optimsimplex_fvmean ( simplex );
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_logsummary ( this, iter,xlow,flow,currentcenter,simplex )
+ end
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-xopt" , xlow );
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-fopt" , flow );
+ stop = neldermead_outputcmd ( this, "iter" , simplex , step )
+ if ( stop ) then
+ status = "userstop"
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Terminate by user''s request"));
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ //
+ // Update termination flag
+ //
+ if ( iter > 1 ) then
+ [ this , terminate , status] = neldermead_termination (this , ...
+ fvinitial , oldfvmean , newfvmean , previouscenter , currentcenter , simplex );
+ if ( terminate ) then
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Terminate with status : %s",status));
+ end
+ break;
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Compute xbar, center of better vertices
+ //
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Reflect"));
+ end
+ xbar = optimsimplex_xbar ( simplex ).';
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("xbar="+_strvec(xbar)+""));
+ end
+ //
+ // Reflect the worst point with respect to center
+ //
+ xr = neldermead_interpolate ( xbar , xhigh , this.rho );
+ [ this.optbase , fr , index ] = optimbase_function ( this.optbase , xr , 2 );
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("xr="+_strvec(xr)+", f(xr)=%f",fr));
+ end
+ //
+ // Replace worst point by xr if it is better
+ //
+ if ( fr < fhigh ) then
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf(" > Perform reflect"));
+ end
+ simplex = optimsimplex_setve ( simplex , ihigh , fr , xr.' )
+ step = "reflection";
+ else
+ // Reflect / xnext
+ xnext = optimsimplex_getx ( simplex , inext ).';
+ fnext = optimsimplex_getfv ( simplex , inext );
+ xbar2 = optimsimplex_xbar ( simplex , inext ).';
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("xbar2="+_strvec(xbar2)+""));
+ end
+ xr2 = neldermead_interpolate ( xbar2 , xnext , this.rho );
+ [ this.optbase , fr2 , index ] = optimbase_function ( this.optbase , xr2 , 2 );
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("xr2="+_strvec(xr2)+", f(xr2)=%f",fr2));
+ end
+ if ( fr2 < fnext ) then
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf(" > Perform reflect / next"));
+ end
+ simplex = optimsimplex_setve ( simplex , inext , fr2 , xr2.' )
+ step = "reflectionnext";
+ else
+ // Shrink
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf(" > Perform Shrink"));
+ end
+ [ simplex , this ] = optimsimplex_shrink ( simplex , costf_transposex , this.sigma , this )
+ step = "shrink";
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Sort simplex
+ //
+ simplex = optimsimplex_sort ( simplex );
+ end
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-xopt" , xlow );
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-fopt" , flow );
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-status" , status );
+ this.simplexopt = simplex;
+// neldermead_interpolate --
+// Computes xi as an interpolation between x1 and x2, with factor as :
+// xi = (1+fac)x1 - fac x2
+function xi = neldermead_interpolate ( x1 , x2 , fac )
+ xi = (1 + fac)*x1 - fac*x2;
+// neldermead_termination --
+// Returns 1 if the algorithm terminates.
+// Returns 0 if the algorithm must continue.
+// Arguments
+// this : the current object
+// fvinitial : initial function value
+// newfvmean, oldfvmean : the old and new function value average on the simplex
+// previousxopt : the previous value of x
+// currentxopt : the current value of x
+// simplex : the simplex
+// The best point in the simplex is expected to be stored at 1
+// The worst point in the simplex is expected to be stored at n+1
+// terminate : %t if the algorithm terminates, %f if the algorithm must continue.
+// this.status : termination status
+// "continue"
+// "maxiter"
+// "maxfuneval"
+// "tolf"
+// "tolx"
+// "tolsize"
+// "tolsizedeltafv"
+// "kelleystagnation"
+// "tolboxf"
+// "tolvariance"
+// Notes
+// Use the function average on the simplex instead of the best function value.
+// This is because the function average changes at each iteration.
+// Instead, the best function value as a step-by-step evolution and may not
+// change in 2 iterations, leading to astop of the algorithm.
+// TODO : set the fvinitial, oldfvmean, newfvmean.
+function [ this , terminate , status ] = neldermead_termination (this , ...
+ fvinitial , oldfvmean , newfvmean , previousxopt , currentxopt , ...
+ simplex )
+ terminate = %f;
+ status = "continue";
+ verbose = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-verbose" )
+ //
+ // Termination Criteria from parent optimization class
+ //
+ [ this.optbase , terminate , status ] = optimbase_terminate ( this.optbase , ...
+ fvinitial , newfvmean , previousxopt , currentxopt );
+ //
+ // Criteria #6 : simplex absolute + relative size
+ //
+ if ( ~terminate ) then
+ if ( this.tolsimplexizemethod ) then
+ ssize = optimsimplex_size ( simplex , "sigmaplus" );
+ tolsa = this.tolsimplexizeabsolute;
+ tolsr = this.tolsimplexizerelative;
+ ssize0 = this.simplexsize0;
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this.optbase = optimbase_stoplog ( this.optbase,sprintf(" > simplex size=%s < %s + %s * %s",...
+ string(ssize), string(tolsa) , string(tolsr) , string(ssize0) ));
+ end
+ if ( ssize < tolsa + tolsr * ssize0 ) then
+ terminate = %t;
+ status = "tolsize";
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Criteria #7 : simplex absolute size + difference in function values (Matlab-like)
+ //
+ if ( ~terminate ) then
+ if ( this.tolssizedeltafvmethod ) then
+ ssize = optimsimplex_size ( simplex , "sigmaplus" );
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this.optbase = optimbase_stoplog ( this.optbase,sprintf(" > simplex size=%s < %s",...
+ string(ssize), string(this.tolsimplexizeabsolute)));
+ end
+ shiftfv = abs(optimsimplex_deltafvmax( simplex ))
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this.optbase = optimbase_stoplog ( this.optbase,sprintf(" > abs(fv(n+1) - fv(1))=%s < toldeltafv=%s",...
+ string(shiftfv), string(this.toldeltafv)));
+ end
+ if ( ( ssize < this.tolsimplexizeabsolute ) & ( shiftfv < this.toldeltafv ) ) then
+ terminate = %t;
+ status = "tolsizedeltafv";
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Criteria #8 : Kelley stagnation, based on
+ // a sufficient decrease condition
+ //
+ if ( ~terminate ) then
+ if ( this.kelleystagnationflag ) then
+ [ sg , this ] = optimsimplex_gradientfv ( simplex , neldermead_costf , "forward" , this );
+ nsg = sg.' * sg;
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ sgstr = _strvec(sg);
+ this.optbase = optimbase_stoplog ( this.optbase , sprintf ( "Test Stagnation : nsg = %s, sg = [%s]", ...
+ string(nsg) , sgstr ) );
+ this.optbase = optimbase_stoplog ( this.optbase , ...
+ sprintf ( "Test Stagnation : newfvmean=%s >= oldfvmean=%s - %s * %s" , ....
+ string(newfvmean), string(oldfvmean) , string(this.kelleyalpha) , string(nsg) ) );
+ end
+ if ( newfvmean >= oldfvmean - this.kelleyalpha * nsg ) then
+ terminate = %t;
+ status = "kelleystagnation";
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Criteria #9 : Box termination criteria
+ // The number of consecutive time that an absolute tolerance on
+ // function value is met.
+ // From Algorithm 454, the tolerance is the difference between the
+ // max and the min function values in the simplex.
+ //
+ if ( ~terminate ) then
+ if ( this.boxtermination ) then
+ shiftfv = abs(optimsimplex_deltafvmax( simplex ))
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this.optbase = optimbase_stoplog ( this.optbase , ...
+ sprintf ( "Test Box : shiftfv=%s < boxtolf=%s" , ...
+ string(shiftfv) , string(this.boxtolf) ) );
+ end
+ if ( shiftfv < this.boxtolf ) then
+ this.boxkount = this.boxkount + 1
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this.optbase = optimbase_stoplog ( this.optbase , ...
+ sprintf ( "Test Box : boxkount=%d == boxnbmatch=%d" , ...
+ this.boxkount , this.boxnbmatch ) );
+ end
+ if ( this.boxkount == this.boxnbmatch ) then
+ terminate = %t
+ status = "tolboxf"
+ end
+ else
+ this.boxkount = 0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Obsolete option: maintain for backward compatibility
+ // Criteria #10 : variance of function values
+ //
+ if ( ~terminate ) then
+ if ( this.tolvarianceflag ) then
+ var = optimsimplex_fvvariance ( simplex )
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this.optbase = optimbase_stoplog ( this.optbase , ...
+ sprintf ( "Test tolvariance : %s < %s" , ...
+ string(var) , string(this.tolabsolutevariance) ) );
+ end
+ if ( var < this.tolrelativevariance * this.variancesimplex0 + this.tolabsolutevariance ) then
+ terminate = %t
+ status = "tolvariance"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Obsolete option: maintain for backward compatibility
+ // Criteria #11 : user-defined criteria
+ //
+ if ( ~terminate ) then
+ if ( this.myterminateflag ) then
+ [ this , term , stat ] = this.myterminate ( this , simplex )
+ if ( term ) then
+ terminate = term
+ status = stat
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // A verbose message
+ //
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this.optbase = optimbase_stoplog (this.optbase,sprintf(" > Terminate = %s, status = %s",...
+ string(terminate) , status ));
+ end
+// neldermead_outputcmd --
+// Calls back user's output command
+// Arguments
+// this : the current object
+// state : the state of the algorithm,
+// "init", "done", "iter"
+// simplex : the current simplex
+// step : the type of step performed during the iteration
+// "init", "done", "reflection", "expansion", "insidecontraction", "outsidecontraction"
+// "reflectionnext", "shrink"
+// stop : set to true to stop algorithm
+function stop = neldermead_outputcmd ( this, ...
+ state , simplex , step )
+ outputcmd = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-outputcommand" );
+ if typeof(outputcmd) <> "string" then
+ brutedata = optimbase_outstruct ( this.optbase );
+ data = tlist(["T_NMDATA",...
+ "x","fval","iteration","funccount",...
+ "simplex" , "step" ]);
+ data.x = brutedata.x;
+ data.fval = brutedata.fval;
+ data.iteration = brutedata.iteration;
+ data.funccount = brutedata.funccount;
+ data.simplex = simplex;
+ data.step = step;
+ stop = optimbase_outputcmd ( this.optbase , state , data );
+ else
+ stop = %f
+ end
+// neldermead_storehistory --
+// Stores the history into the data structure.
+// Arguments, input
+// this : current object
+// n : the number of unknown parameters
+// fopt : the current value of the function at optimum
+// xopt : arrary with size n, current optimum
+// xcoords : array with size n x n+1, coordinates of the n+1 vertices
+function this = neldermead_storehistory ( this , n , fopt , xopt , xcoords )
+ storehistory = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-storehistory" );
+ iterations = optimbase_get ( this.optbase , "-iterations" );
+ if ( storehistory ) then
+ this.optbase = optimbase_histset ( this.optbase , iterations , "-fopt" , fopt );
+ this.optbase = optimbase_histset ( this.optbase , iterations , "-xopt" , xopt(1:n) );
+ this.historysimplex ( iterations , 1:n+1,1:n) = xcoords(1:n+1,1:n);
+ end
+// neldermead_istorestart --
+// Returns 1 if the optimization is to restart.
+// Arguments
+// istorestart : %t of the optimization is to restart.
+function [ this , istorestart ] = neldermead_istorestart ( this )
+ status = optimbase_get ( this.optbase , "-status" );
+ if ( status =="maxfuneval" ) then
+ istorestart = %f
+ return
+ end
+ select this.restartdetection
+ case "oneill"
+ [ this , istorestart ] = neldermead_isroneill ( this )
+ case "kelley"
+ [ this , istorestart ] = neldermead_isrkelley ( this )
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unknown restart detection %s"),"neldermead_istorestart", this.restartdetection)
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+// neldermead_isrkelley--
+// Returns 1 if the optimization is to restart.
+// Use kelleystagnation as a criteria for restart.
+// Arguments
+// istorestart : %t of the optimization is to restart.
+function [ this , istorestart ] = neldermead_isrkelley ( this )
+ istorestart = %f
+ if ( this.kelleystagnationflag ) then
+ status = optimbase_get ( this.optbase , "-status" );
+ if ( status =="kelleystagnation" ) then
+ istorestart = %t
+ end
+ end
+// neldermead_isroneill --
+// Returns 1 if the optimization is to restart.
+// Use O'Neill method as a criteria for restart.
+// It is an axis by axis search for optimality.
+// Arguments
+// xopt : the optimum, as a st of n values
+// fopt : function value at optimum
+// eps : a small value
+// step : a list of n values, representing
+// the "size" of each parameter
+// istorestart : %t if the optimization is to restart.
+function [ this , istorestart ] = neldermead_isroneill ( this )
+ n = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-numberofvariables" );
+ //
+ // If required, make a vector step from the scalar step
+ //
+ defaultstep = this.restartstep;
+ steprows = size ( defaultstep , "r" );
+ if ( steprows == 1 ) then
+ step = defaultstep * ones(n,1);
+ else
+ step = defaultstep;
+ end
+ restarteps = this.restarteps;
+ x = optimbase_get ( this.optbase , "-xopt" );
+ fopt = optimbase_get ( this.optbase , "-fopt" );
+ verbose = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-verbose" )
+ if ( verbose ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("================================================================="));
+ this = neldermead_log (this, sprintf ( "O''Neill Restart\n") );
+ this = neldermead_log (this, sprintf ( "Using step [%s]" , _strvec(step) ) );
+ end
+ istorestart = %f
+ for ix = 1:n
+ stepix = step ( ix )
+ del = stepix * restarteps
+ xix = x ( ix )
+ x ( ix ) = xix + del
+ [ this.optbase , fv , index ] = optimbase_function ( this.optbase , x , 2 )
+ if ( fv < fopt ) then
+ istorestart = %t
+ if ( verbose ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this, sprintf ( "Must restart because fv=%s at [%s] is lower than fopt=%s" , ...
+ string(fv) , _strvec(x) , string(fopt)) );
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ x ( ix ) = xix - del
+ [ this.optbase , fv , index ] = optimbase_function ( this.optbase , x , 2 )
+ if ( fv < fopt ) then
+ istorestart = %t
+ if ( verbose ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this, sprintf( "Must restart because fv=%s at [%s] is lower than fopt=%s" , ...
+ string(fv) , _strvec(x) , string(fopt)) );
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ x ( ix ) = xix
+ end
+// neldermead_startup --
+// Startup the algorithm.
+// Computes the initial simplex, depending on the -simplex0method.
+function this = neldermead_startup (this)
+ //
+ // 0. Check that the cost function is correctly connected
+ // Note: this call to the cost function is not used, but helps the
+ // user while he is tuning his object.
+ if ( this.checkcostfunction ) then
+ this.optbase = optimbase_checkcostfun ( this.optbase );
+ end
+ //
+ // 1. If the problem has bounds, check that they are consistent
+ [ this.optbase , hasbounds ] = optimbase_hasbounds ( this.optbase );
+ if ( hasbounds ) then
+ this.optbase = optimbase_checkbounds ( this.optbase );
+ end
+ //
+ // 2. Get the initial guess and compute the initial simplex
+ x0 = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-x0" );
+ select this.simplex0method
+ case "given" then
+ [ simplex0 , this ] = optimsimplex_new ( this.coords0 , [] , this );
+ case "axes" then
+ [ simplex0 , this ] = optimsimplex_new ( "axes" , ...
+ x0.' , [] , this.simplex0length , this );
+ case "spendley" then
+ [ simplex0 , this ] = optimsimplex_new ( "spendley" , ...
+ x0.' , [] , this.simplex0length , this );
+ case "pfeffer" then
+ [ simplex0 , this ] = optimsimplex_new ( "pfeffer" , ...
+ x0.' , [] , this.simplex0deltausual , ...
+ this.simplex0deltazero , this );
+ case "randbounds" then
+ if ( this.boxnbpoints == "2n" ) then
+ this.boxnbpointseff = 2 * this.optbase.numberofvariables;
+ else
+ this.boxnbpointseff = this.boxnbpoints;
+ end
+ if ( ~hasbounds ) then
+ error ( msprintf(gettext("%s: Randomized bounds initial simplex is not available without bounds." ), "neldermead_startup"))
+ end
+ [ simplex0 , this ] = optimsimplex_new ( "randbounds" , x0.' , ...
+ [] , this.optbase.boundsmin , this.optbase.boundsmax , ...
+ this.boxnbpointseff , this );
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unknown value %s for -simplex0method option"), "neldermead_startup", this.simplex0method);
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ //
+ // 3. Scale the initial simplex into the bounds and the nonlinear inequality constraints, if any
+ [ this.optbase , hasnlcons ] = optimbase_hasnlcons ( this.optbase );
+ if ( hasbounds | hasnlcons ) then
+ // Check that initial guess is feasible
+ [ this.optbase , isfeasible ] = optimbase_isfeasible ( this.optbase , x0 );
+ if ( isfeasible <> 1 ) then
+ error ( msprintf ( gettext ( "%s: Initial guess [%s] is not feasible." ) , "neldermead_startup" , _strvec ( x0 ) ) )
+ end
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Scaling initial simplex into nonlinear inequality constraints..."));
+ select this.scalingsimplex0
+ case "tox0" then
+ [ this , simplex0 ] = neldermead_scaletox0 ( this , simplex0 );
+ case "tocenter" then
+ [ this , simplex0 ] = neldermead_scaletocenter ( this , simplex0 );
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unknown value %s for -scalingsimplex0 option"),"neldermead_startup", this.scalingsimplex0 );
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // 4. Compute the function values
+ nbve = optimsimplex_getnbve ( simplex0 );
+ for ive = 1 : nbve
+ // Transpose, because optimsimplex returns row vectors
+ x = optimsimplex_getx ( simplex0 , ive ).';
+ if ( hasnlcons ) then
+ [ this.optbase , fv , c , index ] = optimbase_function ( this.optbase , x , 2 );
+ else
+ [ this.optbase , fv , index ] = optimbase_function ( this.optbase , x , 2 );
+ end
+ // Transpose xp, which is a column vector
+ simplex0 = optimsimplex_setve ( simplex0 , ive , fv , x.' );
+ end
+ //
+ // 5. Store the simplex
+ this.simplex0 = optimsimplex_destroy ( this.simplex0 );
+ this.simplex0 = simplex0;
+ this.simplexsize0 = optimsimplex_size ( simplex0 );
+ //
+ // 6. Store initial data into the base optimization component
+ fx0 = optimsimplex_getfv ( this.simplex0 , 1 );
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-fx0" , fx0 );
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-xopt" , x0 );
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-fopt" , fx0 );
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-iterations" , 0 );
+ //
+ // 7. Initialize the termination criteria
+ this = neldermead_termstartup ( this );
+// neldermead_scaletox0 --
+// Scale the simplex into the
+// nonlinear inequality constraints, if any.
+// Scale toward x0, which is feasible.
+// Do not update the function values.
+// Arguments
+// simplex0 : the initial simplex
+function [ this , simplex0 ] = neldermead_scaletox0 ( this , simplex0 )
+ [ this.optbase , hasnlcons ] = optimbase_hasnlcons ( this.optbase );
+ nbve = optimsimplex_getnbve ( simplex0 );
+ x0 = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-x0" );
+ for ive = 2 : nbve
+ // Transpose, because optimsimplex returns row vectors
+ x = optimsimplex_getx ( simplex0 , ive ).';
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Scaling vertex #%d/%d at ["+...
+ _strvec(x)+"]... " , ive , nbve ));
+ // Transpose x into a row vector
+ [ this , status , xp ] = _scaleinconstraints ( this , x , x0 );
+ if ( ~status ) then
+ lclmsg = gettext("%s: Impossible to scale the vertex #%d/%d at [%s] into inequality constraints")
+ errmsg = msprintf(lclmsg, ...
+ "neldermead_startup", ive , nbve , _strvec(x));
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ if ( or ( x <> xp ) ) then
+ // Transpose xp, which is a column vector
+ simplex0 = optimsimplex_setx ( simplex0 , ive , xp.' );
+ end
+ end
+// neldermead_scaletocenter --
+// Scale the simplex into the
+// nonlinear inequality constraints, if any.
+// Scale to the centroid of the points
+// which satisfy the constraints.
+// Do not update the function values.
+// Notes
+// This is Box's method for scaling.
+// It is unsure, since the centroid of the points
+// which satisfy the constraints may not be feasible.
+// Arguments
+function [ this , simplex0 ] = neldermead_scaletocenter ( this , simplex0 , x0 )
+ [ this.optbase , hasnlcons ] = optimbase_hasnlcons ( this.optbase );
+ nbve = optimsimplex_getnbve ( simplex0 );
+ for ive = 2 : nbve
+ xref = optimsimplex_xbar ( simplex0 , ive:nbve ).';
+ // Transpose, because optimsimplex returns row vectors
+ x = optimsimplex_getx ( simplex0 , ive ).';
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Scaling vertex #%d/%d at ["+...
+ _strvec(x)+"]... " , ive , nbve ));
+ // Transpose x into a row vector
+ [ this , status , xp ] = _scaleinconstraints ( this , x , xref );
+ if ( ~status ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Impossible to scale the vertex #%d/%d at [%s] into inequality constraints"), ...
+ "neldermead_startup", ive , nbve , _strvec(x));
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ if ( or ( x <> xp ) ) then
+ // Transpose xp, which is a column vector
+ simplex0 = optimsimplex_setx ( simplex0 , ive , xp.' );
+ end
+ end
+// neldermead_termstartup --
+// Initialize Kelley's stagnation detection system when normalization is required,
+// by computing kelleyalpha.
+// If the simplex gradient is zero, then
+// use alpha0 as alpha.
+// Arguments
+// status : the status after the failing
+// optimization process
+// simplex : the simplex computed at the end of the failing
+// optimization process
+function this = neldermead_termstartup ( this )
+ //
+ // Criteria #8 : Kelley stagnation, based on
+ // a sufficient decrease condition
+ //
+ if ( this.kelleystagnationflag ) then
+ if ( ~this.kelleynormalizationflag ) then
+ this.kelleyalpha = this.kelleystagnationalpha0
+ else
+ [sg,this] = optimsimplex_gradientfv ( this.simplex0 , neldermead_costf , "forward" , this )
+ nsg = sg.' * sg
+ sigma0 = optimsimplex_size ( this.simplex0 , "sigmaplus" )
+ if nsg==0.0 then
+ this.kelleyalpha = this.kelleystagnationalpha0
+ else
+ this.kelleyalpha = this.kelleystagnationalpha0 * sigma0 / nsg
+ end
+ end
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Test Stagnation Kelley : alpha0 = %s", string(this.kelleyalpha)));
+ end
+ //
+ // Criteria #10 : variance of function values
+ //
+ if ( this.tolvarianceflag ) then
+ this.variancesimplex0 = optimsimplex_fvvariance ( this.simplex0 )
+ end
+// _scaleinconstraints --
+// Given a point to scale and a reference point which satisfies the constraints,
+// scale the point towards the reference point until it satisfies all the constraints.
+// Returns isscaled = %T if the procedure has succeded before -boxnbnlloops
+// Returns isscaled = %F if the procedure has failed after -boxnbnlloops
+// iterations.
+// Arguments
+// x : the point to scale
+// xref : the reference point
+// isscaled : %T or %F
+// p : scaled point
+function [ this , isscaled , p ] = _scaleinconstraints ( this , x , xref )
+ p = x
+ [ this.optbase , hasbounds ] = optimbase_hasbounds ( this.optbase );
+ nbnlc = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-nbineqconst" )
+ //
+ // 1. No bounds, no nonlinear inequality constraints
+ // => no problem
+ //
+ if ( ( hasbounds == %f ) & ( nbnlc == 0 ) ) then
+ isscaled = %T
+ return;
+ end
+ //
+ // 2. Scale into bounds
+ //
+ if ( hasbounds ) then
+ [ this.optbase , p ] = optimbase_proj2bnds ( this.optbase , p );
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf(" > After projection into bounds p = [%s]" , ...
