path: root/Process_Heat_Transfer_by_D_Q_Kern/9-Gases.ipynb
diff options
authorprashantsinalkar2020-04-14 10:19:27 +0530
committerprashantsinalkar2020-04-14 10:23:54 +0530
commit476705d693c7122d34f9b049fa79b935405c9b49 (patch)
tree2b1df110e24ff0174830d7f825f43ff1c134d1af /Process_Heat_Transfer_by_D_Q_Kern/9-Gases.ipynb
parentabb52650288b08a680335531742a7126ad0fb846 (diff)
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'Process_Heat_Transfer_by_D_Q_Kern/9-Gases.ipynb')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
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+ "# Chapter 9: Gases"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 9.1: Calculation_of_an_Ammonia_Compressor_Aftercooler.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"printf('\t example 9.1 \n');\n",
+"printf('\t approximate values are mentioned in the book \n');\n",
+"T1=245; // inlet hot fluid,F\n",
+"T2=95; // outlet hot fluid,F\n",
+"t1=85; // inlet cold fluid,F\n",
+"t2=95; // outlet cold fluid,F\n",
+"W=9872; // lb/hr\n",
+"w=78500; // lb/hr\n",
+"printf('\t 1.for heat balance \n');\n",
+"printf('\t for ammonia gas \n');\n",
+"c=0.53; // Btu/(lb)*(F)\n",
+"Q=((W)*(c)*(T1-T2)); // Btu/hr\n",
+"printf('\t total heat required for ammonia gas is : %.2e Btu/hr \n',Q);\n",
+"printf('\t for water \n');\n",
+"c=1; // Btu/(lb)*(F)\n",
+"Q=((w)*(c)*(t2-t1)); // Btu/hr\n",
+"printf('\t total heat required for water is : %.2f Btu/hr \n',Q);\n",
+"delt1=T2-t1; //F\n",
+"delt2=T1-t2; // F\n",
+"printf('\t delt1 is : %.0f F \n',delt1);\n",
+"printf('\t delt2 is : %.0f F \n',delt2);\n",
+"printf('\t LMTD is :%.1f F \n',LMTD);\n",
+"printf('\t R is : %.0f \n',R);\n",
+"printf('\t S is : %.4f \n',S);\n",
+"printf('\t FT is 0.837 \n'); // from fig 18\n",
+"delt=(0.837*LMTD); // F\n",
+"printf('\t delt is : %.1f F \n',delt);\n",
+"Tc=((T2)+(T1))/2; // caloric temperature of hot fluid,F\n",
+"printf('\t caloric temperature of hot fluid is : %.0f F \n',Tc);\n",
+"tc=((t1)+(t2))/2; // caloric temperature of cold fluid,F\n",
+"printf('\t caloric temperature of cold fluid is : %.0f F \n',tc);\n",
+"printf('\t hot fluid:shell side,ammonia at 83psia \n');\n",
+"ID=23.25; // in\n",
+"C=0.1875; // clearance\n",
+"B=12; // baffle spacing,in\n",
+"as=((ID*C*B)/(144*PT)); // flow area,ft^2,from eq 7.1\n",
+"printf('\t flow area is : %.3f ft^2 \n',as);\n",
+"Gs=(W/as); // mass velocity,lb/(hr)*(ft^2),from eq 7.2\n",
+"printf('\t mass velocity is : %.2e lb/(hr)*(ft^2) \n',Gs);\n",
+"mu1=0.012*2.42; // at 170F,lb/(ft)*(hr), from fig.15\n",
+"De=0.55/12; // from fig.28,ft\n",
+"Res=((De)*(Gs)/mu1); // reynolds number\n",
+"printf('\t reynolds number is : %.2e \n',Res);\n",
+"jH=118; // from fig.28\n",
+"k=0.017; // Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F/ft),from table 5\n",
+"Z=0.97; // Z=(Pr*(1/3)) prandelt number\n",
+"ho=((jH)*(k/De)*(Z)*1); // using eq.6.15,Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F)\n",
+"printf('\t individual heat transfer coefficient is : %.1f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n',ho);\n",
+"printf('\t cold fluid:inner tube side,water \n');\n",
+"n=8; // number of passes\n",
+"L=8; //ft\n",
+"at1=0.302; // flow area, in^2,from table 10\n",
+"at=((Nt*at1)/(144*n)); // total area,ft^2,from eq.7.48\n",
+"printf('\t flow area is : %.4f ft^2 \n',at);\n",
