path: root/board/MAI/bios_emulator/scitech/include/pcilib.h
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authorKevin2014-11-15 11:48:36 +0800
committerKevin2014-11-15 11:48:36 +0800
commitd04075478d378d9e15f3e1abfd14b0bd124077d4 (patch)
tree733dd964582f388b9e3e367c249946cd32a2851f /board/MAI/bios_emulator/scitech/include/pcilib.h
init commit via android 4.4 uboot
Diffstat (limited to 'board/MAI/bios_emulator/scitech/include/pcilib.h')
1 files changed, 413 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/board/MAI/bios_emulator/scitech/include/pcilib.h b/board/MAI/bios_emulator/scitech/include/pcilib.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..238f8ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/MAI/bios_emulator/scitech/include/pcilib.h
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+* SciTech OS Portability Manager Library
+* ========================================================================
+* The contents of this file are subject to the SciTech MGL Public
+* License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+* the License at
+* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+* "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+* rights and limitations under the License.
+* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 1991-1998 SciTech Software, Inc.
+* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SciTech Software, Inc.
+* All Rights Reserved.
+* ========================================================================
+* Language: ANSI C
+* Environment: Any
+* Description: Header file for interface routines to the PCI bus.
+#ifndef __PCILIB_H
+#define __PCILIB_H
+#include "scitech.h"
+/*---------------------- Macros and type definitions ----------------------*/
+#pragma pack(1)
+/* Defines for PCIDeviceInfo.HeaderType */
+typedef enum {
+ PCI_deviceType = 0x00,
+ PCI_bridgeType = 0x01,
+ PCI_cardBusBridgeType = 0x02,
+ PCI_multiFunctionType = 0x80
+ } PCIHeaderTypeFlags;
+/* Defines for PCIDeviceInfo.Command */
+typedef enum {
+ PCI_enableIOSpace = 0x0001,
+ PCI_enableMemorySpace = 0x0002,
+ PCI_enableBusMaster = 0x0004,
+ PCI_enableSpecialCylces = 0x0008,
+ PCI_enableWriteAndInvalidate = 0x0010,
+ PCI_enableVGACompatiblePalette = 0x0020,
+ PCI_enableParity = 0x0040,
+ PCI_enableWaitCycle = 0x0080,
+ PCI_enableSerr = 0x0100,
+ PCI_enableFastBackToBack = 0x0200
+ } PCICommandFlags;
+/* Defines for PCIDeviceInfo.Status */
+typedef enum {
+ PCI_statusCapabilitiesList = 0x0010,
+ PCI_status66MhzCapable = 0x0020,
+ PCI_statusUDFSupported = 0x0040,
+ PCI_statusFastBackToBack = 0x0080,
+ PCI_statusDataParityDetected = 0x0100,
+ PCI_statusDevSel = 0x0600,
+ PCI_statusSignaledTargetAbort = 0x0800,
+ PCI_statusRecievedTargetAbort = 0x1000,
+ PCI_statusRecievedMasterAbort = 0x2000,
+ PCI_statusSignaledSystemError = 0x4000,
+ PCI_statusDetectedParityError = 0x8000
+ } PCIStatusFlags;
+/* PCI capability IDs */
+typedef enum {
+ PCI_capsPowerManagement = 0x01,
+ PCI_capsAGP = 0x02,
+ PCI_capsMSI = 0x05
+ } PCICapsType;
+/* PCI AGP rate definitions */
+typedef enum {
+ PCI_AGPRate1X = 0x1,
+ PCI_AGPRate2X = 0x2,
+ PCI_AGPRate4X = 0x4
+ } PCIAGPRateType;
+/* NOTE: We define all bitfield's as uint's, specifically so that the IBM
+ * Visual Age C++ compiler does not complain. We need them to be
+ * 32-bits wide, and this is the width of an unsigned integer, but
+ * we can't use a ulong to make this explicit or we get errors.
