path: root/3826
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Diffstat (limited to '3826')
29 files changed, 669 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3826/CH1/EX1.1/Ex1_1.sce b/3826/CH1/EX1.1/Ex1_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6b73aacd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH1/EX1.1/Ex1_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//Example 1_1 page no:15
+line_voltage = 400;//in V
+phase_voltage = line_voltage/sqrt(3);//in V
+Starting_current = 75;//in A
+impedance = 1.54;//in ohm
+full_load_current = 30;//in A
+slip = 0.04;//in percent
+tapping = sqrt((Starting_current*impedance*100^2)/phase_voltage);
+disp(tapping,"the tapping provided is(in percent)");
+start_current = Starting_current * 100 / tapping;
+ratio = (start_current/full_load_current)^2*slip;
+disp(ratio,"starting torque in terms of full load torque is(no unit)");
diff --git a/3826/CH1/EX1.2/Ex1_2.sce b/3826/CH1/EX1.2/Ex1_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..728194a34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH1/EX1.2/Ex1_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+//Example 1_2 page no:23
+//solving a sub part
+voltage = 500;//in v
+current = 32;//in A
+arm_res = 0.4;//in ohm
+fl_win_res = 250;//in ohm
+rpm = 450;
+field_current = 2;
+input_pow = (voltage*current)/1000;
+arm_current = current - field_current;
+//when running at 600rpm
+rpm1 = 600;
+k_phi = (voltage - 12)/rpm1;
+//when running at 450rpm
+R = -(k_phi*rpm-voltage)/arm_current;
+R = R - arm_res;
+disp("To decrease the speed to 450 rev/min");
+disp(R,"the resistance added with the armature is (in ohm)");
+disp(current,"the current is (in A)");
+disp(input_pow,"the kw-input taken from the supply is(in kW)");
+//solving b sub part
+disp("To increase the speed to 700 rev/min");
+flux_ratio = 600/700;
+res_added = (fl_win_res/flux_ratio)- fl_win_res;
+disp(res_added,"the resistance to be added is (in ohm)");
+arm_current = arm_current*(1/flux_ratio);
+fld_current = 1.25;
+tot_current = arm_current + fld_current;
+pow = tot_current * voltage/1000;
+disp(arm_current,"the armature current is (in A)");
+disp(fld_current,"the field current is (in A)");
+disp(tot_current,"the total current is (in A)");
+disp(pow,"the kw-input taken from the supply is(in kW)");
+//the resistance value is rounded off in text book so armature current, total current , input power vary slightly with text book
diff --git a/3826/CH1/EX1.3/Ex1_3.sce b/3826/CH1/EX1.3/Ex1_3.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..451bab376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH1/EX1.3/Ex1_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//Example 1_3 page no:42
+armature_resitance = 0.086//in ohm
+fl_arm_current = 150;
+volt = 220;
+power = 30;//in kiloWatt
+ini_brk_current = 200;
+full_ld_speed = 535;// in rev/min
+back_emf = volt - (fl_arm_current * armature_resitance);
+tot_volt = volt + back_emf;
+resistance_req = tot_volt / ini_brk_current;
+res_added = resistance_req - armature_resitance;
+disp(res_added,"the resistance to be added is (in ohm)");
+full_ld_torque = (power*1000*60)/(%pi*2*full_ld_speed);
+ini_brk_torque = full_ld_torque * ini_brk_current / fl_arm_current;
+back_emf = 208/2;//back emf at half speed
+current = (volt + back_emf)/resistance_req;
+ele_brk_torque = full_ld_torque * current / fl_arm_current;
+disp(ele_brk_torque,"Electric braking torque at half speed is (in Nm)");
+//the value vary slightly with textbook hence values are rounded off in text book
diff --git a/3826/CH1/EX1.4/Ex1_4.sce b/3826/CH1/EX1.4/Ex1_4.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5adad4b2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH1/EX1.4/Ex1_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+//Example 1_4 page no:47
+//In text book the answers are rounded off so result vary slightly with text book
