path: root/Firmware
diff options
authorSumeet Koli2018-06-18 14:46:14 +0530
committerSumeet Koli2018-06-18 14:46:14 +0530
commit44ad9efa7e729739cde3103d8fc1e475efa2a923 (patch)
treef87994e13c9b4d0082f7a743f29e1eafc9690fa9 /Firmware
parent931fdbe021ec59e211ac13b807c18a9b2ca9a76c (diff)
Change in directory structure
Diffstat (limited to 'Firmware')
-rw-r--r--Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata.zipbin0 -> 858425 bytes
-rw-r--r--Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/Boards.h566
-rw-r--r--Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/Firmata.cpp554
-rw-r--r--Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/Firmata.h180
-rw-r--r--Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataConstants.h97
-rw-r--r--Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataDefines.h283
-rw-r--r--Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataMarshaller.cpp431
-rw-r--r--Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataMarshaller.h75
-rw-r--r--Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataParser.cpp480
-rw-r--r--Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataParser.h105
-rw-r--r--Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/Servo.cpp234
-rw-r--r--Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/Servo.h54
-rw-r--r--Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/StandardFirmata.ino864
-rw-r--r--Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/TM4C123GH6PM_PinDiagram.jpegbin0 -> 1017259 bytes
-rw-r--r--Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/pinout_tm4c123g.txt88
18 files changed, 6723 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Firmware/Arduino/pidmata3/pidmata3.ino b/Firmware/Arduino/pidmata3/pidmata3.ino
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01a4710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/Arduino/pidmata3/pidmata3.ino
@@ -0,0 +1,904 @@
+ Firmata is a generic protocol for communicating with microcontrollers
+ from software on a host computer. It is intended to work with
+ any host computer software package.
+ To download a host software package, please click on the following link
+ to open the list of Firmata client libraries in your default browser.
+ Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Hans-Christoph Steiner. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Paul Stoffregen. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (C) 2009 Shigeru Kobayashi. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Jeff Hoefs. All rights reserved.
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ See file LICENSE.txt for further informations on licensing terms.
+ Last updated August 17th, 2017
+#include <Servo.h>
+#include <Wire.h>
+#include <Firmata.h>
+#include <AutoPID.h>
+//Comment the line below, "#define PID", if you are not using PID else uncomment it and follow further instructions.
+#define PID
+//------------PID values----------------
+// Pin 6 - setPoint (input value)
+// Pin 5 - feedback (input value)
+// Pin 15 - control (output value)
+//If you use real analog pin for input for PID just uncomment next line with #define REAL_INPUT, if use virtual sources comment this line
+//If you use both real will be prefered
+//#define REAL_INPUT
+// This line define analog pin for read values from real sources
+#define AREAD_PIN A1
+#define PID_OUTPUT_MIN -512.0
+#define PID_OUTPUT_MAX 512.0
+#define PID_KP 15
+#define PID_KI 10
+#define PID_KD 10
+#define PID_BANG_BANG 40
+#define PID_INTERVAL 100
+#define I2C_WRITE B00000000
+#define I2C_READ B00001000
+#define I2C_READ_CONTINUOUSLY B00010000
+#define I2C_STOP_READING B00011000
+#define I2C_READ_WRITE_MODE_MASK B00011000
+#define I2C_10BIT_ADDRESS_MODE_MASK B00100000
+#define I2C_END_TX_MASK B01000000
+#define I2C_STOP_TX 1
+#define I2C_RESTART_TX 0
+#define I2C_MAX_QUERIES 8
+// the minimum interval for sampling analog input
+ *============================================================================*/
+SerialFirmata serialFeature;
+/* analog inputs */
+int analogInputsToReport = 0; // bitwise array to store pin reporting
+/* digital input ports */
+byte reportPINs[TOTAL_PORTS]; // 1 = report this port, 0 = silence
+byte previousPINs[TOTAL_PORTS]; // previous 8 bits sent
+/* pins configuration */
+byte portConfigInputs[TOTAL_PORTS]; // each bit: 1 = pin in INPUT, 0 = anything else
+/* timer variables */
+unsigned long currentMillis; // store the current value from millis()
+unsigned long previousMillis; // for comparison with currentMillis
+unsigned int samplingInterval = 19; // how often to run the main loop (in ms)
+/* i2c data */
+struct i2c_device_info {
+ byte addr;
+ int reg;
+ byte bytes;
+ byte stopTX;
+double currentPoint=0.0, setPoint=0.0, control_value=0.0;
+#ifdef PID
+ AutoPID myPID(&currentPoint, &setPoint, &control_value, PID_OUTPUT_MIN, PID_OUTPUT_MAX, PID_KP, PID_KI, PID_KD);
+/* for i2c read continuous more */
+i2c_device_info query[I2C_MAX_QUERIES];
+byte i2cRxData[64];
+boolean isI2CEnabled = false;
+signed char queryIndex = -1;
+// default delay time between i2c read request and Wire.requestFrom()
+unsigned int i2cReadDelayTime = 0;
+Servo servos[MAX_SERVOS];
+byte servoPinMap[TOTAL_PINS];
+byte detachedServos[MAX_SERVOS];
+byte detachedServoCount = 0;
+byte servoCount = 0;
+boolean isResetting = false;
+// Forward declare a few functions to avoid compiler errors with older versions
+// of the Arduino IDE.
+void setPinModeCallback(byte, int);
+void reportAnalogCallback(byte analogPin, int value);
+void sysexCallback(byte, byte, byte*);
+/* utility functions */
+void wireWrite(byte data)
+#if ARDUINO >= 100
+ Wire.write((byte)data);
+ Wire.send(data);
+byte wireRead(void)
+#if ARDUINO >= 100
+ return;
+ return Wire.receive();
+ /*==============================================================================
+ * PID
+ *==============================================================================*/
+void update_setPoint(int value)
+ #ifdef REAL_INPUT
+ setPoint=(double)analogRead(AREAD_PIN);
+ #else
+ setPoint=(double)(value-512);
+ #endif
+ }
+void update_currentPoint(int value)
+ currentPoint=(double)(value-512);
+ *============================================================================*/
+void attachServo(byte pin, int minPulse, int maxPulse)
+ if (servoCount < MAX_SERVOS) {
+ // reuse indexes of detached servos until all have been reallocated
+ if (detachedServoCount > 0) {
+ servoPinMap[pin] = detachedServos[detachedServoCount - 1];
+ if (detachedServoCount > 0) detachedServoCount--;
+ } else {
+ servoPinMap[pin] = servoCount;
+ servoCount++;
+ }
+ if (minPulse > 0 && maxPulse > 0) {
+ servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attach(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), minPulse, maxPulse);
+ } else {
+ servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attach(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin));
+ }
+ } else {
+ Firmata.sendString("Max servos attached");
+ }
+void detachServo(byte pin)
+ servos[servoPinMap[pin]].detach();
+ // if we're detaching the last servo, decrement the count
+ // otherwise store the index of the detached servo
+ if (servoPinMap[pin] == servoCount && servoCount > 0) {
+ servoCount--;
+ } else if (servoCount > 0) {
+ // keep track of detached servos because we want to reuse their indexes
+ // before incrementing the count of attached servos
+ detachedServoCount++;
+ detachedServos[detachedServoCount - 1] = servoPinMap[pin];
+ }
+ servoPinMap[pin] = 255;
+void enableI2CPins()
+ byte i;
+ // is there a faster way to do this? would probaby require importing
+ // Arduino.h to get SCL and SDA pins
+ for (i = 0; i < TOTAL_PINS; i++) {
+ if (IS_PIN_I2C(i)) {
+ // mark pins as i2c so they are ignore in non i2c data requests
+ setPinModeCallback(i, PIN_MODE_I2C);
+ }
+ }
+ isI2CEnabled = true;
+ Wire.begin();
+/* disable the i2c pins so they can be used for other functions */
+void disableI2CPins() {
+ isI2CEnabled = false;
+ // disable read continuous mode for all devices
+ queryIndex = -1;
+void readAndReportData(byte address, int theRegister, byte numBytes, byte stopTX) {
+ // allow I2C requests that don't require a register read
+ // for example, some devices using an interrupt pin to signify new data available
+ // do not always require the register read so upon interrupt you call Wire.requestFrom()
+ if (theRegister != I2C_REGISTER_NOT_SPECIFIED) {
+ Wire.beginTransmission(address);
+ wireWrite((byte)theRegister);
+ Wire.endTransmission(stopTX); // default = true
+ // do not set a value of 0
+ if (i2cReadDelayTime > 0) {
+ // delay is necessary for some devices such as WiiNunchuck
+ delayMicroseconds(i2cReadDelayTime);
+ }
+ } else {
+ theRegister = 0; // fill the register with a dummy value
+ }
+ Wire.requestFrom(address, numBytes); // all bytes are returned in requestFrom
+ // check to be sure correct number of bytes were returned by slave
+ if (numBytes < Wire.available()) {
+ Firmata.sendString("I2C: Too many bytes received");
+ } else if (numBytes > Wire.available()) {
+ Firmata.sendString("I2C: Too few bytes received");
+ }
+ i2cRxData[0] = address;
+ i2cRxData[1] = theRegister;
+ for (int i = 0; i < numBytes && Wire.available(); i++) {
+ i2cRxData[2 + i] = wireRead();
+ }
+ // send slave address, register and received bytes
+ Firmata.sendSysex(SYSEX_I2C_REPLY, numBytes + 2, i2cRxData);
+void outputPort(byte portNumber, byte portValue, byte forceSend)
+ // pins not configured as INPUT are cleared to zeros
+ portValue = portValue & portConfigInputs[portNumber];
+ // only send if the value is different than previously sent
+ if (forceSend || previousPINs[portNumber] != portValue) {
+ Firmata.sendDigitalPort(portNumber, portValue);
+ previousPINs[portNumber] = portValue;
+ }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * check all the active digital inputs for change of state, then add any events
+ * to the Serial output queue using Serial.print() */
+void checkDigitalInputs(void)
+ /* Using non-looping code allows constants to be given to readPort().
+ * The compiler will apply substantial optimizations if the inputs
+ * to readPort() are compile-time constants. */
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 0 && reportPINs[0]) outputPort(0, readPort(0, portConfigInputs[0]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 1 && reportPINs[1]) outputPort(1, readPort(1, portConfigInputs[1]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 2 && reportPINs[2]) outputPort(2, readPort(2, portConfigInputs[2]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 3 && reportPINs[3]) outputPort(3, readPort(3, portConfigInputs[3]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 4 && reportPINs[4]) outputPort(4, readPort(4, portConfigInputs[4]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 5 && reportPINs[5]) outputPort(5, readPort(5, portConfigInputs[5]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 6 && reportPINs[6]) outputPort(6, readPort(6, portConfigInputs[6]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 7 && reportPINs[7]) outputPort(7, readPort(7, portConfigInputs[7]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 8 && reportPINs[8]) outputPort(8, readPort(8, portConfigInputs[8]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 9 && reportPINs[9]) outputPort(9, readPort(9, portConfigInputs[9]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 10 && reportPINs[10]) outputPort(10, readPort(10, portConfigInputs[10]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 11 && reportPINs[11]) outputPort(11, readPort(11, portConfigInputs[11]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 12 && reportPINs[12]) outputPort(12, readPort(12, portConfigInputs[12]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 13 && reportPINs[13]) outputPort(13, readPort(13, portConfigInputs[13]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 14 && reportPINs[14]) outputPort(14, readPort(14, portConfigInputs[14]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 15 && reportPINs[15]) outputPort(15, readPort(15, portConfigInputs[15]), false);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* sets the pin mode to the correct state and sets the relevant bits in the
+ * two bit-arrays that track Digital I/O and PWM status
+ */
+void setPinModeCallback(byte pin, int mode)
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == PIN_MODE_IGNORE)
+ return;
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == PIN_MODE_I2C && isI2CEnabled && mode != PIN_MODE_I2C) {
+ // disable i2c so pins can be used for other functions
+ // the following if statements should reconfigure the pins properly
+ disableI2CPins();
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin) && mode != PIN_MODE_SERVO) {
+ if (servoPinMap[pin] < MAX_SERVOS && servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attached()) {
+ detachServo(pin);
+ }
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin)) {
+ reportAnalogCallback(PIN_TO_ANALOG(pin), mode == PIN_MODE_ANALOG ? 1 : 0); // turn on/off reporting
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ if (mode == INPUT || mode == PIN_MODE_PULLUP) {
+ portConfigInputs[pin / 8] |= (1 << (pin & 7));
+ } else {
+ portConfigInputs[pin / 8] &= ~(1 << (pin & 7));
+ }
+ }
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, 0);
+ switch (mode) {
+ if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin)) {
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ pinMode(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), INPUT); // disable output driver
+#if ARDUINO <= 100
+ // deprecated since Arduino 1.0.1 - TODO: drop support in Firmata 2.6
+ digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), LOW); // disable internal pull-ups
+ }
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_ANALOG);
+ }
+ break;
+ case INPUT:
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ pinMode(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), INPUT); // disable output driver
+#if ARDUINO <= 100
+ // deprecated since Arduino 1.0.1 - TODO: drop support in Firmata 2.6
+ digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), LOW); // disable internal pull-ups
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, INPUT);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_PULLUP);
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case OUTPUT:
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == PIN_MODE_PWM) {
+ // Disable PWM if pin mode was previously set to PWM.
+ digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), LOW);
+ }
+ pinMode(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), OUTPUT);
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
+ }
+ break;
+ case PIN_MODE_PWM:
+ if (IS_PIN_PWM(pin)) {
+ pinMode(PIN_TO_PWM(pin), OUTPUT);
+ analogWrite(PIN_TO_PWM(pin), 0);
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_PWM);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_SERVO);
+ if (servoPinMap[pin] == 255 || !servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attached()) {
+ // pass -1 for min and max pulse values to use default values set
+ // by Servo library
+ attachServo(pin, -1, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case PIN_MODE_I2C:
+ if (IS_PIN_I2C(pin)) {
+ // mark the pin as i2c
+ // the user must call I2C_CONFIG to enable I2C for a device
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_I2C);
+ }
+ break;
+ serialFeature.handlePinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_SERIAL);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Firmata.sendString("Unknown pin mode"); // TODO: put error msgs in EEPROM
+ }
+ // TODO: save status to EEPROM here, if changed
+ * Sets the value of an individual pin. Useful if you want to set a pin value but
+ * are not tracking the digital port state.
+ * Can only be used on pins configured as OUTPUT.
+ * Cannot be used to enable pull-ups on Digital INPUT pins.
+ */
+void setPinValueCallback(byte pin, int value)
+ if (pin < TOTAL_PINS && IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == OUTPUT) {
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, value);
+ digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), value);
+ }
+ }
+void analogWriteCallback(byte pin, int value)
+ if (pin < TOTAL_PINS) {
+ switch (Firmata.getPinMode(pin)) {
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin))
+ servos[servoPinMap[pin]].write(value);
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, value);
+ break;
+ case PIN_MODE_PWM:
+ if (IS_PIN_PWM(pin))
+ //analogWrite(PIN_TO_PWM(pin), value);
+ switch(pin)
+ {
+ case 5:
+ update_currentPoint(value);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ update_setPoint(value);
+ }
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void digitalWriteCallback(byte port, int value)
+ byte pin, lastPin, pinValue, mask = 1, pinWriteMask = 0;
+ if (port < TOTAL_PORTS) {
+ // create a mask of the pins on this port that are writable.
+ lastPin = port * 8 + 8;
+ if (lastPin > TOTAL_PINS) lastPin = TOTAL_PINS;
+ for (pin = port * 8; pin < lastPin; pin++) {
+ // do not disturb non-digital pins (eg, Rx & Tx)
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ // do not touch pins in PWM, ANALOG, SERVO or other modes
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == OUTPUT || Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == INPUT) {
+ pinValue = ((byte)value & mask) ? 1 : 0;
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == OUTPUT) {
+ pinWriteMask |= mask;
+ } else if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == INPUT && pinValue == 1 && Firmata.getPinState(pin) != 1) {
+ // only handle INPUT here for backwards compatibility
+#if ARDUINO > 100
+ pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
+ // only write to the INPUT pin to enable pullups if Arduino v1.0.0 or earlier
+ pinWriteMask |= mask;
+ }
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, pinValue);
+ }
+ }
+ mask = mask << 1;
+ }
+ writePort(port, (byte)value, pinWriteMask);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* sets bits in a bit array (int) to toggle the reporting of the analogIns
+ */
+//void FirmataClass::setAnalogPinReporting(byte pin, byte state) {
+void reportAnalogCallback(byte analogPin, int value)
+ if (analogPin < TOTAL_ANALOG_PINS) {
+ if (value == 0) {
+ analogInputsToReport = analogInputsToReport & ~ (1 << analogPin);
+ } else {
+ analogInputsToReport = analogInputsToReport | (1 << analogPin);
+ // prevent during system reset or all analog pin values will be reported
+ // which may report noise for unconnected analog pins
+ if (!isResetting) {
+ // Send pin value immediately. This is helpful when connected via
+ // ethernet, wi-fi or bluetooth so pin states can be known upon
+ // reconnecting.
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(analogPin));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: save status to EEPROM here, if changed
+void reportDigitalCallback(byte port, int value)
+ if (port < TOTAL_PORTS) {
+ reportPINs[port] = (byte)value;
+ // Send port value immediately. This is helpful when connected via
+ // ethernet, wi-fi or bluetooth so pin states can be known upon
+ // reconnecting.
+ if (value) outputPort(port, readPort(port, portConfigInputs[port]), true);
+ }
+ // do not disable analog reporting on these 8 pins, to allow some
+ // pins used for digital, others analog. Instead, allow both types
+ // of reporting to be enabled, but check if the pin is configured
+ // as analog when sampling the analog inputs. Likewise, while
+ // scanning digital pins, portConfigInputs will mask off values from any
+ // pins configured as analog
+ * SYSEX-BASED commands
+ *============================================================================*/
+void sysexCallback(byte command, byte argc, byte *argv)
+ byte mode;
+ byte stopTX;
+ byte slaveAddress;
+ byte data;
+ int slaveRegister;
+ unsigned int delayTime;
+ switch (command) {
+ case I2C_REQUEST:
+ mode = argv[1] & I2C_READ_WRITE_MODE_MASK;
+ if (argv[1] & I2C_10BIT_ADDRESS_MODE_MASK) {
+ Firmata.sendString("10-bit addressing not supported");
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ slaveAddress = argv[0];
+ }
+ // need to invert the logic here since 0 will be default for client
+ // libraries that have not updated to add support for restart tx
+ if (argv[1] & I2C_END_TX_MASK) {
+ stopTX = I2C_RESTART_TX;
+ }
+ else {
+ stopTX = I2C_STOP_TX; // default
+ }
+ switch (mode) {
+ case I2C_WRITE:
+ Wire.beginTransmission(slaveAddress);
+ for (byte i = 2; i < argc; i += 2) {
+ data = argv[i] + (argv[i + 1] << 7);
+ wireWrite(data);
+ }
+ Wire.endTransmission();
+ delayMicroseconds(70);
+ break;
+ case I2C_READ:
+ if (argc == 6) {
+ // a slave register is specified
+ slaveRegister = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7);
+ data = argv[4] + (argv[5] << 7); // bytes to read
+ }
+ else {
+ // a slave register is NOT specified
+ data = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7); // bytes to read
+ }
+ readAndReportData(slaveAddress, (int)slaveRegister, data, stopTX);
+ break;
+ if ((queryIndex + 1) >= I2C_MAX_QUERIES) {
+ // too many queries, just ignore
+ Firmata.sendString("too many queries");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (argc == 6) {
+ // a slave register is specified
+ slaveRegister = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7);
+ data = argv[4] + (argv[5] << 7); // bytes to read
+ }
+ else {
+ // a slave register is NOT specified
+ slaveRegister = (int)I2C_REGISTER_NOT_SPECIFIED;
+ data = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7); // bytes to read
+ }
+ queryIndex++;
+ query[queryIndex].addr = slaveAddress;
+ query[queryIndex].reg = slaveRegister;
+ query[queryIndex].bytes = data;
+ query[queryIndex].stopTX = stopTX;
+ break;
+ byte queryIndexToSkip;
+ // if read continuous mode is enabled for only 1 i2c device, disable
+ // read continuous reporting for that device
+ if (queryIndex <= 0) {
+ queryIndex = -1;
+ } else {
+ queryIndexToSkip = 0;
+ // if read continuous mode is enabled for multiple devices,
+ // determine which device to stop reading and remove it's data from
+ // the array, shifiting other array data to fill the space
+ for (byte i = 0; i < queryIndex + 1; i++) {
+ if (query[i].addr == slaveAddress) {
+ queryIndexToSkip = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (byte i = queryIndexToSkip; i < queryIndex + 1; i++) {
+ if (i < I2C_MAX_QUERIES) {
+ query[i].addr = query[i + 1].addr;
+ query[i].reg = query[i + 1].reg;
+ query[i].bytes = query[i + 1].bytes;
+ query[i].stopTX = query[i + 1].stopTX;
+ }
+ }
+ queryIndex--;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case I2C_CONFIG:
+ delayTime = (argv[0] + (argv[1] << 7));
+ if (argc > 1 && delayTime > 0) {
+ i2cReadDelayTime = delayTime;
+ }
+ if (!isI2CEnabled) {
+ enableI2CPins();
+ }
+ break;
+ if (argc > 4) {
+ // these vars are here for clarity, they'll optimized away by the compiler
+ byte pin = argv[0];
+ int minPulse = argv[1] + (argv[2] << 7);
+ int maxPulse = argv[3] + (argv[4] << 7);
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ if (servoPinMap[pin] < MAX_SERVOS && servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attached()) {
+ detachServo(pin);
+ }
+ attachServo(pin, minPulse, maxPulse);
+ setPinModeCallback(pin, PIN_MODE_SERVO);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if (argc > 1) {
+ samplingInterval = argv[0] + (argv[1] << 7);
+ if (samplingInterval < MINIMUM_SAMPLING_INTERVAL) {
+ }
+ } else {
+ //Firmata.sendString("Not enough data");
+ }
+ break;
+ if (argc > 1) {
+ int val = argv[1];
+ if (argc > 2) val |= (argv[2] << 7);
+ if (argc > 3) val |= (argv[3] << 14);
+ analogWriteCallback(argv[0], val);
+ }
+ break;
+ Firmata.write(START_SYSEX);
+ for (byte pin = 0; pin < TOTAL_PINS; pin++) {
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ Firmata.write((byte)INPUT);
+ Firmata.write(1);
+ Firmata.write((byte)PIN_MODE_PULLUP);
+ Firmata.write(1);
+ Firmata.write((byte)OUTPUT);
+ Firmata.write(1);
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin)) {
+ Firmata.write(PIN_MODE_ANALOG);
+ Firmata.write(10); // 10 = 10-bit resolution
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_PWM(pin)) {
+ Firmata.write(PIN_MODE_PWM);
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ Firmata.write(PIN_MODE_SERVO);
+ Firmata.write(14);
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_I2C(pin)) {
+ Firmata.write(PIN_MODE_I2C);
+ Firmata.write(1); // TODO: could assign a number to map to SCL or SDA
+ }
+ serialFeature.handleCapability(pin);
+ Firmata.write(127);
+ }
+ Firmata.write(END_SYSEX);
+ break;
+ if (argc > 0) {
+ byte pin = argv[0];
+ Firmata.write(START_SYSEX);
+ Firmata.write(PIN_STATE_RESPONSE);
+ Firmata.write(pin);
+ if (pin < TOTAL_PINS) {
+ Firmata.write(Firmata.getPinMode(pin));
+ Firmata.write((byte)Firmata.getPinState(pin) & 0x7F);
+ if (Firmata.getPinState(pin) & 0xFF80) Firmata.write((byte)(Firmata.getPinState(pin) >> 7) & 0x7F);
+ if (Firmata.getPinState(pin) & 0xC000) Firmata.write((byte)(Firmata.getPinState(pin) >> 14) & 0x7F);
+ }
+ Firmata.write(END_SYSEX);
+ }
+ break;
+ Firmata.write(START_SYSEX);
+ for (byte pin = 0; pin < TOTAL_PINS; pin++) {
+ Firmata.write(IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin) ? PIN_TO_ANALOG(pin) : 127);
+ }
+ Firmata.write(END_SYSEX);
+ break;
+ serialFeature.handleSysex(command, argc, argv);
+ break;
+ }
+ * SETUP()
+ *============================================================================*/
+void systemResetCallback()
+ isResetting = true;
+ // initialize a defalt state
+ // TODO: option to load config from EEPROM instead of default
+ serialFeature.reset();
+ if (isI2CEnabled) {
+ disableI2CPins();
+ }
+ for (byte i = 0; i < TOTAL_PORTS; i++) {
+ reportPINs[i] = false; // by default, reporting off
+ portConfigInputs[i] = 0; // until activated
+ previousPINs[i] = 0;
+ }
+ for (byte i = 0; i < TOTAL_PINS; i++) {
+ // pins with analog capability default to analog input
+ // otherwise, pins default to digital output
+ if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(i)) {
+ // turns off pullup, configures everything
+ setPinModeCallback(i, PIN_MODE_ANALOG);
+ } else if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(i)) {
+ // sets the output to 0, configures portConfigInputs
+ setPinModeCallback(i, OUTPUT);
+ }
+ servoPinMap[i] = 255;
+ }
+ // by default, do not report any analog inputs
+ analogInputsToReport = 0;
+ detachedServoCount = 0;
+ servoCount = 0;
+ /* send digital inputs to set the initial state on the host computer,
+ * since once in the loop(), this firmware will only send on change */
+ /*
+ TODO: this can never execute, since no pins default to digital input
+ but it will be needed when/if we support EEPROM stored config
+ for (byte i=0; i < TOTAL_PORTS; i++) {
+ outputPort(i, readPort(i, portConfigInputs[i]), true);
+ }
+ */
+ isResetting = false;
+void setup()
+ Firmata.attach(ANALOG_MESSAGE, analogWriteCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(DIGITAL_MESSAGE, digitalWriteCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(REPORT_ANALOG, reportAnalogCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(REPORT_DIGITAL, reportDigitalCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(SET_PIN_MODE, setPinModeCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(SET_DIGITAL_PIN_VALUE, setPinValueCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(START_SYSEX, sysexCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(SYSTEM_RESET, systemResetCallback);
+ // to use a port other than Serial, such as Serial1 on an Arduino Leonardo or Mega,
+ // Call begin(baud) on the alternate serial port and pass it to Firmata to begin like this:
+ // Serial1.begin(57600);
+ // Firmata.begin(Serial1);
+ // However do not do this if you are using SERIAL_MESSAGE
+ Firmata.begin(57600);
+ while (!Serial) {
+ ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for ATmega32u4-based boards and Arduino 101
+ }
+ systemResetCallback(); // reset to default config
+ #ifdef PID
+ //if temperature is more than 4 below or above setpoint, OUTPUT will be set to min or max respectively
+ myPID.setBangBang(PID_BANG_BANG);
+ //set PID update interval to
+ myPID.setTimeStep(PID_INTERVAL);
+ #endif
+ * LOOP()
+ *============================================================================*/
+void loop()
+ byte pin, analogPin;
+ /* DIGITALREAD - as fast as possible, check for changes and output them to the
+ * FTDI buffer using Serial.print() */
+ checkDigitalInputs();
+ /* STREAMREAD - processing incoming messagse as soon as possible, while still
+ * checking digital inputs. */
+ while (Firmata.available())
+ Firmata.processInput();
+ #ifdef PID
+ #ifdef REAL_INPUT
+ update_setPoint(1);
+ #endif
+; //call every loop, updates automatically at certain time interval
+ #endif
+ // TODO - ensure that Stream buffer doesn't go over 60 bytes
+ currentMillis = millis();
+ if (currentMillis - previousMillis > samplingInterval) {
+ previousMillis += samplingInterval;
+ /* ANALOGREAD - do all analogReads() at the configured sampling interval */
+ for (pin = 0; pin < TOTAL_PINS; pin++) {
+ if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin) && Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == PIN_MODE_ANALOG) {
+ analogPin = PIN_TO_ANALOG(pin);
+ if (analogInputsToReport & (1 << analogPin)) {
+ #ifdef PID
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, (int)(control_value+512.0));
+ #else
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(analogPin));
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // report i2c data for all device with read continuous mode enabled
+ if (queryIndex > -1) {
+ for (byte i = 0; i < queryIndex + 1; i++) {
+ readAndReportData(query[i].addr, query[i].reg, query[i].bytes, query[i].stopTX);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ serialFeature.update();
diff --git a/Firmware/Tiva C/ b/Firmware/Tiva C/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8907dc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/Tiva C/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/Boards.h b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/Boards.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8aaf3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/Boards.h
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+/* Boards.h - Hardware Abstraction Layer for Firmata library */
+#ifndef Firmata_Boards_h
+#define Firmata_Boards_h
+#include <inttypes.h>
+/*#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
+#include "Arduino.h" // for digitalRead, digitalWrite, etc
+#include "WProgram.h"
+#include "Energia.h"
+// Normally Servo.h must be included before Firmata.h (which then includes
+// this file). If Servo.h wasn't included, this allows the code to still
+// compile, but without support for any Servos. Hopefully that's what the
+// user intended by not including Servo.h
+#ifndef MAX_SERVOS
+#define MAX_SERVOS 8
+ Firmata Hardware Abstraction Layer
+Firmata is built on top of the hardware abstraction functions of Arduino,
+specifically digitalWrite, digitalRead, analogWrite, analogRead, and
+pinMode. While these functions offer simple integer pin numbers, Firmata
+needs more information than is provided by Arduino. This file provides
+all other hardware specific details. To make Firmata support a new board,
+only this file should require editing.