+ */
+/* Structure defining a PCI slot identifier */
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ uint Zero:2;
+ uint Register:6;
+ uint Function:3;
+ uint Device:5;
+ uint Bus:8;
+ uint Reserved:7;
+ uint Enable:1;
+ } p;
+ ulong i;
+ } PCIslot;
+/* Structure defining the regular (type 0) PCI configuration register
+ * layout. We use this in a union below so we can describe all types of
+ * PCI configuration spaces with a single structure.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ ulong BaseAddress10;
+ ulong BaseAddress14;
+ ulong BaseAddress18;
+ ulong BaseAddress1C;
+ ulong BaseAddress20;
+ ulong BaseAddress24;
+ ulong CardbusCISPointer;
+ ushort SubSystemVendorID;
+ ushort SubSystemID;
+ ulong ROMBaseAddress;
+ uchar CapabilitiesPointer;
+ uchar reserved1;
+ uchar reserved2;
+ uchar reserved3;
+ ulong reserved4;
+ uchar InterruptLine;
+ uchar InterruptPin;
+ uchar MinimumGrant;
+ uchar MaximumLatency;
+ /* These are not in the actual config space, but we enumerate them */
+ ulong BaseAddress10Len;
+ ulong BaseAddress14Len;
+ ulong BaseAddress18Len;
+ ulong BaseAddress1CLen;
+ ulong BaseAddress20Len;
+ ulong BaseAddress24Len;
+ ulong ROMBaseAddressLen;
+ } PCIType0Info;
+/* Structure defining PCI to PCI bridge (type 1) PCI configuration register
+ * layout. We use this in a union below so we can describe all types of
+ * PCI configuration spaces with a single structure.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ ulong BaseAddress10;
+ ulong BaseAddress14;
+ uchar PrimaryBusNumber;
+ uchar SecondayBusNumber;
+ uchar SubordinateBusNumber;
+ uchar SecondaryLatencyTimer;
+ uchar IOBase;
+ uchar IOLimit;
+ ushort SecondaryStatus;
+ ushort MemoryBase;
+ ushort MemoryLimit;
+ ushort PrefetchableMemoryBase;
+ ushort PrefetchableMemoryLimit;
+ ulong PrefetchableBaseHi;
+ ulong PrefetchableLimitHi;
+ ushort IOBaseHi;
+ ushort IOLimitHi;
+ uchar CapabilitiesPointer;
+ uchar reserved1;
+ uchar reserved2;
+ uchar reserved3;
+ ulong ROMBaseAddress;
+ uchar InterruptLine;
+ uchar InterruptPin;
+ ushort BridgeControl;
+ } PCIType1Info;
+/* PCI to CardBus bridge (type 2) configuration information */
+typedef struct {
+ ulong SocketRegistersBaseAddress;
+ uchar CapabilitiesPointer;
+ uchar reserved1;
+ ushort SecondaryStatus;
+ uchar PrimaryBus;
+ uchar SecondaryBus;
+ uchar SubordinateBus;
+ uchar SecondaryLatency;
+ struct {
+ ulong Base;
+ ulong Limit;
+ } Range[4];
+ uchar InterruptLine;
+ uchar InterruptPin;
+ ushort BridgeControl;
+ } PCIType2Info;
+/* Structure defining the PCI configuration space information for a
+ * single PCI device on the PCI bus. We enumerate all this information
+ * for all PCI devices on the bus.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ ulong dwSize;
+ PCIslot slot;
+ ulong mech1;
+ ushort VendorID;
+ ushort DeviceID;
+ ushort Command;
+ ushort Status;
+ uchar RevID;
+ uchar Interface;
+ uchar SubClass;
+ uchar BaseClass;
+ uchar CacheLineSize;
+ uchar LatencyTimer;
+ uchar HeaderType;
+ uchar BIST;
+ union {
+ PCIType0Info type0;
+ PCIType1Info type1;
+ PCIType2Info type2;
+ } u;
+ } PCIDeviceInfo;
+/* PCI Capability header structure. All PCI capabilities have the
+ * following header.
+ *
+ * capsID is used to identify the type of the structure as define above.
+ *
+ * next is the offset in PCI configuration space (0x40-0xFC) of the
+ * next capability structure in the list, or 0x00 if there are no more
+ * entries.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ uchar capsID;
+ uchar next;
+ } PCICapsHeader;
+/* Structure defining the PCI AGP status register contents */
+typedef struct {
+ uint rate:3;
+ uint rsvd1:1;
+ uint fastWrite:1;
+ uint fourGB:1;
+ uint rsvd2:3;
+ uint sideBandAddressing:1;
+ uint rsvd3:14;
+ uint requestQueueDepthMaximum:8;
+ } PCIAGPStatus;
+/* Structure defining the PCI AGP command register contents */
+typedef struct {
+ uint rate:3;
+ uint rsvd1:1;
+ uint fastWriteEnable:1;