+"Gt=(w/(at)); // mass velocity,lb/(hr)*(ft^2)\n",
+"printf('\t mass velocity is : %.2e lb/(hr)*(ft^2) \n',Gt);\n",
+"V=(Gt/(3600*62.5)); // fps\n",
+"printf('\t V is : %.2f fps \n',V);\n",
+"mu2=0.82*2.42; // at 90F,lb/(ft)*(hr),from fig 14\n",
+"D=(0.62/12); // ft,from table 10\n",
+"Ret=((D)*(Gt)/mu2); // reynolds number\n",
+"printf('\t reynolds number is : %.2e \n',Ret);\n",
+"hi=900; // using fig 25,Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F)\n",
+"printf('\t hi is : %.0f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n',hi);\n",
+"ID=0.62; // ft\n",
+"OD=0.75; //ft\n",
+"hio=((hi)*(ID/OD)); // using eq.6.5\n",
+"printf('\t Correct hi0 to the surface at the OD is : %.0f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n',hio);\n",
+"Uc=((hio)*(ho)/(hio+ho)); // clean overall coefficient,Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F)\n",
+"printf('\t clean overall coefficient is : %.1f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n',Uc);\n",
+"A2=0.1963; // actual surface supplied for each tube,ft^2,from table 10\n",
+"A=(Nt*L*A2); // ft^2\n",
+"printf('\t total surface area is : %.0f ft^2 \n',A);\n",
+"printf('\t actual design overall coefficient is : %.1f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n',UD);\n",
+"Rd=((Uc-UD)/((UD)*(Uc))); // (hr)*(ft^2)*(F)/Btu\n",
+"printf('\t actual Rd is : %.3f (hr)*(ft^2)*(F)/Btu \n',Rd);\n",
+"printf('\t pressure drop for annulus \n');\n",
+"f=0.00162; // friction factor for reynolds number 40200, using fig.29\n",
+"Ds=23.25/12; // ft\n",
+"N=(12*L/B); // number of crosses,using eq.7.43\n",
+"printf('\t number of crosses are : %.0f \n',N);\n",
+"printf('\t rowgas is %.3f lb/ft^3 \n',rowgas);\n",
+"printf('\t s is %.5f \n',s);\n",
+"delPs=((f*(Gs^2)*(Ds)*(N))/(5.22*(10^10)*(De)*(s)*(phys))); // using eq.7.44,psi\n",
+"printf('\t delPs is : %.0f psi \n',delPs);\n",
+"printf('\t allowable delPs is 2 psi \n');\n",
+"printf('\t pressure drop for inner pipe \n');\n",
+"f=0.000225; // friction factor for reynolds number 21400, using fig.26\n",
+"D=0.0517; //ft\n",
+"delPt=((f*(Gt^2)*(L)*(n))/(5.22*(10^10)*(D)*(s)*(phyt))); // using eq.7.45,psi\n",
+"printf('\t delPt is : %.1f psi \n',delPt);\n",
+"X1=0.090; // X1=((V^2)/(2*g)), for Gt 1060000,using fig.27\n",
+"delPr=((4*n*X1)/(s)); // using eq.7.46,psi\n",
+"printf('\t delPr is : %.1f psi \n',delPr);\n",
+"delPT=delPt+delPr; // using eq.7.47,psi\n",
+"printf('\t delPT is : %.1f psi \n',delPT);\n",
+"printf('\t allowable delPT is 10 psi \n');\n",
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 9.2: Calculation_of_the_Heat_Load_for_an_Air_Intercooler.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
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+"source": [
+"printf('\t example 9.2 \n');\n",
+"printf('\t approximate values are mentioned in the book \n');\n",
+"V1=4670; // inlet air volume,cfm\n",
+"Pp=0.8153; // Saturation partial pressure of water at 95F,psi,from table 7\n",
+"Ps=404.3;// Saturation specific volume of water at 95F,ft^3/lb, from table 7\n",
+"printf('\t The air and water both occupy the same volume at their respective partial pressures \n');\n",
+"Vw1=(V1*60/Ps); // water entering per hr,lb\n",
+"printf('\t volume of water entering is : %.0f lb \n',Vw1);\n",
+"printf('\t for first stage \n');\n",
+"c=2.33; // compression ratio\n",
+"P1=14.7; // psi\n",
