diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2411/CH3')
51 files changed, 723 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.a.02/Ex3a_a_2.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.02/Ex3a_a_2.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..025be9cb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.02/Ex3a_a_2.sce @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3a.a.2: Page-132 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+m = 10; // Mass of the particle, g
+x = poly(0, 'x');
+V = 50*x^2 + 100; // Potential field surrounding the particle, erg/g
+U = m*V; // Potential energy of the particle field system, erg
+F = -derivat(U); // Force acting on the particle, dyne
+// As F = -m*a = -m*omega^2*x = -m*(2%pi*f)^2*x, solving for f
+f = sqrt(eval(pol2str(-pdiv(F,x)/m)))/(2*%pi); // Frequency of oscillations of the particle executing SHM, Hz
+printf("\nThe frequency of oscillations of the particle executing SHM = %4.2f Hz", f);
+// Result
+// The frequency of oscillations of the particle executing SHM = 1.59 Hz
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.a.03/Ex3a_a_3.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.03/Ex3a_a_3.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..82a92498f --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.03/Ex3a_a_3.sce @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3a.a.3:Page-133 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+v1 = 80; // Velocity of the body at 3 cm displacement, cm/s
+v2 = 60; // Velocity of the body at 4 cm displacement, cm/s
+x1 = 3; // Displacement of the body at velocity of 80 cm/s
+x2 = 4; // Displacement of the body at velocity of 60 cm/s
+// As v = omega*sqrt(a^2 - x^2), solving for a
+a = poly(0, 'a');
+a = roots(v1^2*(a^2-16) - v2^2*(a^2 - 9));
+omega = v1/sqrt(a(1)^2 - x1^2); // Angular ferquency of the oscillations, rad/s
+x = a(1); // Maximum displacement, cm
+// As x = a*sin(omega*t), solving for t
+t_ex = asin(x/a(1))/omega; // Time taken to reach the +ve extremity, s
+d = a(1) - 2.5; // Distance of the point from the mean position, cm
+t = asin(d/a(1))/omega; // Time taken to travel from mean position to positive extremity, s
+printf("\nThe time taken to travel from 2.5 cm from +ve extremity = %5.3f s", t_ex - t);
+// Result
+// The time taken to travel from 2.5 cm from +ve extremity = 0.052 s
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.a.04/Ex3a_a_4.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.04/Ex3a_a_4.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..af5cc2fa0 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.04/Ex3a_a_4.sce @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3a.a.4: Page-134 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+R = 6.4e+006; // Radius of the earth, m
+g = 10; // Acceleration due to gravity, m/sec-square
+T = 2*%pi*sqrt(R/g); // Time period of oscillations of the body, s
+printf("\nThe time period of oscillations of the body = %4.1f min", T/60);
+// Result
+// The time period of oscillations of the body = 83.8 min
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.a.05/Ex3a_a_5.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.05/Ex3a_a_5.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..8719ee4b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.05/Ex3a_a_5.sce @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3a.a.5: Page-135 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+phi1 = 0; // Phase of the first SHM, degree
+phi2 = 60; // Phase of the second SHM, degree
+phi3 = 90; // Phase of the third SHM, degree
+a1 = 1.0; // Amplitude of the first SHM, cm
+a2 = 1.5; // Amplitude of the second SHM, cm
+a3 = 2.0; // Amplitude of the third SHM, cm
+A = sqrt((a1 + a2*cosd(phi2)+a3*cosd(phi3))^2 + (a2*sind(phi2)+a3*sind(phi3))^2); // Resultant amplitude relative to the first SHM, cm
+phi = atand((a2*sind(phi2)+a3*sind(phi3))/(a1 + a2*cosd(phi2)+a3*cosd(phi3))); // Resultant phase angle relative to the first SHM, degree
+printf("\nThe resultant amplitude and phase angle relative to the first SHM = %4.2f cm and %2d degrees respectively", A, phi);
+// Result
+// The resultant amplitude and phase angle relative to the first SHM are 3.73 cm and 62 degrees respectively
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.a.07/Ex3a_a_7.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.07/Ex3a_a_7.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..aaa1f806f --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.07/Ex3a_a_7.sce @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3a.a.7:Page-136 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+phi1 = 0; // Phase of the first SHM, degree
+phi2 = 45; // Phase of the second SHM, degree
+a1 = 0.005; // Amplitude of the first SHM, m
+a2 = 0.002; // Amplitude of the second SHM, m
+A = sqrt((a1 + a2*cosd(phi2))^2 + (a2*sind(phi2))^2); // Resultant amplitude relative to the first SHM, m
+phi = atand(a2*sind(phi2)/(a1 + a2*cosd(phi2))); // Resultant phase angle relative to the first SHM, degree
+printf("\nThe amplitude of the resultant displacement and phase angle relative to the first SHM are %7.5f m and %5.2f degrees respectively", A, phi);
+// Result
+// The amplitude of the resultant displacement and phase angle relative to the first SHM are 0.00657 m and 12.43 degrees respectively
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.a.11/Ex3a_b_1.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.11/Ex3a_b_1.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..de52f0a90 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.11/Ex3a_b_1.sce @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3a.b.1: Page-138 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+m = 100; // Mass of the horizontal disc, g
+t = 60; // Time during which the amplitude reduces to half of its undamped value, s
+f = 10; // Frequency of oscillations of the system, Hz
