path: root/797/CH11
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Diffstat (limited to '797/CH11')
12 files changed, 167 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/797/CH11/EX11.1e/11_01_example.sci b/797/CH11/EX11.1e/11_01_example.sci
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index 000000000..198dcdeb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/797/CH11/EX11.1e/11_01_example.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+//Example 11-1 Measuring the Drag Coefficient of a Car
+P = 1 //pressure of air [atm]
+T = 20 //temperature of air [C]
+V = 95 //relative velocity of car with respect to air [km/h]
+A = 2.07 //frontal area of car [m^2]
+F_D = 300 //force acting of the car in the flow direction [N]
+R = 287 //gas constant for air [J/kg.K] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/797/CH11/EX11.1s/11_01_solution.sce b/797/CH11/EX11.1s/11_01_solution.sce
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index 000000000..3be682b46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/797/CH11/EX11.1s/11_01_solution.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Solution 11-1
+//unit conversions
+V = V * 1000 / 3600; //from [km/h] to [m/s]
+P = P * 1.01325 * 10**5; //from [atm] to [Pa]
+T = T + 273; //from [C] to [K]
+rho_air = P / ( R * T);
+C_D = 2 * F_D / (rho_air * A * V**2);
+printf("Drag coefficient is %1.2f", C_D); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/797/CH11/EX11.2e/11_02_example.sci b/797/CH11/EX11.2e/11_02_example.sci
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index 000000000..8f3ccc80a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/797/CH11/EX11.2e/11_02_example.sci
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+//Example 11-2 Effect of Frontal Area on Fuel Efficiency of a Car
+W = 1.85 //width of the car [m]
+H = 1.70 //height of the car [m]
+C_D = 0.30 //drag coefficient
+H_new = 1.55 //changed height of the car [m]
+L = 18000 //running of vehicle per year [km]
+V = 95 //average speed of car [km/h]
+rho = 0.74 //density of gasoline [kg/L]
+price = 0.95 //price of gasoline [$/L]
+rho_air = 1.2 //density of air [kg/m^3]
+HV = 44000 //heating value of gasoline [kJ/kg]
+eta = 30 //overall-efficiency of car's drive train [%] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/797/CH11/EX11.2s/11_02_solution.sce b/797/CH11/EX11.2s/11_02_solution.sce
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index 000000000..e53e338ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/797/CH11/EX11.2s/11_02_solution.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//Solution 11-2
+//unit conversions
+L = L * 10**3; //from [km] to [m]
+V = V * 1000/3600; //from [km/h] to [m/s]
+HV = HV * 1000; //from [kJ/kg] to [J/kg]
+eta = eta / 100; //from [%] to fraction
+A = W * H; //frontal area of car [m^2]
+F_D = C_D * A * rho_air * V**2 / 2; //drag force
+W_drag = F_D * L; //work done to overcome drag
+E_in = W_drag / eta; //required energy to do work
+amt_fuel = (E_in / HV) / rho; //amount of fuel that supplied E_in energy
+cost = amt_fuel * price; //cost of fuel per year in $
+A_new = W * H_new; //new frontal area of car
+red_ratio = (A - A_new) / A; //as % reduction directly proportional to A
+fuel_saved = red_ratio * amt_fuel; //amount of fuel saved
+cost_saved = red_ratio * cost; //amount of money saved
+printf("By reducing height from %1.2f m to %1.2f m\n", H, H_new);
+printf("\t The amount of fuel saved is %1.f L/year\n", fuel_saved);
+printf("\t The amount of money saved is $%1.f/year\n", cost_saved); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/797/CH11/EX11.3e/11_03_example.sci b/797/CH11/EX11.3e/11_03_example.sci
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index 000000000..bf1d6f6a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/797/CH11/EX11.3e/11_03_example.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+//Example 11-3 Flow of Hot Oil over a Flat Plate
+T = 40 //temperature of hot oil [C]
+L = 5 //length of flat plate [m]
+V = 2 //free stream velocity of oil [m/s]
+rho = 876 //density of oil at 40 C [kg/m^3]
+nu = 2.485 * 10**-4 //kinematic viscosity of oil at 40 C [m^2/s]
+Re_cr = 5 * 10**5 //critical Reynold's number
diff --git a/797/CH11/EX11.3s/11_03_solution.sce b/797/CH11/EX11.3s/11_03_solution.sce
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index 000000000..199f632c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/797/CH11/EX11.3s/11_03_solution.sce
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+//Solution 11-3
+Re_L = V * L / nu; //Reynolds number at the end of the plate
+//determination of average friction coefficient
+if Re_L < Re_cr then
+ C_f = 1.328 * Re_L**-0.5; //for laminar flow at the end of the plate
+ C_f = 0.074/ Re_L**0.2 - 1742/ Re_L; //for turbuent flow the end of the plate
+F_D = C_f * L * rho * V**2 / 2; //drag force per unit width
+printf("The drag force acting on the top side of plate per unit width is %1.0f N.", F_D); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/797/CH11/EX11.4e/11_04_example.sci b/797/CH11/EX11.4e/11_04_example.sci
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index 000000000..69518b832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/797/CH11/EX11.4e/11_04_example.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+//Example 11-4 Drag Force Acting on a Pipe in a River