+The key concept is every "pin" implemented by Firmata may be mapped to
+any pin as implemented by Arduino. Usually a simple 1-to-1 mapping is
+best, but such mapping should not be assumed. This hardware abstraction
+layer allows Firmata to implement any number of pins which map onto the
+Arduino implemented pins in almost any arbitrary way.
+General Constants:
+These constants provide basic information Firmata requires.
+TOTAL_PINS: The total number of pins Firmata implemented by Firmata.
+ Usually this will match the number of pins the Arduino functions
+ implement, including any pins pins capable of analog or digital.
+ However, Firmata may implement any number of pins. For example,
+ on Arduino Mini with 8 analog inputs, 6 of these may be used
+ for digital functions, and 2 are analog only. On such boards,
+ Firmata can implement more pins than Arduino's pinMode()
+ function, in order to accommodate those special pins. The
+ Firmata protocol supports a maximum of 128 pins, so this
+ constant must not exceed 128.
+TOTAL_ANALOG_PINS: The total number of analog input pins implemented.
+ The Firmata protocol allows up to 16 analog inputs, accessed
+ using offsets 0 to 15. Because Firmata presents the analog
+ inputs using different offsets than the actual pin numbers
+ (a legacy of Arduino's analogRead function, and the way the
+ analog input capable pins are physically labeled on all
+ Arduino boards), the total number of analog input signals
+ must be specified. 16 is the maximum.
+VERSION_BLINK_PIN: When Firmata starts up, it will blink the version
+ number. This constant is the Arduino pin number where a
+ LED is connected.
+Pin Mapping Macros:
+These macros provide the mapping between pins as implemented by
+Firmata protocol and the actual pin numbers used by the Arduino
+functions. Even though such mappings are often simple, pin
+numbers received by Firmata protocol should always be used as
+input to these macros, and the result of the macro should be
+used with with any Arduino function.
+When Firmata is extended to support a new pin mode or feature,
+a pair of macros should be added and used for all hardware
+access. For simple 1:1 mapping, these macros add no actual
+overhead, yet their consistent use allows source code which
+uses them consistently to be easily adapted to all other boards
+with different requirements.
+IS_PIN_XXXX(pin): The IS_PIN macros resolve to true or non-zero
+ if a pin as implemented by Firmata corresponds to a pin
+ that actually implements the named feature.
+PIN_TO_XXXX(pin): The PIN_TO macros translate pin numbers as
+ implemented by Firmata to the pin numbers needed as inputs
+ to the Arduino functions. The corresponding IS_PIN macro
+ should always be tested before using a PIN_TO macro, so
+ these macros only need to handle valid Firmata pin
+ numbers for the named feature.
+Port Access Inline Funtions:
+For efficiency, Firmata protocol provides access to digital
+input and output pins grouped by 8 bit ports. When these
+groups of 8 correspond to actual 8 bit ports as implemented
+by the hardware, these inline functions can provide high
+speed direct port access. Otherwise, a default implementation
+using 8 calls to digitalWrite or digitalRead is used.
+When porting Firmata to a new board, it is recommended to
+use the default functions first and focus only on the constants
+and macros above. When those are working, if optimized port
+access is desired, these inline functions may be extended.
+The recommended approach defines a symbol indicating which
+optimization to use, and then conditional complication is
+used within these functions.
+readPort(port, bitmask): Read an 8 bit port, returning the value.
+ port: The port number, Firmata pins port*8 to port*8+7
+ bitmask: The actual pins to read, indicated by 1 bits.
+writePort(port, value, bitmask): Write an 8 bit port.
+ port: The port number, Firmata pins port*8 to port*8+7
+ value: The 8 bit value to write
+ bitmask: The actual pins to write, indicated by 1 bits.
+ * Board Specific Configuration
+ *============================================================================*/
+#ifndef digitalPinHasPWM
+#define digitalPinHasPWM(p) IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p)
+// Arduino Duemilanove, Diecimila, and NG
+#if defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__)
+#define TOTAL_PINS 20 // 14 digital + 6 analog
+#define TOTAL_PINS 22 // 14 digital + 8 analog
+#define IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p) ((p) >= 2 && (p) <= 19)
+#define IS_PIN_ANALOG(p) ((p) >= 14 && (p) < 14 + TOTAL_ANALOG_PINS)
+#define IS_PIN_PWM(p) digitalPinHasPWM(p)
+#define IS_PIN_SERVO(p) (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p) && (p) - 2 < MAX_SERVOS)
+#define IS_PIN_I2C(p) ((p) == 18 || (p) == 19)
+#define IS_PIN_SPI(p) ((p) == SS || (p) == MOSI || (p) == MISO || (p) == SCK)
+#define PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p) (p)
+#define PIN_TO_ANALOG(p) ((p) - 14)
+#define PIN_TO_PWM(p) PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p)
+#define PIN_TO_SERVO(p) ((p) - 2)
+// Wiring (and board)
+#elif defined(WIRING)
+#define IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p) ((p) >= 0 && (p) < TOTAL_PINS)
+#define IS_PIN_PWM(p) digitalPinHasPWM(p)
+#define IS_PIN_SERVO(p) ((p) >= 0 && (p) < MAX_SERVOS)
+#define IS_PIN_I2C(p) ((p) == SDA || (p) == SCL)
+#define IS_PIN_SPI(p) ((p) == SS || (p) == MOSI || (p) == MISO || (p) == SCK)
+#define PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p) (p)
+#define PIN_TO_ANALOG(p) ((p) - FIRST_ANALOG_PIN)
+#define PIN_TO_PWM(p) PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p)
+#define PIN_TO_SERVO(p) (p)
+// old Arduinos
+#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega8__)
+#define TOTAL_PINS 20 // 14 digital + 6 analog
+#define IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p) ((p) >= 2 && (p) <= 19)
+#define IS_PIN_ANALOG(p) ((p) >= 14 && (p) <= 19)
+#define IS_PIN_PWM(p) digitalPinHasPWM(p)
+#define IS_PIN_SERVO(p) (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p) && (p) - 2 < MAX_SERVOS)
+#define IS_PIN_I2C(p) ((p) == 18 || (p) == 19)
+#define PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p) (p)
+#define PIN_TO_ANALOG(p) ((p) - 14)
+#define PIN_TO_PWM(p) PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p)
+#define PIN_TO_SERVO(p) ((p) - 2)
+// Arduino Mega
+#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
+#define TOTAL_PINS 70 // 54 digital + 16 analog
+#define IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p) ((p) >= 2 && (p) < TOTAL_PINS)
+#define IS_PIN_ANALOG(p) ((p) >= 54 && (p) < TOTAL_PINS)
+#define IS_PIN_PWM(p) digitalPinHasPWM(p)
+#define IS_PIN_SERVO(p) ((p) >= 2 && (p) - 2 < MAX_SERVOS)
+#define IS_PIN_I2C(p) ((p) == 20 || (p) == 21)
+#define IS_PIN_SPI(p) ((p) == SS || (p) == MOSI || (p) == MISO || (p) == SCK)
+#define PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p) (p)
+#define PIN_TO_ANALOG(p) ((p) - 54)
+#define PIN_TO_PWM(p) PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p)
+#define PIN_TO_SERVO(p) ((p) - 2)
+// Arduino DUE
+#elif defined(__SAM3X8E__)
+#define TOTAL_PINS 66 // 54 digital + 12 analog
+#define IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p) ((p) >= 2 && (p) < TOTAL_PINS)
+#define IS_PIN_ANALOG(p) ((p) >= 54 && (p) < TOTAL_PINS)
+#define IS_PIN_PWM(p) digitalPinHasPWM(p)
+#define IS_PIN_SERVO(p) ((p) >= 2 && (p) - 2 < MAX_SERVOS)
+#define IS_PIN_I2C(p) ((p) == 20 || (p) == 21) // 70 71
+#define PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p) (p)
+#define PIN_TO_ANALOG(p) ((p) - 54)
+#define PIN_TO_PWM(p) PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p)
+#define PIN_TO_SERVO(p) ((p) - 2)
+// Teensy 1.0
+#elif defined(__AVR_AT90USB162__)
+#define TOTAL_PINS 21 // 21 digital + no analog
+#define IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p) ((p) >= 0 && (p) < TOTAL_PINS)
+#define IS_PIN_ANALOG(p) (0)
+#define IS_PIN_PWM(p) digitalPinHasPWM(p)
+#define IS_PIN_SERVO(p) ((p) >= 0 && (p) < MAX_SERVOS)
+#define IS_PIN_I2C(p) (0)
+#define IS_PIN_SPI(p) ((p) == SS || (p) == MOSI || (p) == MISO || (p) == SCK)
+#define PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p) (p)
+#define PIN_TO_ANALOG(p) (0)
+#define PIN_TO_PWM(p) PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p)
+#define PIN_TO_SERVO(p) (p)
+// Teensy 2.0
+#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__) && defined(CORE_TEENSY)
+#define TOTAL_PINS 25 // 11 digital + 12 analog
+#define IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p) ((p) >= 0 && (p) < TOTAL_PINS)
+#define IS_PIN_ANALOG(p) ((p) >= 11 && (p) <= 22)
+#define IS_PIN_PWM(p) digitalPinHasPWM(p)
+#define IS_PIN_SERVO(p) ((p) >= 0 && (p) < MAX_SERVOS)
+#define IS_PIN_I2C(p) ((p) == 5 || (p) == 6)
+#define IS_PIN_SPI(p) ((p) == SS || (p) == MOSI || (p) == MISO || (p) == SCK)
+#define PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p) (p)
+#define PIN_TO_ANALOG(p) (((p)<22)?21-(p):11)
+#define PIN_TO_PWM(p) PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p)
+#define PIN_TO_SERVO(p) (p)
+// Teensy 3.0
+#elif defined(__MK20DX128__)
+#define TOTAL_PINS 38 // 24 digital + 10 analog-digital + 4 analog
+#define IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p) ((p) >= 0 && (p) <= 34)
+#define IS_PIN_ANALOG(p) (((p) >= 14 && (p) <= 23) || ((p) >= 34 && (p) <= 38))
+#define IS_PIN_PWM(p) digitalPinHasPWM(p)
+#define IS_PIN_SERVO(p) ((p) >= 0 && (p) < MAX_SERVOS)
+#define IS_PIN_I2C(p) ((p) == 18 || (p) == 19)
+#define PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p) (p)
+#define PIN_TO_ANALOG(p) (((p)<=23)?(p)-14:(p)-24)
+#define PIN_TO_PWM(p) PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p)
+#define PIN_TO_SERVO(p) (p)
+// Teensy++ 1.0 and 2.0
+#elif defined(__AVR_AT90USB646__) || defined(__AVR_AT90USB1286__)
+#define TOTAL_PINS 46 // 38 digital + 8 analog
+#define IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p) ((p) >= 0 && (p) < TOTAL_PINS)
+#define IS_PIN_ANALOG(p) ((p) >= 38 && (p) < TOTAL_PINS)
+#define IS_PIN_PWM(p) digitalPinHasPWM(p)
+#define IS_PIN_SERVO(p) ((p) >= 0 && (p) < MAX_SERVOS)
+#define IS_PIN_I2C(p) ((p) == 0 || (p) == 1)
+#define IS_PIN_SPI(p) ((p) == SS || (p) == MOSI || (p) == MISO || (p) == SCK)
+#define PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p) (p)
+#define PIN_TO_ANALOG(p) ((p) - 38)
+#define PIN_TO_PWM(p) PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p)
+#define PIN_TO_SERVO(p) (p)
+// Leonardo
+#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__)
+#define TOTAL_PINS 30 // 14 digital + 12 analog + 4 SPI (D14-D17 on ISP header)
+#define IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p) ((p) >= 0 && (p) < TOTAL_PINS)
+#define IS_PIN_ANALOG(p) ((p) >= 18 && (p) < TOTAL_PINS)
+#define IS_PIN_PWM(p) ((p) == 3 || (p) == 5 || (p) == 6 || (p) == 9 || (p) == 10 || (p) == 11 || (p) == 13)
+#define IS_PIN_SERVO(p) ((p) >= 0 && (p) < MAX_SERVOS)
+#define IS_PIN_I2C(p) ((p) == 2 || (p) == 3)
+#define IS_PIN_SPI(p) ((p) == SS || (p) == MOSI || (p) == MISO || (p) == SCK)
+#define PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p) (p)
+#define PIN_TO_ANALOG(p) (p) - 18
+#define PIN_TO_PWM(p) PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p)
+#define PIN_TO_SERVO(p) (p)
+// Sanguino
+#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega644P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega644__)
+#define TOTAL_PINS 32 // 24 digital + 8 analog
+#define IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p) ((p) >= 2 && (p) < TOTAL_PINS)
+#define IS_PIN_ANALOG(p) ((p) >= 24 && (p) < TOTAL_PINS)
+#define IS_PIN_PWM(p) digitalPinHasPWM(p)
+#define IS_PIN_SERVO(p) ((p) >= 0 && (p) < MAX_SERVOS)
+#define IS_PIN_I2C(p) ((p) == 16 || (p) == 17)
+#define PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p) (p)
+#define PIN_TO_ANALOG(p) ((p) - 24)
+#define PIN_TO_PWM(p) PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p)
+#define PIN_TO_SERVO(p) ((p) - 2)
+// Illuminato
+#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega645__)
+#define TOTAL_PINS 42 // 36 digital + 6 analog
+#define IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p) ((p) >= 2 && (p) < TOTAL_PINS)
+#define IS_PIN_ANALOG(p) ((p) >= 36 && (p) < TOTAL_PINS)
+#define IS_PIN_PWM(p) digitalPinHasPWM(p)
+#define IS_PIN_SERVO(p) ((p) >= 0 && (p) < MAX_SERVOS)
+#define IS_PIN_I2C(p) ((p) == 4 || (p) == 5)
+#define PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p) (p)
+#define PIN_TO_ANALOG(p) ((p) - 36)
+#define PIN_TO_PWM(p) PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p)
+#define PIN_TO_SERVO(p) ((p) - 2)
+// MSP430F5529
+#elif defined(__MSP430F5529__)
+#define TOTAL_PINS 45
+#define IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p) ((p)>=2 && (p) <= 44 && (p)!=16 && (p)!=20 && (p)!=21 && (p)!=22 )
+#define IS_PIN_ANALOG(p) ((p) == 2 || (p) == 6 || \
+ (p)==23 || (p)==24 || (p)==25 || (p)==26 || (p)==27 || (p)==28 )
+#define IS_PIN_PWM(p) ( (p)==12 || (p)==19 || ((p)>=35 && (p)<=40) )
+#define IS_PIN_SERVO(p) IS_PIN_PWM(p)
+#define IS_PIN_I2C(p) ((p) == 14 || (p) == 15)
+#define PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p) (p)
+#define PIN_TO_ANALOG(p) ((p)>=23 && (p)<=27)?((p)-23):(((p)==2)?(5):((p)==28?(12):((p)==6?6:10) ))
+#define PIN_TO_PWM(p) (p)
+#define PIN_TO_SERVO(p) (p)
+// MSP430FR5969 FRAM
+#elif defined(__MSP430FR5969__)
+#define TOTAL_PINS 29
+#define IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p) ( ((p)>=2 && (p) < 20 && (p)!=16 && (p)!=17) || (p)==25 || (p)==26 )
+#define IS_PIN_ANALOG(p) ((p) == 2 || (p) == 5 || (p)==11 || (p)==12 || (p)==13 || (p)==18 || (p)==19)
+#define IS_PIN_PWM(p) ((p)>=3 && (p) < 20 && (p)!=16 && (p)!=17 && (p)!=5)
+#define IS_PIN_SERVO(p) IS_PIN_PWM(p)
+#define IS_PIN_I2C(p) ((p) == 14 || (p) == 15)
+#define PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p) (p)
+#define PIN_TO_ANALOG(p) ((p)==2?10:\
+ (p)==5?11:\
+ (p)==11?3:\
+ (p)==12?4:\
+ (p)==13?5:\
+ (p)==18?12:2)
+#define PIN_TO_PWM(p) PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p)
+#define PIN_TO_SERVO(p) (p)
+// MSP430FR5739
+#elif defined(__MSP430FR5739__)
+// Baudrate only up to 9600, currently does NOT support Firmata
+#define TOTAL_PINS 28 // 38 digital + 8 analog, but should be multiple of 8 for NodeJS Firmata
+#define IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p) ((p)>=2 && (p) < 24 && (p)!=24)
+#define IS_PIN_ANALOG(p) ((p)>=13 && (p)<=22)
+#define IS_PIN_PWM(p) ((p)>=5 && (p)<= 15) || ((p)>=20 && (p)<=22)
+#define IS_PIN_SERVO(p) IS_PIN_PWM(p)
+#define IS_PIN_I2C(p) ((p) == 11 || (p) == 12)
+#define PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p) (p)
+#define PIN_TO_ANALOG(p) (22-(p))
+#define PIN_TO_PWM(p) PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p)
+#define PIN_TO_SERVO(p) (p)
+// MSP430G2553 Value Line
+#elif defined(__MSP430G2553__)
+// Baudrate only up to 9600, currently does NOT support Firmata
+#define TOTAL_PINS 20
+#define IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p) ((p) >= 3 && (p) < TOTAL_PINS && (p)!=16)
+#define IS_PIN_ANALOG(p) ((p) >= 3 && (p) < 8)
+#define IS_PIN_PWM(p) digitalPinHasPWM(p)
+#define IS_PIN_SERVO(p) IS_PIN_PWM(p)
+#define IS_PIN_I2C(p) ((p) == 14 || (p) == 15)
+#define PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p) (p)
+#define PIN_TO_ANALOG(p) ((p))
+#define PIN_TO_PWM(p) PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p)
+#define PIN_TO_SERVO(p) (p)
+//#define TOTAL_PORTS 2
+// Tiva C TM4C123G - EK-TM4C123GXL and Stellaris LM4F120H5QR
+#elif (defined(__TM4C123GH6PM__) || defined(__LM4F120H5QR__))
+#define TOTAL_PINS 41
+#define IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p) ((p)>=2 && (p)<=TOTAL_PINS && (p)!=16 && (p)!=20 && (p)!=21 && (p)!=22)
+#define IS_PIN_ANALOG(p) ((p)>=23 && (p)<=29) || (p==2) || (p==5) || (p==6) || (p==7) || (p==18)
+#define IS_PIN_PWM(p) ((p)==2 || (p)==3 || (p)==4 || (p)==7) || \
+ (p)==14 || (p)==15 || (p)==17 || (p)==19 || \
+ ((p)>=23 && (p)<=26) || (p)==30 || \
+ ((p)>=31 && (p)<=40)
+#define IS_PIN_SERVO(p) (IS_PIN_PWM(p))
+#define IS_PIN_I2C(p) ((p) == 19 || (p) == 38)
+#define PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p) (p)
+#define PIN_TO_ANALOG(p) ((p)>=23 && (p)<=26)?(30-(p)):\
+ ((p)>=27&&(p)<=29)?(29-p):\
+ ((p)==18)?(3):\
+ ((p)==2)?(11):\
+ ((p)==5)?(9):\
+ ((p)==6)?(8):(10)
+/*#define PIN_TO_ANALOG(p) ((p)>=23 && (p)<=26)?(p):\
+ ((p)>=27&&(p)<=29)?(29-p):\
+ ((p)==18)?(3):\
+ ((p)==2)?(11):\
+ ((p)==5)?(9):\
+ ((p)==6)?(8):(10)
+//#define PIN_TO_ANALOG(p) (p)
+#define PIN_TO_PWM(p) PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p)
+#define PIN_TO_SERVO(p) (p)
+// Tiva C TM4C1294 - EK-TM4C1294XL
+#elif defined(__TM4C1294NCPDT__)
+#define TOTAL_PINS 85
+#define VERSION_BLINK_PIN 81 // LED1
+#define IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p) ((p)>=2 && (p)<=TOTAL_PINS && (p)!=16 && (p)!=20 && (p)!=21 && (p)!=22)
+#define IS_PIN_ANALOG(p) ((p)==2 || (p)==6 || (p)==7 || (p)==14 || (p)==15 || ((p)>=23 && (p)<=27) || \
+ (p)==42 || (p)==45 || (p)==46 || ((p)>=63 && (p)<=68) )
+#define IS_PIN_PWM(p) ((p)== 7 || (p)== 9 || (p)==10 || (p)==14 || (p)==15 || (p)==19 || \
+ ((p)>=27 && (p)<=30) || (p)==35 || (p)==36 || \
+ (p)==42 || (p)==45 || (p)==46 || (p)==51 || (p)==57 || (p)==59 || \
+ (p)==69 || (p)==70 || (p)==75 || (p)==76 || (p)==77 )
+#define IS_PIN_SERVO(p) (IS_PIN_PWM(p) && (p) >= 0 && (p) < MAX_SERVOS)
+#define IS_PIN_I2C(p) ((p)== 9 || (p)==10 || (p)==34 || (p)==35 || (p)==37 || \
+ (p)==49 || (p)==50 || (p)==80 )
+#define PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p) (p)
+// Only 16 analog pins are allowed at a time. Default A0-A15.
+// To enable A16-A19, other analog pins need to be replaced
+#define PIN_TO_ANALOG(p) (((p)==2)?(9):\
+ ((p)==6)?(8):\
+ ((p)==7)?(12):\
+ ((p)==14)?(15):\
+ ((p)==15)?(14):\
+ ((p)>=23&&(p)<=26)?(26-(p)):\
+ ((p)==27)?(4):\
+ ((p)==42)?(13):\
+ ((p)==45)?(7):\
+ ((p)==46)?(6):\
+ ((p)==63)?(10):\
+ ((p)==64)?(11):\
+ ((p)==65)?(16):\
+ ((p)==66)?(17):\
+ ((p)-49))
+#define PIN_TO_PWM(p) PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p)
+#define PIN_TO_SERVO(p) (p)
+//#define TOTAL_PORTS 10
+// anything else
+#error "Please edit Boards.h with a hardware abstraction for this board"
+// as long this is not defined for all boards:
+#ifndef IS_PIN_SPI
+#define IS_PIN_SPI(p) 0
+ * readPort() - Read an 8 bit port
+ *============================================================================*/
+static inline unsigned char readPort(byte, byte) __attribute__((always_inline, unused));
+static inline unsigned char readPort(byte port, byte bitmask)
+ if (port == 0) return (PIND & 0xFC) & bitmask; // ignore Rx/Tx 0/1
+ if (port == 1) return ((PINB & 0x3F) | ((PINC & 0x03) << 6)) & bitmask;
+ if (port == 2) return ((PINC & 0x3C) >> 2) & bitmask;
+ return 0;
+ unsigned char out=0, pin=port*8;
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin+0) && (bitmask & 0x01) && digitalRead(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin+0))) out |= 0x01;
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin+1) && (bitmask & 0x02) && digitalRead(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin+1))) out |= 0x02;
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin+2) && (bitmask & 0x04) && digitalRead(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin+2))) out |= 0x04;
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin+3) && (bitmask & 0x08) && digitalRead(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin+3))) out |= 0x08;
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin+4) && (bitmask & 0x10) && digitalRead(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin+4))) out |= 0x10;
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin+5) && (bitmask & 0x20) && digitalRead(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin+5))) out |= 0x20;
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin+6) && (bitmask & 0x40) && digitalRead(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin+6))) out |= 0x40;
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin+7) && (bitmask & 0x80) && digitalRead(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin+7))) out |= 0x80;
+ return out;
+ * writePort() - Write an 8 bit port, only touch pins specified by a bitmask
+ *============================================================================*/
+static inline unsigned char writePort(byte, byte, byte) __attribute__((always_inline, unused));
+static inline unsigned char writePort(byte port, byte value, byte bitmask)
+ if (port == 0) {
+ bitmask = bitmask & 0xFC; // do not touch Tx & Rx pins
+ byte valD = value & bitmask;
+ byte maskD = ~bitmask;
+ cli();
+ PORTD = (PORTD & maskD) | valD;
+ sei();
+ } else if (port == 1) {
+ byte valB = (value & bitmask) & 0x3F;
+ byte valC = (value & bitmask) >> 6;
+ byte maskB = ~(bitmask & 0x3F);
+ byte maskC = ~((bitmask & 0xC0) >> 6);
+ cli();
+ PORTB = (PORTB & maskB) | valB;
+ PORTC = (PORTC & maskC) | valC;
+ sei();
+ } else if (port == 2) {
+ bitmask = bitmask & 0x0F;
+ byte valC = (value & bitmask) << 2;
+ byte maskC = ~(bitmask << 2);
+ cli();
+ PORTC = (PORTC & maskC) | valC;
+ sei();
+ }
+ byte pin=port*8;
+ if ((bitmask & 0x01)) digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin+0), (value & 0x01));
+ if ((bitmask & 0x02)) digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin+1), (value & 0x02));
+ if ((bitmask & 0x04)) digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin+2), (value & 0x04));
+ if ((bitmask & 0x08)) digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin+3), (value & 0x08));
+ if ((bitmask & 0x10)) digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin+4), (value & 0x10));
+ if ((bitmask & 0x20)) digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin+5), (value & 0x20));
+ if ((bitmask & 0x40)) digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin+6), (value & 0x40));
+ if ((bitmask & 0x80)) digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin+7), (value & 0x80));
+#ifndef TOTAL_PORTS
+#define TOTAL_PORTS ((TOTAL_PINS + 7) / 8)
+#endif /* Firmata_Boards_h */
diff --git a/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/Firmata.cpp b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/Firmata.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e48bc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/Firmata.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+ Firmata.cpp - Firmata library v2.5.6 - 2017-03-18
+ Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Hans-Christoph Steiner. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Jeff Hoefs. All rights reserved.
