path: root/3872/CH5/EX5.10
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/3872/CH5/EX5.10/Ex5_10.JPG
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diff --git a/3872/CH5/EX5.10/Ex5_10.sce b/3872/CH5/EX5.10/Ex5_10.sce
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--- /dev/null
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+// Book - Power System: Analysis & Design 5th Edition
+// Authors - J. Duncan Glover, Mulukutla S. Sharma, Thomas J. Overbye
+// Chapter - 5 : Example 5.10
+// Scilab Version 6.0.0 : OS - Windows
+Comp = 30/100; // Compensation in percent
+Vs = 765; // Sending end voltage in kV
+Vr = Vs; // Receiving end voltage in kV
+Z = 97.02; // Absolute eqivalent pi circuit value ; Taken from Ex 5.3
+PRmaxun=5738 // Maximum power that can be delivered by uncompensated line(From example 5.5)
+F1 = sind(87.210); // Eqivalent pi circuit angle ; Taken from Ex 5.3
+X1 = Z*F1; // Eqivalent series reactance without compensation in Ohm ; taken from Ex 5.3
+Zcap = -(%i)*(1/2)*Comp*X1; // Impedance of series capacitor in Ohm
+ABCD = [1 Zcap; 0 1]; // From figure 5.4 for series impedance the ABCD matrix
+ABCD2 = [ 0.9313*exp(%i*0.209*%pi/180) 97.0*exp(%i*87.2*%pi/180);
+ 1.37*10^(-3)*exp(%i*90.06*%pi/180) 0.9313*exp(%i*0.209*%pi/180) ]; // The ABCD parameters taken from Ex 5.2
+ABCDeq = ABCD*ABCD2*ABCD; // The eqivalent ABCD matrix of the compensated line
+Aeq = abs(ABCDeq(1,1)); // Absolute value of the line parameter A
+thetaAeq = atand(imag(ABCDeq(1,1))/real(ABCDeq(1,1))); // Angle value of the line parameter A
+Beq = abs(ABCDeq(1,2)); // Absolute value of the line parameter B
+thetaBeq = atand(imag(ABCDeq(1,2))/real(ABCDeq(1,2))); // Angle value of the line parameter B
+PRmax=(Vs^2/Beq)-(Aeq*Vs^2/Beq)*cosd(thetaBeq-thetaAeq); // maximum power that can be delivered
+dif=(PRmax/PRmaxun)*100-100; // Percentage difference in power delivered between compensated and uncompensated line
+printf('The theoretical maximum power that this compensated line can deliver is %d MW',PRmax)
+printf('\nThe power delivered by compensated line is %.2f percent more than that of uncompensated line',dif)