path: root/Flight_Eqns
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authorSiddharth112352019-09-03 18:09:16 +0530
committerSiddharth112352019-09-03 18:09:16 +0530
commitb4b6aa36e3486a3544acc52419149b5671f841e9 (patch)
tree66c1783158f23e6d21c77324156fc57e18d4ac67 /Flight_Eqns
parentf5266f634f4fb4fd39933a83551a01cf446256b8 (diff)
Pushing entire Modelica HIL Tasks repoHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'Flight_Eqns')
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index 0000000..dab0ffb
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+++ b/Flight_Eqns/Equations/Equations.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+\title{Equation of Motions already included}
+These are the equations already included the 6DOF model.
+ \begin{bmatrix}
+ cos(\theta)cos(\psi) & cos(\theta)sin(\psi) & -sin(\theta) \\
+ -cos(\phi)sin(\psi) + sin(\phi)sin(\theta)cos(\psi) & cos(\phi)cos(\psi) + sin(\phi)sin(\theta)sun(\psi) & sin(\phi)cos(\theta) \\
+ sin(\phi)sin(\psi) + cos(\phi)sin(\theta)cos(\psi) & -sin(\phi)cos(\psi) + cos(\phi)sin(\theta)sin(\psi) & cos(\phi)cos(\theta)
+ \end{bmatrix}
+Also represented as: $C_{b/n} = fn(\Theta)$
+ \begin{bmatrix}
+ 0 & -R & Q \\
+ R & 0 & -P\\
+ -Q & P & 0
+ \end{bmatrix}
+\left[ \begin{array}{c}
+ \dot{\phi}
+\\ \dot{\theta}
+\\ \dot{\psi}
+ \end{array} \right] = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & tan(\theta)sin(\phi) & tan(\theta)cos(\phi) \\ 0 & cos(\phi) & -sin(\phi)\\
+0 & sin(\phi)/cos(\theta) & cos(\phi)/cos(\theta)
+ \end{bmatrix} \times \left[ \begin{array}{c} P\\Q \\ R \end{array} \right]
+\\ Also represented as: $\dot{\Phi} = H(\Phi) \omega^b _{b/e}$
+${}^b\dot{v}^b_{CM/e} =(\frac{1}{m})F^b_{A,T} + C_{b/n} \times g + \Omega^b _{b/e}\times v^b_{CM/e} $
+\\ \\
+${}^e \dot{p}^n_{CM/T} = C_{n/b} \times v^b_{CM/e} $
+\\ \\
+${}^b\dot{\omega}^b_{b/e} = inv(J^b) \times [M^b_{A,T}- \Omega^b_{b/e}\times J^b \times \omega^b_{b/e}]$
+These are the equations in the force-moment model.
+$\alpha = tan^-1 (w/u) $
+$Q = 0.5 \times \rho \times \lVert V \rVert ^2 $
+$C_{L} = C_{L0} + C_{L \alpha} \times \alpha + (\frac{C_{Lq} \times q \times c_{bar}}{2 \times \lVert V \rVert}) + C_{Lde} \times \delta_{e} $
+$C_{m} = C_{m0} + C{m \alpha} \times \alpha +(\frac{C_{mq}*q*c_{bar}}{(2 \times \lVert V \rVert})+C_{mde} \times \delta_{e}$
+$C_{D} = C_{D0} + K_{drag} \times C_{L} ^2$
+\\ \\
+$L = C_{L} \times s \times Q$
+$D = C_{D} \times s \times Q$
+\\ \\
+$Force = \left[ \begin{array}{c} -D \times cos(\alpha)+L \times sin(\alpha)+ thrust - mg \times sin(\theta)\\0 \\ -D \times sin(\alpha)-L \times cos(\alpha)+mg \times cos(\theta) \end{array} \right]$
+\\ \\
+$Moment = \left[ \begin{array}{c} 0\\C_{m} \times s\times c_{bar} \times Q \\ 0 \end{array} \right]$
+ \end{document} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Flight_Eqns/Wind_Axis_eqns/ b/Flight_Eqns/Wind_Axis_eqns/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bff2c49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Flight_Eqns/Wind_Axis_eqns/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+block Wind6DOF
+import Modelica.Math.Matrices.*;
+import Modelica.SIunits.*;
+import Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.*;
+import Modelica.Math.Vectors.*;
+RealInput thrust annotation(
+ Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-110, 33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-110, 33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0)));//Thrust force
+RealInput[3] delta annotation(
+ Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-110, -33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-110, -33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0)));
+Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput V annotation(start =39.8858,
+ Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {110, 100}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {110, 100}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); //Linear velocity
+Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput alpha annotation(start =0.1,
+ Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {110, 60}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {110, 60}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); //Angle of attack
+Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput beta annotation(start = 0,
+ Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {110, 20}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {110, 20}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); //Angle of sideslip
+Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput pos[3]annotation(
+ Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {110, -20}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {110, -20}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
+ //Position (Displacement) //Displacement
+Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput omega[3] annotation(
+ Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {110, -60}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {110, -60}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); //Angular velocity around the CM
+Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput angles[3] annotation(
+ Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {110, -100}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {110, -100}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); //mu, gamma, and chi
+parameter Real rho;
+parameter Real m;//1.56 for zagi
+parameter Real S_ref;//reference area
+parameter Real C_bar ;//average chord
+parameter Real b ;//span
+parameter Real g = 9.81;//gravitational force
+//parameter Real b= 1.4224, C_bar = 0.3302,s = 0.2589;
+parameter Real CD0;//= 0.01631;for Zagi
+parameter Real K_drag ;//for cessna
+parameter Real CD_beta;//for cessna
+parameter Real CD_alpha;
+parameter Real CD_q;
+parameter Real CD_delta_e;
+//side force
+parameter Real Cy_beta;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_p;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_r;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_delta_r; //for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_delta_a; //for cessna
+// lift
+parameter Real CL0 ; //for cessna
+parameter Real CL_alpha;//for cessna
+parameter Real CL_q;//for cessna
+parameter Real CL_delta_e;//for cessna
+// rolling moment
+parameter Real Cl_beta;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_p;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_r;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_delta_a;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_delta_r ;//for cessna
+// pitching moment
+parameter Real Cm0;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cm_alpha ;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cm_q;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cm_delta_e;//for cessna
+// yawing moment
+parameter Real Cn_beta;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_p;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_r;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_delta_a ;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_delta_r;//for cessna
+//Initial conditions. (delta[2], thrust[1] and the others are straightforward)
+parameter Real I_xx;
+parameter Real I_yy;
+parameter Real I_zz;
+Real CL;
+Real CD;
+Real CY;
+Real Cl;
+Real Cm;
+Real Cn;
+Real CX;
+Real CZ;
+//parameter Real delta[1] = 0;
+//parameter Real delta[3] = 0;
+//Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression delta[2] (y = if time > 100 and time < 105 then -0.15625+3.1412 /180 else -0.15625) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-112, 1}, extent = {{-26, -47}, {26, 47}}, rotation = 0)));
+//parameter Real delta[2] = -0.15625;
+//parameter Real thrust = 1112.82;
+Real qbar = 0.5*rho*V^2;
+Real Vdot;
+Real alphadot;
+Real betadot;
+Real pdot;
+Real qdot;
+Real rdot;
+Real mudot;
+Real gammadot;
+Real chidot;
+Real xdot;
+Real ydot;
+Real zdot;
+CL = CL0+CL_alpha*alpha+((CL_q*omega[2]*C_bar)/(2*V))+CL_delta_e*delta[2];
+//CD = CD0+CD_alpha*alpha+((CD_q*omega[2]*C_bar)/(2*V))+CD_delta_e*abs(delta[2]);// + CDbeta * beta + CDdelta[2] * Elevator;
+CD = CD0 + K_drag*CL^2;
+CY = Cy_beta * beta + Cy_p * (omega[1]*b)/(2*V) + Cy_r *(omega[3]*b)/(2*V) + Cy_delta_a * delta[1] + Cy_delta_r*delta[3];//Sideslip coeff
+Cl = Cl_beta * beta + Cl_p*(omega[1]*b)/(2*V) + Cl_r *(omega[3]*b)/(2*V) + Cl_delta_a * delta[1] + Cl_delta_r * delta[3];//Rolling coeff
+Cm = Cm0+Cm_alpha*alpha+((Cm_q*omega[2]*C_bar)/(2*V))+Cm_delta_e*delta[2];//pitching coeff
+Cn = Cn_beta * beta + Cn_p * (omega[1]*b)/(2*V) + Cn_r *(omega[3]*b) /(2*V) + Cn_delta_a * delta[1] + Cn_delta_r * delta[3];//Yawing coeff
+CX = -CD*cos(alpha) + CL*sin(alpha);
+CZ = -CD*sin(alpha) - CL*cos(alpha);
+Vdot = der(V);
+alphadot = der(alpha);
+betadot = der(beta);
+pdot = der(omega[1]);
+qdot = der(omega[2]);
+rdot = der(omega[3]);
+xdot = der(pos[1]);
+ydot = der(pos[2]);
+zdot = der(pos[3]);
+mudot = der(angles[1]);
+gammadot = der(angles[2]);
+chidot = der(angles[3]);
+Vdot = 1/m*(thrust*cos(alpha)*cos(beta)-0.5*rho*V^2*S_ref*(CD*cos(beta)-CY*sin(beta))-m*g*sin(angles[2]));
+alphadot = omega[2]-1/cos(beta)*((omega[1]*cos(alpha)+omega[3]*sin(alpha))*sin(beta)-g/V*cos(angles[2])*cos(angles[1])+0.5*rho*V^2*S_ref*CL/(m*V)+thrust*sin(alpha)/(m*V));
+betadot = (omega[1]*sin(alpha)-omega[3]*cos(alpha))+1/(m*V)*(-thrust*cos(alpha)*sin(beta)+0.5*rho*V^2*S_ref*(CY*cos(beta)+CD*sin(beta))+m*g*cos(angles[2])*sin(angles[1]));
+pdot = (I_yy-I_zz)/I_xx*omega[2]*omega[3]+1/(2*I_xx)*rho*V^2*S_ref*b*Cl;
+qdot = (I_zz-I_xx)/I_yy*omega[1]*omega[3]+1/(2*I_yy)*rho*V^2*S_ref*C_bar*Cm;
+rdot = (I_xx-I_yy)/I_zz*omega[1]*omega[2]+1/(2*I_zz)*rho*V^2*S_ref*b*Cn;
+mudot = omega[1]+tan(angles[2])*sin(angles[1])*omega[2]+tan(angles[2])*cos(angles[1])*omega[3];
+gammadot = cos(angles[1])*omega[2]-sin(angles[1])*omega[3];
