path: root/3872/CH3/EX3.4/Ex3_4.sce
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+//Book - Power system: Analysisi & Design 5th Edition
+//Authors - J. Duncan Glover, Mulukutla S. Sarma, and Thomas J.Overbye
+//Chapter-3 ;Example 3.4
+//Scilab Version - 6.0.0; OS - Windows
+Sb=30 //Base input power in kVA
+Vg=220 //Actual value of source voltage
+Vb1=240 //Base voltage across primary of transformer 1 in Volts
+VT1p=240 //Rated voltage of primary of transformer 1 in Volts
+VT1s=480 //Rated voltage of secondary of transformer 1 in Volts
+VT2p=460 //Rated voltage of primary of transformer 2 in Volts
+VT2s=115 //Rated voltage of secondary of transformer 2 in Volts
+Xline=2 //Line reactance in Ohms
+Zload=.9+%i*.2 //Load impedance in Ohms
+XT1=0.1 //reactance of transformer 1 in per unit
+XT2=0.1 //reactance of transformer 2 in per unit
+Sb1=30 //MVA rating of transformer 1
+Sb2=20 //MVA rating of transformer 2
+Vspu=Vg/Vb1; //per unit source voltage
+Vb2=(VT1s/VT1p)*Vb1 //Base voltage across the secondary of transformer 1 in Volts
+Vb3=(VT2s/VT2p)*Vb2 //Base voltage across the secondary of transformer 2 in Volts
+Zb2=(Vb2^2)/(Sb*1000) //Base impedance of zone 2 in Ohms
+Zb3=(Vb3^2)/(Sb*1000) //Base impedance of zone 3 in Ohms
+Ib3=(Sb*1000)/Vb3 //Base current in zone 3 in Amperes
+XT1pu=0.1 //MVA rating of system is equal to kVA rating of transformer 1
+XT2pu=(XT2)*((VT2p/Vb2)^2)*(Sb/Sb2 ) //per unit leakage reactance of transformer 2
+Xlinepu=Xline/Zb2 //Per unit line reactance
+Zloadpu=Zload/Zb3 //per unit load impedance
+Iloadpu=Vspu/(%i*(XT1+Xlinepu+XT2pu)+Zloadpu) //per unit load current
+Iload=Iloadpu*Ib3 //Actual load current in Amperes
+printf('The per unit leakage reactance of transformer 2 is %.4f Ohms\n',XT2pu);
+printf('The Per unit line reactance is %.4f per unit\n',Xlinepu);
+printf('The per unit load impedance is %.4f+%.4fi Ohms\n',real(Zloadpu),imag(Zloadpu));
+printf('The magnitude of per unit load current is %.4f and its angle is %.4f degrees\n',abs(Iloadpu),(180/%pi)*atan(imag(Iloadpu),real(Iloadpu)));
+printf('The magnitude of actual load current is %.4f Amperes and its angle is %.4f degrees\n',abs(Iload),(180/%pi)*atan(imag(Iload),real(Iload)));
+printf('The per unit value of source voltage is %.4f pu',Vspu)