+omega_prime = 2*%pi*f; // Angular frequency of the oscillations, rad/s
+A0 = 1; // Assume the amplitude of undamped oscillations to be unity, cm
+// As A = A0*exp(-k*t), solving for k
+A = A0/2; // Amplitude of damped oscillations after 1 min, cm
+k = log(A0/A)/t; // Resisting force per unit mass per unit velocity, nepers/sec
+r = 2*k*m; // Resistive force constant, sec/cm
+tau = 1/k; // Relaxation time, sec
+Q = m*omega_prime/r; // Quality factor
+s = m*(omega_prime^2 + k^2); // Force constant of the spring, dynes/Sq.cm
+printf("\nThe resistive force constant = %4.2f dyne-sec/cm", r);
+printf("\nThe relaxation time of the system = %4.2f sec", tau);
+printf("\nThe quality factor, Q = %4.2f", Q);
+printf("\nThe force constant of the spring = %4.2e dyne/Sq.cm", s);
+// Result
+// The resistive force constant = 2.31 dyne-sec/cm
+// The relaxation time of the system = 86.56 sec
+// The quality factor, Q = 2719.42
+// The force constant of the spring = 3.95e+005 dyne/Sq.cm
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.a.12/Ex3a_b_2.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.12/Ex3a_b_2.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f622c0500 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.12/Ex3a_b_2.sce @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3a.b.2: Page-139 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+function m = check_motion_type(k, omega0)
+ if k > omega0 then
+ m = 'aperiodic';
+ else if k == omega0 then
+ m = 'criticallydamped';
+ else if k < omega0 then
+ m = 'oscillatory';
+ end
+ end
+ end
+m = 10; // Mass of the body, g
+s = 10; // Restoring force, dyne/cm
+r = 2; // Resistive force constant, dyne.sec/cm
+k = r/(2*m); // Resisting force, nepers/sec
+// As omega0^2 = s/m, solving for omega0
+omega0 = sqrt(s/m); // Angular frequency, rad/s
+motion = check_motion_type(k, omega0); // Check for the type of motion
+r_new = 2*sqrt(m*s); // Resistive force constant, dyne-sec/cm
+m = r^2/(4*s); // Mass for which the given forces makes the motion critically damped, g
+printf("\nThe motion is %s in nature", motion);
+printf("\nThe resistive force constant = %d dyne-sec/cm", r_new);
+printf("\nThe mass for which the given forces makes the motion critically damped = %3.1f g", m);
+// Result
+// The motion is oscillatory in nature
+// The resistive force constant = 20 dyne-sec/cm
+// The mass for which the given forces makes the motion critically damped = 0.1 g
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.a.14/Ex3a_b_4.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.14/Ex3a_b_4.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..eb3b9da56 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.14/Ex3a_b_4.sce @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3a.b.4: Page-140 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+m = 1; // Mass of the suspended body, kg
+s = 25; // Stifness constant of the spring, N/m
+r = poly(0, 'r');
+// As f0/f_prime = 2/sqrt(3), solving for r
+r = roots(4*(s/m-r^2/(4*m^2))-3*s/m); // Damping factor, kg/sec
+printf("\nThe damping factor of damped oscillations = %d kg/sec", r(1));
+// Result
+// The damping factor of damped oscillations = 5 kg/sec
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.a.15/Ex3a_b_5.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.15/Ex3a_b_5.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..05b4588f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.15/Ex3a_b_5.sce @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +
+// Scilab Code Ex3a.b.5: Page-141 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+function m = check_motion_type(k, omega0)
+ if k > omega0 then
+ m = 'aperiodic';
+ else if k == omega0 then
+ m = 'criticallydamped';
+ else if k < omega0 then
+ m = 'oscillatory';
+ end
+ end
+ end
+m = 10; // Mass of the oscillating body, g
+r = 2; // Resisting force, dyne-sec/cm
+s = 5; // Restoring force, dyne/cm
+k = r/(2*m); // Resisting force, nepers/sec
+// As omega0^2 = s/m, solving for omega0
+omega0 = sqrt(s/m); // Angular frequency, rad/s
+motion = check_motion_type(k, omega0); // Check for the type of motion
+r = 2*sqrt(m*s); // Resistive force constant for critical damping, dyne-sec/cm
+printf("\nThe motion is %s in nature", motion);
+printf("\nThe resistive force constant for critical damping = %4.1f dyne-sec/cm", r);
+// Result
+// The motion is oscillatory in nature
+// The resistive force constant for critical damping = 14.1 dyne-sec/cm
diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.a.16/Ex3a_b_6.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.16/Ex3a_b_6.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..714cecec7 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.16/Ex3a_b_6.sce @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3a.b.6: Page-141 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+m = 0.1; // Mass of the oscillating body, kg
+t = 50; // Time during which the energy of system decays to 1/e of its undamped value, s
+s = 10; // Spring constant, N/m
+E0 = 1; // Assume the energy of undamped oscillations to be unity, erg
+// As E = E0*exp(-k*t) and E/E0 = 1/e, solving for k
+E = E0/%e; // Energy of damped oscillations after 50 sec, erg
+k = log(E0/E)/t; // Resisting force per unit mass per unit velocity, nepers/sec
+p = m*k; // A resistive force constant, N-s/m
+omega0 = sqrt(s/m); // Angular frequency in the absence of damping, rad/sec
+omega_prime = sqrt(omega0^2 - k^2/4); // Angular frequency when damping takes place, rad/sec
+Q = omega_prime/k; // Quality factor
+printf("\nThe resistive force constant, p = %1.0e N-s/m", p);
+printf("\nThe quality factor, Q = %d", ceil(Q));
+// Result
+// The resistive force constant, p = 2e-003 N-s/m
+// The quality factor, Q = 500