+end Wind6DOF; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Flight_Eqns/Wind_Axis_eqns/ b/Flight_Eqns/Wind_Axis_eqns/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d4c90c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Flight_Eqns/Wind_Axis_eqns/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+model Wind6DOFBasic
+import Modelica.Math.Matrices.*;
+import SI=Modelica.SIunits;
+import Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.*;
+parameter Real g = 9.81;
+parameter Real m = 1043.26;//1.56 for zagi
+parameter Real[3,3] J = {{1285.31, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1824.93, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 2666.893}};
+//12 states
+RealOutput[3] omega(start = {0.0,0.0,0}) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {110, -33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {110, -33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0)));//omega
+Real OMEGA[3,3] = skew(omega);//Skew symmetric matrix form of the angular velocity term
+Real V (start =39.8858);
+Real alpha (start =0.1);
+Real beta (start = 0);
+RealOutput[3] VAB annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {110, 33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {110, 33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0)));//V, alpha, beta
+Real x (start = 0);
+Real y (start = 0);
+Real z (start = 100);
+Real mu (start = 0);
+Real gamma (start = 0);
+Real chi (start = 0);
+RealInput Force[3] annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-110, 33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-110, 33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0)));//Thrust force
+RealInput Moment[3] annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-110, -33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-110, -33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0)));//Thrust force
+Real Vdot;
+Real alphadot;
+Real betadot;
+Real[3] omegadot;
+Real mudot;
+Real gammadot;
+Real chidot;
+Real xdot;
+Real ydot;
+Real zdot;
+Vdot = der(V);
+alphadot = der(alpha);
+betadot = der(beta);
+omegadot= der(omega);
+xdot = der(x);
+ydot = der(y);
+zdot = der(z);
+mudot = der(mu);
+gammadot = der(gamma);
+chidot = der(chi);
+Vdot = 1/m*(Force[1] -m*g*sin(gamma));
+alphadot = omega[2]-1/cos(beta)*((omega[1]*cos(alpha)+omega[3]*sin(alpha))*sin(beta)-g/V*cos(gamma)*cos(mu)+Force[3]/(m*V));
+betadot = (omega[1]*sin(alpha)-omega[3]*cos(alpha))+1/(m*V)*(Force[2]+m*g*cos(gamma)*sin(mu));
+omegadot = inv(J) * (Moment- OMEGA* J*omega);
+mudot = omega[1]+tan(gamma)*sin(mu)*omega[2]+tan(gamma)*cos(mu)*omega[3];
+gammadot = cos(mu)*omega[2]-sin(mu)*omega[3];
+VAB = {V,alpha,beta};
+end Wind6DOFBasic; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Flight_Eqns/Wind_Axis_eqns/ b/Flight_Eqns/Wind_Axis_eqns/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40731a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Flight_Eqns/Wind_Axis_eqns/
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+block Wind6DOFBlock
+import Modelica.Math.Matrices.*;
+import SI=Modelica.SIunits;
+import Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.*;
+parameter Real rho = 1.225;
+parameter Real g = 9.81;
+parameter Real m = 1043.26;//1.56 for zagi
+parameter Real S_ref = 16.1651;//reference area
+parameter Real C_bar = 1.493 ;//average chord
+parameter Real b = 10.911 ;//span
+//parameter Real b= 1.4224, cbar = 0.3302,s = 0.2589;
+parameter Real CD0 = 0.036;//= 0.01631;for Zagi
+parameter Real K_drag = 0.0830304;//for cessna
+parameter Real CD_beta = 0.17;//for cessna
+parameter Real CD_alpha= 0.2108;
+parameter Real CD_q = 0;
+parameter Real CD_delta_e= 0.3045;
+//side force
+parameter Real Cy_beta = -0.31;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_p = -0.037;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_r = 0.21;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_delta_r = 0.187; //for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_delta_a= 0; //for cessna
+// lift
+parameter Real CL0 = 0.25; //for cessna
+parameter Real CL_alpha = 4.47;//for cessna
+parameter Real CL_q = 3.9;//for cessna
+parameter Real CL_delta_e = 0.3476;//for cessna
+// rolling moment
+parameter Real Cl_beta = -0.089;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_p = -0.47;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_r = 0.096;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_delta_a= -0.09;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_delta_r = 0.0147;//for cessna
+// pitching moment
+parameter Real Cm0 = -0.02;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cm_alpha = -1.8;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cm_q = -12.4;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cm_delta_e = -1.28;//for cessna
+// yawing moment
+parameter Real Cn_beta = 0.065;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_p = -0.03;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_r = -0.99;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_delta_a = -0.0053;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_delta_r = -0.0657;//for cessna
+//Initial conditions. (deltaE, thrust[1] and the others are straightforward)
