path: root/board/MAI/bios_emulator/scitech/include/pmapi.h
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authorKevin2014-11-15 11:48:36 +0800
committerKevin2014-11-15 11:48:36 +0800
commitd04075478d378d9e15f3e1abfd14b0bd124077d4 (patch)
tree733dd964582f388b9e3e367c249946cd32a2851f /board/MAI/bios_emulator/scitech/include/pmapi.h
init commit via android 4.4 uboot
Diffstat (limited to 'board/MAI/bios_emulator/scitech/include/pmapi.h')
1 files changed, 1148 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/board/MAI/bios_emulator/scitech/include/pmapi.h b/board/MAI/bios_emulator/scitech/include/pmapi.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7ddace7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/MAI/bios_emulator/scitech/include/pmapi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1148 @@
+* SciTech OS Portability Manager Library
+* ========================================================================
+* The contents of this file are subject to the SciTech MGL Public
+* License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+* the License at
+* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+* "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+* rights and limitations under the License.
+* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 1991-1998 SciTech Software, Inc.
+* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SciTech Software, Inc.
+* All Rights Reserved.
+* ========================================================================
+* Language: ANSI C
+* Environment: Any
+* Description: Header file for the OS Portability Manager Library, which
+* contains functions to implement OS specific services in a
+* generic, cross platform API. Porting the OS Portability
+* Manager library is the first step to porting any SciTech
+* products to a new platform.
+#ifndef __PMAPI_H
+#define __PMAPI_H
+#include "scitech.h"
+#include "pcilib.h"
+#include "ztimerc.h"
+#if !defined(__WIN32_VXD__) && !defined(__OS2_VDD__) && !defined(__NT_DRIVER__)
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+/*--------------------------- Macros and Typedefs -------------------------*/
+/* You will need to define one of the following before you compile this
+ * library for it to work correctly with the DOS extender that you are
+ * using when compiling for extended DOS:
+ *
+ * TNT - Phar Lap TNT DOS Extender
+ * DOS4GW - Rational DOS/4GW, DOS/4GW Pro, Causeway and PMODE/W
+ * DJGPP - DJGPP port of GNU C++
+ *
+ * If none is specified, we will automatically determine which operating
+ * system is being targetted and the following will be defined (provided by
+ * scitech.h header file):
+ *
+ * __MSDOS16__ - Default for 16 bit MSDOS mode
+ * __MSDOS32__ - Default for 32 bit MSDOS
+ * __WINDOWS16__ - Default for 16 bit Windows
+ * __WINDOWS32__ - Default for 32 bit Windows
+ *
+ * One of the following will be defined automatically for you to select
+ * which memory model is in effect:
+ *
+ * REALMODE - 16 bit real mode (large memory model)
+ * PM286 - 16 protected mode (large memory model)
+ * PM386 - 32 protected mode (flat memory model)
+ */
+#if defined(__UNIX__) && !defined(_MAX_PATH)
+#define _MAX_PATH 256
+#if defined(TNT) || defined(DOSX) || defined(X32VM) || defined(DPMI32) \
+ || defined(DOS4GW) || defined(DJGPP) || defined(__WINDOWS32__) \
+ || defined(__MSDOS32__) || defined(__UNIX__) || defined(__WIN32_VXD__) \
+ || defined(__32BIT__) || defined(__SMX32__) || defined(__RTTARGET__)
+#define PM386
+#elif defined(DPMI16) || defined(__WINDOWS16__)
+#define PM286
+#define REALMODE
+#pragma pack(1)
+/* Provide the typedefs for the PM_int386 functions, which issue native
+ * interrupts in real or protected mode and can pass extended registers
+ * around.
+ */
+struct _PMDWORDREGS {
+ ulong eax,ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi,cflag;
+ };
+struct _PMWORDREGS {
+ ushort ax,ax_hi;
+ ushort bx,bx_hi;
+ ushort cx,cx_hi;
+ ushort dx,dx_hi;
+ ushort si,si_hi;
+ ushort di,di_hi;
+ ushort cflag,cflag_hi;
+ };
+struct _PMBYTEREGS {
+ uchar al, ah; ushort ax_hi;
+ uchar bl, bh; ushort bx_hi;
+ uchar cl, ch; ushort cx_hi;
+ uchar dl, dh; ushort dx_hi;
+ };
+typedef union {
+ struct _PMDWORDREGS e;
+ struct _PMWORDREGS x;
+ struct _PMBYTEREGS h;
+typedef struct {
+ ushort es;
+ ushort cs;
+ ushort ss;
+ ushort ds;
+ ushort fs;
+ ushort gs;
+/* Provide definitions for the real mode register structures passed to
+ * the PM_int86() and PM_int86x() routines. Note that we provide our own
+ * functions to do this for 16-bit code that calls the PM_int386 functions.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ long edi;
+ long esi;
+ long ebp;
+ long reserved;
+ long ebx;
+ long edx;
+ long ecx;
+ long eax;
+ short flags;
+ short es,ds,fs,gs,ip,cs,sp,ss;
+ } DPMI_regs;
+#ifdef __MSDOS__
+/* Register structure passed to PM_VxDCall function */
+typedef struct {
+ ulong eax;
+ ulong ebx;
+ ulong ecx;
+ ulong edx;
+ ulong esi;
+ ulong edi;
+ ushort ds,es;
+ } VXD_regs;
+#define PM_MAX_DRIVE 3
+#define PM_MAX_PATH 256
+#define PM_FILE_INVALID (void*)0xFFFFFFFF
+/* Structure for generic directory traversal and management. Also the same
+ * values are passed to PM_setFileAttr to change the file attributes.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ ulong dwSize;
+ ulong attrib;
+ ulong sizeLo;
+ ulong sizeHi;
+ char name[PM_MAX_PATH];
+ } PM_findData;
+/* Macro to compute the byte offset of a field in a structure of type type */
+#define PM_FIELD_OFFSET(type,field) ((long)&(((type*)0)->field))
+/* Marcto to compute the address of the base of the structure given its type,
+ * and an address of a field within the structure.
+ */
+#define PM_CONTAINING_RECORD(address, type, field) \
+ ((type*)( \
+ (char*)(address) - \
+ (char*)(&((type*)0)->field)))
+/* Flags stored in the PM_findData structure, and also values passed to
+ * PM_setFileAttr to change the file attributes.