+ _strvec(p)));
+ end
+ //
+ // 3. Scale into non linear constraints
+ // Try the current point and see if the constraints are satisfied.
+ // If not, move the point "halfway" to the centroid,
+ // which should satisfy the constraints, if
+ // the constraints are convex.
+ // Perform this loop until the constraints are satisfied.
+ // If all loops have been performed without success, the scaling
+ // has failed.
+ //
+ isscaled = %F
+ alpha = 1.0
+ p0 = p
+ while ( alpha > this.guinalphamin )
+ [ this.optbase , feasible ] = optimbase_isinnonlincons ( this.optbase , p );
+ if ( feasible ) then
+ isscaled = %T;
+ break;
+ end
+ alpha = alpha * this.boxineqscaling
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Scaling inequality constraint with alpha = %s", ...
+ string(alpha)));
+ p = ( 1.0 - alpha ) * xref + alpha * p0;
+ end
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf(" > After scaling into inequality constraints p = [%s]" , ...
+ _strvec(p) ) );
+ if ( ~isscaled ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf(" > Impossible to scale into constraints after %d loops" , ...
+ this.optbase.nbineqconst ));
+ end
+// neldermead_logsummary --
+// At each iteration, prints this iteration summary.
+function this = neldermead_logsummary ( this, iter,xlow,flow,currentcenter,simplex )
+ deltafv = abs(optimsimplex_deltafvmax ( simplex ));
+ totaliter = optimbase_get ( this.optbase , "-iterations" );
+ funevals = optimbase_get ( this.optbase , "-funevals" );
+ ssize = optimsimplex_size ( simplex )
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("================================================================="));
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Iteration #%d (total = %d)",iter,totaliter));
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Function Eval #%d",funevals));
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Xopt : [%s]",_strvec(xlow)));
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Fopt : %s",string(flow)));
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("DeltaFv : %s",string(deltafv)));
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Center : [%s]",_strvec(currentcenter)));
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Size : %s",string(ssize)));
+ str = string ( simplex )
+ for i = 1:size(str,"*")
+ this = neldermead_log (this,str(i));
+ end
+// neldermead_box --
+// The Nelder-Mead algorithm, with variable-size simplex
+// and modifications by Box for bounds and
+// inequality constraints.
+function this = neldermead_box ( this )
+ // Check settings correspond to algo
+ [ this.optbase , hascons ] = optimbase_hasconstraints ( this.optbase );
+ if ( ~hascons ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Problem has no constraints, but Box algorithm is designed for them."), "neldermead_box")
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ verbose = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-verbose" )
+ //
+ // Order the vertices for the first time
+ //
+ simplex = this.simplex0;
+ n = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-numberofvariables" );
+ fvinitial = optimbase_get ( this.optbase , "-fx0" );
+ // Sort function values and x points by increasing function value order
+ this = neldermead_log (this,"Step #1 : order");
+ simplex = optimsimplex_sort ( simplex );
+ // Transpose, because optimsimplex returns row vectors
+ currentcenter = optimsimplex_center ( simplex ).';
+ currentxopt = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-x0" );
+ newfvmean = optimsimplex_fvmean ( simplex );
+ nbve = optimsimplex_getnbve ( simplex );
+ ihigh = nbve;
+ inext = ihigh - 1
+ ilow = 1
+ [ this.optbase , hasbounds ] = optimbase_hasbounds ( this.optbase );
+ nbnlc = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-nbineqconst" )
+ rho = this.boxreflect;
+ //
+ // Initialize
+ //
+ terminate = %f;
+ iter = 0;
+ step = "init";
+ //
+ // Nelder-Mead Loop
+ //
+ while ( ~terminate )
+ this.optbase = optimbase_incriter ( this.optbase );
+ iter = iter + 1;
+ xlow = optimsimplex_getx ( simplex , ilow ).'
+ flow = optimsimplex_getfv ( simplex , ilow )
+ xhigh = optimsimplex_getx ( simplex , ihigh ).'
+ fhigh = optimsimplex_getfv ( simplex , ihigh )
+ xn = optimsimplex_getx ( simplex , inext ).'
+ fn = optimsimplex_getfv ( simplex , inext )
+ //
+ // Store history
+ //
+ xcoords = optimsimplex_getallx ( simplex )
+ this = neldermead_storehistory ( this , n , flow , xlow , xcoords );
+ currentfopt = flow;
+ previousxopt = currentxopt;
+ currentxopt = xlow;
+ previouscenter = currentcenter;
+ currentcenter = optimsimplex_center ( simplex ).';
+ oldfvmean = newfvmean;
+ newfvmean = optimsimplex_fvmean ( simplex );
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_logsummary ( this, iter,xlow,flow,currentcenter,simplex);
+ end
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-xopt" , xlow );
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-fopt" , flow );
+ stop = neldermead_outputcmd ( this, "iter" , simplex , step )
+ if ( stop ) then
+ status = "userstop"
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Terminate by user''s request"));
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ //
+ // Update termination flag
+ //
+ if ( iter > 1 ) then
+ [ this , terminate , status ] = neldermead_termination (this , ...
+ fvinitial , oldfvmean , newfvmean , previouscenter , currentcenter , simplex );
+ if ( terminate ) then
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Terminate with status : %s",status));
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Compute xbar, center of better vertices
+ //
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Reflect"));
+ end
+ xbar = optimsimplex_xbar ( simplex ).';
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("xbar=[%s]" , _strvec(xbar)));
+ end
+ //
+ // Search a point improving cost function
+ // and satisfying constraints.
+ //
+ [ this , scaled , xr , fr ] = _boxlinesearch ( this , n , xbar , xhigh , fhigh , rho );
+ if ( scaled == %f ) then
+ status = "impossibleimprovement"
+ break
+ end
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("xr=[%s], f(xr)=%f", _strvec(xr) , fr));
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf(" > Perform Reflection"));
+ end
+ simplex = optimsimplex_setve ( simplex , ihigh , fr , xr.' )
+ step = "boxreflection";
+ //
+ // Sort simplex
+ //
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Sort"));
+ end
+ simplex = optimsimplex_sort ( simplex );
+ end
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-xopt" , xlow );
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-fopt" , flow );
+ this.optbase = optimbase_set ( this.optbase , "-status" , status );
+ this.simplexopt = simplex;
+// _strvec --
+// Returns a string for the given vector.
+function str = _strvec ( x )
+ str = strcat(string(x)," ")
+// _boxlinesearch --
+// For Box's method, perform a line search
+// from xbar, on the line (xhigh,xbar) and returns:
+// status : %t if the search is successful,
+// status=%f if the search failed.
+// xr : the reflected, scaled point
+// fr : the function value. fr=f(xr) if the search successful,
+// fr is Nan if the search failed.
+// The reflected point satisfies the following
+// constraints :
+// * fr < fhigh
+// * xr satisfies the bounds constraints
+// * xr satisfies the nonlinear positive inequality constraints
+// * xr satisfies the linear positive inequality constraints
+// The method is based on projection and scaling toward the centroid xbar.
+// Arguments
+// n : number of variables
+// xbar : the centroid
+// xhigh : the high point
+// fhigh : function value at xhigh
+// rho : reflection factor
+function [ this , status , xr , fr ] = _boxlinesearch ( this , n , xbar , xhigh , fhigh , rho )
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,"_boxlinesearch");
+ this = neldermead_log (this, sprintf ("> xhigh=[%s], fhigh=%s",_strvec(xhigh),string(fhigh)));
+ this = neldermead_log (this, sprintf ("> xbar=[%s]" , _strvec(xbar) ) );
+ end
+ xr = neldermead_interpolate ( xbar , xhigh , rho );
+ if ( verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this, sprintf ( "> xr = [%s]" , _strvec ( xr ) ) );
+ end
+ alphamin = this.guinalphamin
+ [ this.optbase , hasnlcons ] = optimbase_hasnlcons ( this.optbase );
+ //
+ // The algorithm has 3 steps:
+ // 1. scale for bounds (cannot fail)
+ // 2. scale for nonlinear constraints (may fail)
+ // 3. scale for function improvement (may fail)
+ //
+ // 1. Project xr into bounds, with an additional alpha inside the bounds.
+ // This algo is always succesful.
+ // Note:
+ // If the alpha coefficient was not used, the
+ // projectinbounds method could be used directly.
+ //
+ [ this.optbase , hasbounds ] = optimbase_hasbounds ( this.optbase );
+ if ( hasbounds ) then
+ boxboundsalpha = this.boxboundsalpha;
+ boundsmax = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-boundsmax" );
+ boundsmin = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-boundsmin" );
+ for ix = 1:n
+ xmin = boundsmin ( ix );
+ xmax = boundsmax ( ix );
+ xrix = xr ( ix );
+ if ( xrix > xmax ) then
+ xr ( ix ) = xmax - boxboundsalpha;
+ elseif ( xrix < xmin ) then
+ xr ( ix ) = xmin + boxboundsalpha;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // 2. Scale from xr to xbar into nonlinear inequality constraints
+ // and update xr.
+ // Set status to %f if the process fails, set status=%t if it succeeds.
+ //
+ nbnlc = optimbase_cget ( this.optbase , "-nbineqconst" );
+ if ( nbnlc == 0 ) then
+ status = %t
+ else
+ status = %f;
+ alpha = 1.0;
+ xr0 = xr;
+ while ( alpha > alphamin )
+ [ this.optbase , feasible ] = optimbase_isinnonlincons ( this.optbase , xr );
+ if ( feasible ) then
+ status = %t;
+ break
+ end
+ alpha = alpha * this.boxineqscaling;
+ xr = ( 1.0 - alpha ) * xbar + alpha * xr0;
+ end
+ end
+ // If scaling failed, returns immediately
+ // (there is no need to update the function value).
+ if ( ~status ) then
+ fr = %nan
+ return
+ end
+ //
+ // 3. Scale from xr toward xbar until fr < fhigh.
+ //
+ status = %f;
+ xr0 = xr
+ alpha = 1.0
+ while ( alpha > alphamin )
+ if ( hasnlcons ) then
+ [ this.optbase , fr , cr , index ] = optimbase_function ( this.optbase , xr , 2 );
+ else
+ [ this.optbase , fr , index ] = optimbase_function ( this.optbase , xr , 2 );
+ end
+ if ( fr < fhigh ) then
+ status = %t;
+ break
+ end
+ alpha = alpha * this.boxineqscaling;
+ xr = ( 1.0 - alpha ) * xbar + alpha * xr0;
+ end
+ // If the scaling for function improvement has failed,
+ // we return.
+ if ( ~status ) then
+ fr = %nan
+ return;
+ end
+// costf_transposex --
+// Call the cost function and return the value.
+// Transpose the value of x, so that the input row vector,
+// given by optimsimplex, is transposed into a column vector,
+// as required by the cost function.
+function [ f , this ] = costf_transposex ( x , this )
+ xt = x.'
+ [ f , this ] = neldermead_costf ( xt , this )
+function argin = argindefault ( rhs , vararglist , ivar , default )
+ // Returns the value of the input argument #ivar.
+ // If this argument was not provided, or was equal to the
+ // empty matrix, returns the default value.
+ if ( rhs < ivar ) then
+ argin = default
+ else
+ if ( vararglist(ivar) <> [] ) then
+ argin = vararglist(ivar)
+ else
+ argin = default
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_updatesimp.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_updatesimp.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3bf970603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_updatesimp.bin
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f3f433b8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/neldermead_updatesimp.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// neldermead_updatesimp --
+// Update the initial simplex simplex0 for a restart.
+// Arguments
+// <>
+function this = neldermead_updatesimp ( this )
+ simplex0 = optimsimplex_new ( );
+ xopt = optimbase_get ( this.optbase , "-xopt" );
+ [ this.optbase , hasbounds ] = optimbase_hasbounds ( this.optbase );
+ //
+ // Check the consistency between the initial simplex method
+ // and the restart simplex method.
+ simplex0method = neldermead_cget ( this , "-simplex0method" )
+ restartsimplexmethod = neldermead_cget ( this , "-restartsimplexmethod" )
+ select restartsimplexmethod
+ case "oriented" then
+ // An oriented restart is possible only if the initial simplex has n+1 vertices.
+ if ( simplex0method == "randbounds" ) then
+ lclmsg = gettext("%s: The initial simplex method ""%s"" is not compatible with the restart simplex method ""%s""")
+ errmsg = msprintf(lclmsg, "neldermead_updatesimp", simplex0method, restartsimplexmethod)
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ case "axes" then
+ case "spendley" then
+ case "pfeffer" then
+ case "randbounds" then
+ if ( ~hasbounds ) then
+ lclmsg = gettext("%s: Randomized bounds restart simplex is not available without bounds." )
+ errmsg = msprintf ( lclmsg , "neldermead_updatesimp" )
+ error ( errmsg )
+ end
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unknown restart simplex method %s"), "neldermead_updatesimp", this.restartsimplexmethod)
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ //
+ // Update the simplex
+ select this.restartsimplexmethod
+ case "oriented" then
+ [ simplex0 , this ] = optimsimplex_new ( "oriented" , this.simplexopt , costf_transposex , this );
+ case "axes" then
+ simplex0 = optimsimplex_destroy ( simplex0 )
+ [ simplex0 , this ] = optimsimplex_new ( "axes" , ...
+ xopt.' , costf_transposex , this.simplex0length , this );
+ case "spendley" then
+ simplex0 = optimsimplex_destroy ( simplex0 )
+ [ simplex0 , this ] = optimsimplex_new ( "spendley" , ...
+ xopt.' , costf_transposex , this.simplex0length , this );
+ case "pfeffer" then
+ simplex0 = optimsimplex_destroy ( simplex0 )
+ [ simplex0 , this ] = optimsimplex_new ( "pfeffer" , ...
+ xopt.' , costf_transposex , this.simplex0deltausual , ...
+ this.simplex0deltazero , this );
+ case "randbounds" then
+ if ( this.boxnbpoints=="2n" ) then
+ nbvar=optimbase_cget(this.optbase,"-numberofvariables")
+ this.boxnbpointseff = 2*nbvar
+ else
+ this.boxnbpointseff = this.boxnbpoints
+ end
+ simplex0 = optimsimplex_destroy ( simplex0 )
+ [ simplex0 , this ] = optimsimplex_new ( "randbounds" , xopt.' , ...
+ costf_transposex , this.optbase.boundsmin , this.optbase.boundsmax , ...
+ this.boxnbpointseff , this )
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unknown restart simplex method %s"), "neldermead_updatesimp", this.restartsimplexmethod)
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ //
+ // Scale the simplex into the bounds and the nonlinear inequality constraints, if any.
+ // Caution !
+ // The initial simplex may be computed with an "axis-by-axis" simplex,
+ // so that it does not satisfies bounds constraints.
+ // The scaling should therefore take into accounts for bounds.
+ //
+ nbve = optimsimplex_getnbve ( simplex0 );
+ this = neldermead_log (this,"Before scaling:");
+ str = string ( simplex0 )
+ for i = 1:nbve
+ this = neldermead_log (this,str(i));
+ end
+ [ this.optbase , hasnlcons ] = optimbase_hasnlcons ( this.optbase );
+ if ( hasbounds | hasnlcons ) then
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Scaling initial simplex into nonlinear inequality constraints..."));
+ nbve = optimsimplex_getnbve ( simplex0 )
+ for ive = 1 : nbve
+ // x is a row vector
+ x = optimsimplex_getx ( simplex0 , ive );
+ this = neldermead_log (this,sprintf("Scaling vertex #%d/%d at [%s]... " , ...
+ ive , nbve , _strvec(x)));
+ // Transpose x because xopt is a column vector : xp is now a column vector
+ [ this , status , xp ] = _scaleinconstraints ( this , x.' , xopt );
+ if ( ~status ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Impossible to scale the vertex #%d/%d at [%s] into inequality constraints"), "neldermead_updatesimp", ...
+ ive , nbve , strcat(string(x)," "));
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ if ( or(x <> xp) ) then
+ index = 2
+ if ( hasnlcons ) then
+ [ this.optbase , fv , c , index ] = optimbase_function ( this.optbase , xp , index );
+ else
+ [ this.optbase , fv , index ] = optimbase_function ( this.optbase , xp , index );
+ end
+ // Transpose xp because optimsimplex takes row coordinate vectors.
+ simplex0 = optimsimplex_setve ( simplex0 , ive , fv , xp.' )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ this = neldermead_log (this,"After scaling:");
+ str = string ( simplex0 )
+ for i = 1:nbve
+ this = neldermead_log (this,str(i));
+ end
+ this.simplex0 = optimsimplex_destroy ( this.simplex0 )
+ this.simplex0 = simplex0;
+ this.simplexsize0 = optimsimplex_size ( simplex0 );
+ this.simplex0 = optimsimplex_sort ( this.simplex0 )
+// costf_transposex --
+// Call the cost function and return the value.
+// Transpose the value of x, so that the input row vector,
+// given by optimsimplex, is transposed into a column vector,
+// as required by the cost function.
+function [ f , this ] = costf_transposex ( x , this )
+ xt = x.'
+ [ f , this ] = neldermead_costf ( xt , this )
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_cget.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_cget.bin
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index 000000000..817a6bd09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_cget.bin
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index 000000000..91f36f716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_cget.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// nmplot_cget --
+// Get the value for the given key.
+// If the key is unknown, generates an error.
+function value = nmplot_cget (this,key)
+ select key
+ case "-simplexfn" then
+ value = this.simplexfn;
+ case "-fbarfn" then
+ value = this.fbarfn;
+ case "-foptfn" then
+ value = this.foptfn;
+ case "-sigmafn" then
+ value = this.sigmafn;
+ else
+ this.nmbase = neldermead_configure ( this.nmbase , key , value )
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_configure.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_configure.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..74b62ccd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_configure.bin
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8a51218e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_configure.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// nmplot_configure --
+// Configure nmplot and returns the modified object.
+function this = nmplot_configure (this,key,value)
+ select key
+ case "-simplexfn" then
+ this.simplexfn = value;
+ case "-fbarfn" then
+ this.fbarfn = value;
+ case "-foptfn" then
+ this.foptfn = value;
+ case "-sigmafn" then
+ this.sigmafn = value;
+ case "-outputcommand" then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unknown key %s"), "nmplot_configure", key)
+ error(errmsg)
+ else
+ this.nmbase = neldermead_configure ( this.nmbase , key , value )
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_contour.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_contour.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9ceb447a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_contour.bin
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..788b263a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_contour.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// nmplot_contour --
+// Plot the contours of the cost function.
+// The cost function must be a function with two parameters.
+// Arguments
+// xmin , xmax , ymin , ymax : the bounds for the contour plot
+// nx , ny : the number of points in the directions x, y
+// xdata , ydata , zdata : vectors of data, as required by the contour command
+function [ this , xdata , ydata , zdata ] = nmplot_contour ( this , xmin , xmax , ymin , ymax , nx , ny )
+ // Check that there are only 2 parameters
+ n = neldermead_cget ( this.nmbase , "-numberofvariables" );
+ if n <> 2 then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unexpected number of variables %d. Cannot draw contour plot for functions which do not have two parameters."),"nmplot_contour",n)
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ xdata = linspace(xmin,xmax,nx);
+ ydata = linspace(ymin,ymax,ny);
+ for ix = 1:length(xdata)
+ for iy = 1:length(ydata)
+ experiment = [xdata(ix) ydata(iy)]';
+ [ this.nmbase , fiexp ] = neldermead_function ( this.nmbase , experiment );
+ zdata ( ix , iy ) = fiexp;
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_destroy.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_destroy.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..613a4b8d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_destroy.bin
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..968e535e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_destroy.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// nmplot_destroy --
+// Destroy a Nelder-Mead plot object.
+function this = nmplot_destroy (this)
+ this.nmbase = neldermead_destroy ( this.nmbase )
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_function.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_function.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8cf0b0e82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_function.bin
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index 000000000..ef9c88689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_function.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// nmplot_function --
+// Call the cost function and return the value.
+// Arguments
+// x : the point where the function is to be evaluated.
+// index : a flag to pass to the cost function (default = 1)
+// f : the cost function
+function [ this , f ] = nmplot_function ( this , x )
+ [ this.nmbase , f ] = neldermead_function ( this.nmbase , x )
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_get.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_get.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4e99007ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_get.bin
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..88c7b7066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_get.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// nmplot_get --
+// Get the value for the given key.
+// If the key is unknown, generates an error.
+function value = nmplot_get (this,key)
+ value = neldermead_get ( this.nmbase );
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_historyplot.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_historyplot.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4e61804c7
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index 000000000..f508c16a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_historyplot.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// nmplot_historyplot --
+// Plots the history from the given data file
+// Arguments
+// this : the current nmplot object
+// datafile : the data file which contains the history
+// mytitle , myxlabel , myylabel : the parameters of the plot
+function nmplot_historyplot ( this , datafile , mytitle , myxlabel , myylabel )
+ if (~isdef("datafile","local")) then
+ datafile = this.foptfn;
+ end
+ if (~isdef("mytitle","local")) then
+ mytitle = "";
+ end
+ if (~isdef("myxlabel","local")) then
+ myxlabel = "";
+ end
+ if (~isdef("myylabel","local")) then
+ myylabel = "";
+ end
+ exec(datafile,-1);
+ nbiter = size ( history , 1 )
+ plot2d ( history(1:nbiter,1) , history(1:nbiter,2) )
+ xtitle(mytitle,myxlabel,myylabel)
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_log.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_log.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5b719d21e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_log.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1ed9747f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_log.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// nmplot_log --
+// Prints the given message.
+function this = nmplot_log (this,msg)
+ this.nmbase = neldermead_log ( this.nmbase , msg )
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_new.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_new.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1ed19e33b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_new.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..63c628618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_new.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// nmplot_new --
+// Creates a new Nelder - Mead plot object.
+function newobj = nmplot_new ()
+ newobj = tlist(["TNMPLOT",...
+ "simplexfn","fbarfn","foptfn","sigmafn","nmbase",...
+ "simplexhandle","fbarhandle","fopthandle","sigmahandle"]);
+ newobj.simplexfn = "";
+ newobj.fbarfn = "";
+ newobj.foptfn = "";
+ newobj.sigmafn = "";
+ newobj.simplexhandle = 0;
+ newobj.fbarhandle = 0;
+ newobj.fopthandle = 0;
+ newobj.sigmahandle = 0;
+ //
+ // Create and configure parent class
+ //
+ newobj.nmbase = neldermead_new();
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_outputcmd.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_outputcmd.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6dd65f0c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_outputcmd.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e213eeacc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_outputcmd.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// nmplot_outputcmd --
+// This command is called back by the Nelder-Mead
+// algorithm.
+// Arguments
+// state : the current state of the algorithm
+// "init", "iter", "done"
+// data : the data at the current state
+// This is a tlist with the following entries:
+// * x : the optimal vector of parameters
+// * fval : the minimum function value
+// * simplex : the simplex, as a simplex object
+// * iteration : the number of iterations performed
+// * funccount : the number of function evaluations
+// this : the current nmplot object
+// stop: set to true when the algorithm must stop
+function stop = nmplot_outputcmd ( state , data , this )
+ nmplot_log ( this , "nmplot_outputcmd (1)")
+ iter = data.iteration
+ // Print simplex
+ x = optimsimplex_getallx ( data.simplex )
+ if this.simplexfn <> "" then
+ nbve = optimsimplex_getnbve ( data.simplex )
+ n = optimsimplex_getn ( data.simplex )
+ mfprintf ( this.simplexhandle , "// Iteration #%d\n", iter )
+ mfprintf ( this.simplexhandle , "history($+1) = [\n" )
+ for ive = 1:nbve
+ mfprintf ( this.simplexhandle , "// Vertex #%d\n", ive )
+ for ix = 1:n
+ mfprintf ( this.simplexhandle , "%e ", x(ive,ix))
+ end
+ mfprintf ( this.simplexhandle , "\n")
+ end
+ mfprintf ( this.simplexhandle , "]\n" )
+ end
+ // Function value average
+ if this.fbarfn <> "" then
+ fbar = optimsimplex_fvmean ( data.simplex )
+ mfprintf ( this.fbarhandle , "%d %e\n", iter , fbar )
+ end
+ // Minimum function value
+ if this.foptfn <> "" then
+ fopt = data.fval
+ mfprintf ( this.fopthandle , "%d %e\n", iter , fopt )
+ end
+ // Sigma
+ if this.sigmafn <> "" then
+ sigma = optimsimplex_size ( data.simplex , "sigmaplus" )
+ mfprintf ( this.sigmahandle , "%d %e\n", iter , sigma )
+ end
+ stop = %f
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_restart.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_restart.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7570d856b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_restart.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..01f56013a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_restart.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// nmplot_restart --
+// Update the simplex and restart the search.