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ See file LICENSE.txt for further informations on licensing terms.
+//* Includes
+#include "Firmata.h"
+#include "HardwareSerial.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+using namespace firmata;
+//* Static Members
+// make one instance for the user to use
+FirmataClass Firmata;
+/* callback functions */
+callbackFunction FirmataClass::currentAnalogCallback = (callbackFunction)NULL;
+callbackFunction FirmataClass::currentDigitalCallback = (callbackFunction)NULL;
+callbackFunction FirmataClass::currentPinModeCallback = (callbackFunction)NULL;
+callbackFunction FirmataClass::currentPinValueCallback = (callbackFunction)NULL;
+callbackFunction FirmataClass::currentReportAnalogCallback = (callbackFunction)NULL;
+callbackFunction FirmataClass::currentReportDigitalCallback = (callbackFunction)NULL;
+stringCallbackFunction FirmataClass::currentStringCallback = (stringCallbackFunction)NULL;
+sysexCallbackFunction FirmataClass::currentSysexCallback = (sysexCallbackFunction)NULL;
+systemCallbackFunction FirmataClass::currentSystemResetCallback = (systemCallbackFunction)NULL;
+//* Support Functions
+ * Split a 16-bit byte into two 7-bit values and write each value.
+ * @param value The 16-bit value to be split and written separately.
+ */
+void FirmataClass::sendValueAsTwo7bitBytes(int value)
+ marshaller.encodeByteStream(sizeof(value), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&value), sizeof(value));
+ * A helper method to write the beginning of a Sysex message transmission.
+ */
+void FirmataClass::startSysex(void)
+ FirmataStream->write(START_SYSEX);
+ * A helper method to write the end of a Sysex message transmission.
+ */
+void FirmataClass::endSysex(void)
+ FirmataStream->write(END_SYSEX);
+//* Constructors
+ * The Firmata class.
+ * An instance named "Firmata" is created automatically for the user.
+ */
+ parser(FirmataParser(parserBuffer, MAX_DATA_BYTES))
+ firmwareVersionCount = 0;
+ firmwareVersionVector = 0;
+ blinkVersionDisabled = false;
+ // Establish callback translation to parser callbacks
+ parser.attach(ANALOG_MESSAGE, (FirmataParser::callbackFunction)staticAnalogCallback, (void *)NULL);
+ parser.attach(DIGITAL_MESSAGE, (FirmataParser::callbackFunction)staticDigitalCallback, (void *)NULL);
+ parser.attach(REPORT_ANALOG, (FirmataParser::callbackFunction)staticReportAnalogCallback, (void *)NULL);
+ parser.attach(REPORT_DIGITAL, (FirmataParser::callbackFunction)staticReportDigitalCallback, (void *)NULL);
+ parser.attach(SET_PIN_MODE, (FirmataParser::callbackFunction)staticPinModeCallback, (void *)NULL);
+ parser.attach(SET_DIGITAL_PIN_VALUE, (FirmataParser::callbackFunction)staticPinValueCallback, (void *)NULL);
+ parser.attach(STRING_DATA, (FirmataParser::stringCallbackFunction)staticStringCallback, (void *)NULL);
+ parser.attach(START_SYSEX, (FirmataParser::sysexCallbackFunction)staticSysexCallback, (void *)NULL);
+ parser.attach(REPORT_FIRMWARE, (FirmataParser::versionCallbackFunction)staticReportFirmwareCallback, this);
+ parser.attach(REPORT_VERSION, (FirmataParser::systemCallbackFunction)staticReportVersionCallback, this);
+ parser.attach(SYSTEM_RESET, (FirmataParser::systemCallbackFunction)staticSystemResetCallback, (void *)NULL);
+//* Public Methods
+ * Initialize the default Serial transport at the default baud of 57600.
+ */
+void FirmataClass::begin(void)
+ begin(57600);
+ * Initialize the default Serial transport and override the default baud.
+ * Sends the protocol version to the host application followed by the firmware version and name.
+ * blinkVersion is also called. To skip the call to blinkVersion, call Firmata.disableBlinkVersion()
+ * before calling Firmata.begin(baud).
+ * @param speed The baud to use. 57600 baud is the default value.
+ */
+void FirmataClass::begin(long speed)
+ Serial.begin(speed);
+ blinkVersion();
+ begin(Serial);
+ * Reassign the Firmata stream transport.
+ * @param s A reference to the Stream transport object. This can be any type of
+ * transport that implements the Stream interface. Some examples include Ethernet, WiFi
+ * and other UARTs on the board (Serial1, Serial2, etc).
+ */
+void FirmataClass::begin(Stream &s)
+ FirmataStream = &s;
+ marshaller.begin(s);
+ // do not call blinkVersion() here because some hardware such as the
+ // Ethernet shield use pin 13
+ printVersion(); // send the protocol version
+ printFirmwareVersion(); // send the firmware name and version
+ * Send the Firmata protocol version to the Firmata host application.
+ */
+void FirmataClass::printVersion(void)
+ * Blink the Firmata protocol version to the onboard LEDs (if the board has an onboard LED).
+ * If VERSION_BLINK_PIN is not defined in Boards.h for a particular board, then this method
+ * does nothing.
+ * The first series of flashes indicates the firmware major version (2 flashes = 2).
+ * The second series of flashes indicates the firmware minor version (5 flashes = 5).
+ */
+void FirmataClass::blinkVersion(void)
+#if defined(VERSION_BLINK_PIN)
+ if (blinkVersionDisabled) return;
+ // flash the pin with the protocol version
+ delay(250);
+ delay(125);
+ * Provides a means to disable the version blink sequence on the onboard LED, trimming startup
+ * time by a couple of seconds.
+ * Call this before Firmata.begin(). It only applies when using the default Serial transport.
+ */
+void FirmataClass::disableBlinkVersion()
+ blinkVersionDisabled = true;
+ * Sends the firmware name and version to the Firmata host application. The major and minor version
+ * numbers are the first 2 bytes in the message. The following bytes are the characters of the
+ * firmware name.
+ */
+void FirmataClass::printFirmwareVersion(void)
+ if (firmwareVersionCount) { // make sure that the name has been set before reporting
+ marshaller.sendFirmwareVersion(static_cast<uint8_t>(firmwareVersionVector[0]), static_cast<uint8_t>(firmwareVersionVector[1]), (firmwareVersionCount - 2), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&firmwareVersionVector[2]));
+ }
+ * Sets the name and version of the firmware. This is not the same version as the Firmata protocol
+ * (although at times the firmware version and protocol version may be the same number).
+ * @param name A pointer to the name char array
+ * @param major The major version number
+ * @param minor The minor version number
+ */
+void FirmataClass::setFirmwareNameAndVersion(const char *name, byte major, byte minor)
+ const char *firmwareName;
+ const char *extension;
+ // parse out ".cpp" and "applet/" that comes from using __FILE__
+ extension = strstr(name, ".cpp");
+ firmwareName = strrchr(name, '/');
+ if (!firmwareName) {
+ // windows
+ firmwareName = strrchr(name, '\\');
+ }
+ if (!firmwareName) {
+ // user passed firmware name
+ firmwareName = name;
+ } else {
+ firmwareName ++;
+ }
+ if (!extension) {
+ firmwareVersionCount = strlen(firmwareName) + 2;
+ } else {
+ firmwareVersionCount = extension - firmwareName + 2;
+ }
+ // in case anyone calls setFirmwareNameAndVersion more than once
+ free(firmwareVersionVector);
+ firmwareVersionVector = (byte *) malloc(firmwareVersionCount + 1);
+ firmwareVersionVector[firmwareVersionCount] = 0;
+ firmwareVersionVector[0] = major;
+ firmwareVersionVector[1] = minor;
+ strncpy((char *)firmwareVersionVector + 2, firmwareName, firmwareVersionCount - 2);
+// Serial Receive Handling
+ * A wrapper for Stream::available()
+ * @return The number of bytes remaining in the input stream buffer.
+ */
+int FirmataClass::available(void)
+ return FirmataStream->available();
+ * Read a single int from the input stream. If the value is not = -1, pass it on to parse(byte)
+ */
+void FirmataClass::processInput(void)
+ int inputData = FirmataStream->read(); // this is 'int' to handle -1 when no data
+ if (inputData != -1) {
+ parser.parse(inputData);
+ }
+ * Parse data from the input stream.
+ * @param inputData A single byte to be added to the parser.
+ */
+void FirmataClass::parse(byte inputData)
+ parser.parse(inputData);
+ * @return Returns true if the parser is actively parsing data.
+ */
+boolean FirmataClass::isParsingMessage(void)
+ return parser.isParsingMessage();
+// Output Stream Handling
+ * Send an analog message to the Firmata host application. The range of pins is limited to [0..15]
+ * when using the ANALOG_MESSAGE. The maximum value of the ANALOG_MESSAGE is limited to 14 bits
+ * (16384). To increase the pin range or value, see the documentation for the EXTENDED_ANALOG
+ * message.
+ * @param pin The analog pin to send the value of (limited to pins 0 - 15).
+ * @param value The value of the analog pin (0 - 1024 for 10-bit analog, 0 - 4096 for 12-bit, etc).
+ * The maximum value is 14-bits (16384).
+ */
+void FirmataClass::sendAnalog(byte pin, int value)
+ marshaller.sendAnalog(pin, value);
+/* (intentionally left out asterix here)
+ * Send a single digital pin value to the Firmata host application.
+ * @param pin The digital pin to send the value of.
+ * @param value The value of the pin.
+ */
+void FirmataClass::sendDigital(byte pin, int value)
+ (void)pin;
+ (void)value;
+ /* TODO add single pin digital messages to the protocol, this needs to
+ * track the last digital data sent so that it can be sure to change just
+ * one bit in the packet. This is complicated by the fact that the
+ * numbering of the pins will probably differ on Arduino, Wiring, and
+ * other boards.
+ */
+ // TODO: the digital message should not be sent on the serial port every
+ // time sendDigital() is called. Instead, it should add it to an int
+ // which will be sent on a schedule. If a pin changes more than once
+ // before the digital message is sent on the serial port, it should send a
+ // digital message for each change.
+ // if(value == 0)
+ // sendDigitalPortPair();
+ * Send an 8-bit port in a single digital message (protocol v2 and later).
+ * Send 14-bits in a single digital message (protocol v1).
+ * @param portNumber The port number to send. Note that this is not the same as a "port" on the
+ * physical microcontroller. Ports are defined in order per every 8 pins in ascending order
+ * of the Arduino digital pin numbering scheme. Port 0 = pins D0 - D7, port 1 = pins D8 - D15, etc.
+ * @param portData The value of the port. The value of each pin in the port is represented by a bit.
+ */
+void FirmataClass::sendDigitalPort(byte portNumber, int portData)
+ marshaller.sendDigitalPort(portNumber, portData);
+ * Send a sysex message where all values after the command byte are packet as 2 7-bit bytes
+ * (this is not always the case so this function is not always used to send sysex messages).
+ * @param command The sysex command byte.
+ * @param bytec The number of data bytes in the message (excludes start, command and end bytes).
+ * @param bytev A pointer to the array of data bytes to send in the message.
+ */
+void FirmataClass::sendSysex(byte command, byte bytec, byte *bytev)
+ marshaller.sendSysex(command, bytec, bytev);
+ * Send a string to the Firmata host application.
+ * @param command Must be STRING_DATA
+ * @param string A pointer to the char string
+ */
+void FirmataClass::sendString(byte command, const char *string)
+ if (command == STRING_DATA) {
+ marshaller.sendString(string);
+ }
+ * Send a string to the Firmata host application.
+ * @param string A pointer to the char string
+ */
+void FirmataClass::sendString(const char *string)
+ marshaller.sendString(string);
+ * A wrapper for Stream::available().
+ * Write a single byte to the output stream.
+ * @param c The byte to be written.
+ */
+void FirmataClass::write(byte c)
+ FirmataStream->write(c);
+ * Attach a generic sysex callback function to a command (options are: ANALOG_MESSAGE,
+ * @param command The ID of the command to attach a callback function to.
+ * @param newFunction A reference to the callback function to attach.
+ */
+void FirmataClass::attach(uint8_t command, ::callbackFunction newFunction)
+ switch (command) {
+ currentAnalogCallback = newFunction;
+ break;
+ currentDigitalCallback = newFunction;
+ break;
+ currentReportAnalogCallback = newFunction;
+ break;
+ currentReportDigitalCallback = newFunction;
+ break;
+ case SET_PIN_MODE:
+ currentPinModeCallback = newFunction;
+ break;
+ currentPinValueCallback = newFunction;
+ break;
+ }
+ * Attach a callback function for the SYSTEM_RESET command.
+ * @param command Must be set to SYSTEM_RESET or it will be ignored.
+ * @param newFunction A reference to the system reset callback function to attach.
+ */
+void FirmataClass::attach(uint8_t command, systemCallbackFunction newFunction)
+ switch (command) {
+ currentSystemResetCallback = newFunction;
+ break;
+ }
+ * Attach a callback function for the STRING_DATA command.
+ * @param command Must be set to STRING_DATA or it will be ignored.
+ * @param newFunction A reference to the string callback function to attach.
+ */
+void FirmataClass::attach(uint8_t command, stringCallbackFunction newFunction)
+ switch (command) {
+ currentStringCallback = newFunction;
+ break;
+ }
+ * Attach a generic sysex callback function to sysex command.
+ * @param command The ID of the command to attach a callback function to.
+ * @param newFunction A reference to the sysex callback function to attach.
+ */
+void FirmataClass::attach(uint8_t command, sysexCallbackFunction newFunction)
+ (void)command;
+ currentSysexCallback = newFunction;
+ * Detach a callback function for a specified command (such as SYSTEM_RESET, STRING_DATA,
+ * @param command The ID of the command to detatch the callback function from.
+ */
+void FirmataClass::detach(uint8_t command)
+ switch (command) {
+ attach(command, (systemCallbackFunction)NULL);
+ break;
+ attach(command, (stringCallbackFunction)NULL);
+ break;
+ attach(command, (sysexCallbackFunction)NULL);
+ break;
+ default:
+ attach(command, (callbackFunction)NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ * @param pin The pin to get the configuration of.
+ * @return The configuration of the specified pin.
+ */
+byte FirmataClass::getPinMode(byte pin)
+ return pinConfig[pin];
+ * Set the pin mode/configuration. The pin configuration (or mode) in Firmata represents the
+ * current function of the pin. Examples are digital input or output, analog input, pwm, i2c,
+ * serial (uart), etc.
+ * @param pin The pin to configure.
+ * @param config The configuration value for the specified pin.
+ */
+void FirmataClass::setPinMode(byte pin, byte config)
+ if (pinConfig[pin] == PIN_MODE_IGNORE)
+ return;
+ pinConfig[pin] = config;
+ * @param pin The pin to get the state of.
+ * @return The state of the specified pin.
+ */
+int FirmataClass::getPinState(byte pin)
+ return pinState[pin];
+ * Set the pin state. The pin state of an output pin is the pin value. The state of an
+ * input pin is 0, unless the pin has it's internal pull up resistor enabled, then the value is 1.
+ * @param pin The pin to set the state of
+ * @param state Set the state of the specified pin
+ */
+void FirmataClass::setPinState(byte pin, int state)
+ pinState[pin] = state;
+// sysex callbacks
+ * this is too complicated for analogReceive, but maybe for Sysex?
+ void FirmataClass::attachSysex(sysexFunction newFunction)
+ {
+ byte i;
+ byte tmpCount = analogReceiveFunctionCount;
+ analogReceiveFunction* tmpArray = analogReceiveFunctionArray;
+ analogReceiveFunctionCount++;
+ analogReceiveFunctionArray = (analogReceiveFunction*) calloc(analogReceiveFunctionCount, sizeof(analogReceiveFunction));
+ for(i = 0; i < tmpCount; i++) {
+ analogReceiveFunctionArray[i] = tmpArray[i];
+ }
+ analogReceiveFunctionArray[tmpCount] = newFunction;
+ free(tmpArray);
+ }
+//* Private Methods
+ * Flashing the pin for the version number
+ * @private
+ * @param pin The pin the LED is attached to.
+ * @param count The number of times to flash the LED.
+ * @param onInterval The number of milliseconds for the LED to be ON during each interval.
+ * @param offInterval The number of milliseconds for the LED to be OFF during each interval.
+ */
+void FirmataClass::strobeBlinkPin(byte pin, int count, int onInterval, int offInterval)
+ byte i;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ delay(offInterval);
+ digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
+ delay(onInterval);
+ digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
+ }
diff --git a/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/Firmata.h b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/Firmata.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec95165
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/Firmata.h
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+ Firmata.h - Firmata library v2.5.6 - 2017-03-18
+ Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Hans-Christoph Steiner. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Jeff Hoefs. All rights reserved.
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ See file LICENSE.txt for further informations on licensing terms.
+#ifndef Firmata_h
+#define Firmata_h
+#include "Boards.h" /* Hardware Abstraction Layer + Wiring/Arduino */
+#include "FirmataDefines.h"
+#include "FirmataMarshaller.h"
+#include "FirmataParser.h"
+/* DEPRECATED as of Firmata v2.5.1. As of 2.5.1 there are separate version numbers for
+ * the protocol version and the firmware version.
+ */
+// extended command set using sysex (0-127/0x00-0x7F)
+/* 0x00-0x0F reserved for user-defined commands */
+// these are DEPRECATED to make the naming more consistent
+#define FIRMATA_STRING 0x71 // same as STRING_DATA
+#define SYSEX_I2C_REQUEST 0x76 // same as I2C_REQUEST
+#define SYSEX_I2C_REPLY 0x77 // same as I2C_REPLY
+// pin modes
+//#define INPUT 0x00 // defined in Arduino.h
+//#define OUTPUT 0x01 // defined in Arduino.h
+// DEPRECATED as of Firmata v2.5
+#define ANALOG 0x02 // same as PIN_MODE_ANALOG
+#define PWM 0x03 // same as PIN_MODE_PWM
+#define SERVO 0x04 // same as PIN_MODE_SERVO
+#define SHIFT 0x05 // same as PIN_MODE_SHIFT
+#define I2C 0x06 // same as PIN_MODE_I2C
+#define ONEWIRE 0x07 // same as PIN_MODE_ONEWIRE
+#define STEPPER 0x08 // same as PIN_MODE_STEPPER
+#define ENCODER 0x09 // same as PIN_MODE_ENCODER
+#define IGNORE 0x7F // same as PIN_MODE_IGNORE
+namespace firmata {
+// TODO make it a subclass of a generic Serial/Stream base class
+class FirmataClass
+ public:
+ typedef void (*callbackFunction)(uint8_t, int);
+ typedef void (*systemCallbackFunction)(void);
+ typedef void (*stringCallbackFunction)(char *);
+ typedef void (*sysexCallbackFunction)(uint8_t command, uint8_t argc, uint8_t *argv);
+ FirmataClass();
+ /* Arduino constructors */
+ void begin();
+ void begin(long);
+ void begin(Stream &s);
+ /* querying functions */
+ void printVersion(void);
+ void blinkVersion(void);
+ void printFirmwareVersion(void);
+ //void setFirmwareVersion(byte major, byte minor); // see macro below
+ void setFirmwareNameAndVersion(const char *name, byte major, byte minor);
+ void disableBlinkVersion();
+ /* serial receive handling */
+ int available(void);
+ void processInput(void);
+ void parse(unsigned char value);
+ boolean isParsingMessage(void);
+ /* serial send handling */
+ void sendAnalog(byte pin, int value);
+ void sendDigital(byte pin, int value); // TODO implement this
+ void sendDigitalPort(byte portNumber, int portData);
+ void sendString(const char *string);
+ void sendString(byte command, const char *string);
+ void sendSysex(byte command, byte bytec, byte *bytev);
+ void write(byte c);
+ /* attach & detach callback functions to messages */
+ void attach(uint8_t command, callbackFunction newFunction);
+ void attach(uint8_t command, systemCallbackFunction newFunction);
+ void attach(uint8_t command, stringCallbackFunction newFunction);
+ void attach(uint8_t command, sysexCallbackFunction newFunction);
+ void detach(uint8_t command);
+ /* access pin state and config */
+ byte getPinMode(byte pin);
+ void setPinMode(byte pin, byte config);
+ /* access pin state */
+ int getPinState(byte pin);
+ void setPinState(byte pin, int state);
+ /* utility methods */
+ void sendValueAsTwo7bitBytes(int value);
+ void startSysex(void);
+ void endSysex(void);
+ private:
+ uint8_t parserBuffer[MAX_DATA_BYTES];
+ FirmataMarshaller marshaller;
+ FirmataParser parser;
+ Stream *FirmataStream;
+ /* firmware name and version */
+ byte firmwareVersionCount;
+ byte *firmwareVersionVector;
+ /* pin configuration */
+ byte pinConfig[TOTAL_PINS];
+ int pinState[TOTAL_PINS];
+ boolean blinkVersionDisabled;
+ /* private methods ------------------------------ */
+ void strobeBlinkPin(byte pin, int count, int onInterval, int offInterval);
+ friend void FirmataMarshaller::encodeByteStream (size_t bytec, uint8_t * bytev, size_t max_bytes = 0) const;
+ /* callback functions */
+ static callbackFunction currentAnalogCallback;
+ static callbackFunction currentDigitalCallback;
+ static callbackFunction currentPinModeCallback;
+ static callbackFunction currentPinValueCallback;
+ static callbackFunction currentReportAnalogCallback;
+ static callbackFunction currentReportDigitalCallback;
+ static stringCallbackFunction currentStringCallback;
+ static sysexCallbackFunction currentSysexCallback;
+ static systemCallbackFunction currentSystemResetCallback;
+ /* static callbacks */
+ inline static void staticAnalogCallback (void *, uint8_t command, uint16_t value) { if ( currentAnalogCallback ) { currentAnalogCallback(command,(int)value); } }
+ inline static void staticDigitalCallback (void *, uint8_t command, uint16_t value) { if ( currentDigitalCallback ) { currentDigitalCallback(command, (int)value); } }
+ inline static void staticPinModeCallback (void *, uint8_t command, uint16_t value) { if ( currentPinModeCallback ) { currentPinModeCallback(command, (int)value); } }
+ inline static void staticPinValueCallback (void *, uint8_t command, uint16_t value) { if ( currentPinValueCallback ) { currentPinValueCallback(command, (int)value); } }
+ inline static void staticReportAnalogCallback (void *, uint8_t command, uint16_t value) { if ( currentReportAnalogCallback ) { currentReportAnalogCallback(command, (int)value); } }
+ inline static void staticReportDigitalCallback (void *, uint8_t command, uint16_t value) { if ( currentReportDigitalCallback ) { currentReportDigitalCallback(command, (int)value); } }
+ inline static void staticStringCallback (void *, const char * c_str) { if ( currentStringCallback ) { currentStringCallback((char *)c_str); } }
+ inline static void staticSysexCallback (void *, uint8_t command, size_t argc, uint8_t *argv) { if ( currentSysexCallback ) { currentSysexCallback(command, (uint8_t)argc, argv); } }
+ inline static void staticReportFirmwareCallback (void * context, size_t, size_t, const char *) { if ( context ) { ((FirmataClass *)context)->printFirmwareVersion(); } }
+ inline static void staticReportVersionCallback (void * context) { if ( context ) { ((FirmataClass *)context)->printVersion(); } }
+ inline static void staticSystemResetCallback (void *) { if ( currentSystemResetCallback ) { currentSystemResetCallback(); } }
+} // namespace firmata
+extern "C" {
+ // callback function types
+ typedef firmata::FirmataClass::callbackFunction callbackFunction;
+ typedef firmata::FirmataClass::systemCallbackFunction systemCallbackFunction;
+ typedef firmata::FirmataClass::stringCallbackFunction stringCallbackFunction;
+ typedef firmata::FirmataClass::sysexCallbackFunction sysexCallbackFunction;
+extern firmata::FirmataClass Firmata;
+ *============================================================================*/
+/* shortcut for setFirmwareNameAndVersion() that uses __FILE__ to set the
+ * firmware name. It needs to be a macro so that __FILE__ is included in the
+ * firmware source file rather than the library source file.
+ */
+#define setFirmwareVersion(x, y) setFirmwareNameAndVersion(__FILE__, x, y)
+#endif /* Firmata_h */
diff --git a/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataConstants.h b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataConstants.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8d2181
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataConstants.h
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ FirmataConstants.h
+ Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Hans-Christoph Steiner. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Jeff Hoefs. All rights reserved.
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ See file LICENSE.txt for further informations on licensing terms.
+#ifndef FirmataConstants_h
+#define FirmataConstants_h
+namespace firmata {
+/* Version numbers for the Firmata library.
+ * The firmware version will not always equal the protocol version going forward.
+ * Query using the REPORT_FIRMWARE message.
+ */
+static const int FIRMWARE_MAJOR_VERSION = 2;
+static const int FIRMWARE_MINOR_VERSION = 5;
+static const int FIRMWARE_BUGFIX_VERSION = 6;
+/* Version numbers for the protocol. The protocol is still changing, so these
+ * version numbers are important.
+ * Query using the REPORT_VERSION message.