+power = 15*1000;//in W
+I = 60;
+rpm = 450;
+E = 322;
+I = 41.2;
+full_load_torque = (power*I)/(2*%pi*rpm);
+output = E*I;
+disp(output,"the output from the machine is (in W)");
+mac_input = (2*%pi*rpm*318)/60;
+disp(mac_input,"the mechanical input to the machine from the load if it were running at 450 rev/min would be(in W)");
+//rpm at 500;
+rpm = 500;
+mac_input = (2*%pi*rpm*318)/60;
+disp(mac_input,"the mechanical input to the machine at 500 rev/min is (in W)");
diff --git a/3826/CH1/EX1.5/Ex1_5.sce b/3826/CH1/EX1.5/Ex1_5.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4163416c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH1/EX1.5/Ex1_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//Example 1_5 page no:68
+original_losses = 18.5;//in KW
+theta_f = 45;//in degree C
+time_constant = 90;//in minutes
+P = sqrt((theta_f/((1-exp(-30/90))*theta_f))*(original_losses^2));
+disp(P,"the hour rating of the motor for this temperature rise is (in KW)");
+//the result vary slightly with text book hence values are rounded off in text book
diff --git a/3826/CH1/EX1.6/Ex1_6.sce b/3826/CH1/EX1.6/Ex1_6.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa6412138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH1/EX1.6/Ex1_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+//Example 1_6 page no:69
+avg_value = 42*10^4;
+//the rating of the motor is
+rating = sqrt(avg_value);
+disp(rating,"the kilowatt rating for the motor is (in kW)");
diff --git a/3826/CH1/EX1.7/Ex1_7.sce b/3826/CH1/EX1.7/Ex1_7.sce
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index 000000000..22e010a7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH1/EX1.7/Ex1_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Example 1_7 page no:74
+power = 75;//in kW
+rpm = 500;
+energy = 5400;
+fl_load_torque = (power * 1000 * 60)/(2 * %pi * rpm);
+str_torque = 2145;
+acc_torque = 715;
+stored_energy = energy * power;
+omega = rpm *(2*%pi/60);
+I = (2 * stored_energy)/(omega^2);
+alpha = acc_torque / I;
+t = omega / alpha;
+disp(t,"the time taken to start the motor if the load torque is equal to full load torque is (in s)");
+//the result vary slightly hence values are rounded off in text book
diff --git a/3826/CH1/EX1.8/Ex1_8.sce b/3826/CH1/EX1.8/Ex1_8.sce
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index 000000000..7556afe67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH1/EX1.8/Ex1_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//Example 1_8 page no:75
+voltage = 2200;//in V
+power = 110;//in kW
+rpm = 750;// rotation per minute
+inertia = 62;//in kg.m^2
+resistance = 13;//in ohm
+efficiency = 0.93;//93% converted to decimal
+fl_load_torque = (power * 1000 * 60)/(2*%pi*rpm);
+fl_ld_line_current = (power * 1000)/(sqrt(3)*voltage* efficiency);
+ln_current = 2000/(sqrt(3)*resistance);
+ele_brk_torque = 4200;//in Nm
+tot_brk_torque = ele_brk_torque + 1400;
+omega = (rpm * 2* %pi)/60;
+Te = 4200;//in Nm
+K = Te/omega;
+t = ((60/K)*log(5600/1400));
+disp(t,"the time taken is (in s)");
+r = ((1.12*5600/(2*%pi*53.5))*(1-exp(-0.893*1.55))+1.7)-((1400/(2*%pi*53.5))*1.95);
+disp(r,"the number of revolution made before the motor stopped is (no unit)");//it is count it has no unit
diff --git a/3826/CH1/EX1.9/Ex1_9.sce b/3826/CH1/EX1.9/Ex1_9.sce
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index 000000000..a59c03563
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH1/EX1.9/Ex1_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+//Example 1_9 page no:100
+T = 1400;
+Tl = 1900;
+k = 7.85/1400;
+motor_rpm = 750;
+//calculating load torque
+Tm = Tl - (Tl/1.53);
+slip = k * 660;
+speed = motor_rpm - 35.2;
+disp("After 5s");
+disp(Tm,"the torque at the end of 5s is (in Nm)");
+disp(slip,"the slip is (in rad/s)");
+disp(speed,"the speed is(rpm)");
+Tm = (Tl)-( Tl - 0)*exp(-0.085*10);