+function this = nmplot_restart (this)
+ this.nmbase = neldermead_updatesimp ( this.nmbase );
+ this = nmplot_search ( this )
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_search.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_search.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a35551afd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_search.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..44f25e040
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_search.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// nmplot_search --
+// Search the minimum with Nelder-Mead algorithm.
+function this = nmplot_search (this)
+ nmplot_log ( this , "nmplot_search")
+ this = nmplot_startupfiles ( this )
+ this.nmbase = neldermead_configure ( this.nmbase , "-outputcommand" , list(nmplot_outputcmd,this) );
+ this.nmbase = neldermead_search ( this.nmbase )
+ this = nmplot_shutdownfiles ( this )
+// nmplot_header --
+// Returns a header for the output files
+// Arguments
+// filename : the target file name
+// name : the type of data in the file
+function report = nmplot_header ( this , filename , name )
+ nmplot_log ( this , "nmplot_header")
+ report = list()
+ report($+1) = sprintf("//\n")
+ report($+1) = sprintf("// %s--\n" , filename)
+ report($+1) = sprintf("// History of the %s during Nelder-Mead algorithm.\n",name)
+ report($+1) = sprintf("//\n")
+ report($+1) = sprintf("// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin\n")
+ report($+1) = sprintf("//\n")
+// nmplot_startupfiles --
+// Opens the output files to prepare the algorithm
+// execution.
+// Arguments
+// <no arg>
+function this = nmplot_startupfiles ( this )
+ nmplot_log ( this , "nmplot_startupfiles")
+ if this.simplexfn <> "" then
+ this.simplexhandle = mopen ( this.simplexfn , "w" )
+ header = nmplot_header ( this , this.simplexfn , "simplex" )
+ fd = this.simplexhandle
+ for i = 1:length(header)
+ mfprintf(fd,"%s\n",header(i))
+ end
+ mfprintf(fd,"history = list()\n")
+ end
+ if this.fbarfn <> "" then
+ this.fbarhandle = mopen ( this.fbarfn , "w" )
+ header = nmplot_header ( this , this.fbarfn , "function value average" )
+ fd = this.fbarhandle
+ for i = 1:length(header)
+ mfprintf(fd,"%s\n",header(i))
+ end
+ mfprintf(fd,"history = [\n")
+ end
+ if this.foptfn <> "" then
+ this.fopthandle = mopen ( this.foptfn , "w" )
+ header = nmplot_header ( this , this.foptfn , "function value optimum" )
+ fd = this.fopthandle
+ for i = 1:length(header)
+ mfprintf(fd,"%s\n",header(i))
+ end
+ mfprintf(fd,"history = [\n")
+ end
+ if this.sigmafn <> "" then
+ this.sigmahandle = mopen ( this.sigmafn , "w" )
+ header = nmplot_header ( this , this.sigmafn , "maximum of oriented length" )
+ fd = this.sigmahandle
+ for i = 1:length(header)
+ mfprintf(fd,"%s\n",header(i))
+ end
+ mfprintf(fd,"history = [\n")
+ end
+// nmplot_shutdownfiles --
+// Close the output files to shutdown the algorithm
+// execution.
+// Arguments
+// <no arg>
+function this = nmplot_shutdownfiles ( this )
+ nmplot_log ( this , "nmplot_shutdownfiles")
+ if this.simplexfn <> "" then
+ fd = this.simplexhandle
+ mclose ( fd )
+ nmplot_log ( this , sprintf( "Exported Simplex history in %s",this.simplexfn))
+ end
+ if this.fbarfn <> "" then
+ fd = this.fbarhandle
+ mfprintf ( fd , "]\n" )
+ mclose ( fd )
+ nmplot_log ( this , sprintf( "Exported fbar history in %s",this.fbarfn))
+ end
+ if this.foptfn <> "" then
+ fd = this.fopthandle
+ mfprintf ( fd , "]\n" )
+ mclose ( fd )
+ nmplot_log ( this , sprintf( "Exported fopt history in %s",this.foptfn))
+ end
+ if this.sigmafn <> "" then
+ fd = this.sigmahandle
+ mfprintf ( fd , "]\n" )
+ mclose ( fd )
+ nmplot_log ( this , sprintf( "Exported sigma history in %s",this.sigmafn))
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_simplexhistory.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_simplexhistory.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ec29f7950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_simplexhistory.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_simplexhistory.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_simplexhistory.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5e6b8eef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/nmplot_simplexhistory.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// nmplot_simplexhistory --
+// Plots the simplex history on the current graphic window.
+// Arguments
+// this : the current nmplot object
+function nmplot_simplexhistory ( this , colorforeground , markforeground , markstyle )
+ drawlater();
+ if (~isdef("foregroundcolor","local")) then
+ colorforeground = 5;
+ end
+ if (~isdef("markforeground","local")) then
+ markforeground = 3;
+ end
+ if (~isdef("markstyle","local")) then
+ markstyle = 9;
+ end
+ exec(this.simplexfn,-1);
+ nbiter = length ( history )
+ n = neldermead_cget ( this.nmbase , "-numberofvariables" )
+ for iter = 1:nbiter
+ simplex = history(iter)
+ xcoords = simplex(1:n+1,1)
+ ycoords = simplex(1:n+1,2)
+ plot2d ( xcoords , ycoords )
+ end
+ f = gcf()
+ for iter = 1:nbiter
+ f.children(1).children(iter).children.foreground = colorforeground;
+ f.children(1).children(iter).children.mark_foreground = markforeground
+ f.children(1).children(iter).children.mark_style = markstyle;
+ f.children(1).children(iter).children.closed = "on";
+ end
+ drawnow();
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimget.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimget.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..effda2e98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimget.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimget.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimget.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..840b7cbc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimget.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimget --
+// Queries an optimization structure.
+// The key is searched in the list of existing fields,
+// ignoring the case.
+// Only leading characters of the field name are sufficient to
+// make the search successful.
+// Usage:
+// val = optimget ( options , key )
+// val = optimset ( options , key , value )
+function val = optimget (varargin)
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn();
+ if rhs<=1 | rhs >=4 then
+ errmsg = error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of arguments : %d expected while %d given"),"optimget", 2,rhs));
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ options = varargin(1);
+ // Search the field by index
+ key = varargin(2);
+ fields = [
+ "Display"
+ "FunValCheck"
+ "MaxFunEvals"
+ "MaxIter"
+ "OutputFcn"
+ "PlotFcns"
+ "TolFun"
+ "TolX"
+ ];
+ // Search for the given key in the list of available fields.
+ // Use a regexp which ignores the case.
+ regstr = "/" + key + "/i";
+ [r,w] = grep ( fields , regstr , "r" );
+ opsize = size(r,2)
+ if opsize<>1 then
+ matching = strcat(fields(r(1:opsize))," ");
+ errmsg = error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Ambiguous property name %s matches several fields : %s"),"optimget", key , matching));
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ // Get the matching field
+ name = fields(r(1));
+ val = options(name);
+ // When the value is given and the field is empty, return the value.
+ if rhs==3 then
+ if val == [] then
+ val = varargin(3)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimplotfunccount.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimplotfunccount.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5d7b46484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimplotfunccount.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimplotfunccount.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimplotfunccount.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d8fc56d90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimplotfunccount.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimplotfunccount --
+// Emulate the optimplotfunccount command of Matlab.
+// Plot the function value during an optimization process.
+// Arguments, input
+// x : the current point
+// optimValues : a tlist which contains the following fields
+// funcCount : the number of function evaluations
+// fval : the current function value
+// iteration : the current iteration
+// procedure : a string containing the current type of step
+// state : the current state of the algorithm
+// "init", "iter", "done"
+// Notes:
+// The algorithm is the following.
+// At initialization of the algorithm, create an empty
+// graphic plot, retrieve the handle, and store a special
+// key "optimplotfunccount" in the user_data field of the handle.
+// When the plot is to update, this key is searched so that the
+// correct plot can be update (and not another).
+function optimplotfunccount ( x , optimValues , state )
+ if ( state == "init" ) then
+ opfvh = scf();
+ plot ( 0 , optimValues.funccount );
+ opfvh.user_data = "optimplotfunccount";
+ opfvh.children.x_label.text = "Iteration";
+ opfvh.children.y_label.text = "Function evaluations";
+ opfvh.children.title.text = msprintf ( "Total Function Evaluations: %d", optimValues.funccount )
+ opfvh.children.children.children.mark_mode = "on";
+ opfvh.children.children.children.mark_style = 5;
+ opfvh.children.children.children.mark_size = 10;
+ opfvh.children.children.children.mark_background = 6;
+ else
+ opfvh = findobj ( "user_data" , "optimplotfunccount" );
+ gg = opfvh.children.children;
+ // Update data
+$+1,1:2) = [optimValues.iteration optimValues.funccount];
+ // Compute new bounds
+ itermin = 0;
+ itermax = optimValues.iteration;
+ fmin = min(,2));
+ fmax = max(,2));
+ // Update bounds
+ opfvh.children.data_bounds = [
+ itermin fmin
+ itermax fmax
+ ];
+ // Update title
+ opfvh.children.title.text = msprintf ( "Total Function Evaluations: %d", optimValues.funccount )
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimplotfval.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimplotfval.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..be9871025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimplotfval.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimplotfval.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimplotfval.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..75df19aee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimplotfval.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimplotfval --
+// Emulate the optimplotfval command of Matlab.
+// Plot the function value during an optimization process.
+// Arguments, input
+// x : the current point
+// optimValues : a tlist which contains the following fields
+// funcCount" : the number of function evaluations
+// fval : the current function value
+// iteration : the current iteration
+// procedure : a string containing the current type of step
+// state : the current state of the algorithm
+// "init", "iter", "done"
+// Notes:
+// The algorithm is the following.
+// At initialization of the algorithm, create an empty
+// graphic plot, retrieve the handle, and store a special
+// key "optimplotfval" in the user_data field of the handle.
+// When the plot is to update, this key is searched so that the
+// correct plot can be update (and not another).
+function optimplotfval ( x , optimValues , state )
+ if ( state == "init" ) then
+ opfvh = scf();
+ plot ( 0 , optimValues.fval );
+ opfvh.user_data = "optimplotfval";
+ opfvh.children.x_label.text = "Iteration";
+ opfvh.children.y_label.text = "Function value";
+ opfvh.children.title.text = msprintf ( "Current Function Value: %e", optimValues.fval )
+ opfvh.children.children.children.mark_mode = "on";
+ opfvh.children.children.children.mark_style = 5;
+ opfvh.children.children.children.mark_size = 10;
+ opfvh.children.children.children.mark_background = 6;
+ else
+ opfvh = findobj ( "user_data" , "optimplotfval" );
+ gg = opfvh.children.children;
+ // Update data
+$+1,1:2) = [optimValues.iteration optimValues.fval];
+ // Compute new bounds
+ itermin = 0;
+ itermax = optimValues.iteration;
+ fmin = min(,2));
+ fmax = max(,2));
+ // Update bounds
+ opfvh.children.data_bounds = [
+ itermin fmin
+ itermax fmax
+ ];
+ // Update title
+ opfvh.children.title.text = msprintf ( "Current Function Value: %e", optimValues.fval )
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimplotx.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimplotx.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ff02fcdda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimplotx.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimplotx.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimplotx.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6fa7ac6f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimplotx.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimplotx --
+// Emulate the optimplotfx command of Matlab.
+// Plot the function value during an optimization process.
+// Arguments, input
+// x : the current point
+// optimValues : a tlist which contains the following fields
+// funcCount" : the number of function evaluations
+// fval : the current function value
+// iteration : the current iteration
+// procedure : a string containing the current type of step
+// state : the current state of the algorithm
+// "init", "iter", "done"
+// Notes:
+// The algorithm is the following.
+// At initialization of the algorithm, create an empty
+// graphic plot, retrieve the handle, and store a special
+// key "optimplotfx" in the user_data field of the handle.
+// When the plot is to update, this key is searched so that the
+// correct plot can be update (and not another).
+function optimplotx ( x , optimValues , state )
+ if ( state == "init" ) then
+ // Initialize
+ opfvh = scf();
+ nbvar = length(x)
+ bar ( 1:nbvar , x );
+ gg = gce();
+ gg.children.background = 9;
+ opfvh.user_data = "optimplotx";
+ opfvh.children.x_label.text = msprintf ( "Number of variables: %d" , nbvar );
+ opfvh.children.y_label.text = "Current point";
+ opfvh.children.title.text = msprintf ( "Current Point" );
+ else
+ opfvh = findobj ( "user_data" , "optimplotx" );
+ nbvar = length(x)
+ gg = opfvh.children.children;
+ for ivar = 1:nbvar
+,2) = x(ivar);
+ end
+ xmin = 0;
+ ymin = min(x);
+ xmax = nbvar+1;
+ ymax = max(x);
+ // A small trick, for a nicer display
+ if ( ( ymin > 0.0 ) & ( ymax > 0.0 ) ) then
+ ymin = 0.0
+ elseif ( ( ymin < 0.0 ) & ( ymax < 0.0 ) ) then
+ ymax = 0.0
+ end
+ if ( ymax > 0 ) then
+ ymax = ymax * 1.1
+ end
+ if ( ymin < 0 ) then
+ ymin = ymin * 1.1
+ end
+ opfvh.children.data_bounds = [
+ xmin ymin
+ xmax ymax
+ ];
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimset.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimset.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5538bc7e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimset.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e388210f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/neldermead/optimset.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimset --
+// Configures and returns an optimization data structure.
+// Usage:
+// options = optimset ()
+// options = optimset ( funname )
+// options = optimset ( key , value )
+// options = optimset ( key1 , value1 , key2 , value2 , ... )
+// options = optimset ( options , key , value )
+// options = optimset ( options , key1 , value1 , key2 , value2 , ... )
+function options = optimset (varargin)
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn();
+ if rhs == 0 then
+ options = optimset_new ();
+ return
+ elseif rhs==1 then
+ //
+ // options = optimset ( funname )
+ // If there is only one argument, it is expected to be the
+ // name of a method.
+ //
+ method = varargin(1);
+ options = optimset_method ( method );
+ return
+ end
+ // Set the options variable
+ if modulo(rhs,2)<>0 then
+ //
+ // options = optimset ( options , key , value )
+ // options = optimset ( options , key1 , value1 , key2 , value2 , ... )
+ // If the number of arguments is odd,
+ // the first argument is expected to be an optimset struct.
+ //
+ options = varargin(1);
+ t1 = typeof(options);
+ if t1<>"st" then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Odd number of arguments : the first argument is expected to be a struct, but is a %s"), "optimset", t1);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ else
+ // options = optimset ( key , value )
+ // options = optimset ( key1 , value1 , key2 , value2 , ... )
+ // Number of input argument is even.
+ options = optimset_new ();
+ end
+ // Set ivar : index of input variable.
+ // The variable ivar allows to make a loop over input arguments.
+ if ( modulo(rhs,2)<>0 ) then
+ ivar = 1;
+ else
+ ivar = 0;
+ end
+ //
+ // Process key,values as pairs.
+ //
+ nbkeys = rhs/2;
+ for i=1:nbkeys
+ ivar = ivar + 1;
+ key = varargin(ivar);
+ ivar = ivar + 1;
+ // Use funcprot to enable the set of a function into the variable "value".
+ // If not, a warning message is triggered, when a double value
+ // is stored into "value" after a function has already been
+ // stored in it.
+ prot = funcprot();
+ funcprot(0);
+ value = varargin(ivar);
+ funcprot(prot);
+ options = optimset_configure (options,key,value);
+ end
+// optimset_configure --
+// Configure the given key with the given value.
+// Arguments
+// options : an optimset struct
+// key : a string, the key to configure
+// value : the value
+function options = optimset_configure ( options , key , value )
+ select key
+ case "Display" then
+ if ( ...
+ ( value == "off" ) | ...
+ ( value == "iter" ) | ...
+ ( value == "final" ) | ...
+ ( value == "notify" ) ...
+ ) then
+ options.Display = value;
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unrecognized value ''%s'' for ''Display'' option."), "optimset", value )
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ case "FunValCheck" then
+ options.FunValCheck = value;
+ case "MaxFunEvals" then
+ options.MaxFunEvals = value;
+ case "MaxIter" then
+ options.MaxIter = value;
+ case "OutputFcn" then
+ options.OutputFcn = value;
+ case "PlotFcns" then
+ options.PlotFcns = value;
+ case "TolFun" then
+ options.TolFun = value;
+ case "TolX" then
+ options.TolX = value;
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unrecognized parameter name ''%s''."), "optimset", key)
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+// optimset_new --
+// Returns an empty optimset struct
+function options = optimset_new ()
+ options = struct(...
+ "Display" ,[],...
+ "FunValCheck" ,[],...
+ "MaxFunEvals" ,[],...
+ "MaxIter" ,[],...
+ "OutputFcn" ,[],...
+ "PlotFcns" ,[],...
+ "TolFun" ,[],...
+ "TolX" ,[]...
+ );
+// optimset_method --
+// Returns an optimset struct which content is the default
+// settings for the given method.
+// Arguments
+// method : a string, the name of the method
+function options = optimset_method ( method )
+ options = optimset_new ();
+ select method
+ case "fminsearch" then
+ options = optimset_configure ( options , "Display" , "notify" );
+ options = optimset_configure ( options , "MaxFunEvals" , "200*numberofvariables" );
+ options = optimset_configure ( options , "MaxIter" , "200*numberofvariables" );
+ options = optimset_configure ( options , "TolFun" , 1.e-4 );
+ options = optimset_configure ( options , "TolX" , 1.e-4 );
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: No default options available: the function ''%s'' does not exist on the path."), "optimset", method)
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/numderivative.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/numderivative.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..df85e310a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/numderivative.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..dc630f3fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/numderivative.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) ? - 2008 - Rainer von Seggern
+// Copyright (C) ? - 2008 - Bruno Pincon
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2010-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [J, H] = numderivative(varargin)
+ //
+ // Check input arguments
+ [lhs, rhs] = argn();
+ if (rhs < 2 | rhs > 6) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d to %d expected.\n"), "numderivative", 2, 6));
+ end
+ if (lhs < 1 | lhs > 2) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of output arguments: %d to %d expected.\n"), "numderivative", 1, 2));
+ end
+ //
+ // Get input arguments
+ __numderivative_f__ = varargin(1)
+ if and(type(__numderivative_f__) <> [11 13 15 130]) then
+ // Must be a function (uncompiled or compiled) or a list
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Function or list expected.\n"), "numderivative", 1));
+ end
+ if type(__numderivative_f__) == 15 then
+ // List case
+ // Check that the first element in the list is a function
+ if and(type(__numderivative_f__(1)) <> [11 13]) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Function expected in first element of list.\n"), "numderivative", 1));
+ end
+ if length(__numderivative_f__) < 2 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of elements in input argument #%d: At least %d elements expected, but current number is %d.\n"), "numderivative", 1, 2, length(__numderivative_f__)));
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Manage x, to get the size n.
+ x = varargin(2);
+ if type(x) ~= 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Matrix expected.\n"), "numderivative", 2));
+ end
+ [n, p] = size(x);
+ if (n <> 1 & p <> 1) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: Vector expected.\n"), "numderivative", 2));
+ end
+ // Make x a column vector, if required
+ if p <> 1 then
+ x = x(:);
+ [n, p] = size(x);
+ end
+ //
+ // Manage h: make it a column vector, if required.
+ h = [];
+ if rhs >= 3 then
+ h = varargin(3);
+ if type(h) ~= 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Matrix expected.\n"), "numderivative", 3));
+ end
+ if h <> [] then
+ if size(h, "*") <> 1 then
+ [nrows, ncols] = size(h);
+ if (nrows <> 1 & ncols <> 1) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: Vector expected.\n"), "numderivative", 3));
+ end
+ if ncols <> 1 then
+ h = h(:);
+ end
+ if or(size(h) <> [n 1]) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Incompatible input arguments #%d and #%d: Same sizes expected.\n"), "numderivative", 3, 1));
+ end
+ end
+ if or(h < 0) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Must be > %d.\n"), "numderivative", 3, 0));
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ order = 2;
+ if (rhs >= 4 & varargin(4) <> []) then
+ order = varargin(4);
+ if type(order) ~= 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Matrix expected.\n"), "numderivative", 4));
+ end
+ if or(size(order) <> [1 1]) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"), "numderivative", 4, 1, 1));
+ end
+ if and(order <> [1 2 4]) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Must be in the set {%s}.\n"), "numderivative", 4, "1, 2, 4"));
+ end
+ end
+ H_form = "default";
+ if (rhs >= 5 & varargin(5) <> []) then
+ H_form = varargin(5);
+ if type(H_form) ~= 10 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: String array expected.\n"), "numderivative", 5));
+ end
+ if or(size(H_form) <> [1 1]) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"), "numderivative", 5, 1, 1));
+ end
+ if and(H_form <> ["default" "blockmat" "hypermat"]) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Must be in the set {%s}.\n"), "numderivative", 5, "default, blockmat, hypermat"));
+ end
+ end
+ Q = eye(n, n);
+ Q_not_given = %t;
+ if (rhs >= 6 & varargin(6) <> []) then
+ Q = varargin(6);
+ Q_not_given = %f;
+ if type(Q) ~= 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Matrix expected.\n"), "numderivative", 6));
+ end
+ if or(size(Q) <> [n n]) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"), "numderivative", 6, n ,n));
+ end
+ if norm(clean(Q*Q'-eye(n, n))) > 0 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Q must be orthogonal.\n"), "numderivative"));
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Proceed...
+ if h == [] then
+ h_not_given = %t;
+ else
+ h_not_given = %f;
+ // If h is scalar, expand to the same size as x.
+ if size(h) == [1 1] then
+ h = h * ones(x);
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Compute Jacobian
+ if ( h_not_given ) then
+ h = numderivative_step(x, order, 1);
+ end
+ J = numderivative_deriv1(__numderivative_f__, x, h, order, Q);
+ //
+ // Quick return if possible
+ if lhs == 1 then
+ return
+ end
+ m = size(J, 1);
+ //
+ // Compute Hessian matrix
+ if ( h_not_given ) then
+ h = numderivative_step(x, order, 2);
+ end
+ funForHList = list(numderivative_funForH, __numderivative_f__, h, order, Q);
+ if ~Q_not_given then
+ H = numderivative_deriv1(funForHList, x, h, order, Q);
+ else
+ H = numderivative_deriv2(funForHList, x, h, order, Q);
+ end
+ //
+ // At this point, H is a m*n-by-n block matrix.
+ // Update the format of the Hessian
+ if H_form == "default" then
+ // H has the old scilab form
+ H = matrix(H', n*n, m)'
+ end
+ if H_form == "hypermat" then
+ if m > 1 then
+ // H is a hypermatrix if m > 1
+ H = H';
+ H = hypermat([n n m], H(:));
+ end
+ end
+// numderivative_step --
+// Returns the step for given x, given order and given derivative:
+// d = 1 is for Jacobian
+// d = 2 is for Hessian
+// Uses the optimal step.
+// Then scale the step depending on abs(x).