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.a.17/Ex3a_b_7.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.17/Ex3a_b_7.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..a9f89a4e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.17/Ex3a_b_7.sce @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3a.b.7: Page-142 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+t = 10; // Time during which the amplitude reduces to 1/10th of its undamped value, s
+f = 200; // Frequency of oscillations of the system, Hz
+omega0 = 2*%pi*f; // Angular frequency of the oscillations, rad/s
+A0 = 1; // Assume the amplitude of undamped oscillations to be unity, cm
+// As A = A0*exp(-k*t), solving for k
+A = A0/10; // Amplitude of damped oscillations after 10 sec, cm
+k = log(A0/A)/t; // Resisting force per unit mass per unit velocity, nepers/sec
+tau = 1/(2*k); // Relaxation time, sec
+Q = omega0*tau; // Quality factor
+E0 = 1; // Assume energy of undamped oscillations to be unity, erg
+E = E0/10; // Energy of damped oscillations after t sec, erg
+// As E = E0*exp(-2*k*t), solving for t
+t = 1/(2*k)*log(E0/E); // Time during which the energy falls to 1/10 of its initial value, sec
+printf("\nThe relaxation time = %4.2f sec", tau);
+printf("\nThe quality factor, Q = %d", Q);
+printf("\nThe time during which the energy falls to 1/10 of its initial value = %d sec", t);
+printf("\nThe damping constant, k = %4.2f", k);
+// Result
+// The relaxation time = 2.17 sec
+// The quality factor, Q = 2728
+// The time during which the energy falls to 1/10 of its initial value = 5 sec
+// The damping constant, k = 0.23
+// The answer for Q is given wrongly in the textbook
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.a.21/Ex3a_c_1.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.21/Ex3a_c_1.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..623deb6e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.21/Ex3a_c_1.sce @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3a.c.1: Page-143 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+// Comparing with the standard progressive wave equation, we have
+a = 0.5; // Amplitude of the wave, m
+lambda = 2*%pi/12.56; // Wavelength of the wave, m
+v = 314/12.56; // Wave velocity, m/s
+nu = v/lambda; // Frequency of the wave, Hz
+printf("\nThe amplitude of the wave = %3.1f m", a);
+printf("\nThe wavelength of the wave = %3.1f m", lambda);
+printf("\nThe velocity of the wave = %d m/s", v);
+printf("\nThe frequency of the wave = %d Hz", ceil(nu));
+// Result
+// The amplitude of the wave = 0.5 m
+// The wavelength of the wave = 0.5 m
+// The velocity of the wave = 25 m/s
+// The frequency of the wave = 50 Hz
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.a.22/Ex3a_c_2.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.22/Ex3a_c_2.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f3ca5b658 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.22/Ex3a_c_2.sce @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3a.c.2: Page-144 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+// Comparing with the standard progressive wave equation, we have
+a = 5; // Amplitude of the wave, m
+nu = 0.2; // Frequency of the wave, Hz
+lambda = 1/0.5; // Wavelength of the wave, m
+v = nu*lambda; // Wave velocity, m/s
+printf("\nThe amplitude of the wave = %3.1f m", a);
+printf("\nThe wavelength of the wave = %3.1f m", lambda);
+printf("\nThe velocity of the wave = %3.1f m/s", v);
+printf("\nThe frequency of the wave = %3.1f Hz", nu);
+// Result
+// The amplitude of the wave = 5.0 m
+// The wavelength of the wave = 2.0 m
+// The velocity of the wave = 0.4 m/s
+// The frequency of the wave = 0.2 Hz
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.a.23/Ex3a_c_3.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.23/Ex3a_c_3.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..ee200c5ba --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.a.23/Ex3a_c_3.sce @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3a.c.3: Page-144 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+// Comparing with the standard progressive wave equation, we have
+a = 8; // Amplitude of the wave, cm
+nu = 4/2; // Frequency of the wave, Hz
+lambda = 2/0.02; // Wavelength of the wave, cm
+v = nu*lambda; // Wave velocity, cm/s
+delta_x = 20; // Path difference between two particles, cm
+delta_phi = delta_x*2*%pi/lambda*180/%pi; // Phase difference between two particles, degree
+printf("\nThe amplitude of the wave = %3.1f cm", a);
+printf("\nThe wavelength of the wave = %3.1f cm", lambda);
+printf("\nThe velocity of the wave = %3.1f cm/s", v);
+printf("\nThe frequency of the wave = %d Hz", nu);
+printf("\nThe phase difference between two particles = %d degree", delta_phi);
+// Result
+// The amplitude of the wave = 8.0 cm
+// The wavelength of the wave = 100.0 cm
+// The velocity of the wave = 200.0 cm/s
+// The frequency of the wave = 2 Hz
+// The phase difference between two particles = 72 degree
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.b.101/Ex3b_1.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.b.101/Ex3b_1.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..b57452674 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.b.101/Ex3b_1.sce @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3b.1: Page-163 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+mu = 1.5; // Refractive indexof glass
+i_p = atand(mu); // Angle of polarization from Brewster's law, degree
+r = 90 - i_p; // Angale of refraction, degree
+printf("\nThe Brewster angle for glass = %4.1f degree", i_p);
+printf("\nThe angle of refraction for glass = %4.1f degree", r);
+// Result
+// The Brewster angle for glass = 56.3 degree
+// The angle of refraction for glass = 33.7 degree
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.b.102/Ex3b_2.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.b.102/Ex3b_2.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..9f81eea4f --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.b.102/Ex3b_2.sce @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3b.2: Page-163 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+// Function to convert degree to degree-minute