+disp("After 10s");
+disp(Tm,"the torque at the end of 10s is (in Nm)");
+slip = k * 1088;
+speed = motor_rpm - 58;
+disp(slip,"the slip is (in rad/s)");
+disp(speed,"the speed is(rpm)");
+T_m = 1088;
+Tm = 280 + ( T_m - 280)*exp(-0.085*15);
+disp("After 15s");
+disp(Tm,"the torque at the end of 15s is (in Nm)");
+slip = k * Tm;
+speed = motor_rpm - 27;
+disp(slip,"the slip is (in rad/s)");
+disp(speed,"the speed is(rpm)");
+Tm = 280 + ( 1088 - 280)*exp(-0.085*30);
+slip = k * 343;
+speed = motor_rpm - 18.4;
+disp("After 30s");
+disp(Tm,"the torque at the end of 30s is (in Nm)");
+disp(slip,"the slip is (in rad/s)");
+disp(speed,"the speed is(rpm)");
+Tm = Tl - (Tl - 280)*exp(-0.085*10)
+slip = k * 1235;
+speed = motor_rpm - 66;
+disp("At the end of this period");
+disp(Tm,"the torque at the end of this period is (in Nm)");
+disp(slip,"the slip is (in rad/s)");
+disp(speed,"the speed is(rpm)");
+Tm = 280 + ( 1235 - 280)*exp(-0.085*30);
+slip = k * Tm;
+speed = motor_rpm - 19;
+disp("At the end of second off-peak period");
+disp(Tm,"the torque at the end of this period is (in Nm)");
+disp(slip,"the slip is (in rad/s)");
+disp(speed,"the speed is(rpm)");
+//the result vary slightly hence values are rounded off in text book
diff --git a/3826/CH2/EX2.11/Ex2_11.sce b/3826/CH2/EX2.11/Ex2_11.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e879d742e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH2/EX2.11/Ex2_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+//Example 2_11 page no:141
+speed1 = 37.5;//in km/h
+speed2 = 48.2;//in km/h
+tractive_effort = 4670;//in N
+flux_speed = 100 * speed1/speed2;
+//if current is reduced by 30% then new flux will from the magnetisation curve be 64%
+flux = 64;//in percentage
+speed = speed2*flux_speed/flux;
+disp(speed,"the speed at new flux will be(in km/h)");
+tractive_effort = tractive_effort * flux/70.7;//calculating new tractive effort
+disp(tractive_effort,"the new tractive effort at 100A will be(in N)");
+//the new tractive effort calculated is wrong in textbook. It is a calculation error
diff --git a/3826/CH2/EX2.12/Ex2_12.sce b/3826/CH2/EX2.12/Ex2_12.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1720a5b0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH2/EX2.12/Ex2_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+//the examples are continuously numbered in textbook. This is the second example in chapter 2 as first example cannot be codded in scilab.
+//Example 2_12 page no:146
+weight = 391000;//in kg
+no_of_motor = 12;
+no_of_motors_parallel = 6;
+tot_tractive_effort = 171000;//in N
+line_voltage = 600;//in V
+avg_current = 380;//in A
+speed = 41.8//in km/h
+tot_res = 0.158;//in ohm
+acceleration = tot_tractive_effort / (0.2778*weight);
+time1 = speed/1.575;
+//in full series position
+back_emf_series = 300 - ( avg_current * tot_res);
+//in full parallel position
+back_emf_parallel = 600 - (avg_current * tot_res);
+speed_parallel = 41.8;
+speed_series = speed_parallel * back_emf_series/back_emf_parallel;
+time2 = speed_series / 1.575;
+time_parallel = time1 - time2;
+disp("Total Energy Supplied during starting period is (in Wh)")
+series = no_of_motors_parallel * line_voltage * avg_current * time2;
+series = series / 3600;//converting to watt-hour
+parallel = no_of_motor * line_voltage * avg_current * time_parallel;
+parallel = parallel / 3600;//converting to watt-hour
+disp("Energy lost in starting resistances(in Wh)");
+series = no_of_motors_parallel * 0.5 * back_emf_series * avg_current * time_parallel;
+series = series / 3600;//converting to watt-hour
+parallel = no_of_motor * 0.5*300 * avg_current * time_parallel;
+parallel = parallel / 3600;//converting to watt-hour
+disp("Energy lost in motor resistance(in Wh)");
+W = no_of_motor * avg_current^2 * tot_res * time1;
+W = W / 3600;//converting to watt-hour