+ uint fourGBEnable:1;
+ uint rsvd2:2;
+ uint AGPEnable:1;
+ uint SBAEnable:1;
+ uint rsvd3:14;
+ uint requestQueueDepth:8;
+ } PCIAGPCommand;
+/* AGP Capability structure */
+typedef struct {
+ PCICapsHeader h;
+ ushort majMin;
+ PCIAGPStatus AGPStatus;
+ PCIAGPCommand AGPCommand;
+ } PCIAGPCapability;
+/* Structure for obtaining the PCI IRQ routing information */
+typedef struct {
+ uchar bus;
+ uchar device;
+ uchar linkA;
+ ushort mapA;
+ uchar linkB;
+ ushort mapB;
+ uchar linkC;
+ ushort mapC;
+ uchar linkD;
+ ushort mapD;
+ uchar slot;
+ uchar reserved;
+ } PCIRouteInfo;
+typedef struct {
+ ushort BufferSize;
+ PCIRouteInfo *DataBuffer;
+ } PCIRoutingOptionsBuffer;
+#define NUM_PCI_REG (sizeof(PCIDeviceInfo) / 4) - 10
+#define PCI_BRIDGE_CLASS 0x06
+#define PCI_EARLY_VGA_CLASS 0x00
+#define PCI_DISPLAY_CLASS 0x03
+#define PCI_MM_CLASS 0x04
+#define PCI_AUDIO_SUBCLASS 0x01
+/* Macros to detect specific classes of devices */
+#define PCI_IS_3DLABS_NONVGA_CLASS(pci) \
+ (((pci)->BaseClass == PCI_DISPLAY_CLASS && (pci)->SubClass == PCI_DISPLAY_OTHER_SUBCLASS) \
+ && ((pci)->VendorID == 0x3D3D || (pci)->VendorID == 0x104C))
+#define PCI_IS_DISPLAY_CLASS(pci) \
+ (((pci)->BaseClass == PCI_DISPLAY_CLASS && (pci)->SubClass == PCI_DISPLAY_VGA_SUBCLASS) \
+ || ((pci)->BaseClass == PCI_DISPLAY_CLASS && (pci)->SubClass == PCI_DISPLAY_XGA_SUBCLASS) \
+ || ((pci)->BaseClass == PCI_EARLY_VGA_CLASS && (pci)->SubClass == PCI_EARLY_VGA_SUBCLASS) \
+/* Function codes to pass to PCI_accessReg */
+#define PCI_READ_BYTE 0
+#define PCI_READ_WORD 1
+#define PCI_READ_DWORD 2
+#define PCI_WRITE_BYTE 3
+#define PCI_WRITE_WORD 4
+#define PCI_WRITE_DWORD 5
+/* Macros to read/write PCI registers. These assume a global PCI array
+ * of device information.
+ */
+#define PCI_readPCIRegB(index,device) \
+ PCI_accessReg(index,0,0,&PCI[DeviceIndex[device]])
+#define PCI_readPCIRegW(index,device) \
+ PCI_accessReg(index,0,1,&PCI[DeviceIndex[device]])
+#define PCI_readPCIRegL(index,device) \
+ PCI_accessReg(index,0,2,&PCI[DeviceIndex[device]])
+#define PCI_writePCIRegB(index,value,device) \
+ PCI_accessReg(index,value,3,&PCI[DeviceIndex[device]])
+#define PCI_writePCIRegW(index,value,device) \
+ PCI_accessReg(index,value,4,&PCI[DeviceIndex[device]])
+#define PCI_writePCIRegL(index,value,device) \
+ PCI_accessReg(index,value,5,&PCI[DeviceIndex[device]])
+#pragma pack()
+/*-------------------------- Function Prototypes --------------------------*/
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" { /* Use "C" linkage when in C++ mode */
+/* Function to determine the number of PCI devices in the system */
+int _ASMAPI PCI_getNumDevices(void);
+/* Function to enumerate all device on the PCI bus */
+int _ASMAPI PCI_enumerate(PCIDeviceInfo info[]);
+/* Function to access PCI configuration registers */
+ulong _ASMAPI PCI_accessReg(int index,ulong value,int func,PCIDeviceInfo *info);
+/* Function to get PCI IRQ routing options for a card */
+int _ASMAPI PCI_getIRQRoutingOptions(int numDevices,PCIRouteInfo *buffer);
+/* Function to re-route the PCI IRQ setting for a device */
+ibool _ASMAPI PCI_setHardwareIRQ(PCIDeviceInfo *info,uint intPin,uint IRQ);
+/* Function to generate a special cyle on the specified PCI bus */
+void _ASMAPI PCI_generateSpecialCyle(uint bus,ulong specialCycleData);
+/* Function to determine the size of a PCI base address register */
+ulong _ASMAPI PCI_findBARSize(int bar,PCIDeviceInfo *pci);
+/* Function to read a block of PCI configuration space registers */
+void _ASMAPI PCI_readRegBlock(PCIDeviceInfo *info,int index,void *dst,int count);
+/* Function to write a block of PCI configuration space registers */
+void _ASMAPI PCI_writeRegBlock(PCIDeviceInfo *info,int index,void *src,int count);
+/* Function to return the 32-bit PCI BIOS entry point */
+ulong _ASMAPI PCIBIOS_getEntry(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} /* End of "C" linkage for C++ */
+#endif /* __PCILIB_H */