+function [d,m]= deg2deg_min(deg)
+ d = int(deg);
+ m = (deg - d)*60;
+mu_air = 1; // Refractive index fo air
+mu_glass = 1.54; // Refractive index of glass
+mu_water = 1.33; // Refractive index of water
+// Air to glass incidence
+i_p = atand(mu_glass/mu_air); // Angle of polarization for air to glass incidence, degree
+printf("\nFor air to glass, i_p = %d degree", i_p);
+// glass to air incidence
+i_p = atand(mu_air/mu_glass); // Angle of polarization for glass to air incidence, degree
+printf("\nFor glass to air, i_p = %d degree", ceil(i_p));
+// Water to glass incidence
+i_p = atand(mu_glass/mu_water); // Angle of polarization for water to glass incidence, degree
+[d,m] = deg2deg_min(i_p); // Call function to convert to deg-min
+printf("\nFor water to glass, i_p = %d degree %d min", d, m);
+// Glass to water incidence
+i_p = atand(mu_water/mu_glass); // Angle of polarization for glass to water incidence, degree
+[d,m] = deg2deg_min(i_p); // Call function to convert to deg-min
+printf("\nFor glass to water, i_p = %d degree %d min", d, m);
+// Air to water incidence
+i_p = atand(mu_water/mu_air); // Angle of polarization for air to water incidence, degree
+[d,m] = deg2deg_min(i_p); // Call function to convert to deg-min
+printf("\nFor air to water, i_p = %d degree %d min", d, m);
+// Water to air incidence
+i_p = atand(mu_air/mu_water); // Angle of polarization for water to airincidence, degree
+[d,m] = deg2deg_min(i_p); // Call function to convert to deg-min
+printf("\nFor water to air, i_p = %d degree %d min", d, m);
+// Result
+// For air to glass, i_p = 57 degree
+// For glass to air, i_p = 33 degree
+// For water to glass, i_p = 49 degree 11 min
+// For glass to water, i_p = 40 degree 48 min
+// For air to water, i_p = 53 degree 3 min
+// For water to air, i_p = 36 degree 56 min
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.b.103/Ex3b_3.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.b.103/Ex3b_3.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..7de9ad80e --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.b.103/Ex3b_3.sce @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3b.3: Page-163 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+C = 40; // Critical angle for glass to air
+mu = 1/sind(C); // Refractive index of glass w.r.t. air
+i_p = atand(mu); // Polarizing angle for glass, degree
+printf("\nThe polarizing angle for glass = %4.1f degree", i_p);
+// Result
+// The polarizing angle for glass = 57.3 degree
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.b.104/Ex3b_4.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.b.104/Ex3b_4.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..9e9f2d94b --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.b.104/Ex3b_4.sce @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3b.4: Page-164 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+i = 60; // Angle of incidence, degree
+i_p = i; // Angle of polarization, degree
+mu = tand(i_p); // Refractive index of the medium
+r = 90 - i; // Angle of refraction, degree
+printf("\nThe refractive index of transparent medium = %5.3f", mu);
+printf("\nThe angle of refraction, r = %d degree", r);
+printf("\nThe reflected and transmitted components are at right angles to each other.");
+// Result
+// The refractive index of transparent medium = 1.732
+// The angle of refraction, r = 30 degree
+// The reflected and transmitted components are at right angles to each other.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.b.105/Ex3b_5.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.b.105/Ex3b_5.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..0036b4b49 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.b.105/Ex3b_5.sce @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3b.5: Page-164 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+theta_A = 30; // Angle between principal sections of polariser and analyser for beam A, degree
+theta_B = 60; // Angle between principal sections of polariser and analyser for beam B, degree
+// As I_A*cosd(theta_A)^2 = I_B*cosd(theta_B)^2, solving for I ratio
+I_ratio = cosd(theta_B)^2/cosd(theta_A)^2; // The intensity ratio of the two beams
+printf("\nThe intensity ratio of the two beams = %4.2f", I_ratio);
+// Result
+// The intensity ratio of the two beams = 0.33
diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.b.106/Ex3b_6.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.b.106/Ex3b_6.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..d346d3bd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.b.106/Ex3b_6.sce @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3b.6: Page-165 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+theta = [30 45 60 90]; // Angles between principal sections of polariser and analyser, degree
+for i = 1:1:4
+ P_red = (1-cosd(theta(i))^2)*100; // Percentage reduction in intensity of incident light
+ printf("\nFor theta = %d degree, percentage reduction = %1.0f percent", theta(i), P_red);
+// Result
+// For theta = 30 degree, percentage reduction = 25 percent
+// For theta = 45 degree, percentage reduction = 50 percent
+// For theta = 60 degree, percentage reduction = 75 percent
+// For theta = 90 degree, percentage reduction = 100 percent
diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.b.107/Ex3b_7.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.b.107/Ex3b_7.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..2e9cfc41f --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.b.107/Ex3b_7.sce @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3b.7: Page-165 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+// For half reduction in intensity
+I_ratio = 1/2; // Intensity ratio
+theta = acosd(sqrt(I_ratio)); // Angle of rotation of polaroid, degree