+KE = 0.5 * (time1/3600)*(tot_tractive_effort * speed * 1000/3600);
+disp(KE,"useful energy is (in Wh)");
+//the result vary slightly hence values are rounded off in textbook
diff --git a/3826/CH2/EX2.13/Ex2_13.sce b/3826/CH2/EX2.13/Ex2_13.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b32c856a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH2/EX2.13/Ex2_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Example 2_14 page no:188
+mass = 136000;//in kg
+g = 9.81;
+up_gradient = 1/600;
+len = 1005;//in m
+V = 1500;
+comp_train_wg = mass * g * up_gradient;
+net_tractive_effort = 104500 - 6675;
+f = net_tractive_effort / (1.1* mass);
+quantity = 1/f;
+retarding_coasting = 4448/(1.1 * mass);
+area_current_curve = 21300*V/3600;
+energy_consumption = area_current_curve/(mass*len);
+disp(energy_consumption,"the energy consumption of motor-coach train is (in Wh/kg-m)");
diff --git a/3826/CH3/EX3.16/Ex3_16.sce b/3826/CH3/EX3.16/Ex3_16.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..577d533af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH3/EX3.16/Ex3_16.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Example 3_16 page no:210
+power_3ph = 30000;//in W
+voltage = 400;//in V
+thickness = 0.254;//in mm
+wire_temp = 1100;//in C
+charges = 700;//in C
+emissitivity = 0.9;
+rad_efficiency = 0.5;
+power = power_3ph/3;//power per phase
+R = voltage^2/(3*power);
+lBYw = (R*1000*thickness)/1.016;
+heat = 5.72 * 10^4 * emissitivity * rad_efficiency*((1373/1000)^4-(973/1000)^4);
+wl = power/(2*heat);
+l = sqrt(lBYw*wl);
+w = wl/l
+w = w*1000;//converting to mm
+disp(w,"the suitable width of the strip is(in mm)");
+T1 = 1000 * nthroot(((heat/(2.56*10^4))+0.0074),4);
+disp(T1,"temperature of the wire when the charge is cold is(in K)");
+//the result vary slightly with textbook hence values are rounded off in textbook
diff --git a/3826/CH3/EX3.17/Ex3_17.sce b/3826/CH3/EX3.17/Ex3_17.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ec0d3a40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH3/EX3.17/Ex3_17.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+//the examples are continuously numbered throughout the textbook
+//Example 3_17 page no:219
+spc_heat = 393.6;//in Jkg^-1C^-1
+lat_heat = 163 * 10^3;// in J/kg
+melting_pt = 920;//in C
+eff = 70;//in percentage
+mass = 500;//in kg
+cold_temp = 20;//in C
+heat_req_rise_temp = mass * spc_heat *(melting_pt - cold_temp);
+heat_req_melt_charge = mass * lat_heat;
+tot_joules_req = heat_req_rise_temp+heat_req_melt_charge;
+tot_energy = tot_joules_req * 2.78 * 10 ^ -7;//converting to kwh
+energy_input = tot_energy *100/eff;
+power_input = energy_input/0.75;
+disp(power_input,"the average power input to the furnace is (in kW)");
diff --git a/3826/CH3/EX3.18/Ex3_18.sce b/3826/CH3/EX3.18/Ex3_18.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..639f55a70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH3/EX3.18/Ex3_18.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//Example 3_18 page no:225
+len = 0.3;//in m
+wide = 0.15;//in m
+thick = 0.025;//in m
+temp = 160;//in C
+t = 10;//in minutes
+frequency = 30//in MHz
+spc_heat = 1465;//in Jkg^-1C^-1
+weight = 575;//in kgm^-3
+permitivity = 5;
+power_factor = 0.05;
+vol_of_wood = len * wide * thick;
+weight_of_wood = vol_of_wood * weight;
+heat_req = weight_of_wood * spc_heat * 150;
+heat_req = heat_req/(3.6*10^3);//converting to Wh
+pow_req = heat_req * 60/t;
+disp(pow_req,"the power required is (in W)");
+c = (len * wide * permitivity * 1.113 * 10 ^ -10)/(4*%pi * thick);
+cap_reactance = 1/ ( 2*%pi* frequency * 10 ^6 * c);
+phi = acosd(0.05);
+R = cap_reactance * tand(phi);
+V= sqrt(290*R);
+disp(V,"the voltage across the work is (in V)");
+I = V/cap_reactance;
+disp(I,"the current in the work is (in A)");
