path: root/Basic_Electronics_by_D_De/8-Special_Semiconductor_Devices.ipynb
diff options
authorPrashant S2020-04-14 10:25:32 +0530
committerGitHub2020-04-14 10:25:32 +0530
commit06b09e7d29d252fb2f5a056eeb8bd1264ff6a333 (patch)
tree2b1df110e24ff0174830d7f825f43ff1c134d1af /Basic_Electronics_by_D_De/8-Special_Semiconductor_Devices.ipynb
parentabb52650288b08a680335531742a7126ad0fb846 (diff)
parent476705d693c7122d34f9b049fa79b935405c9b49 (diff)
Merge pull request #1 from prashantsinalkar/masterHEADmaster
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'Basic_Electronics_by_D_De/8-Special_Semiconductor_Devices.ipynb')
1 files changed, 471 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Basic_Electronics_by_D_De/8-Special_Semiconductor_Devices.ipynb b/Basic_Electronics_by_D_De/8-Special_Semiconductor_Devices.ipynb
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+ "# Chapter 8: Special Semiconductor Devices"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 8.10: Design_of_Triggering_Circuit_for_a_UJT.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"// Design of Triggering Circuit for a UJT\n",
+"// Basic Electronics\n",
+"// By Debashis De\n",
+"// First Edition, 2010\n",
+"// Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Ltd. India\n",
+"// Example 8-10 in page 390\n",
+"clear; clc; close;\n",
+"// Given Data\n",
+"Vs=30; // DC source voltage in V\n",
+"eta=0.51; // Intrinsic stand off ratio\n",
+"Ip=10*10^-6; // Peak Emitter current of UJT in mu-A\n",
+"Vv=3.5; // Valley voltage in V\n",
+"Iv=10*10^-3; // Valley current in A\n",
+"f=60; // Source frequency in Hz\n",
+"tg=50*10^-6; // width of triggering pulse in seconds\n",
+"C=0.5*10^-6; // Assumption for circuit Capacitance in mu-F\n",
+"Vd=0.5; // Fixed value of Vb in V\n",
+"// Calculations\n",
+"Rlow=(Vs-Vp)/Ip; \n",
+"R=(tou/C)*(1/log(1/(1-eta))); \n",
+"Rb1=tg/C; \n",
+"Rb2=10^4/(eta*Vs); \n",
+"printf('(a)The value of Base-1 Resistance of UJT is %0.2f ohm \n',Rb1);\n",
+"printf('(b)The value of Base-2 Resistance of UJT is %0.2f ohm \n',Rb2);\n",
+"printf('(c)Circuit resistance of the arrangement is %0.2e ohm \n',R);\n",
+"// Results\n",
+"// (a) The value of Base-1 Resistance of UJT is 100 ohm\n",
+"// (b) The value of Base-2 Resistance of UJT is 654 ohm\n",
+"// (c) Circuit resistance of the arrangement is 46.7 K-ohm"
+ ]
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+ "## Example 8.11: To_determine_Emitter_source_voltage_of_UJT.sce"
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+"source": [
+"// To determine Emitter source voltage of UJT\n",
+"// Basic Electronics\n",
+"// By Debashis De\n",
+"// First Edition, 2010\n",
+"// Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Ltd. India\n",
+"// Example 8-11 in page 391\n",
+"clear; clc; close;\n",
+"// Given Data\n",
+"Re=1*10^3; // Emitter Resistance of UJT in ohm\n",
+"Iv=5*10^-3; // Valley current of UJT in A\n",
+"Vv=2; // Valley voltage of UJT in V\n",
+"// Calculations\n",
+"Ie=Iv; \n",
+"printf('The value of Emitter source voltage of UJT for turn-off is %0.2f V',Vee);\n",
+"// Results\n",
+"// The value of Emitter source voltage of UJT for turn-off is 7 V"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 8.1: Calculate_the_Gate_Source_Resistance.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"// Calculate the Gate Source Resistance\n",
+"// Basic Electronics\n",
+"// By Debashis De\n",
+"// First Edition, 2010\n",
+"// Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Ltd. India\n",