+ */
+#define PM_FILE_NORMAL 0x00000000
+#define PM_FILE_READONLY 0x00000001
+#define PM_FILE_DIRECTORY 0x00000002
+#define PM_FILE_ARCHIVE 0x00000004
+#define PM_FILE_HIDDEN 0x00000008
+#define PM_FILE_SYSTEM 0x00000010
+/* Flags returned by the PM_splitpath function */
+#define PM_HAS_WILDCARDS 0x01
+#define PM_HAS_EXTENSION 0x02
+#define PM_HAS_FILENAME 0x04
+#define PM_HAS_DIRECTORY 0x08
+#define PM_HAS_DRIVE 0x10
+/* Structure passed to the PM_setFileTime functions */
+typedef struct {
+ short sec; /* Seconds */
+ short min; /* Minutes */
+ short hour; /* Hour (0--23) */
+ short day; /* Day of month (1--31) */
+ short mon; /* Month (0--11) */
+ short year; /* Year (calendar year minus 1900) */
+ } PM_time;
+/* Define a macro for creating physical base addresses from segment:offset */
+#define MK_PHYS(s,o) (((ulong)(s) << 4) + (ulong)(o))
+/* Define the different types of modes supported. This is a global variable
+ * that can be used to determine the type at runtime which will contain
+ * one of these values.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ PM_realMode,
+ PM_286,
+ PM_386
+ } PM_mode_enum;
+/* Define types passed to PM_enableWriteCombine */
+#define PM_MTRR_WRCOMB 1
+#define PM_MTRR_WRPROT 5
+#define PM_MTRR_WRBACK 6
+#define PM_MTRR_MAX 6
+/* Error codes returned by PM_enableWriteCombine */
+#define PM_MTRR_ERR_OK 0
+#define PM_MTRR_ERR_PARAMS -2
+#define PM_MTRR_ERR_BELOW_1MB -4
+/* Values passed to the PM_DMACProgram function */
+#define PM_DMA_READ_ONESHOT 0x44 /* One-shot DMA read */
+#define PM_DMA_WRITE_ONESHOT 0x48 /* One-shot DMA write */
+#define PM_DMA_READ_AUTOINIT 0x54 /* Auto-init DMA read */
+#define PM_DMA_WRITE_AUTOINIT 0x58 /* Auto-init DMA write */
+/* Flags passed to suspend application callback */
+#define PM_DEACTIVATE 1
+#define PM_REACTIVATE 2
+/* Return codes that the application can return from the suspend application
+ * callback registered with the PM library. See the MGL documentation for
+ * more details.
+ */
+#define PM_SUSPEND_APP 0
+#define PM_NO_SUSPEND_APP 1
+This enumeration defines the type values passed to the PM_agpReservePhysical
+function, to define how the physical memory mapping should be handled.
+The PM_agpUncached type indicates that the memory should be allocated as
+uncached memory.
+The PM_agpWriteCombine type indicates that write combining should be enabled
+for physical memory mapping. This is used for framebuffer write combing and
+speeds up direct framebuffer writes to the memory.
+The PM_agpIntelDCACHE type indicates that memory should come from the Intel
+i81x Display Cache (or DCACHE) memory pool. This flag is specific to the
+Intel i810 and i815 controllers, and should not be passed for any other
+controller type.
+PM_agpUncached - Indicates that the memory should be uncached
+PM_agpWriteCombine - Indicates that the memory should be write combined
+PM_agpIntelDCACHE - Indicates that the memory should come from DCACHE pool
+typedef enum {
+ PM_agpUncached,
+ PM_agpWriteCombine,
+ PM_agpIntelDCACHE
+ } PM_agpMemoryType;
+/* Defines the size of an system memory page */
+#define PM_PAGE_SIZE 4096
+/* Type definition for a physical memory address */
+typedef unsigned long PM_physAddr;
+/* Define a bad physical address returned by map physical functions */
+/* Type definition for the 12-byte lock handle for locking linear memory */
+typedef struct {
+ ulong h[3];
+ } PM_lockHandle;
+/* 'C' calling conventions always */
+#define PMAPI _ASMAPI
+/* Internal typedef to override DPMI_int86 handler */
+typedef ibool (PMAPIP DPMI_handler_t)(DPMI_regs *regs);
+void PMAPI DPMI_setInt10Handler(DPMI_handler_t handler);
+/* Type definitions for a window handle for console modes */
+#if defined(__DRIVER__) || defined(__WIN32_VXD__) || defined(__NT_DRIVER__)
+typedef void *PM_HWND; /* Pointer for portable drivers */
+typedef void *PM_MODULE; /* Module handle for portable drivers */
+#elif defined(__WINDOWS__)
+typedef HWND PM_HWND; /* Real window handle */
+typedef HINSTANCE PM_MODULE; /* Win32 DLL handle */
+typedef void *PM_HWND; /* Place holder if windows.h not included */
+typedef void *PM_MODULE; /* Place holder if windows.h not included */
+#elif defined(__USE_X11__)
+typedef struct {
+ Window *window;
+ Display *display;
+ } PM_HWND; /* X11 window handle */
+#elif defined(__OS2__)
+typedef void *PM_HWND;
+typedef void *PM_MODULE;
+#elif defined(__LINUX__)
+typedef int PM_HWND; /* Console id for fullscreen Linux */
+typedef void *PM_MODULE;
+#elif defined(__QNX__)
+typedef int PM_HWND; /* Console id for fullscreen QNX */
+typedef void *PM_MODULE;
+#elif defined(__RTTARGET__)
+typedef int PM_HWND; /* Placeholder for RTTarget-32 */
+typedef void *PM_MODULE;
+#elif defined(__REALDOS__)
+typedef int PM_HWND; /* Placeholder for fullscreen DOS */
+typedef void *PM_MODULE; /* Placeholder for fullscreen DOS */
+#elif defined(__SMX32__)
+typedef int PM_HWND; /* Placeholder for fullscreen SMX */
+typedef void *PM_MODULE;
+#elif defined(__SNAP__)
+typedef void *PM_HWND;
+typedef void *PM_MODULE;
+#error PM library not ported to this platform yet!