+//the result vary with textbook hence capacitive reactance value is greatly rounded off which change result of resistance so voltage vary with textbook
diff --git a/3826/CH3/EX3.19/Ex3_19.sce b/3826/CH3/EX3.19/Ex3_19.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..236610f52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH3/EX3.19/Ex3_19.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+//Example 3_19 page no:240
+vol = 3000;
+t1 = 4.5;//in C
+t2 = 18.5;//in C
+h1 = 75;//in percentage
+h2 = 60;//in percentage
+eng_for_1cm = 1.22 * 10^3;
+eng = eng_for_1cm *vol * 14;
+eng = eng/(3.6*10 ^ 6);//converting to kW
+moist = 0.00440;//in kgm^-3
+latent_heat = 2450 * 10 ^ 3;
+weight_of_moist = moist * vol;
+heat_req = latent_heat * weight_of_moist;
+heat_req = heat_req/(3.6*10^6);
+tot_heat_req = eng + heat_req;
+disp(tot_heat_req,"the total heat requirement is (in kW)");
diff --git a/3826/CH3/EX3.20/Ex3_20.sce b/3826/CH3/EX3.20/Ex3_20.sce
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index 000000000..1a3398a19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH3/EX3.20/Ex3_20.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//Example 3_20 page no:240
+floor_area = 6*6;//in m^2
+ceiling_area = 6*6;//in m^2
+temp = 18;//in C
+wall_AB = 6*3;//in m^2
+cavity = 0.4;//in m
+win_len = 1.2;//in m
+win_width = 1.8;//in m
+external_temp = 1.5;//in C
+//calculating heat losses from walls
+ceiling_loss = ceiling_area * 12.288 * 10^3 * (temp - external_temp);
+wall_AB_loss = 2*(temp - 2.16)*3.885*10^3*(temp - external_temp);
+win_area_loss = 2 * 2.16 *23.1*10^3*(temp - external_temp);
+wall_C_loss = 18*8.18*10^3*(18-12);
+tot_heat_loss = ceiling_loss + wall_AB_loss + win_area_loss + wall_C_loss;
+vol_air_perH = 6*6*3*1.5;
+heat_loss_perH = 1.22 *10^3 * 162 * (18-1.5);
+heat_loss_perH = heat_loss_perH/(776.19);
+tot_vol = 108;
+heat_perM = heat_loss_perH/tot_vol;
+disp(heat_perM,"the heat required to maintain a temperature of 18C in an office is (in W/m^3)");
diff --git a/3826/CH4/EX4.21/Ex4_21.sce b/3826/CH4/EX4.21/Ex4_21.sce
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index 000000000..20ea7103d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH4/EX4.21/Ex4_21.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//the examples are continuously numbered throughout the textbook
+//Example 4_21 page no:261
+surf_area = 0.36;//in m^2
+thickness = 0.0254;//in mm
+mass_den = 8.96 * 10 ^ 3;//in kgm^-3
+ece = 32.9 * 10^-8;//in kgC^-1
+mass_cop = surf_area * thickness * 10^-3 * mass_den;
+ece_cop = ece * 3600 * 1000;
+amp_hr = mass_cop/ece_cop;
+disp(amp_hr,"the ampere hours required is (in amp-hours)");
+//the ampere hour calculation is wrong in textbook. The division between mass of copper and ece of copper is done wrongly in textbook
diff --git a/3826/CH5/EX5.22/Ex5_22.sce b/3826/CH5/EX5.22/Ex5_22.sce
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index 000000000..9c55ac41a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH5/EX5.22/Ex5_22.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+//the examples are continuously numbered throughout the textbook
+//Example 5_22 page no:313
+len = 12;//in m
+wide = 7.5;//in m
+high = 4.5;//in m
+avg_lumen = 80;//in lumen per square meter
+height = 0.75;//in m
+coeff_uti = 0.3;
+tot_area = len * wide;
+tot_lumen = avg_lumen * tot_area;
+lamp_lumen_req = tot_lumen /coeff_uti;
+//suppose 100 watt lamps are used
+no_of_lamps = lamp_lumen_req / 1340;
+disp(no_of_lamps,"the number of lamps required would be ")
+disp("this can be arranged in 6 rows of 3");
+//suppose 200 watt lamps are used
+no_of_lamps = lamp_lumen_req / 2880;
+disp(no_of_lamps,"the number of lamps required would be ")
+disp("this can be arranged in 3 rows of 3");
+//suppose 80 watt lamps are used
+no_of_lamps = lamp_lumen_req / 2400;
+disp(no_of_lamps,"the number of lamps required would be ")
+disp("this can be arranged in 3 rows of 4");