+parameter Real[3,3] J = {{1285.31, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1824.93, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 2666.893}};
+Real CL;
+Real CD;
+Real CY;
+Real Cl;
+Real Cm;
+Real Cn;
+Real CX;
+Real CZ;
+RealInput deltaE (start = -0.15625) annotation(start = 0.1,Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-110, -33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-110, -33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0)));
+//Change inelevator angle
+parameter Real deltaR = 0;
+parameter Real deltaA= 0;
+RealInput thrust (start = 1112.82) annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-110, 33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-110, 33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0)));//Thrust force = 1112.82;
+//12 states
+Real p (start = 0);
+Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput q (start = 0) annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {110, 33}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {110, 33}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); //Angular velocity
+Real r (start = 0);
+Real OMEGA[3,3] = skew({p,q,r});//Skew symmetric matrix form of the angular velocity term
+Real V (start =39.8858);
+Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput alpha (start = 0.1) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {110, -33}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {110, -33}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); //Angle of attack
+Real beta (start = 0);
+Real x (start = 0);
+Real y (start = 0);
+Real z (start = 100);
+Real gamma (start = 0);
+Real chi (start = 0);
+Real mu (start = 0);
+Real qbar = 0.5*rho*V^2;
+Real [3] Moment;
+Real Vdot;
+Real alphadot;
+Real betadot;
+Real[3] omegadot;
+Real mudot;
+Real gammadot;
+Real chidot;
+Real xdot;
+Real ydot;
+Real zdot;
+CL = CL0+CL_alpha*alpha+((CL_q*q*C_bar)/(2*V))+CL_delta_e*deltaE;
+//CD = CD0+CD_alpha*alpha+((CD_q*q*C_bar)/(2*V))+CD_delta_e*abs(deltaE) ;
+CD = CD0 + K_drag*CL^2;
+CY = Cy_beta * beta + Cy_p * (p*b)/(2*V) + Cy_r *(r*b)/(2*V) + Cy_delta_a * deltaA + Cy_delta_r*deltaR;//Sideslip coeff
+Cl = Cl_beta * beta + Cl_p*(p*b)/(2*V) + Cl_r *(r*b)/(2*V) + Cl_delta_a * deltaA + Cl_delta_r * deltaR;//Rolling coeff
+Cm = Cm0+Cm_alpha*alpha+((Cm_q*q*C_bar)/(2*V))+Cm_delta_e*deltaE;//pitching coeff
+Cn = Cn_beta * beta + Cn_p * (p*b)/(2*V) + Cn_r *(r*b) /(2*V) + Cn_delta_a * deltaA + Cn_delta_r * deltaR;//Yawing coeff
+CX = -CD*cos(alpha) + CL*sin(alpha);
+CZ = -CD*sin(alpha) - CL*cos(alpha);
+Moment[2] = Cm*qbar*S_ref*C_bar;
+Moment[1] = Cl*qbar*S_ref*b;
+Moment[3] = Cn*qbar*S_ref*b;
+Vdot = der(V);
+alphadot = der(alpha);
+betadot = der(beta);
+omegadot[1] = der(p);
+omegadot[2] = der(q);
+omegadot[3] = der(r);
+xdot = der(x);
+ydot = der(y);
+zdot = der(z);
+mudot = der(mu);
+gammadot = der(gamma);
+chidot = der(chi);
+Vdot = 1/m*(thrust*cos(alpha)*cos(beta)-0.5*rho*V^2*S_ref*(CD*cos(beta)-CY*sin(beta))-m*g*sin(gamma));
+alphadot = q-1/cos(beta)*((p*cos(alpha)+r*sin(alpha))*sin(beta)-g/V*cos(gamma)*cos(mu)+0.5*rho*V^2*S_ref*CL/(m*V)+thrust*sin(alpha)/(m*V));
+betadot = (p*sin(alpha)-r*cos(alpha))+1/(m*V)*(-thrust*cos(alpha)*sin(beta)+0.5*rho*V^2*S_ref*(CY*cos(beta)+CD*sin(beta))+m*g*cos(gamma)*sin(mu));
+omegadot = inv(J) * (Moment- OMEGA* J*{p,q,r});
+mudot = p+tan(gamma)*sin(mu)*q+tan(gamma)*cos(mu)*r;
+gammadot = cos(mu)*q-sin(mu)*r;
+annotation(experiment(StartTime = 0, StopTime = 500, Interval = 0.002),
+ uses(Modelica(version = "3.2.2")));
+end Wind6DOFBlock; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Flight_Eqns/Wind_Axis_eqns/ b/Flight_Eqns/Wind_Axis_eqns/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3005f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Flight_Eqns/Wind_Axis_eqns/
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+model Wind6DOFLinTest
+import Modelica.Math.Matrices.*;
+import SI=Modelica.SIunits;
+import Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.*;
+parameter Real rho = 1.225;
+parameter Real g = 9.81;
+parameter Real m = 1043.26;//1.56 for zagi
+parameter Real S_ref = 16.1651;//reference area
+parameter Real C_bar = 1.493 ;//average chord
+parameter Real b = 10.911 ;//span
+//parameter Real b= 1.4224, cbar = 0.3302,s = 0.2589;
+parameter Real CD0 = 0.036;//= 0.01631;for Zagi
+parameter Real K_drag = 0.0830304;//for cessna
+parameter Real CD_beta = 0.17;//for cessna
+parameter Real CD_alpha= 0.2108;
+parameter Real CD_q = 0;
+parameter Real CD_delta_e= 0.3045;
+//side force
+parameter Real Cy_beta = -0.31;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_p = -0.037;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_r = 0.21;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_delta_r = 0.187; //for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_delta_a= 0; //for cessna
+// lift
+parameter Real CL0 = 0.25; //for cessna
+parameter Real CL_alpha = 4.47;//for cessna
+parameter Real CL_q = 3.9;//for cessna
