path: root/3871/CH12
diff options
authorprashantsinalkar2018-02-03 11:01:52 +0530
committerprashantsinalkar2018-02-03 11:01:52 +0530
commit7bc77cb1ed33745c720952c92b3b2747c5cbf2df (patch)
tree449d555969bfd7befe906877abab098c6e63a0e8 /3871/CH12
parentd1e070fe2d77c8e7f6ba4b0c57b1b42e26349059 (diff)
Added new codeHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to '3871/CH12')
30 files changed, 703 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.1/Ex12_1.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.1/Ex12_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b59567303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.1/Ex12_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 1
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Z1 = 100; //resistance of arm in Ω
+Z2 = 50; //resistance of arm in Ω
+Z3 = 200; //resistance of arm in Ω
+Z4 = 100; //resistance of arm in Ω
+theta1 = 30; //phase angle in °
+theta2 = 0; //phase angle in °
+theta3 = -90; //phase angle in °
+theta4 = 30; //phase angle in °
+x = Z1*Z4; //magnitude
+y = Z2*Z3; //magnitude
+thetax = theta1+theta4;
+thetay = theta2+theta3;
+mprintf("x = %3.2f",x)
+mprintf("\nx = %3.2f",y);
+mprintf("\nsince x =y\n');
+mprintf("\nthe first condition is satisfied');
+mprintf("\nthetax = %3.2f",thetax);
+mprintf("\nthetay = %3.2f",thetay);
+mprintf("\nsecond condition is not saatisfied');
+mprintf("\nIt means bridge is unbalancedthrough first condition for equality of magnitude product satisfied,obviously balance is not possible under above conditions");
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.10/Ex12_10.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.10/Ex12_10.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..648643c4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.10/Ex12_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Chapter 12 Example 10
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 10000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 2000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C4 = 1*10**-6; //capacitance in F
+w = 3000; //radian per second
+L1 = (R2*R3*C4)/(1+((w^2)*(R4^2)*(C4^2))); //inductance in H
+R1 = (R2*R3*R4*(w^2)*(C4^2))/(1+((w^2)*(R4^2)*(C4^2))); //resistance in Ω
+mprintf("\ninductance of inductor = %3.2f H",L1);
+mprintf("resistance of coil = %3.2f Ω",R1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.11/Ex12_11.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.11/Ex12_11.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2e32f2e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.11/Ex12_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Chapter 12 Example 11
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 2410; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 750; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 64.9; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R = 0.4; //resistance in Ω
+C4 = 0.35*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+f = 500; //frequency in Hz
+w = 2*(%pi)*f; //radian per second
+R41 = R4+R; //resistance in Ω
+L1 = (R2*R3*C4)/(1+((w)*(R4^2)*(C4^2))); //inductance in H
+R1 = (R2*R3*R41*(w^2)*(C4^2))/(1+((w^2)*(R41^2)*(C4^2))); //resistance in Ω
+mprintf("resistance of coil = %3.2f Ω",R1);
+mprintf("\ninductance of inductor = %3.4f Henry",L1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.12/Ex12_12.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.12/Ex12_12.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf50e6913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.12/Ex12_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 12
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 834; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 100; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 64.9; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R = 0.4; //resistance in Ω
+C4 = 0.1*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+C2 = 0.124*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+f = 2000; //frequency in Hz
+L1 = R2*R3*C4; //inductance in H
+R1 = (R3*C4/C2); // resistance in Ω
+Z = R1+(2*%pi*f*L1)*%i; //effective impedance
+Z1 = sqrt(((real(Z))^2)+(((imag(Z))^2)));
+angle = (atan((imag(Z))/real(Z)))*180/%pi;
+mprintf("L1 = %3.2e",L1);
+mprintf("\nR1 = %3.2f",R1);
+mprintf("\neffective impedance of test specimen =%3.2f Ω angle %3.2f °",Z1,angle);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.13/Ex12_13.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.13/Ex12_13.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a99b0e2b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.13/Ex12_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 13
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R1 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R2 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 2000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 2000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C1 = 1*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+f = 1000;
+r1 =10; //resistance in Ω
+W = 2*%pi*f;
+C2 = (C1*R1)/(R2); //capacitance in F
+r2 = ((R2*(R3+r1))-(R1*R4))/(R1); //Resistance in Ω
+d1 = (W*r1*C1)*(180/%pi); //phase angle error in °
+d2 = (W*r2*C2)*(180/%pi); //phase angle error in °
+mprintf("phase angle error = %3.1f °",d1);