+D = 2.2 //outer-diameter of pipe [cm]
+L = 30 //width of section of the river [m]
+V = 4 //average velocity of water [m/s]
+T = 15 //temperature of water [C]
+//properties of water at 15 C
+rho = 999.1 //density [kg/m^3]
+mu = 1.138 * 10**-3 //dynamic viscosity [kg/m.s]
diff --git a/797/CH11/EX11.4s/11_04_solution.sce b/797/CH11/EX11.4s/11_04_solution.sce
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index 000000000..d47d2a981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/797/CH11/EX11.4s/11_04_solution.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Solution 11-4
+//unit conversions
+D = D / 100; //from [cm] to [m]
+Re = rho * V * D / mu; //Reynolds number
+A = L * D; //average frontal area
+C_D = 1;
+F_D = C_D * A * rho * V**2 / 2; //drag force acting
+printf("Hence the drag force acting on the pipe is %1.0f N", F_D); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/797/CH11/EX11.5e/11_05_example.sci b/797/CH11/EX11.5e/11_05_example.sci
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index 000000000..3d0294d30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/797/CH11/EX11.5e/11_05_example.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+//Example 11-5 Lift and Drag of commercial Airplane
+m = 70000 //mass of commercial airplane [kg]
+A = 150 //wing planeform area [m^2]
+V = 558 //crusing speed of the plane [km/hr]
+rho_altitude = 0.312 //density of air at altitude of 12000m [kg/m^3]
+rho_ground = 1.2 //density of air on ground [kg/m^3]
+C_Lmax_flap = 3.48 //maximum lift coefficient with flaps
+C_Lmax = 1.52 //maximum lift coefficient without flaps
+g = 9.81 //gravitational acceleration [m/s^2] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/797/CH11/EX11.5s/11_05_solution.sce b/797/CH11/EX11.5s/11_05_solution.sce
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index 000000000..b00d31a87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/797/CH11/EX11.5s/11_05_solution.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+//Solution 11-5
+//unit conversions
+V = V / 3.6; //from [km/h] to [m/s]
+W = m * g; //weight of aircraft [N]
+//from total weight = lift force minimum velocity is given by
+V_min1 = sqrt(2 * W /(rho_ground * C_Lmax * A));
+V_min2 = sqrt(2 * W /(rho_ground * C_Lmax_flap *A));
+V_min1_safe = 1.2 * V_min1; //safe velocity without flaps
+V_min2_safe = 1.2 * V_min2; //safe velocity with flaps
+V_min1_safe = V_min1_safe * 3.6; //from [m/s] to [km/h]
+V_min2_safe = V_min2_safe * 3.6; //from [m/s] to [km/h]
+printf("a) The minimum safe speed for landing and takeoff are\n");
+printf ("\t %1.0f km/h without flaps\n", V_min1_safe);
+printf("\t %1.0f km/h with flaps\n", V_min2_safe);
+C_L = W / (0.5 * rho_altitude * V**2 * A);
+//from figure 11-45 the angle of attack corresponding to above C_L value is
+alpha = 10;
+printf("b) The angle of attack to cruise steadily at crusing altitude is %1.0f degrees.\n", alpha);
+//from figure 11-45 drag coefficient corresponding to C_L is
+C_D = 0.03;
+F_D = C_D * A * rho_altitude * V**2 / 2; //thrust force = drag force
+P = F_D * V; //power required to provide thrust
+printf("c) The power that needs to be supplied to provide enough thrust is %1.0f kW.", P / 1000);
diff --git a/797/CH11/EX11.6e/11_06_example.sci b/797/CH11/EX11.6e/11_06_example.sci
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index 000000000..3242527fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/797/CH11/EX11.6e/11_06_example.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//Example 11-6 Effect of Spin on Tennis Ball
+m = 0.057 //mass of the tennis ball [kg]
+D = 6.37 //diameter of the ball [cm]
+V = 72 //speed of ball [km/h]
+N = 4800 //backspin given to ball [rpm]
+P = 1 //air pressure [atm]
+T = 25 //temperature of air [C]
+nu = 1.562 * 10**-5 //kinematic viscosity of air at 25 C [m^2/s]
+g = 9.81 //gravitational acceleration [m/s^2]
+R = 287 //gas constant for air [J/kg.K] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/797/CH11/EX11.6s/11_06_solution.sce b/797/CH11/EX11.6s/11_06_solution.sce
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index 000000000..5641cda1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/797/CH11/EX11.6s/11_06_solution.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//Solution 11-5
+//unit conversions
+D = D / 100; //from [cm] to [m]
+V = V / 3.6 //from [km/h] to [m/s]
+P = P * 1.01325 * 10**5; //from [atm] to [Pa]
+T = T + 273; //from [C] to [K]
+rho_air = P / (R * T); //from ideal gas equation
+A = %pi / 4 * D**2; //frontal area of ball
+omega = 2 * %pi * N / 60; //angular velocity of ball [rad/s]
+nd_rotation = omega * D /(2 * V); //non dimensional rate of rotation
+//from figure 11-53 lift coefficient coefficient corresponding to nd_rotation is
+C_L = 0.21;
+F_L = C_L * A * rho_air * V**2 / 2; //drag force
+W = m * g;
+if W > F_L then
+ printf("Ball will drop under the combined effect of gravity and lift due to spinning with net force of %1.3f - %1.3f = %1.3f N", W, F_L, W - F_L);
+ printf("Ball will rise under under the combined effect of gravity and lift due to spinning with net force of %1.3f - %1.3f = %1.3f N", F_L, W, F_L - W);