path: root/1040/CH8/EX8.2/Chapter8_Ex2.sce
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1 files changed, 62 insertions, 0 deletions
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+//Harriot P., 2003, Chemical Reactor Design (I-Edition), Marcel Dekker, Inc., USA, pp 436.
+//Chapter-8 Ex8.2 Pg No. 329
+//Title:External Mass Transfer resistance
+M_A=2;//Molecular weight of Hydrogen
+M_B=32;//Molecular weight of methanol
+rho=0.79;//Density of methanol
+myu=0.52;//Viscosity of methanol (cP)
+V_A=14.3//Molar volume H2
+T_C=30;//Operating Temperature(°C)
+T_K=273+T_C//Temperature (K)
+rho_cat_dry=1.2;//Density of dry catalyst (g/cm3)
+rho_s=2;//Solid density
+g=9.8// Acceleration due to gravity(m/s2)
+d_p=10^(-3);//Size of catalyst (cm)
+lambda=1.3;//From equation 8.4 Pg. No. 317
+r_vol=2.4;//Measured rate (L/min)
+V_mol=22.4;//(L/mol) assuming ideal gas
+C_H2=4.1*10^(-3);//From Figure 8.3 (mol/L) Pg. No. 321
+//Assume D_H2 is three times the value given by the Wilke–Chang Equation
+v_t=(g*10*(d_p)^2*delta_rho)/(18*myu*10^-2);// From Stoke's Law
+Sh_star=2+0.6*(Re)^(0.5)*(Sc^(1/3));//Refer equation 8.9 Pg.No.325
+kc=2*kc_star;//With vigorous agitation
+a_c=6*lambda/(d_p*rho_cat_dry);//From Equation 8.4 Pg. No. 317
+mprintf('\nThe external mass transfer resistance is about %0.0f%% of overall resistance',percent_ext_resistance);
+mprintf('\n The external mass transfer resistance is barely significant');
+fid= mopen('.\Chapter8-Ex2-Output.txt','w');
+mfprintf(fid,'\nThe external mass transfer resistance is about %0.0f%% of overall resistance',percent_ext_resistance);
+mfprintf(fid,'\n The external mass transfer resistance is barely significant');
+//=====================================================END OF PROGRAM=========================================