+ */
+static const int PROTOCOL_MAJOR_VERSION = 2; // for non-compatible changes
+static const int PROTOCOL_MINOR_VERSION = 5; // for backwards compatible changes
+static const int PROTOCOL_BUGFIX_VERSION = 1; // for bugfix releases
+static const int MAX_DATA_BYTES = 64; // max number of data bytes in incoming messages
+// message command bytes (128-255/0x80-0xFF)
+static const int DIGITAL_MESSAGE = 0x90; // send data for a digital port (collection of 8 pins)
+static const int ANALOG_MESSAGE = 0xE0; // send data for an analog pin (or PWM)
+static const int REPORT_ANALOG = 0xC0; // enable analog input by pin #
+static const int REPORT_DIGITAL = 0xD0; // enable digital input by port pair
+static const int SET_PIN_MODE = 0xF4; // set a pin to INPUT/OUTPUT/PWM/etc
+static const int SET_DIGITAL_PIN_VALUE = 0xF5; // set value of an individual digital pin
+static const int REPORT_VERSION = 0xF9; // report protocol version
+static const int SYSTEM_RESET = 0xFF; // reset from MIDI
+static const int START_SYSEX = 0xF0; // start a MIDI Sysex message
+static const int END_SYSEX = 0xF7; // end a MIDI Sysex message
+// extended command set using sysex (0-127/0x00-0x7F)
+/* 0x00-0x0F reserved for user-defined commands */
+static const int SERIAL_DATA = 0x60; // communicate with serial devices, including other boards
+static const int ENCODER_DATA = 0x61; // reply with encoders current positions
+static const int SERVO_CONFIG = 0x70; // set max angle, minPulse, maxPulse, freq
+static const int STRING_DATA = 0x71; // a string message with 14-bits per char
+static const int STEPPER_DATA = 0x72; // control a stepper motor
+static const int ONEWIRE_DATA = 0x73; // send an OneWire read/write/reset/select/skip/search request
+static const int SHIFT_DATA = 0x75; // a bitstream to/from a shift register
+static const int I2C_REQUEST = 0x76; // send an I2C read/write request
+static const int I2C_REPLY = 0x77; // a reply to an I2C read request
+static const int I2C_CONFIG = 0x78; // config I2C settings such as delay times and power pins
+static const int REPORT_FIRMWARE = 0x79; // report name and version of the firmware
+static const int EXTENDED_ANALOG = 0x6F; // analog write (PWM, Servo, etc) to any pin
+static const int PIN_STATE_QUERY = 0x6D; // ask for a pin's current mode and value
+static const int PIN_STATE_RESPONSE = 0x6E; // reply with pin's current mode and value
+static const int CAPABILITY_QUERY = 0x6B; // ask for supported modes and resolution of all pins
+static const int CAPABILITY_RESPONSE = 0x6C; // reply with supported modes and resolution
+static const int ANALOG_MAPPING_QUERY = 0x69; // ask for mapping of analog to pin numbers
+static const int ANALOG_MAPPING_RESPONSE = 0x6A; // reply with mapping info
+static const int SAMPLING_INTERVAL = 0x7A; // set the poll rate of the main loop
+static const int SCHEDULER_DATA = 0x7B; // send a createtask/deletetask/addtotask/schedule/querytasks/querytask request to the scheduler
+static const int SYSEX_NON_REALTIME = 0x7E; // MIDI Reserved for non-realtime messages
+static const int SYSEX_REALTIME = 0x7F; // MIDI Reserved for realtime messages
+// pin modes
+static const int PIN_MODE_INPUT = 0x00; // same as INPUT defined in Arduino.h
+static const int PIN_MODE_OUTPUT = 0x01; // same as OUTPUT defined in Arduino.h
+static const int PIN_MODE_ANALOG = 0x02; // analog pin in analogInput mode
+static const int PIN_MODE_PWM = 0x03; // digital pin in PWM output mode
+static const int PIN_MODE_SERVO = 0x04; // digital pin in Servo output mode
+static const int PIN_MODE_SHIFT = 0x05; // shiftIn/shiftOut mode
+static const int PIN_MODE_I2C = 0x06; // pin included in I2C setup
+static const int PIN_MODE_ONEWIRE = 0x07; // pin configured for 1-wire
+static const int PIN_MODE_STEPPER = 0x08; // pin configured for stepper motor
+static const int PIN_MODE_ENCODER = 0x09; // pin configured for rotary encoders
+static const int PIN_MODE_SERIAL = 0x0A; // pin configured for serial communication
+static const int PIN_MODE_PULLUP = 0x0B; // enable internal pull-up resistor for pin
+static const int PIN_MODE_IGNORE = 0x7F; // pin configured to be ignored by digitalWrite and capabilityResponse
+static const int TOTAL_PIN_MODES = 13;
+} // namespace firmata
+#endif // FirmataConstants_h
diff --git a/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataDefines.h b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataDefines.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb95fb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataDefines.h
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+ FirmataDefines.h
+ Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Hans-Christoph Steiner. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Jeff Hoefs. All rights reserved.
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ See file LICENSE.txt for further informations on licensing terms.
+#ifndef FirmataDefines_h
+#define FirmataDefines_h
+#include "FirmataConstants.h"
+/* Version numbers for the Firmata library.
+ * The firmware version will not always equal the protocol version going forward.
+ * Query using the REPORT_FIRMWARE message.
+ */
+/* Version numbers for the protocol. The protocol is still changing, so these
+ * version numbers are important.
+ * Query using the REPORT_VERSION message.
+ */
+#define FIRMATA_PROTOCOL_MAJOR_VERSION firmata::PROTOCOL_MAJOR_VERSION // for non-compatible changes
+#define FIRMATA_PROTOCOL_MINOR_VERSION firmata::PROTOCOL_MINOR_VERSION // for backwards compatible changes
+#define MAX_DATA_BYTES firmata::MAX_DATA_BYTES // max number of data bytes in incoming messages
+// message command bytes (128-255/0x80-0xFF)
+#define DIGITAL_MESSAGE firmata::DIGITAL_MESSAGE // send data for a digital port (collection of 8 pins)
+#define ANALOG_MESSAGE firmata::ANALOG_MESSAGE // send data for an analog pin (or PWM)
+#define REPORT_ANALOG firmata::REPORT_ANALOG // enable analog input by pin #
+#define REPORT_DIGITAL firmata::REPORT_DIGITAL // enable digital input by port pair
+#ifdef SET_PIN_MODE
+#undef SET_PIN_MODE
+#define SET_PIN_MODE firmata::SET_PIN_MODE // set a pin to INPUT/OUTPUT/PWM/etc
+#define SET_DIGITAL_PIN_VALUE firmata::SET_DIGITAL_PIN_VALUE // set value of an individual digital pin
+#define REPORT_VERSION firmata::REPORT_VERSION // report protocol version
+#define SYSTEM_RESET firmata::SYSTEM_RESET // reset from MIDI
+#define START_SYSEX firmata::START_SYSEX // start a MIDI Sysex message
+#ifdef END_SYSEX
+#undef END_SYSEX
+#define END_SYSEX firmata::END_SYSEX // end a MIDI Sysex message
+// extended command set using sysex (0-127/0x00-0x7F)
+/* 0x00-0x0F reserved for user-defined commands */
+#define SERIAL_MESSAGE firmata::SERIAL_DATA // communicate with serial devices, including other boards
+#define ENCODER_DATA firmata::ENCODER_DATA // reply with encoders current positions
+#define SERVO_CONFIG firmata::SERVO_CONFIG // set max angle, minPulse, maxPulse, freq
+#define STRING_DATA firmata::STRING_DATA // a string message with 14-bits per char
+#define STEPPER_DATA firmata::STEPPER_DATA // control a stepper motor
+#define ONEWIRE_DATA firmata::ONEWIRE_DATA // send an OneWire read/write/reset/select/skip/search request
+#ifdef SHIFT_DATA
+#undef SHIFT_DATA
+#define SHIFT_DATA firmata::SHIFT_DATA // a bitstream to/from a shift register
+#ifdef I2C_REQUEST
+#undef I2C_REQUEST
+#define I2C_REQUEST firmata::I2C_REQUEST // send an I2C read/write request
+#ifdef I2C_REPLY
+#undef I2C_REPLY
+#define I2C_REPLY firmata::I2C_REPLY // a reply to an I2C read request
+#ifdef I2C_CONFIG
+#undef I2C_CONFIG
+#define I2C_CONFIG firmata::I2C_CONFIG // config I2C settings such as delay times and power pins
+#define REPORT_FIRMWARE firmata::REPORT_FIRMWARE // report name and version of the firmware
+#define EXTENDED_ANALOG firmata::EXTENDED_ANALOG // analog write (PWM, Servo, etc) to any pin
+#define PIN_STATE_QUERY firmata::PIN_STATE_QUERY // ask for a pin's current mode and value
+#define PIN_STATE_RESPONSE firmata::PIN_STATE_RESPONSE // reply with pin's current mode and value
+#define CAPABILITY_QUERY firmata::CAPABILITY_QUERY // ask for supported modes and resolution of all pins
+#define CAPABILITY_RESPONSE firmata::CAPABILITY_RESPONSE // reply with supported modes and resolution
+#define ANALOG_MAPPING_QUERY firmata::ANALOG_MAPPING_QUERY // ask for mapping of analog to pin numbers
+#define ANALOG_MAPPING_RESPONSE firmata::ANALOG_MAPPING_RESPONSE // reply with mapping info
+#define SAMPLING_INTERVAL firmata::SAMPLING_INTERVAL // set the poll rate of the main loop
+#define SCHEDULER_DATA firmata::SCHEDULER_DATA // send a createtask/deletetask/addtotask/schedule/querytasks/querytask request to the scheduler
+#define SYSEX_NON_REALTIME firmata::SYSEX_NON_REALTIME // MIDI Reserved for non-realtime messages
+#define SYSEX_REALTIME firmata::SYSEX_REALTIME // MIDI Reserved for realtime messages
+// pin modes
+#define PIN_MODE_INPUT firmata::PIN_MODE_INPUT // same as INPUT defined in Arduino.h
+#define PIN_MODE_OUTPUT firmata::PIN_MODE_OUTPUT // same as OUTPUT defined in Arduino.h
+#define PIN_MODE_ANALOG firmata::PIN_MODE_ANALOG // analog pin in analogInput mode
+#ifdef PIN_MODE_PWM
+#undef PIN_MODE_PWM
+#define PIN_MODE_PWM firmata::PIN_MODE_PWM // digital pin in PWM output mode
+#define PIN_MODE_SERVO firmata::PIN_MODE_SERVO // digital pin in Servo output mode
+#define PIN_MODE_SHIFT firmata::PIN_MODE_SHIFT // shiftIn/shiftOut mode
+#ifdef PIN_MODE_I2C
+#undef PIN_MODE_I2C
+#define PIN_MODE_I2C firmata::PIN_MODE_I2C // pin included in I2C setup
+#define PIN_MODE_ONEWIRE firmata::PIN_MODE_ONEWIRE // pin configured for 1-wire
+#define PIN_MODE_STEPPER firmata::PIN_MODE_STEPPER // pin configured for stepper motor
+#define PIN_MODE_ENCODER firmata::PIN_MODE_ENCODER // pin configured for rotary encoders
+#define PIN_MODE_SERIAL firmata::PIN_MODE_SERIAL // pin configured for serial communication
+#define PIN_MODE_PULLUP firmata::PIN_MODE_PULLUP // enable internal pull-up resistor for pin
+#define PIN_MODE_IGNORE firmata::PIN_MODE_IGNORE // pin configured to be ignored by digitalWrite and capabilityResponse
+#endif // FirmataConstants_h
diff --git a/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataMarshaller.cpp b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataMarshaller.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cb5200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataMarshaller.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+ FirmataMarshaller.cpp
+ Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Hans-Christoph Steiner. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Jeff Hoefs. All rights reserved.
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ See file LICENSE.txt for further informations on licensing terms.
+//* Includes
+#include "FirmataMarshaller.h"
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(ARDUINO)
+ #include <cstring>
+ #include <string.h>
+#include "FirmataConstants.h"
+using namespace firmata;
+//* Support Functions
+ * Request or halt a stream of analog readings from the Firmata host application. The range of pins is
+ * limited to [0..15] when using the REPORT_ANALOG. The maximum result of the REPORT_ANALOG is limited to 14 bits
+ * (16384). To increase the pin range or value, see the documentation for the EXTENDED_ANALOG
+ * message.
+ * @param pin The analog pin for which to request the value (limited to pins 0 - 15).
+ * @param stream_enable A zero value will disable the stream, a non-zero will enable the stream
+ * @note The maximum resulting value is 14-bits (16384).
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::reportAnalog(uint8_t pin, bool stream_enable)
+ if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; }
+ // pin can only be 0-15, so chop higher bits
+ FirmataStream->write(REPORT_ANALOG | (pin & 0xF));
+ FirmataStream->write(stream_enable);
+ * Request or halt an 8-bit port stream from the Firmata host application (protocol v2 and later).
+ * Send 14-bits in a single digital message (protocol v1).
+ * @param portNumber The port number for which to request the value. Note that this is not the same as a "port" on the
+ * physical microcontroller. Ports are defined in order per every 8 pins in ascending order
+ * of the Arduino digital pin numbering scheme. Port 0 = pins D0 - D7, port 1 = pins D8 - D15, etc.
+ * @param stream_enable A zero value will disable the stream, a non-zero will enable the stream
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::reportDigitalPort(uint8_t portNumber, bool stream_enable)
+ if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; }
+ FirmataStream->write(REPORT_DIGITAL | (portNumber & 0xF));
+ FirmataStream->write(stream_enable);
+ * An alternative to the normal analog message, this extended version allows addressing beyond
+ * pin 15 and supports sending analog values with any number of bits.
+ * @param pin The analog pin to which the value is sent.
+ * @param bytec The size of the storage for the analog value
+ * @param bytev The pointer to the location of the analog value
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::sendExtendedAnalog(uint8_t pin, size_t bytec, uint8_t * bytev)
+ if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; }
+ FirmataStream->write(START_SYSEX);
+ FirmataStream->write(EXTENDED_ANALOG);
+ FirmataStream->write(pin);
+ encodeByteStream(bytec, bytev, bytec);
+ FirmataStream->write(END_SYSEX);
+ * Transform 8-bit stream into 7-bit message
+ * @param bytec The number of data bytes in the message.
+ * @param bytev A pointer to the array of data bytes to send in the message.
+ * @param max_bytes Force message to be n bytes, regardless of data bits.
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::encodeByteStream (size_t bytec, uint8_t * bytev, size_t max_bytes)
+ static const size_t transmit_bits = 7;
+ static const uint8_t transmit_mask = ((1 << transmit_bits) - 1);
+ size_t bytes_sent = 0;
+ size_t outstanding_bits = 0;
+ uint8_t outstanding_bit_cache = *bytev;
+ if ( !max_bytes ) { max_bytes = static_cast<size_t>(-1); }
+ for (size_t i = 0 ; (i < bytec) && (bytes_sent < max_bytes) ; ++i) {
+ uint8_t transmit_byte = (outstanding_bit_cache|(bytev[i] << outstanding_bits));
+ FirmataStream->write(transmit_mask & transmit_byte);
+ ++bytes_sent;
+ outstanding_bit_cache = (bytev[i] >> (transmit_bits - outstanding_bits));
+ outstanding_bits = (outstanding_bits + (8 - transmit_bits));
+ for ( ; (outstanding_bits >= transmit_bits) && (bytes_sent < max_bytes) ; ) {
+ transmit_byte = outstanding_bit_cache;
+ FirmataStream->write(transmit_mask & transmit_byte);
+ ++bytes_sent;
+ outstanding_bit_cache >>= transmit_bits;
+ outstanding_bits -= transmit_bits;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( outstanding_bits && (bytes_sent < max_bytes) ) {
+ FirmataStream->write(static_cast<uint8_t>((1 << outstanding_bits) - 1) & outstanding_bit_cache);
+ }
+//* Constructors
+ * The FirmataMarshaller class.
+ */
+ FirmataStream((Stream *)NULL)
+//* Public Methods
+ * Reassign the Firmata stream transport.
+ * @param s A reference to the Stream transport object. This can be any type of
+ * transport that implements the Stream interface. Some examples include Ethernet, WiFi
+ * and other UARTs on the board (Serial1, Serial2, etc).
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::begin(Stream &s)
+ FirmataStream = &s;
+ * Closes the FirmataMarshaller stream by setting its stream reference to `(Stream *)NULL`
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::end(void)
+ FirmataStream = (Stream *)NULL;
+//* Output Stream Handling
+ * Query the target's firmware name and version
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::queryFirmwareVersion(void)
+ if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; }
+ FirmataStream->write(START_SYSEX);
+ FirmataStream->write(REPORT_FIRMWARE);
+ FirmataStream->write(END_SYSEX);
+ * Query the target's Firmata protocol version
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::queryVersion(void)
+ if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; }
+ FirmataStream->write(REPORT_VERSION);
+ * Halt the stream of analog readings from the Firmata host application. The range of pins is
+ * limited to [0..15] when using the REPORT_ANALOG. The maximum result of the REPORT_ANALOG is limited to 14 bits
+ * (16384). To increase the pin range or value, see the documentation for the EXTENDED_ANALOG
+ * message.
+ * @param pin The analog pin for which to request the value (limited to pins 0 - 15).
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::reportAnalogDisable(uint8_t pin)
+ reportAnalog(pin, false);
+ * Request a stream of analog readings from the Firmata host application. The range of pins is
+ * limited to [0..15] when using the REPORT_ANALOG. The maximum result of the REPORT_ANALOG is limited to 14 bits
+ * (16384). To increase the pin range or value, see the documentation for the EXTENDED_ANALOG
+ * message.
+ * @param pin The analog pin for which to request the value (limited to pins 0 - 15).
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::reportAnalogEnable(uint8_t pin)
+ reportAnalog(pin, true);
+ * Halt an 8-bit port stream from the Firmata host application (protocol v2 and later).
+ * Send 14-bits in a single digital message (protocol v1).
+ * @param portNumber The port number for which to request the value. Note that this is not the same as a "port" on the
+ * physical microcontroller. Ports are defined in order per every 8 pins in ascending order
+ * of the Arduino digital pin numbering scheme. Port 0 = pins D0 - D7, port 1 = pins D8 - D15, etc.
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::reportDigitalPortDisable(uint8_t portNumber)
+ reportDigitalPort(portNumber, false);
+ * Request an 8-bit port stream from the Firmata host application (protocol v2 and later).
+ * Send 14-bits in a single digital message (protocol v1).
+ * @param portNumber The port number for which to request the value. Note that this is not the same as a "port" on the
+ * physical microcontroller. Ports are defined in order per every 8 pins in ascending order
+ * of the Arduino digital pin numbering scheme. Port 0 = pins D0 - D7, port 1 = pins D8 - D15, etc.
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::reportDigitalPortEnable(uint8_t portNumber)
+ reportDigitalPort(portNumber, true);
+ * Send an analog message to the Firmata host application. The range of pins is limited to [0..15]
+ * when using the ANALOG_MESSAGE. The maximum value of the ANALOG_MESSAGE is limited to 14 bits
+ * (16384). To increase the pin range or value, see the documentation for the EXTENDED_ANALOG
+ * message.
+ * @param pin The analog pin to which the value is sent.
+ * @param value The value of the analog pin (0 - 1024 for 10-bit analog, 0 - 4096 for 12-bit, etc).
+ * @note The maximum value is 14-bits (16384).
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::sendAnalog(uint8_t pin, uint16_t value)
+ if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; }
+ if ( (0xF >= pin) && (0x3FFF >= value) ) {
+ FirmataStream->write(ANALOG_MESSAGE|pin);
+ encodeByteStream(sizeof(value), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&value), sizeof(value));
+ } else {
+ sendExtendedAnalog(pin, sizeof(value), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&value));
+ }
+ * Send an analog mapping query to the Firmata host application. The resulting sysex message will
+ * have an ANALOG_MAPPING_RESPONSE command byte, followed by a list of pins [0-n]; where each
+ * pin will specify its corresponding analog pin number or 0x7F (127) if not applicable.
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::sendAnalogMappingQuery(void)
+ * Send a capability query to the Firmata host application. The resulting sysex message will have
+ * a CAPABILITY_RESPONSE command byte, followed by a list of byte tuples (mode and mode resolution)
+ * for each pin; where each pin list is terminated by 0x7F (127).
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::sendCapabilityQuery(void)
+ * Send a single digital pin value to the Firmata host application.
+ * @param pin The digital pin to send the value of.
+ * @param value The value of the pin.
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::sendDigital(uint8_t pin, uint8_t value)
+ if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; }
+ FirmataStream->write(SET_DIGITAL_PIN_VALUE);
+ FirmataStream->write(pin & 0x7F);
+ FirmataStream->write(value != 0);
+ * Send an 8-bit port in a single digital message (protocol v2 and later).
+ * Send 14-bits in a single digital message (protocol v1).
+ * @param portNumber The port number to send. Note that this is not the same as a "port" on the
+ * physical microcontroller. Ports are defined in order per every 8 pins in ascending order
+ * of the Arduino digital pin numbering scheme. Port 0 = pins D0 - D7, port 1 = pins D8 - D15, etc.
+ * @param portData The value of the port. The value of each pin in the port is represented by a bit.
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::sendDigitalPort(uint8_t portNumber, uint16_t portData)
+ if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; }
+ FirmataStream->write(DIGITAL_MESSAGE | (portNumber & 0xF));
+ // Tx bits 0-6 (protocol v1 and higher)
+ // Tx bits 7-13 (bit 7 only for protocol v2 and higher)
+ encodeByteStream(sizeof(portData), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&portData), sizeof(portData));
+ * Sends the firmware name and version to the Firmata host application.
+ * @param major The major verison number
+ * @param minor The minor version number
+ * @param bytec The length of the firmware name
+ * @param bytev The firmware name array
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::sendFirmwareVersion(uint8_t major, uint8_t minor, size_t bytec, uint8_t *bytev)
+ if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; }
+ size_t i;
+ FirmataStream->write(START_SYSEX);
+ FirmataStream->write(REPORT_FIRMWARE);
+ FirmataStream->write(major);
+ FirmataStream->write(minor);
+ for (i = 0; i < bytec; ++i) {
+ encodeByteStream(sizeof(bytev[i]), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&bytev[i]));
+ }
+ FirmataStream->write(END_SYSEX);
+ * Send the Firmata protocol version to the Firmata host application.
+ * @param major The major verison number
+ * @param minor The minor version number
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::sendVersion(uint8_t major, uint8_t minor)
+ if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; }
+ FirmataStream->write(REPORT_VERSION);
+ FirmataStream->write(major);
+ FirmataStream->write(minor);
+ * Send the pin mode/configuration. The pin configuration (or mode) in Firmata represents the
+ * current function of the pin. Examples are digital input or output, analog input, pwm, i2c,
+ * serial (uart), etc.
+ * @param pin The pin to configure.
+ * @param config The configuration value for the specified pin.
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::sendPinMode(uint8_t pin, uint8_t config)
+ if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; }
+ FirmataStream->write(SET_PIN_MODE);
+ FirmataStream->write(pin);
+ FirmataStream->write(config);
+ * Send a pin state query to the Firmata host application. The resulting sysex message will have
+ * a PIN_STATE_RESPONSE command byte, followed by the pin number, the pin mode and a stream of
+ * bits to indicate any *data* written to the pin (pin state).
+ * @param pin The pin to query
+ * @note The pin state is any data written to the pin (i.e. pin state != pin value)
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::sendPinStateQuery(uint8_t pin)
+ if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; }
+ FirmataStream->write(START_SYSEX);
+ FirmataStream->write(PIN_STATE_QUERY);
+ FirmataStream->write(pin);
+ FirmataStream->write(END_SYSEX);
+ * Send a sysex message where all values after the command byte are packet as 2 7-bit bytes
+ * (this is not always the case so this function is not always used to send sysex messages).
+ * @param command The sysex command byte.
+ * @param bytec The number of data bytes in the message (excludes start, command and end bytes).
+ * @param bytev A pointer to the array of data bytes to send in the message.
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::sendSysex(uint8_t command, size_t bytec, uint8_t *bytev)
+ if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; }
+ size_t i;
+ FirmataStream->write(START_SYSEX);
+ FirmataStream->write(command);
+ for (i = 0; i < bytec; ++i) {
+ encodeByteStream(sizeof(bytev[i]), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&bytev[i]));
+ }
+ FirmataStream->write(END_SYSEX);
+ * Send a string to the Firmata host application.
+ * @param string A pointer to the char string
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::sendString(const char *string)
+ sendSysex(STRING_DATA, strlen(string), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(const_cast<char *>(string)));
+ * The sampling interval sets how often analog data and i2c data is reported to the client.
+ * @param interval_ms The interval (in milliseconds) at which to sample
+ * @note The default sampling interval is 19ms
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::setSamplingInterval(uint16_t interval_ms)
+ sendSysex(SAMPLING_INTERVAL, sizeof(interval_ms), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&interval_ms));
+ * Perform a software reset on the target. For example, StandardFirmata.ino will initialize
+ * everything to a known state and reset the parsing buffer.
+ */
+void FirmataMarshaller::systemReset(void)
+ if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; }
+ FirmataStream->write(SYSTEM_RESET);
diff --git a/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataMarshaller.h b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataMarshaller.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fa83f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataMarshaller.h
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ FirmataMarshaller.h
+ Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Hans-Christoph Steiner. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Jeff Hoefs. All rights reserved.
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ See file LICENSE.txt for further informations on licensing terms.
+#ifndef FirmataMarshaller_h
+#define FirmataMarshaller_h
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(ARDUINO)
+ #include <cstddef>
+ #include <cstdint>
+ #include <stddef.h>
+ #include <stdint.h>
+#include <Stream.h>
+namespace firmata {
+class FirmataMarshaller
+ friend class FirmataClass;
+ public:
+ /* constructors */
+ FirmataMarshaller();
+ /* public methods */
+ void begin(Stream &s);
+ void end();
+ /* serial send handling */
+ void queryFirmwareVersion(void) const;
+ void queryVersion(void) const;
+ void reportAnalogDisable(uint8_t pin) const;
+ void reportAnalogEnable(uint8_t pin) const;
+ void reportDigitalPortDisable(uint8_t portNumber) const;
+ void reportDigitalPortEnable(uint8_t portNumber) const;
+ void sendAnalog(uint8_t pin, uint16_t value) const;
+ void sendAnalogMappingQuery(void) const;
+ void sendCapabilityQuery(void) const;
+ void sendDigital(uint8_t pin, uint8_t value) const;
+ void sendDigitalPort(uint8_t portNumber, uint16_t portData) const;
+ void sendFirmwareVersion(uint8_t major, uint8_t minor, size_t bytec, uint8_t *bytev) const;
+ void sendVersion(uint8_t major, uint8_t minor) const;
+ void sendPinMode(uint8_t pin, uint8_t config) const;
+ void sendPinStateQuery(uint8_t pin) const;
+ void sendString(const char *string) const;
+ void sendSysex(uint8_t command, size_t bytec, uint8_t *bytev) const;
+ void setSamplingInterval(uint16_t interval_ms) const;
+ void systemReset(void) const;
+ private:
+ /* utility methods */
+ void reportAnalog(uint8_t pin, bool stream_enable) const;
+ void reportDigitalPort(uint8_t portNumber, bool stream_enable) const;
+ void sendExtendedAnalog(uint8_t pin, size_t bytec, uint8_t * bytev) const;
+ void encodeByteStream (size_t bytec, uint8_t * bytev, size_t max_bytes = 0) const;
+ Stream * FirmataStream;
+} // namespace firmata
+#endif /* FirmataMarshaller_h */
diff --git a/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataParser.cpp b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataParser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d402fdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataParser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+ FirmataParser.cpp
+ Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Hans-Christoph Steiner. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Jeff Hoefs. All rights reserved.
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ See file LICENSE.txt for further informations on licensing terms.
+//* Includes
+#include "FirmataParser.h"
+#include "FirmataConstants.h"
+using namespace firmata;
+//* Constructors
+ * The FirmataParser class.