+parameter Real CL_delta_e = 0.3476;//for cessna
+// rolling moment
+parameter Real Cl_beta = -0.089;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_p = -0.47;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_r = 0.096;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_delta_a= -0.09;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_delta_r = 0.0147;//for cessna
+// pitching moment
+parameter Real Cm0 = -0.02;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cm_alpha = -1.8;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cm_q = -12.4;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cm_delta_e = -1.28;//for cessna
+// yawing moment
+parameter Real Cn_beta = 0.065;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_p = -0.03;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_r = -0.99;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_delta_a = -0.0053;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_delta_r = -0.0657;//for cessna
+//Initial conditions. (deltaE, thrust[1] and the others are straightforward)
+parameter Real[3,3] J = {{1285.31, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1824.93, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 2666.893}};
+Real CL;
+Real CD;
+Real CY;
+Real Cl;
+Real Cm;
+Real Cn;
+Real CX;
+Real CZ;
+RealInput deltaE (start = -0.15625) annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-110, -33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-110, -33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0)));
+parameter Real deltaR = 0;
+parameter Real deltaA = 0;
+// Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant deltaA (k =0) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-42, 28}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
+RealInput thrust (start = 1112.82) annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-110, 33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-110, 33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0)));//Thrust force = 1112.82;
+//12 states
+Real p (start = 0);
+Real q (start = 0);
+Real r (start = 0);
+Real OMEGA[3,3] = skew({p,q,r});//Skew symmetric matrix form of the angular velocity term
+Real V (start =39.8858);
+Real alpha (start = 0.1);
+Real beta (start = 0);
+Real x (start = 0);
+Real y (start = 0);
+Real z (start = 100);
+Real gamma (start = 0);
+Real chi (start = 0);
+Real mu (start = 0);
+Real qbar = 0.5*rho*V^2;
+Real [3] Moment;
+Real Vdot;
+Real alphadot;
+Real betadot;
+Real[3] omegadot;
+Real mudot;
+Real gammadot;
+Real chidot;
+Real xdot;
+Real ydot;
+Real zdot;
+CL = CL0+CL_alpha*alpha+((CL_q*q*C_bar)/(2*V))+CL_delta_e*deltaE;
+//CD = CD0+CD_alpha*alpha+((CD_q*q*C_bar)/(2*V))+CD_delta_e*abs(deltaE) ;
+CD = CD0 + K_drag*CL^2;
+CY = Cy_beta * beta + Cy_p * (p*b)/(2*V) + Cy_r *(r*b)/(2*V) + Cy_delta_a * deltaA + Cy_delta_r*deltaR;//Sideslip coeff
+Cl = Cl_beta * beta + Cl_p*(p*b)/(2*V) + Cl_r *(r*b)/(2*V) + Cl_delta_a * deltaA + Cl_delta_r * deltaR;//Rolling coeff
+Cm = Cm0+Cm_alpha*alpha+((Cm_q*q*C_bar)/(2*V))+Cm_delta_e*deltaE;//pitching coeff
+Cn = Cn_beta * beta + Cn_p * (p*b)/(2*V) + Cn_r *(r*b) /(2*V) + Cn_delta_a * deltaA + Cn_delta_r * deltaR;//Yawing coeff
+CX = -CD*cos(alpha) + CL*sin(alpha);
+CZ = -CD*sin(alpha) - CL*cos(alpha);
+Moment[2] = Cm*qbar*S_ref*C_bar;
+Moment[1] = Cl*qbar*S_ref*b;
+Moment[3] = Cn*qbar*S_ref*b;
+Vdot = der(V);
+alphadot = der(alpha);
+betadot = der(beta);
+omegadot[1] = der(p);
+omegadot[2] = der(q);
+omegadot[3] = der(r);
+xdot = der(x);
+ydot = der(y);
+zdot = der(z);
+mudot = der(mu);
+gammadot = der(gamma);
+chidot = der(chi);
+Vdot = 1/m*(thrust*cos(alpha)*cos(beta)-0.5*rho*V^2*S_ref*(CD*cos(beta)-CY*sin(beta))-m*g*sin(gamma));
+alphadot = q-1/cos(beta)*((p*cos(alpha)+r*sin(alpha))*sin(beta)-g/V*cos(gamma)*cos(mu)+0.5*rho*V^2*S_ref*CL/(m*V)+thrust*sin(alpha)/(m*V));
+betadot = (p*sin(alpha)-r*cos(alpha))+1/(m*V)*(-thrust*cos(alpha)*sin(beta)+0.5*rho*V^2*S_ref*(CY*cos(beta)+CD*sin(beta))+m*g*cos(gamma)*sin(mu));
+omegadot = inv(J) * (Moment- OMEGA* J*{p,q,r});
+mudot = p+tan(gamma)*sin(mu)*q+tan(gamma)*cos(mu)*r;
+gammadot = cos(mu)*q-sin(mu)*r;
+annotation(experiment(StartTime = 0, StopTime = 500, Interval = 0.002), uses(Modelica(version = "3.2.2")));
+end Wind6DOFLinTest; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Flight_Eqns/Wind_Axis_eqns/ b/Flight_Eqns/Wind_Axis_eqns/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..353e365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Flight_Eqns/Wind_Axis_eqns/
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+model Wind6DOFVer
+import Modelica.Math.Matrices.*;
+import SI=Modelica.SIunits;
+import Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.*;
+parameter Real rho = 1.225;
+parameter Real g = 9.81;
+parameter Real m = 1043.26;//1.56 for zagi
+parameter Real S_ref = 16.1651;//reference area
+parameter Real C_bar = 1.493 ;//average chord
+parameter Real b = 10.911 ;//span
+//parameter Real b= 1.4224, cbar = 0.3302,s = 0.2589;