+printf("\nFor half reduction in intensity, the angle of rotation = %d degree", theta);
+// For one-fourth reduction in intensity
+I_ratio = 1/4; // Intensity ratio
+theta = acosd(sqrt(I_ratio)); // Angle of rotation of polaroid, degree
+printf("\nFor one-fourth reduction in intensity, the angle of rotation = %d degree", theta);
+// Result
+// For half reduction in intensity, the angle of rotation = 45 degree
+// For one-fourth reduction in intensity, the angle of rotation = 60 degree
diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.c.202/Ex3c_2.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.202/Ex3c_2.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..13b942c46 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.202/Ex3c_2.sce @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3c.2: Page-184 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+I2 = 1; // Assume intensity of light beam from the second source to be unity
+I1 = 81*I2; // Intensity of light beam from the first source
+a = sqrt(I1); // Width of the first slit, mm
+b = sqrt(I2); // Width of the second slit, mm
+I_max = (1+a/b)^2; // Maximum intensity in the fringe pattern
+I_min = (1-a/b)^2; // Minimum intensity in the fringe pattern
+fact = gcd([I_max,I_min]); // Find l.c.m. of I_max and I_min
+printf("\nThe ratio of maximum to minimum intensity in the fringe system, I_max:I_min = %d:%d", I_max/4, I_min/4);
+// Result
+// The ratio of maximum to minimum intensity in the fringe system, I_max:I_min = 25:16
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.c.203/Ex3c_3.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.203/Ex3c_3.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..bdd709d42 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.203/Ex3c_3.sce @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3c.3: Page-184 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+d = 0.1; // Separation between the two slits, cm
+D = 100; // Distance between the source and the slit, cm
+bita = 0.05; // Fringe width, cm
+lambda = bita*d/D; // Wavelength of light, cm
+printf("\nThe wavelength of light used = %4d angstrom", lambda/1e-008);
+// Result
+// The wavelength of light used = 5000 angstrom
diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.c.204/Ex3c_4.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.204/Ex3c_4.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..31b6e5abb --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.204/Ex3c_4.sce @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3c.4: Page-184 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+d = 0.3; // Separation between the two slits, cm
+D = 60; // Distance between the source and the slit, cm
+lambda = 59e-006; // Wavelength of light, cm
+bita = lambda*D/d; // Fringe width, cm
+printf("\nThe fringe width = %4.2e cm", bita);
+// Result
+// The fringe width = 1.18e-002 cm
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.c.205/Ex3c_5.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.205/Ex3c_5.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..3bf4339bb --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.205/Ex3c_5.sce @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3c.5: Page-185 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+D = 80; // Distance between the source and the slit, cm
+lambda = 5890e-008; // Wavelength of light, cm
+bita = 9.424e-002; // Fringe width, cm
+d = lambda*D/bita; // Separation between the two slits, cm
+printf("\nThe distance between the two coherent sources = %4.2f cm", d);
+// Result
+// The distance between the two coherent sources = 0.05 cm
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.c.206/Ex3c_6.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.206/Ex3c_6.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..574d711dc --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.206/Ex3c_6.sce @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3c.6: Page-185 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+D = 100; // Distance between the source and the slit, cm
+lambda = 5893e-008; // Wavelength of light, cm
+d1 = 4.05e-001; // Distance between the images of the two slits in one position, cm
+d2 = 2.90e-001; // Distance between the images of the two slits in second position, cm
+d = sqrt(d1*d2); // Separation between the two slits, cm
+bita = lambda*D/d; // Fringe width, cm
+printf("\nThe distance between consecutive interference bands = %6.4f cm", bita);
+// Result
+// The distance between consecutive interference bands = 0.0172 cm
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.c.207/Ex3c_7.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.207/Ex3c_7.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..22ba9799e --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.207/Ex3c_7.sce @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3c.7: Page-185 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+D = 1.2; // Distance between the source and the slit, m
+d = 7.5e-004; // Separation between the two slits, cm
+n = 20; // Number of fringes crossed in the field of view
+bita = 1.888e-002/n; // Fringe width, cm
+lambda = bita*d/D; // Wavelength of light, cm
+printf("\nThe wavelength of the light used in biprism experiment = %4d angstrom", lambda/1e-010);
+// Result
+// The wavelength of the light used in biprism experiment = 5900 angstrom
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.c.208/Ex3c_8.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.208/Ex3c_8.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..798dbd4b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.208/Ex3c_8.sce @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3c.8: Page-186 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+lambda1 = 5893; // First wavelength of light, angstrom
+lambda2 = 4358; // Second wavelength of light, angstrom
+n = 40; // Number of fringes obtained with first wavelength