+/* Type definition for code pointers */
+typedef void (*__codePtr)();
+/* Type definition for a C based interrupt handler */
+typedef void (PMAPIP PM_intHandler)(void);
+typedef ibool (PMAPIP PM_irqHandler)(void);
+/* Hardware IRQ handle used to save and restore the hardware IRQ */
+typedef void *PM_IRQHandle;
+/* Type definition for the fatal cleanup handler */
+typedef void (PMAPIP PM_fatalCleanupHandler)(void);
+/* Type defifinition for save state callback function */
+typedef int (PMAPIP PM_saveState_cb)(int flags);
+/* Type definintion for enum write combined callback function */
+typedef void (PMAPIP PM_enumWriteCombine_t)(ulong base,ulong length,uint type);
+/* Structure defining all the PM API functions as exported to
+ * the binary portable DLL's.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ ulong dwSize;
+ int (PMAPIP PM_getModeType)(void);
+ void * (PMAPIP PM_getBIOSPointer)(void);
+ void * (PMAPIP PM_getA0000Pointer)(void);
+ void * (PMAPIP PM_mapPhysicalAddr)(ulong base,ulong limit,ibool isCached);
+ void * (PMAPIP PM_mallocShared)(long size);
+ void * reserved1;
+ void (PMAPIP PM_freeShared)(void *ptr);
+ void * (PMAPIP PM_mapToProcess)(void *linear,ulong limit);
+ void * (PMAPIP PM_mapRealPointer)(uint r_seg,uint r_off);
+ void * (PMAPIP PM_allocRealSeg)(uint size,uint *r_seg,uint *r_off);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_freeRealSeg)(void *mem);
+ void * (PMAPIP PM_allocLockedMem)(uint size,ulong *physAddr,ibool contiguous,ibool below16Meg);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_freeLockedMem)(void *p,uint size,ibool contiguous);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_callRealMode)(uint seg,uint off, RMREGS *regs,RMSREGS *sregs);
+ int (PMAPIP PM_int86)(int intno, RMREGS *in, RMREGS *out);
+ int (PMAPIP PM_int86x)(int intno, RMREGS *in, RMREGS *out,RMSREGS *sregs);
+ void (PMAPIP DPMI_int86)(int intno, DPMI_regs *regs);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_availableMemory)(ulong *physical,ulong *total);
+ void * (PMAPIP PM_getVESABuf)(uint *len,uint *rseg,uint *roff);
+ long (PMAPIP PM_getOSType)(void);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_fatalError)(const char *msg);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_setBankA)(int bank);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_setBankAB)(int bank);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_setCRTStart)(int x,int y,int waitVRT);
+ char * (PMAPIP PM_getCurrentPath)(char *path,int maxLen);
+ const char * (PMAPIP PM_getVBEAFPath)(void);
+ const char * (PMAPIP PM_getNucleusPath)(void);
+ const char * (PMAPIP PM_getNucleusConfigPath)(void);
+ const char * (PMAPIP PM_getUniqueID)(void);
+ const char * (PMAPIP PM_getMachineName)(void);
+ ibool (PMAPIP VF_available)(void);
+ void * (PMAPIP VF_init)(ulong baseAddr,int bankSize,int codeLen,void *bankFunc);
+ void (PMAPIP VF_exit)(void);
+ PM_HWND (PMAPIP PM_openConsole)(PM_HWND hwndUser,int device,int xRes,int yRes,int bpp,ibool fullScreen);
+ int (PMAPIP PM_getConsoleStateSize)(void);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_saveConsoleState)(void *stateBuf,PM_HWND hwndConsole);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_restoreConsoleState)(const void *stateBuf,PM_HWND hwndConsole);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_closeConsole)(PM_HWND hwndConsole);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_setOSCursorLocation)(int x,int y);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_setOSScreenWidth)(int width,int height);
+ int (PMAPIP PM_enableWriteCombine)(ulong base,ulong length,uint type);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_backslash)(char *filename);
+ int (PMAPIP PM_lockDataPages)(void *p,uint len,PM_lockHandle *lockHandle);
+ int (PMAPIP PM_unlockDataPages)(void *p,uint len,PM_lockHandle *lockHandle);
+ int (PMAPIP PM_lockCodePages)(__codePtr p,uint len,PM_lockHandle *lockHandle);
+ int (PMAPIP PM_unlockCodePages)(__codePtr p,uint len,PM_lockHandle *lockHandle);
+ ibool (PMAPIP PM_setRealTimeClockHandler)(PM_intHandler ih,int frequency);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_setRealTimeClockFrequency)(int frequency);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_restoreRealTimeClockHandler)(void);
+ ibool (PMAPIP PM_doBIOSPOST)(ushort axVal,ulong BIOSPhysAddr,void *BIOSPtr,ulong BIOSLen);
+ char (PMAPIP PM_getBootDrive)(void);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_freePhysicalAddr)(void *ptr,ulong limit);
+ uchar (PMAPIP PM_inpb)(int port);
+ ushort (PMAPIP PM_inpw)(int port);
+ ulong (PMAPIP PM_inpd)(int port);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_outpb)(int port,uchar val);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_outpw)(int port,ushort val);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_outpd)(int port,ulong val);
+ void * reserved2;
+ void (PMAPIP PM_setSuspendAppCallback)(PM_saveState_cb saveState);
+ ibool (PMAPIP PM_haveBIOSAccess)(void);
+ int (PMAPIP PM_kbhit)(void);
+ int (PMAPIP PM_getch)(void);
+ ibool (PMAPIP PM_findBPD)(const char *dllname,char *bpdpath);
+ ulong (PMAPIP PM_getPhysicalAddr)(void *p);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_sleep)(ulong milliseconds);
+ int (PMAPIP PM_getCOMPort)(int port);
+ int (PMAPIP PM_getLPTPort)(int port);
+ PM_MODULE (PMAPIP PM_loadLibrary)(const char *szDLLName);
+ void * (PMAPIP PM_getProcAddress)(PM_MODULE hModule,const char *szProcName);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_freeLibrary)(PM_MODULE hModule);