+parameter Real CD0 = 0.036;//= 0.01631;for Zagi
+parameter Real K_drag = 0.0830304;//for cessna
+parameter Real CD_beta = 0.17;//for cessna
+parameter Real CD_alpha= 0.2108;
+parameter Real CD_q = 0;
+parameter Real CD_delta_e= 0.3045;
+//side force
+parameter Real Cy_beta = -0.31;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_p = -0.037;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_r = 0.21;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_delta_r = 0.187; //for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_delta_a= 0; //for cessna
+// lift
+parameter Real CL0 = 0.25; //for cessna
+parameter Real CL_alpha = 4.47;//for cessna
+parameter Real CL_q = 3.9;//for cessna
+parameter Real CL_delta_e = 0.3476;//for cessna
+// rolling moment
+parameter Real Cl_beta = -0.089;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_p = -0.47;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_r = 0.096;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_delta_a= -0.09;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_delta_r = 0.0147;//for cessna
+// pitching moment
+parameter Real Cm0 = -0.02;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cm_alpha = -1.8;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cm_q = -12.4;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cm_delta_e = -1.28;//for cessna
+// yawing moment
+parameter Real Cn_beta = 0.065;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_p = -0.03;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_r = -0.99;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_delta_a = -0.0053;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_delta_r = -0.0657;//for cessna
+//Initial conditions. (deltaE, thrust[1] and the others are straightforward)
+parameter Real[3,3] J = {{1285.31, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1824.93, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 2666.893}};
+Real CL;
+Real CD;
+Real CY;
+Real Cl;
+Real Cm;
+Real Cn;
+Real CX;
+Real CZ;
+parameter Real deltaE = -0.15625;
+parameter Real deltaR = 0;
+parameter Real deltaA = 0;
+parameter Real thrust = 1112.82;
+//12 states
+Real p (start = 0);
+Real q (start = 0);
+Real r (start = 0);
+Real OMEGA[3,3] = skew({p,q,r});//Skew symmetric matrix form of the angular velocity term
+Real V (start =39.8858);
+Real alpha (start =0.1);
+Real beta (start = 0);
+Real x (start = 0);
+Real y (start = 0);
+Real z (start = 100);
+Real mu (start = 0);
+Real gamma (start = 0);
+Real chi (start = 0);
+Real qbar = 0.5*rho*V^2;
+Real [3] Moment;
+Real Vdot;
+Real alphadot;
+Real betadot;
+Real[3] omegadot;
+Real mudot;
+Real gammadot;
+Real chidot;
+Real xdot;
+Real ydot;
+Real zdot;
+CL = CL0+CL_alpha*alpha+((CL_q*q*C_bar)/(2*V))+CL_delta_e*deltaE;
+//CD = CD0+CD_alpha*alpha+((CD_q*q*C_bar)/(2*V))+CD_delta_e*abs(deltaE) ;
+CD = CD0 + K_drag*CL^2;
+CY = Cy_beta * beta + Cy_p * (p*b)/(2*V) + Cy_r *(r*b)/(2*V) + Cy_delta_a * deltaA + Cy_delta_r*deltaR;//Sideslip coeff
+Cl = Cl_beta * beta + Cl_p*(p*b)/(2*V) + Cl_r *(r*b)/(2*V) + Cl_delta_a * deltaA + Cl_delta_r * deltaR;//Rolling coeff
+Cm = Cm0+Cm_alpha*alpha+((Cm_q*q*C_bar)/(2*V))+Cm_delta_e*deltaE;//pitching coeff
+Cn = Cn_beta * beta + Cn_p * (p*b)/(2*V) + Cn_r *(r*b) /(2*V) + Cn_delta_a * deltaA + Cn_delta_r * deltaR;//Yawing coeff
+CX = -CD*cos(alpha) + CL*sin(alpha);
+CZ = -CD*sin(alpha) - CL*cos(alpha);
+Moment[2] = Cm*qbar*S_ref*C_bar;
+Moment[1] = Cl*qbar*S_ref*b;
+Moment[3] = Cn*qbar*S_ref*b;
+Vdot = der(V);
+alphadot = der(alpha);
+betadot = der(beta);
+omegadot[1] = der(p);
+omegadot[2] = der(q);
+omegadot[3] = der(r);
+xdot = der(x);
+ydot = der(y);
+zdot = der(z);
+mudot = der(mu);
+gammadot = der(gamma);
+chidot = der(chi);
+Vdot = 1/m*(thrust*cos(alpha)*cos(beta)-0.5*rho*V^2*S_ref*(CD*cos(beta)-CY*sin(beta))-m*g*sin(gamma));
+alphadot = q-1/cos(beta)*((p*cos(alpha)+r*sin(alpha))*sin(beta)-g/V*cos(gamma)*cos(mu)+(0.5*rho*V^2*S_ref*CL+thrust*sin(alpha))/(m*V));
+betadot = (p*sin(alpha)-r*cos(alpha))+1/(m*V)*(-thrust*cos(alpha)*sin(beta)+0.5*rho*V^2*S_ref*(CY*cos(beta)+CD*sin(beta))+m*g*cos(gamma)*sin(mu));
+omegadot = inv(J) * (Moment- OMEGA* J*{p,q,r});
+mudot = p+tan(gamma)*sin(mu)*q+tan(gamma)*cos(mu)*r;
+gammadot = cos(mu)*q-sin(mu)*r;
+annotation(experiment(StartTime = 0, StopTime = 500, Interval = 0.002), uses(Modelica(version = "3.2.2")));
+end Wind6DOFVer; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Flight_Eqns/Wind_Axis_eqns/ b/Flight_Eqns/Wind_Axis_eqns/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6c90d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Flight_Eqns/Wind_Axis_eqns/
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+model Wind6DOFZagi
+import Modelica.Math.Matrices.*;
+import SI=Modelica.SIunits;
+import Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.*;
+parameter Real rho = 1.225;
+parameter Real m = 1.56;//1.56 for zagi
+parameter Real S_ref = 0.2589;//reference area
+parameter Real C_bar = 0.3302 ;//average chord
+parameter Real b = 1.4224 ;//span