+mprintf("\nphase angle error = %3.1f °",d2);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.14/Ex12_14.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.14/Ex12_14.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..482675759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.14/Ex12_14.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 14
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 4.8; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 2000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 2850; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C2 = 0.5*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+f = 500; //frequency in Hz
+r2 =0.4; //resistance in Ω
+w = 2*(%pi)*f;
+C1 = C2*(R4/(R3)); //unknown capacitance in F
+x =R2+r2
+r1 = (R3/R4)*(x); //resistance in Ω
+D = w*C1*r1; //dissipation factor
+mprintf("unknown capacitance = %3.2e uF",(C1*10^6));
+mprintf("\nresistance = %x3.2f Ω",x);
+mprintf("\ndissipation factor = %3.5f",D);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.15/Ex12_15.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.15/Ex12_15.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d6f2e3f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.15/Ex12_15.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 15
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 100; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 309; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C4 = 0.5*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+C3 = 109*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+f = 50; //frequency in Hz
+w =2*(%pi)*f;
+Cx = (R4*C3)/(R2); //equivalent series capacitance in F
+Rx = (C4*R2)/(C3); //series resistance in Ω
+p = w*Rx*Cx; //power factor of the specimen (sind =tand)
+mprintf("power factor of the specimen = %3.5f",p) ;
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.16/Ex12_16.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.16/Ex12_16.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..585f51ad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.16/Ex12_16.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 16
+clc;clear all;
+//variable decalaration
+R4 = 1000; //resistance in Ω
+C3 = 50*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+A = 314*10^-4; //area in m**2
+D = 0.3*10^-2; //thickness in m
+er = 2.3; //dielectric constant
+e0 = 8.854*10^-12; //dielectric constant
+d = 9; //loss angle in °
+f = 50;
+theta = 9;
+C1 = (er*e0*A)/D; //capacitance in F
+tand = tan(9*%pi/180);
+cosd = cos(9*%pi/180);
+w = 2*%pi*f;
+R1 = 1/(w*C1*tand); //resistance in Ω
+C4 = 1/((w^2)*C1*R1*R4); //variable capacitor in F
+R2 = (C3*R4*(cosd^2))/(C1); //variable resistance in Ω
+mprintf("Variable capacitor = %3.2f uF",(C4*10^6));
+mprintf("\nvariable resistance = %3.3f Ω",cosd);
+mprintf("\nNote:Answer in textbooks is taken tha approximate values")
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.17/Ex12_17.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.17/Ex12_17.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..733e0a4c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.17/Ex12_17.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//chapter 12 example 17
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R1 = 3100; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R2 = 25000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 100000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C1 = 5.2*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+f = 25000; //frequency in Hz
+//C3 = C1*((R2/R4)-(R1/R3))
+//X = C1*(R2/R4)
+//Y = C1*(R1/R3)
+w = 2*%pi*f;
+x =1/((w^2)*R1*C1);
+//R3 = x/C3
+A = (C1*R2)/R4;
+B = 1+(C1*R1/x);
+C3 = A/B; //capcitance in uuF
+R3 = x/C3; //equivalent parallel resistance in Ω
+mprintf("equivalent parallel resistance = %3.2f K Ω",(R3*10^-3));
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.18/Ex12_18.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.18/Ex12_18.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c73cb20fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.18/Ex12_18.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 18
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R3 = 2000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 2950; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R2 = 5; //resistance of arm in Ω
+r2 = 0.4; //resistance in Ω
+C2 = 0.5*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+f = 450; //frequency in Hz
+r1 = (R3*(r2+R2))/R4 //resistance in Ω
+C1 = ((R4/R3)*C2) //capacitance in F
+tand = 2*(%pi)*f*C1*r1 //dissipation power ,C1 in uF
+mprintf("resistace = %3.2f Ω",r1);
+mprintf("\ncapacitance = %3.2e uF",(C1*10^6));
+mprintf("\ndissipation factor = %3.2e ",(tand));
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.19/Ex12_19.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.19/Ex12_19.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0e78607c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.19/Ex12_19.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 19
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R3 = 300; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 72.6; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C2 = 500*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+C4 = 0.148*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+f = 50; //frequency in Hz