+ int (PMAPIP PCI_enumerate)(PCIDeviceInfo info[]);
+ ulong (PMAPIP PCI_accessReg)(int index,ulong value,int func,PCIDeviceInfo *info);
+ ibool (PMAPIP PCI_setHardwareIRQ)(PCIDeviceInfo *info,uint intPin,uint IRQ);
+ void (PMAPIP PCI_generateSpecialCyle)(uint bus,ulong specialCycleData);
+ void * reserved3;
+ ulong (PMAPIP PCIBIOS_getEntry)(void);
+ uint (PMAPIP CPU_getProcessorType)(void);
+ ibool (PMAPIP CPU_haveMMX)(void);
+ ibool (PMAPIP CPU_have3DNow)(void);
+ ibool (PMAPIP CPU_haveSSE)(void);
+ ibool (PMAPIP CPU_haveRDTSC)(void);
+ ulong (PMAPIP CPU_getProcessorSpeed)(ibool accurate);
+ void (PMAPIP ZTimerInit)(void);
+ void (PMAPIP LZTimerOn)(void);
+ ulong (PMAPIP LZTimerLap)(void);
+ void (PMAPIP LZTimerOff)(void);
+ ulong (PMAPIP LZTimerCount)(void);
+ void (PMAPIP LZTimerOnExt)(LZTimerObject *tm);
+ ulong (PMAPIP LZTimerLapExt)(LZTimerObject *tm);
+ void (PMAPIP LZTimerOffExt)(LZTimerObject *tm);
+ ulong (PMAPIP LZTimerCountExt)(LZTimerObject *tm);
+ void (PMAPIP ULZTimerOn)(void);
+ ulong (PMAPIP ULZTimerLap)(void);
+ void (PMAPIP ULZTimerOff)(void);
+ ulong (PMAPIP ULZTimerCount)(void);
+ ulong (PMAPIP ULZReadTime)(void);
+ ulong (PMAPIP ULZElapsedTime)(ulong start,ulong finish);
+ void (PMAPIP ULZTimerResolution)(ulong *resolution);
+ void * (PMAPIP PM_findFirstFile)(const char *filename,PM_findData *findData);
+ ibool (PMAPIP PM_findNextFile)(void *handle,PM_findData *findData);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_findClose)(void *handle);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_makepath)(char *p,const char *drive,const char *dir,const char *name,const char *ext);
+ int (PMAPIP PM_splitpath)(const char *fn,char *drive,char *dir,char *name,char *ext);
+ ibool (PMAPIP PM_driveValid)(char drive);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_getdcwd)(int drive,char *dir,int len);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_setFileAttr)(const char *filename,uint attrib);
+ ibool (PMAPIP PM_mkdir)(const char *filename);
+ ibool (PMAPIP PM_rmdir)(const char *filename);
+ uint (PMAPIP PM_getFileAttr)(const char *filename);
+ ibool (PMAPIP PM_getFileTime)(const char *filename,ibool gmtTime,PM_time *time);
+ ibool (PMAPIP PM_setFileTime)(const char *filename,ibool gmtTime,PM_time *time);
+ char * (PMAPIP CPU_getProcessorName)(void);
+ int (PMAPIP PM_getVGAStateSize)(void);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_saveVGAState)(void *stateBuf);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_restoreVGAState)(const void *stateBuf);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_vgaBlankDisplay)(void);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_vgaUnblankDisplay)(void);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_blockUntilTimeout)(ulong milliseconds);
+ void (PMAPIP _PM_add64)(u32 a_low,s32 a_high,u32 b_low,s32 b_high,__i64 *result);
+ void (PMAPIP _PM_sub64)(u32 a_low,s32 a_high,u32 b_low,s32 b_high,__i64 *result);
+ void (PMAPIP _PM_mul64)(u32 a_low,s32 a_high,u32 b_low,s32 b_high,__i64 *result);
+ void (PMAPIP _PM_div64)(u32 a_low,s32 a_high,u32 b_low,s32 b_high,__i64 *result);
+ void (PMAPIP _PM_shr64)(u32 a_low,s32 a_high,s32 shift,__i64 *result);
+ void (PMAPIP _PM_sar64)(u32 a_low,s32 a_high,s32 shift,__i64 *result);
+ void (PMAPIP _PM_shl64)(u32 a_low,s32 a_high,s32 shift,__i64 *result);
+ void (PMAPIP _PM_neg64)(u32 a_low,s32 a_high,__i64 *result);
+ ulong (PMAPIP PCI_findBARSize)(int bar,PCIDeviceInfo *pci);
+ void (PMAPIP PCI_readRegBlock)(PCIDeviceInfo *info,int index,void *dst,int count);
+ void (PMAPIP PCI_writeRegBlock)(PCIDeviceInfo *info,int index,void *src,int count);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_flushTLB)(void);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_useLocalMalloc)(void * (*malloc)(size_t size),void * (*calloc)(size_t nelem,size_t size),void * (*realloc)(void *ptr,size_t size),void (*free)(void *p));
+ void * (PMAPIP PM_malloc)(size_t size);
+ void * (PMAPIP PM_calloc)(size_t nelem,size_t size);
+ void * (PMAPIP PM_realloc)(void *ptr,size_t size);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_free)(void *p);
+ ibool (PMAPIP PM_getPhysicalAddrRange)(void *p,ulong length,ulong *physAddress);
+ void * (PMAPIP PM_allocPage)(ibool locked);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_freePage)(void *p);
+ ulong (PMAPIP PM_agpInit)(void);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_agpExit)(void);
+ ibool (PMAPIP PM_agpReservePhysical)(ulong numPages,int type,void **physContext,PM_physAddr *physAddr);
+ ibool (PMAPIP PM_agpReleasePhysical)(void *physContext);
+ ibool (PMAPIP PM_agpCommitPhysical)(void *physContext,ulong numPages,ulong startOffset,PM_physAddr *physAddr);
+ ibool (PMAPIP PM_agpFreePhysical)(void *physContext,ulong numPages,ulong startOffset);
+ int (PMAPIP PCI_getNumDevices)(void);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_setLocalBPDPath)(const char *path);
+ void * (PMAPIP PM_loadDirectDraw)(int device);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_unloadDirectDraw)(int device);
+ PM_HWND (PMAPIP PM_getDirectDrawWindow)(void);
+ void (PMAPIP PM_doSuspendApp)(void);
+ } PM_imports;
+#pragma pack()
+/*---------------------------- Global variables ---------------------------*/
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" { /* Use "C" linkage when in C++ mode */
+#ifdef __WIN32_VXD__
+#define VESA_BUF_SIZE 1024
+extern uchar *_PM_rmBufAddr;
+/* {secret} Pointer to global exports structure.
+ * Should not be used by application programs.
