path: root/thirdparty/linux/include/opencv2/optflow/pcaflow.hpp
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authorshamikam2017-01-16 02:56:17 +0530
committershamikam2017-01-16 02:56:17 +0530
commita6df67e8bcd5159cde27556f4f6a315f8dc2215f (patch)
treee806e966b06a53388fb300d89534354b222c2cad /thirdparty/linux/include/opencv2/optflow/pcaflow.hpp
First CommitHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/linux/include/opencv2/optflow/pcaflow.hpp')
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/opencv2/optflow/pcaflow.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/opencv2/optflow/pcaflow.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6645363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/opencv2/optflow/pcaflow.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
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+ * @file pcaflow.hpp
+ * @author Vladislav Samsonov <>
+ * @brief Implementation of the PCAFlow algorithm from the following paper:
+ *
+ *
+ * @cite Wulff:CVPR:2015
+ *
+ * There are some key differences which distinguish this algorithm from the original PCAFlow (see paper):
+ * - Discrete Cosine Transform basis is used instead of basis extracted with PCA.
+ * Reasoning: DCT basis has comparable performance and it doesn't require additional storage space.
+ * Also, this decision helps to avoid overloading the algorithm with a lot of external input.
+ * - Usage of built-in OpenCV feature tracking instead of libviso.
+#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
+#include "opencv2/video.hpp"
+namespace cv
+namespace optflow
+//! @addtogroup optflow
+//! @{
+/** @brief
+ * This class can be used for imposing a learned prior on the resulting optical flow.
+ * Solution will be regularized according to this prior.
+ * You need to generate appropriate prior file with "" script beforehand.
+ */
+class CV_EXPORTS_W PCAPrior
+ Mat L1;
+ Mat L2;
+ Mat c1;
+ Mat c2;
+ PCAPrior( const char *pathToPrior );
+ int getPadding() const { return L1.size().height; }
+ int getBasisSize() const { return L1.size().width; }
+ void fillConstraints( float *A1, float *A2, float *b1, float *b2 ) const;
+/** @brief PCAFlow algorithm.
+ */
+class CV_EXPORTS_W OpticalFlowPCAFlow : public DenseOpticalFlow
+ const Ptr<const PCAPrior> prior;
+ const Size basisSize;
+ const float sparseRate; // (0 .. 0.1)
+ const float retainedCornersFraction; // [0 .. 1]
+ const float occlusionsThreshold;
+ const float dampingFactor;
+ const float claheClip;
+ bool useOpenCL;
+ /** @brief Creates an instance of PCAFlow algorithm.
+ * @param _prior Learned prior or no prior (default). @see cv::optflow::PCAPrior
+ * @param _basisSize Number of basis vectors.
+ * @param _sparseRate Controls density of sparse matches.
+ * @param _retainedCornersFraction Retained corners fraction.
+ * @param _occlusionsThreshold Occlusion threshold.
+ * @param _dampingFactor Regularization term for solving least-squares. It is not related to the prior regularization.
+ * @param _claheClip Clip parameter for CLAHE.
+ */
+ OpticalFlowPCAFlow( Ptr<const PCAPrior> _prior = Ptr<const PCAPrior>(), const Size _basisSize = Size( 18, 14 ),
+ float _sparseRate = 0.024, float _retainedCornersFraction = 0.2,
+ float _occlusionsThreshold = 0.0003, float _dampingFactor = 0.00002, float _claheClip = 14 );
+ void calc( InputArray I0, InputArray I1, InputOutputArray flow );
+ void collectGarbage();
+ void findSparseFeatures( UMat &from, UMat &to, std::vector<Point2f> &features,
+ std::vector<Point2f> &predictedFeatures ) const;
+ void removeOcclusions( UMat &from, UMat &to, std::vector<Point2f> &features,
+ std::vector<Point2f> &predictedFeatures ) const;
+ void getSystem( OutputArray AOut, OutputArray b1Out, OutputArray b2Out, const std::vector<Point2f> &features,
+ const std::vector<Point2f> &predictedFeatures, const Size size );
+ void getSystem( OutputArray A1Out, OutputArray A2Out, OutputArray b1Out, OutputArray b2Out,
+ const std::vector<Point2f> &features, const std::vector<Point2f> &predictedFeatures,
+ const Size size );
+ OpticalFlowPCAFlow& operator=( const OpticalFlowPCAFlow& ); // make it non-assignable
+/** @brief Creates an instance of PCAFlow
+CV_EXPORTS_W Ptr<DenseOpticalFlow> createOptFlow_PCAFlow();
+//! @}