+"P2=(P1*c); // (c=(P2/P1)),psi\n",
+"printf('\t P2 is : %.1f psi \n',P2);\n",
+"gama=1.4; // for air\n",
+"T1abs=95; // F\n",
+"printf('\t T2absr is : %.0f R \n',T2absr);\n",
+"T2abs=(T2absr-459.67); // F\n",
+"printf('\t T2abs is : %.0f F \n',T2abs);\n",
+"printf('\t for intercooler \n');\n",
+"V2=(V1*60*P1/P2); // ft^3/hr\n",
+"printf('\t final gas volume is : %.1e ft^3/hr \n',V2);\n",
+"Vw2=(V2/Ps); // water remaining in air, lb/hr\n",
+"printf('\t water remaining in air is : %.0f lb/hr \n',Vw2);\n",
+"C=(Vw1-Vw2); // condensation in inter cooler, lb/hr\n",
+"printf('\t condensation in inter cooler is : %.0f lb/hr \n',C);\n",
+"Vs=14.8; // Specific volume of atmospheric air,ft^3/lb\n",
+"printf('\t Specific volume of atmospheric air is : %.1f ft^3/lb \n',Vs);\n",
+"Va=(V1*60/Vs); // air in inlet gas, lb/hr\n",
+"printf('\t air in inlet gas is : %.2e lb/hr\n',Va);\n",
+"printf('\t heat load(245 to 95F) \n)');\n",
+"printf('\t sensible heat \n');\n",
+"Qair=((Va)*(0.25)*(245-T1abs)); // Btu/hr\n",
+"printf('\t Qair is : %.2e Btu/hr \n',Qair);\n",
+"Qwaters=(Vw1*0.45*(245-T1abs)); // Btu/hr\n",
+"printf('\t Qwaters is : %.2e Btu/hr \n',Qwaters);\n",
+"printf('\t latent heat \n');\n",
+"l=1040.1; // latent heat\n",
+"Qwaterl=(C*l); // Btu/hr\n",
+"printf('\t Qwater1 is : %.2e Btu/hr \n',Qwaterl);\n",
+"printf('\t total heat is : %.3e Btu/hr \n',Qt1);\n",
+"printf('\t for second stage \n');\n",
+"c=2.33; // compression ratio\n",
+"P3=(P2*c); // (c=(P3/P1)),psi\n",
+"printf('\t P3 is : %.1f psi \n',P3);\n",
+"V3=(V1*60*P1/P3); // ft^3/hr\n",
+"printf('\t final gas volume is : %.2e ft^3/hr \n',V3);\n",
+"Vw3=(V3/Ps); // water remaining in air, lb/hr\n",
+"printf('\t water remaining in air is : %.1f lb/hr \n',Vw3);\n",
+"C1=(297-Vw3); // condensation in inter cooler, lb/hr\n",
+"printf('\t condensation in inter cooler is : %.1f lb/hr \n',C1);\n",
+"printf('\t heat load(245 to 95F) \n)');\n",
+"printf('\t sensible heat \n');\n",
+"Qair=(Va*0.25*(245-T1abs)); // Btu/hr\n",
+"printf('\t Qair is : %.2e Btu/hr \n',Qair);\n",
+"Qwaters=(Vw2*0.44*(245-T1abs)); // Btu/hr\n",
+"printf('\t Qwater is : %.2e Btu/hr \n',Qwaters);\n",
+"printf('\t latent heat \n');\n",
+"l=1040.1; // latent heat\n",
+"Qwaterl=(C1*l); // Btu/hr, calculation mistake in book\n",
+"printf('\t Qwater is : %.2e Btu/hr \n',Qwaterl);\n",
+"printf('\t total heat is : %.3e Btu/hr \n',Qt1);\n",
+"// end"
+ ]
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+ "cell_type": "markdown",
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 9.3: Calculation_of_the_Dew_Point_after_Compression.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"printf('\t example 9.3 \n');\n",
+"printf('\t approximate values are mentioned in the book \n');\n",
+"Va=18900; // air in inlet gas\n",
+"Vw1=692; // water entering\n",
+"Ma=(Va/29); // moles\n",
+"Mw=(Vw1/18); // moles\n",
+"M=(Ma+Mw); // moles\n",
+"printf('\t total number of moles re : %.1f \n',M);\n",
+"printf('\t Moles of air is : %.0f \n',Ma);\n",
+"printf('\t Moles of water is : %.1f \n',Mw);\n",
+"printf('\t after compression \n');\n",
+"P=34.2; // pressure,psi\n",
+"pw=(Mw/M)*(P); // partial pressure\n",
+"printf('\t partial pressure is :%.1f psi \n',pw);\n",
+"Td=124; // F, table table 7\n",
+"printf('\t dew point is : %.0f F \n',Td);\n",
+"// end"
+ ]
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