+Cx = (R4*C2)/(R3); //capacitance in F
+Rx = (R3*C4)/(C2); //resistance in Ω
+x = 2*(%pi)*f*Cx*Rx;
+d = atan(x); //dielectric loss angle of bushing in °
+d1 = (d*180)/%pi;
+mprintf("\ncapacitance = %3.2e uF",(Cx));
+mprintf("resistace = %3.2f KΩ",(Rx*10^-3));
+mprintf("\ndielectric loss angle of bushing = %3.3f °",d1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.2/Ex12_2.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.2/Ex12_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12c7efba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.2/Ex12_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+//Chapter 12 Example 2
+clear all;
+//variable declaration
+Z1 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+Z2 = 500; //resistance of arm in Ω
+Z3 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+Z4 = 509.9; //resistance of arm in Ω
+ZX4 =100+500*%i;
+theta1 = -90; //angle in °
+theta2 = 0; //angle in °
+theta3 = 0; //angle in °
+theta4 = -90; //angle in °
+theta41 = 78.69;
+thetax = theta1+theta41;
+thetay = theta2+theta3;
+x = Z2*Z3;
+//Z1*Z4 =Z2*Z3
+//1/Z1 = A = Z4/Z2*Z3 = Z4/x
+A = ZX4/x;
+//1/Z1 = 1/R1 +(w*C1)*%i
+Zx3 = (Z1*Z4)/Z2;
+thetax3 = theta1+theta41-theta2;
+Z3 = (Zx3*cos(thetax3*%pi/180))+(Zx3*sin(thetax3*%pi/180));
+mprintf("thetax = %3.2f °",thetax);
+mprintf("\nthetax = %3.2f °",thetay);
+mprintf("\nbalance can be restored by modifying the circuit so asto satisfy the phase angle condition");
+mprintf("\ncomparing equations 1 and 2 R1 = %3.2f",1/real(A));
+mprintf("\ncomparing equations 1 and 2 1/w*C1 = %3.2e",imag(A));
+mprintf("\n1/w*C1 is already equal to 1000 Ω so the bridge can be easily balanced by adding 5000 Ω accross capacitor in arm 1");
+mprintf("\nsince R3 is already of 1000 Ω so the bridge can be easily balanced by adding capacitance 200 Ω in series across in arm 3");
+mprintf("Note:there was a possibility that with the addition of resistance R1 in armm 1 as first option or with teh addition of capacitance C3 in arm 3");
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.20/Ex12_20.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.20/Ex12_20.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4fc9c28e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.20/Ex12_20.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 20
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R3 = 130; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 318; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C2 = 106*10**-12; //capacitance in F
+C4 = 0.35*10**-6; //capacitance in F
+f = 50; //frequency in Hz
+Cx = (R4*C2)/(R3); //capacitance in F
+Rx = (R3*C4)/(C2); //resistance in Ω
+x = 2*(%pi)*f*Cx*Rx; //power factor
+mprintf("capacitance = %3.2e uF",(Cx));
+mprintf("\nresistace = %3.2f KΩ",(Rx*10^-3));
+mprintf("\npower factor = %3.3f ",x);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.21/Ex12_21.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.21/Ex12_21.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4cc88b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.21/Ex12_21.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 21
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+M1 = 15.9; //mutual inductance in mH
+M2 = 0.1; //mutual inductance in mH
+r1 = 25.9; //resistance in Ω
+r2 = 12.63; //resistance in Ω
+L1 = 2*(M1-M2); //self inductance in mH
+R1 = r1-r2; //resistance in Ω
+mprintf("self inductance = %3.2f mH",L1);
+mprintf("\nresistance = %3.2f Ω",R1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.22/Ex12_22.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.22/Ex12_22.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..898a0dce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.22/Ex12_22.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 22
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+f1 = 2*10^6; //frequency from second data in Hz
+f2 = 1*10^6; //frequency from first data in Hz
+C1 = 230*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+C2 = 8*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+C = C1+C2;
+L = 1/((((2*(%pi)*f1)^2)*C)); //inductance in uH
+Cx = 1/(((2*(%pi)*f2)^2)*L); //capacitance in pF
+mprintf("inductance = %3.2f uH",(L*10^6));
+mprintf("\ncapacitance = %3.2f pF",(Cx*10^12));
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.23/Ex12_23.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.23/Ex12_23.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f95a0c6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.23/Ex12_23.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 23
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+f = 165*10^3; //frequency in Hz
+C1 = 208*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+C2 = 184*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+Q1 = 80; //Q-factor
+Q2 = 50; //Q-factor
+x = C2*Q2;
+y = C1*Q1;
+w = 2*(%pi)*f;
+Rm = (1/(w))*((1/(x))-(1/(y))); //resistive component of unknown impedance in Ω
+Xm = (1/(w))*((1/C2)-(1/C1)); //reactive component of unknown impedance in Ω
+mprintf("resistive component of unknown impedance =%3.2f Ω",Rm);