+// As bita1/bita2 = lambda1/lambda2, so
+x = n*lambda1/lambda2; // Number of fringes obtained with the seocond wavelength
+printf("\nThe number of fringes obtained with the given wavelength = %d", x);
+// Result
+// The number of fringes obtained with the given wavelength = 54
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.c.209/Ex3c_9.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.209/Ex3c_9.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..867516169 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.209/Ex3c_9.sce @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3c.9: Page-186 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+D = 100; // Distance between the source and the slit, cm
+bita = 0.0135; // Fringe width, cm
+alpha = %pi/360; // Angle of refracting face with the base of biprism, radian
+mu = 1.5; // Refractive index of the material of biprism
+x = 50; // Distance between slit and the biprism, cm
+d = 2*(mu-1)*x*alpha; // Separation between the two virtual slits, cm
+lambda = bita*d/D; // Wavelength of light, cm
+printf("\nThe wavelength of light from biprism interference pattern = %4d angstrom", lambda/1e-008);
+// Result
+// The wavelength of light from biprism interference pattern = 5890 angstrom
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.c.210/Ex3c_10.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.210/Ex3c_10.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..eafb78e44 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.210/Ex3c_10.sce @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3c.10: Page-187 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+mu = 1.5; // Refractive index of the material of biprism
+alpha = %pi/180; // Base angle of biprism, radian
+D = 110; // Distance between the source and the slit, cm
+x = 10; // Distance between slit and the biprism, cm
+d = 2*(mu-1)*x*alpha; // Separation between the two virtual slits, cm
+lambda = 5900e-008; // Wavelength of light, cm
+bita = lambda*D/d; // Fringe width, cm
+printf("\nThe fringe width observed at one metre distance from biprism = %6.4f cm", bita);
+// Result
+// The fringe width observed at one metre distance from biprism = 0.0372 cm
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.c.211/Ex3c_11.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.211/Ex3c_11.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..a395f9f34 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.211/Ex3c_11.sce @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3c.11: Page-187 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+D_n = 0.42; // Diameter of nth ring, cm
+D_mplusn = 0.7; // Diameter of (m+n)th ring, cm
+m = 14; // Difference between (m+n)th and nth rings
+R = 100; // Radius of curvature of the plano-convex lens, m
+lambda = (D_mplusn^2 - D_n^2)/(4*m*R); // Wavelength of the light, cm
+printf("\nThe wavelength of the light used = %4d angstrom", lambda/1e-008);
+// Result
+// The wavelength of the light used = 5600 angstrom
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.c.212/Ex3c_12.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.212/Ex3c_12.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f500852fb --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.212/Ex3c_12.sce @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3c.12: Page-187 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+D5 = 0.336; // Diameter of 5th ring, cm
+D10plus5 = 0.590; // Diameter of (10+5)th ring, cm
+m = 10; // Difference between (10+5)th and 5th rings
+lambda = 5890e-008; // Wavelength of the light, cm
+R = (D10plus5^2 - D5^2)/(4*m*lambda); // Radius of curvature of the plano-convex lens, m
+printf("\nThe radius of plano convex lens = %5.2f cm", R);
+// Result
+// The radius of plano convex lens = 99.83 cm
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.c.213/Ex3c_13.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.213/Ex3c_13.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..4aa9b70a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.213/Ex3c_13.sce @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3c.13: Page-187 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+D3 = 0.181; // Diameter of 3rd ring, cm
+D23 = 0.501; // Diameter of 23rd ring, cm
+m = 23-3; // Difference between (m+n)th and nth rings
+R = 50; // Radius of curvature of the plano-convex lens, m
+lambda = (D23^2 - D3^2)/(4*m*R); // Wavelength of the light, cm
+printf("\nThe wavelength of the light used = %4d angstrom", lambda/1e-008);
+// Result
+// The wavelength of the light used = 5456 angstrom
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.c.214/Ex3c_14.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.214/Ex3c_14.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..62c1c1e44 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.214/Ex3c_14.sce @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3c.14: Page-188 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+D4 = 0.4; // Diameter of 4th ring, cm
+D12 = 0.7; // Diameter of 12th ring, cm
+m = 12-4; // Difference between (m+n)th and nth rings
+lambda_R = (D12^2 - D4^2)/(4*m); // Wavelength-Radius product, Sq.cm
+D20 = sqrt(80*lambda_R); // Diameter of the 20th dark ring, cm
+printf("\nThe diameter of the 20th dark ring = %5.3f cm", D20);
+// Result
+// The diameter of the 20th dark ring = 0.908 cm
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.c.215/Ex3c_15.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.215/Ex3c_15.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..5e9d7c1b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.215/Ex3c_15.sce @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3c.15: Page-188 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+D10 = 0.50; // Diameter of 10th ring, cm
+n = 10; // Number of dark fringe
+lambda = 6250e-008; // Wavelength of light used, cm
+R = D10^2/(4*n*lambda); // Radius of curvature of the lens, cm
