path: root/2498/CH2/EX2.18
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2498/CH2/EX2.18')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2498/CH2/EX2.18/ex2_18.sce b/2498/CH2/EX2.18/ex2_18.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9f5376c5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2498/CH2/EX2.18/ex2_18.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Exa 2.18
+// Given data
+V1 = 220;// in V
+N2 = 1;
+N1 = 10;
+R_L = 250;// in ohm
+V2 = V1 * (N2/N1);// in V
+Vm = sqrt(2)*V2;// in V
+Im =Vm/R_L;// in A
+Iav = (2*Im)/%pi;// in A
+Idc = Iav;// in A
+// The dc output volatge
+Vdc = Idc* R_L;// in V
+disp(Vdc,"The dc output volatge in V is");
+Pdc = (Idc^2)*R_L;// in W
+Irms = (Im)/sqrt(2);// in A
+Pac = (Irms^2)*R_L;// in W
+// The rectification efficiency
+Eta = (Pdc/Pac)*100;// in %
+disp(Eta,"The rectification efficiency in % is");
+// The peak inverse volatge
+PIV = Vm;// in V
+disp(PIV,"The peak inverse volatge in V is");
+f_in = 50;// in Hz
+// The output frequency
+f_out = 2*f_in;// in Hz
+disp(f_out,"The output frequency in Hz is");
+// Note: The answer of rectification efficiency in the book is not accurate.