+ */
+extern PM_imports _VARAPI _PM_imports;
+/* {secret} */
+extern void * (*__PM_malloc)(size_t size);
+/* {secret} */
+extern void * (*__PM_calloc)(size_t nelem,size_t size);
+/* {secret} */
+extern void * (*__PM_realloc)(void *ptr,size_t size);
+/* {secret} */
+extern void (*__PM_free)(void *p);
+/*--------------------------- Function Prototypes -------------------------*/
+/* Routine to initialise the host side PM library. Note used from DLL's */
+void PMAPI PM_init(void);
+/* Routine to return either PM_realMode, PM_286 or PM_386 */
+int PMAPI PM_getModeType(void);
+/* Routine to return a selector to the BIOS data area at segment 0x40 */
+void * PMAPI PM_getBIOSPointer(void);
+/* Routine to return a linear pointer to the VGA frame buffer memory */
+void * PMAPI PM_getA0000Pointer(void);
+/* Routines to map/free physical memory into the current DS segment. In
+ * some environments (32-bit DOS is one), after the mapping has been
+ * allocated, it cannot be freed. Hence you should only allocate the
+ * mapping once and cache the value for use by other parts of your
+ * application. If the mapping cannot be createed, this function will
+ * return a NULL pointer.
+ *
+ * This routine will also work for memory addresses below 1Mb, but the
+ * mapped address cannot cross the 1Mb boundary.
+ */
+void * PMAPI PM_mapPhysicalAddr(ulong base,ulong limit,ibool isCached);
+void PMAPI PM_freePhysicalAddr(void *ptr,ulong limit);
+/* Routine to determine the physical address of a linear address. It is
+ * up to the caller to ensure the entire address range for a linear
+ * block of memory is page aligned if that is required.
+ */
+ulong PMAPI PM_getPhysicalAddr(void *p);
+ibool PMAPI PM_getPhysicalAddrRange(void *p,ulong length,ulong *physAddress);
+/* Routines for memory allocation. By default these functions use the regular
+ * C runtime library malloc/free functions, but you can use the
+ * PM_useLocalMalloc function to override the default memory allocator with
+ * your own memory allocator. This will ensure that all memory allocation
+ * used by SciTech products will use your overridden memory allocator
+ * functions.
+ *
+ * Note that BPD files automatically map the C runtime library
+ * malloc/calloc/realloc/free calls from inside the BPD to the PM library
+ * versions by default.
+ */
+void PMAPI PM_useLocalMalloc(void * (*malloc)(size_t size),void * (*calloc)(size_t nelem,size_t size),void * (*realloc)(void *ptr,size_t size),void (*free)(void *p));
+void * PMAPI PM_malloc(size_t size);
+void * PMAPI PM_calloc(size_t nelem,size_t size);
+void * PMAPI PM_realloc(void *ptr,size_t size);
+void PMAPI PM_free(void *p);
+/* Routine to allocate a memory block in the global shared region that
+ * is common to all tasks and accessible from ring 0 code.
+ */
+void * PMAPI PM_mallocShared(long size);
+/* Routine to free the allocated shared memory block */
+void PMAPI PM_freeShared(void *ptr);
+/* Attach a previously allocated linear mapping to a new process */
+void * PMAPI PM_mapToProcess(void *linear,ulong limit);
+/* Macros to extract byte, word and long values from a char pointer */
+#define PM_getByte(p) *((volatile uchar*)(p))
+#define PM_getWord(p) *((volatile ushort*)(p))
+#define PM_getLong(p) *((volatile ulong*)(p))
+#define PM_setByte(p,v) PM_getByte(p) = (v)
+#define PM_setWord(p,v) PM_getWord(p) = (v)
+#define PM_setLong(p,v) PM_getLong(p) = (v)
+/* Routine for accessing a low 1Mb memory block. You dont need to free this
+ * pointer, but in 16 bit protected mode the selector allocated will be
+ * re-used the next time this routine is called.
+ */
+void * PMAPI PM_mapRealPointer(uint r_seg,uint r_off);
+/* Routine to allocate a block of conventional memory below the 1Mb
+ * limit so that it can be accessed from real mode. Ensure that you free
+ * the segment when you are done with it.
+ *
+ * This routine returns a selector and offset to the segment that has been
+ * allocated, and also returns the real mode segment and offset which can
+ * be passed to real mode routines. Will return 0 if memory could not be
+ * allocated.
+ *
+ * Please note that with some DOS extenders, memory allocated with the
+ * following function cannot be freed, hence it will be allocated for the
+ * life of your program. Thus if you need to call a bunch of different
+ * real-mode routines in your program, allocate a single large buffer at
+ * program startup that can be re-used throughout the program execution.
+ */
+void * PMAPI PM_allocRealSeg(uint size,uint *r_seg,uint *r_off);
+void PMAPI PM_freeRealSeg(void *mem);
+/* Routine to allocate a block of locked memory, and return both the
+ * linear and physical addresses of the memory. You should always
+ * allocate locked memory blocks in page sized chunks (ie: 4K on IA32).
+ * If the memory is not contiguous, you will need to use the
+ * PM_getPhysicalAddr function to get the physical address of linear
+ * pages within the memory block (the returned physical address will be
+ * for the first address in the memory block only).
+ */
+void * PMAPI PM_allocLockedMem(uint size,ulong *physAddr,ibool contiguous,ibool below16Meg);
+void PMAPI PM_freeLockedMem(void *p,uint size,ibool contiguous);
+/* Routine to allocate and free paged sized blocks of shared memory.
+ * Addressable from all processes, but not from a ring 0 context
+ * under OS/2. Note that under OS/2 PM_mapSharedPages must be called
+ * to map the memory blocks into the shared memory address space
+ * of each connecting process.
+ */
+void * PMAPI PM_allocPage(ibool locked);
+void PMAPI PM_freePage(void *p);
+#ifdef __OS2__
+void PMAPI PM_mapSharedPages(void);
+/* Routine to return true if we have access to the BIOS on the host OS */
+ibool PMAPI PM_haveBIOSAccess(void);
+/* Routine to call a real mode assembly language procedure. Register
+ * values are passed in and out in the 'regs' and 'sregs' structures. We
+ * do not provide any method of copying data from the protected mode stack
+ * to the real mode stack, so if you need to pass data to real mode, you will
+ * need to write a real mode assembly language hook to recieve the values
+ * in registers, and to pass the data through a real mode block allocated
+ * with the PM_allocRealSeg() routine.
+ */
+void PMAPI PM_callRealMode(uint seg,uint off, RMREGS *regs,RMSREGS *sregs);
+/* Routines to generate real mode interrupts using the same interface that
+ * is used by int86() and int86x() in realmode. This routine is need to
+ * call certain BIOS and DOS functions that are not supported by some
+ * DOS extenders. No translation is done on any of the register values,
+ * so they must be correctly set up and translated by the calling program.
+ *
+ * Normally the DOS extenders will allow you to use the normal int86()
+ * function directly and will pass on unhandled calls to real mode to be
+ * handled by the real mode handler. However calls to int86x() with real
+ * mode segment values to be loaded will cause a GPF if used with the
+ * standard int86x(), so you should use these routines if you know you
+ * want to call a real mode handler.
