path: root/Fundamentals_of_Turbomachinery_by_W_W_Peng/11-Wind_Turbines.ipynb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Fundamentals_of_Turbomachinery_by_W_W_Peng/11-Wind_Turbines.ipynb')
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Fundamentals_of_Turbomachinery_by_W_W_Peng/11-Wind_Turbines.ipynb b/Fundamentals_of_Turbomachinery_by_W_W_Peng/11-Wind_Turbines.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bb4661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Fundamentals_of_Turbomachinery_by_W_W_Peng/11-Wind_Turbines.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
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+ "# Chapter 11: Wind Turbines"
+ ]
+ },
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.1: WT.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"clear all; clc;\n",
+"Eg=0.96//generator efficiency\n",
+"Em=0.94//transmission efficiency\n",
+"printf('\n The power is equal to %0.3f MW',P)\n",
+"disp('After converting to W the magnitude of power is equal to 1.662*10^6 W')\n",
+"Cp=0.47//from figure 11.10\n",
+"disp(' Since P=Cp(0.5*rho*A*V^3),thus on substituting the values we get P=630.9A')\n",
+"A=P*10^6/(Cp*0.5*rho*V^3)// Since P=Cp*(0.5*rho*A*V^3)\n",
+"printf(' On substituing the value of P in P=630.9A we get A equal to %g',A)\n",
+"disp('After rounding off,the area is equal to 2634.7m^2')\n",
+"Ar=2634.7//rounded off A\n",
+"printf(' The Radius is equal to %g m',R)\n",
+"disp('After rounding off the,area is equal to 28.9m')\n",
+"Rr=28.9//rounded off\n",
+"printf(' The Diameter is equal to %g m',D)\n",
+"omega=(V/R)*5.3// In the book diameter has been incorrectly substituted in place of radius(R). That is the reason why this particular answer doesn't match with the one given in the book.\n",
+"printf('\n Omega is equal to %0.2f rad/s',omega)\n",
+"N=(omega*30)/%pi//since N is proportional to omega and the answer for omega doesnt match with the answer given in the book(because of the aforementioned reason), the answer of N doesn't match either.\n",
+"printf('\n RPM is equal to %g rpm',N)"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.2: WT.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"clear all; clc;\n",
+"V= 40*(5280/3600)\n",
+"printf('V is equal to %0.2f ft/s',V)\n",
+"printf('\n\nomega is equal to %0.2f rad/s',omega)\n",
+"Vt=(rt*omega)/V//tip velocity ratio\n",
+"printf('\n\nThe tip velocity ratio is equal to %0.2f ',Vt)\n",
+"printf('\n \n Optimum number of blades is equal to %0.2f ',Zb)\n",
+"disp('On approximating,the optimum number of blades is equal to 5')\n",
+"printf('\nThe mean radius is equal to %0.2f ft',rm)\n",
+"printf('\n\nThe blade peripheral velocity at the mean radius is equal to %0.1f ft/s',Um)\n",
+"disp('Assuming V1=V')\n",
+"printf('\nThe relative flow angle at the inlet is equal to %0.1f degrees',beta_1)\n",
+"printf('\n\nThe value of tan of beta m is equal to %0.3f ',tanbetam)\n",
+"printf('\n \n Mean relative flow angle (betam) is equal to %0.2f degrees',beta_m)\n",
+"printf('\n\nThe relative flow velocity (Wm) is equal to %0.1f ft/s',Wm)\n",
+"printf('\n\nThe tangential force (Fum), is equal to %0.2f lb/ft',F_um)\n",
+"Z_br=5//approximated value of Zb\n",
+"printf('\n\nPs is approximately equal to %0.1f hp',P_s)\n",
+"A_r=707//rounding of A=706.9 to 707\n",
+"printf('\n\nFrom the actuator theory,the maximum possible shaft power will be equal to %0.1f hp.',P_smax)\n",
+ ]
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+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.3: WT.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"clear all; clc;\n",
+"V= 40//in mph\n",
+"V=58.9//in mph\n",
+"//more accurately\n",
+"V= 40*(5280/3600)\n",
+"printf('V1 is equal to %0.1f ft/s',V1)\n",
+"printf('\nU is equal to %0.1f ft/s',U)\n",
+"//from velocity triangle\n",
+"printf('\nA is equal to %g degrees',A)\n",
+"//from cosine law\n",
+"printf('\nW is equal to %0.1f ft/s',W)\n",
+"//from sine law\n",
+"printf('\nsinB is equal to %0.4f ft/s',sinB)\n",
+"printf('\nB is equal to %0.1f degrees',B)\n",
+"printf('\nalpha is equal to %0.1f degrees',alpha)\n",
+"//from figure\n",
+"Wr=189.8//rounded off W\n",
+"printf('\nFu is equal to %0.3f lb/ft',Fu)\n",
+"disp('After rounding off the tangential force (Fu) is equal to 3.38 lb/ft')"
+ ]
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