path: root/1955/CH5/EX5.18/example18.sce
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Diffstat (limited to '1955/CH5/EX5.18/example18.sce')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1955/CH5/EX5.18/example18.sce b/1955/CH5/EX5.18/example18.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..011d2a795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1955/CH5/EX5.18/example18.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+//input data
+a1=75//Nozzle air angle in degree
+Rh=0//Degree of reaction
+N=6000//Running speed of hub in rpm
+Dh=0.45//Hub diameter in m
+Df=0.75//Tip diameter in m
+Uh=(3.1415*Dh*N)/60//Hub speed in m/s
+C1h=Uh/((sind(a1))/2)//Velocity of steam at exit from nozzle in hub in m/s
+Cah=C1h*cosd(a1)//Axial velocity at hub in m/s
+Cx1h=C1h*sind(a1)//Whirl component of velocity at inlet in hub in m/s
+b1h=atand((Cx1h-Uh)/Cah)//Rotor blade angle at entry at hub section in degree
+b2h=b1h//Rotor blade angle at exit at mean section in degree as zero reaction section
+sopt=sind(a1)/2//Blade to gas speed ratio at hub
+rm=((Dh/2)+(Df/2))/2//Mean radius in m
+rmrh=(rm/(Dh/2))^((sind(a1))^2)//Ratio of inlet velocity at hub and mean for constant nozzle air angle at hub section
+C1m=C1h/rmrh//Velocity of steam at exit from nozzle at mean section in m/s
+Cx1m=Cx1h/rmrh//Velocity of whirl at inlet at mean section in m/s
+Ca1m=Cah/rmrh//Axial velocity at mean section in m/s
+Um=(3.1415*2*rm*N)/60//Mean blade speed in m/s
+b1m=atand((Cx1m-Um)/Ca1m)//Rotor blade angle at entry at mean section in degree
+b2m=atand(Um/Ca1m)//Rotor blade angle at exit at mean section in degree for axial exit Cx2=0
+s=Um/C1m//Blade to gas ratio at mean
+Rm=(Ca1m/(2*Um))*(tand(b2m)-tand(b1m))//Degree of reaction of mean section
+rmrt=((rm)/(Df/2))^((sind(a1))^2)//Ratio of inlet velocity at tip and mean for constant nozzle air angle at tip section
+C1t=C1m*rmrt//Velocity of steam at exit from nozzle at tip section in m/s
+Cx1t=Cx1m*rmrt//Velocity of whirl at inlet at tip section in m/s
+Ca1t=Ca1m*rmrt//Axial velocity at tip section in m/s
+Ut=(3.1415*Df*N)/60//Mean tip speed in m/s
+b1t=atand((Cx1t-Ut)/Ca1t)//Rotor blade angle at entry at tip section in degree
+b2t=atand(Ut/Ca1t)//Rotor blade angle at exit at tip section in degree for axial exit Cx2=0
+st=Ut/C1t//Blade to gas ratio at tip
+Rf=(Ca1t/(2*Ut))*(tand(b2t)-tand(b1t))//Degree of reaction of tip section
+printf('(1)Hub section\n (a)\n Absolute air angle is %3.2f degree\n Relative air angle is %3.2f degree\n (b)Blade to gas speed ratio is %3.3f\n (c)Degree of reaction is %3i\n(2)Mean section\n (a)\n Absolute air angle is %3.2f degree\n Relative air angle is %3.2f degree\n (b)Blade to gas speed ratio is %3.3f\n (c)Degree of reaction is %3.3f\n(3)Tip section\n (a)\n Absolute air angle is %3.2f degree\n Relative air angle is %3.2f degree\n (b)Blade to gas speed ratio is %3.3f\n (c)Degree of reaction is %3.3f\n',b1h,b2h,sopt,Rh,b1m,b2m,s,Rm,b1t,b2t,st,Rf)