+"// Example 8-1 in page 376\n",
+"clear; clc; close;\n",
+"// Given Data\n",
+"P=0.5; // Value of Allowable Gate Power Dissipation in watt\n",
+"Es=14; // Trigger Source Voltage in V\n",
+"slope=130; // Slope of Gate-Cathode Characteristic line\n",
+"// Calculations\n",
+"Ig=sqrt(P/slope); \n",
+"Rs=(Es-Vg)/Ig; \n",
+"printf('(a)The value of Gate Resistance for the Circuit is %0.2e ohm \n',Rs);\n",
+"printf('(b)The value of the Gate Voltage is %0.2e V \n',Vg);\n",
+"printf('(c)The value of the Gate Current is %0.2e A \n',Ig);\n",
+"// Results\n",
+"// (a) The value of Gate Resistance for the Circuit is 95.3 ohm\n",
+"// (b) The value of the Gate Voltage is 8.06 V\n",
+"// (c) The value of the Gate Current is 62 mA"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 8.2: Firing_angle_of_Thyristor.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"// Firing angle of Thyristor\n",
+"// Basic Electronics\n",
+"// By Debashis De\n",
+"// First Edition, 2010\n",
+"// Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Ltd. India\n",
+"// Example 8-2 in page 377\n",
+"clear; clc; close;\n",
+"// Given Data\n",
+"Il=50^10*-3; // Latching current of the Thyristor in mA\n",
+"t=50^10*-6; // Duration of firing pulse in second\n",
+"Es=50; // DC voltage of the circuit in V\n",
+"R=10; // Resistance of the circuit in ohm\n",
+"L=0.25; // Inductance of the circuit in H\n",
+"e=2.718282; // Constant of calculation\n",
+"// Calculations\n",
+"tou=0.025; \n",
+"printf('(a) i = %0.3e A\n',i); \n",
+" printf('Since the Gate current is less than Latching Current, SCR will not get fired \n');\n",
+" printf('Since the Gate current is more than Latching Current, SCR will get fired \n');\n",
+"// Results\n",
+"// SCR will not get fired in the Circuit"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 8.3: Calculate_width_of_Gating_pulse.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"// Calculate width of Gating pulse\n",
+"// Basic Electronics\n",
+"// By Debashis De\n",
+"// First Edition, 2010\n",
+"// Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Ltd. India\n",
+"// Example 8-3 in page 377\n",
+"clear; clc; close;\n",
+"// Given Data\n",
+"Il=4*10^-3; // Latching current of SCR in A\n",
+"V=100; // DC voltage of the circuit in V\n",
+"L=0.1; // Inductance of the circuit in H\n",
+"// Calculations\n",
+"printf('Required width of the gating pulse is %0.2e s',t);\n",
+"// Results\n",
+"// Required width of the gating pulse is 4 mu-s"
+ ]
+ }
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 8.4: To_calculate_required_Gate_source_Resistance.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"// To calculate required Gate source Resistance\n",
+"// Basic Electronics\n",
+"// By Debashis De\n",
+"// First Edition, 2010\n",
+"// Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Ltd. India\n",
+"// Example 8-4 in page 378\n",
+"clear; clc; close;\n",
+"// Given Data\n",
+"P=0.012; // Value of Allowable Gate Power Dissipation in watt\n",
+"Es=10; // Trigger Source Voltage in V\n",
+"slope=3*10^3; // Slope of Gate-Cathode Characteristic line\n",
+"// Calculations\n",
+"Ig=sqrt(P/slope); \n",
+"Vg=slope*Ig; \n",
+"Rs=(Es-Vg)/Ig; \n",
+"printf('(a)The value of Gate Resistance for the Circuit is %0.0f ohm \n',Rs);\n",
+"printf('(b)The value of the Gate Voltage is %0.2e V \n',Vg);\n",
+"printf('(c)The value of the Gate Current is %0.2e A \n',Ig);\n",
+"// Results\n",
+"// (a) The value of Gate Resistance for the Circuit is 2 K-ohm\n",
+"// (b) The value of the Gate Voltage is 6 V\n",
