path: root/534/CH6/EX6.7/6_7_Evaporative_Cooling.sce
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '534/CH6/EX6.7/6_7_Evaporative_Cooling.sce')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/534/CH6/EX6.7/6_7_Evaporative_Cooling.sce b/534/CH6/EX6.7/6_7_Evaporative_Cooling.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9ce18e61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/534/CH6/EX6.7/6_7_Evaporative_Cooling.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+printf('FUNDAMENTALS OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER \n Incropera / Dewitt / Bergman / Lavine \n EXAMPLE 6.7 Page 383 \n'); //Example 6.7
+// Steady State Temperature of Beverage
+//Operating Conditions
+Tsurr = 40+273; //[K] Surrounding Air Temperature
+//Volatile Wetting Agent A
+hfg = 100; //[kJ/kg]
+Ma = 200; //[kg/kmol] Molecular mass
+pasat = 5000; //[N/m^2] Saturate pressure
+Dab = .2*10^-4; //[m^2/s] Diffusion coefficient
+//Table A.4 Air Properties at T = 300K
+p = 1.16; //[kg/m^3] Density
+cp = 1.007; //[kJ/kg.K] Specific Heat
+alpha = 22.5*10^-6; //[m^2/s]
+R = 8.314; //[kJ/kmol] Universal Gas Constt
+//Applying Eqn 6.65 and setting pasurr = 0
+// Ts^2 - Tsurr*Ts + B = 0 , where the coefficient B is
+B = Ma*hfg*pasat*10^-3/[R*p*cp*(alpha/Dab)^(2/3)];
+Ts = [Tsurr + sqrt(Tsurr^2 - 4*B)]/2;
+printf("\n Steady State Surface Temperature of Beverage = %.1f degC", Ts-273);
+//END \ No newline at end of file