+ * @param dataBuffer A pointer to an external buffer used to store parsed data
+ * @param dataBufferSize The size of the external buffer
+ */
+FirmataParser::FirmataParser(uint8_t * const dataBuffer, size_t dataBufferSize)
+ dataBuffer(dataBuffer),
+ dataBufferSize(dataBufferSize),
+ executeMultiByteCommand(0),
+ multiByteChannel(0),
+ waitForData(0),
+ parsingSysex(false),
+ sysexBytesRead(0),
+ currentAnalogCallbackContext((void *)NULL),
+ currentDigitalCallbackContext((void *)NULL),
+ currentReportAnalogCallbackContext((void *)NULL),
+ currentReportDigitalCallbackContext((void *)NULL),
+ currentPinModeCallbackContext((void *)NULL),
+ currentPinValueCallbackContext((void *)NULL),
+ currentReportFirmwareCallbackContext((void *)NULL),
+ currentReportVersionCallbackContext((void *)NULL),
+ currentDataBufferOverflowCallbackContext((void *)NULL),
+ currentStringCallbackContext((void *)NULL),
+ currentSysexCallbackContext((void *)NULL),
+ currentSystemResetCallbackContext((void *)NULL),
+ currentAnalogCallback((callbackFunction)NULL),
+ currentDigitalCallback((callbackFunction)NULL),
+ currentReportAnalogCallback((callbackFunction)NULL),
+ currentReportDigitalCallback((callbackFunction)NULL),
+ currentPinModeCallback((callbackFunction)NULL),
+ currentPinValueCallback((callbackFunction)NULL),
+ currentDataBufferOverflowCallback((dataBufferOverflowCallbackFunction)NULL),
+ currentStringCallback((stringCallbackFunction)NULL),
+ currentSysexCallback((sysexCallbackFunction)NULL),
+ currentReportFirmwareCallback((versionCallbackFunction)NULL),
+ currentReportVersionCallback((systemCallbackFunction)NULL),
+ currentSystemResetCallback((systemCallbackFunction)NULL)
+ allowBufferUpdate = ((uint8_t *)NULL == dataBuffer);
+//* Public Methods
+// Serial Receive Handling
+ * Parse data from the input stream.
+ * @param inputData A single byte to be added to the parser.
+ */
+void FirmataParser::parse(uint8_t inputData)
+ uint8_t command;
+ if (parsingSysex) {
+ if (inputData == END_SYSEX) {
+ //stop sysex byte
+ parsingSysex = false;
+ //fire off handler function
+ processSysexMessage();
+ } else {
+ //normal data byte - add to buffer
+ bufferDataAtPosition(inputData, sysexBytesRead);
+ ++sysexBytesRead;
+ }
+ } else if ( (waitForData > 0) && (inputData < 128) ) {
+ --waitForData;
+ bufferDataAtPosition(inputData, waitForData);
+ if ( (waitForData == 0) && executeMultiByteCommand ) { // got the whole message
+ switch (executeMultiByteCommand) {
+ if (currentAnalogCallback) {
+ (*currentAnalogCallback)(currentAnalogCallbackContext,
+ multiByteChannel,
+ (dataBuffer[0] << 7)
+ + dataBuffer[1]);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (currentDigitalCallback) {
+ (*currentDigitalCallback)(currentDigitalCallbackContext,
+ multiByteChannel,
+ (dataBuffer[0] << 7)
+ + dataBuffer[1]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case SET_PIN_MODE:
+ if (currentPinModeCallback)
+ (*currentPinModeCallback)(currentPinModeCallbackContext, dataBuffer[1], dataBuffer[0]);
+ break;
+ if (currentPinValueCallback)
+ (*currentPinValueCallback)(currentPinValueCallbackContext, dataBuffer[1], dataBuffer[0]);
+ break;
+ if (currentReportAnalogCallback)
+ (*currentReportAnalogCallback)(currentReportAnalogCallbackContext, multiByteChannel, dataBuffer[0]);
+ break;
+ if (currentReportDigitalCallback)
+ (*currentReportDigitalCallback)(currentReportDigitalCallbackContext, multiByteChannel, dataBuffer[0]);
+ break;
+ }
+ executeMultiByteCommand = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // remove channel info from command byte if less than 0xF0
+ if (inputData < 0xF0) {
+ command = inputData & 0xF0;
+ multiByteChannel = inputData & 0x0F;
+ } else {
+ command = inputData;
+ // commands in the 0xF* range don't use channel data
+ }
+ switch (command) {
+ case SET_PIN_MODE:
+ waitForData = 2; // two data bytes needed
+ executeMultiByteCommand = command;
+ break;
+ waitForData = 1; // one data byte needed
+ executeMultiByteCommand = command;
+ break;
+ parsingSysex = true;
+ sysexBytesRead = 0;
+ break;
+ systemReset();
+ break;
+ if (currentReportVersionCallback)
+ (*currentReportVersionCallback)(currentReportVersionCallbackContext);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ * @return Returns true if the parser is actively parsing data.
+ */
+bool FirmataParser::isParsingMessage(void)
+ return (waitForData > 0 || parsingSysex);
+ * Provides a mechanism to either set or update the working buffer of the parser.
+ * The method will be enabled when no buffer has been provided, or an overflow
+ * condition exists.
+ * @param dataBuffer A pointer to an external buffer used to store parsed data
+ * @param dataBufferSize The size of the external buffer
+ */
+int FirmataParser::setDataBufferOfSize(uint8_t * dataBuffer, size_t dataBufferSize)
+ int result;
+ if ( !allowBufferUpdate ) {
+ result = __LINE__;
+ } else if ((uint8_t *)NULL == dataBuffer) {
+ result = __LINE__;
+ } else {
+ this->dataBuffer = dataBuffer;
+ this->dataBufferSize = dataBufferSize;
+ allowBufferUpdate = false;
+ result = 0;
+ }
+ return result;
+ * Attach a generic sysex callback function to a command (options are: ANALOG_MESSAGE,
+ * @param command The ID of the command to attach a callback function to.
+ * @param newFunction A reference to the callback function to attach.
+ * @param context An optional context to be provided to the callback function (NULL by default).
+ * @note The context parameter is provided so you can pass a parameter, by reference, to
+ * your callback function.
+ */
+void FirmataParser::attach(uint8_t command, callbackFunction newFunction, void * context)
+ switch (command) {
+ currentAnalogCallback = newFunction;
+ currentAnalogCallbackContext = context;
+ break;
+ currentDigitalCallback = newFunction;
+ currentDigitalCallbackContext = context;
+ break;
+ currentReportAnalogCallback = newFunction;
+ currentReportAnalogCallbackContext = context;
+ break;
+ currentReportDigitalCallback = newFunction;
+ currentReportDigitalCallbackContext = context;
+ break;
+ case SET_PIN_MODE:
+ currentPinModeCallback = newFunction;
+ currentPinModeCallbackContext = context;
+ break;
+ currentPinValueCallback = newFunction;
+ currentPinValueCallbackContext = context;
+ break;
+ }
+ * Attach a version callback function (supported option: REPORT_FIRMWARE).
+ * @param command The ID of the command to attach a callback function to.
+ * @param newFunction A reference to the callback function to attach.
+ * @param context An optional context to be provided to the callback function (NULL by default).
+ * @note The context parameter is provided so you can pass a parameter, by reference, to
+ * your callback function.
+ */
+void FirmataParser::attach(uint8_t command, versionCallbackFunction newFunction, void * context)
+ switch (command) {
+ currentReportFirmwareCallback = newFunction;
+ currentReportFirmwareCallbackContext = context;
+ break;
+ }
+ * Attach a system callback function (supported options are: SYSTEM_RESET, REPORT_VERSION).
+ * @param command The ID of the command to attach a callback function to.
+ * @param newFunction A reference to the callback function to attach.
+ * @param context An optional context to be provided to the callback function (NULL by default).
+ * @note The context parameter is provided so you can pass a parameter, by reference, to
+ * your callback function.
+ */
+void FirmataParser::attach(uint8_t command, systemCallbackFunction newFunction, void * context)
+ switch (command) {
+ currentReportVersionCallback = newFunction;
+ currentReportVersionCallbackContext = context;
+ break;
+ currentSystemResetCallback = newFunction;
+ currentSystemResetCallbackContext = context;
+ break;
+ }
+ * Attach a callback function for the STRING_DATA command.
+ * @param command Must be set to STRING_DATA or it will be ignored.
+ * @param newFunction A reference to the string callback function to attach.
+ * @param context An optional context to be provided to the callback function (NULL by default).
+ * @note The context parameter is provided so you can pass a parameter, by reference, to
+ * your callback function.
+ */
+void FirmataParser::attach(uint8_t command, stringCallbackFunction newFunction, void * context)
+ switch (command) {
+ currentStringCallback = newFunction;
+ currentStringCallbackContext = context;
+ break;
+ }
+ * Attach a generic sysex callback function to sysex command.
+ * @param command The ID of the command to attach a callback function to.
+ * @param newFunction A reference to the sysex callback function to attach.
+ * @param context An optional context to be provided to the callback function (NULL by default).
+ * @note The context parameter is provided so you can pass a parameter, by reference, to
+ * your callback function.
+ */
+void FirmataParser::attach(uint8_t command, sysexCallbackFunction newFunction, void * context)
+ (void)command;
+ currentSysexCallback = newFunction;
+ currentSysexCallbackContext = context;
+ * Attach a buffer overflow callback
+ * @param newFunction A reference to the buffer overflow callback function to attach.
+ * @param context An optional context to be provided to the callback function (NULL by default).
+ * @note The context parameter is provided so you can pass a parameter, by reference, to
+ * your callback function.
+ */
+void FirmataParser::attach(dataBufferOverflowCallbackFunction newFunction, void * context)
+ currentDataBufferOverflowCallback = newFunction;
+ currentDataBufferOverflowCallbackContext = context;
+ * Detach a callback function for a specified command (such as SYSTEM_RESET, STRING_DATA,
+ * @param command The ID of the command to detatch the callback function from.
+ */
+void FirmataParser::detach(uint8_t command)
+ switch (command) {
+ attach(command, (versionCallbackFunction)NULL, NULL);
+ break;
+ attach(command, (systemCallbackFunction)NULL, NULL);
+ break;
+ attach(command, (stringCallbackFunction)NULL, NULL);
+ break;
+ attach(command, (sysexCallbackFunction)NULL, NULL);
+ break;
+ default:
+ attach(command, (callbackFunction)NULL, NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ * Detach the buffer overflow callback
+ * @param <unused> Any pointer of type dataBufferOverflowCallbackFunction.
+ */
+void FirmataParser::detach(dataBufferOverflowCallbackFunction)
+ currentDataBufferOverflowCallback = (dataBufferOverflowCallbackFunction)NULL;
+ currentDataBufferOverflowCallbackContext = (void *)NULL;
+//* Private Methods
+ * Buffer abstraction to prevent memory corruption
+ * @param data The byte to put into the buffer
+ * @param pos The position to insert the byte into the buffer
+ * @return writeError A boolean to indicate if an error occured
+ * @private
+ */
+bool FirmataParser::bufferDataAtPosition(const uint8_t data, const size_t pos)
+ bool bufferOverflow = (pos >= dataBufferSize);
+ // Notify of overflow condition
+ if ( bufferOverflow
+ && ((dataBufferOverflowCallbackFunction)NULL != currentDataBufferOverflowCallback) )
+ {
+ allowBufferUpdate = true;
+ currentDataBufferOverflowCallback(currentDataBufferOverflowCallbackContext);
+ // Check if overflow was resolved during callback
+ bufferOverflow = (pos >= dataBufferSize);
+ }
+ // Write data to buffer if no overflow condition persist
+ if ( !bufferOverflow )
+ {
+ dataBuffer[pos] = data;
+ }
+ return bufferOverflow;
+ * Transform 7-bit firmata message into 8-bit stream
+ * @param bytec The encoded data byte length of the message (max: 16383).
+ * @param bytev A pointer to the encoded array of data bytes.
+ * @return The length of the decoded data.
+ * @note The conversion will be done in place on the provided buffer.
+ * @private
+ */
+size_t FirmataParser::decodeByteStream(size_t bytec, uint8_t * bytev) {
+ size_t decoded_bytes, i;
+ for ( i = 0, decoded_bytes = 0 ; i < bytec ; ++decoded_bytes, ++i ) {
+ bytev[decoded_bytes] = bytev[i];
+ bytev[decoded_bytes] |= (uint8_t)(bytev[++i] << 7);
+ }
+ return decoded_bytes;
+ * Process incoming sysex messages. Handles REPORT_FIRMWARE and STRING_DATA internally.
+ * Calls callback function for STRING_DATA and all other sysex messages.
+ * @private
+ */
+void FirmataParser::processSysexMessage(void)
+ switch (dataBuffer[0]) { //first byte in buffer is command
+ if (currentReportFirmwareCallback) {
+ const size_t major_version_offset = 1;
+ const size_t minor_version_offset = 2;
+ const size_t string_offset = 3;
+ // Test for malformed REPORT_FIRMWARE message (used to query firmware prior to Firmata v3.0.0)
+ if ( 3 > sysexBytesRead ) {
+ (*currentReportFirmwareCallback)(currentReportFirmwareCallbackContext, 0, 0, (const char *)NULL);
+ } else {
+ const size_t end_of_string = (string_offset + decodeByteStream((sysexBytesRead - string_offset), &dataBuffer[string_offset]));
+ bufferDataAtPosition('\0', end_of_string); // NULL terminate the string
+ (*currentReportFirmwareCallback)(currentReportFirmwareCallbackContext, (size_t)dataBuffer[major_version_offset], (size_t)dataBuffer[minor_version_offset], (const char *)&dataBuffer[string_offset]);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if (currentStringCallback) {
+ const size_t string_offset = 1;
+ const size_t end_of_string = (string_offset + decodeByteStream((sysexBytesRead - string_offset), &dataBuffer[string_offset]));
+ bufferDataAtPosition('\0', end_of_string); // NULL terminate the string
+ (*currentStringCallback)(currentStringCallbackContext, (const char *)&dataBuffer[string_offset]);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (currentSysexCallback)
+ (*currentSysexCallback)(currentSysexCallbackContext, dataBuffer[0], sysexBytesRead - 1, dataBuffer + 1);
+ }
+ * Resets the system state upon a SYSTEM_RESET message from the host software.
+ * @private
+ */
+void FirmataParser::systemReset(void)
+ size_t i;
+ waitForData = 0; // this flag says the next serial input will be data
+ executeMultiByteCommand = 0; // execute this after getting multi-byte data
+ multiByteChannel = 0; // channel data for multiByteCommands
+ for (i = 0; i < dataBufferSize; ++i) {
+ dataBuffer[i] = 0;
+ }
+ parsingSysex = false;
+ sysexBytesRead = 0;
+ if (currentSystemResetCallback)
+ (*currentSystemResetCallback)(currentSystemResetCallbackContext);
diff --git a/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataParser.h b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataParser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb0c8be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/FirmataParser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ FirmataParser.h
+ Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Hans-Christoph Steiner. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Jeff Hoefs. All rights reserved.
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ See file LICENSE.txt for further informations on licensing terms.
+#ifndef FirmataParser_h
+#define FirmataParser_h
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(ARDUINO)
+ #include <cstddef>
+ #include <cstdint>
+ #include <stddef.h>
+ #include <stdint.h>
+namespace firmata {
+class FirmataParser
+ public:
+ /* callback function types */
+ typedef void (*callbackFunction)(void * context, uint8_t command, uint16_t value);
+ typedef void (*dataBufferOverflowCallbackFunction)(void * context);
+ typedef void (*stringCallbackFunction)(void * context, const char * c_str);
+ typedef void (*sysexCallbackFunction)(void * context, uint8_t command, size_t argc, uint8_t * argv);
+ typedef void (*systemCallbackFunction)(void * context);
+ typedef void (*versionCallbackFunction)(void * context, size_t sv_major, size_t sv_minor, const char * firmware);
+ FirmataParser(uint8_t * dataBuffer = (uint8_t *)NULL, size_t dataBufferSize = 0);
+ /* serial receive handling */
+ void parse(uint8_t value);
+ bool isParsingMessage(void) const;
+ int setDataBufferOfSize(uint8_t * dataBuffer, size_t dataBufferSize);
+ /* attach & detach callback functions to messages */
+ void attach(uint8_t command, callbackFunction newFunction, void * context = NULL);
+ void attach(dataBufferOverflowCallbackFunction newFunction, void * context = NULL);
+ void attach(uint8_t command, stringCallbackFunction newFunction, void * context = NULL);
+ void attach(uint8_t command, sysexCallbackFunction newFunction, void * context = NULL);
+ void attach(uint8_t command, systemCallbackFunction newFunction, void * context = NULL);
+ void attach(uint8_t command, versionCallbackFunction newFunction, void * context = NULL);
+ void detach(uint8_t command);
+ void detach(dataBufferOverflowCallbackFunction);
+ private:
+ /* input message handling */
+ bool allowBufferUpdate;
+ uint8_t * dataBuffer; // multi-byte data
+ size_t dataBufferSize;
+ uint8_t executeMultiByteCommand; // execute this after getting multi-byte data
+ uint8_t multiByteChannel; // channel data for multiByteCommands
+ size_t waitForData; // this flag says the next serial input will be data
+ /* sysex */
+ bool parsingSysex;
+ size_t sysexBytesRead;
+ /* callback context */
+ void * currentAnalogCallbackContext;
+ void * currentDigitalCallbackContext;
+ void * currentReportAnalogCallbackContext;
+ void * currentReportDigitalCallbackContext;
+ void * currentPinModeCallbackContext;
+ void * currentPinValueCallbackContext;
+ void * currentReportFirmwareCallbackContext;
+ void * currentReportVersionCallbackContext;
+ void * currentDataBufferOverflowCallbackContext;
+ void * currentStringCallbackContext;
+ void * currentSysexCallbackContext;
+ void * currentSystemResetCallbackContext;
+ /* callback functions */
+ callbackFunction currentAnalogCallback;
+ callbackFunction currentDigitalCallback;
+ callbackFunction currentReportAnalogCallback;
+ callbackFunction currentReportDigitalCallback;
+ callbackFunction currentPinModeCallback;
+ callbackFunction currentPinValueCallback;
+ dataBufferOverflowCallbackFunction currentDataBufferOverflowCallback;
+ stringCallbackFunction currentStringCallback;
+ sysexCallbackFunction currentSysexCallback;
+ versionCallbackFunction currentReportFirmwareCallback;
+ systemCallbackFunction currentReportVersionCallback;
+ systemCallbackFunction currentSystemResetCallback;
+ /* private methods ------------------------------ */
+ bool bufferDataAtPosition(const uint8_t data, const size_t pos);
+ size_t decodeByteStream(size_t bytec, uint8_t * bytev);
+ void processSysexMessage(void);
+ void systemReset(void);
+} // firmata
+#endif /* FirmataParser_h */
diff --git a/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/Servo.cpp b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/Servo.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2216219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/Servo.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+//#include "Energia.h"
+#include "Servo.h"
+#include "inc/hw_ints.h"
+#include "inc/hw_memmap.h"
+#include "inc/hw_types.h"
+#include "driverlib/debug.h"
+#include "driverlib/gpio.h"
+#include "driverlib/pin_map.h"
+#include "driverlib/rom.h"
+#include "driverlib/sysctl.h"
+#include "driverlib/timer.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+/** variables and functions common to all Servo instances **/
+volatile unsigned long ticksPerMicrosecond; // Holds the calculated value
+unsigned int servoAssignedMask;
+static servo_t servos[SERVOS_PER_TIMER];
+unsigned int remainderPulseWidth;
+volatile int currentServo;
+bool servoInitialized = false;
+// Calculate the new period remainder
+static void calculatePeriodRemainder(void)
+ unsigned long servoPeriodSum = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < SERVOS_PER_TIMER; i++){
+ servoPeriodSum += servos[i].pulse_width;
+ }
+ remainderPulseWidth = REFRESH_INTERVAL - servoPeriodSum;
+static void initServo(void) {
+ /* Work around for clock not yet up in the constructor */
+ // Initialize global variables
+ ticksPerMicrosecond = 0;
+ servoAssignedMask = 0;
+ remainderPulseWidth = 0;
+ currentServo = 0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < SERVOS_PER_TIMER; i++)
+ {
+ servos[i].pin_number = 0;
+ servos[i].pulse_width = DEFAULT_SERVO_PULSE_WIDTH;
+ servos[i].enabled = false;
+ }
+ calculatePeriodRemainder();
+ // Enable TIMER
+ ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SERVO_TIMER_PERIPH);
+ // Enable processor interrupts.
+ ROM_IntMasterEnable();
+ TimerIntRegister(SERVO_TIMER, SERVO_TIMER_A, ServoIntHandler);
+ // Configure the TIMER
+ // Calculate the number of timer counts/microsecond
+ ticksPerMicrosecond = F_CPU / 1000000;
+ // Initially load the timer with 20ms interval time
+ // Setup the interrupt for the TIMER1A timeout.
+ // Enable the timer.
+/** end of static functions **/
+ * When a new servo is created:
+ * Initialize the servo module if it has not been initialized already.
+ * Add the servo to the assigned servos mask with a new index.
+ */
+ // If the module has not been initialized
+ if(!servoInitialized)
+ {
+ // Initialize it.
+ initServo();
+ // It has been initialized, prevent further calls to initServo().
+ servoInitialized = true;
+ }
+ this->index = INVALID_SERVO;
+ // Look for a free servo index.
+ for (int i = 0; i < SERVOS_PER_TIMER; i++)
+ {
+ if (((servoAssignedMask >> i) & 1) == 0)
+ {
+ // Save the index for this instance of Servo.
+ this->index = i;
+ // Mark the spot in the mask.
+ servoAssignedMask |= (1 << i);
+ // Stop searching for free slots.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+//! Write a pulse width of the given number of microseconds to the Servo's pin
+void Servo::writeMicroseconds(int value)
+ if(value < this->min) value = this->min;
+ if(value > this->max) value = this->max;
+ servos[this->index].pulse_width = value;
+ calculatePeriodRemainder();
+//! Write a pulse width of the given degrees (if in the appropriate range to be degrees)
+//! or of the specified number of microseconds (if in the appropriate range to be microseconds)
+void Servo::write(int value)
+ // treat values less than the min pulse width as angles in degrees (valid values in microseconds are handled as microseconds)
+ {
+ if(value < 0) value = 0;
+ if(value > 180) value = 180;
+ value = map(value, 0, 180, this->min, this->max);
+ }
+ this->writeMicroseconds(value);
+//! Returns the current pulse width of the Servo's signal, in microseconds
+int Servo::readMicroseconds()
+ return servos[this->index].pulse_width;
+//! Returns the current position of the Servo, in degrees
+int Servo::read() // return the value as degrees
+ return map( this->readMicroseconds()+1, this->min, this->max, 0, 180);
+//! Attach the Servo to the given pin (and, if specified, with the given range of legal pulse widths)
+unsigned int Servo::attach(unsigned int pin, int min, int max)
+ this->min = min;
+ this->max = max;
+ servos[this->index].pin_number = pin;
+ pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
+ digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
+ calculatePeriodRemainder();
+ servos[this->index].enabled = true;
+ return this->index;
+//! Detach the Servo from its pin
+void Servo::detach()
+ // Disable, clean up
+ servos[this->index].enabled = false;
+ servos[this->index].pulse_width = DEFAULT_SERVO_PULSE_WIDTH;
+ calculatePeriodRemainder();
+ digitalWrite(servos[this->index].pin_number, LOW);
+bool Servo::attached(){
+ return servos[this->index].enabled;
+//! ISR for generating the pulse widths
+void ServoIntHandler(void)
+ // Clear the timer interrupt.
+ // Get the pulse width value for the current servo from the array
+ // and reload the timer with the new pulse width count value
+ // if we have already serviced all servos (currentServo = MAX_SERVO_NO)
+ // then this value should be the 20ms period value
+ if(currentServo < SERVOS_PER_TIMER)
+ {
+ ROM_TimerLoadSet(SERVO_TIMER, SERVO_TIMER_A, ticksPerMicrosecond * servos[currentServo].pulse_width);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ROM_TimerLoadSet(SERVO_TIMER, SERVO_TIMER_A, ticksPerMicrosecond * remainderPulseWidth);
+ }
+ // End the servo pulse set previously (if any)
+ if(currentServo > 0) // If not the 1st Servo....
+ {
+ if (servos[currentServo - 1].enabled)
+ {
+ digitalWrite(servos[currentServo - 1].pin_number, LOW);
+ }
+ }
+ // Set the current servo pin HIGH
+ if(currentServo < SERVOS_PER_TIMER)
+ {
+ if (servos[currentServo - 1].enabled)
+ {
+ digitalWrite(servos[currentServo].pin_number, HIGH);
+ }
+ currentServo++; // Advance to next servo for processing next time
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ currentServo = 0; // Start all over again
+ }
diff --git a/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/Servo.h b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/Servo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ed6c78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/Servo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#ifndef SERVO_H
+#define SERVO_H
+#include "Energia.h"
+#include <inttypes.h>
+// Hardware limitations information
+#define REFRESH_INTERVAL 20000
+// Aliases for timer config and loading
+// Other defines
+#define INVALID_SERVO 255
+#define MAX_SERVOS 8
+typedef struct
+ unsigned int pin_number;
+ unsigned int pulse_width;
+ bool enabled;
+} servo_t;
+class Servo
+ unsigned int index;
+ int min;
+ int max;
+ Servo();
+ unsigned int attach(unsigned int pin, int min = MIN_SERVO_PULSE_WIDTH, int max = MAX_SERVO_PULSE_WIDTH);
+ void detach();
+ void writeMicroseconds(int value);
+ int readMicroseconds();
+ void write(int value);
+ int read();
+ bool attached();
+extern "C" void ServoIntHandler(void);
+#endif // SERVO_H
diff --git a/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/StandardFirmata.ino b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/StandardFirmata.ino
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84e51b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/StandardFirmata.ino
@@ -0,0 +1,864 @@
+ Firmata is a generic protocol for communicating with microcontrollers
+ from software on a host computer. It is intended to work with
+ any host computer software package.
+ To download a host software package, please click on the following link
+ to open the list of Firmata client libraries in your default browser.
+ Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Hans-Christoph Steiner. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Paul Stoffregen. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (C) 2009 Shigeru Kobayashi. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Jeff Hoefs. All rights reserved.
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ See file LICENSE.txt for further informations on licensing terms.
