path: root/ldmicro/lutdialog.cpp
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authorNatsuDrag92018-06-28 09:49:09 +0530
committerNatsuDrag92018-06-28 09:49:09 +0530
commit8b1f25cfb7b201c873b39ca0e4521b971a085d48 (patch)
treeadf1f6d8b4a9509ee6ce2668e285a6abe2d796d3 /ldmicro/lutdialog.cpp
parentdaa2a7810dedccf79355ecfeb31ce115a6508824 (diff)
Testing piecewise dialog
Diffstat (limited to 'ldmicro/lutdialog.cpp')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/ldmicro/lutdialog.cpp b/ldmicro/lutdialog.cpp
index 919b9bd..c28f6d3 100644
--- a/ldmicro/lutdialog.cpp
+++ b/ldmicro/lutdialog.cpp
@@ -530,99 +530,109 @@ void ShowLookUpTableDialog(ElemLeaf *l)
// GLOBAL_LUT_DIALOG_TIMER = g_timeout_add(100, (GSourceFunc)LutRefreshDialog, (gpointer)l);
+gboolean PiecewiseDialogKeyPress (HWID widget,
+ GdkEventKey* event, gpointer data){
+ if (event->keyval = GDK_KEY_Return){
+ PiecewiseDialogGetData();
+ }
+ else if (event->keyval = GDK_KEY_Return){
+ }
// Show the piecewise linear table dialog. This one can only be edited in
// only a single format, which makes things easier than before.
// //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// void ShowPiecewiseLinearDialog(ElemLeaf *l)
-// {
-// ElemPiecewiseLinear *t = &(l->d.piecewiseLinear);
-// // First copy over all the stuff from the leaf structure; in particular,
-// // we need our own local copy of the table entries, because it would be
-// // bad to update those in the leaf before the user clicks okay (as he
-// // might cancel).
-// int count = t->count;
-// memset(ValuesCache, 0, sizeof(ValuesCache));
-// int i;
-// for(i = 0; i < count*2; i++) {
-// ValuesCache[i] = t->vals[i];
-// }
-// // Now create the dialog's fixed controls, plus the changing (depending
-// // on show style/entry count) controls for the initial configuration.
-// LutDialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons ("Piecewise Linear Table", GTK_WINDOW (MainWindow),
-// gtk_widget_add_events (LutDialog, GDK_KEY_PRESS_MASK);
-// gtk_widget_add_events (LutDialog, GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK);
-// MakeFixedControls(TRUE);
-// MakeLutControls(FALSE, count*2, TRUE);
+void ShowPiecewiseLinearDialog(ElemLeaf *l)
+ ElemPiecewiseLinear *t = &(l->d.piecewiseLinear);
+ // First copy over all the stuff from the leaf structure; in particular,
+ // we need our own local copy of the table entries, because it would be
+ // bad to update those in the leaf before the user clicks okay (as he
+ // might cancel).
+ int count = t->count;
+ memset(ValuesCache, 0, sizeof(ValuesCache));
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < count*2; i++) {
+ ValuesCache[i] = t->vals[i];
+ }
+ // Now create the dialog's fixed controls, plus the changing (depending
+ // on show style/entry count) controls for the initial configuration.
+ LutDialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons ("Piecewise Linear Table", GTK_WINDOW (MainWindow),
+ gtk_widget_add_events (LutDialog, GDK_KEY_PRESS_MASK);
+ gtk_widget_add_events (LutDialog, GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK);
+ MakeFixedControls(TRUE);
+ MakeLutControls(FALSE, count*2, TRUE);
-// // Set up the controls to reflect the initial configuration.
-// gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (DestTextbox), t->dest);
-// gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (IndexTextbox), t->index);
-// char buf[30];
-// sprintf(buf, "%d", t->count);
-// gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (CountTextbox), buf);
-// // And show the window
-// gtk_widget_set_sensitive (MainWindow, FALSE);
-// gtk_widget_show_all (LutDialog);
-// gtk_widget_grab_focus (DestTextbox);
-// // SendMessage(DestTextbox, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1);
-// // MSG msg;
-// // DWORD ret;
-// // DialogDone = FALSE;
-// // DialogCancel = FALSE;
-// // while((ret = GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) && !DialogDone) {
-// // if(msg.message == WM_KEYDOWN) {
-// // if(msg.wParam == VK_RETURN) {
-// // DialogDone = TRUE;
-// // break;
-// // } else if(msg.wParam == VK_ESCAPE) {
-// // DialogDone = TRUE;
-// // DialogCancel = TRUE;
-// // break;
-// // }
-// // }
-// // if(!IsDialogMessage(LutDialog, &msg)) {
-// // TranslateMessage(&msg);
-// // DispatchMessage(&msg);
-// // }
-// // Watch the (user-editable) count field, and use that to
-// // determine how many textboxes to show.
-// char* buf;
-// buf = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (CountTextbox));
-// // SendMessage(CountTextbox, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)16, (LPARAM)buf);
-// if(atoi(buf) != count) {
-// count = atoi(buf);
-// if(count < 0 || count > 10) {
-// count = 0;
-// gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (CountTextbox), "");
+ // Set up the controls to reflect the initial configuration.
+ gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (DestTextbox), t->dest);
+ gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (IndexTextbox), t->index);
+ char buf[30];
+ sprintf(buf, "%d", t->count);
+ gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (CountTextbox), buf);
+ // And show the window
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (MainWindow, FALSE);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (LutDialog);
+ gtk_widget_grab_focus (DestTextbox);
+// SendMessage(DestTextbox, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1);
+// MSG msg;
+// DWORD ret;
+// DialogDone = FALSE;
+// DialogCancel = FALSE;
+ // while((ret = GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) && !DialogDone) {
+// if(msg.message == WM_KEYDOWN) {
+// if(msg.wParam == VK_RETURN) {
+// DialogDone = TRUE;
+// break;
+// } else if(msg.wParam == VK_ESCAPE) {
+// DialogDone = TRUE;
+// DialogCancel = TRUE;
+// break;
// }
-// DestroyLutControls();
-// MakeLutControls(FALSE, count*2, TRUE);
// }
-// }
-// // if(!DialogCancel) {
-// // SendMessage(DestTextbox, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)16, (LPARAM)(t->dest));
-// // SendMessage(IndexTextbox, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)16, (LPARAM)(t->index));
-// // DestroyLutControls();
-// // // The call to DestroyLutControls updated ValuesCache, so just read
-// // // them out of there.
-// // int i;
-// // for(i = 0; i < count*2; i++) {
-// // t->vals[i] = ValuesCache[i];
-// // }
-// // t->count = count;
-// // }
-// // EnableWindow(MainWindow, TRUE);
-// // DestroyWindow(LutDialog);
-// }
+// if(!IsDialogMessage(LutDialog, &msg)) {
+// TranslateMessage(&msg);
+// DispatchMessage(&msg);
+ // }
+ // Watch the (user-editable) count field, and use that to
+ // determine how many textboxes to show.
+ char* buf;
+ strcpy (buf, gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (CountTextbox)));
+ // SendMessage(CountTextbox, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)16, (LPARAM)buf);
+ if(atoi(buf) != count) {
+ count = atoi(buf);
+ if(count < 0 || count > 10) {
+ count = 0;
+ gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (CountTextbox), "");
+ }
+ // DestroyLutControls();
+ MakeLutControls(FALSE, count*2, TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!DialogCancel) {
+ SendMessage(DestTextbox, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)16, (LPARAM)(t->dest));
+ SendMessage(IndexTextbox, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)16, (LPARAM)(t->index));
+ DestroyLutControls();
+ // The call to DestroyLutControls updated ValuesCache, so just read
+ // them out of there.
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < count*2; i++) {
+ t->vals[i] = ValuesCache[i];
+ }
+ t->count = count;
+ }
+ EnableWindow(MainWindow, TRUE);
+ DestroyWindow(LutDialog);