+function h = numderivative_step(x, order, d)
+ n = size(x, "*");
+ select d
+ case 1
+ // For Jacobian
+ select order
+ case 1
+ hdefault = sqrt(%eps);
+ case 2
+ hdefault = %eps^(1/3);
+ case 4
+ hdefault = %eps^(1/5);
+ else
+ lclmsg = gettext("%s: Unknown value %s for option %s.\n");
+ error(msprintf(lclmsg,"numderivative_step", string(d), "d"));
+ end
+ case 2
+ // For Hessian
+ select order
+ case 1
+ hdefault = %eps^(1/3);
+ case 2
+ hdefault = %eps^(1/4);
+ case 4
+ hdefault = %eps^(1/6);
+ else
+ lclmsg = gettext("%s: Unknown value %s for option %s.\n");
+ error(msprintf(lclmsg, "numderivative_step", string(d), "d"));
+ end
+ else
+ lclmsg = gettext("%s: Unknown value %s for option %s.\n");
+ error(msprintf(lclmsg, "numderivative_step", string(order), "order"));
+ end
+ // Convert this scalar into a vector, with same size as x
+ // For zero entries in x, use the default.
+ // For nonzero entries in x, scales by abs(x).
+ h = hdefault * abs(x);
+ h(x==0) = hdefault;
+// numderivative_funForH --
+// Returns the numerical derivative of __numderivative_f__.
+// This function is called to compute the numerical Hessian.
+function J = numderivative_funForH(x, __numderivative_f__, h, order, Q)
+ // Transpose !
+ J = numderivative_deriv1(__numderivative_f__, x, h, order, Q)';
+ J = J(:);
+// numderivative_deriv1 --
+// Computes the numerical gradient of __numderivative_f__, using the given step h.
+// This function is used for the computation of the jacobian matrix.
+function g = numderivative_deriv1(__numderivative_f__, x, h, order, Q)
+ n = size(x, "*");
+ %Dy = []; // At this point, we do not know 'm' yet, so we cannot allocate Dy.
+ select order
+ case 1
+ D = Q * diag(h);
+ y = numderivative_evalf(__numderivative_f__, x);
+ for i=1:n
+ d = D(:, i);
+ yplus = numderivative_evalf(__numderivative_f__, x+d);
+ Dyi = (yplus-y)/h(i);
+ %Dy = [%Dy Dyi];
+ end
+ g = %Dy*Q';
+ case 2
+ D = Q * diag(h);
+ for i=1:n
+ d = D(:, i);
+ yplus = numderivative_evalf(__numderivative_f__, x+d);
+ yminus = numderivative_evalf(__numderivative_f__, x-d);
+ Dyi = (yplus-yminus)/(2*h(i));
+ %Dy = [%Dy Dyi];
+ end
+ g = %Dy*Q';
+ case 4
+ D = Q * diag(h);
+ for i=1:n
+ d = D(:, i);
+ yplus = numderivative_evalf(__numderivative_f__, x+d);
+ yminus = numderivative_evalf(__numderivative_f__, x-d);
+ yplus2 = numderivative_evalf(__numderivative_f__, x+2*d);
+ yminus2 = numderivative_evalf(__numderivative_f__, x-2*d);
+ dFh = (yplus-yminus)/(2*h(i));
+ dF2h = (yplus2-yminus2)/(4*h(i));
+ Dyi = (4*dFh - dF2h)/3;
+ %Dy = [%Dy Dyi];
+ end
+ g = %Dy*Q';
+ end
+// numderivative_deriv2 --
+// Computes the numerical gradient of the argument __numderivative_f__, using the given step h.
+// This function is used for the computation of the hessian matrix, to take advantage of its symmetry
+function g = numderivative_deriv2(__numderivative_f__, x, h, order, Q)
+ n = size(x, "*");
+ %Dy = zeros(m*n, n); // 'm' is known at this point, so we can allocate Dy to reduce memory operations
+ select order
+ case 1
+ D = Q * diag(h);
+ y = numderivative_evalf(__numderivative_f__, x);
+ for i=1:n
+ d = D(:, i);
+ yplus = numderivative_evalf(__numderivative_f__, x+d);
+ for j=0:m-1
+ Dyi(1+j*n:i-1+j*n) = %Dy(i+j*n, 1:i-1)'; // Retrieving symmetric elements (will not be done for the first vector)
+ Dyi(i+j*n:(j+1)*n) = (yplus(i+j*n:(j+1)*n)-y(i+j*n:(j+1)*n))/h(i); // Computing the new ones
+ end
+ %Dy(:, i) = Dyi;
+ end
+ g = %Dy*Q';
+ case 2
+ D = Q * diag(h);
+ for i=1:n
+ d = D(:, i);
+ yplus = numderivative_evalf(__numderivative_f__, x+d);
+ yminus = numderivative_evalf(__numderivative_f__, x-d);
+ for j=0:m-1
+ Dyi(1+j*n:i-1+j*n) = %Dy(i+j*n, 1:i-1)'; // Retrieving symmetric elements (will not be done for the first vector)
+ Dyi(i+j*n:(j+1)*n) = (yplus(i+j*n:(j+1)*n)-yminus(i+j*n:(j+1)*n))/(2*h(i)); // Computing the new ones
+ end
+ %Dy(:, i) = Dyi;
+ end
+ g = %Dy*Q';
+ case 4
+ D = Q * diag(h);
+ for i=1:n
+ d = D(:, i);
+ yplus = numderivative_evalf(__numderivative_f__, x+d);
+ yminus = numderivative_evalf(__numderivative_f__, x-d);
+ yplus2 = numderivative_evalf(__numderivative_f__, x+2*d);
+ yminus2 = numderivative_evalf(__numderivative_f__, x-2*d);
+ for j=0:m-1
+ dFh(1+j*n:i-1+j*n) = %Dy(i+j*n, 1:i-1)'; // Retrieving symmetric elements (will not be done for the first vector)
+ dFh(i+j*n:(j+1)*n) = (yplus(i+j*n:(j+1)*n)-yminus(i+j*n:(j+1)*n))/(2*h(i)); // Computing the new ones
+ dF2h(1+j*n:i-1+j*n) = %Dy(i+j*n, 1:i-1)'; // Retrieving symmetric elements (will not be done for the first vector)
+ dF2h(i+j*n:(j+1)*n) = (yplus2(i+j*n:(j+1)*n)-yminus2(i+j*n:(j+1)*n))/(4*h(i)); // Computing the new ones
+ end
+ Dyi = (4*dFh - dF2h)/3;
+ %Dy(:, i) = Dyi;
+ end
+ g = %Dy*Q';
+ end
+// numderivative_evalf --
+// Computes the value of __numderivative_f__ at the point x.
+// The argument __numderivative_f__ can be a function (macro or linked code) or a list.
+function y = numderivative_evalf(__numderivative_f__, x)
+ if type(__numderivative_f__) == 15 then
+ // List case
+ __numderivative_fun__ = __numderivative_f__(1);
+ instr = "y = __numderivative_fun__(x, __numderivative_f__(2:$))";
+ elseif or(type(__numderivative_f__) == [11 13 130]) then
+ // Function case
+ instr = "y = __numderivative_f__(x)";
+ else
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A function expected.\n"), "numderivative", 1));
+ end
+ ierr = execstr(instr, "errcatch")
+ if ierr <> 0 then
+ lamsg = lasterror();
+ lclmsg = "%s: Error while evaluating the function: ""%s""\n";
+ error(msprintf(gettext(lclmsg), "numderivative", lamsg));
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/numdiff.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/numdiff.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a177f26f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/numdiff.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/numdiff.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/numdiff.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..53cc4daf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/numdiff.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function %g=numdiff(%__func,%x,%dx)
+ warnobsolete("numderivative","6.0")
+ // given a function %__func from R^n to R^p
+ //computes the matrix g such as
+ // [ d f ]
+ // [ i ]
+ //g = [ ---- ]
+ // ij [ d x ]
+ // [ j ]
+ // using finite difference methods
+ if type(%__func)==15 then
+ params=%__func;params(1)=null();
+ %__func=%__func(1)
+ else
+ params=list()
+ end
+ if type(%__func)==10 then //hard coded function given by its name
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Hard coded function not allowed, create a Scilab function using call."),"numdiff"));
+ end
+ %x=%x(:);
+ %n=size(%x,"*")
+ if argn(2)<3 then
+ %dx=sqrt(%eps)*(1+1d-3*abs(%x))
+ end
+ if size(params)==0 then
+ %y0=%__func(%x)
+ %g(size(%y0,1),%n)=0
+ for %j=1:%n
+ %v=0*%x;%v(%j)=%dx(%j);
+ %g(:,%j)=(-%y0+%__func(%x+%v))/%dx(%j);
+ end
+ else
+ %y0=%__func(%x,params(:))
+ %g(size(%y0,1),%n)=0
+ for %j=1:%n
+ %v=0*%x;%v(%j)=%dx(%j);
+ %g(:,%j)=(-%y0+%__func(%x+%v,params(:)))/%dx(%j);
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/%TOPTIM_p.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/%TOPTIM_p.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..bdc92b91e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/%TOPTIM_p.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/%TOPTIM_p.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/%TOPTIM_p.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e1b6fc30c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/%TOPTIM_p.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// %TOPTIM_p --
+// Prints the string containing the Optim Base component.
+function %TOPTIM_p ( this )
+ str = string ( this )
+ srows = size(str,"r")
+ for i = 1 : srows
+ mprintf("%s\n",str(i))
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/%TOPTIM_string.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/%TOPTIM_string.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4b044a2e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/%TOPTIM_string.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/%TOPTIM_string.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/%TOPTIM_string.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..35c0dc4b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/%TOPTIM_string.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// %TOPTIM_string --
+// Returns the string containing the Optim Base component.
+function str = %TOPTIM_string ( this )
+ str = []
+ k = 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Optim Base Object:\n")
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("==================")
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Number of variables : %s\n", string(this.numberofvariables));
+ k = k + 1
+ x0 = optimbase_cget (this,"-x0")
+ str(k) = sprintf("Initial Guess : [%s]\n" , _strvec(x0) );
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Initial Function Value :%s\n",_strvec(this.fx0));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Number of Inequality Constraints :%d\n",this.nbineqconst);
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Bounds Mininimum : [%s]\n", _strvec(this.boundsmin));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Bounds Maxinimum :[%s]\n", _strvec(this.boundsmax));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Optimum Parameters : [%s]\n" , _strvec(this.xopt));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Optimum Function Value :%s\n",string(this.fopt));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Number of iterations : %d\n", this.iterations);
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Maximum number of iterations : %s\n", string(this.maxiter));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Number function evaluations : %d\n", this.funevals);
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Maximum number of function evaluations : %s\n", string(this.maxfunevals));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination Method on function value : %s\n", string(this.tolfunmethod));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination Absolute Tolerance on function value : %s\n", string(this.tolfunabsolute));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination Relative Tolerance on function value : %s\n", string(this.tolfunrelative));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination Method on x : %s\n", string(this.tolxmethod));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination Absolute Tolerance on x : %s\n", string(this.tolxabsolute));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Termination Relative Tolerance on x : %s\n", string(this.tolxrelative));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Optimization Status : %s\n", this.status);
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Verbose logging : %s\n", string(this.verbose));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Verbose Termination : %s\n", string(this.verbosetermination));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Verbose Log File : %s\n", this.logfile );
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Verbose Log File Startup Up: %s\n", string(this.logstartup) );
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Store History : %s\n", string(this.storehistory));
+// _strvec --
+// Returns a string for the given vector.
+function str = _strvec ( x )
+ str = strcat(string(x)," ")
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/lib b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/lib
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..310678186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/lib
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/names b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/names
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a1a02724d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/names
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_cget.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_cget.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..71794c989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_cget.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_cget.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_cget.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f779b69cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_cget.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_cget --
+// Get the value for the given key.
+// If the key is unknown, generates an error.
+function value = optimbase_cget (this,key)
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn();
+ if ( rhs <> 2 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument: %d expected.\n"), "optimbase_cget", 3);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ select key
+ case "-verbose" then
+ value = this.verbose;
+ case "-verbosetermination" then
+ value = this.verbosetermination;
+ case "-function" then
+ value =;
+ case "-method" then
+ value = this.method;
+ case "-x0" then
+ value = this.x0;
+ case "-maxfunevals" then
+ value = this.maxfunevals;
+ case "-maxiter" then
+ value = this.maxiter;
+ case "-tolfunabsolute" then
+ value = this.tolfunabsolute;
+ case "-tolfunrelative" then
+ value = this.tolfunrelative;
+ case "-tolxabsolute" then
+ value = this.tolxabsolute;
+ case "-tolxrelative" then
+ value = this.tolxrelative;
+ case "-tolxmethod" then
+ value = this.tolxmethod;
+ case "-tolfunmethod" then
+ value = this.tolfunmethod;
+ case "-outputcommand" then
+ value = this.outputcommand;
+ case "-numberofvariables" then
+ value = this.numberofvariables;
+ case "-storehistory" then
+ value = this.storehistory;
+ case "-boundsmin" then
+ value = this.boundsmin;
+ case "-boundsmax" then
+ value = this.boundsmax;
+ case "-nbineqconst" then
+ value = this.nbineqconst;
+ case "-logfile" then
+ value = this.logfile;
+ case "-withderivatives" then
+ value = this.withderivatives;
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unknown key %s") , "optimbase_cget" , key)
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_checkbounds.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_checkbounds.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0d4c296a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_checkbounds.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_checkbounds.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_checkbounds.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..bde51e2cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_checkbounds.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_checkbounds --
+// Check if the bounds are consistent and puts an error message if not.
+// One could generate an error, but errors are not testable
+// with the current system.
+function this = optimbase_checkbounds ( this )
+ maxl = length ( this.boundsmax )
+ minl = length ( this.boundsmin )
+ if ( maxl > 0 | minl > 0 ) then
+ if ( this.numberofvariables <> maxl ) then
+ errmsg = sprintf(gettext("%s: The number of variables %d does not match the number of max bounds: %d.\n") , ...
+ "optimbase_checkbounds",this.numberofvariables , maxl )
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ if ( this.numberofvariables <> minl ) then
+ errmsg = sprintf(gettext("%s: The number of variables %d does not match the number of min bounds: %d.\n") , ...
+ "optimbase_checkbounds",this.numberofvariables , minl )
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ for ix = 1 : this.numberofvariables
+ xmin = this.boundsmin ( ix )
+ xmax = this.boundsmax ( ix )
+ if ( xmax < xmin ) then
+ errmsg = sprintf(gettext("%s: The max bound %s for variable #%d is lower than the min bound %s.\n"), ...
+ "optimbase_checkbounds",string(xmax) , ix , string(xmin) )
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_checkcostfun.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_checkcostfun.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..237fb6827
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_checkcostfun.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_checkcostfun.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_checkcostfun.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1f9b6c900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_checkcostfun.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_checkcostfun --
+// Check that the cost function is correctly connected.
+// Generate an error if there is one.
+function this = optimbase_checkcostfun ( this )
+ if ( this.x0 == [] ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf ( gettext ( "%s: Cannot check cost function when x0 is empty" ) , "optimbase_checkcostfun" )
+ error ( errmsg );
+ end
+ //
+ // If there are no nonlinear constraints and no derivatives, check that the index is correctly managed.
+ //
+ if ( ( this.nbineqconst == 0 ) & ( ~this.withderivatives ) ) then
+ //
+ index = 1;
+ cmd = "[ this , f , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , this.x0 , index )";
+ ierr=execstr(cmd,"errcatch");
+ optimbase_checkstatus ( "[f,index]=costf(x0,1)" , ierr )
+ this = optimbase_checkshape ( this , "index" , index , 1 , 1 , 1 );
+ //
+ index = 2;
+ cmd = "[ this , f , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , this.x0 , index )";
+ ierr=execstr(cmd,"errcatch");
+ optimbase_checkstatus ( "[f,index]=costf(x0,2)" , ierr )
+ this = optimbase_checkshape ( this , "f" , f , index , 1 , 1 );
+ this = optimbase_checkshape ( this , "index" , index , 2 , 1 , 1 );
+ end
+ //
+ // If there are nonlinear constraints and no derivatives, check that the index is correctly managed.
+ //
+ if ( ( this.nbineqconst > 0 ) & ( ~this.withderivatives ) ) then
+ //
+ index = 1;
+ cmd = "[ this , f , c , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , this.x0 , index )";
+ ierr=execstr(cmd,"errcatch");
+ optimbase_checkstatus ( "[f,c,index]=costf(x0,1)" , ierr )
+ this = optimbase_checkshape ( this , "index" , index , 1 , 1 , 1 );
+ //
+ index = 2;
+ cmd = "[ this , f , c , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , this.x0 , index )";
+ ierr=execstr(cmd,"errcatch");
+ optimbase_checkstatus ( "[f,c,index]=costf(x0,2)" , ierr )
+ this = optimbase_checkshape ( this , "f" , f , index , 1 , 1 );
+ this = optimbase_checkshape ( this , "index" , index , 2 , 1 , 1 );
+ //
+ index = 5;
+ cmd = "[ this , f , c , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , this.x0 , index )";
+ ierr=execstr(cmd,"errcatch");
+ optimbase_checkstatus ( "[f,c,index]=costf(x0,5)" , ierr )
+ this = optimbase_checkshape ( this , "c" , c , index , 1 , this.nbineqconst );
+ this = optimbase_checkshape ( this , "index" , index , 5 , 1 , 1 );
+ //
+ index = 6;
+ cmd = "[ this , f , c , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , this.x0 , index )";
+ ierr=execstr(cmd,"errcatch");
+ optimbase_checkstatus ( "[f,c,index]=costf(x0,6)" , ierr )
+ this = optimbase_checkshape ( this , "f" , f , index , 1 , 1 );
+ this = optimbase_checkshape ( this , "c" , c , index , 1 , this.nbineqconst );
+ this = optimbase_checkshape ( this , "index" , index , 6 , 1 , 1 );
+ end
+ //
+ // If there are no nonlinear constraints and derivatives, check that the index is correctly managed.
+ //
+ if ( ( this.nbineqconst == 0 ) & ( this.withderivatives ) ) then
+ //
+ index = 1;
+ cmd = "[ this , f , g , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , this.x0 , index )";
+ ierr=execstr(cmd,"errcatch");
+ optimbase_checkstatus ( "[f,g,index]=costf(x0,1)" , ierr )
+ this = optimbase_checkshape ( this , "index" , index , 1 , 1 , 1 );
+ //
+ index = 2;
+ cmd = "[ this , f , g , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , this.x0 , index )";
+ ierr=execstr(cmd,"errcatch");
+ optimbase_checkstatus ( "[f,g,index]=costf(x0,2)" , ierr )
+ this = optimbase_checkshape ( this , "f" , f , index , 1 , 1 );
+ this = optimbase_checkshape ( this , "index" , index , 2 , 1 , 1 );
+ //
+ index = 3;
+ cmd = "[ this , f , g , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , this.x0 , index )";
+ ierr=execstr(cmd,"errcatch");
+ optimbase_checkstatus ( "[f,g,index]=costf(x0,2)" , ierr )
+ this = optimbase_checkshape ( this , "g" , g , index , 1 , this.numberofvariables );
+ this = optimbase_checkshape ( this , "index" , index , 3 , 1 , 1 );
+ //
+ index = 4;
+ cmd = "[ this , f , g , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , this.x0 , index )";
+ ierr=execstr(cmd,"errcatch");
+ optimbase_checkstatus ( "[f,g,index]=costf(x0,4)" , ierr)
+ this = optimbase_checkshape ( this , "f" , f , index , 1 , 1 );
+ this = optimbase_checkshape ( this , "g" , g , index , 1 , this.numberofvariables );
+ this = optimbase_checkshape ( this , "index" , index , 4 , 1 , 1 );
+ end
+// optimbase_checkstatus --
+// Generates an error if ierr is nonzero, that is,
+// if the cost function could not be evaluated.
+function optimbase_checkstatus ( cmdstr , ierr )
+ if ( ierr <> 0 ) then
+ lamsg = lasterror()
+ lclmsg = gettext ( "%s: Cannot evaluate cost function with ""%s"": %s" )
+ errmsg = msprintf (lclmsg , "optimbase_checkcostfun",cmdstr, lamsg )
+ error ( errmsg );
+ end
+// optimbase_checkcostfun --
+// Check that the cost function is correctly connected.
+// Generate an error if there is one.
+function this = optimbase_checkshape ( this , varname , value , index , expectednrows , expectedncols )
+ if ( size(value,1) <> expectednrows ) then
+ if ( size(value,1) == expectedncols & size(value,2) == 1) then
+ // Allow column vector returns, just transpose them to get row vectors.
+ value = value';
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf ( gettext ( "%s: The matrix %s from costf(x0,%d) has %d rows, instead of %d." ) , "optimbase_checkcostfun" , varname , index , size(value,1) , expectednrows )
+ error ( errmsg );
+ end
+ end
+ if ( size(value,2) <> expectedncols ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf ( gettext ( "%s: The matrix %s from costf(x0,%d) has %d columns, instead of %d." ) , "optimbase_checkcostfun" , varname , index , size(value,2) , expectedncols )
+ error ( errmsg );
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_checkx0.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_checkx0.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..35148a2ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_checkx0.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_checkx0.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_checkx0.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..03764953d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_checkx0.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_checkx0 --
+// Returns %T if the initial guess is consistent with the bounds
+// and the non linear inequality constraints, if any.
+function this = optimbase_checkx0 ( this )
+ [ this , isfeasible ] = optimbase_isfeasible ( this , this.x0 )
+ if ( isfeasible <> 1 ) then
+ error(sprintf ( gettext("%s: Initial guess is not feasible."),"optimbase_checkx0") )
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_configure.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_configure.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..715fa3a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_configure.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_configure.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_configure.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b990ece3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_configure.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_configure --
+// Configure the current object with the given value for the given key.
+function this = optimbase_configure (this,key,value)
+ UN=number_properties("tiny")
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn();
+ if ( rhs <> 3 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument: %d expected.\n"), "optimbase_configure", 3);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ select key
+ case "-verbose" then
+ optimbase_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ optimbase_checkscalar ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ optimbase_checkgreq ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , 0 )
+ this.verbose = value;
+ case "-verbosetermination" then
+ optimbase_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ optimbase_checkscalar ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ optimbase_checkgreq ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , 0 )
+ this.verbosetermination = value;
+ case "-logfile" then
+ optimbase_typestring ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ optimbase_checkscalar ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ if ( this.logstartup ) then
+ this = optimbase_logshutdown ( this )
+ end
+ this.logfile = value;
+ this = optimbase_logstartup ( this );
+ case "-x0" then
+ optimbase_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ [n,m] = size(value);
+ if m<>1 then
+ if n==1 then // Allowing row vectors by transposing them into column vectors
+ value = value';
+ temp = m; // Switch the sizes in case we want to reuse them later in this function
+ m = n;
+ n = temp;
+ else
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for x0 argument: A vector expected."),"optimbase_configure"));
+ end
+ end
+ this.x0 = value;
+ this.numberofvariables = n; // Setting x0 also sets the size of the system
+ case "-maxfunevals" then
+ optimbase_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ optimbase_checkscalar ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ optimbase_checkgreq ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , 1 )
+ this.maxfunevals = value;
+ case "-maxiter" then
+ optimbase_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ optimbase_checkscalar ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ optimbase_checkgreq ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , 1 )
+ this.maxiter = value;
+ case "-tolfunabsolute" then
+ optimbase_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ optimbase_checkscalar ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ optimbase_checkgreq ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , 0 )
+ this.tolfunabsolute = value;
+ case "-tolfunrelative" then
+ optimbase_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ optimbase_checkscalar ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ optimbase_checkgreq ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , 0 )
+ this.tolfunrelative = value;
+ case "-tolxabsolute" then
+ optimbase_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ optimbase_checkscalar ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ optimbase_checkgreq ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , 0 )
+ this.tolxabsolute = value;
+ case "-tolxrelative" then
+ optimbase_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ optimbase_checkscalar ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ optimbase_checkgreq ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , 0 )
+ this.tolxrelative = value;
+ case "-tolxmethod" then
+ optimbase_typeboolean ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ optimbase_checkscalar ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ this.tolxmethod = value;
+ case "-tolfunmethod" then
+ optimbase_typeboolean ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ optimbase_checkscalar ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ this.tolfunmethod = value;
+ case "-function" then
+ optimbase_typecallable ( value , "value" , 3)
+ = value;
+ case "-outputcommand" then
+ optimbase_typecallable ( value , "value" , 3)
+ this.outputcommand = value;
+ case "-numberofvariables" then
+ optimbase_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ optimbase_checkscalar ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ optimbase_checkgreq ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , 1 )
+ this.numberofvariables = value;
+ case "-storehistory" then
+ optimbase_typeboolean ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ optimbase_checkscalar ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ this.storehistory = value;
+ case "-boundsmin" then
+ optimbase_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ this.boundsmin = value;
+ case "-boundsmax" then
+ optimbase_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ this.boundsmax = value;
+ case "-nbineqconst" then
+ optimbase_typereal ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ optimbase_checkscalar ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ optimbase_checkgreq ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 , 0 )
+ this.nbineqconst = value;
+ case "-withderivatives" then
+ optimbase_typeboolean ( value , "value" , 3 );
+ optimbase_checkscalar ( "optimbase_configure" , value , "value" , 3 )
+ this.withderivatives = value;
+ //
+ // Obsolete options.