+ Last updated October 16th, 2016
+#include "Servo.h"
+#include <Wire.h>
+#include "Firmata.h"
+#define I2C_WRITE B00000000
+#define I2C_READ B00001000
+#define I2C_READ_CONTINUOUSLY B00010000
+#define I2C_STOP_READING B00011000
+#define I2C_READ_WRITE_MODE_MASK B00011000
+#define I2C_10BIT_ADDRESS_MODE_MASK B00100000
+#define I2C_END_TX_MASK B01000000
+#define I2C_STOP_TX 1
+#define I2C_RESTART_TX 0
+#define I2C_MAX_QUERIES 8
+// the minimum interval for sampling analog input
+ *============================================================================*/
+SerialFirmata serialFeature;
+/* analog inputs */
+int analogInputsToReport = 0; // bitwise array to store pin reporting
+/* digital input ports */
+byte reportPINs[TOTAL_PORTS]; // 1 = report this port, 0 = silence
+byte previousPINs[TOTAL_PORTS]; // previous 8 bits sent
+/* pins configuration */
+byte portConfigInputs[TOTAL_PORTS]; // each bit: 1 = pin in INPUT, 0 = anything else
+/* timer variables */
+unsigned long currentMillis; // store the current value from millis()
+unsigned long previousMillis; // for comparison with currentMillis
+unsigned int samplingInterval = 19; // how often to run the main loop (in ms)
+/* i2c data */
+struct i2c_device_info {
+ byte addr;
+ int reg;
+ byte bytes;
+ byte stopTX;
+/* for i2c read continuous more */
+i2c_device_info query[I2C_MAX_QUERIES];
+byte i2cRxData[64];
+boolean isI2CEnabled = false;
+signed char queryIndex = -1;
+// default delay time between i2c read request and Wire.requestFrom()
+unsigned int i2cReadDelayTime = 0;
+Servo servos[MAX_SERVOS];
+byte servoPinMap[TOTAL_PINS];
+byte detachedServos[MAX_SERVOS];
+byte detachedServoCount = 0;
+byte servoCount = 0;
+boolean isResetting = false;
+// Forward declare a few functions to avoid compiler errors with older versions
+// of the Arduino IDE.
+void setPinModeCallback(byte, int);
+void reportAnalogCallback(byte analogPin, int value);
+void sysexCallback(byte, byte, byte*);
+/* utility functions */
+void wireWrite(byte data)
+#if ARDUINO >= 100
+ Wire.write((byte)data);
+ Wire.send(data);
+byte wireRead(void)
+#if ARDUINO >= 100
+ return;
+ return Wire.receive();
+ *============================================================================*/
+void attachServo(byte pin, int minPulse, int maxPulse)
+ if (servoCount < MAX_SERVOS) {
+ // reuse indexes of detached servos until all have been reallocated
+ if (detachedServoCount > 0) {
+ servoPinMap[pin] = detachedServos[detachedServoCount - 1];
+ if (detachedServoCount > 0) detachedServoCount--;
+ } else {
+ servoPinMap[pin] = servoCount;
+ servoCount++;
+ }
+ if (minPulse > 0 && maxPulse > 0) {
+ servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attach(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin)/*, minPulse, maxPulse*/);
+ } else {
+ servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attach(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin));
+ }
+ } else {
+ Firmata.sendString("Max servos attached");
+ }
+void detachServo(byte pin)
+ servos[servoPinMap[pin]].detach();
+ // if we're detaching the last servo, decrement the count
+ // otherwise store the index of the detached servo
+ if (servoPinMap[pin] == servoCount && servoCount > 0) {
+ servoCount--;
+ } else if (servoCount > 0) {
+ // keep track of detached servos because we want to reuse their indexes
+ // before incrementing the count of attached servos
+ detachedServoCount++;
+ detachedServos[detachedServoCount - 1] = servoPinMap[pin];
+ }
+ servoPinMap[pin] = 255;
+void enableI2CPins()
+ byte i;
+ // is there a faster way to do this? would probaby require importing
+ // Arduino.h to get SCL and SDA pins
+ for (i = 0; i < TOTAL_PINS; i++) {
+ if (IS_PIN_I2C(i)) {
+ // mark pins as i2c so they are ignore in non i2c data requests
+ setPinModeCallback(i, PIN_MODE_I2C);
+ }
+ }
+ isI2CEnabled = true;
+ Wire.begin();
+/* disable the i2c pins so they can be used for other functions */
+void disableI2CPins() {
+ isI2CEnabled = false;
+ // disable read continuous mode for all devices
+ queryIndex = -1;
+void readAndReportData(byte address, int theRegister, byte numBytes, byte stopTX) {
+ // allow I2C requests that don't require a register read
+ // for example, some devices using an interrupt pin to signify new data available
+ // do not always require the register read so upon interrupt you call Wire.requestFrom()
+ if (theRegister != I2C_REGISTER_NOT_SPECIFIED) {
+ Wire.beginTransmission(address);
+ wireWrite((byte)theRegister);
+ Wire.endTransmission(stopTX); // default = true
+ // do not set a value of 0
+ if (i2cReadDelayTime > 0) {
+ // delay is necessary for some devices such as WiiNunchuck
+ delayMicroseconds(i2cReadDelayTime);
+ }
+ } else {
+ theRegister = 0; // fill the register with a dummy value
+ }
+ Wire.requestFrom(address, numBytes); // all bytes are returned in requestFrom
+ // check to be sure correct number of bytes were returned by slave
+ if (numBytes < Wire.available()) {
+ Firmata.sendString("I2C: Too many bytes received");
+ } else if (numBytes > Wire.available()) {
+ Firmata.sendString("I2C: Too few bytes received");
+ }
+ i2cRxData[0] = address;
+ i2cRxData[1] = theRegister;
+ for (int i = 0; i < numBytes && Wire.available(); i++) {
+ i2cRxData[2 + i] = wireRead();
+ }
+ // send slave address, register and received bytes
+ Firmata.sendSysex(SYSEX_I2C_REPLY, numBytes + 2, i2cRxData);
+void outputPort(byte portNumber, byte portValue, byte forceSend)
+ // pins not configured as INPUT are cleared to zeros
+ portValue = portValue & portConfigInputs[portNumber];
+ // only send if the value is different than previously sent
+ if (forceSend || previousPINs[portNumber] != portValue) {
+ Firmata.sendDigitalPort(portNumber, portValue);
+ previousPINs[portNumber] = portValue;
+ }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * check all the active digital inputs for change of state, then add any events
+ * to the Serial output queue using Serial.print() */
+void checkDigitalInputs(void)
+ /* Using non-looping code allows constants to be given to readPort().
+ * The compiler will apply substantial optimizations if the inputs
+ * to readPort() are compile-time constants. */
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 0 && reportPINs[0]) outputPort(0, readPort(0, portConfigInputs[0]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 1 && reportPINs[1]) outputPort(1, readPort(1, portConfigInputs[1]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 2 && reportPINs[2]) outputPort(2, readPort(2, portConfigInputs[2]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 3 && reportPINs[3]) outputPort(3, readPort(3, portConfigInputs[3]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 4 && reportPINs[4]) outputPort(4, readPort(4, portConfigInputs[4]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 5 && reportPINs[5]) outputPort(5, readPort(5, portConfigInputs[5]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 6 && reportPINs[6]) outputPort(6, readPort(6, portConfigInputs[6]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 7 && reportPINs[7]) outputPort(7, readPort(7, portConfigInputs[7]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 8 && reportPINs[8]) outputPort(8, readPort(8, portConfigInputs[8]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 9 && reportPINs[9]) outputPort(9, readPort(9, portConfigInputs[9]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 10 && reportPINs[10]) outputPort(10, readPort(10, portConfigInputs[10]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 11 && reportPINs[11]) outputPort(11, readPort(11, portConfigInputs[11]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 12 && reportPINs[12]) outputPort(12, readPort(12, portConfigInputs[12]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 13 && reportPINs[13]) outputPort(13, readPort(13, portConfigInputs[13]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 14 && reportPINs[14]) outputPort(14, readPort(14, portConfigInputs[14]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 15 && reportPINs[15]) outputPort(15, readPort(15, portConfigInputs[15]), false);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* sets the pin mode to the correct state and sets the relevant bits in the
+ * two bit-arrays that track Digital I/O and PWM status
+ */
+void setPinModeCallback(byte pin, int mode)
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == PIN_MODE_IGNORE)
+ return;
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == PIN_MODE_I2C && isI2CEnabled && mode != PIN_MODE_I2C) {
+ // disable i2c so pins can be used for other functions
+ // the following if statements should reconfigure the pins properly
+ disableI2CPins();
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin) && mode != PIN_MODE_SERVO) {
+ if (servoPinMap[pin] < MAX_SERVOS && servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attached()) {
+ detachServo(pin);
+ }
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin)) {
+ reportAnalogCallback(PIN_TO_ANALOG(pin), mode == PIN_MODE_ANALOG ? 1 : 0); // turn on/off reporting
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ if (mode == INPUT || mode == PIN_MODE_PULLUP) {
+ portConfigInputs[pin / 8] |= (1 << (pin & 7));
+ } else {
+ portConfigInputs[pin / 8] &= ~(1 << (pin & 7));
+ }
+ }
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, 0);
+ switch (mode) {
+ if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin)) {
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ pinMode(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), INPUT); // disable output driver
+#if ARDUINO <= 100
+ // deprecated since Arduino 1.0.1 - TODO: drop support in Firmata 2.6
+ digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), LOW); // disable internal pull-ups
+ }
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_ANALOG);
+ }
+ break;
+ case INPUT:
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ pinMode(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), INPUT); // disable output driver
+#if ARDUINO <= 100
+ // deprecated since Arduino 1.0.1 - TODO: drop support in Firmata 2.6
+ digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), LOW); // disable internal pull-ups
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, INPUT);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_PULLUP);
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case OUTPUT:
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == PIN_MODE_PWM) {
+ // Disable PWM if pin mode was previously set to PWM.
+ digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), LOW);
+ }
+ pinMode(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), OUTPUT);
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
+ }
+ break;
+ case PIN_MODE_PWM:
+ if (IS_PIN_PWM(pin)) {
+ pinMode(PIN_TO_PWM(pin), OUTPUT);
+ analogWrite(PIN_TO_PWM(pin), 0);
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_PWM);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (IS_PIN_SERVO(pin)) {
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_SERVO);
+ if (servoPinMap[pin] == 255 || !servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attached()) {
+ // pass -1 for min and max pulse values to use default values set
+ // by Servo library
+ attachServo(pin, -1, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case PIN_MODE_I2C:
+ if (IS_PIN_I2C(pin)) {
+ // mark the pin as i2c
+ // the user must call I2C_CONFIG to enable I2C for a device
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_I2C);
+ }
+ break;
+ serialFeature.handlePinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_SERIAL);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Firmata.sendString("Unknown pin mode"); // TODO: put error msgs in EEPROM
+ }
+ // TODO: save status to EEPROM here, if changed
+ * Sets the value of an individual pin. Useful if you want to set a pin value but
+ * are not tracking the digital port state.
+ * Can only be used on pins configured as OUTPUT.
+ * Cannot be used to enable pull-ups on Digital INPUT pins.
+ */
+void setPinValueCallback(byte pin, int value)
+ if (pin < TOTAL_PINS && IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == OUTPUT) {
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, value);
+ digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), value);
+ }
+ }
+void analogWriteCallback(byte pin, int value)
+ if (pin < TOTAL_PINS) {
+ switch (Firmata.getPinMode(pin)) {
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin))
+ servos[servoPinMap[pin]].write(value);
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, value);
+ break;
+ case PIN_MODE_PWM:
+ if (IS_PIN_PWM(pin))
+ analogWrite(PIN_TO_PWM(pin), value);
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void digitalWriteCallback(byte port, int value)
+ byte pin, lastPin, pinValue, mask = 1, pinWriteMask = 0;
+ if (port < TOTAL_PORTS) {
+ // create a mask of the pins on this port that are writable.
+ lastPin = port * 8 + 8;
+ if (lastPin > TOTAL_PINS) lastPin = TOTAL_PINS;
+ for (pin = port * 8; pin < lastPin; pin++) {
+ // do not disturb non-digital pins (eg, Rx & Tx)
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ // do not touch pins in PWM, ANALOG, SERVO or other modes
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == OUTPUT || Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == INPUT) {
+ pinValue = ((byte)value & mask) ? 1 : 0;
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == OUTPUT) {
+ pinWriteMask |= mask;
+ } else if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == INPUT && pinValue == 1 && Firmata.getPinState(pin) != 1) {
+ // only handle INPUT here for backwards compatibility
+#if ARDUINO > 100
+ pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
+ // only write to the INPUT pin to enable pullups if Arduino v1.0.0 or earlier
+ pinWriteMask |= mask;
+ }
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, pinValue);
+ }
+ }
+ mask = mask << 1;
+ }
+ writePort(port, (byte)value, pinWriteMask);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* sets bits in a bit array (int) to toggle the reporting of the analogIns
+ */
+//void FirmataClass::setAnalogPinReporting(byte pin, byte state) {
+void reportAnalogCallback(byte analogPin, int value)
+ if (analogPin < TOTAL_ANALOG_PINS) {
+ if (value == 0) {
+ analogInputsToReport = analogInputsToReport & ~ (1 << analogPin);
+ } else {
+ analogInputsToReport = analogInputsToReport | (1 << analogPin);
+ // prevent during system reset or all analog pin values will be reported
+ // which may report noise for unconnected analog pins
+ if (!isResetting) {
+ // Send pin value immediately. This is helpful when connected via
+ // ethernet, wi-fi or bluetooth so pin states can be known upon
+ // reconnecting.
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(analogPin));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: save status to EEPROM here, if changed
+void reportDigitalCallback(byte port, int value)
+ if (port < TOTAL_PORTS) {
+ reportPINs[port] = (byte)value;
+ // Send port value immediately. This is helpful when connected via
+ // ethernet, wi-fi or bluetooth so pin states can be known upon
+ // reconnecting.
+ if (value) outputPort(port, readPort(port, portConfigInputs[port]), true);
+ }
+ // do not disable analog reporting on these 8 pins, to allow some
+ // pins used for digital, others analog. Instead, allow both types
+ // of reporting to be enabled, but check if the pin is configured
+ // as analog when sampling the analog inputs. Likewise, while
+ // scanning digital pins, portConfigInputs will mask off values from any
+ // pins configured as analog
+ * SYSEX-BASED commands
+ *============================================================================*/
+void sysexCallback(byte command, byte argc, byte *argv)
+ byte mode;
+ byte stopTX;
+ byte slaveAddress;
+ byte data;
+ int slaveRegister;
+ unsigned int delayTime;
+ switch (command) {
+ case I2C_REQUEST:
+ mode = argv[1] & I2C_READ_WRITE_MODE_MASK;
+ if (argv[1] & I2C_10BIT_ADDRESS_MODE_MASK) {
+ Firmata.sendString("10-bit addressing not supported");
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ slaveAddress = argv[0];
+ }
+ // need to invert the logic here since 0 will be default for client
+ // libraries that have not updated to add support for restart tx
+ if (argv[1] & I2C_END_TX_MASK) {
+ stopTX = I2C_RESTART_TX;
+ }
+ else {
+ stopTX = I2C_STOP_TX; // default
+ }
+ switch (mode) {
+ case I2C_WRITE:
+ Wire.beginTransmission(slaveAddress);
+ for (byte i = 2; i < argc; i += 2) {
+ data = argv[i] + (argv[i + 1] << 7);
+ wireWrite(data);
+ }
+ Wire.endTransmission();
+ delayMicroseconds(70);
+ break;
+ case I2C_READ:
+ if (argc == 6) {
+ // a slave register is specified
+ slaveRegister = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7);
+ data = argv[4] + (argv[5] << 7); // bytes to read
+ }
+ else {
+ // a slave register is NOT specified
+ data = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7); // bytes to read
+ }
+ readAndReportData(slaveAddress, (int)slaveRegister, data, stopTX);
+ break;
+ if ((queryIndex + 1) >= I2C_MAX_QUERIES) {
+ // too many queries, just ignore
+ Firmata.sendString("too many queries");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (argc == 6) {
+ // a slave register is specified
+ slaveRegister = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7);
+ data = argv[4] + (argv[5] << 7); // bytes to read
+ }
+ else {
+ // a slave register is NOT specified
+ slaveRegister = (int)I2C_REGISTER_NOT_SPECIFIED;
+ data = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7); // bytes to read
+ }
+ queryIndex++;
+ query[queryIndex].addr = slaveAddress;
+ query[queryIndex].reg = slaveRegister;
+ query[queryIndex].bytes = data;
+ query[queryIndex].stopTX = stopTX;
+ break;
+ byte queryIndexToSkip;
+ // if read continuous mode is enabled for only 1 i2c device, disable
+ // read continuous reporting for that device
+ if (queryIndex <= 0) {
+ queryIndex = -1;
+ } else {
+ queryIndexToSkip = 0;
+ // if read continuous mode is enabled for multiple devices,
+ // determine which device to stop reading and remove it's data from
+ // the array, shifiting other array data to fill the space
+ for (byte i = 0; i < queryIndex + 1; i++) {
+ if (query[i].addr == slaveAddress) {
+ queryIndexToSkip = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (byte i = queryIndexToSkip; i < queryIndex + 1; i++) {
+ if (i < I2C_MAX_QUERIES) {
+ query[i].addr = query[i + 1].addr;
+ query[i].reg = query[i + 1].reg;
+ query[i].bytes = query[i + 1].bytes;
+ query[i].stopTX = query[i + 1].stopTX;
+ }
+ }
+ queryIndex--;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case I2C_CONFIG:
+ delayTime = (argv[0] + (argv[1] << 7));
+ if (delayTime > 0) {
+ i2cReadDelayTime = delayTime;
+ }
+ if (!isI2CEnabled) {
+ enableI2CPins();
+ }
+ break;
+ if (argc > 4) {
+ // these vars are here for clarity, they'll optimized away by the compiler
+ byte pin = argv[0];
+ int minPulse = argv[1] + (argv[2] << 7);
+ int maxPulse = argv[3] + (argv[4] << 7);
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ if (servoPinMap[pin] < MAX_SERVOS && servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attached()) {
+ detachServo(pin);
+ }
+ attachServo(pin, minPulse, maxPulse);
+ setPinModeCallback(pin, PIN_MODE_SERVO);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if (argc > 1) {
+ samplingInterval = argv[0] + (argv[1] << 7);
+ if (samplingInterval < MINIMUM_SAMPLING_INTERVAL) {
+ }
+ } else {
+ //Firmata.sendString("Not enough data");
+ }
+ break;
+ if (argc > 1) {
+ int val = argv[1];
+ if (argc > 2) val |= (argv[2] << 7);
+ if (argc > 3) val |= (argv[3] << 14);
+ analogWriteCallback(argv[0], val);
+ }
+ break;
+ Firmata.write(START_SYSEX);
+ for (byte pin = 0; pin < TOTAL_PINS; pin++) {
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ Firmata.write((byte)INPUT);
+ Firmata.write(1);
+ Firmata.write((byte)PIN_MODE_PULLUP);
+ Firmata.write(1);
+ Firmata.write((byte)OUTPUT);
+ Firmata.write(1);
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin)) {
+ Firmata.write(PIN_MODE_ANALOG);
+ Firmata.write(10); // 10 = 10-bit resolution
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_PWM(pin)) {
+ Firmata.write(PIN_MODE_PWM);
+ Firmata.write(/*DEFAULT_PWM_RESOLUTION*/8);
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ Firmata.write(PIN_MODE_SERVO);
+ Firmata.write(14);
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_I2C(pin)) {
+ Firmata.write(PIN_MODE_I2C);
+ Firmata.write(1); // TODO: could assign a number to map to SCL or SDA
+ }
+ serialFeature.handleCapability(pin);
+ Firmata.write(127);
+ }
+ Firmata.write(END_SYSEX);
+ break;
+ if (argc > 0) {
+ byte pin = argv[0];
+ Firmata.write(START_SYSEX);
+ Firmata.write(PIN_STATE_RESPONSE);
+ Firmata.write(pin);
+ if (pin < TOTAL_PINS) {
+ Firmata.write(Firmata.getPinMode(pin));
+ Firmata.write((byte)Firmata.getPinState(pin) & 0x7F);
+ if (Firmata.getPinState(pin) & 0xFF80) Firmata.write((byte)(Firmata.getPinState(pin) >> 7) & 0x7F);
+ if (Firmata.getPinState(pin) & 0xC000) Firmata.write((byte)(Firmata.getPinState(pin) >> 14) & 0x7F);
+ }
+ Firmata.write(END_SYSEX);
+ }
+ break;
+ Firmata.write(START_SYSEX);
+ for (byte pin = 0; pin < TOTAL_PINS; pin++) {
+ Firmata.write(IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin) ? PIN_TO_ANALOG(pin) : 127);
+ }
+ Firmata.write(END_SYSEX);
+ break;
+ serialFeature.handleSysex(command, argc, argv);
+ break;
+ }
+ * SETUP()
+ *============================================================================*/
+void systemResetCallback()
+ isResetting = true;
+ // initialize a defalt state
+ // TODO: option to load config from EEPROM instead of default
+ serialFeature.reset();
+ if (isI2CEnabled) {
+ disableI2CPins();
+ }
+ for (byte i = 0; i < TOTAL_PORTS; i++) {
+ reportPINs[i] = false; // by default, reporting off
+ portConfigInputs[i] = 0; // until activated
+ previousPINs[i] = 0;
+ }
+ for (byte i = 0; i < TOTAL_PINS; i++) {
+ // pins with analog capability default to analog input
+ // otherwise, pins default to digital output
+ if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(i)) {
+ // turns off pullup, configures everything
+ setPinModeCallback(i, PIN_MODE_ANALOG);
+ } else if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(i)) {
+ // sets the output to 0, configures portConfigInputs
+ setPinModeCallback(i, OUTPUT);
+ }
+ servoPinMap[i] = 255;
+ }
+ // by default, do not report any analog inputs
+ analogInputsToReport = 0;
+ detachedServoCount = 0;
+ servoCount = 0;
+ /* send digital inputs to set the initial state on the host computer,
+ * since once in the loop(), this firmware will only send on change */
+ /*
+ TODO: this can never execute, since no pins default to digital input
+ but it will be needed when/if we support EEPROM stored config
+ for (byte i=0; i < TOTAL_PORTS; i++) {
+ outputPort(i, readPort(i, portConfigInputs[i]), true);
+ }
+ */
+ isResetting = false;
+void setup()
+ Firmata.attach(ANALOG_MESSAGE, analogWriteCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(DIGITAL_MESSAGE, digitalWriteCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(REPORT_ANALOG, reportAnalogCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(REPORT_DIGITAL, reportDigitalCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(SET_PIN_MODE, setPinModeCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(SET_DIGITAL_PIN_VALUE, setPinValueCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(START_SYSEX, sysexCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(SYSTEM_RESET, systemResetCallback);
+ // to use a port other than Serial, such as Serial1 on an Arduino Leonardo or Mega,
+ // Call begin(baud) on the alternate serial port and pass it to Firmata to begin like this:
+ // Serial1.begin(57600);
+ // Firmata.begin(Serial1);
+ // However do not do this if you are using SERIAL_MESSAGE
+ Firmata.begin(57600);
+ while (!Serial) {
+ ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for ATmega32u4-based boards and Arduino 101
+ }
+ systemResetCallback(); // reset to default config
+ * LOOP()
+ *============================================================================*/
+void loop()
+ byte pin, analogPin;
+ /* DIGITALREAD - as fast as possible, check for changes and output them to the
+ * FTDI buffer using Serial.print() */
+ checkDigitalInputs();
+ /* STREAMREAD - processing incoming messagse as soon as possible, while still
+ * checking digital inputs. */
+ while (Firmata.available())
+ Firmata.processInput();
+ // TODO - ensure that Stream buffer doesn't go over 60 bytes
+ currentMillis = millis();
+ if (currentMillis - previousMillis > samplingInterval) {
+ previousMillis += samplingInterval;
+ /* ANALOGREAD - do all analogReads() at the configured sampling interval */
+ for (pin = 0; pin < TOTAL_PINS; pin++) {
+ if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin) && Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == PIN_MODE_ANALOG) {
+ analogPin = PIN_TO_ANALOG(pin);
+ if (analogInputsToReport & (1 << analogPin)) {
+ switch(analogPin){
+ case 0:
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(A0));
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(A1));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(A2));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(A3));
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(A4));
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(A5));
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(A6));
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(A7));
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(A8));
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(A9));
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(A10));
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(A11));
+ break;
+ default:
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(analogPin));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // report i2c data for all device with read continuous mode enabled
+ if (queryIndex > -1) {
+ for (byte i = 0; i < queryIndex + 1; i++) {
+ readAndReportData(query[i].addr, query[i].reg, query[i].bytes, query[i].stopTX);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ serialFeature.update();
diff --git a/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/TM4C123GH6PM_PinDiagram.jpeg b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/TM4C123GH6PM_PinDiagram.jpeg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bb051d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/TM4C123GH6PM_PinDiagram.jpeg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/pinout_tm4c123g.txt b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/pinout_tm4c123g.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee61b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/Tiva C/StandardFirmata/pinout_tm4c123g.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+| 1 | +3.3V | | | | | | |
+| 2 | | PB_5 | A11 | | | CS(2) | |
+| 3 | | PB_0 | | | | | RX(1) |
+| 4 | | PB_1 | | | | | TX(1) |
+| 5 | | PE_4 | A9 | PE_4 | SCL(2) | | RX(5) |
+| 6 | | PE_5 | A8 | PE_5 | SDA(2) | | TX(5) |
+| 7 | | PB_4 | A10 | | | SCK(2) | |
+| 8 | | PA_5 | | PA_5 | | MOSI(0) | |
+| 9 | | PA_6 | | PA_6 | SCL(1) | | |
+| 10 | | PA_7 | | PA_7 | SDA(1) | | |
+| 11 | | PA_2 | | PA_2 | | SCK(0) | |
+| 12 | | PA_3 | | PA_3 | | CS(0) | |
+| 13 | | PA_4 | | PA_4 | | MISO(0) | |
+| 14 | | PB_6 | | | | MISO(2) | |
+| 15 | | PB_7 | | | | MOSI(2) | |
+| 16 | RESET | | | | | | |
+| 17 | PUSH2 | PF_0 | | | | MISO(2) | |
+| 18 | | PE_0 | A3 | | | | RX(7) |
+| 19 | | PB_2 | | PB_2 | SCL(0) | | |
+| 20 | GND | | | | | | |
+| 21 | VBUS | | | | | | |
+| 22 | GND | | | | | | |
+| 23 | | PD_0 | A7 | | SCL(3) | SCK(3) | |
+| 24 | | PD_1 | A6 | | SDA(3) | CS(3) | |
+| 25 | | PD_2 | A5 | | | MISO(3) | |
+| 26 | | PD_3 | A4 | | | MOSI(3) | |
+| 27 | | PE_1 | A2 | PE_1 | | | TX(7) |
+| 28 | | PE_2 | A1 | PE_2 | | | |
+| 29 | | PE_3 | A0 | PE_3 | | | |
+| 30 | RED_LED | PF_1 | | | | MOSI(1) | |
+| 31 | PUSH1 | PF_4 | | PF_4 | | | |
+| 32 | | PD_7 | | PD_7 | | | TX(2) |
+| 33 | | PD_6 | | PD_6 | | | RX(2) |
+| 34 | | PC_7 | | PC_7 | | | TX(3) |
+| 35 | | PC_6 | | PC_6 | | | RX(3) |
+| 36 | | PC_5 | | PC_5 | | | TX(1) |
+| 37 | | PC_4 | | PC_4 | | | RX(1) |
+| 38 | | PB_3 | | PB_3 | SDA(0) | | |
+| 39 | GREEN_LED | PF_3 | | PF_3 | | CS(1) | |
+| 40 | BLUE_LED | PF_2 | | PF_2 | | SCK(1) | |
diff --git a/Firmware/pidmata3.ino b/Firmware/pidmata3.ino
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01a4710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/pidmata3.ino
@@ -0,0 +1,904 @@
+ Firmata is a generic protocol for communicating with microcontrollers
+ from software on a host computer. It is intended to work with
+ any host computer software package.
