path: root/3250/CH3/EX3.8/Ex3_8.sce
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Diffstat (limited to '3250/CH3/EX3.8/Ex3_8.sce')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3250/CH3/EX3.8/Ex3_8.sce b/3250/CH3/EX3.8/Ex3_8.sce
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index 000000000..16904a775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3250/CH3/EX3.8/Ex3_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Given that
+Ri = 30 // Inside radius of cup in mm
+t = 3 // Thickness in mm
+Rb = 40 // Radius of the blank in mm
+K = 210 // Shear yield stress of the material in N/mm^2
+Y = 600 // Maximum allowable stress in N/mm^2
+Beta = 0.05
+mu = 0.1// Cofficient of friction between the job and the dies
+// Sample Problem 8 on page no. 130
+printf("\n # PROBLEM 3.8 # \n")
+Fh = Beta*%pi*(Rb^2)*K
+Y_r = (mu*Fh/(%pi*Rb*t))+(2*K*log(Rb/Ri))
+Y_z = Y_r*exp(mu*%pi/2)
+F = 2*%pi*Ri*t*Y_z
+Y_r_ = Y/exp(mu*%pi/2)
+Rp = (Rb/exp((Y_r_/(2*K)) - ((mu*Fh)/(2*%pi*K*Rb*t))))-t
+printf("\n Drawing force = %d N, \n Minimum passible radius of the cup which can drawn from the given blank without causing a fracture = %f mm",F,Rp)
+// Answer in the book given as 62680 N