+mprintf("\nreactive component of unknown impedance =%3.0f Ω",Xm);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.24/Ex12_21.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.24/Ex12_21.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4cc88b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.24/Ex12_21.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 21
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+M1 = 15.9; //mutual inductance in mH
+M2 = 0.1; //mutual inductance in mH
+r1 = 25.9; //resistance in Ω
+r2 = 12.63; //resistance in Ω
+L1 = 2*(M1-M2); //self inductance in mH
+R1 = r1-r2; //resistance in Ω
+mprintf("self inductance = %3.2f mH",L1);
+mprintf("\nresistance = %3.2f Ω",R1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.25/Ex12_25.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.25/Ex12_25.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..203e64934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.25/Ex12_25.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 25
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+f1 = 3; //frequency in MHz
+f2 =6; //frequency in MHz
+C1 = 251; //capacitance in pF
+C2 = 50; //capacitance in pF
+Cd = (C1-(4*C2))/(3); //self capacitance of the coil in uuF
+//since f1 = 2f2
+mprintf("self capacitance of the coil = %3.2f pF",Cd);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.26/Ex12_26.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.26/Ex12_26.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..31eb0e178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.26/Ex12_26.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 26
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+C1 = 1530; //capacitance in pF
+C2 = 162; //capacitance in pF
+f1 = 3; //frequency in MHz
+f2 =1; //frequency in MHz
+//f1 = 1/((2*math.pi)*(math.sqrt(L*(C2+Cd))))
+//f1 = 1/((2*math.pi)*(math.sqrt(L*(C2+Cd))))
+//f2 = 3*f1
+Cd = (C1-(9*C2))/(8); //self capacitance of the coil in pF
+mprintf("self capacitance of the coil = %3.2f pF",Cd);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.27/Ex12_27.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.27/Ex12_27.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f02395a59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.27/Ex12_27.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 27
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+f = 450*10^3; //resistance inHz
+C = 250*10^-12; //capcaitance in F
+Rsh = 0.75; //resistance in Ω
+ Q = 105; //Q-factor
+w = 2*(%pi)*f;
+L = 1/(((w)^2)*(C)); //inductance in uH
+R = ((w*L)/(Q))-Rsh; //resistance of the coil in Ω
+mprintf("inductance = %3.2f uH",(L*10^6));
+mprintf("\n resistance of the coil = %3.2f Ω",R);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.28/Ex12_28.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.28/Ex12_28.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a0e33e7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.28/Ex12_28.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 28
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+f = 500*10^3; //resistance inHz
+C = 120*10^-12; //capcaitance in F
+R = 5; //resistance in Ω
+r = 0.02; //resistance across oscilltory circuit in Ω
+w = 2*(%pi)*f;
+Qt = 1/(w*C*R); //the true or effective Q of the coil
+Qi = 1/(w*C*(R+r)); //the indicated or calculated Q of the coil
+e = ((Qt-Qi)/(Qt))*100; //percentage error in %
+mprintf("percentage error =%3.2f percentage ",e);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.29/Ex12_29.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.29/Ex12_29.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca70a0d51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.29/Ex12_29.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 29
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+C1 = 95*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+f1 = 800*10^3; //frequency in Hz
+f2 = 2.5*10^6; //frequency in Hz
+w2 = 2*%pi*f;
+L = 1/((w2)^2)*Cd;
+L = 1/((w2)^2)*(C1+Cd)
+//comparing above equations
+// Cd =(((w1)**2)*C1)/((w2)**2)-(w1)**2))
+Cd =(((f1)^2)*C1)/(((f2)^2)-((f1)^2)); //capcitance in pF
+mprintf("capacitance = %3.2f pF",(Cd*10^12));
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.3/Ex12_3.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.3/Ex12_3.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1220a77c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.3/Ex12_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//Chapter 12 Example 3
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 100; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 32.7; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 100; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R = 1.36; //resistance of arm in Ω
+L = 47.8; //inducatance in mH
+R1 = ((R2*R3)/(R4))-R; //resistance of coil in Ω
+L1 = (R2/(R4))*L; //in case of balanced position of bridge in mH
+mprintf("Resistance pf the coil = %3.2f Ω",R1);
+mprintf("\ninductance in case of balanced bridge = %3.2f mH",L1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.30/Ex12_30.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.30/Ex12_30.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b676f21b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.30/Ex12_30.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//Chapter 12 example 30