+ To download a host software package, please click on the following link
+ to open the list of Firmata client libraries in your default browser.
+ Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Hans-Christoph Steiner. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Paul Stoffregen. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (C) 2009 Shigeru Kobayashi. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Jeff Hoefs. All rights reserved.
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ See file LICENSE.txt for further informations on licensing terms.
+ Last updated August 17th, 2017
+#include <Servo.h>
+#include <Wire.h>
+#include <Firmata.h>
+#include <AutoPID.h>
+//Comment the line below, "#define PID", if you are not using PID else uncomment it and follow further instructions.
+#define PID
+//------------PID values----------------
+// Pin 6 - setPoint (input value)
+// Pin 5 - feedback (input value)
+// Pin 15 - control (output value)
+//If you use real analog pin for input for PID just uncomment next line with #define REAL_INPUT, if use virtual sources comment this line
+//If you use both real will be prefered
+//#define REAL_INPUT
+// This line define analog pin for read values from real sources
+#define AREAD_PIN A1
+#define PID_OUTPUT_MIN -512.0
+#define PID_OUTPUT_MAX 512.0
+#define PID_KP 15
+#define PID_KI 10
+#define PID_KD 10
+#define PID_BANG_BANG 40
+#define PID_INTERVAL 100
+#define I2C_WRITE B00000000
+#define I2C_READ B00001000
+#define I2C_READ_CONTINUOUSLY B00010000
+#define I2C_STOP_READING B00011000
+#define I2C_READ_WRITE_MODE_MASK B00011000
+#define I2C_10BIT_ADDRESS_MODE_MASK B00100000
+#define I2C_END_TX_MASK B01000000
+#define I2C_STOP_TX 1
+#define I2C_RESTART_TX 0
+#define I2C_MAX_QUERIES 8
+// the minimum interval for sampling analog input
+ *============================================================================*/
+SerialFirmata serialFeature;
+/* analog inputs */
+int analogInputsToReport = 0; // bitwise array to store pin reporting
+/* digital input ports */
+byte reportPINs[TOTAL_PORTS]; // 1 = report this port, 0 = silence
+byte previousPINs[TOTAL_PORTS]; // previous 8 bits sent
+/* pins configuration */
+byte portConfigInputs[TOTAL_PORTS]; // each bit: 1 = pin in INPUT, 0 = anything else
+/* timer variables */
+unsigned long currentMillis; // store the current value from millis()
+unsigned long previousMillis; // for comparison with currentMillis
+unsigned int samplingInterval = 19; // how often to run the main loop (in ms)
+/* i2c data */
+struct i2c_device_info {
+ byte addr;
+ int reg;
+ byte bytes;
+ byte stopTX;
+double currentPoint=0.0, setPoint=0.0, control_value=0.0;
+#ifdef PID
+ AutoPID myPID(&currentPoint, &setPoint, &control_value, PID_OUTPUT_MIN, PID_OUTPUT_MAX, PID_KP, PID_KI, PID_KD);
+/* for i2c read continuous more */
+i2c_device_info query[I2C_MAX_QUERIES];
+byte i2cRxData[64];
+boolean isI2CEnabled = false;
+signed char queryIndex = -1;
+// default delay time between i2c read request and Wire.requestFrom()
+unsigned int i2cReadDelayTime = 0;
+Servo servos[MAX_SERVOS];
+byte servoPinMap[TOTAL_PINS];
+byte detachedServos[MAX_SERVOS];
+byte detachedServoCount = 0;
+byte servoCount = 0;
+boolean isResetting = false;
+// Forward declare a few functions to avoid compiler errors with older versions
+// of the Arduino IDE.
+void setPinModeCallback(byte, int);
+void reportAnalogCallback(byte analogPin, int value);
+void sysexCallback(byte, byte, byte*);
+/* utility functions */
+void wireWrite(byte data)
+#if ARDUINO >= 100
+ Wire.write((byte)data);
+ Wire.send(data);
+byte wireRead(void)
+#if ARDUINO >= 100
+ return;
+ return Wire.receive();
+ /*==============================================================================
+ * PID
+ *==============================================================================*/
+void update_setPoint(int value)
+ #ifdef REAL_INPUT
+ setPoint=(double)analogRead(AREAD_PIN);
+ #else
+ setPoint=(double)(value-512);
+ #endif
+ }
+void update_currentPoint(int value)
+ currentPoint=(double)(value-512);
+ *============================================================================*/
+void attachServo(byte pin, int minPulse, int maxPulse)
+ if (servoCount < MAX_SERVOS) {
+ // reuse indexes of detached servos until all have been reallocated
+ if (detachedServoCount > 0) {
+ servoPinMap[pin] = detachedServos[detachedServoCount - 1];
+ if (detachedServoCount > 0) detachedServoCount--;
+ } else {
+ servoPinMap[pin] = servoCount;
+ servoCount++;
+ }
+ if (minPulse > 0 && maxPulse > 0) {
+ servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attach(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), minPulse, maxPulse);
+ } else {
+ servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attach(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin));
+ }
+ } else {
+ Firmata.sendString("Max servos attached");
+ }
+void detachServo(byte pin)
+ servos[servoPinMap[pin]].detach();
+ // if we're detaching the last servo, decrement the count
+ // otherwise store the index of the detached servo
+ if (servoPinMap[pin] == servoCount && servoCount > 0) {
+ servoCount--;
+ } else if (servoCount > 0) {
+ // keep track of detached servos because we want to reuse their indexes
+ // before incrementing the count of attached servos
+ detachedServoCount++;
+ detachedServos[detachedServoCount - 1] = servoPinMap[pin];
+ }
+ servoPinMap[pin] = 255;
+void enableI2CPins()
+ byte i;
+ // is there a faster way to do this? would probaby require importing
+ // Arduino.h to get SCL and SDA pins
+ for (i = 0; i < TOTAL_PINS; i++) {
+ if (IS_PIN_I2C(i)) {
+ // mark pins as i2c so they are ignore in non i2c data requests
+ setPinModeCallback(i, PIN_MODE_I2C);
+ }
+ }
+ isI2CEnabled = true;
+ Wire.begin();
+/* disable the i2c pins so they can be used for other functions */
+void disableI2CPins() {
+ isI2CEnabled = false;
+ // disable read continuous mode for all devices
+ queryIndex = -1;
+void readAndReportData(byte address, int theRegister, byte numBytes, byte stopTX) {
+ // allow I2C requests that don't require a register read
+ // for example, some devices using an interrupt pin to signify new data available
+ // do not always require the register read so upon interrupt you call Wire.requestFrom()
+ if (theRegister != I2C_REGISTER_NOT_SPECIFIED) {
+ Wire.beginTransmission(address);
+ wireWrite((byte)theRegister);
+ Wire.endTransmission(stopTX); // default = true
+ // do not set a value of 0
+ if (i2cReadDelayTime > 0) {
+ // delay is necessary for some devices such as WiiNunchuck
+ delayMicroseconds(i2cReadDelayTime);
+ }
+ } else {
+ theRegister = 0; // fill the register with a dummy value
+ }
+ Wire.requestFrom(address, numBytes); // all bytes are returned in requestFrom
+ // check to be sure correct number of bytes were returned by slave
+ if (numBytes < Wire.available()) {
+ Firmata.sendString("I2C: Too many bytes received");
+ } else if (numBytes > Wire.available()) {
+ Firmata.sendString("I2C: Too few bytes received");
+ }
+ i2cRxData[0] = address;
+ i2cRxData[1] = theRegister;
+ for (int i = 0; i < numBytes && Wire.available(); i++) {
+ i2cRxData[2 + i] = wireRead();
+ }
+ // send slave address, register and received bytes
+ Firmata.sendSysex(SYSEX_I2C_REPLY, numBytes + 2, i2cRxData);
+void outputPort(byte portNumber, byte portValue, byte forceSend)
+ // pins not configured as INPUT are cleared to zeros
+ portValue = portValue & portConfigInputs[portNumber];
+ // only send if the value is different than previously sent
+ if (forceSend || previousPINs[portNumber] != portValue) {
+ Firmata.sendDigitalPort(portNumber, portValue);
+ previousPINs[portNumber] = portValue;
+ }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * check all the active digital inputs for change of state, then add any events
+ * to the Serial output queue using Serial.print() */
+void checkDigitalInputs(void)
+ /* Using non-looping code allows constants to be given to readPort().
+ * The compiler will apply substantial optimizations if the inputs
+ * to readPort() are compile-time constants. */
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 0 && reportPINs[0]) outputPort(0, readPort(0, portConfigInputs[0]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 1 && reportPINs[1]) outputPort(1, readPort(1, portConfigInputs[1]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 2 && reportPINs[2]) outputPort(2, readPort(2, portConfigInputs[2]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 3 && reportPINs[3]) outputPort(3, readPort(3, portConfigInputs[3]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 4 && reportPINs[4]) outputPort(4, readPort(4, portConfigInputs[4]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 5 && reportPINs[5]) outputPort(5, readPort(5, portConfigInputs[5]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 6 && reportPINs[6]) outputPort(6, readPort(6, portConfigInputs[6]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 7 && reportPINs[7]) outputPort(7, readPort(7, portConfigInputs[7]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 8 && reportPINs[8]) outputPort(8, readPort(8, portConfigInputs[8]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 9 && reportPINs[9]) outputPort(9, readPort(9, portConfigInputs[9]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 10 && reportPINs[10]) outputPort(10, readPort(10, portConfigInputs[10]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 11 && reportPINs[11]) outputPort(11, readPort(11, portConfigInputs[11]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 12 && reportPINs[12]) outputPort(12, readPort(12, portConfigInputs[12]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 13 && reportPINs[13]) outputPort(13, readPort(13, portConfigInputs[13]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 14 && reportPINs[14]) outputPort(14, readPort(14, portConfigInputs[14]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 15 && reportPINs[15]) outputPort(15, readPort(15, portConfigInputs[15]), false);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* sets the pin mode to the correct state and sets the relevant bits in the
+ * two bit-arrays that track Digital I/O and PWM status
+ */
+void setPinModeCallback(byte pin, int mode)
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == PIN_MODE_IGNORE)
+ return;
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == PIN_MODE_I2C && isI2CEnabled && mode != PIN_MODE_I2C) {
+ // disable i2c so pins can be used for other functions
+ // the following if statements should reconfigure the pins properly
+ disableI2CPins();
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin) && mode != PIN_MODE_SERVO) {
+ if (servoPinMap[pin] < MAX_SERVOS && servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attached()) {
+ detachServo(pin);
+ }
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin)) {
+ reportAnalogCallback(PIN_TO_ANALOG(pin), mode == PIN_MODE_ANALOG ? 1 : 0); // turn on/off reporting
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ if (mode == INPUT || mode == PIN_MODE_PULLUP) {
+ portConfigInputs[pin / 8] |= (1 << (pin & 7));
+ } else {
+ portConfigInputs[pin / 8] &= ~(1 << (pin & 7));
+ }
+ }
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, 0);
+ switch (mode) {
+ if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin)) {
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ pinMode(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), INPUT); // disable output driver
+#if ARDUINO <= 100
+ // deprecated since Arduino 1.0.1 - TODO: drop support in Firmata 2.6
+ digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), LOW); // disable internal pull-ups
+ }
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_ANALOG);
+ }
+ break;
+ case INPUT:
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ pinMode(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), INPUT); // disable output driver
+#if ARDUINO <= 100
+ // deprecated since Arduino 1.0.1 - TODO: drop support in Firmata 2.6
+ digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), LOW); // disable internal pull-ups
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, INPUT);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_PULLUP);
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case OUTPUT:
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == PIN_MODE_PWM) {
+ // Disable PWM if pin mode was previously set to PWM.
+ digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), LOW);
+ }
+ pinMode(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), OUTPUT);
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
+ }
+ break;
+ case PIN_MODE_PWM:
+ if (IS_PIN_PWM(pin)) {
+ pinMode(PIN_TO_PWM(pin), OUTPUT);
+ analogWrite(PIN_TO_PWM(pin), 0);
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_PWM);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_SERVO);
+ if (servoPinMap[pin] == 255 || !servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attached()) {
+ // pass -1 for min and max pulse values to use default values set
+ // by Servo library
+ attachServo(pin, -1, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case PIN_MODE_I2C:
+ if (IS_PIN_I2C(pin)) {
+ // mark the pin as i2c
+ // the user must call I2C_CONFIG to enable I2C for a device
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_I2C);
+ }
+ break;
+ serialFeature.handlePinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_SERIAL);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Firmata.sendString("Unknown pin mode"); // TODO: put error msgs in EEPROM
+ }
+ // TODO: save status to EEPROM here, if changed
+ * Sets the value of an individual pin. Useful if you want to set a pin value but
+ * are not tracking the digital port state.
+ * Can only be used on pins configured as OUTPUT.
+ * Cannot be used to enable pull-ups on Digital INPUT pins.
+ */
+void setPinValueCallback(byte pin, int value)
+ if (pin < TOTAL_PINS && IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == OUTPUT) {
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, value);
+ digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), value);
+ }
+ }
+void analogWriteCallback(byte pin, int value)
+ if (pin < TOTAL_PINS) {
+ switch (Firmata.getPinMode(pin)) {
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin))
+ servos[servoPinMap[pin]].write(value);
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, value);
+ break;
+ case PIN_MODE_PWM:
+ if (IS_PIN_PWM(pin))
+ //analogWrite(PIN_TO_PWM(pin), value);
+ switch(pin)
+ {
+ case 5:
+ update_currentPoint(value);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ update_setPoint(value);
+ }
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void digitalWriteCallback(byte port, int value)
+ byte pin, lastPin, pinValue, mask = 1, pinWriteMask = 0;
+ if (port < TOTAL_PORTS) {
+ // create a mask of the pins on this port that are writable.
+ lastPin = port * 8 + 8;
+ if (lastPin > TOTAL_PINS) lastPin = TOTAL_PINS;
+ for (pin = port * 8; pin < lastPin; pin++) {
+ // do not disturb non-digital pins (eg, Rx & Tx)
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ // do not touch pins in PWM, ANALOG, SERVO or other modes
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == OUTPUT || Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == INPUT) {
+ pinValue = ((byte)value & mask) ? 1 : 0;
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == OUTPUT) {
+ pinWriteMask |= mask;
+ } else if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == INPUT && pinValue == 1 && Firmata.getPinState(pin) != 1) {
+ // only handle INPUT here for backwards compatibility
+#if ARDUINO > 100
+ pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
+ // only write to the INPUT pin to enable pullups if Arduino v1.0.0 or earlier
+ pinWriteMask |= mask;
+ }
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, pinValue);
+ }
+ }
+ mask = mask << 1;
+ }
+ writePort(port, (byte)value, pinWriteMask);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* sets bits in a bit array (int) to toggle the reporting of the analogIns
+ */
+//void FirmataClass::setAnalogPinReporting(byte pin, byte state) {
+void reportAnalogCallback(byte analogPin, int value)
+ if (analogPin < TOTAL_ANALOG_PINS) {
+ if (value == 0) {
+ analogInputsToReport = analogInputsToReport & ~ (1 << analogPin);
+ } else {
+ analogInputsToReport = analogInputsToReport | (1 << analogPin);
+ // prevent during system reset or all analog pin values will be reported
+ // which may report noise for unconnected analog pins
+ if (!isResetting) {
+ // Send pin value immediately. This is helpful when connected via
+ // ethernet, wi-fi or bluetooth so pin states can be known upon
+ // reconnecting.
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(analogPin));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: save status to EEPROM here, if changed
+void reportDigitalCallback(byte port, int value)
+ if (port < TOTAL_PORTS) {
+ reportPINs[port] = (byte)value;
+ // Send port value immediately. This is helpful when connected via
+ // ethernet, wi-fi or bluetooth so pin states can be known upon
+ // reconnecting.
+ if (value) outputPort(port, readPort(port, portConfigInputs[port]), true);
+ }
+ // do not disable analog reporting on these 8 pins, to allow some
+ // pins used for digital, others analog. Instead, allow both types
+ // of reporting to be enabled, but check if the pin is configured
+ // as analog when sampling the analog inputs. Likewise, while
+ // scanning digital pins, portConfigInputs will mask off values from any
+ // pins configured as analog
+ * SYSEX-BASED commands
+ *============================================================================*/
+void sysexCallback(byte command, byte argc, byte *argv)
+ byte mode;
+ byte stopTX;
+ byte slaveAddress;
+ byte data;
+ int slaveRegister;
+ unsigned int delayTime;
+ switch (command) {
+ case I2C_REQUEST:
+ mode = argv[1] & I2C_READ_WRITE_MODE_MASK;
+ if (argv[1] & I2C_10BIT_ADDRESS_MODE_MASK) {
+ Firmata.sendString("10-bit addressing not supported");
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ slaveAddress = argv[0];
+ }
+ // need to invert the logic here since 0 will be default for client
+ // libraries that have not updated to add support for restart tx
+ if (argv[1] & I2C_END_TX_MASK) {
+ stopTX = I2C_RESTART_TX;
+ }
+ else {
+ stopTX = I2C_STOP_TX; // default
+ }
+ switch (mode) {
+ case I2C_WRITE:
+ Wire.beginTransmission(slaveAddress);
+ for (byte i = 2; i < argc; i += 2) {
+ data = argv[i] + (argv[i + 1] << 7);
+ wireWrite(data);
+ }
+ Wire.endTransmission();
+ delayMicroseconds(70);
+ break;
+ case I2C_READ:
+ if (argc == 6) {
+ // a slave register is specified
+ slaveRegister = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7);
+ data = argv[4] + (argv[5] << 7); // bytes to read
+ }
+ else {
+ // a slave register is NOT specified
+ data = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7); // bytes to read
+ }
+ readAndReportData(slaveAddress, (int)slaveRegister, data, stopTX);
+ break;
+ if ((queryIndex + 1) >= I2C_MAX_QUERIES) {
+ // too many queries, just ignore
+ Firmata.sendString("too many queries");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (argc == 6) {
+ // a slave register is specified
+ slaveRegister = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7);
+ data = argv[4] + (argv[5] << 7); // bytes to read
+ }
+ else {
+ // a slave register is NOT specified
+ slaveRegister = (int)I2C_REGISTER_NOT_SPECIFIED;
+ data = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7); // bytes to read
+ }
+ queryIndex++;
+ query[queryIndex].addr = slaveAddress;
+ query[queryIndex].reg = slaveRegister;
+ query[queryIndex].bytes = data;
+ query[queryIndex].stopTX = stopTX;
+ break;
+ byte queryIndexToSkip;
+ // if read continuous mode is enabled for only 1 i2c device, disable
+ // read continuous reporting for that device
+ if (queryIndex <= 0) {
+ queryIndex = -1;
+ } else {
+ queryIndexToSkip = 0;
+ // if read continuous mode is enabled for multiple devices,
+ // determine which device to stop reading and remove it's data from
+ // the array, shifiting other array data to fill the space
+ for (byte i = 0; i < queryIndex + 1; i++) {
+ if (query[i].addr == slaveAddress) {
+ queryIndexToSkip = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (byte i = queryIndexToSkip; i < queryIndex + 1; i++) {
+ if (i < I2C_MAX_QUERIES) {
+ query[i].addr = query[i + 1].addr;
+ query[i].reg = query[i + 1].reg;
+ query[i].bytes = query[i + 1].bytes;
+ query[i].stopTX = query[i + 1].stopTX;
+ }
+ }
+ queryIndex--;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case I2C_CONFIG:
+ delayTime = (argv[0] + (argv[1] << 7));
+ if (argc > 1 && delayTime > 0) {
+ i2cReadDelayTime = delayTime;
+ }
+ if (!isI2CEnabled) {
+ enableI2CPins();
+ }
+ break;
+ if (argc > 4) {
+ // these vars are here for clarity, they'll optimized away by the compiler
+ byte pin = argv[0];
+ int minPulse = argv[1] + (argv[2] << 7);
+ int maxPulse = argv[3] + (argv[4] << 7);
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ if (servoPinMap[pin] < MAX_SERVOS && servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attached()) {
+ detachServo(pin);
+ }
+ attachServo(pin, minPulse, maxPulse);
+ setPinModeCallback(pin, PIN_MODE_SERVO);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if (argc > 1) {
+ samplingInterval = argv[0] + (argv[1] << 7);
+ if (samplingInterval < MINIMUM_SAMPLING_INTERVAL) {
+ }
+ } else {
+ //Firmata.sendString("Not enough data");
+ }
+ break;
+ if (argc > 1) {
+ int val = argv[1];
+ if (argc > 2) val |= (argv[2] << 7);
+ if (argc > 3) val |= (argv[3] << 14);
+ analogWriteCallback(argv[0], val);
+ }
+ break;
+ Firmata.write(START_SYSEX);
+ for (byte pin = 0; pin < TOTAL_PINS; pin++) {
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ Firmata.write((byte)INPUT);
+ Firmata.write(1);
+ Firmata.write((byte)PIN_MODE_PULLUP);
+ Firmata.write(1);
+ Firmata.write((byte)OUTPUT);
+ Firmata.write(1);
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin)) {
+ Firmata.write(PIN_MODE_ANALOG);
+ Firmata.write(10); // 10 = 10-bit resolution
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_PWM(pin)) {
+ Firmata.write(PIN_MODE_PWM);
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ Firmata.write(PIN_MODE_SERVO);
+ Firmata.write(14);
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_I2C(pin)) {
+ Firmata.write(PIN_MODE_I2C);
+ Firmata.write(1); // TODO: could assign a number to map to SCL or SDA
+ }
+ serialFeature.handleCapability(pin);
+ Firmata.write(127);
+ }
+ Firmata.write(END_SYSEX);
+ break;
+ if (argc > 0) {
+ byte pin = argv[0];
+ Firmata.write(START_SYSEX);
+ Firmata.write(PIN_STATE_RESPONSE);
+ Firmata.write(pin);
+ if (pin < TOTAL_PINS) {
+ Firmata.write(Firmata.getPinMode(pin));
+ Firmata.write((byte)Firmata.getPinState(pin) & 0x7F);
+ if (Firmata.getPinState(pin) & 0xFF80) Firmata.write((byte)(Firmata.getPinState(pin) >> 7) & 0x7F);
+ if (Firmata.getPinState(pin) & 0xC000) Firmata.write((byte)(Firmata.getPinState(pin) >> 14) & 0x7F);
+ }
+ Firmata.write(END_SYSEX);
+ }
+ break;
+ Firmata.write(START_SYSEX);
+ for (byte pin = 0; pin < TOTAL_PINS; pin++) {
+ Firmata.write(IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin) ? PIN_TO_ANALOG(pin) : 127);
+ }
+ Firmata.write(END_SYSEX);
+ break;
+ serialFeature.handleSysex(command, argc, argv);
+ break;
+ }
+ * SETUP()
+ *============================================================================*/
+void systemResetCallback()
+ isResetting = true;
+ // initialize a defalt state
+ // TODO: option to load config from EEPROM instead of default
+ serialFeature.reset();
+ if (isI2CEnabled) {
+ disableI2CPins();
+ }
+ for (byte i = 0; i < TOTAL_PORTS; i++) {
+ reportPINs[i] = false; // by default, reporting off
+ portConfigInputs[i] = 0; // until activated
+ previousPINs[i] = 0;
+ }
+ for (byte i = 0; i < TOTAL_PINS; i++) {
+ // pins with analog capability default to analog input
+ // otherwise, pins default to digital output
+ if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(i)) {
+ // turns off pullup, configures everything
+ setPinModeCallback(i, PIN_MODE_ANALOG);
+ } else if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(i)) {
+ // sets the output to 0, configures portConfigInputs
+ setPinModeCallback(i, OUTPUT);
+ }
+ servoPinMap[i] = 255;
+ }
+ // by default, do not report any analog inputs
+ analogInputsToReport = 0;
+ detachedServoCount = 0;
+ servoCount = 0;
+ /* send digital inputs to set the initial state on the host computer,
+ * since once in the loop(), this firmware will only send on change */
+ /*
+ TODO: this can never execute, since no pins default to digital input
+ but it will be needed when/if we support EEPROM stored config
+ for (byte i=0; i < TOTAL_PORTS; i++) {
+ outputPort(i, readPort(i, portConfigInputs[i]), true);
+ }
+ */
+ isResetting = false;
+void setup()
+ Firmata.attach(ANALOG_MESSAGE, analogWriteCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(DIGITAL_MESSAGE, digitalWriteCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(REPORT_ANALOG, reportAnalogCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(REPORT_DIGITAL, reportDigitalCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(SET_PIN_MODE, setPinModeCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(SET_DIGITAL_PIN_VALUE, setPinValueCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(START_SYSEX, sysexCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(SYSTEM_RESET, systemResetCallback);
+ // to use a port other than Serial, such as Serial1 on an Arduino Leonardo or Mega,
+ // Call begin(baud) on the alternate serial port and pass it to Firmata to begin like this:
+ // Serial1.begin(57600);
+ // Firmata.begin(Serial1);
+ // However do not do this if you are using SERIAL_MESSAGE
+ Firmata.begin(57600);
+ while (!Serial) {
+ ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for ATmega32u4-based boards and Arduino 101
+ }
+ systemResetCallback(); // reset to default config
+ #ifdef PID
+ //if temperature is more than 4 below or above setpoint, OUTPUT will be set to min or max respectively
+ myPID.setBangBang(PID_BANG_BANG);
+ //set PID update interval to
+ myPID.setTimeStep(PID_INTERVAL);
+ #endif
+ * LOOP()
+ *============================================================================*/
+void loop()
+ byte pin, analogPin;
+ /* DIGITALREAD - as fast as possible, check for changes and output them to the
+ * FTDI buffer using Serial.print() */
+ checkDigitalInputs();
+ /* STREAMREAD - processing incoming messagse as soon as possible, while still
+ * checking digital inputs. */
+ while (Firmata.available())
+ Firmata.processInput();
+ #ifdef PID
+ #ifdef REAL_INPUT
+ update_setPoint(1);
+ #endif
+; //call every loop, updates automatically at certain time interval
+ #endif
+ // TODO - ensure that Stream buffer doesn't go over 60 bytes
+ currentMillis = millis();
+ if (currentMillis - previousMillis > samplingInterval) {
+ previousMillis += samplingInterval;
+ /* ANALOGREAD - do all analogReads() at the configured sampling interval */
+ for (pin = 0; pin < TOTAL_PINS; pin++) {
+ if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin) && Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == PIN_MODE_ANALOG) {
+ analogPin = PIN_TO_ANALOG(pin);
+ if (analogInputsToReport & (1 << analogPin)) {
+ #ifdef PID
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, (int)(control_value+512.0));
+ #else
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(analogPin));
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // report i2c data for all device with read continuous mode enabled
+ if (queryIndex > -1) {
+ for (byte i = 0; i < queryIndex + 1; i++) {
+ readAndReportData(query[i].addr, query[i].reg, query[i].bytes, query[i].stopTX);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ serialFeature.update();
diff --git a/Firmware/pidmata3/pidmata3.ino b/Firmware/pidmata3/pidmata3.ino
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01a4710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/pidmata3/pidmata3.ino
@@ -0,0 +1,904 @@
+ Firmata is a generic protocol for communicating with microcontrollers
+ from software on a host computer. It is intended to work with
+ any host computer software package.