+ */
+int PMAPI PM_int86(int intno, RMREGS *in, RMREGS *out);
+int PMAPI PM_int86x(int intno, RMREGS *in, RMREGS *out,RMSREGS *sregs);
+/* Routine to generate a real mode interrupt. This is identical to the
+ * above function, but takes a DPMI_regs structure for the registers
+ * which has a lot more information. It is only available from 32-bit
+ * protected mode.
+ */
+void PMAPI DPMI_int86(int intno, DPMI_regs *regs);
+/* Function to return the amount of available physical and total memory.
+ * The results of this function are *only* valid before you have made any
+ * calls to malloc() and free(). If you need to keep track of exactly how
+ * much memory is currently allocated, you need to call this function to
+ * get the total amount of memory available and then keep track of
+ * the available memory every time you call malloc() and free().
+ */
+void PMAPI PM_availableMemory(ulong *physical,ulong *total);
+/* Return the address of a global VESA real mode transfer buffer for use
+ * by applications.
+ */
+void * PMAPI PM_getVESABuf(uint *len,uint *rseg,uint *roff);
+/* Handle fatal error conditions */
+void PMAPI PM_fatalError(const char *msg);
+/* Function to set a cleanup error handler called when PM_fatalError
+ * is called. This allows us to the console back into a normal state
+ * if we get a failure from deep inside a BPD file. This function is
+ * not exported to BPD files, and is only used by code compiled for the
+ * OS.
+ */
+void PMAPI PM_setFatalErrorCleanup(PM_fatalCleanupHandler cleanup);
+/* Return the OS type flag as defined in <drvlib/os/os.h> */
+long PMAPI PM_getOSType(void);
+/* Functions to set a VBE bank via an Int 10h */
+void PMAPI PM_setBankA(int bank);
+void PMAPI PM_setBankAB(int bank);
+void PMAPI PM_setCRTStart(int x,int y,int waitVRT);
+/* Return the current working directory */
+char * PMAPI PM_getCurrentPath(char *path,int maxLen);
+/* Return paths to the VBE/AF and Nucleus directories */
+const char * PMAPI PM_getVBEAFPath(void);
+const char * PMAPI PM_getNucleusPath(void);
+const char * PMAPI PM_getNucleusConfigPath(void);
+/* Find the path to a binary portable DLL */
+void PMAPI PM_setLocalBPDPath(const char *path);
+ibool PMAPI PM_findBPD(const char *dllname,char *bpdpath);
+/* Returns the drive letter of the boot drive for DOS, OS/2 and Windows */
+char PMAPI PM_getBootDrive(void);
+/* Return a network unique machine identifier as a string */
+const char * PMAPI PM_getUniqueID(void);
+/* Return the network machine name as a string */
+const char * PMAPI PM_getMachineName(void);
+/* Functions to install and remove the virtual linear framebuffer
+ * emulation code. For unsupported DOS extenders and when running under
+ * a DPMI host like Windows or OS/2, this function will return a NULL.
+ */
+ibool PMAPI VF_available(void);
+void * PMAPI VF_init(ulong baseAddr,int bankSize,int codeLen,void *bankFunc);
+void PMAPI VF_exit(void);
+/* Functions to wait for a keypress and read a key for command line
+ * environments such as DOS, Win32 console and Unix.
+ */
+int PMAPI PM_kbhit(void);
+int PMAPI PM_getch(void);
+/* Functions to create either a fullscreen or windowed console on the
+ * desktop, and to allow the resolution of fullscreen consoles to be
+ * changed on the fly without closing the console. For non-windowed
+ * environments (such as a Linux or OS/2 fullscreen console), these
+ * functions enable console graphics mode and restore console text mode.
+ *
+ * The suspend application callback is used to allow the application to
+ * save the state of the fullscreen console mode to allow temporary
+ * switching to another console or back to the regular GUI desktop. It
+ * is also called to restore the fullscreen graphics state after the
+ * fullscreen console regains the focus.
+ *
+ * The device parameter allows for the console to be opened on a different
+ * display controllers (0 is always the primary controller).
+ */
+PM_HWND PMAPI PM_openConsole(PM_HWND hwndUser,int device,int xRes,int yRes,int bpp,ibool fullScreen);
+int PMAPI PM_getConsoleStateSize(void);
+void PMAPI PM_saveConsoleState(void *stateBuf,PM_HWND hwndConsole);
+void PMAPI PM_setSuspendAppCallback(PM_saveState_cb saveState);
+void PMAPI PM_restoreConsoleState(const void *stateBuf,PM_HWND hwndConsole);
+void PMAPI PM_closeConsole(PM_HWND hwndConsole);
+/* Functions to modify OS console information */
+void PMAPI PM_setOSCursorLocation(int x,int y);
+void PMAPI PM_setOSScreenWidth(int width,int height);
+/* Function to emable Intel PPro/PII write combining */
+int PMAPI PM_enableWriteCombine(ulong base,ulong length,uint type);
+int PMAPI PM_enumWriteCombine(PM_enumWriteCombine_t callback);
+/* Function to add a path separator to the end of a filename (if not present) */
+void PMAPI PM_backslash(char *filename);
+/* Routines to lock and unlock regions of memory under a virtual memory
+ * environment. These routines _must_ be used to lock all hardware
+ * and mouse interrupt handlers installed, _AND_ any global data that
+ * these handler manipulate, so that they will always be present in memory
+ * to handle the incoming interrupts.
+ *
+ * Note that it is important to call the correct routine depending on
+ * whether the area being locked is code or data, so that under 32 bit
+ * PM we will get the selector value correct.
+ */
+int PMAPI PM_lockDataPages(void *p,uint len,PM_lockHandle *lockHandle);
+int PMAPI PM_unlockDataPages(void *p,uint len,PM_lockHandle *lockHandle);
+int PMAPI PM_lockCodePages(__codePtr p,uint len,PM_lockHandle *lockHandle);
+int PMAPI PM_unlockCodePages(__codePtr p,uint len,PM_lockHandle *lockHandle);
+/* Routines to install and remove Real Time Clock interrupt handlers. The
+ * frequency of the real time clock can be changed by calling
+ * PM_setRealTimeClockFrequeny, and the value can be any power of 2 value
+ * from 2Hz to 8192Hz.