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+f1 = 1*10^6; //frequency in Hz
+f2 = 2*10^6; //frequency in Hz
+C1 = 480*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+C2 = 90*10^-12; //capacitance in F
+R = 10; //resistance
+Cd = (C1-(4*C2))/3; //self capacitance of the coil in pF
+Q1 = 1/(2*%pi*f1*(C1+Cd)*R); //the indicated or effective Q of the coil
+Q11 = 1/(2*%pi*f1*(C1)*R); //the true Q of the first instrument
+Q2 = 1/(2*(%pi)*f2*(C2+Cd)*R); //the indicated or effective Q for the second instrument
+Q22 = 1/(2*(%pi)*f2*(C2)*R); //the true Q of the second instrument
+mprintf("the indicated or effective Q of the coil = %3.1f ",Q1);
+mprintf("\nthe true Q of the first instrument = %3.3f",Q11);
+mprintf("\nthe indicated or effective Q for the second instrument = %3.3f",Q2);
+mprintf("\nthe true Q of the second instrument = %3.2f",Q22);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.4/Ex12_4.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.4/Ex12_4.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..67e819206
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.4/Ex12_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Chapter 12 Example 4
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C4 = 0.5*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+R1 = ((R2*R3)/(R4)); //resistance of coil in Ω
+L1 = C4*R2*R3; //inductance of inductor in H
+mprintf("resistance of coil = %3.2f Ω",R1);
+mprintf("\ninductance of inductor = %3.2f H",L1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.5/Ex12_5.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.5/Ex12_5.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0396d684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.5/Ex12_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//Chapter 12 Example 5
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 218; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C4 = 10*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+r = 469;
+R1 = ((R2*R3)/(R4)); //resistance of coil in Ω
+x = (r*(R3+R4))+(R3*R4)
+L1 = (C4*R2*x)/(R2); //inductance of inductor in H
+mprintf("resistance of coil = %3.2f Ω",R1);
+mprintf("\ninductance of inductor = %3.2f H",L1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.6/Ex12_6.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.6/Ex12_6.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3eaab29cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.6/Ex12_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Chapter 12 Example 6
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 400; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 400; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 400; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C4 = 2*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+r = 500; //resistance in Ω
+R1 = ((R2*R3)/(R4)); //resistance of coil in Ω
+x = (r*(R3+R4))+(R3*R4)
+L1 = (C4*R2*x)/(R3); //inductance of inductor in H
+mprintf("resistance of coil = %3.2f Ω",R1);
+mprintf("\ninductance of inductor = %3.2f Henry",L1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.7/Ex12_7.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.7/Ex12_7.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5bbde399b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.7/Ex12_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//Chapter 12 Example 7
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 500; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C4 = 3*10**-6; //capacitance in F
+r = 100;
+R1 = ((R2*R3)/(R4)); //resistance of coil in Ω
+x = (r*(R3+R4))+(R3*R4)
+L1 = (C4*R2*x)/(R4); //inductance of inductor in H
+mprintf("resistance of coil = %3.2f Ω",R1);
+mprintf("\ninductance of inductor = %3.2fHenry",L1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.8/Ex12_8.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.8/Ex12_8.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..927eaf172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.8/Ex12_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Chapter 12 Example 8
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 16800; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R4 = 833; //resistance of arm in Ω
+C4 = 0.38*10^-6; //capacitance in F
+f = 50; //frequency in Hz
+w = 2*(%pi)*f;
+L1 = (R2*R3*C4)/(1+((w^2)*(R4^2)*(C4^2))); //inductance in H
+R1 = (R2*R3*R4*(w^2)*(C4^2))/(1+((w^2)*(R4^2)*(C4^2))); //resistance in Ω
+mprintf("inductance of inductor = %3.2fHenry",L1);
+mprintf("\nresistance of coil = %3.2f Ω",R1);
diff --git a/3871/CH12/EX12.9/Ex12_9.sce b/3871/CH12/EX12.9/Ex12_9.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5cba7301c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3871/CH12/EX12.9/Ex12_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//Chapter 12 Example 9
+clc;clear all;
+//variable declaration
+R2 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R3 = 1000; //resistance of arm in Ω
+R1 = 500; //resistance of arm in Ω
+L1 = 0.18; //inductance in H
+f = 5000/(2*(%pi)); //frequency in Hz
+w = 2*(%pi)*f;
+x = R1/((w^2)*L1); //R4*C4 be x
+z = ((w^2)*(x^2));
+a = (1+z);
+C4 = (L1*a)/(R2*R3);
+//from 1 and 2 equations
+//R4 = R4*C4/C4 = x/C4
+R4 = (x)/(C4); //resistance in Ω
+mprintf("resistance = %3.2f Ω",R4);