+ //
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unknown key %s"),"optimbase_configure",key)
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+// Generates an error if the given variable is not of type real
+function optimbase_typereal ( var , varname , ivar )
+ if ( type ( var ) <> 1 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected real variable for variable %s at input #%d, but got %s instead."),"optimbase_typereal", varname , ivar , typeof(var) );
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+// Generates an error if the given variable is not of type string
+function optimbase_typestring ( var , varname , ivar )
+ if ( type ( var ) <> 10 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected string variable for variable %s at input #%d, but got %s instead."),"optimbase_typestring", varname , ivar , typeof(var) );
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+// Generates an error if the given variable is not of type function (macro)
+function optimbase_typefunction ( var , varname , ivar )
+ if ( type ( var ) <> 13 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected function but for variable %s at input #%d, got %s instead."),"optimbase_typefunction", varname , ivar , typeof(var) );
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+// Generates an error if the given variable is not of type boolean
+function optimbase_typeboolean ( var , varname , ivar )
+ if ( type ( var ) <> 4 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected boolean but for variable %s at input #%d, got %s instead."),"optimbase_typeboolean", varname , ivar , typeof(var) );
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+// Generates an error if the value corresponding to an option is unknown.
+function unknownValueForOption ( value , optionname )
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unknown value %s for %s option"),"unknownValueForOption",value , optionname );
+ error(errmsg);
+function optimbase_typecallable ( var , varname , ivar )
+ // Check that var is a function or a list
+ if ( and ( type ( var ) <> [11 13 15] ) ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected function or list for variable %s at input #%d, but got %s instead."),"optimbase_typecallable", varname , ivar , typeof(var) );
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ if ( type ( var ) == 15 ) then
+ // Check that var(1) is a function
+ if ( and ( type ( var(1) ) <> [11 13] ) ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected function for variable %s(1) at input #%d, but got %s instead."),"optimbase_typecallable", varname , ivar , typeof(var) );
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ end
+function optimbase_checkrange ( funname , var , varname , ivar , vmin , vmax )
+ if ( ~and ( vmin <= var & var <= vmax ) ) then
+ k = find ( vmin > var | var > vmax )
+ k = k(1)
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected that all entries of input argument %s at input #%d are in the range [%s,%s], but entry #%d is equal to %s."),funname,varname,ivar,string(vmin),string(vmax),k,string(var(k)));
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+function optimbase_checkgreq ( funname , var , varname , ivar , thr )
+ if ( or ( var < thr ) ) then
+ k = find ( var < thr )
+ k = k(1)
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected that all entries of input argument %s at input #%d are greater or equal than %s, but entry #%d is equal to %s."),funname,varname,ivar,string(thr),k,string(var(k)));
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+function optimbase_checkflint ( funname , var , varname , ivar )
+ if ( or ( round(var)<>var ) ) then
+ k = find ( round(var)<>var )
+ k = k(1)
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected floating point integer for input argument %s at input #%d, but entry #%d is equal to %s."),funname,varname,ivar,k,string(var(k)));
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+function optimbase_checkscalar ( funname , var , varname , ivar )
+ if ( or(size(var) <> [1 1]) ) then
+ strcomp = strcat(string(size(var))," ")
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"), funname, ivar , 1, 1 );
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+function optimbase_checkoption ( funname , var , varname , ivar , expectedopt )
+ if ( and ( var <> expectedopt ) ) then
+ stradd = """ or """
+ strexp = """" + strcat(string(expectedopt),stradd) + """"
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected value [%s] for input argument %s at input #%d, but got ""%s"" instead."),funname,strexp,varname,ivar,string(var));
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_destroy.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_destroy.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..89485b084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_destroy.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_destroy.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_destroy.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b966bb055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_destroy.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_destroy --
+// Destroy an object.
+function this = optimbase_destroy (this)
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn();
+ if ( rhs <> 1 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument: %d expected.\n"), "optimbase_destroy", 1);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ this.historyfopt = [];
+ this.historyxopt = [];
+ if ( this.logstartup ) then
+ this = optimbase_logshutdown ( this );
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_function.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_function.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b0bdeb26c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_function.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_function.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_function.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..acc4c0aa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_function.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_function --
+// Call the cost function and return the value.
+// If a cost function argument is defined in current object,
+// pass it to the function.
+// If an index is defined as input argument, pass it to the
+// function, always as second argument.
+// Arguments
+// x : the point where the function is to be evaluated.
+// index, input : a flag to pass to the cost function
+// if index=1, output a message, and compute whatever is required
+// if index=2, compute f
+// if index=3, compute g
+// if index=4, compute f and g
+// if index=5, returns c
+// if index=6, returns f and c
+// if index=7, returns f, g, c and gc
+// where
+// f : the cost function
+// g : the gradient of the cost function
+// c : the nonlinear, positive constraints
+// gc : the gradient of the nonlinear, positive constraints
+// Other values of index might be used in the future,
+// for example, when an derivative-based optimizer with
+// non linear constraints is required.
+// index, output :
+// if index > 0, everything went fine
+// if index == 0, interrupts the optimization
+// if index < 0, f cannot be evaluated
+// Calling sequences :
+// [ this , f , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , x , index )
+// [ this , f , g , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , x , index )
+// [ this , f , c , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , x , index )
+// [ this , f , g , c , gc , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , x , index )
+// Not Authorized Calling sequences of the optimbase_function:
+// Rejected because there is no index in input :
+// [ this , f , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , x )
+// [ this , f ] = optimbase_function ( this , x )
+// Rejected because there is no index in output :
+// [ this , f ] = optimbase_function ( this , x , index )
+// [ this , f , g ] = optimbase_function ( this , x , index )
+// [ this , f , c ] = optimbase_function ( this , x , index )
+// [ this , f , g , c , gc ] = optimbase_function ( this , x , index )
+// Calling sequences of the cost function:
+// > Without additional data
+// [ f , index ] = costf ( x , index )
+// [ f , g , index ] = costf ( x , index )
+// [ f , c , index ] = costf ( x , index )
+// [ f , g , c , gc , index ] = costf ( x , index )
+// > With additional data
+// [ f , index ] = costf ( x , index , a1, a2, ... )
+// [ f , g , index ] = costf ( x , index , a1, a2, ... )
+// [ f , c , index ] = costf ( x , index , a1, a2, ... )
+// [ f , g , c , gc , index ] = costf ( x , index , a1, a2, ... )
+// Not Authorized Calling sequences of the cost function:
+// Rejected because there is no index in input :
+// [ f ] = costf ( this , x )
+// [ f , index ] = costf ( this , x )
+// [ f ] = costf ( this , x , a1, a2, ... )
+// [ f , index ] = costf ( this , x , a1, a2, ... )
+// Rejected because there is no index in output :
+// [ f ] = costf ( this , x , index )
+// [ f , g ] = costf ( this , x , index )
+// [ f , c ] = costf ( this , x , index )
+// [ f , g , c ] = costf ( this , x , index )
+// [ f ] = costf ( this , x , index , a1, a2, ... )
+// [ f , g ] = costf ( this , x , index , a1, a2, ... )
+// [ f , g , c ] = costf ( this , x , index , a1, a2, ... )
+// [ f , c ] = costf ( this , x , index , a1, a2, ... )
+function varargout = optimbase_function ( this , x , index )
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn();
+ if ( rhs <> 3 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unexpected number of input arguments : %d provided while 2 are expected."), "optimbase_function", rhs);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ if ( ( lhs < 3 ) | ( lhs > 5 ) ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unexpected number of output arguments : %d provided while 3 to 5 are expected."), "optimbase_function", lhs);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ if == "" then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Empty function (use -function option)."), "optimbase_function")
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ this.funevals = this.funevals + 1;
+ if this.verbose == 1 then
+ msg = sprintf ( "Function Evaluation #%d, index=%d, x= [%s]" , ...
+ this.funevals , index, strcat(string(x)," "))
+ this = optimbase_log ( this , msg )
+ end
+ //
+ // Setup the callback and its arguments
+ //
+ funtype = typeof(
+ if ( funtype == "function" ) then
+ __optimbase_f__ =
+ //
+ // Backward-compatibility: process the costfargument field
+ //
+ if ( typeof(this.costfargument) == "string" ) then
+ __optimbase_args__ = list()
+ else
+ __optimbase_args__ = list(this.costfargument)
+ end
+ else
+ __optimbase_f__ =
+ __optimbase_args__ = list($))
+ end
+ if ( this.withderivatives ) then
+ if ( this.nbineqconst == 0 ) then
+ // [ f , g , index ] = costf ( x , index )
+ // [ f , g , index ] = costf ( x , index , a1, a2, ... )
+ // [ this , f , g , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , x , index )
+ [ f , g , index ] = __optimbase_f__ ( x , index , __optimbase_args__(1:$) );
+ if type(f) <> 1 | ~isreal(f) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(_("%s: Wrong type for user function output argument #%d: A real matrix expected."), "optimbase_function", 1);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ if type(g) <> 1 | ~isreal(g) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(_("%s: Wrong type for user function output argument #%d: A real matrix expected."), "optimbase_function", 2);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ if type(index) <> 1 | ~isreal(index) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(_("%s: Wrong type for user function output argument #%d: A real matrix expected."), "optimbase_function", 3);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ varargout(1) = this
+ varargout(2) = f
+ varargout(3) = g
+ varargout(4) = index
+ else
+ // [ f , g , c , gc , index ] = costf ( x , index )
+ // [ f , g , c , gc , index ] = costf ( x , index , a1, a2, ... )
+ // [ this , f , g , c , gc , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , x , index )
+ [ f , g , c , gc , index ] = __optimbase_f__ ( x , index , __optimbase_args__(1:$) );
+ if type(f) <> 1 | ~isreal(f) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(_("%s: Wrong type for user function output argument #%d: A real matrix expected."), "optimbase_function", 1);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ if type(g) <> 1 | ~isreal(g) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(_("%s: Wrong type for user function output argument #%d: A real matrix expected."), "optimbase_function", 2);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ if type(c) <> 1 | ~isreal(c) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(_("%s: Wrong type for user function output argument #%d: A real matrix expected."), "optimbase_function", 3);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ if type(gc) <> 1 | ~isreal(gc) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(_("%s: Wrong type for user function output argument #%d: A real matrix expected."), "optimbase_function", 4);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ if type(index) <> 1 | ~isreal(index) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(_("%s: Wrong type for user function output argument #%d: A real matrix expected."), "optimbase_function", 5);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ varargout(1) = this
+ varargout(2) = f
+ varargout(3) = g
+ varargout(4) = c
+ varargout(5) = gc
+ varargout(6) = index
+ end
+ else
+ if ( this.nbineqconst == 0 ) then
+ // [ f , index ] = costf ( x , index )
+ // [ f , index ] = costf ( x , index , a1, a2, ... )
+ // [ this , f , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , x , index )
+ [ f , index ] = __optimbase_f__ ( x , index , __optimbase_args__(1:$) );
+ if type(f) <> 1 | ~isreal(f) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(_("%s: Wrong type for user function output argument #%d: A real matrix expected."), "optimbase_function", 1);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ if type(index) <> 1 | ~isreal(index) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(_("%s: Wrong type for user function output argument #%d: A real matrix expected."), "optimbase_function", 2);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ varargout(1) = this
+ varargout(2) = f
+ varargout(3) = index
+ else
+ // [ f , c , index ] = costf ( x , index )
+ // [ f , c , index ] = costf ( x , index , a1, a2, ... )
+ // [ this , f , c , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , x , index )
+ [ f , c , index ] = __optimbase_f__ ( x , index , __optimbase_args__(1:$) );
+ if type(f) <> 1 | ~isreal(f) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(_("%s: Wrong type for user function output argument #%d: A real matrix expected."), "optimbase_function", 1);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ if type(c) <> 1 | ~isreal(c) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(_("%s: Wrong type for user function output argument #%d: A real matrix expected."), "optimbase_function", 2);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ if type(index) <> 1 | ~isreal(index) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(_("%s: Wrong type for user function output argument #%d: A real matrix expected."), "optimbase_function", 3);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ varargout(1) = this
+ varargout(2) = f
+ varargout(3) = c
+ varargout(4) = index
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_get.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_get.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f3e447ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_get.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_get.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_get.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4e269707c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_get.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_get --
+// Get the value for the given key.
+// If the key is unknown, generates an error.
+// This command corresponds with options which are not
+// available directly to the user interface, but are computed internally.
+function value = optimbase_get (this,key)
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn();
+ if ( rhs <> 2 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument: %d expected.\n"), "optimbase_get", 2);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ select key
+ case "-funevals" then
+ value = this.funevals;
+ case "-iterations" then
+ value = this.iterations;
+ case "-xopt" then
+ value = this.xopt;
+ case "-fopt" then
+ value = this.fopt;
+ case "-historyxopt" then
+ if ( ~this.storehistory ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: History disabled ; enable -storehistory option."),"optimbase_get")
+ error(errmsg)
+ else
+ value = this.historyxopt;
+ end
+ case "-historyfopt" then
+ if ( ~this.storehistory ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: History disabled ; enable -storehistory option."),"optimbase_get")
+ error(errmsg)
+ else
+ value = this.historyfopt;
+ end
+ case "-fx0" then
+ value = this.fx0;
+ case "-status" then
+ value = this.status;
+ case "-logstartup" then
+ value = this.logstartup;
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unknown key %s"),"optimbase_get",key)
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_hasbounds.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_hasbounds.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d2fe25873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_hasbounds.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_hasbounds.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_hasbounds.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2a457cf89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_hasbounds.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_hasbounds --
+// Returns %T if current problem has bounds.
+// Arguments
+// this : the current object
+// hasbounds : %T or %F (see above)
+function [ this , hasbounds ] = optimbase_hasbounds ( this )
+ maxl = length ( this.boundsmax )
+ minl = length ( this.boundsmin )
+ hasbounds = ( maxl <> 0 | minl <> 0 )
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_hasconstraints.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_hasconstraints.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d3c1bdd1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_hasconstraints.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c387fbbe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_hasconstraints.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_hasconstraints --
+// Returns %T if current problem has
+// * bounds constraints or
+// * linear constraints or
+// * non linear constraints.
+// Arguments
+// this : the current object
+// hasbounds : %T or %F (see above)
+// TODO : linear constraints
+function [ this , hascons ] = optimbase_hasconstraints ( this )
+ hascons = %f
+ hascons = ( hascons | ( this.nbineqconst > 0 ) )
+ maxl = length ( this.boundsmax )
+ minl = length ( this.boundsmin )
+ hascons = ( hascons | ( maxl <> 0 ) | ( minl <> 0 ) )
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_hasnlcons.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_hasnlcons.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..70f760f78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_hasnlcons.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4d1c31e8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_hasnlcons.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_hasnlcons --
+// Returns %T if current problem has non
+// linear constraints.
+// Arguments
+// this : the current object
+// hasnlcons : %T or %F (see above)
+function [ this , hasnlcons ] = optimbase_hasnlcons ( this )
+ hasnlcons = ( this.nbineqconst > 0 )
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_histget.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_histget.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..850ccccb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_histget.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..fd47fd2ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_histget.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_histget --
+// Returns the history value for the given key.
+// If the key is unknown, generates an error.
+// Arguments
+// iter : the iteration for which the data is to store
+// key : the name of the data to store
+function value = optimbase_histget ( this , iter , key )
+ if ( ~this.storehistory ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: History disabled ; turn on -storehistory option.") , "optimbase_histget" )
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ if iter < 1 then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Negative iteration index %d is not allowed.") , "optimbase_histget" , iter )
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ select key
+ case "-xopt" then
+ value = this.historyxopt ( iter );
+ case "-fopt" then
+ value = this.historyfopt ( iter );
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unknown key %s") , "optimbase_histget" ,key)
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_histset.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_histset.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9c09d75cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_histset.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..cb1e80f38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_histset.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_histset --
+// Set the history value at given iteration for the given key.
+// If the key is unknown, generates an error.
+// Arguments
+// iter : the iteration for which the data is to store
+// key : the name of the data to store
+// value : the value to store
+function this = optimbase_histset ( this , iter , key , value )
+ if ( ~this.storehistory ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: History disabled ; turn on -storehistory option.") , "optimbase_histset" )
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ if iter < 1 then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Negative iteration index are not allowed.") , "optimbase_histset" )
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ select key
+ case "-xopt" then
+ this.historyxopt ( iter ) = value;
+ case "-fopt" then
+ this.historyfopt ( iter ) = value;
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unknown key %s" ) , "optimbase_histset" , key )
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_incriter.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_incriter.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..37cb03e7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_incriter.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a5dcdac05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_incriter.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_incriter --
+// Increments the number of iterations.
+function this = optimbase_incriter ( this )
+ this.iterations = this.iterations + 1
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_isfeasible.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_isfeasible.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ce0d603c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_isfeasible.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d7641e893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_isfeasible.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_isfeasible --
+// Returns 1 if the given point satisfies bounds constraints and inequality constraints.
+// Returns 0 if the given point is not in the bounds.
+// Returns -1 if the given point does not satisfies inequality constraints.
+// Arguments
+// x : the point to analyse
+// isfeasible : = 1, 0 or -1 (see above)
+function [ this , isfeasible ] = optimbase_isfeasible ( this , x )
+ isfeasible = 1
+ //
+ // Check if the point is in the bounds.
+ //
+ if ( isfeasible == 1 ) then
+ [ this , hasbounds ] = optimbase_hasbounds ( this );
+ if ( hasbounds ) then
+ for ix = 1 : this.numberofvariables
+ xmin = this.boundsmin ( ix )
+ xmax = this.boundsmax ( ix )
+ xix = x ( ix )
+ if ( xix < xmin ) then
+ isfeasible = 0
+ this = optimbase_log ( this , sprintf ( "Component #%d/%d of x is lower than min bound %s", ...
+ ix , this.numberofvariables , string(xmin) ) )
+ break
+ end
+ if (xix > xmax) then
+ isfeasible = 0
+ this = optimbase_log ( this , sprintf ( "Component #%d/%d of x is greater than max bound %s", ...
+ ix , this.numberofvariables , string(xmax) ) )
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Check inequality constraints
+ //
+ if ( isfeasible == 1 ) then
+ if ( this.nbineqconst > 0) then
+ if ( this.withderivatives ) then
+ [ this , f , g , c , gc , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , x , 5 );
+ else
+ [ this , f , c , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , x , 5 );
+ end
+ for ic = 1 : this.nbineqconst
+ if ( c ( ic ) < 0.0 ) then
+ this = optimbase_log ( this , sprintf ( "Inequality constraint #%d/%d is not satisfied for x", ...
+ ic , this.nbineqconst ) )
+ isfeasible = -1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_isinbounds.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_isinbounds.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d4cac7e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_isinbounds.bin
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6c50ae774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_isinbounds.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_isinbounds --
+// Returns %t if the given point satisfies bounds constraints.
+// Returns %f if the given point is not in the bounds.
+// Arguments
+// x : the point to analyse
+// isfeasible : = %t, %f
+function [ this , isfeasible ] = optimbase_isinbounds ( this , x )
+ isfeasible = %t
+ [ this , hasbounds ] = optimbase_hasbounds ( this );
+ if ( hasbounds ) then
+ for ix = 1 : this.numberofvariables
+ xmin = this.boundsmin ( ix )
+ xmax = this.boundsmax ( ix )
+ xix = x ( ix )
+ if ( xix < xmin ) then
+ isfeasible = %f
+ this = optimbase_log ( this , sprintf ( "Component #%d/%d of x is lower than min bound %s", ...
+ ix , this.numberofvariables , string(xmin) ) )
+ break
+ end
+ if (xix > xmax) then
+ isfeasible = %f
+ this = optimbase_log ( this , sprintf ( "Component #%d/%d of x is greater than max bound %s", ...
+ ix , this.numberofvariables , string(xmax) ) )
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_isinnonlincons.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_isinnonlincons.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1614293af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_isinnonlincons.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..45077a566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_isinnonlincons.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_isinnonlincons --
+// Returns %t if the given point satisfies inequality constraints.
+// Returns %f if the given point does not satisfies inequality constraints.
+// Arguments
+// x : the point to analyse
+// isfeasible : = %t or %f
+function [ this , isfeasible ] = optimbase_isinnonlincons ( this , x )
+ isfeasible = %t
+ if ( this.nbineqconst > 0) then
+ if ( this.withderivatives ) then
+ [ this , f , g , c , gc , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , x , 2 );
+ else
+ [ this , f , c , index ] = optimbase_function ( this , x , 5 );
+ end
+ for ic = 1 : this.nbineqconst
+ if ( c ( ic ) < 0.0 ) then
+ this = optimbase_log ( this , sprintf ( "Inequality constraint #%d/%d is not satisfied for x", ...
+ ic , this.nbineqconst ) )
+ isfeasible = %f
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_log.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_log.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..53584c597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_log.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..41fa18233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_log.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_log --
+// If verbose logging is enabled, prints the given message in the console.
+// If verbose logging is disabled, does nothing.
+function this = optimbase_log (this,msg)
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn();
+ if ( rhs <> 2 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument: %d expected.\n"), "optimbase_log", 2);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ if ( this.verbose == 1 ) then
+ if ( this.logfile <> "" ) then
+ mfprintf ( this.logfilehandle , "%s\n" , msg );
+ else
+ mprintf("%s\n",msg);
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_logshutdown.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_logshutdown.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e6a46d6aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_logshutdown.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..66580da32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_logshutdown.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_logshutdown --
+// Shut down the logging.
+// If the logging is already started up, generates an error.
+// If the loggin is started up, if there is a log file, close it.
+function this = optimbase_logshutdown ( this )
+ if ~this.logstartup then
+ error ( gettext ( "%s: Logging not started." , "optimbase_logshutdown" ) )
+ else
+ this.logstartup = %f;
+ if ( this.logfile <> "" ) then
+ mclose( this.logfilehandle );
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_logstartup.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_logstartup.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..58c345073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_logstartup.bin
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d91d74705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_logstartup.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_logstartup --
+// Automatically startup logging.
+// If the logging is already started up, generates an error.
+// If the logging is not started up, if there is a log file configured,
+// open that log file to append messages.