+ *
+ * Note that you _must_ lock the memory containing the interrupt
+ * handlers with the PM_lockPages() function otherwise you may encounter
+ * problems in virtual memory environments.
+ *
+ * NOTE: User space versions of the PM library should fail these functions.
+ */
+ibool PMAPI PM_setRealTimeClockHandler(PM_intHandler ih,int frequency);
+void PMAPI PM_setRealTimeClockFrequency(int frequency);
+void PMAPI PM_restoreRealTimeClockHandler(void);
+/* Routines to install and remove hardware interrupt handlers.
+ *
+ * Note that you _must_ lock the memory containing the interrupt
+ * handlers with the PM_lockPages() function otherwise you may encounter
+ * problems in virtual memory environments.
+ *
+ * NOTE: User space versions of the PM library should fail these functions.
+ */
+PM_IRQHandle PMAPI PM_setIRQHandler(int IRQ,PM_irqHandler ih);
+void PMAPI PM_restoreIRQHandler(PM_IRQHandle irqHandle);
+/* Functions to program DMA using the legacy ISA DMA controller */
+void PMAPI PM_DMACEnable(int channel);
+void PMAPI PM_DMACDisable(int channel);
+void PMAPI PM_DMACProgram(int channel,int mode,ulong bufferPhys,int count);
+ulong PMAPI PM_DMACPosition(int channel);
+/* Function to post secondary graphics controllers using the BIOS */
+ibool PMAPI PM_doBIOSPOST(ushort axVal,ulong BIOSPhysAddr,void *mappedBIOS,ulong BIOSLen);
+/* Function to init the AGP functions and return the AGP aperture size in MB */
+ulong PMAPI PM_agpInit(void);
+void PMAPI PM_agpExit(void);
+/* Functions to reserve and release physical AGP memory ranges */
+ibool PMAPI PM_agpReservePhysical(ulong numPages,int type,void **physContext,PM_physAddr *physAddr);
+ibool PMAPI PM_agpReleasePhysical(void *physContext);
+/* Functions to commit and free physical AGP memory ranges */
+ibool PMAPI PM_agpCommitPhysical(void *physContext,ulong numPages,ulong startOffset,PM_physAddr *physAddr);
+ibool PMAPI PM_agpFreePhysical(void *physContext,ulong numPages,ulong startOffset);
+/* Functions to do I/O port manipulation directly from C code. These
+ * functions are portable and will work on any processor architecture
+ * to access I/O space registers on PCI devices.
+ */
+uchar PMAPI PM_inpb(int port);
+ushort PMAPI PM_inpw(int port);
+ulong PMAPI PM_inpd(int port);
+void PMAPI PM_outpb(int port,uchar val);
+void PMAPI PM_outpw(int port,ushort val);
+void PMAPI PM_outpd(int port,ulong val);
+/* Functions to determine the I/O port locations for COM and LPT ports.
+ * The functions are zero based, so for COM1 or LPT1 pass in a value of 0,
+ * for COM2 or LPT2 pass in a value of 1 etc.
+ */
+int PMAPI PM_getCOMPort(int port);
+int PMAPI PM_getLPTPort(int port);
+/* Internal functions that need prototypes */
+void PMAPI _PM_getRMvect(int intno, long *realisr);
+void PMAPI _PM_setRMvect(int intno, long realisr);
+void PMAPI _PM_freeMemoryMappings(void);
+/* Function to override the default debug log file location */
+void PMAPI PM_setDebugLog(const char *logFilePath);
+/* Function to put the process to sleep for the specified milliseconds */
+void PMAPI PM_sleep(ulong milliseconds);
+/* Function to block until 'milliseconds' have passed since last call */
+void PMAPI PM_blockUntilTimeout(ulong milliseconds);
+/* Functions for directory traversal and management */
+void * PMAPI PM_findFirstFile(const char *filename,PM_findData *findData);
+ibool PMAPI PM_findNextFile(void *handle,PM_findData *findData);
+void PMAPI PM_findClose(void *handle);
+void PMAPI PM_makepath(char *p,const char *drive,const char *dir,const char *name,const char *ext);
+int PMAPI PM_splitpath(const char *fn,char *drive,char *dir,char *name,char *ext);
+ibool PMAPI PM_driveValid(char drive);
+void PMAPI PM_getdcwd(int drive,char *dir,int len);
+uint PMAPI PM_getFileAttr(const char *filename);
+void PMAPI PM_setFileAttr(const char *filename,uint attrib);
+ibool PMAPI PM_getFileTime(const char *filename,ibool gmTime,PM_time *time);
+ibool PMAPI PM_setFileTime(const char *filename,ibool gmTime,PM_time *time);
+ibool PMAPI PM_mkdir(const char *filename);
+ibool PMAPI PM_rmdir(const char *filename);
+/* Functions to handle loading OS specific shared libraries */
+PM_MODULE PMAPI PM_loadLibrary(const char *szDLLName);
+void * PMAPI PM_getProcAddress(PM_MODULE hModule,const char *szProcName);
+void PMAPI PM_freeLibrary(PM_MODULE hModule);
+/* Functions and macros for 64-bit arithmetic */
+void PMAPI _PM_add64(u32 a_low,s32 a_high,u32 b_low,s32 b_high,__i64 *result);
+void PMAPI _PM_sub64(u32 a_low,s32 a_high,u32 b_low,s32 b_high,__i64 *result);
+void PMAPI _PM_mul64(u32 a_low,s32 a_high,u32 b_low,s32 b_high,__i64 *result);
+void PMAPI _PM_div64(u32 a_low,s32 a_high,u32 b_low,s32 b_high,__i64 *result);
+void PMAPI _PM_shr64(u32 a_low,s32 a_high,s32 shift,__i64 *result);
+void PMAPI _PM_sar64(u32 a_low,s32 a_high,s32 shift,__i64 *result);
+void PMAPI _PM_shl64(u32 a_low,s32 a_high,s32 shift,__i64 *result);
+void PMAPI _PM_neg64(u32 a_low,s32 a_high,__i64 *result);
+#ifdef __NATIVE_INT64__