+t = D10^2/(8*R); // Thickness of the air film, cm
+printf("\nThe radius of curvature of the lens = %3d cm", R);
+printf("\nThe thickness of the air film = %9.7f cm", t);
+// Result
+// The radius of curvature of the lens = 100 cm
+// The thickness of the air film = 0.0003125 cm
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.c.216/Ex3c_16.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.216/Ex3c_16.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..c87cd2f17 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.216/Ex3c_16.sce @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3c.16: Page-188 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+D10 = 5e-003; // Diameter of 10th ring, cm
+n = 10; // Number of dark fringe
+lambda = 5.9e-007; // Wavelength of reflected light, m
+R = D10^2/(4*n*lambda); // Radius of curvature of the lens, cm
+t = D10^2/(8*R); // Thickness of the air film, cm
+printf("\nThe radius of curvature of the lens = %5.3f m", R);
+printf("\nThe thickness of the air film = %4.2e m", t);
+// Result
+// The radius of curvature of the lens = 1.059 m
+// The thickness of the air film = 2.95e-006 m
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.c.217/Ex3c_17.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.217/Ex3c_17.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..ce6148f8d --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.c.217/Ex3c_17.sce @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3c.17: Page-189 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+lambda = 5893e-010; // Wavelength of light used, m
+mu = 1.5; // Refractive index of glass film
+r = 60; // Angle of reflection in the film, degree
+t = lambda/(2*mu*cosd(r)); // Smallest thickness of the
+printf("\nThe smallest thickness of the glass film when it appears dark = %6.1f angstrom", t/1e-010);
+// Result
+// The smallest thickness of the glass film when it appears dark = 3928.7 angstrom
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.d.301/Ex3d_1.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.301/Ex3d_1.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..79d1e22c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.301/Ex3d_1.sce @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3d.1: Page-205 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+D = 200; // Distance between the source and the slit, cm
+a = 0.02; // Slit width, cm
+x = 0.5; // Position of first minimum, cm
+n = 1; // Order of diffraction
+lambda = a*x/(D*n); // Wavelength of light used, cm
+printf("\nThe wavelength of light used = %4d angstrom", lambda/1e-008);
+// Result
+// The wavelength of light used = 5000 angstrom
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.d.302/Ex3d_2.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.302/Ex3d_2.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e05907a2c --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.302/Ex3d_2.sce @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3d.2: Page-205 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+f = 20; // Focal length of the lens, cm
+a = 0.06; // Slit width, cm
+n = 2; // Order of diffraction
+lambda = 6e-005; // Wavelength of light used, cm
+x = 2*lambda*f/a; // Separation between the second minima on either side of the central maximum, cm
+printf("\nThe separation between the second minimum an central maximum = %4.2f cm", x);
+// Result
+// The separation between the second minimum an central maximum = 0.04 cm
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.d.303/Ex3d_3.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.303/Ex3d_3.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..5363a2a9f --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.303/Ex3d_3.sce @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3d.3: Page-206 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+n = 1; // Order of diffraction
+f = 40; // Focal length of the lens, cm
+a = 0.03; // Slit width, cm
+lambda = 5890e-008; // Wavelength of the light used, cm
+// As a*sind(theta) = n*lambda, solving for theta
+theta = asin(n*lambda/a); // The angle of diffraction corresponding to the first minimum, radian
+x = f*theta; // The distance of the first dark band from the axis, cm
+printf("\nThe distance of the first dark band from the axis = %6.4f cm", x);
+// Result
+// The distance of the first dark band from the axis = 0.0785 cm
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.d.304/Ex3d_4.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.304/Ex3d_4.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..8a60fce0d --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.304/Ex3d_4.sce @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3d.4: Page-206 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+lambda1 = 5890e-008; // Wavelength of D1 line of sodium lamp, cm
+lambda2 = 5896e-008; // Wavelength of D2 line of sodium lamp, cm
+d_lambda = lambda2 - lambda1; // Wavelength difference, cm
+w = 0.5; // Width of the grating, cm
+N = 2500; // Total number of grating lines
+N_prime = N/w; // Number of lines per cm, lines/cm
+a_plus_b = 1/N_prime; // Grating element, cm
+n = 1; // Order of diffraction
+// Case 1
+theta = asind(n*lambda1/a_plus_b); // Angle of diffraction for D1 line, degree
+// Case 2
+theta_prime = asind(n*lambda2/a_plus_b); // Angle of diffraction for D2 line, degree
+printf("\nThe angle of diffraction for D1 and D2 lines of sodium are %5.2f dgree and %5.2f degree respectively.", theta, theta_prime);
+// From the condition for just resolution, lambda/d_lambda = n*N, solving for N
+N_min = lambda1/(d_lambda*n); // Minimum number of lines required on the grating
+if N_min < N then
+ printf("\nThe two lines are well resolved.");
+ printf("\nThe two lines are not resolved.");
+// Result
+// The angle of diffraction for D1 and D2 lines of sodium are 17.13 dgree and 17.15 degree respectively.
