path: root/ldmicro/lutdialog.cpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-01-18Refined close for timers, close defined for other dialogsakshay-c
2018-06-29Patch: Fixes bug where the IoList table did not update on name change.Rr42
2018-06-28Ported lutdialog.cppNatsuDrag9
2018-06-28Updated LutDialog and merged changes.NatsuDrag9
2018-06-28Testing piecewise dialogNatsuDrag9
2018-06-27LutDialog bug fixes.Rr42
2018-06-27Testing lutdialog.cppNatsuDrag9
2018-06-27Merged changes and updated DestroyWindow function in all files.NatsuDrag9
2018-06-27Testing lutdialog.cppNatsuDrag9
2018-06-26Declared static variables for buttons in the respective files.NatsuDrag9
2018-06-26Creating dialogboxesNatsuDrag9
2018-06-06Removed unnecessary files and headers.Rr42
2018-06-04Commented all GUI code for core testRr42
2018-05-25Added all LDmicro filles to be portedRr42