+#define PM_add64(r,a,b) (r) = (a) + (b)
+#define PM_add64_32(r,a,b) (r) = (a) + (b)
+#define PM_sub64(r,a,b) (r) = (a) - (b)
+#define PM_sub64_32(r,a,b) (r) = (a) - (b)
+#define PM_mul64(r,a,b) (r) = (a) * (b)
+#define PM_mul64_32(r,a,b) (r) = (a) * (b)
+#define PM_div64(r,a,b) (r) = (a) / (b)
+#define PM_div64_32(r,a,b) (r) = (a) / (b)
+#define PM_shr64(r,a,s) (r) = (a) >> (s)
+#define PM_sar64(r,a,s) (r) = ((s64)(a)) >> (s)
+#define PM_shl64(r,a,s) (r) = (u64)(a) << (s)
+#define PM_neg64(r,a,s) (r) = -(a)
+#define PM_not64(r,a,s) (r) = ~(a)
+#define PM_eq64(a,b) (a) == (b)
+#define PM_gt64(a,b) (a) > (b)
+#define PM_lt64(a,b) (a) < (b)
+#define PM_geq64(a,b) (a) >= (b)
+#define PM_leq64(a,b) (a) <= (b)
+#define PM_64to32(a) (u32)(a)
+#define PM_64tos32(a) (s32)(a)
+#define PM_set64(a,b,c) (a) = ((u64)(b) << 32) + (c)
+#define PM_set64_32(a,b) (a) = (b)
+#define PM_add64(r,a,b) _PM_add64((a).low,(a).high,(b).low,(b).high,&(r))
+#define PM_add64_32(r,a,b) _PM_add64((a).low,(a).high,b,0,&(r))
+#define PM_sub64(r,a,b) _PM_sub64((a).low,(a).high,(b).low,(b).high,&(r))
+#define PM_sub64_32(r,a,b) _PM_sub64((a).low,(a).high,b,0,&(r))
+#define PM_mul64(r,a,b) _PM_mul64((a).low,(a).high,(b).low,(b).high,&(r))
+#define PM_mul64_32(r,a,b) _PM_mul64((a).low,(a).high,b,0,&(r))
+#define PM_div64(r,a,b) _PM_div64((a).low,(a).high,(b).low,(b).high,&(r))
+#define PM_div64_32(r,a,b) _PM_div64((a).low,(a).high,b,0,&(r))
+#define PM_shr64(r,a,s) _PM_shr64((a).low,(a).high,s,&(r))
+#define PM_sar64(r,a,s) _PM_sar64((a).low,(a).high,s,&(r))
+#define PM_shl64(r,a,s) _PM_shl64((a).low,(a).high,s,&(r))
+#define PM_neg64(r,a,s) _PM_neg64((a).low,(a).high,&(r))
+#define PM_not64(r,a,s) (r).low = ~(a).low, (r).high = ~(a).high
+#define PM_eq64(a,b) ((a).low == (b).low && (a).high == (b).high)
+#define PM_gt64(a,b) (((a).high > (b).high) || ((a).high == (b).high && (a).low > (b).low))
+#define PM_lt64(a,b) (((a).high < (b).high) || ((a).high == (b).high && (a).low < (b).low))
+#define PM_geq64(a,b) (PM_eq64(a,b) || PM_gt64(a,b))
+#define PM_leq64(a,b) (PM_eq64(a,b) || PM_lt64(a,b))
+#define PM_64to32(a) (u32)(a.low)
+#define PM_64tos32(a) ((a).high < 0) ? -(a).low : (a).low)
+#define PM_set64(a,b,c) (a).high = (b), (a).low = (c)
+#define PM_set64_32(a,b) (a).high = 0, (a).low = (b)
+/* Function to enable IOPL access if required */
+int PMAPI PM_setIOPL(int iopl);
+/* Function to flush the TLB and CPU caches */
+void PMAPI PM_flushTLB(void);
+/* DOS specific fucntions */
+#ifdef __MSDOS__
+uint PMAPI PMHELP_getVersion(void);
+void PMAPI PM_VxDCall(VXD_regs *regs);
+/* Functions to save and restore the VGA hardware state */
+int PMAPI PM_getVGAStateSize(void);
+void PMAPI PM_saveVGAState(void *stateBuf);
+void PMAPI PM_restoreVGAState(const void *stateBuf);
+void PMAPI PM_vgaBlankDisplay(void);
+void PMAPI PM_vgaUnblankDisplay(void);
+/* Functions to load and unload DirectDraw libraries. Only used on
+ * Windows platforms.
+ */
+void * PMAPI PM_loadDirectDraw(int device);
+void PMAPI PM_unloadDirectDraw(int device);
+PM_HWND PMAPI PM_getDirectDrawWindow(void);
+void PMAPI PM_doSuspendApp(void);
+/* Functions to install, start, stop and remove NT services. Valid only
+ * for Win32 apps running on Windows NT.
+ */
+#ifdef __WINDOWS32__
+ulong PMAPI PM_installService(const char *szDriverName,const char *szServiceName,const char *szLoadGroup,ulong dwServiceType);
+ulong PMAPI PM_startService(const char *szServiceName);
+ulong PMAPI PM_stopService(const char *szServiceName);
+ulong PMAPI PM_removeService(const char *szServiceName);
+/* Routines to generate native interrupts (ie: protected mode interrupts
+ * for protected mode apps) using an interface the same as that use by
+ * int86() and int86x() in realmode. These routines are required because
+ * many 32 bit compilers use different register structures and different
+ * functions causing major portability headaches. Thus we provide our
+ * own and solve it all in one fell swoop, and we also get a routine to
+ * put stuff into 32 bit registers from real mode ;-)
+ */
+void PMAPI PM_segread(PMSREGS *sregs);
+int PMAPI PM_int386(int intno, PMREGS *in, PMREGS *out);
+int PMAPI PM_int386x(int intno, PMREGS *in, PMREGS *out,PMSREGS *sregs);
+/* Call the X86 emulator or the real BIOS in our test harness */
+#if defined(TEST_HARNESS) && !defined(PMLIB)
+#define PM_mapRealPointer(r_seg,r_off) _PM_imports.PM_mapRealPointer(r_seg,r_off)
+#define PM_getVESABuf(len,rseg,roff) _PM_imports.PM_getVESABuf(len,rseg,roff)
+#define PM_callRealMode(seg,off,regs,sregs) _PM_imports.PM_callRealMode(seg,off,regs,sregs)
+#define PM_int86(intno,in,out) _PM_imports.PM_int86(intno,in,out)
+#define PM_int86x(intno,in,out,sregs) _PM_imports.PM_int86x(intno,in,out,sregs)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} /* End of "C" linkage for C++ */
+/* Include OS extensions for interrupt handling */
+#if defined(__REALDOS__) || defined(__SMX32__)
+#include "pmint.h"
+#endif /* __PMAPI_H */