+parameter Real g = 9.81;//gravitational force
+//parameter Real b= 1.4224, C_bar = 0.3302,s = 0.2589;
+// lift
+parameter Real CL0 = 0.09167; //for cessna
+parameter Real CL_alpha = 3.5016;//for cessna
+parameter Real CL_q = 2.8932;//for cessna
+parameter Real CL_delta_e = 0.2724;//for cessna
+parameter Real CD0 = 0.01631;//= 0.01631;for Zagi
+parameter Real K_drag = 0.0830304;//for cessna
+parameter Real CD_beta = 0.17;//for cessna
+parameter Real CD_alpha= 0.2108;
+parameter Real CD_q = 0;
+parameter Real CD_delta_e= 0.3045;
+//side force
+parameter Real Cy_0;
+parameter Real Cy_beta = -0.07359;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_p = 0;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_r = 0.21;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_delta_r = 0.187; //for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_delta_a= 0; //for cessna
+// rolling moment
+parameter Real Cl_0 = 0;
+parameter Real Cl_beta = -0.02854;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_p = -0.3209;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_r = 0.03066;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_delta_a= 0.1682;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_delta_r = 0;//for cessna
+// pitching moment
+parameter Real Cm0 = -0.02338;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cm_alpha = -0.5675;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cm_q = -1.3990;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cm_delta_e = -0.3254;//for cessna
+// yawing moment
+parameter Real Cn_0 = 0;
+parameter Real Cn_beta = -0.00040;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_p = -0.01297;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_r = -0.00434;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_delta_a = -0.00328;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_delta_r = 0;//for cessna
+//Initial conditions. (deltaE, thrust[1] and the others are straightforward)
+parameter Real[3,3] J = {{0.1147, 0.0, -0.0015}, {0.0, 0.0576, 0.0}, {-0.0015, 0.0, 0.2589}};
+Real CL;
+Real CD;
+Real CY;
+Real Cl;
+Real Cm;
+Real Cn;
+Real CX;
+Real CZ;
+parameter Real deltaE = -0.246251;
+parameter Real deltaR = 0;
+//Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression deltaA (y = if time > 100 and time < 105 then 3.1412 /180 elseif time > 105 and time < 110 then -3.1412 /180 else 0) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-112, 1}, extent = {{-26, -47}, {26, 47}}, rotation = 0)));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant deltaA (k =0) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-42, 28}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
+parameter Real thrust = 4.47729;
+//12 states
+Real p (start = 0);
+Real q (start = 0);
+Real r (start = 0);
+Real OMEGA[3,3] = skew({p,q,r});//Skew symmetric matrix form of the angular velocity term
+Real V (start =15.8114);
+Real alpha (start =0.1);
+Real beta (start = 0);
+Real x (start = 0);
+Real y (start = 0);
+Real z (start = 100);
+Real gamma (start = 0);
+Real chi (start = 0);
+Real mu (start = 0);
+Real qbar = 0.5*rho*V^2;
+Real [3] Moment;
+Real Vdot;
+Real alphadot;
+Real betadot;
+Real[3] omegadot;
+Real mudot;
+Real gammadot;
+Real chidot;
+Real xdot;
+Real ydot;
+Real zdot;
+CL = CL0+CL_alpha*alpha+((CL_q*q*C_bar)/(2*V))+CL_delta_e*deltaE;
+CD = CD0+CD_alpha*alpha+((CD_q*q*C_bar)/(2*V))+CD_delta_e*abs(deltaE) ;
+//CD = CD0 + K_drag*CL^2;
+CY = Cy_beta * beta + Cy_p * (p*b)/(2*V) + Cy_r *(r*b)/(2*V) + Cy_delta_a * deltaA.k + Cy_delta_r*deltaR;//Sideslip coeff
+Cl = Cl_beta * beta + Cl_p*(p*b)/(2*V) + Cl_r *(r*b)/(2*V) + Cl_delta_a * deltaA.k + Cl_delta_r * deltaR;//Rolling coeff
+Cm = Cm0+Cm_alpha*alpha+((Cm_q*q*C_bar)/(2*V))+Cm_delta_e*deltaE;//pitching coeff
+Cn = Cn_beta * beta + Cn_p * (p*b)/(2*V) + Cn_r *(r*b) /(2*V) + Cn_delta_a * deltaA.k + Cn_delta_r * deltaR;//Yawing coeff
+CX = -CD*cos(alpha) + CL*sin(alpha);
+CZ = -CD*sin(alpha) - CL*cos(alpha);
+Moment[2] = Cm*qbar*S_ref*C_bar;
+Moment[1] = Cl*qbar*S_ref*b;
+Moment[3] = Cn*qbar*S_ref*b;
+Vdot = der(V);
+alphadot = der(alpha);
+betadot = der(beta);
+omegadot[1] = der(p);
+omegadot[2] = der(q);
+omegadot[3] = der(r);
+xdot = der(x);
+ydot = der(y);
+zdot = der(z);
+mudot = der(mu);
+gammadot = der(gamma);
+chidot = der(chi);
+Vdot = 1/m*(thrust*cos(alpha)*cos(beta)-0.5*rho*V^2*S_ref*(CD*cos(beta)-CY*sin(beta))-m*g*sin(gamma));
+alphadot = q-1/cos(beta)*((p*cos(alpha)+r*sin(alpha))*sin(beta)-g/V*cos(gamma)*cos(mu)+0.5*rho*V^2*S_ref*CL/(m*V)+thrust*sin(alpha)/(m*V));
+betadot = (p*sin(alpha)-r*cos(alpha))+1/(m*V)*(-thrust*cos(alpha)*sin(beta)+0.5*rho*V^2*S_ref*(CY*cos(beta)+CD*sin(beta))+m*g*cos(gamma)*sin(mu));
+omegadot = inv(J) * (Moment- OMEGA* J*{p,q,r});
+mudot = p+tan(gamma)*sin(mu)*q+tan(gamma)*cos(mu)*r;
+gammadot = cos(mu)*q-sin(mu)*r;
+annotation(experiment(StartTime = 0, StopTime = 500, Interval = 0.002),
+ uses(Modelica(version = "3.2.2")));