+// The two lines are well resolved.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.d.305/Ex3d_5.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.305/Ex3d_5.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..976a0f982 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.305/Ex3d_5.sce @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3d.5: Page-207 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+N = 4250; // Number of lines per cm of grating, lines/cm
+a_plus_b = 1/N; // Grating element, cm
+n = 2; // Order of diffraction
+theta = 30; // Angle of diffraction, degree
+lambda = sind(theta)*a_plus_b/n; // Wavelength of spectral line from diffraction condition, cm
+printf("\nThe wavelength of spectral line from diffraction condition = %4d angstrom", lambda/1e-008);
+// Result
+// The wavelength of spectral line from diffraction condition = 5882 angstrom
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.d.306/Ex3d_6.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.306/Ex3d_6.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..a3e832a4f --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.306/Ex3d_6.sce @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3d.6: Page-207 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+n = 2; // Order of diffraction
+lambda = 5e-005; // Wavelength of light, cm
+theta = 30; // Angle of diffraction, degree
+N = sind(theta)/(n*lambda); // Number of lines per cm of grating, lines/cm
+printf("\nThe number of lines per cm of grating = %4d per cm", ceil(N));
+// Result
+// The number of lines per cm of grating = 5000 per cm
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.d.307/Ex3d_7.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.307/Ex3d_7.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..0957fad98 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.307/Ex3d_7.sce @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3d.7: Page-208 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+N = 5000; // Number of lines per cm ruled on grating, lines/cm
+lambda = 6e-005; // Wavelength of light, m
+a_plus_b = 1/N; // Grating element, m
+theta = 90; // Maximum angle of diffraction, degree
+n = a_plus_b*sind(theta)/lambda; // Order of diffraction
+printf("\nIn highest order spectrum obtainable with the given diffraction grating = %4.2f", n);
+// Result
+// In highest order spectrum obtainable with the given diffraction grating = 3.33
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.d.308/Ex3d_8.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.308/Ex3d_8.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..d92aa377b --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.308/Ex3d_8.sce @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3d.8: Page-208 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+lambda = 5.5e-007; // Wavelength of light, m
+a_plus_b = 1.5e-006; // Grating element, m
+theta = 90; // Maximum angle of diffraction, degree
+n = a_plus_b*sind(theta)/lambda; // Order of diffraction
+printf("\nIn this diffraction grating only %dnd order will be visible while %drd and higher orders are not possible.", n, n+1);
+// Result
+// In this diffraction grating only 2nd order will be visible while 3rd and higher orders are not possible.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.d.309/Ex3d_9.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.309/Ex3d_9.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..30b31c202 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.309/Ex3d_9.sce @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3d.9: Page-208 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+theta = 30; // Maximum angle of diffraction, degree
+lambda1 = 5400e-010; // Wavelength of light giving certain diffraction order, m
+lambda2 = 4050e-010; // Wavelength of light giving higher diffraction order, m
+n = poly(0, 'n');
+n = roots(lambda1*n-(n+1)*lambda2); // Order of diffraction for first wavelength
+a_plus_b = n*lambda1/sind(theta); // Grating element, m
+N = 1/a_plus_b; // Number of lines per cm ruled on grating, lines/cm
+printf("\nThe number of lines per cm on the diffraction grating = %d lines per cm", N/100);
+// Result
+// The number of lines per cm on the diffraction grating = 3086 lines per cm
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.d.310/Ex3d_10.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.310/Ex3d_10.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..224b33d3e --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.310/Ex3d_10.sce @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3d.10: Page-209 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+lambda = 5890e-008; // Wavelength of light, cm
+n = 1; // Order of diffraction
+d_lambda = 6e-008; // Difference in wavelengths of D1 and D2 lines, cm
+N = lambda/(n*d_lambda); // Number of lines on grating
+printf("\nThe minimum number of lines on the diffraction grating = %d", ceil(N));
+// Result
+// The minimum number of lines on the diffraction grating = 982
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.d.311/Ex3d_11.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.311/Ex3d_11.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..5143338d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.311/Ex3d_11.sce @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3d.11: Page-209 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+lambda = 6000e-008; // Wavelength of light, cm
+n = 2; // Order of diffraction
+d_lambda = 6e-008; // Difference in wavelengths of D1 and D2 lines, cm
+N = lambda/(n*d_lambda); // Number of lines on grating
+printf("\nThe minimum number of lines in the required diffraction grating = %d", N);
+// Result
+// The minimum number of lines in the required diffraction grating = 500
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.d.312/Ex3d_12.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.312/Ex3d_12.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..eb6a780fa --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.312/Ex3d_12.sce @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3d.12: Page-209 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+lambda = 5890e-008; // Wavelength of light, cm
+n = 2; // Order of diffraction
+d_lambda = 6e-008; // Difference in wavelengths of D1 and D2 lines, cm
+w = 2.5; // Width of the grating, cm
+N = lambda/(n*d_lambda); // Number of lines on grating
+printf("\nThe minimum number of lines per cm in the diffraction grating = %5.1f", N/w);
+// Result
+// The minimum number of lines per cm in the diffraction grating = 196.3
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.d.313/Ex3d_13.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.313/Ex3d_13.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..67d333bb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.313/Ex3d_13.sce @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3d.13: Page-210 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+lambda = 5000e-008; // Wavelength of light, cm
+theta = 90; // Angle of diffraction for the maximum resolving power, degree
+N = 40000; // Number of lines on grating
+a_plus_b = 12.5e-005; // Grating element, cm
+n = 2; // Order of diffraction
+n_max = N*a_plus_b*sind(theta)/lambda; // Maximum resolving power
+printf("\nThe maximum resolving power = %d", n_max);
+// Result
+// The maximum resolving power = 100000
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2411/CH3/EX3.d.314/Ex3d_14.sce b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.314/Ex3d_14.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..d86c254c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/2411/CH3/EX3.d.314/Ex3d_14.sce @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +// Scilab Code Ex3d.14: Page-209 (2008)
+clc; clear;
+lambda = 5890e-008; // Wavelength of light, cm
+n = 3; // Order of diffraction
+d_lambda = 6e-008; // Difference in wavelengths of D1 and D2 lines, cm
+N = lambda/(n*d_lambda); // Maximum number of lines of a grating
+printf("\nThe maximum number of lines of the grating = %d", N);
+// Result
+// The maximum number of lines of the grating = 327
\ No newline at end of file |