+function this = optimbase_logstartup ( this )
+ if ( this.logstartup ) then
+ error ( gettext ( "%s: Logging already started." , "optimbase_logstartup" ) )
+ else
+ this.logstartup = %t;
+ if ( this.logfile <> "" ) then
+ if ( this.logfilehandle <> 0 ) then
+ error ( gettext ( "%s: Log file handle non zero while starting up the logging." , "optimbase_logstartup" ) )
+ end
+ this.logfilehandle = mopen( this.logfile , "a" );
+ c = clock();
+ year = c(1);
+ month = c(2);
+ day = c(3);
+ hour = c(4);
+ minute = c(5);
+ seconds = c(6);
+ mfprintf ( this.logfilehandle , "Optimbase ready for logging at %d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d\n" , ...
+ year , month , day , hour , minute , seconds );
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_new.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_new.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f0cdc8211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_new.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_new.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_new.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9b7e21924
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_new.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_new --
+// Creates a new Optimization object.
+function newobj = optimbase_new ()
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn();
+ if ( rhs <> 0 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument: %d expected.\n"), "optimbase_new", 0);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ newobj = tlist(["TOPTIM"
+ "verbose"
+ "x0"
+ "fx0"
+ "xopt"
+ "fopt"
+ "tolfunabsolute"
+ "tolfunrelative"
+ "tolfunmethod"
+ "tolxabsolute"
+ "tolxrelative"
+ "tolxmethod"
+ "funevals"
+ "maxfunevals"
+ "iterations"
+ "maxiter"
+ "fun"
+ "status"
+ "historyfopt"
+ "historyxopt"
+ "verbosetermination"
+ "outputcommand"
+ "numberofvariables"
+ "storehistory"
+ "boundsmin"
+ "boundsmax"
+ "nbineqconst"
+ "logfile"
+ "logfilehandle"
+ "logstartup"
+ "withderivatives"
+ //
+ // Obsolete options.
+ //
+ "costfargument"
+ "outputcommandarg"
+ ]);
+ // The number of variables to optimize
+ newobj.numberofvariables = 0
+ // The verbose option, controlling the amount of messages
+ newobj.verbose = 0;
+ // The verbose option for termination criteria
+ newobj.verbosetermination = 0;
+ // The initial guess
+ newobj.x0 = [];
+ // The value of the function for the initial guess
+ newobj.fx0 = [];
+ // The maximum number of function evaluations
+ newobj.maxfunevals = 100;
+ // The maximum number of iterations
+ newobj.maxiter = 100;
+ // Possible values : %f, %t
+ // This criteria is suitable for functions which minimum is
+ // associated with a function value equal to 0.
+ newobj.tolfunmethod = %f;
+ // The absolute tolerance on function value
+ newobj.tolfunabsolute = 0.0;
+ // The relative tolerance on function value
+ newobj.tolfunrelative = %eps;
+ // The absolute tolerance on x
+ newobj.tolxabsolute = 0.0;
+ // The relative tolerance on x
+ newobj.tolxrelative = sqrt(%eps);
+ // The number of function evaluations
+ newobj.funevals = 0;
+ // The number of iterations
+ newobj.iterations = 0;
+ // The optimum parameter
+ newobj.xopt = 0;
+ // The optimum function value
+ newobj.fopt = 0;
+ // Possible values : %f, %t
+ newobj.tolxmethod = %t;
+ // The status of the optimization
+ newobj.status = "";
+ // The command called back for output
+ newobj.outputcommand = "";
+ // The cost function
+ = "";
+ // The flag which enables/disables the storing of the history
+ newobj.storehistory = %f;
+ // The array to store the history for xopt
+ newobj.historyxopt = list();
+ // The array to store the history for fopt
+ newobj.historyfopt = [];
+ // Maximum bounds for the parameters
+ newobj.boundsmax = [];
+ // Minimum bounds for the parameters
+ newobj.boundsmin = [];
+ // The number of nonlinear inequality constraints
+ newobj.nbineqconst = 0;
+ // The name of the log file
+ newobj.logfile = "";
+ // The handle for the log file
+ newobj.logfilehandle = 0;
+ // Set to %t when the logging is started up
+ newobj.logstartup = %f;
+ // Set to %t when the method uses derivatives
+ newobj.withderivatives = %f
+ //
+ // Obsolete options
+ //
+ // The costf argument is initialized as a string.
+ // If the user configure this option, it is expected
+ // that a matrix of values or a list, tlist, mlist is
+ // passed so that the argument is appended to the name of the
+ // function.
+ newobj.costfargument = "";
+ // The outputcommand argument is initialized as a string.
+ // If the user configure this option, it is expected
+ // that a matrix of values or a list, tlist, mlist is
+ // passed so that the argument is appended to the name of the
+ // function.
+ newobj.outputcommandarg = ""
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_outputcmd.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_outputcmd.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..706bb5e1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_outputcmd.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_outputcmd.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_outputcmd.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4a3c954fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_outputcmd.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_outputcmd --
+// Calls back user's output command
+// Arguments
+// this : the current object
+// state : the state of the algorithm,
+// "init", "done", "iter"
+// data : the data to pass to the client output command
+// stop : set to true to stop the algorithm
+function stop = optimbase_outputcmd ( this , ...
+ state , data )
+ if ( this.outputcommand <> "" ) then
+ //
+ // Setup the callback and its arguments
+ //
+ funtype = typeof(this.outputcommand)
+ if ( funtype == "function" ) then
+ __optimbase_f__ = this.outputcommand
+ //
+ // Backward-compatibility: process the outputcommandarg field
+ //
+ if ( typeof(this.outputcommandarg) == "string" ) then
+ __optimbase_args__ = list()
+ else
+ __optimbase_args__ = list(this.outputcommandarg)
+ end
+ else
+ __optimbase_f__ = this.outputcommand(1)
+ __optimbase_args__ = list(this.outputcommand(2:$))
+ end
+ //
+ // Callback the output
+ //
+ stop = __optimbase_f__ ( state , data , __optimbase_args__(1:$) )
+ //
+ // Backward-compatibility: define the stop variable
+ //
+ if ( exists("stop")==0 ) then
+ optb_warnheaderobsolete ( "outputfun(state,data)" , "stop=outputfun(state,data)", "5.4.1" )
+ stop = %f
+ end
+ end
+function optb_warnheaderobsolete ( oldheader , newheader , removedVersion )
+ warnMessage = msprintf(_("Calling sequence %s is obsolete."),oldheader)
+ warnMessage = [warnMessage, msprintf(_("Please use %s instead."),newheader)]
+ warnMessage = [warnMessage, msprintf(_("This feature will be permanently removed in Scilab %s"), removedVersion)]
+ warning(warnMessage);
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_outstruct.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_outstruct.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3d02fa8a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_outstruct.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_outstruct.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_outstruct.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..20c84962a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_outstruct.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_outstruct --
+// Returns a tlist with basic optimization fields.
+// This struct may be enriched by children (specialize) optimization methods.
+// Arguments
+// this : the current object
+function data = optimbase_outstruct ( this )
+ if this.outputcommand == "" then
+ errmsg = msprintf( gettext ( "%s: No output command is defined.") , "optimbase_outstruct" )
+ error(errmsg)
+ else
+ data = tlist(["T_OPTDATA",...
+ "x","fval","iteration","funccount"]);
+ data.x = this.xopt;
+ data.fval = this.fopt;
+ data.iteration = this.iterations;
+ data.funccount = this.funevals;
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_proj2bnds.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_proj2bnds.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4c490c35d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_proj2bnds.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_proj2bnds.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_proj2bnds.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..92887fba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_proj2bnds.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_proj2bnds --
+// Returns a point, which is the projection
+// of the given point into the bounds.
+// Arguments
+// this : the current object
+// x : the point to project
+// p : the projected point
+function [ this , p ] = optimbase_proj2bnds ( this , x )
+ [ this , hasbounds ] = optimbase_hasbounds ( this )
+ if ( ~hasbounds ) then
+ p = x
+ return
+ end
+ p = x
+ for ix = 1:this.numberofvariables
+ xmin = this.boundsmin ( ix )
+ xmax = this.boundsmax ( ix )
+ pix = p ( ix )
+ if (pix > xmax) then
+ this = optimbase_log ( this , sprintf ( "Projecting p(%d) = %s on max bound %s" , ix , string(pix) , string(xmax) ))
+ p ( ix ) = xmax
+ elseif ( pix < xmin) then
+ this = optimbase_log ( this , sprintf ( "Projecting p(%d) = %s on min bound %s" , ix , string(pix) , string(xmin) ))
+ p ( ix ) = xmin
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_set.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_set.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..348d765a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_set.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_set.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_set.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e01b1cd77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_set.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_set --
+// Set the value for the given key.
+// If the key is unknown, generates an error.
+function this = optimbase_set ( this , key , value )
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn();
+ if ( rhs <> 3 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument: %d expected.\n"), "optimbase_set", 3);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ select key
+ case "-iterations" then
+ this.iterations = value;
+ case "-xopt" then
+ this.xopt = value;
+ case "-fopt" then
+ this.fopt = value;
+ case "-historyxopt" then
+ if ( ~this.storehistory ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf( gettext ( "%s: History disabled ; turn on -storehistory option.") , "optimbase_set" )
+ error(errmsg)
+ else
+ this.historyxopt = value;
+ end
+ case "-historyfopt" then
+ if ( ~this.storehistory ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext ( "%s: History disabled ; turn on -storehistory option.") , "optimbase_set" )
+ error(errmsg)
+ else
+ this.historyfopt = value;
+ end
+ case "-fx0" then
+ this.fx0 = value;
+ case "-status" then
+ this.status = value;
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext ( "%s: Unknown key %s") , "optimbase_set", key )
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_stoplog.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_stoplog.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..58c3405da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_stoplog.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_stoplog.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_stoplog.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c5f3adc75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_stoplog.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_stoplog --
+// Prints the given stopping rule message if verbose termination is enabled.
+// If verbose termination is disabled, does nothing.
+function this = optimbase_stoplog ( this , msg )
+ if ( this.verbose == 1 ) then
+ if ( this.verbosetermination == 1 ) then
+ this = optimbase_log ( this , msg )
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_terminate.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_terminate.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1b6d5dc21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_terminate.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_terminate.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_terminate.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b9575e8d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimbase/optimbase_terminate.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimbase_terminate --
+// Returns %t if the algorithm terminates.
+// Returns %f if the algorithm must continue.
+// Arguments, input
+// this : the current object
+// previousfopt : the previous value of the objective function
+// currentfopt : the current value of the objective function
+// previousxopt : the previous value of x
+// currentxopt : the current value of x
+// terminate : 1 if the algorithm terminates, 0 if the algorithm must continue.
+// Arguments, output
+// status : termination status
+// status = "continue"
+// status = "maxiter"
+// status = "maxfuneval"
+// status = "tolf"
+// status = "tolx"
+function [ this , terminate , status ] = optimbase_terminate (this , ...
+ previousfopt , currentfopt , previousxopt , currentxopt )
+ terminate = %f;
+ status = "continue";
+ if ( this.verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = optimbase_stoplog (this,sprintf(" > Termination ?"));
+ end
+ //
+ // Criteria #1 : maximum number of iterations
+ //
+ if ( ~terminate ) then
+ if ( this.verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = optimbase_stoplog (this,sprintf(" > iterations=%d >= maxiter=%d",this.iterations, this.maxiter));
+ end
+ if ( this.iterations >= this.maxiter ) then
+ terminate = %t;
+ status = "maxiter";
+ if warning("query") =="on" then
+ msg = "%s: Exiting: Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded\n" + ...
+ " - increase MaxIter option.\n";
+ mprintf(gettext(msg) , "optimbase_terminate" )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Criteria #2 : maximum number of call to function
+ //
+ if ( ~terminate ) then
+ if ( this.verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = optimbase_stoplog (this,sprintf(" > funevals=%d >= maxfunevals=%d",this.funevals, this.maxfunevals));
+ end
+ if ( this.funevals >= this.maxfunevals ) then
+ terminate = %t;
+ status = "maxfuneval";
+ if warning("query") =="on" then
+ msg = "%s: Exiting: Maximum number of function evaluations has been exceeded\n" + ...
+ " - increase MaxFunEvals option.\n"
+ mprintf(gettext(msg) , "optimbase_terminate" )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Criteria #3 : tolerance on function
+ // Note :
+ // This termination criteria works well in the special case where the function
+ // value at optimum is several order of magnitude smaller
+ // than the initial function value (ie f(x0)).
+ // This is the case when the function value at optimum is zero.
+ // When the function value at optimum is non-zero, or if the
+ // initial function value is strictly positive (e.g. f(x0)=10)
+ // and the optimum function value is strictly negative (e.g. f(x*)=-10),
+ // that criteria fails miserably.
+ //
+ if ( ~terminate ) then
+ if ( this.tolfunmethod )
+ tolfr = this.tolfunrelative;
+ tolfa = this.tolfunabsolute;
+ acfopt = abs(currentfopt);
+ apfopt = abs(previousfopt);
+ if ( this.verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = optimbase_stoplog (this,sprintf(" > abs(currentfopt)=%s < tolfunrelative * abs(previousfopt) + tolfunabsolute=%s",...
+ string(acfopt), string(tolfr * apfopt + tolfa)));
+ end
+ if ( acfopt < tolfr * apfopt + tolfa ) then
+ terminate = %t;
+ status = "tolf";
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ //
+ // Criteria #4 : tolerance on x
+ // Note
+ // What means a relative error on x ?
+ // Notes: if xn and xn+1 are very close to xopt and xopt different from 0,
+ // the relative error between xn and xn+1 is small.
+ // But if xopt, xn and xn+1 are close to 0, the relative error may be a
+ // completely wrong criteria. The absolute tolerance should be used in this case.
+ //
+ if ( ~terminate ) then
+ if ( this.tolxmethod ) then
+ normdelta = norm(currentxopt - previousxopt);
+ normold = norm(currentxopt);
+ tolxr = this.tolxrelative;
+ tolxa = this.tolxabsolute;
+ if ( this.verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = optimbase_stoplog (this,sprintf(" > e(x)=%s < %s * %s + %s",...
+ string(normdelta), string(tolxr) , string(normold) , string(tolxa) ));
+ end
+ if ( normdelta < tolxr * normold + tolxa ) then
+ terminate = %t;
+ status = "tolx";
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if ( this.verbose == 1 ) then
+ this = optimbase_stoplog (this,sprintf(" > Terminate = %s, status = %s",...
+ string(terminate) , status ));
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/%TSIMPLEX_p.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/%TSIMPLEX_p.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..cbabcd893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/%TSIMPLEX_p.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/%TSIMPLEX_p.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/%TSIMPLEX_p.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a0a3feeae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/%TSIMPLEX_p.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// %TSIMPLEX_p --
+// Prints the string containing the Optim Simplex component.
+function %TSIMPLEX_p ( this )
+ str = string ( this )
+ srows = size(str,"r")
+ for i = 1 : srows
+ mprintf("%s\n",str(i))
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/%TSIMPLEX_string.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/%TSIMPLEX_string.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..27df88c5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/%TSIMPLEX_string.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/%TSIMPLEX_string.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/%TSIMPLEX_string.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7b539d93a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/%TSIMPLEX_string.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// %TSIMPLEX_string --
+// Returns the string containing the Optim Simplex component.
+function str = %TSIMPLEX_string ( this )
+ function str = mysize(x)
+ [n,m]=size(x)
+ if ( n==0 & m==0 ) then
+ str = sprintf("[] matrix");
+ else
+ str = sprintf("%d-by-%d matrix\n",n,m);
+ end
+ endfunction
+ str = []
+ k = 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("Optim Simplex Object:\n")
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("=====================")
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("nbve: %d\n",this.nbve);
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("n: %d\n",this.n);
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("x: %s\n",mysize(this.x));
+ k = k + 1
+ str(k) = sprintf("fv: %s\n",mysize(this.fv));
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/lib b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/lib
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..bff4cb992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/lib
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/names b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/names
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0567c2059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/names
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_center.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_center.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..716833e7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_center.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_center.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_center.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f8b12e6a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_center.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_center --
+// Returns the center of the given simplex
+// Arguments
+// <no arg>
+function sicenter = optimsimplex_center ( this )
+ sicenter = mean(this.x,"r");
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_check.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_check.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2566bbedc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_check.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_check.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_check.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..98809e8a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_check.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_check --
+// Check the consistency of the internal data.
+// Generates an error if necessary.
+// Arguments
+// <no arg>
+function optimsimplex_check ( this )
+ if typeof(this) <> "TSIMPLEX" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: TSIMPLEX expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_check", 1));
+ end
+ nx1 = size(this.x,1)
+ nx2 = size(this.x,2)
+ if this.nbve<> 0 & nx1 <> this.nbve then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Number of rows of x is %d, which is different from number of vertices = %d."),"optimsimplex_check" , nx1 , this.nbve ));
+ end
+ if this.n<> 0 & nx2 <> this.n then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Number of columns of x is %d, which is different from dimension = %d."),"optimsimplex_check" , nx2 , this.n ));
+ end
+ nf1 = size(this.fv,1)
+ nf2 = size(this.fv,2)
+ if this.n<> 0 & nf1 <> this.nbve then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Number of rows of fv is %d, which is different from number of vertices = %d."),"optimsimplex_check" , nf1 , this.nbve ));
+ end
+ if this.nbve<> 0 & nf2 <> 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Number of columns of fv is %d, which is different from 1."),"optimsimplex_check" , nf2 ));
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_compsomefv.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_compsomefv.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b7ac45794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_compsomefv.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_compsomefv.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_compsomefv.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9ef137d43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_compsomefv.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_compsomefv --
+// Set the values of the function at given vertices.
+// Arguments
+// fun : the function to compute at vertices
+// indices : the indices of the vertices to compute
+// data : user-defined data
+function [ this , data ] = optimsimplex_compsomefv ( varargin )
+ function argin = argindefault ( rhs , vararglist , ivar , default )
+ // Returns the value of the input argument #ivar.
+ // If this argument was not provided, or was equal to the
+ // empty matrix, returns the default value.
+ if ( rhs < ivar ) then
+ argin = default
+ else
+ if ( typeof(vararglist(ivar))== "constant" ) then
+ if ( vararglist(ivar) <> [] ) then
+ argin = vararglist(ivar)
+ else
+ argin = default
+ end
+ else
+ argin = vararglist(ivar)
+ end
+ end
+ endfunction
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn();
+ if ( rhs<3 | rhs>4 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d to %d expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_computefv", 3,4);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ this = varargin(1)
+ fun = varargin(2)
+ indices = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 3 , this.nbve )
+ data = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 4 , [] )
+ if ( typeof(data)=="constant" ) then
+ if ( data==[] ) then
+ for j = indices;
+ this.fv(j) = fun (this.x(j,:));
+ end
+ else
+ for j = indices;
+ [ this.fv(j) , data ] = fun ( this.x(j,:) , data );
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ for j = indices;
+ [ this.fv(j) , data ] = fun ( this.x(j,:) , data );
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_computefv.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_computefv.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d3324a3ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_computefv.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_computefv.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_computefv.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7d9f48fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_computefv.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_computefv --
+// Set the values of the function at vertices points.
+// Arguments
+// fun : the function to compute at vertices
+// data : user-defined data
+function [ this , data ] = optimsimplex_computefv ( varargin )
+ function argin = argindefault ( rhs , vararglist , ivar , default )
+ // Returns the value of the input argument #ivar.
+ // If this argument was not provided, or was equal to the
+ // empty matrix, returns the default value.
+ if ( rhs < ivar ) then
+ argin = default
+ else
+ if ( typeof(vararglist(ivar))== "constant" ) then
+ if ( vararglist(ivar) <> [] ) then
+ argin = vararglist(ivar)
+ else
+ argin = default
+ end
+ else
+ argin = vararglist(ivar)
+ end
+ end
+ endfunction
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn();
+ if (rhs>3) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d to %d expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_computefv", 2,3);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ this = varargin(1)
+ fun = varargin(2)
+ data = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 3 , [] )
+ if (typeof(data)=="constant") then
+ if ( data == [] ) then
+ this = optimsimplex_compsomefv ( this , fun , 1:this.nbve )
+ else
+ [ this , data ] = optimsimplex_compsomefv ( this , fun , 1:this.nbve , data )
+ end
+ else
+ [ this , data ] = optimsimplex_compsomefv ( this , fun , 1:this.nbve , data )
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_deltafv.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_deltafv.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..bd2d99bbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_deltafv.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_deltafv.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_deltafv.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..35fbea7a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_deltafv.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_deltafv --
+// Returns the vector of difference of function
+// values with respect to the function value at vertex #1.
+// Arguments
+// <no arg>
+function df = optimsimplex_deltafv ( this )
+ df = this.fv(2:this.nbve) - this.fv(1)*ones(this.nbve-1,1)
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_deltafvmax.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_deltafvmax.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9680e562a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_deltafvmax.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_deltafvmax.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_deltafvmax.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1108a4b2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_deltafvmax.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_deltafvmax --
+// Returns the difference of function
+// value between the high and the low vertices.
+// It is expected that the vertex #1 is associated with
+// the smallest function value and that the vertex #nbve
+// is associated with the highest function value.
+// Arguments
+// <no arg>
+// Note
+// Since vertices are ordered, the high
+// is greater than the low.
+function dfm = optimsimplex_deltafvmax ( this )
+ dfm = this.fv(this.nbve) - this.fv(1)
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_destroy.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_destroy.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9d5006703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_destroy.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_destroy.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_destroy.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f75d39b5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_destroy.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_destroy --
+// Destroy the given object.
+function this = optimsimplex_destroy (this)
+ this.x = [];
+ this.fv = [];
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_dirmat.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_dirmat.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2f68dfc29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_dirmat.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_dirmat.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_dirmat.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b027c2e5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_dirmat.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_dirmat --
+// Returns the n x n matrix of simplex directions i.e.
+// the matrix of differences of vertices coordinates
+// with respect to the vertex #1.
+// Arguments
+// <no arg>
+function m = optimsimplex_dirmat ( this )
+ nv = this.nbve;
+ v1 = this.x(1,1:this.n);
+ m(1:this.n,1:nv-1) = (this.x(2:nv,1:this.n) - v1 .*. ones(nv-1,1)).';
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_fvmean.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_fvmean.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c4108f4e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_fvmean.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_fvmean.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_fvmean.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a30ed1c44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_fvmean.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_fvmean --
+// Returns the mean of the function
+// value on the simplex.
+// Arguments
+// <no arg>
+function sd = optimsimplex_fvmean ( this )
+ sd = mean(this.fv)
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_fvstdev.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_fvstdev.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e5ad4f162
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_fvstdev.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_fvstdev.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_fvstdev.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4a5153847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_fvstdev.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_fvstdev --
+// Returns the standard deviation of the function
+// value on the simplex.
+// Arguments
+// <no arg>
+function sd = optimsimplex_fvstdev ( this )
+ sd = stdev(this.fv)
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_fvvariance.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_fvvariance.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a779b40e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_fvvariance.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_fvvariance.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_fvvariance.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..094032ac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_fvvariance.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_fvvariance --
+// Returns the variance function values
+// Arguments
+// <no arg>
+function df = optimsimplex_fvvariance ( this )
+ df = variance ( this.fv(1:this.nbve) )
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getall.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getall.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ebf2e2e92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getall.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getall.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getall.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..90afc7576
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getall.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_getall --
+// Returns all the coordinates of all the vertices and the function values
+// in the same matrix, with size nbve X n+1, which is organized as follows :
+// * data is organized by row : function value, then x
+// * simplex(k,1) is the function value of the vertex #k, with kve = 1 , nbve
+// * simplex(k,2:n+1) is the coordinates of the vertex #k, with kve = 1 , nbve
+// Arguments
+// <no arg>
+function simplex = optimsimplex_getall ( this )
+ if typeof(this) <> "TSIMPLEX" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: TSIMPLEX expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_getall", 1));
+ end
+ simplex = zeros ( this.nbve , this.n+1 );
+ simplex ( 1:this.nbve , 1 ) = this.fv ( 1:this.nbve , 1 )
+ simplex ( 1:this.nbve , 2:this.n+1 ) = this.x ( 1:this.nbve , 1:this.n )
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getallfv.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getallfv.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3525c2d44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getallfv.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getallfv.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getallfv.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c7ce57c11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getallfv.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_getallfv --
+// Returns all the function values of all the vertices,
+// as a column vector.