+ To download a host software package, please click on the following link
+ to open the list of Firmata client libraries in your default browser.
+ Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Hans-Christoph Steiner. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Paul Stoffregen. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (C) 2009 Shigeru Kobayashi. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Jeff Hoefs. All rights reserved.
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ See file LICENSE.txt for further informations on licensing terms.
+ Last updated August 17th, 2017
+#include <Servo.h>
+#include <Wire.h>
+#include <Firmata.h>
+#include <AutoPID.h>
+//Comment the line below, "#define PID", if you are not using PID else uncomment it and follow further instructions.
+#define PID
+//------------PID values----------------
+// Pin 6 - setPoint (input value)
+// Pin 5 - feedback (input value)
+// Pin 15 - control (output value)
+//If you use real analog pin for input for PID just uncomment next line with #define REAL_INPUT, if use virtual sources comment this line
+//If you use both real will be prefered
+//#define REAL_INPUT
+// This line define analog pin for read values from real sources
+#define AREAD_PIN A1
+#define PID_OUTPUT_MIN -512.0
+#define PID_OUTPUT_MAX 512.0
+#define PID_KP 15
+#define PID_KI 10
+#define PID_KD 10
+#define PID_BANG_BANG 40
+#define PID_INTERVAL 100
+#define I2C_WRITE B00000000
+#define I2C_READ B00001000
+#define I2C_READ_CONTINUOUSLY B00010000
+#define I2C_STOP_READING B00011000
+#define I2C_READ_WRITE_MODE_MASK B00011000
+#define I2C_10BIT_ADDRESS_MODE_MASK B00100000
+#define I2C_END_TX_MASK B01000000
+#define I2C_STOP_TX 1
+#define I2C_RESTART_TX 0
+#define I2C_MAX_QUERIES 8
+// the minimum interval for sampling analog input
+ *============================================================================*/
+SerialFirmata serialFeature;
+/* analog inputs */
+int analogInputsToReport = 0; // bitwise array to store pin reporting
+/* digital input ports */
+byte reportPINs[TOTAL_PORTS]; // 1 = report this port, 0 = silence
+byte previousPINs[TOTAL_PORTS]; // previous 8 bits sent
+/* pins configuration */
+byte portConfigInputs[TOTAL_PORTS]; // each bit: 1 = pin in INPUT, 0 = anything else
+/* timer variables */
+unsigned long currentMillis; // store the current value from millis()
+unsigned long previousMillis; // for comparison with currentMillis
+unsigned int samplingInterval = 19; // how often to run the main loop (in ms)
+/* i2c data */
+struct i2c_device_info {
+ byte addr;
+ int reg;
+ byte bytes;
+ byte stopTX;
+double currentPoint=0.0, setPoint=0.0, control_value=0.0;
+#ifdef PID
+ AutoPID myPID(&currentPoint, &setPoint, &control_value, PID_OUTPUT_MIN, PID_OUTPUT_MAX, PID_KP, PID_KI, PID_KD);
+/* for i2c read continuous more */
+i2c_device_info query[I2C_MAX_QUERIES];
+byte i2cRxData[64];
+boolean isI2CEnabled = false;
+signed char queryIndex = -1;
+// default delay time between i2c read request and Wire.requestFrom()
+unsigned int i2cReadDelayTime = 0;
+Servo servos[MAX_SERVOS];
+byte servoPinMap[TOTAL_PINS];
+byte detachedServos[MAX_SERVOS];
+byte detachedServoCount = 0;
+byte servoCount = 0;
+boolean isResetting = false;
+// Forward declare a few functions to avoid compiler errors with older versions
+// of the Arduino IDE.
+void setPinModeCallback(byte, int);
+void reportAnalogCallback(byte analogPin, int value);
+void sysexCallback(byte, byte, byte*);
+/* utility functions */
+void wireWrite(byte data)
+#if ARDUINO >= 100
+ Wire.write((byte)data);
+ Wire.send(data);
+byte wireRead(void)
+#if ARDUINO >= 100
+ return;
+ return Wire.receive();
+ /*==============================================================================
+ * PID
+ *==============================================================================*/
+void update_setPoint(int value)
+ #ifdef REAL_INPUT
+ setPoint=(double)analogRead(AREAD_PIN);
+ #else
+ setPoint=(double)(value-512);
+ #endif
+ }
+void update_currentPoint(int value)
+ currentPoint=(double)(value-512);
+ *============================================================================*/
+void attachServo(byte pin, int minPulse, int maxPulse)
+ if (servoCount < MAX_SERVOS) {
+ // reuse indexes of detached servos until all have been reallocated
+ if (detachedServoCount > 0) {
+ servoPinMap[pin] = detachedServos[detachedServoCount - 1];
+ if (detachedServoCount > 0) detachedServoCount--;
+ } else {
+ servoPinMap[pin] = servoCount;
+ servoCount++;
+ }
+ if (minPulse > 0 && maxPulse > 0) {
+ servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attach(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), minPulse, maxPulse);
+ } else {
+ servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attach(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin));
+ }
+ } else {
+ Firmata.sendString("Max servos attached");
+ }
+void detachServo(byte pin)
+ servos[servoPinMap[pin]].detach();
+ // if we're detaching the last servo, decrement the count
+ // otherwise store the index of the detached servo
+ if (servoPinMap[pin] == servoCount && servoCount > 0) {
+ servoCount--;
+ } else if (servoCount > 0) {
+ // keep track of detached servos because we want to reuse their indexes
+ // before incrementing the count of attached servos
+ detachedServoCount++;
+ detachedServos[detachedServoCount - 1] = servoPinMap[pin];
+ }
+ servoPinMap[pin] = 255;
+void enableI2CPins()
+ byte i;
+ // is there a faster way to do this? would probaby require importing
+ // Arduino.h to get SCL and SDA pins
+ for (i = 0; i < TOTAL_PINS; i++) {
+ if (IS_PIN_I2C(i)) {
+ // mark pins as i2c so they are ignore in non i2c data requests
+ setPinModeCallback(i, PIN_MODE_I2C);
+ }
+ }
+ isI2CEnabled = true;
+ Wire.begin();
+/* disable the i2c pins so they can be used for other functions */
+void disableI2CPins() {
+ isI2CEnabled = false;
+ // disable read continuous mode for all devices
+ queryIndex = -1;
+void readAndReportData(byte address, int theRegister, byte numBytes, byte stopTX) {
+ // allow I2C requests that don't require a register read
+ // for example, some devices using an interrupt pin to signify new data available
+ // do not always require the register read so upon interrupt you call Wire.requestFrom()
+ if (theRegister != I2C_REGISTER_NOT_SPECIFIED) {
+ Wire.beginTransmission(address);
+ wireWrite((byte)theRegister);
+ Wire.endTransmission(stopTX); // default = true
+ // do not set a value of 0
+ if (i2cReadDelayTime > 0) {
+ // delay is necessary for some devices such as WiiNunchuck
+ delayMicroseconds(i2cReadDelayTime);
+ }
+ } else {
+ theRegister = 0; // fill the register with a dummy value
+ }
+ Wire.requestFrom(address, numBytes); // all bytes are returned in requestFrom
+ // check to be sure correct number of bytes were returned by slave
+ if (numBytes < Wire.available()) {
+ Firmata.sendString("I2C: Too many bytes received");
+ } else if (numBytes > Wire.available()) {
+ Firmata.sendString("I2C: Too few bytes received");
+ }
+ i2cRxData[0] = address;
+ i2cRxData[1] = theRegister;
+ for (int i = 0; i < numBytes && Wire.available(); i++) {
+ i2cRxData[2 + i] = wireRead();
+ }
+ // send slave address, register and received bytes
+ Firmata.sendSysex(SYSEX_I2C_REPLY, numBytes + 2, i2cRxData);
+void outputPort(byte portNumber, byte portValue, byte forceSend)
+ // pins not configured as INPUT are cleared to zeros
+ portValue = portValue & portConfigInputs[portNumber];
+ // only send if the value is different than previously sent
+ if (forceSend || previousPINs[portNumber] != portValue) {
+ Firmata.sendDigitalPort(portNumber, portValue);
+ previousPINs[portNumber] = portValue;
+ }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * check all the active digital inputs for change of state, then add any events
+ * to the Serial output queue using Serial.print() */
+void checkDigitalInputs(void)
+ /* Using non-looping code allows constants to be given to readPort().
+ * The compiler will apply substantial optimizations if the inputs
+ * to readPort() are compile-time constants. */
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 0 && reportPINs[0]) outputPort(0, readPort(0, portConfigInputs[0]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 1 && reportPINs[1]) outputPort(1, readPort(1, portConfigInputs[1]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 2 && reportPINs[2]) outputPort(2, readPort(2, portConfigInputs[2]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 3 && reportPINs[3]) outputPort(3, readPort(3, portConfigInputs[3]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 4 && reportPINs[4]) outputPort(4, readPort(4, portConfigInputs[4]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 5 && reportPINs[5]) outputPort(5, readPort(5, portConfigInputs[5]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 6 && reportPINs[6]) outputPort(6, readPort(6, portConfigInputs[6]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 7 && reportPINs[7]) outputPort(7, readPort(7, portConfigInputs[7]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 8 && reportPINs[8]) outputPort(8, readPort(8, portConfigInputs[8]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 9 && reportPINs[9]) outputPort(9, readPort(9, portConfigInputs[9]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 10 && reportPINs[10]) outputPort(10, readPort(10, portConfigInputs[10]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 11 && reportPINs[11]) outputPort(11, readPort(11, portConfigInputs[11]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 12 && reportPINs[12]) outputPort(12, readPort(12, portConfigInputs[12]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 13 && reportPINs[13]) outputPort(13, readPort(13, portConfigInputs[13]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 14 && reportPINs[14]) outputPort(14, readPort(14, portConfigInputs[14]), false);
+ if (TOTAL_PORTS > 15 && reportPINs[15]) outputPort(15, readPort(15, portConfigInputs[15]), false);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* sets the pin mode to the correct state and sets the relevant bits in the
+ * two bit-arrays that track Digital I/O and PWM status
+ */
+void setPinModeCallback(byte pin, int mode)
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == PIN_MODE_IGNORE)
+ return;
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == PIN_MODE_I2C && isI2CEnabled && mode != PIN_MODE_I2C) {
+ // disable i2c so pins can be used for other functions
+ // the following if statements should reconfigure the pins properly
+ disableI2CPins();
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin) && mode != PIN_MODE_SERVO) {
+ if (servoPinMap[pin] < MAX_SERVOS && servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attached()) {
+ detachServo(pin);
+ }
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin)) {
+ reportAnalogCallback(PIN_TO_ANALOG(pin), mode == PIN_MODE_ANALOG ? 1 : 0); // turn on/off reporting
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ if (mode == INPUT || mode == PIN_MODE_PULLUP) {
+ portConfigInputs[pin / 8] |= (1 << (pin & 7));
+ } else {
+ portConfigInputs[pin / 8] &= ~(1 << (pin & 7));
+ }
+ }
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, 0);
+ switch (mode) {
+ if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin)) {
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ pinMode(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), INPUT); // disable output driver
+#if ARDUINO <= 100
+ // deprecated since Arduino 1.0.1 - TODO: drop support in Firmata 2.6
+ digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), LOW); // disable internal pull-ups
+ }
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_ANALOG);
+ }
+ break;
+ case INPUT:
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ pinMode(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), INPUT); // disable output driver
+#if ARDUINO <= 100
+ // deprecated since Arduino 1.0.1 - TODO: drop support in Firmata 2.6
+ digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), LOW); // disable internal pull-ups
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, INPUT);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_PULLUP);
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case OUTPUT:
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == PIN_MODE_PWM) {
+ // Disable PWM if pin mode was previously set to PWM.
+ digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), LOW);
+ }
+ pinMode(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), OUTPUT);
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
+ }
+ break;
+ case PIN_MODE_PWM:
+ if (IS_PIN_PWM(pin)) {
+ pinMode(PIN_TO_PWM(pin), OUTPUT);
+ analogWrite(PIN_TO_PWM(pin), 0);
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_PWM);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_SERVO);
+ if (servoPinMap[pin] == 255 || !servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attached()) {
+ // pass -1 for min and max pulse values to use default values set
+ // by Servo library
+ attachServo(pin, -1, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case PIN_MODE_I2C:
+ if (IS_PIN_I2C(pin)) {
+ // mark the pin as i2c
+ // the user must call I2C_CONFIG to enable I2C for a device
+ Firmata.setPinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_I2C);
+ }
+ break;
+ serialFeature.handlePinMode(pin, PIN_MODE_SERIAL);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Firmata.sendString("Unknown pin mode"); // TODO: put error msgs in EEPROM
+ }
+ // TODO: save status to EEPROM here, if changed
+ * Sets the value of an individual pin. Useful if you want to set a pin value but
+ * are not tracking the digital port state.
+ * Can only be used on pins configured as OUTPUT.
+ * Cannot be used to enable pull-ups on Digital INPUT pins.
+ */
+void setPinValueCallback(byte pin, int value)
+ if (pin < TOTAL_PINS && IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == OUTPUT) {
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, value);
+ digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), value);
+ }
+ }
+void analogWriteCallback(byte pin, int value)
+ if (pin < TOTAL_PINS) {
+ switch (Firmata.getPinMode(pin)) {
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin))
+ servos[servoPinMap[pin]].write(value);
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, value);
+ break;
+ case PIN_MODE_PWM:
+ if (IS_PIN_PWM(pin))
+ //analogWrite(PIN_TO_PWM(pin), value);
+ switch(pin)
+ {
+ case 5:
+ update_currentPoint(value);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ update_setPoint(value);
+ }
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void digitalWriteCallback(byte port, int value)
+ byte pin, lastPin, pinValue, mask = 1, pinWriteMask = 0;
+ if (port < TOTAL_PORTS) {
+ // create a mask of the pins on this port that are writable.
+ lastPin = port * 8 + 8;
+ if (lastPin > TOTAL_PINS) lastPin = TOTAL_PINS;
+ for (pin = port * 8; pin < lastPin; pin++) {
+ // do not disturb non-digital pins (eg, Rx & Tx)
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ // do not touch pins in PWM, ANALOG, SERVO or other modes
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == OUTPUT || Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == INPUT) {
+ pinValue = ((byte)value & mask) ? 1 : 0;
+ if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == OUTPUT) {
+ pinWriteMask |= mask;
+ } else if (Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == INPUT && pinValue == 1 && Firmata.getPinState(pin) != 1) {
+ // only handle INPUT here for backwards compatibility
+#if ARDUINO > 100
+ pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
+ // only write to the INPUT pin to enable pullups if Arduino v1.0.0 or earlier
+ pinWriteMask |= mask;
+ }
+ Firmata.setPinState(pin, pinValue);
+ }
+ }
+ mask = mask << 1;
+ }
+ writePort(port, (byte)value, pinWriteMask);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* sets bits in a bit array (int) to toggle the reporting of the analogIns
+ */
+//void FirmataClass::setAnalogPinReporting(byte pin, byte state) {
+void reportAnalogCallback(byte analogPin, int value)
+ if (analogPin < TOTAL_ANALOG_PINS) {
+ if (value == 0) {
+ analogInputsToReport = analogInputsToReport & ~ (1 << analogPin);
+ } else {
+ analogInputsToReport = analogInputsToReport | (1 << analogPin);
+ // prevent during system reset or all analog pin values will be reported
+ // which may report noise for unconnected analog pins
+ if (!isResetting) {
+ // Send pin value immediately. This is helpful when connected via
+ // ethernet, wi-fi or bluetooth so pin states can be known upon
+ // reconnecting.
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(analogPin));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: save status to EEPROM here, if changed
+void reportDigitalCallback(byte port, int value)
+ if (port < TOTAL_PORTS) {
+ reportPINs[port] = (byte)value;
+ // Send port value immediately. This is helpful when connected via
+ // ethernet, wi-fi or bluetooth so pin states can be known upon
+ // reconnecting.
+ if (value) outputPort(port, readPort(port, portConfigInputs[port]), true);
+ }
+ // do not disable analog reporting on these 8 pins, to allow some
+ // pins used for digital, others analog. Instead, allow both types
+ // of reporting to be enabled, but check if the pin is configured
+ // as analog when sampling the analog inputs. Likewise, while
+ // scanning digital pins, portConfigInputs will mask off values from any
+ // pins configured as analog
+ * SYSEX-BASED commands
+ *============================================================================*/
+void sysexCallback(byte command, byte argc, byte *argv)
+ byte mode;
+ byte stopTX;
+ byte slaveAddress;
+ byte data;
+ int slaveRegister;
+ unsigned int delayTime;
+ switch (command) {
+ case I2C_REQUEST:
+ mode = argv[1] & I2C_READ_WRITE_MODE_MASK;
+ if (argv[1] & I2C_10BIT_ADDRESS_MODE_MASK) {
+ Firmata.sendString("10-bit addressing not supported");
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ slaveAddress = argv[0];
+ }
+ // need to invert the logic here since 0 will be default for client
+ // libraries that have not updated to add support for restart tx
+ if (argv[1] & I2C_END_TX_MASK) {
+ stopTX = I2C_RESTART_TX;
+ }
+ else {
+ stopTX = I2C_STOP_TX; // default
+ }
+ switch (mode) {
+ case I2C_WRITE:
+ Wire.beginTransmission(slaveAddress);
+ for (byte i = 2; i < argc; i += 2) {
+ data = argv[i] + (argv[i + 1] << 7);
+ wireWrite(data);
+ }
+ Wire.endTransmission();
+ delayMicroseconds(70);
+ break;
+ case I2C_READ:
+ if (argc == 6) {
+ // a slave register is specified
+ slaveRegister = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7);
+ data = argv[4] + (argv[5] << 7); // bytes to read
+ }
+ else {
+ // a slave register is NOT specified
+ data = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7); // bytes to read
+ }
+ readAndReportData(slaveAddress, (int)slaveRegister, data, stopTX);
+ break;
+ if ((queryIndex + 1) >= I2C_MAX_QUERIES) {
+ // too many queries, just ignore
+ Firmata.sendString("too many queries");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (argc == 6) {
+ // a slave register is specified
+ slaveRegister = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7);
+ data = argv[4] + (argv[5] << 7); // bytes to read
+ }
+ else {
+ // a slave register is NOT specified
+ slaveRegister = (int)I2C_REGISTER_NOT_SPECIFIED;
+ data = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7); // bytes to read
+ }
+ queryIndex++;
+ query[queryIndex].addr = slaveAddress;
+ query[queryIndex].reg = slaveRegister;
+ query[queryIndex].bytes = data;
+ query[queryIndex].stopTX = stopTX;
+ break;
+ byte queryIndexToSkip;
+ // if read continuous mode is enabled for only 1 i2c device, disable
+ // read continuous reporting for that device
+ if (queryIndex <= 0) {
+ queryIndex = -1;
+ } else {
+ queryIndexToSkip = 0;
+ // if read continuous mode is enabled for multiple devices,
+ // determine which device to stop reading and remove it's data from
+ // the array, shifiting other array data to fill the space
+ for (byte i = 0; i < queryIndex + 1; i++) {
+ if (query[i].addr == slaveAddress) {
+ queryIndexToSkip = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (byte i = queryIndexToSkip; i < queryIndex + 1; i++) {
+ if (i < I2C_MAX_QUERIES) {
+ query[i].addr = query[i + 1].addr;
+ query[i].reg = query[i + 1].reg;
+ query[i].bytes = query[i + 1].bytes;
+ query[i].stopTX = query[i + 1].stopTX;
+ }
+ }
+ queryIndex--;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case I2C_CONFIG:
+ delayTime = (argv[0] + (argv[1] << 7));
+ if (argc > 1 && delayTime > 0) {
+ i2cReadDelayTime = delayTime;
+ }
+ if (!isI2CEnabled) {
+ enableI2CPins();
+ }
+ break;
+ if (argc > 4) {
+ // these vars are here for clarity, they'll optimized away by the compiler
+ byte pin = argv[0];
+ int minPulse = argv[1] + (argv[2] << 7);
+ int maxPulse = argv[3] + (argv[4] << 7);
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ if (servoPinMap[pin] < MAX_SERVOS && servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attached()) {
+ detachServo(pin);
+ }
+ attachServo(pin, minPulse, maxPulse);
+ setPinModeCallback(pin, PIN_MODE_SERVO);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if (argc > 1) {
+ samplingInterval = argv[0] + (argv[1] << 7);
+ if (samplingInterval < MINIMUM_SAMPLING_INTERVAL) {
+ }
+ } else {
+ //Firmata.sendString("Not enough data");
+ }
+ break;
+ if (argc > 1) {
+ int val = argv[1];
+ if (argc > 2) val |= (argv[2] << 7);
+ if (argc > 3) val |= (argv[3] << 14);
+ analogWriteCallback(argv[0], val);
+ }
+ break;
+ Firmata.write(START_SYSEX);
+ for (byte pin = 0; pin < TOTAL_PINS; pin++) {
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ Firmata.write((byte)INPUT);
+ Firmata.write(1);
+ Firmata.write((byte)PIN_MODE_PULLUP);
+ Firmata.write(1);
+ Firmata.write((byte)OUTPUT);
+ Firmata.write(1);
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin)) {
+ Firmata.write(PIN_MODE_ANALOG);
+ Firmata.write(10); // 10 = 10-bit resolution
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_PWM(pin)) {
+ Firmata.write(PIN_MODE_PWM);
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+ Firmata.write(PIN_MODE_SERVO);
+ Firmata.write(14);
+ }
+ if (IS_PIN_I2C(pin)) {
+ Firmata.write(PIN_MODE_I2C);
+ Firmata.write(1); // TODO: could assign a number to map to SCL or SDA
+ }
+ serialFeature.handleCapability(pin);
+ Firmata.write(127);
+ }
+ Firmata.write(END_SYSEX);
+ break;
+ if (argc > 0) {
+ byte pin = argv[0];
+ Firmata.write(START_SYSEX);
+ Firmata.write(PIN_STATE_RESPONSE);
+ Firmata.write(pin);
+ if (pin < TOTAL_PINS) {
+ Firmata.write(Firmata.getPinMode(pin));
+ Firmata.write((byte)Firmata.getPinState(pin) & 0x7F);
+ if (Firmata.getPinState(pin) & 0xFF80) Firmata.write((byte)(Firmata.getPinState(pin) >> 7) & 0x7F);
+ if (Firmata.getPinState(pin) & 0xC000) Firmata.write((byte)(Firmata.getPinState(pin) >> 14) & 0x7F);
+ }
+ Firmata.write(END_SYSEX);
+ }
+ break;
+ Firmata.write(START_SYSEX);
+ for (byte pin = 0; pin < TOTAL_PINS; pin++) {
+ Firmata.write(IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin) ? PIN_TO_ANALOG(pin) : 127);
+ }
+ Firmata.write(END_SYSEX);
+ break;
+ serialFeature.handleSysex(command, argc, argv);
+ break;
+ }
+ * SETUP()
+ *============================================================================*/
+void systemResetCallback()
+ isResetting = true;
+ // initialize a defalt state
+ // TODO: option to load config from EEPROM instead of default
+ serialFeature.reset();
+ if (isI2CEnabled) {
+ disableI2CPins();
+ }
+ for (byte i = 0; i < TOTAL_PORTS; i++) {
+ reportPINs[i] = false; // by default, reporting off
+ portConfigInputs[i] = 0; // until activated
+ previousPINs[i] = 0;
+ }
+ for (byte i = 0; i < TOTAL_PINS; i++) {
+ // pins with analog capability default to analog input
+ // otherwise, pins default to digital output
+ if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(i)) {
+ // turns off pullup, configures everything
+ setPinModeCallback(i, PIN_MODE_ANALOG);
+ } else if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(i)) {
+ // sets the output to 0, configures portConfigInputs
+ setPinModeCallback(i, OUTPUT);
+ }
+ servoPinMap[i] = 255;
+ }
+ // by default, do not report any analog inputs
+ analogInputsToReport = 0;
+ detachedServoCount = 0;
+ servoCount = 0;
+ /* send digital inputs to set the initial state on the host computer,
+ * since once in the loop(), this firmware will only send on change */
+ /*
+ TODO: this can never execute, since no pins default to digital input
+ but it will be needed when/if we support EEPROM stored config
+ for (byte i=0; i < TOTAL_PORTS; i++) {
+ outputPort(i, readPort(i, portConfigInputs[i]), true);
+ }
+ */
+ isResetting = false;
+void setup()
+ Firmata.attach(ANALOG_MESSAGE, analogWriteCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(DIGITAL_MESSAGE, digitalWriteCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(REPORT_ANALOG, reportAnalogCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(REPORT_DIGITAL, reportDigitalCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(SET_PIN_MODE, setPinModeCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(SET_DIGITAL_PIN_VALUE, setPinValueCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(START_SYSEX, sysexCallback);
+ Firmata.attach(SYSTEM_RESET, systemResetCallback);
+ // to use a port other than Serial, such as Serial1 on an Arduino Leonardo or Mega,
+ // Call begin(baud) on the alternate serial port and pass it to Firmata to begin like this:
+ // Serial1.begin(57600);
+ // Firmata.begin(Serial1);
+ // However do not do this if you are using SERIAL_MESSAGE
+ Firmata.begin(57600);
+ while (!Serial) {
+ ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for ATmega32u4-based boards and Arduino 101
+ }
+ systemResetCallback(); // reset to default config
+ #ifdef PID
+ //if temperature is more than 4 below or above setpoint, OUTPUT will be set to min or max respectively
+ myPID.setBangBang(PID_BANG_BANG);
+ //set PID update interval to
+ myPID.setTimeStep(PID_INTERVAL);
+ #endif
+ * LOOP()
+ *============================================================================*/
+void loop()
+ byte pin, analogPin;
+ /* DIGITALREAD - as fast as possible, check for changes and output them to the
+ * FTDI buffer using Serial.print() */
+ checkDigitalInputs();
+ /* STREAMREAD - processing incoming messagse as soon as possible, while still
+ * checking digital inputs. */
+ while (Firmata.available())
+ Firmata.processInput();
+ #ifdef PID
+ #ifdef REAL_INPUT
+ update_setPoint(1);
+ #endif
+; //call every loop, updates automatically at certain time interval
+ #endif
+ // TODO - ensure that Stream buffer doesn't go over 60 bytes
+ currentMillis = millis();
+ if (currentMillis - previousMillis > samplingInterval) {
+ previousMillis += samplingInterval;
+ /* ANALOGREAD - do all analogReads() at the configured sampling interval */
+ for (pin = 0; pin < TOTAL_PINS; pin++) {
+ if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin) && Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == PIN_MODE_ANALOG) {
+ analogPin = PIN_TO_ANALOG(pin);
+ if (analogInputsToReport & (1 << analogPin)) {
+ #ifdef PID
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, (int)(control_value+512.0));
+ #else
+ Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(analogPin));
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // report i2c data for all device with read continuous mode enabled
+ if (queryIndex > -1) {
+ for (byte i = 0; i < queryIndex + 1; i++) {
+ readAndReportData(query[i].addr, query[i].reg, query[i].bytes, query[i].stopTX);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ serialFeature.update();