path: root/Engineering_Physics_by_S_D_Jain_and_G_G_Sahasrabudhe/5-Polarisation.ipynb
diff options
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+ "# Chapter 5: Polarisation"
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+ "## Example 5.4: Brewster_Law.sce"
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+"source": [
+"mu = 1.33; //Refractive index of water\n",
+"//Brewster's angle, theta_p = atand(mu) ;\n",
+"theta_p = atand(mu); // in degrees\n",
+"theta_s = 90-theta_p ; // in degrees\n",
+"printf('Angle = %.1f degrees',theta_s);"
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+ "## Example 5.5: Critical_angle_for_TIR.sce"
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+"r = 90; // in degrees\n",
+"mu_o= 1.658 ;// Refractive index for ordinary array\n",
+"mu =1.55; // Refractive index for a canada balsam material\n",
+"//Snell's Law,mu1*sin(i) = mu2*sin(r), we have :\n",
+"i = asind((mu*sind(90))/mu_o); // angle in degrees\n",
+"printf('Critical angle = %d degrees',i);\n",
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+ "## Example 5.6: Minimum_thickness_of_wave_plate.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//Given :\n",
+"mu_o = 1.544; //Refractive index for ordinary ray\n",
+"mu_e = 1.553;//Refractive index for extraordinary ray\n",
+"lambda = 5890;//Wavelength in A\n",
+"//(a)Plane polarised light :\n",
+"//lambda is converted from A to cm , 1 A = 1.0*10^-8 cm\n",
+"t1 = (lambda*10^-8)/(2*(mu_e-mu_o));//Minimum thickness in cm\n",
+"//(b)Circularly polarised light :\n",
+"t2 = (lambda*10^-8)/(4*(mu_e-mu_o));// Minimum thickness in cm\n",
+"printf('Minimum thickness :\n\n');\n",
+"printf('(a)Plane polarised light : %.2f x 10^-3 cm \n\n',t1*10^3);\n",
+"printf('(b)Circularly polarised light : %.2f x 10^-3 cm ',t2*10^3);\n",
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+ "## Example 5.7: Birefringent_crystal.sce"
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+"//Given :\n",
+"lambda = 5890; //Wavelength in A\n",
+"//(a)Calcite crystal\n",
+"mu1_o = 1.658;//refractive index for ordinary ray\n",
+"mu1_e = 1.486;//refractive index for extraordinary ray\n",
+"t1 = 0.0052 ; //thickness in mm\n",
+"// 1 A = 1.0*10^-7 mm\n",
+"alpha1 = ((2*%pi*(mu1_o-mu1_e)*t1)/(lambda*10^-7)); // phase difference in radians\n",
+"//(b) Quartz crystal\n",
+"mu2_o = 1.544; //refractive index for ordinary ray\n",
+"mu2_e = 1.553; //refractive index for extraordinary ray\n",
+"t2 = 0.0234;//thickness in mm\n",
+"alpha2 = ((2*%pi*(mu2_e-mu2_o)*t2)/(lambda*10^-7)); // phase difference in radians\n",
+"printf('(a)Calcite crystal : \n Phase difference is %.3f radians \n',alpha1);\n",
+"printf('(a)Quartz crystal : \n Phase difference is %.3f radians',alpha2);\n",
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+ "## Example 5.9: Application_of_Optical_Activity.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"//Given :\n",
+"rho = 6.6; // Specific rotation of sugar in degrees g^-1 cm^2\n",
+"l = 20; //length in cm\n",
+"deltad = 1*10^-3;//difference in sugar concentration in g/cm^3\n",
+"lc = 0.1; // least count in degrees\n",
+"//Rotation due to optical activity = rho*l*d\n",
+"deltatheta = rho*l*deltad; // in degrees\n",
+"printf('Change in theta :%1.3f degrees.\n\n',deltatheta);\n",
+"if(deltatheta > lc)\n",
+" printf('The concentration of 1 mg/cm^3 will be detected by the given urinalysis tube.');\n",
+" else\n",
+" printf('The concentration of 1 mg/cm^3 will not be detected.');\n",
+"end "
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