+end Wind6DOFZagi; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Flight_Eqns/Wind_Axis_eqns/ b/Flight_Eqns/Wind_Axis_eqns/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f3c8e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Flight_Eqns/Wind_Axis_eqns/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+model WindForceMoment
+import Modelica.Math.Matrices.*;
+import Modelica.SIunits.*;
+import Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.*;
+import Modelica.Math.Vectors.*;
+parameter Real rho = 1.225;
+parameter Real g = 9.81;
+parameter Real m = 1043.26;//1.56 for zagi
+parameter Real S_ref = 16.1651;//reference area
+parameter Real C_bar = 1.493 ;//average chord
+parameter Real b = 10.911 ;//span
+parameter Real CD0 = 0.036;//= 0.01631;for Zagi
+parameter Real K_drag = 0.0830304;//for cessna
+parameter Real CD_beta = 0.17;//for cessna
+parameter Real CD_alpha= 0.2108;
+parameter Real CD_q = 0;
+parameter Real CD_delta_e= 0.3045;
+//side force
+parameter Real Cy_beta = -0.31;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_p = -0.037;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_r = 0.21;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_delta_r = 0.187; //for cessna
+parameter Real Cy_delta_a= 0; //for cessna
+// lift
+parameter Real CL0 = 0.25; //for cessna
+parameter Real CL_alpha = 4.47;//for cessna
+parameter Real CL_q = 3.9;//for cessna
+parameter Real CL_delta_e = 0.3476;//for cessna
+// rolling moment
+parameter Real Cl_beta = -0.089;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_p = -0.47;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_r = 0.096;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_delta_a= -0.09;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cl_delta_r = 0.0147;//for cessna
+// pitching moment
+parameter Real Cm0 = -0.02;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cm_alpha = -1.8;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cm_q = -12.4;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cm_delta_e = -1.28;//for cessna
+// yawing moment
+parameter Real Cn_beta = 0.065;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_p = -0.03;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_r = -0.99;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_delta_a = -0.0053;//for cessna
+parameter Real Cn_delta_r = -0.0657;//for cessna
+Real CL;
+Real CD;
+Real CY;
+Real Cl;
+Real Cm;
+Real Cn;
+Real CX;
+Real CZ;
+RealInput thrust annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-110, 0}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-110, 0}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0)));//Thrust force
+RealInput[3] delta annotation(
+ Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-110, -50}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-110, -50}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0)));
+RealInput[3] VAB annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-33, 110}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = -90), iconTransformation(origin = {-33, 110}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = -90)));//V, alpha, beta
+RealInput[3] omega annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {33, 110}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = -90), iconTransformation(origin = {33, 110}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = -90)));//Angular velocities
+Real V = VAB[1];
+Real alpha = VAB[2];
+Real beta = VAB[3];
+Real p = omega[1];
+Real q = omega[2];
+Real r = omega[3];
+Real deltaE = delta[1];
+Real deltaR = delta[2];
+Real deltaA = delta[3];
+Real qbar = 0.5*rho*V^2;
+RealOutput Force[3] annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {110, 33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {110, 33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0)));//Thrust force
+RealOutput Moment[3] annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {110, -33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {110, -33}, extent = {{-20, -20}, {20, 20}}, rotation = 0)));//Thrust force
+CL = CL0+CL_alpha*alpha+((CL_q*q*C_bar)/(2*V))+CL_delta_e*deltaE;
+//CD = CD0+CD_alpha*alpha+((CD_q*q*C_bar)/(2*V))+CD_delta_e*abs(deltaE) ;
+CD = CD0 + K_drag*CL^2;
+CY = Cy_beta * beta + Cy_p * (p*b)/(2*V) + Cy_r *(r*b)/(2*V) + Cy_delta_a * deltaA + Cy_delta_r*deltaR;//Sideslip coeff
+Cl = Cl_beta * beta + Cl_p*(p*b)/(2*V) + Cl_r *(r*b)/(2*V) + Cl_delta_a * deltaA + Cl_delta_r * deltaR;//Rolling coeff
+Cm = Cm0+Cm_alpha*alpha+((Cm_q*q*C_bar)/(2*V))+Cm_delta_e*deltaE;//pitching coeff
+Cn = Cn_beta * beta + Cn_p * (p*b)/(2*V) + Cn_r *(r*b) /(2*V) + Cn_delta_a * deltaA + Cn_delta_r * deltaR;//Yawing coeff
+CX = -CD*cos(alpha) + CL*sin(alpha);
+CZ = -CD*sin(alpha) - CL*cos(alpha);
+Force[1] = thrust*cos(alpha)*cos(beta)-0.5*rho*V^2*S_ref*(CD*cos(beta)-CY*sin(beta));
+Force[2] = -thrust*cos(alpha)*sin(beta)+0.5*rho*V^2*S_ref*(CY*cos(beta)+CD*sin(beta));
+Force[3] = 0.5*rho*V^2*S_ref*CL+thrust*sin(alpha);
+Moment[2] = Cm*qbar*S_ref*C_bar;
+Moment[1] = Cl*qbar*S_ref*b;
+Moment[3] = Cn*qbar*S_ref*b;
+end WindForceMoment; \ No newline at end of file