+tot_energy = 12 * 80;
+disp(tot_energy,"the total energy consumption with the fluorescent lamps is (in W)");
diff --git a/3826/CH5/EX5.23/Ex5_23.sce b/3826/CH5/EX5.23/Ex5_23.sce
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index 000000000..14da55afe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH5/EX5.23/Ex5_23.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+//Example 5_23 page no:330
+height = 15;//in m
+area_ill = 15 * 45;//in m^2
+waste_light_factor = 1.2;
+coeff_uti = 0.4;
+deprication_factor = 1.5;
+tot_lumen = area_ill * 80;
+lumen_output = tot_lumen * waste_light_factor * deprication_factor;
+tot_lamp_lumens = lumen_output / coeff_uti;
+lumen_output_each = 18.9;
+tot_lumen_output = 1000 * lumen_output_each;
+no_of_lamps = tot_lamp_lumens / tot_lumen_output;
+disp(tot_lumen,"the total lumens required on surface is (in lm)");
+disp(lumen_output,"the lumens output from the projector is (in lm)");
+disp(tot_lamp_lumens,"the total lamp lumens is (in lumens)");
+disp(tot_lumen_output,"the total lumens output is (in per lamp)");
+disp(no_of_lamps,"the number of lamps is ");
+disp("the no of lamps is rounded off to 15 or 16");
diff --git a/3826/CH6/EX6.25/Ex6_25.sce b/3826/CH6/EX6.25/Ex6_25.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..41c1afb82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH6/EX6.25/Ex6_25.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+//the examples are continuously numbered throughout the textbook
+//Example 6_25 page no:345
+beg_cost = 240000;//in rupees
+salvage_val = 24000;//in rupees
+t = 20;//in years
+t1 = 10;//in years
+tot_dep = beg_cost - salvage_val;
+tot_dep_af10 = beg_cost - 108000;
+val = beg_cost * (0.891)^10;
+tot_sink_fund = 216000;//in rupees
+annual_deposit = (0.08 * tot_sink_fund)/((1.08)^20 -1);
+annual_deposit_af10 = (annual_deposit *( 1.08^10-1))/0.08;
+val_plant = beg_cost - annual_deposit_af10;
+disp(tot_dep_af10,"the value calculated in straight line depreciation at the end of 10 years will be ( in rupees)");
+disp(val,"the value calculated in reducing balance depreciation at the end of 10 years will be ( in rupees)");
+disp(val_plant,"the value calculated in sinking fund depreciation at the end of 10 years will be ( in rupees)");
+//the result vary slightly hence values are rounded off in textbook
diff --git a/3826/CH6/EX6.26/Ex6_26.sce b/3826/CH6/EX6.26/Ex6_26.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9fc12fc15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH6/EX6.26/Ex6_26.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Example 6_26 page no:348
+load1 = 200;//in kW
+load2 = 150;//in kW
+load3 = 50;//in kW
+t1 = 1;//in hour
+t2 = 7;//in hour
+t3 = 8;//in hour
+max_tarrif = 108;//in rupees
+tarrif = 10;//in paise
+max_demand_charge = load1 * max_tarrif;
+total = (load1* t1 * 6 * 52) + (load2* t2 * 6 * 52)+ (load3* t3 * 6 * 52);
+annual_cost = total * 10;
+annual_cost = annual_cost / 100;//converting to rupees
+tot_annual_cost = annual_cost + max_demand_charge;
+avg_cost = tot_annual_cost * 100 / total;
+disp(tot_annual_cost,"the annual energy cost for the industry is (in rupees)");
+disp(avg_cost,"the average cost per unit is (in paise)");
diff --git a/3826/CH6/EX6.27/Ex6_27.sce b/3826/CH6/EX6.27/Ex6_27.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e38398f85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH6/EX6.27/Ex6_27.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+//Example 6_27 page no:356
+max_demand = 175;//in kW
+pow_fac = 0.75;
+max_tariff = 72;//in rupees
+tariff = 10;//in paise
+phase_adv = 120;//in rupees/kVA
+loss = 20;//in percentage
+kVA_demand = max_demand / pow_fac;
+max_demand_charge = max_tariff * kVA_demand;
+cos_phi = sqrt(1-((phase_adv * loss)/(max_tariff * 100))^2);
+disp(kVA_demand,"before installation of capacitors the kVA demand is (in kVA)");
