path: root/1979/CH4/EX4.9/Ex4_9.sce
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Diffstat (limited to '1979/CH4/EX4.9/Ex4_9.sce')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1979/CH4/EX4.9/Ex4_9.sce b/1979/CH4/EX4.9/Ex4_9.sce
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+//chapter-4 page 147 example 4.9
+f=8.6*10^9;//frequency in Hz
+c=3*10^10;//Velocity of Light in cm/sec
+a=2.5;//Length of a Waveguide in cm
+b=1;//Width of a Waveguide in cm
+disp('The condition for the wave to propagate along a guide is that wc>w0.');
+w0=c/f;//free space wavelength in cm
+disp('Free space wavelength w0 in cm is');
+disp('For TE waves, wc=(2ab/sqrt((mb)^2+(na)^2))');
+disp('For TE01 waves');
+wc1=((2*a*b)/(sqrt((m1*b)^2+(n1*a)^2)));//Cutoff wavelength for TE01 mode in cm
+disp('Cutoff wavelength for TE01 mode in cm is');
+disp('Since wc for TE01=2cm is not greater than w0 TE01,will not propagate for TE01 mode.');
+disp('For TE10 waves');
+wc2=((2*a*b)/(sqrt((m2*b)^2+(n2*a)^2)));//Cutoff wavelength for TE10 mode in cm
+disp('Cutoff wavelength for TE10 mode in cm is');
+disp('Since wc TE10 > w0 TE10 is a possible mode.');
+fc=(c/wc2)/10^9;//Cutoff frequency in GHz
+disp('For TE11 and TM11 waves');
+wc3=((2*a*b)/(sqrt((m3*b)^2+(n3*a)^2)));//Cutoff wavelength for TE11 mode in cm
+disp('Cutoff wavelength for TE11 and TM11 modes in cm is');
+disp('As wc for TE11 and TM11 is < w0 both TE11 and TM11 do not propagate as higher modes.');
+wg=(w0/sqrt(1-(w0/wc2)^2));//Guide wavelength in cm
+disp('From the above analysis we conclude that only TE10 mode is possible');
+mprintf('\nCutoff frequency is fc=%1.0f GHz \nGuide wavelength is wg=%1.3f cm',fc,wg);
+//=========================END OF PROGRAM===============================