path: root/Machine_Design_by_T_H_Wentzell/6-Fasteners_and_Fastening_Methods.ipynb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Machine_Design_by_T_H_Wentzell/6-Fasteners_and_Fastening_Methods.ipynb')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 0 deletions
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+ "# Chapter 6: Fasteners and Fastening Methods"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 6.1: Torquing_Method.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
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+"source": [
+"mprintf('MACHINE DESIGN \n Timothy H. Wentzell, P.E. \n EXAMPLE-6.1 Page No.120\n');\n",
+"As=0.334; //[in^2] Tensile stress area (Table 6.1)\n",
+"Sp=85000; //[lb/in^2] Proof strength (Table 6.3)\n",
+"D=3/4; //[in] Nominal diameter of thread\n",
+"Fi=0.85*As*Sp; //[lb] Desired intial preload\n",
+"C=0.2; //[] Torque coefficient\n",
+"T=C*D*Fi; //[in*lb] Torque\n",
+"mprintf('\n The required torque is %f lb*in.',T);"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 6.2: Turn_of_Nut_Method.sce"
+ ]
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+ "collapsed": true
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+"source": [
+"mprintf('MACHINE DESIGN \n Timothy H. Wentzell, P.E. \n EXAMPLE-6.2 Page No.121\n');\n",
+"L=5; //[in] Length of engagement\n",
+"E=30*10^6; //[lb/in^2] Modulus of elasticity\n",
+"As=0.334; //[in^2] Tensile stress area (Table 6.1)\n",
+"Sp=85000; //[lb/in^2] Proof strength (Table 6.3)\n",
+"Fi=0.85*As*Sp; //[lb] Desired intial preload\n",
+"Delta=Fi*L/(As*E) //[in] Elongation\n",
+"pitch=0.1; //[in] Pitch for 3/4 UNC\n",
+"TA=Delta*360/pitch; //[Degree] Torque angle\n",
+"mprintf('\n The angle of rotation needed is %f degree.',TA);"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 6.3: Elastic_Analysis_of_Bolted_Connections.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
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+"mprintf('MACHINE DESIGN \n Timothy H. Wentzell, P.E. \n EXAMPLE-6.3 Page No.122\n');\n",
+"Alpha=6.5*10^-6; //[in/(in*F)] Thermal expansion coefficient (Appendix 8)\n",
+"L=5; //[in] Length of engagement\n",
+"Delta=0.01204; //[Degree] Elongation\n",
+"DT=Delta/(Alpha*L); //[F] The temperature we would need to heat this bolt above the sevice temperature\n",
+"mprintf('\n The temperature we would need to heat this bolt above the sevice temperature is %f F.',DT);"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 6.4: Elastic_Analysis_of_Bolted_Connections.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"mprintf('MACHINE DESIGN \n Timothy H. Wentzell, P.E. \n EXAMPLE-6.4 Page No.124\n');\n",
+"Dp=20; //[in] Pressure vessel head diameter\n",
+"Ds=1.25; //[in] Stud diameter\n",
+"Ls=6; //[in] Stud length\n",
+"Af=50; //[in^2] Clamped area of flanges\n",
+"E=30*10^6; //[lb/in^2] Modulus of elasticity\n",
+"C=0.15; //[] Torque coefficient\n",
+"Si=120000; //[lb/in^2] Proof strength (Table 6.3)\n",
+"A=1.073; //[in^2] Tensile stress area (Table 6.1)\n",
+"Fi=0.9*Si*A; //[lb] Desired intial load\n",
+"T=C*Ds*Fi; //[lb*in] Torque\n",
+"mprintf('\n1. The required torque is %f lb*in.',T);\n",
+"Pp=500; //[lb/in^2] Pressure inside the pressure vessel\n",
+"Ap=%pi*Dp^2/4; //[in^2] Pressure vessel head cross section area\n",
+"Kb=A*E/Ls; //[lb/in] Stiffness per stud\n",
+"Kf=Af*E/Ls; //[lb/in] Stiffness per flange\n",
+"Fe=Pp*Ap; //[lb] Force on pressure vessel head\n",
+"Ft=10*Fi+(10*Kb/(10*Kb+Kf))*Fe; //[lb] Total load on the bolt\n",
+"mprintf('\n2. The total load on the bolt is %f lb.',Ft);"
+ ]
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