+disp(max_demand_charge,"the maximum demand charge is (in rupees)");
+disp(cos_phi,"the power factor is ");
+//the kVA_demand is rounded off in textbook so maximum demand charge vary slightly with textbook
diff --git a/3826/CH6/EX6.28/Ex6_28.sce b/3826/CH6/EX6.28/Ex6_28.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db199ebfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH6/EX6.28/Ex6_28.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Example 6_28 page no:358
+con_req = 1000000;//in units per year
+load_fac = 30;//in percentage
+max_tariff = 120;//in rupees
+tariff = 5;//in paise
+imp_ld_fac = 100;//in percentage
+avg_ld = con_req / 8760;
+max_load = avg_ld * imp_ld_fac / load_fac;
+mac_dmd_chc = max_load * max_tariff;
+unit_charge = con_req * tariff / imp_ld_fac;
+tot_charge = mac_dmd_chc + unit_charge;
+avg_price_per_unit = tot_charge * imp_ld_fac / con_req;
+max_load = avg_ld;
+max_dmd_chc = max_load * max_tariff;
+tot_charge = unit_charge + max_dmd_chc;
+avg_price_perUnit = tot_charge * imp_ld_fac / con_req;
+disp(avg_price_per_unit,"the average price per unit before improving the load factor is (in paise)");
+disp(avg_price_perUnit,"the average price per unit after improving the load factor is (in paise)");
+disp(avg_price_per_unit - avg_price_perUnit,"the total savings is (in paise)");
diff --git a/3826/CH6/EX6.29/Ex6_29.sce b/3826/CH6/EX6.29/Ex6_29.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f37fe42ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH6/EX6.29/Ex6_29.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//Example 6_29 page no:362
+max_load = 250;//in kW
+annual_load_fac = 40;//in percentage
+voltage = 11;//in kV
+max_tariff = 120;//in rupees
+tariff = 4;//in paise
+diesel_cost = 360;//in rupees per kW
+oil_cost = 6;//in paise
+dep_transformer = 8;//in percentage
+dep_deisel_plant = 12;//in percentage
+transformer_cost = 18;//in rupees per kVA
+tot_no_units = max_load * annual_load_fac * 8760 / 100;
+//public supply
+capital_cost = 3 * 150 * transformer_cost;
+yearly_cost = capital_cost * dep_transformer / 100;
+max_demand_charge = max_tariff * max_load;
+unit_cost = tot_no_units * tariff / 100;
+tot_yr_cost = yearly_cost + max_demand_charge + unit_cost;
+//diesel plant
+cost = 3 * 150 * diesel_cost;
+yr_cost = cost * dep_deisel_plant / 100;
+opp_staff_wage = 4800;
+unit_cost = tot_no_units * oil_cost / 100;
+tot_year_cost = yr_cost + opp_staff_wage + unit_cost;
+disp(tot_yr_cost,"the cost of public supply is ( in rupees)");
+disp(tot_year_cost,"the cost of diesel plant is ( in rupees)");
diff --git a/3826/CH6/EX6.30/Ex6_30.sce b/3826/CH6/EX6.30/Ex6_30.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce087bb03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH6/EX6.30/Ex6_30.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//Example 6_30 page no:364
+power = 37;//in kW
+motor_cost_a = 1440;//in rupees
+eff_a = 88;//in percentage
+motor_cost_b = 1920;//in rupees
+eff_b = 89;//in percentage
+opp = 3000;//in hours
+tariff = 6;//in paise per kWH
+dep = 10;//in percentage in per year
+output = 37;//in kW
+//motor A
+cap_charge = motor_cost_a * dep / 100;
+loss = ((1/0.88)-1) * output;
+yr_cost_loss_a = loss * opp * tariff / 100;
+disp(yr_cost_loss_a,"the yearly cost of motor A is (in rupees)");
+//motor B
+cap_charge = motor_cost_b * dep / 100;
+loss = ((1/0.89)-1) * output;
+yr_cost_loss_b = loss * opp * tariff / 100;
+disp(yr_cost_loss_b,"the yearly cost of motor B is (in rupees)");
+disp("the motor B gives the lower yearly cost");
+//the value of cost vary with textbook hence values are rounded off in textbook but the result is same
diff --git a/3826/CH6/EX6.31/Ex6_31.sce b/3826/CH6/EX6.31/Ex6_31.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c3a93232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH6/EX6.31/Ex6_31.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+//Example 6_31 page no:366
