path: root/1808/CH1/EX1.13/Chapter1_Example13.sce
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '1808/CH1/EX1.13/Chapter1_Example13.sce')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1808/CH1/EX1.13/Chapter1_Example13.sce b/1808/CH1/EX1.13/Chapter1_Example13.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ee46d1b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1808/CH1/EX1.13/Chapter1_Example13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+N=450;//speed in rpm
+cv=44000;//calorific value in kJ/kg
+T=450;//torque required
+pmi=3;//mean effective pressure in bar
+L=0.27;//stroke in m
+d=0.22;//bore in m
+nc=1;//number of cylinders
+n=1;//for single cylinder
+mf=5.4;//mass flow rate in kg/hr
+ra=1.20584;//density of fuel in kg/
+ma=167.4;//mass of air in kg/hr
+Ra=0.287;// gas constant kJ/kgk
+Te=300;//temperature in k
+mw=440;//mass of water in kg/hr
+cpw=4.187;//specific pressure
+dTc=36.1;//Rise in temperature in degree C
+Ta=20;//temperature in K
+me=172.8;//exhaust gas mass in kg/hr
+cpe=1.005;//atmospheric pressure
+BP=(2*3.14*(N/1000)*(T/60)*(1.5/2));//Brake power in kW
+IP=(pmi*100*L*(3.14*(d^2)/4)*N*nc)/(60*n);//Indicated power in kW
+nit=(IP/((mf/3600)*cv))*100;//Indicated thermal efficiency in percentage
+bsfc=(mf/BP);//Brake specific fuel consuption in kg/kWh
+Va=(ma*Ra*(Ta+273))/(pa*100*60);//volume folw rate of air in m^3/min
+Vs=((3.14*(d^2)/4)*L*N*(nc/n));;//swept volume in m^3/min
+nv=(Va/Vs)*100;//Volumetric efficiency in percentage
+Qs=(mf*cv/3600);//Heat supplied in kW
+Qw=(mw*cpw*(dTc))/3600;//Heat loss to cooling water in kW
+Qe=(me*cpe*(Te-Ta))/3600;//Heat loss to exhaust gases in kW
+c1=(Qe/Qs)*100;// % heat lost to exhaust gases
+Qu=(Qs-(BP+Qw+Qe+d1));//Enthalpy of unaccount in kW
+e1=(Qu/Qs)*100;//unaccounted heat in percentage
+printf('(i)Brake power is %3.3f kW \n (ii)Indicated power is %3.3f kW \n (iii)Indicated thermal efficiency is %3.3f percentage \n (iv)Brake specific fuel consumption is %3.4f kg/ \n (v)Volumetric efficiency is %3.1f percentage \n(vi)Draw up heat balance sheet \n (I)Heat supplied is %3.i kW \n(II)Heat utilised in the system is %3.2f perentage',BP,IP,nit,bsfc,nv,Qs,c1)