path: root/CodesArduino-for-plugin/TwoNema17-2DM542-OSP-Plugin-Test/OSP.cpp
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authorSudhakarKuma2017-10-25 15:53:45 +0530
committerSudhakarKuma2017-10-25 15:53:45 +0530
commit09c89f6242ecf2495f86140a3f53ef4678f8563b (patch)
tree96c9a2836be76442376b166f63304a0b2adef560 /CodesArduino-for-plugin/TwoNema17-2DM542-OSP-Plugin-Test/OSP.cpp
Updated OSP-plugin
Diffstat (limited to 'CodesArduino-for-plugin/TwoNema17-2DM542-OSP-Plugin-Test/OSP.cpp')
1 files changed, 280 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CodesArduino-for-plugin/TwoNema17-2DM542-OSP-Plugin-Test/OSP.cpp b/CodesArduino-for-plugin/TwoNema17-2DM542-OSP-Plugin-Test/OSP.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3238c9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CodesArduino-for-plugin/TwoNema17-2DM542-OSP-Plugin-Test/OSP.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+// #include "WProgram.h" // Arduino < 1.0
+#include <Arduino.h> //Arduino >= 1.0
+#include "OSP.h"
+int dir1, step1, dir2, step2;
+int stepx;
+int stepy;
+int low;
+int high;
+int x_rev_set = 0;
+int y_rev_set = 0;
+float valx;
+float valy;
+float _pgrad_x;
+float _pgrad_y;
+int stepx_new;
+int stepy_new;
+float degsH;
+float degsV;
+float degsH_new;
+float degsV_new;
+ stopper=0;
+void OSP::setMotorsPins(int step1, int dir1, int enable1, int step2, int dir2, int enable2)
+ pinMode(step1, OUTPUT);
+ pinMode(dir1, OUTPUT);
+ pinMode(enable1, OUTPUT);
+ pinMode(step2, OUTPUT);
+ pinMode(dir2, OUTPUT);
+ pinMode(enable2, OUTPUT);
+ digitalWrite(step1, LOW);
+ digitalWrite(step2, LOW);
+ digitalWrite(enable1, LOW);
+ digitalWrite(enable2, LOW);
+ delayMicroseconds(50);
+ digitalWrite(dir1, HIGH);
+ digitalWrite(dir2, HIGH);
+ Serial.println("Setting up Motor pins..done");
+ digitalWrite(enable1, HIGH);
+ delay(100);
+ digitalWrite(enable1, LOW);
+ digitalWrite(enable2, HIGH);
+ delay(100);
+ digitalWrite(enable2, LOW);
+ delay(1000);
+void OSP::init()
+ low = 0;
+ high = 25600; //Motor driver switch setting;
+ _pgrad_x=(float)((float)(high-low)/360);
+ _pgrad_y=(float)((float)(high-low)/180);
+ stepx=0;
+ stepy=0;
+ low = 0;
+ high = 0;
+ x_rev_set = 0;
+ y_rev_set = 0;
+ valx = 0;
+ valy = 0;
+ _pgrad_x = 0;
+ _pgrad_y = 0;
+ stepx_new = 0;
+ stepy_new = 0;
+ degsH = 0;
+ degsV = 0;
+ degsH_new = 0;
+ degsV_new = 0;
+int OSP::getPX() //Steps per revolution on X axis
+ return x_rev_set = 25600; //Change this as per the switch setting on the driver
+int OSP::getPY() //Steps per revolution on Y axis
+ return y_rev_set = 25600; //Change this as per the switch setting on the driver
+bool OSP::movx(bool dir, int step1, int dir1)
+ {
+ int bytes_recv = 0;
+ char comm[5]="nost";
+ comm[bytes_recv++] =;
+ while(strcmp(comm, "stop")!=0 || stopper)
+ {
+ if(dir==1)
+ {
+ if(stepx>=25600)
+ stepx=25600;
+ else {
+ digitalWrite(dir1, HIGH);
+ digitalWrite(step1, HIGH);
+ delay(delayValue);
+ digitalWrite(step1, LOW);
+ delay(delayValue);
+ stepx++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(stepx<=0)
+ stepx = 0;
+ else {
+ digitalWrite(dir1, LOW);
+ digitalWrite(step1, HIGH);
+ delay(delayValue);
+ digitalWrite(step1, LOW);
+ delay(delayValue);
+ stepx--;
+ }
+ }
+ while(Serial.available() > 0)
+ comm[bytes_recv++] =;
+ if(bytes_recv>4)
+ break;
+ return true;
+bool OSP::movy(bool dir, int step2, int dir2)
+ int bytes_recv = 0;
+ char comm[5]="nost";
+ comm[bytes_recv++] =;
+ while(strcmp(comm, "stop")!=0)
+ {
+ if(dir==0)
+ {
+ if(stepy>=25600/4)
+ stepy=25600/4;
+ else {
+ digitalWrite(dir2, LOW);
+ digitalWrite(step2, HIGH);
+ delay(delayValue);
+ digitalWrite(step2, LOW);
+ delay(delayValue);
+ stepy++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(stepy<=0)
+ stepy=0;
+ else {
+ digitalWrite(dir2, HIGH);
+ digitalWrite(step2, HIGH);
+ delay(delayValue);
+ digitalWrite(step2, LOW);
+ delay(delayValue);
+ stepy--;
+ }
+ }
+ while(Serial.available() > 0)
+ comm[bytes_recv++] =;
+ if(bytes_recv>4)
+ break;
+ return true;
+float OSP::getX()
+ float valx;
+ valx = stepx*(float)(360.00/25600.00);
+ valx = (float)(M_PI/180)*valx;
+ return valx;
+float OSP::getY()
+ float valy;
+ valy = stepy*(float)(360.00/25600.00);
+ valy = (float)(M_PI/180)*valy;
+ return valy;
+int OSP::getPx()
+ return stepx;
+int OSP::getPy()
+ return stepy;
+float OSP::_rad2deg(float rad){
+ return (float) (180.00/M_PI)*rad;
+float OSP::_deg2rad(float deg){
+ return (float) (M_PI/180.00)*deg;
+void OSP::goToRads(float x_rad, float y_rad)
+ float degsH = _rad2deg(x_rad);
+ float degsV = _rad2deg(y_rad);
+void OSP::_moveTo(float x, float y, char* method)
+ stepx_new = (25600*x)/360; //map to counts
+ stepy_new = (25600*y)/360; //map to counts
+ stepx=stepx_new-stepx;
+ stepy=stepy_new-stepy;
+ _moveXY(stepx,stepy,true);
+ stepx=stepx_new;
+ stepy=stepy_new;
+void OSP::_moveXY(int x, int y, bool nodelay)
+ if(y>25600/4)
+ y = 25600/4; // This is to limit the tilt Motor to 90 degrees.
+ for(int count=0;count<abs(x);count++)
+ {
+ if(x<0)
+ digitalWrite(11, LOW);
+ else
+ digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
+ digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
+ delay(10);
+ digitalWrite(12, LOW);
+ delay(10);
+ }
+ for(int count=0;count<abs(y);count++)
+ {
+ if(y<0)
+ digitalWrite(8, HIGH);
+ else
+ digitalWrite(8, LOW);
+ digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
+ delay(10);
+ digitalWrite(9, LOW);
+ delay(10);
+ }
+ }
+void OSP::_moveEqua(int x, int y)
+ {
+ }