+"// (c) The value of the Gate Current is 2 mA"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 8.5: To_calculate_series_Resistance_across_SCR.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"// To calculate series Resistance across SCR\n",
+"// Basic Electronics\n",
+"// By Debashis De\n",
+"// First Edition, 2010 \n",
+"// Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Ltd. India\n",
+"// Example 8-5 in page 378\n",
+"clear; clc; close;\n",
+"// Given Data\n",
+"Ig_min=0.5; // Minimum gate current for quick ON, in A\n",
+"Vs=15; // Gate source voltage in V\n",
+"slope=16; // Slope of Gate-Cathode Characteristic line\n",
+"// Calculations\n",
+"Vg=slope*Ig_min; \n",
+"Rg=(Vs-Vg)/Ig_min; \n",
+"printf('The value of Gate Resistance is %0.2f ohm \n',Rg);\n",
+"// Results\n",
+"// The value of Gate Resistance is 14 ohm"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 8.6: To_determine_critical_value_of_dv_by_dt.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"// To determine critical value of dv/dt\n",
+"// Basic Electronics\n",
+"// By Debashis De\n",
+"// First Edition, 2010\n",
+"// Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Ltd. India\n",
+"// Example 8-6 in page 379\n",
+"clear; clc; close;\n",
+"// Given Data\n",
+"ij2=32*10^-3; // Limiting value of the charging current in A\n",
+"Cj2=40*10^-12; // Capacitance of reverse biased junction J2 in F\n",
+"// Calculations\n",
+"dv_dt=ij2/Cj2; \n",
+"printf('The value of dv/dt of the given SCR is %0.2e volt/second \n',dv_dt);\n",
+"// Results\n",
+"// The value of dv/dt of the given SCR is 800 V/mu-s"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 8.7: Calculate_surge_current_and_I2t_ratings.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"// Calculate surge current & I2t ratings\n",
+"// Basic Electronics\n",
+"// By Debashis De\n",
+"// First Edition, 2010\n",
+"// Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Ltd. India\n",
+"// Example 8-7 in page 379\n",
+"clear; clc; close;\n",
+"// Given Data\n",
+"ish=3000; // half cycle surge current rating of SCR in A\n",
+"f=50; // Frequency of operation of supply in Hz\n",
+"// Calculations\n",
+"I=ish*sqrt(2*f)/sqrt(4*f); \n",
+"I2t_rate=(I*I)/(2*f); \n",
+"printf('(a)The surge current rating of one cycle for the SCR is %0.2f A \n',I);\n",
+"printf('(b)The I2t rating of one cycle for the SCR is %0.2f A^2-second \n',I2t_rate);\n",
+"// Results\n",
+"// (a) The surge current rating of one cycle for the SCR is 2121.32 A\n",
+"// (b) The I2t rating of one cycle for the SCR is 45000 A^2-second"
+ ]
+ }
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 8.8: Max_and_Min_firing_delays.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"// Max and Min firing delays\n",
+"// Basic Electronics\n",
+"// By Debashis De\n",
+"// First Edition, 2010\n",
+"// Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Ltd. India\n",
+"// Example 8-8 in page 386\n",
+"clear; clc; close;\n",
+"// Given Data\n",
+"Vc=40; // Breakdown voltage of DIAC in V\n",
+"C=470*10^-9; // Capacitance in nF\n",
+"E=240; // Rms voltage at 50 Hz in V\n",
+"omga=2*%pi*50; // Angular frequency\n",
+"// Calculation\n",
+"printf('When DIAC is not conducting:\n')\n",
+"printf('Minimum delay = %0.2f degrees\n\n',A);\n",
+"printf('When DIAC conducts:\n');\n",
+"printf('Maximum delay = %0.2f degrees',A1);\n",
+"// Result\n",
+"// Minimum delay = 15.24 degrees\n",
+"// Maximum delay = 101.6 degrees"
+ ]
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