+// The function value of vertex #k is stored in fv(k)
+// with k = 1 , nbve
+// Arguments
+// <no arg>
+function fv = optimsimplex_getallfv ( this )
+ if typeof(this) <> "TSIMPLEX" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: TSIMPLEX expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_getallfv", 1));
+ end
+ fv = this.fv ( 1:this.nbve , 1 )
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getallx.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getallx.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..becbd57d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getallx.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getallx.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getallx.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..636b404f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getallx.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_getallx --
+// Returns all the coordinates of all the vertices.
+// The vertex #k is stored in x(1:n,k)
+// with k = 1 , nbve
+// Arguments
+// <no arg>
+function x = optimsimplex_getallx ( this )
+ if typeof(this) <> "TSIMPLEX" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: TSIMPLEX expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_getallx", 1));
+ end
+ x = this.x ( 1:this.nbve , 1:this.n )
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getfv.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getfv.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..64c43a1af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getfv.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getfv.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getfv.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..93ad303ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getfv.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_getfv --
+// Returns the function value at given index
+// Arguments
+// ive : vertex index
+function fv = optimsimplex_getfv ( this , ive )
+ if typeof(this) <> "TSIMPLEX" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: TSIMPLEX expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_getfv", 1));
+ end
+ if type(ive) <> 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_getfv", 2));
+ end
+ if or(size(ive) <> [1 1]) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_getfv", 2));
+ end
+ if ive-floor(ive) <> 0 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: An integer expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_getfv", 2));
+ end
+ fv = this.fv ( ive , 1 )
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getn.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getn.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..175fa15fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getn.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getn.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getn.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..efdc3c26e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getn.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_getn --
+// Returns the dimension of the space of the simplex
+// Arguments
+// <no arg>
+function n = optimsimplex_getn ( this )
+ if typeof(this) <> "TSIMPLEX" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: TSIMPLEX expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_getn", 1));
+ end
+ n = this.n
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getnbve.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getnbve.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4c0f81c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getnbve.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getnbve.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getnbve.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..105d24025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getnbve.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_getnbve --
+// Returns the number of vertices in the simplex
+// Arguments
+// <no arg>
+function n = optimsimplex_getnbve ( this )
+ if typeof(this) <> "TSIMPLEX" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: TSIMPLEX expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_getnbve", 1));
+ end
+ n = this.nbve
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getve.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getve.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..74bf51cee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getve.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getve.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getve.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0a0167eea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getve.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_getve --
+// Returns the vertex at given index as a tlist,
+// with fields n, x and fv
+// Arguments
+// ive : vertex index
+function vertex = optimsimplex_getve ( this , ive )
+ if typeof(this) <> "TSIMPLEX" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: TSIMPLEX expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_getve", 1));
+ end
+ if type(ive) <> 1| or(size(ive) <> [1 1]) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_getve", 2));
+ end
+ if ive-floor(ive) <> 0 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: An integer expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_getve", 2));
+ end
+ vertex = tlist(["T_VERTEX","x","n","fv"]);
+ vertex.n = this.n;
+ vertex.x = this.x ( ive , : );
+ vertex.fv = this.fv ( ive );
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getx.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getx.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..757c37e37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getx.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getx.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getx.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..038b66a5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_getx.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_getx --
+// Returns the coordinates of the vertex at given index,
+// as a row vector.
+// Arguments
+// ive : vertex index
+function x = optimsimplex_getx ( this , ive )
+ if typeof(this) <> "TSIMPLEX" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: TSIMPLEX expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_getx", 1));
+ end
+ if type(ive) <> 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_getx", 2));
+ end
+ if or(size(ive) <> [1 1]) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_getx", 2));
+ end
+ if ive-floor(ive) <> 0 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: An integer expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_getx", 2));
+ end
+ x = this.x ( ive , : )
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_gradientfv.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_gradientfv.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..663e96cc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_gradientfv.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_gradientfv.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_gradientfv.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..bbc728b0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_gradientfv.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_gradientfv --
+// Returns the simplex gradient of the function.
+// Arguments
+// fun : the function to use
+// method : the method to use, "forward" or "centered"
+// data : user-defined data, added to the function if provided
+function [ g , data ] = optimsimplex_gradientfv ( this , fun , method , data )
+ if ( this.nbve <> this.n+1 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The gradient can be applied only with a simplex made of n+1 points, but the dimension is %d and the number of vertices is %d"), "optimsimplex_gradientfv" , this.n , this.nbve)
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ if (~isdef("method","local")) then
+ method = "forward";
+ end
+ select method
+ case "forward" then
+ g = optimsimplex_gradforward ( this )
+ case "centered" then
+ if (~isdef("data","local")) then
+ g = optimsimplex_gradcenter ( this , fun )
+ else
+ [ g , data ] = optimsimplex_gradcenter ( this , fun , data )
+ end
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unknown method %s"),"optimsimplex_gradientfv",method)
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+// optimsimplex_gradforward --
+// Returns the simplex forward gradient of the function.
+// Arguments
+// <no arg>
+function g = optimsimplex_gradforward ( this )
+ v = optimsimplex_dirmat ( this )
+ d = optimsimplex_deltafv ( this )
+ g = v.'\d
+// optimsimplex_gradcenter --
+// Returns the simplex centered gradient of the function.
+// Arguments
+// fun : name of the function
+// data : user-defined data
+function [ g , data ] = optimsimplex_gradcenter ( this , fun , data )
+ g1 = optimsimplex_gradforward ( this )
+ if (~isdef("data","local")) then
+ r = optimsimplex_reflect ( this , fun )
+ else
+ [ r , data ] = optimsimplex_reflect ( this , fun , data )
+ end
+ g2 = optimsimplex_gradforward ( r )
+ g = (g1 + g2)/2
+ r = optimsimplex_destroy ( r )
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_log.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_log.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8769bef38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_log.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_log.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_log.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..77c61b74a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_log.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_log --
+// Prints the given message.
+function this = optimsimplex_log (this,msg)
+ if this.verbose == 1 then
+ mprintf("%s\n",msg);
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_new.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_new.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..bf2cde4a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_new.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_new.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_new.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..26e5b2cc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_new.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_new --
+// Creates a new simplex object.
+// Note
+// * n is the dimension of the space
+// * one vertex is a point in the space, defined
+// by its n coordinates and associated with a function
+// value
+// * the simplex is made of k>=n+1 vertices
+// * the function value for vertex #kve is in fv(kve),
+// with kve = 1 , k
+// * the vertex #kve is stored in x(kve,1:n)
+// with kve = 1 , k
+// Arguments
+// coords : list of point coordinates in the simplex
+// fun : the function to compute at vertices
+// data : user-defined data, passed to the function
+// Uses :
+// newobj = optimsimplex_new ( )
+// newobj = optimsimplex_new ( coords )
+// newobj = optimsimplex_new ( coords , fun )
+// [ newobj , data ] = optimsimplex_new ( coords , fun , data )
+// newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "axes" , x0 )
+// newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "axes" , x0 , fun )
+// newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "axes" , x0 , fun , len )
+// [ newobj , data ] = optimsimplex_new ( "axes" , x0 , fun , len , data )
+// newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "spendley" , x0 )
+// newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "spendley" , x0 , fun )
+// newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "spendley" , x0 , fun , len )
+// [ newobj , data ] = optimsimplex_new ( "spendley" , x0 , fun , len , data )
+// newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "pfeffer" , x0 )
+// newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "pfeffer" , x0 , fun )
+// newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "pfeffer" , x0 , fun , deltausual )
+// newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "pfeffer" , x0 , fun , deltausual , deltazero )
+// [ newobj , data ] = optimsimplex_new ( "pfeffer" , x0 , fun , deltausual , deltazero , data )
+// newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "randbounds" , x0 , fun , boundsmin , boundsmax , nbve )
+// [ newobj , data ] = optimsimplex_new ( "randbounds" , x0 , fun , boundsmin , boundsmax , nbve , data )
+// newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "oriented" , simplex0 )
+// newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "oriented" , simplex0 , fun )
+// [ newobj , data ] = optimsimplex_new ( "oriented" , simplex0 , fun , data )
+function [ newobj , data ] = optimsimplex_new ( varargin )
+ function newobj = optimsimplex_coords ( varargin )
+ // newobj = optimsimplex_coords ( )
+ // newobj = optimsimplex_coords ( coords )
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn();
+ if ( rhs> 1 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d or %d expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_coords", 0,1);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ coords = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 1 , [] )
+ assert_typereal ( coords , "coords" , 1 );
+ newobj = tlist(["TSIMPLEX",...
+ "verbose","x","n","fv","nbve"]);
+ newobj.verbose = 0;
+ // The dimension of the space
+ newobj.n = 0;
+ // The number of vertices
+ newobj.nbve = 0;
+ // The coordinates of the vertices, with size nbve x n
+ newobj.x = [];
+ // The function values, with size nbve x 1
+ newobj.fv = [];
+ //
+ // Take input arguments into account
+ //
+ if ( coords<>[] ) then
+ nbve = size(coords,1)
+ n = size(coords,2)
+ if nbve < n + 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: The numbers of columns of coords is %d but is expected to be at least %d"),...
+ "optimsimplex_new" , nbve , n + 1))
+ end
+ newobj.n = n;
+ newobj.nbve = nbve;
+ newobj.x(1:nbve,1:n) = coords(1:nbve,1:n);
+ end
+ endfunction
+ //
+ // optimsimplex_axes --
+ // Configure the current simplex so that it is computed from the axes and a length.
+ // Arguments
+ // x0 : the initial point, as a row vector
+ // length : the length of the simplex
+ // If length is a value, that unique length
+ // is used in all directions.
+ // If length is a vector with n values, each
+ // length is used with the corresponding
+ // direction.
+ //
+ function newobj = optimsimplex_axes ( x0 , len )
+ newobj = optimsimplex_coords ( )
+ n = length(x0);
+ newobj.n = n;
+ newobj.nbve = n + 1;
+ nl=length(len)
+ if ( nl==1 ) then
+ xlen = len * ones(1,n)
+ else
+ xlen = len
+ end
+ newobj.x = zeros ( newobj.nbve , n )
+ newobj.fv = zeros ( newobj.nbve , 1 )
+ //
+ // Set all points
+ //
+ nv = newobj.nbve;
+ newobj.x ( 1:nv , : ) = x0 (1:n) .*. ones(nv,1);
+ newobj.x ( 2:nv , : ) = newobj.x ( 2:nv , : ) + diag(xlen);
+ endfunction
+ //
+ // optimsimplex_spendley --
+ // Configure the current simplex so that it is computed from Spendley's method,
+ // i.e. a regular simplex made of k = n+1 vertices.
+ // Arguments
+ // x0 : the initial point, as a row vector
+ // len : the length of the simplex
+ //
+ function newobj = optimsimplex_spendley ( x0 , len )
+ newobj = optimsimplex_coords ( )
+ n = length(x0);
+ newobj.n = n;
+ newobj.nbve = n + 1;
+ newobj.x = zeros ( n+1 , n )
+ newobj.fv = zeros ( n+1 , 1 )
+ //
+ // Compute p (diagonal term) , q (off-diagonal term)
+ //
+ p = (n - 1.0 + sqrt(n + 1))/(n * sqrt(2.0))
+ q = (sqrt(n + 1) - 1.0)/(n * sqrt(2.0))
+ //
+ // Set all points
+ //
+ nv = newobj.nbve;
+ newobj.x ( 1:nv , : ) = x0 (1:n) .*. ones(nv,1);
+ newobj.x ( 2:nv , : ) = newobj.x ( 2:nv , : ) + diag(ones(n,1)*p) + q*ones(n,n) - diag(ones(n,1)*q);
+ endfunction
+ //
+ // optimsimplex_pfeffer --
+ // Configure the current simplex so that it is computed from Pfeffer's method,
+ // i.e. a relative delta for non-zero values and an absolute delta
+ // for zero values.
+ // Arguments
+ // x0 : the initial point, as a row vector
+ // deltausual : the absolute delta for non-zero values
+ // deltazero : the absolute delta for zero values
+ // References
+ // "Global Optimization Of Lennard-Jones Atomic Clusters"
+ // Ellen Fan, Thesis, February 26, 2002, McMaster University
+ // Method due to L. Pfeffer at Stanford
+ //
+ function newobj = optimsimplex_pfeffer ( x0 , deltausual , deltazero )
+ newobj = optimsimplex_coords ( )
+ n = length(x0);
+ newobj.n = n;
+ newobj.nbve = n + 1;
+ newobj.x = zeros ( n+1 , n )
+ newobj.fv = zeros ( n+1 , 1 )
+ //
+ // Set 1st point
+ //
+ newobj.x ( 1 , 1:n ) = x0 (1,1:n)
+ //
+ // Set points #2 to #n+1
+ //
+ for j = 2 : newobj.n+1
+ newobj.x ( j,1:n ) = x0 (1:n)
+ if ( x0( j-1 ) == 0.0 ) then
+ newobj.x ( j , j-1 ) = deltazero
+ else
+ newobj.x ( j , j-1 ) = newobj.x ( j , j-1 ) + deltausual * x0( j-1 )
+ end
+ end
+ endfunction
+ //
+ // optimsimplex_randbounds --
+ // Configure the current simplex so that it is computed by taking the bounds
+ // into account with random scaling.
+ // Arguments
+ // x0 : the initial point
+ // boundsmin : array of minimum bounds
+ // boundsmax : array of maximum bounds
+ // nbve : total number of vertices in the simplex
+ //
+ function newobj = optimsimplex_randbounds ( x0 , boundsmin , boundsmax , nbve )
+ newobj = optimsimplex_coords ( )
+ newobj.n = n;
+ newobj.nbve = nbve;
+ newobj.x = zeros ( nbve , n )
+ newobj.fv = zeros ( nbve , 1 )
+ //
+ // Set 1st point
+ //
+ newobj.x ( 1 , 1:n ) = x0 (1:n)
+ //
+ // Set points #2 to #nbve, by randomizing the bounds
+ //
+ bminmat = boundsmin( 1,1:n ) .*. ones(nbve-1,1);
+ bmaxmat = boundsmax( 1,1:n ) .*. ones(nbve-1,1);
+ thetas = rand(n,nbve-1);
+ newobj.x ( 2:nbve , 1:n ) = bminmat + (thetas.') .* (bmaxmat - bminmat)
+ endfunction
+ //
+ // optimsimplex_oriented --
+ // Returns an oriented simplex, in sorted order.
+ // This simplex may be used, as Kelley suggests
+ // for a restart of Nelder-Mead algorithm.
+ // Arguments
+ // fun : the function to compute at vertices
+ //
+ function newobj = optimsimplex_oriented ( simplex0 )
+ sgrad = optimsimplex_gradientfv ( simplex0 )
+ ssize = optimsimplex_size ( simplex0 , "sigmaminus" )
+ n = simplex0.n
+ // Compute the betas
+ ipos = find(sgrad >= 0.0);
+ ineg = find(sgrad < 0.0);
+ betav(ipos) = ssize;
+ betav(ineg) = -ssize;
+ betav = -0.5 * betav
+ // Prepare a matrix with beta as diagonal terms
+ mid = diag(betav);
+ // Compute simplex
+ newobj = optimsimplex_new()
+ newobj.n = simplex0.n
+ newobj.nbve = simplex0.n+1
+ newobj.x = zeros ( n+1 , n )
+ newobj.fv = zeros ( n+1 , 1 )
+ // Store all points
+ x1 = simplex0.x ( 1 , 1:n )
+ newobj.x ( 1:n+1, 1:n ) = x1 ( 1 , 1:n ) .*. ones(n+1,1)
+ // Retrieve the function value for the first simplex
+ // This saves one function evaluation
+ newobj.fv ( 1 ) = simplex0.fv ( 1 )
+ newobj.x ( 2:n+1, 1:n ) = mid ( 1:n , 1:n ) + newobj.x ( 2:n+1, 1:n )
+ endfunction
+ // Generates an error if the given variable is not of type real
+ function assert_typereal ( var , varname , ivar )
+ if ( type ( var ) <> 1 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected real variable for variable %s at input #%d, but got %s instead."),"assert_typereal", varname , ivar , typeof(var) );
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ endfunction
+ // Generates an error if the given variable is not of type string
+ function assert_typestring ( var , varname , ivar )
+ if ( type ( var ) <> 10 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected string variable for variable %s at input #%d, but got %s instead."),"assert_typestring", varname , ivar , typeof(var) );
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ endfunction
+ // Generates an error if the given variable is not of type function (macro)
+ function assert_typefunction ( var , varname , ivar )
+ if ( type ( var ) <> 13 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected function but for variable %s at input #%d, got %s instead."),"assert_typefunction", varname , ivar , typeof(var) );
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ endfunction
+ // Generates an error if the given variable is not of type boolean
+ function assert_typeboolean ( var , varname , ivar )
+ if ( type ( var ) <> 4 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Expected boolean but for variable %s at input #%d, got %s instead."),"assert_typeboolean", varname , ivar , typeof(var) );
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ endfunction
+ // Generates an error if the value corresponding to an option is unknown.
+ function unknownValueForOption ( value , optionname )
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unknown value %s for %s option"),"unknownValueForOption",value , optionname );
+ error(errmsg);
+ endfunction
+ function argin = argindefault ( rhs , vararglist , ivar , default )
+ // Returns the value of the input argument #ivar.
+ // If this argument was not provided, or was equal to the
+ // empty matrix, returns the default value.
+ if ( rhs < ivar ) then
+ argin = default
+ else
+ if ( typeof(vararglist(ivar))== "constant" ) then
+ if ( vararglist(ivar) <> [] ) then
+ argin = vararglist(ivar)
+ else
+ argin = default
+ end
+ else
+ argin = vararglist(ivar)
+ end
+ end
+ endfunction
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn();
+ if rhs>7 then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d to %d expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_new", 0,7);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ if rhs == 0 then
+ newobj = optimsimplex_coords ( )
+ return;
+ end
+ var1 = varargin(1);
+ data = []
+ if typeof(var1) == "string" then
+ stype = varargin(1);
+ select stype
+ case "axes" then
+ // newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "axes" , x0 )
+ // newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "axes" , x0 , fun )
+ // newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "axes" , x0 , fun , len )
+ // [ newobj , data ] = optimsimplex_new ( "axes" , x0 , fun , len , data )
+ if rhs<2 | rhs > 5 then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unexpected number of input arguments : %d provided while 2 to 5 are expected."), "optimsimplex_new", rhs);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ x0 = varargin(2);
+ fun = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 3 , [] )
+ len = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 4 , 1.0 )
+ data = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 5 , [] )
+ //
+ // Check inputs
+ //
+ assert_typereal ( x0 , "x0" , 3 );
+ assert_typereal ( len , "len" , 1 );
+ if size(x0,1)<>1 then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"),"optimsimplex_new",2,1,size(x0,2));
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ if ( fun <> [] ) then
+ assert_typefunction ( fun , "fun" , 2 );
+ end
+ if ( size(len,1)<>1 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"),"optimsimplex_new",4,1,size(len,2));
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ if ( size(len,"*") <> 1 )
+ if ( size ( len , 2 ) <> size ( x0 , 2 ) ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"),"optimsimplex_new",4,size(len,1),size(x0,2));
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ end
+ newobj = optimsimplex_axes ( x0 , len )
+ case "spendley" then
+ // newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "spendley" , x0 )
+ // newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "spendley" , x0 , fun )
+ // newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "spendley" , x0 , fun , len )
+ // [ newobj , data ] = optimsimplex_new ( "spendley" , x0 , fun , len , data )
+ if rhs<2 | rhs > 5 then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unexpected number of input arguments : %d provided while 2 to 5 are expected."), "optimsimplex_new", rhs);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ x0 = varargin(2);
+ fun = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 3 , [] )
+ len = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 4 , 1.0 )
+ data = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 5 , [] )
+ //
+ // Check inputs
+ //
+ assert_typereal ( x0 , "x0", 1 );
+ if ( fun <> [] ) then
+ assert_typefunction ( fun , "fun" , 2 );
+ end
+ assert_typereal ( len , "len" , 3 );
+ if size(x0,1)<>1 then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"),"optimsimplex_new",2,1,size(x0,2));
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ if ( size(len)<>[1 1] ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"),"optimsimplex_new",4,1,1);
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ newobj = optimsimplex_spendley ( x0 , len )
+ case "pfeffer" then
+ // newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "pfeffer" , x0 )
+ // newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "pfeffer" , x0 , fun )
+ // newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "pfeffer" , x0 , fun , deltausual )
+ // newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "pfeffer" , x0 , fun , deltausual , deltazero )
+ // [ newobj , data ] = optimsimplex_new ( "pfeffer" , x0 , fun , deltausual , deltazero , data )
+ if rhs<2 | rhs > 6 then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unexpected number of input arguments : %d provided while 2 to 6 are expected."), "optimsimplex_new", rhs);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ x0 = varargin(2);
+ fun = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 3 , [] )
+ deltausual = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 4 , 0.05 )
+ deltazero = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 5 , 0.0075 )
+ data = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 6 , [] )
+ //
+ // Check inputs
+ //
+ assert_typereal ( x0 , "x0" , 1 );
+ assert_typereal ( deltausual , "deltausual", 3 );
+ assert_typereal ( deltazero , "deltazero" , 4 );
+ if size(x0,1)<>1 then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"),"optimsimplex_new",2,1,size(x0,2));
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ if (size(deltausual)<>[1 1]) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"),"optimsimplex_new",3,1,1);
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ if (size(deltazero)<>[1 1]) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"),"optimsimplex_new",4,1,1);
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ if ( fun <> [] ) then
+ assert_typefunction ( fun , "fun" , 2 );
+ end
+ newobj = optimsimplex_pfeffer ( x0 , deltausual , deltazero )
+ case "randbounds" then
+ // newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "randbounds" , x0 , fun , boundsmin , boundsmax )
+ // newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "randbounds" , x0 , fun , boundsmin , boundsmax , nbve )
+ // [ newobj , data ] = optimsimplex_new ( "randbounds" , x0 , fun , boundsmin , boundsmax , nbve , data )
+ if rhs<5 | rhs > 7 then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unexpected number of input arguments : %d provided while 6 to 7 are expected."), "optimsimplex_new", rhs);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ x0 = varargin(2);
+ fun = varargin(3);
+ boundsmin = varargin(4);
+ boundsmax = varargin(5);
+ n = length ( x0 )
+ nbve = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 6 , n+1 )
+ data = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 7 , [] )
+ //
+ // Check inputs
+ //
+ assert_typereal ( x0 , "x0", 1 );
+ if ( fun <> [] ) then
+ assert_typefunction ( fun , "fun" , 2 );
+ end
+ assert_typereal ( boundsmin , "boundsmin" , 3 );
+ assert_typereal ( boundsmax , "boundsmax" , 4 );
+ assert_typereal ( nbve , "nbve" , 5 );
+ if ( size(x0,1)<>1 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"),"optimsimplex_new",2,1,size(x0,2));
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ if ( size(boundsmin,1)<>1 | size(boundsmin,2)<>size(x0,2)) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"),"optimsimplex_new",4,1,size(x0,2));
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ if ( size(boundsmax,1)<>1 | size(boundsmax,2)<>size(x0,2)) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"),"optimsimplex_new",5,1,size(x0,2));
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ newobj = optimsimplex_randbounds ( x0 , boundsmin , boundsmax , nbve )
+ case "oriented" then
+ // newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "oriented" , simplex0 )
+ // newobj = optimsimplex_new ( "oriented" , simplex0 , fun )
+ // [ newobj , data ] = optimsimplex_new ( "oriented" , simplex0 , fun , data )
+ if rhs<2 | rhs > 4 then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unexpected number of input arguments : %d provided while 2 to 4 are expected."), "optimsimplex_new", rhs);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ simplex0 = varargin(2);
+ fun = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 3 , [] )
+ data = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 4 , [] )
+ //
+ // Check inputs
+ //
+ if (typeof(simplex0)<> "TSIMPLEX") then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext ( "%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: %s expected.\n") , "optimsimplex_new",2,"TSIMPLEX")
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ if (fun <> [] ) then
+ assert_typefunction ( fun , "fun" , 2 );
+ end
+ if ( simplex0.nbve == [] ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext ( "%s: The initial simplex has no vertices.") , "optimsimplex_new")
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ if ( simplex0.n == [] ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext ( "%s: The initial simplex has no dimension.") , "optimsimplex_new")
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ if ( simplex0.nbve <> simplex0.n+1 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext ( "%s: The oriented simplex can be computed only with a simplex made of n+1 points, but the dimension is %d and the number of vertices is %d") , "optimsimplex_new", simplex0.n , simplex0.nbve)
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ newobj = optimsimplex_oriented ( simplex0 )
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unknown key %s"),"optimsimplex_new",key)
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ else
+ // newobj = optimsimplex_new ( coords )
+ // newobj = optimsimplex_new ( coords , fun )
+ // [ newobj , data ] = optimsimplex_new ( coords , fun , data )
+ if rhs < 1 | rhs > 3 then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unexpected number of input arguments : %d provided while 1 to 3 are expected."), "optimsimplex_new", rhs);
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
+ coords = varargin(1);
+ fun = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 2 , [] )
+ data = argindefault ( rhs , varargin , 3 , [] )
+ //
+ // Check inputs
+ //
+ if (fun <> [] ) then
+ assert_typefunction ( fun , "fun" , 2 );
+ end
+ newobj = optimsimplex_coords ( coords )
+ end
+ //
+ // Compute function values, if required.