+power = 75;//in kW
+t1 = 1000;//in hours
+t2 = 2000;//in hours
+full_load_eff_a = 0.89;
+full_load_eff_b = 0.90;
+half_load_eff_a = 0.88;
+half_load_eff_b = 0.89;
+tariff = 7.5;//in paise
+dep = 0.12;
+motor_cost_a = 3120;//in rupees
+full_load_output = 75;//in kW
+half_load_output = 37.5;//in kW
+//motor A
+full_load_loss_a = full_load_output * ((1/full_load_eff_a)-1);
+full_yearly_loss_a = full_load_loss_a * t1;
+half_load_loss_a = half_load_output * ((1/half_load_eff_a)-1);
+half_yearly_loss_a = half_load_loss_a * t2;
+tot_yr_loss_a = full_yearly_loss_a + half_yearly_loss_a;
+yr_cost_loss_a = tot_yr_loss_a * tariff / 100;
+//motor B
+full_load_loss_b = full_load_output * ((1/full_load_eff_b)-1);
+full_yearly_loss_b = full_load_loss_b * t1;
+half_load_loss_b = half_load_output * ((1/half_load_eff_b)-1);
+half_yearly_loss_b = half_load_loss_b * t2;
+tot_yr_loss_b = full_yearly_loss_b + half_yearly_loss_a;
+yr_cost_loss_b = tot_yr_loss_b * tariff / 100;
+yr_saving = yr_cost_loss_a - yr_cost_loss_b;
+cap_value = yr_saving * 100/12;
+disp(yr_saving,"the yearly savings in loss is ( in rupees)");
+disp(cap_value,"the capitalised value is(in rupees)");
+disp((cap_value+motor_cost_a),"if motor cost of B is less than this(in rupees)");
+disp("motor B would be cheaper");
+//the mathematical calculation in textbook is wrong
diff --git a/3826/CH6/EX6.32/Ex6_32.sce b/3826/CH6/EX6.32/Ex6_32.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd59beaeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH6/EX6.32/Ex6_32.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+//Example 6_32 page no:367
+power = 75;//in kW
+t1 = 4000;//in hours
+cost = 3600;//in rupees
+motor_eff = 0.91;
+pow_fac = 0.89;
+trans_cost = 18;//in rupees per kVA
+dep = 0.8;
+transformer_cost = 6000;//in rupees
+trans_eff = 0.91;
+trans_pow_fac = 0.89;
+max_tariff = 108;
+tariff = 4;
+output = 75;//in kW
+kVA_input = output/(pow_fac*motor_eff);
+cost_of_trans = 100 * trans_cost;
+tot_cap_cost = cost + cost_of_trans;
+annual_cost = tot_cap_cost * 8/100;
+ove_eff = trans_eff * 0.98;
+loss = ((1/ove_eff)-1)*power;
+yr_cost_loss = (loss * t1 * tariff)/100;
+max_demand = power / (motor_eff*0.98*trans_pow_fac);
+max_demand_chc = max_demand * max_tariff;
+tot_cost = max_demand_chc + yr_cost_loss + annual_cost;
+yr_cap_cost = transformer_cost * 12 /100;
+loss = ((1/motor_eff)-1)*power;
+yr_cost_of_loss = loss * t1 * tariff / 100;
+max_dmd_chc = 92.5 * max_tariff;
+total_cost = max_dmd_chc + yr_cost_of_loss + yr_cap_cost;
+saving = tot_cost - total_cost;
+disp(saving,"the total yearly saving is (in rupees)");
+//the calculation for loss is wrong in textbook so the result of saving vary with textbook
diff --git a/3826/CH6/EX6.33/Ex6_33.sce b/3826/CH6/EX6.33/Ex6_33.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1415391bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3826/CH6/EX6.33/Ex6_33.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+//Example 6_33 page no:368
+lumen = 1000000;//in lumen-hours
+power = 100;//in W
+voltage = 230;//in V
+voltage2 = 210;//in V
+cost = 3;//in rupees
+life = 1000;//in hours
+enf_cost = 5;//in paise
+lumen_output = 1160;
+//210V lamps
+no_of_hrs = lumen / lumen_output;
+cost_of_lamp = no_of_hrs * cost / life;
+cost_of_eng = no_of_hrs * power * enf_cost / ( power *life);
+tot_cost = cost_of_eng + cost_of_lamp;
+//230V lamps operating at 210V
+lumen_output = 810;
+life = 2750;
+power = 87.5;
+no_of_hrs = lumen / lumen_output;
+cost_of_lamp = no_of_hrs * cost / life;
+cost_of_eng = no_of_hrs * power * enf_cost / ( 100 *1000);
+total_cost = cost_of_eng + cost_of_lamp;
+disp(tot_cost,"the total cost of 210V lamps is (in rupees)");
+disp(total_cost,"the total cost of 230V lamps is (in rupees)");
+disp("230V lamps are 2% cheaper than 210V lamps");