+ if ( fun<>[] ) then
+ if ( typeof(data)=="constant" ) then
+ if ( data==[] ) then
+ newobj = optimsimplex_computefv ( newobj , fun )
+ else
+ [ newobj , data ] = optimsimplex_computefv ( newobj , fun , data )
+ end
+ else
+ [ newobj , data ] = optimsimplex_computefv ( newobj , fun , data )
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_reflect.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_reflect.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..333eb5464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_reflect.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_reflect.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_reflect.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8f3af4809
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_reflect.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_reflect --
+// Returns a new simplex by reflexion of current simplex, by reflection with respect
+// to the first vertex in the simplex.
+// This move is used in the centered simplex gradient.
+// Arguments
+// fun : name of the function
+// data : user-defined data
+function [ r , data ] = optimsimplex_reflect ( this , fun , data )
+ nv = this.nbve;
+ n = this.n;
+ r = optimsimplex_new ( );
+ r.n = n
+ r.nbve = nv
+ r.x = zeros ( nv , n )
+ r.fv = zeros( nv , 1 )
+ r.x(1,1:n) = this.x(1,1:n);
+ r.fv(1) = this.fv(1);
+ twox1 = 2*this.x(1,1:n) .*. ones(nv-1,1);
+ r.x(2:nv,1:r.n) = twox1 - this.x(2:nv,1:n) ;
+ if (~isdef("data","local")) then
+ r = optimsimplex_compsomefv ( r , fun , 2:nv )
+ else
+ [ r , data ] = optimsimplex_compsomefv ( r , fun , 2:nv , data )
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setall.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setall.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1fe4f1d41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setall.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setall.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setall.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7de5cd0b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setall.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_setall --
+// Set all the coordinates and the function values of all the vertices.
+// The given matrix is expected to have the following organization
+// * size nbve X n+1
+// * data is organized by row : function value, then x
+// * simplex(k,1) is the function value of the vertex #k, with k = 1 , nbve
+// * simplex(k,2:n+1) is the coordinates of the vertex #k, with k = 1 , nbve
+// Arguments
+// simplex : the simplex to set
+function this = optimsimplex_setall ( this , simplex )
+ if typeof(this) <> "TSIMPLEX" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: TSIMPLEX expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setall", 1));
+ end
+ if type(simplex) <> 1 | ~isreal(simplex) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A real matrix expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setall", 2));
+ end
+ nbve = size(simplex,1)
+ np1 = size(simplex,2)
+ if np1 > nbve then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext ( "%s: The number of vertices (i.e. the number of rows) is %d which is smaller than the number of columns %d (i.e. n+1).") , "optimsimplex_setall",nbve,np1);
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ this.n = np1 - 1;
+ this.nbve = nbve;
+ this.fv ( 1:nbve , 1 ) = simplex ( 1:nbve , 1 )
+ this.x ( 1:nbve , 1:this.n ) = simplex ( 1:nbve , 2:this.n+1 )
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setallfv.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setallfv.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..33753f1b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setallfv.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setallfv.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setallfv.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..652a58360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setallfv.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_setallfv --
+// Set all the function values of all the vertices.
+// The vertex #k is expected to be stored in fv(k)
+// with k = 1 , nbve
+// Arguments
+// fv : the array of function values
+function this = optimsimplex_setallfv ( this , fv )
+ if typeof(this) <> "TSIMPLEX" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: TSIMPLEX expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setallfv", 1));
+ end
+ if type(fv) <> 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A real vector expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setallfv", 2));
+ end
+ fv1 = size ( fv , 1 );
+ if fv1 <> this.nbve then
+ error ( msprintf ( gettext ( "%s: The number of rows in the function value array is %d, while expected %d." ), "optimsimplex_setallfv" , fv1 , this.nbve ))
+ end
+ fv2 = size ( fv , 2 );
+ if fv2 <> 1 then
+ error ( msprintf ( gettext ( "%s: The number of columns in the function value array is %d, while expected 1." ), "optimsimplex_setallfv" , fv2 ))
+ end
+ this.fv ( 1:this.nbve , 1 ) = fv ( 1:this.nbve );
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setallx.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setallx.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a432415b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setallx.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setallx.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setallx.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..02dd7d8cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setallx.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_setallx --
+// Set all the coordinates of all the vertices.
+// The vertex #k is expected to be stored in x(k,1:n)
+// with k = 1 , nbve
+// Arguments
+// x : the coordinates of the vertices.
+function this = optimsimplex_setallx ( this , x )
+ if typeof(this) <> "TSIMPLEX" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: TSIMPLEX expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setallx", 1));
+ end
+ if type(x) <> 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A real matrix expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setallx", 2));
+ end
+ nx1 = size ( x , 1 );
+ if nx1 <> this.nbve then
+ error ( msprintf ( gettext ( "%s: The number of rows in x is %d, while expected %d." ), "optimsimplex_setallx" , nx1 , this.nbve ))
+ end
+ nx2 = size ( x , 2 );
+ if nx2 <> this.n then
+ error ( msprintf ( gettext ( "%s: The number of columns in x is %d, while expected %d." ), "optimsimplex_setallx" , nx2 , this.n ))
+ end
+ this.x ( 1:this.nbve , 1:this.n ) = x ( 1:this.nbve , 1:this.n );
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setfv.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setfv.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2a5c3ba56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setfv.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setfv.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setfv.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e74dae7cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setfv.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_setfv --
+// Set the function value at given index and
+// returns an updated simplex.
+// Arguments
+// ive : vertex index
+// fv : the function value
+function this = optimsimplex_setfv ( this , ive , fv )
+ if typeof(this) <> "TSIMPLEX" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: TSIMPLEX expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setfv", 1));
+ end
+ if type(ive) <> 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setfv", 2));
+ end
+ if type(fv) <> 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A real vector expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setfv", 3));
+ end
+ if or(size(ive) <> [1 1]) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setfv", 2));
+ end
+ if ive-floor(ive) <> 0 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: An integer expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setfv", 2));
+ end
+ this.fv ( ive , 1 ) = fv;
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setn.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setn.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1cc811587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setn.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setn.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setn.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..277e21057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setn.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_setn --
+// Set the dimension of the space of the simplex.
+// Arguments
+// n : the dimension
+function this = optimsimplex_setn ( this , n )
+ if typeof(this) <> "TSIMPLEX" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: TSIMPLEX expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setn", 1));
+ end
+ if type(n) <> 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setn", 2));
+ end
+ if or(size(n) <> [1 1]) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setn", 2));
+ end
+ if n-floor(n) <> 0 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: An integer expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setn", 2));
+ end
+ this.n = n;
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setnbve.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setnbve.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..10a937de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setnbve.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setnbve.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setnbve.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..dcbf4a850
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setnbve.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_setnbve --
+// Set the number of vertices of the simplex.
+// Arguments
+// nbve : the number of vertices
+function this = optimsimplex_setnbve ( this , nbve )
+ if typeof(this) <> "TSIMPLEX" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: TSIMPLEX expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setnbve", 1));
+ end
+ if type(nbve) <> 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setnbve", 2));
+ end
+ if or(size(nbve) <> [1 1]) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setnbve", 2));
+ end
+ if nbve-floor(nbve) <> 0 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: An integer expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setnbve", 2));
+ end
+ this.nbve = nbve;
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setve.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setve.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..703aed9db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setve.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setve.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setve.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4e94bd68d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setve.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_setve --
+// Sets the coordinates of the vertex and the function value at given index in the current simplex.
+// Arguments
+// ive : vertex index
+// fv : the function value
+// x : the coordinates of the point, as a row vector
+function this = optimsimplex_setve ( this , ive , fv , x )
+ if typeof(this) <> "TSIMPLEX" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: TSIMPLEX expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setve", 1));
+ end
+ if type(ive) <> 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setve", 2));
+ end
+ if type(fv) <> 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A real vector expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setve", 3));
+ end
+ if type(x) <> 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A real matrix expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setve", 4));
+ end
+ if or(size(ive) <> [1 1]) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setve", 2));
+ end
+ if ive-floor(ive) <> 0 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: An integer expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setve", 2));
+ end
+ this.x(ive,:) = x;
+ this.fv(ive,1) = fv;
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setx.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setx.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..231be06b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setx.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setx.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setx.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5cb2d3fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_setx.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_setx --
+// Set the coordinates of the vertex at given index,
+// as a row vector, into the current simplex.
+// Arguments
+// ive : vertex index
+function this = optimsimplex_setx ( this , ive , x )
+ if typeof(this) <> "TSIMPLEX" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: TSIMPLEX expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setx", 1));
+ end
+ if type(ive) <> 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setx", 2));
+ end
+ if type(x) <> 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A real matrix expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setx", 3));
+ end
+ if or(size(ive) <> [1 1]) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setx", 2));
+ end
+ if ive-floor(ive) <> 0 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: An integer expected.\n"), "optimsimplex_setx", 2));
+ end
+ this.x ( ive , 1:this.n ) = x(1:this.n);
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_shrink.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_shrink.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..da64577c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_shrink.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_shrink.sci b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_shrink.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2db5e5386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_shrink.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_shrink --
+// Shrink the simplex with given coefficient sigma
+// and returns an updated simplex.
+// The shrink is performed with respect to the 1st point
+// in the simplex.
+// Arguments
+// fun : the function to compute at vertices
+// sigma : shrinkage factor (default value = 0.5)
+// data : user-defined data
+function [ this , data ] = optimsimplex_shrink ( this , fun , sigma , data )
+ if (~isdef("sigma","local")) then
+ sigma = 0.5;
+ end
+ nv = this.nbve;
+ mv1 = this.x(1,:) .*. ones ( nv - 1 , 1 );
+ newx = ( 1.0 - sigma ) * mv1(1:nv-1,:) + sigma * this.x ( 2 : nv , : ) ;
+ this.x(2:nv,:) = newx(1:nv-1,:);
+ if (~isdef("data","local")) then
+ this = optimsimplex_compsomefv ( this , fun , 2 : nv )
+ else
+ [ this , data ] = optimsimplex_compsomefv ( this , fun , 2 : nv , data )
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_size.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_size.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2fd83ee33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_size.bin
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3e21fd724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_size.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_size --
+// Returns the size of the simplex.
+// Arguments, input
+// method : the method to use to compute the simplex, "Nash"
+// "diameter", "sigmaplus" or "sigmaminus" (default is "sigmaplus")
+// References
+// [1] Compact Numerical Methods For Computers
+// Linear Algebra and Function Minimization
+// J.C. Nash
+// 1990
+// Chapter 14. Direct Search Methods
+// [2] Iterative Methods for Optimization
+// C.T. Kelley
+// 1999
+// Chapter 6., section 6.2
+function ssize = optimsimplex_size ( this , method )
+ n = this.n;
+ nv = this.nbve;
+ if (~isdef("method","local")) then
+ method = "sigmaplus";
+ end
+ select method
+ case "Nash" then
+ v1 = this.x(1,:) .*. ones(nv-1,1);
+ edges = this.x(2:nv,:) - v1;
+ abedges = abs(edges);
+ n1 = sum(abedges,"c");
+ ssize = sum ( n1 );
+ case "diameter" then
+ ssize = 0.0;
+ for i = 1:nv
+ vi = this.x(i,:) .*. ones(nv,1);
+ edges = vi - this.x(1:nv,:);
+ n2 = sqrt ( sum ( edges.^2 , "c" ) );
+ ssize = max ( max( n2 ) , ssize );
+ end
+ case "sigmaplus" then
+ v1 = this.x(1,:) .*. ones(nv-1,1);
+ edges = this.x(2:nv,:) - v1;
+ n2 = sqrt ( sum ( edges.^2 , "c" ) );
+ ssize = max ( n2 );
+ case "sigmaminus" then
+ v1 = this.x(1,:) .*. ones(nv-1,1);
+ edges = this.x(2:nv,:) - v1;
+ n2 = sqrt ( sum ( edges.^2 , "c" ) );
+ ssize = min ( n2 );
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext ( "%s: Unknown simplex size method %s") , "optimsimplex_size",method)
+ error(errmsg)
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_sort.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_sort.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..630fc3e62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_sort.bin
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6c4c7a3ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_sort.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_sort --
+// Sorts the simplex with increasing function value order so that
+// the smallest function value is at vertex #1.
+// Arguments
+// <no arg>
+function this = optimsimplex_sort ( this )
+ [this.fv,is] = gsort(this.fv,"r","i");
+ this.x = this.x ( is , : );
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_xbar.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_xbar.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..fbda36636
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_xbar.bin
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..041bc5357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/optimsimplex/optimsimplex_xbar.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// optimsimplex_xbar --
+// Returns the center of n vertices, by excluding the
+// vertex with index iexcl.
+// The default value of iexcl is the number of vertices : in that case,
+// if the simplex is sorted in increasing function value
+// order, the worst vertex is excluded.
+// Arguments
+// iexcl : the index of the vertex to exclude in
+// center computation.
+function cen = optimsimplex_xbar ( this , iexcl )
+ if (~isdef("iexcl","local")) then
+ iexcl = this.nbve;
+ end
+ if ( size(iexcl,1)<>1 ) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The exclusion index vector has %d rows instead of 1."), ...
+ "optimsimplex_xbar", size(iexcl,1) );
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ // Vectorize by making the sum of all, subtracting only one vector
+ cen = sum(this.x(1:this.nbve,1:this.n),"r")
+ cen = cen - sum(this.x(iexcl,1:this.n),"r")
+ nexcl = size(iexcl,2)
+ cen = cen / ( this.nbve - nexcl )
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/pack.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/pack.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0a69255c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/pack.bin
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3e17d02a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/pack.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// Copyright (C) 2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [M, sel] = pack(M, blocksizes)
+ //
+ // Check input arguments
+ [lhs, rhs] = argn();
+ if rhs <> 2 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument: %d expected.\n"),"pack",2));
+ end
+ //
+ // Check type
+ if and(typeof(M) <> ["constant" "sparse"]) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Real matrix or sparse matrix expected.\n"),"pack",1));
+ end
+ if typeof(blocksizes) <> "constant" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"pack",2));
+ end
+ //
+ // Check content
+ if ~isreal(M) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"pack",1));
+ end
+ if ~isreal(blocksizes) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"pack",2));
+ end
+ if or(blocksizes<1) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Non-negative integers expected.\n"),"pack",2));
+ end
+ if or(blocksizes<>floor(blocksizes)) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: An integer value expected.\n"),"pack",2));
+ end
+ //
+ // Proceed...
+ sel = []
+ kk = 0
+ blocksizes = matrix(blocksizes, 1, size(blocksizes,"*"))
+ for ni=blocksizes
+ k = kk
+ for j=1:ni
+ sel = [sel, k+(j:ni)]
+ k = k+ni
+ end
+ kk = kk+ni*ni
+ end
+ M = M(sel, :)
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/pencost.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/pencost.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c67d88361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/pencost.bin
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ee1150413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/pencost.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [fpen,gpen,ind]=pencost(x,ind,fncts,ne,nc,cpen);
+ // pencost=template of external function for penalized problem:
+ //
+ // min f(x)
+ // g_i(x) = 0 i=1:ne
+ // g_i(x) <= 0 i=ne+1:nc (0<=ne<=nc)
+ //
+ //function pencost defines a penalized cost function and its gradient
+ //which is passed to scilab's optim function.
+ //
+ //A penalized problem is defined through the scilab function fncts
+ //which defines the constraints g_1,..,g_nc and the cost function f.
+ //
+ //fncts = scilab external with calling sequence:
+ //[gisandf,theirgrads,indic]=fncts(x,indic)
+ //which returns
+ // in row vector gisandf [g_1(x),...,g_nc(x),f(x)]
+ //
+ // in column 1 of matrix theirgrads grad(g_1)_x
+ //..........
+ // in column i of matrix theirgrads grad(g_i)_x
+ //...........
+ // in column nc of matrix theirgrads grad(g_nc)_x
+ // in column nc+1 of matrix theirgrads grad(g_nc)_x
+ //
+ // ne = number of equality constraints
+ // nc = total number of constraints
+ //
+ //
+ //minimize f(x)=0.5*(x(1)^2+x(2)^2)
+ // g_1(x)= x(1)+x(2)-1 <=0
+ // g_2(x)=- x(1) <= 0
+ //
+ // no equality constraint (ne=0)
+ // two inequality constraints (-> nc=2 constraints)
+ //
+ // 1-define your problem through a function (usually in a .sci file):
+ //deff('[gsf,grds,indic]=myproblem(x,indic)',...
+ // 'gsf=[x(1)+x(2)-1,-x(1),norm(x)^2];...
+ // grds=[1,-1,x(1);...
+ // 1,0,x(2)]')
+ //
+ // 2-call scilab's optim function (after loading pencost.sci (this file));
+ // exec('pencost.sci','c')
+ // ne=0;nc=2;x0=[4;7];
+ // penalizing constant cpen=100;
+ // [f,x]=optim(list(pencost,myproblem,ne,nc,cpen),x0)
+ //
+ // or (passing myproblem,ne,nc,cpen by context)
+ // fncts=myproblem;[f,x]=optim(pencost,x0)
+ //
+ [f,gradf,indic]=fncts(x,ind);
+ if indic < 0 then ind=indic, return, end;
+ if nc >ne then
+ for i=ne+1:nc, f(i)=max([0 f(i)]); end;
+ end;
+ fpen=f(nc+1) + 0.5*cpen*norm(f(1:nc))^2;
+ if ind==2 then return, end;
+ gpen=gradf(:,nc+1);
+ if ne >0 then
+ for i=1:ne, gpen=gpen + cpen*f(i)*gradf(:,i),end;
+ end;
+ if nc > ne
+ for i=ne+1:nc,
+ if f(i)>0 then gpen=gpen + cpen*f(i)*gradf(:,i),end;
+ end;
+ end;
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/qpsolve.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/qpsolve.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..67072e3ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/qpsolve.bin
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6841a6f88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/qpsolve.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2013 - Raise Partner - Mohamed Houacine: fixed bug #13116
+// Copyright (C) INRIA - Serge Steer
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [x, iact, iter, f]=qpsolve(Q,p,C,b,ci,cs,me)
+ rhs = argn(2);
+ if rhs <> 7
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d expected.\n"), "qpsolve", 7));
+ end
+ C(me+1:$, :) = -C(me+1:$, :);
+ b(me+1:$) = -b(me+1:$);
+ // replace boundary contraints by linear constraints
+ Cb = []; bb = [];
+ if ci <> [] then
+ Cb = [Cb; speye(Q)]
+ bb = [bb; ci]
+ end
+ if cs <> [] then
+ Cb = [Cb; -speye(Q)]
+ bb = [bb; -cs]
+ end
+ C = [C; Cb]; b = [b; bb]
+ [x, iact, iter, f] = qp_solve(Q, -p, C', b, me)
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/recons.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/recons.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5066244bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/recons.bin
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..791198cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/recons.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [r,ind]=recons(r,ind)
+ //reconstruct a list from a flat list (see aplat)
+ if ind==-1 then return;end
+ nr=size(r)
+ ma=0
+ for k=nr:-1:1
+ mm=size(ind(k),"*");
+ if ma<=mm then ma=mm;ki=k; end
+ end
+ if ma<=1 then return; end
+ vi=ind(ki);vi=vi(1:ma-1);
+ k=ki
+ vj=vi
+ while vj==vi
+ k=k+1
+ if k>nr then break; end
+ vv=ind(k);
+ if size(vv,"*")==ma then vj=vv(1:ma-1); else vj=[]; end
+ end
+ kj=k-1
+ rt=list(r(ki))
+ for k=ki+1:kj
+ rt(k-ki+1)=r(ki+1)
+ r(ki+1)=null()
+ ind(ki+1)=null()
+ end
+ ind(ki)=vi
+ r(ki)=rt
+ [r,ind]=recons(r,ind)
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/unpack.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/unpack.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4ba454de8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/unpack.bin
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7e86e0bd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/unpack.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// Copyright (C) 2011 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function MM=unpack(M,blocksizes)
+ //
+ // Check input arguments
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn();
+ if rhs<>2 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument: %d expected.\n"),"unpack",2));
+ end
+ //
+ // Check type
+ if typeof(M) <> "constant" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"unpack",1));
+ end
+ if typeof(blocksizes) <> "constant" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"unpack",2));
+ end
+ //
+ // Check content
+ if ~isreal(M) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"unpack",1));
+ end
+ if ~isreal(blocksizes) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"),"unpack",2));
+ end
+ if or(blocksizes<1) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Non-negative integers expected.\n"),"unpack",2));
+ end
+ if or(blocksizes<>floor(blocksizes)) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: An integer value expected.\n"),"unpack",2));
+ end
+ //
+ // Proceed...
+ MM=[]
+ [mM,nM]=size(M)
+ n=sum(blocksizes)
+ for j=1:nM
+ ptr=1
+ Mu=[]
+ for ni=blocksizes
+ Mui=[]
+ for l=1:ni
+ Mui(l:ni,l)=M(ptr:ptr+ni-l,j)
+ Mui(l,l:ni)=M(ptr:ptr+ni-l,j)'
+ ptr=ptr+ni-l+1
+ end
+ Mu=[Mu;matrix(Mui,ni*ni,1)]
+ end
+ MM=[MM,Mu]
+ end
diff --git a/modules/optimization/macros/vec2list.bin b/modules/optimization/macros/vec2list.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f4cb2ad90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/vec2list.bin
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new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b55923cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/optimization/macros/vec2list.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function li=vec2list(bigVector,varsizes,ind)
+ //bigVector: big vector
+ //varsizes: k x 2 matrix, varsizes(i,:)=size of ith matrix
+ //li: list of k matrices, li(i)=matrix of size varsizes(i,:);
+ [LHS, RHS] = argn(0)
+ if RHS < 2 then
+ error(sprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d or %d expected.\n"), "vec2list", 2, 3));
+ end
+ if bigVector==[] then
+ n=0;for dimi=varsizes',n=n+prod(dimi);end
+ bigVector=zeros(n,1);
+ end
+ li=list();point=1;i=0;
+ for dimi=varsizes'
+ newpoint=point+prod(dimi)-1;i=i+1;
+ li(i)=matrix(bigVector(point:newpoint),dimi(1),dimi(2));
+ point=newpoint+1;
+ end
+ if RHS==3 then li=recons(li,ind); end