path: root/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcBranchCut.hpp
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authorGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
committerGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
commit938fef4a37a7b7c61b4b6ff74cb4cfd2f100c427 (patch)
treeb343c0ee5609433c80e0de1db8b6886c9126dc2d /thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcBranchCut.hpp
parent5b72577efe080c5294b32d804e4d26351fef30bc (diff)
Added linux shared libraries and header files for int and ecos functions
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcBranchCut.hpp')
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcBranchCut.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcBranchCut.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fdc940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/CbcBranchCut.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+/* $Id: CbcBranchCut.hpp 1573 2011-01-05 01:12:36Z lou $ */
+// Copyright (C) 2004, International Business Machines
+// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
+#ifndef CbcBranchCut_H
+#define CbcBranchCut_H
+#include "CbcBranchBase.hpp"
+#include "OsiRowCut.hpp"
+#include "CoinPackedMatrix.hpp"
+/** Define a cut branching class.
+ At present empty - all stuff in descendants
+class CbcBranchCut : public CbcObject {
+ // Default Constructor
+ CbcBranchCut ();
+ /** In to maintain normal methods
+ */
+ CbcBranchCut (CbcModel * model);
+ // Copy constructor
+ CbcBranchCut ( const CbcBranchCut &);
+ /// Clone
+ virtual CbcObject * clone() const;
+ // Assignment operator
+ CbcBranchCut & operator=( const CbcBranchCut& rhs);
+ // Destructor
+ ~CbcBranchCut ();
+ /// Infeasibility
+ virtual double infeasibility(const OsiBranchingInformation * info,
+ int &preferredWay) const;
+ using CbcObject::feasibleRegion ;
+ /** Set bounds to contain the current solution.
+ More precisely, for the variable associated with this object, take the
+ value given in the current solution, force it within the current bounds
+ if required, then set the bounds to fix the variable at the integer
+ nearest the solution value.
+ At present this will do nothing
+ */
+ virtual void feasibleRegion();
+ /** \brief Return true if branch created by object should fix variables
+ */
+ virtual bool boundBranch() const ;
+ /// Creates a branching object
+ virtual CbcBranchingObject * createCbcBranch(OsiSolverInterface * solver, const OsiBranchingInformation * info, int way) ;
+ /** \brief Given a valid solution (with reduced costs, etc.),
+ return a branching object which would give a new feasible
+ point in the good direction.
+ The preferred branching object will force the variable to be +/-1 from
+ its current value, depending on the reduced cost and objective sense. If
+ movement in the direction which improves the objective is impossible due
+ to bounds on the variable, the branching object will move in the other
+ direction. If no movement is possible, the method returns NULL.
+ Only the bounds on this variable are considered when determining if the new
+ point is feasible.
+ At present this does nothing
+ */
+ virtual CbcBranchingObject * preferredNewFeasible() const;
+ /** \brief Given a valid solution (with reduced costs, etc.),
+ return a branching object which would give a new feasible
+ point in a bad direction.
+ As for preferredNewFeasible(), but the preferred branching object will
+ force movement in a direction that degrades the objective.
+ At present this does nothing
+ */
+ virtual CbcBranchingObject * notPreferredNewFeasible() const ;
+ using CbcObject::resetBounds ;
+ /** Reset original upper and lower bound values from the solver.
+ Handy for updating bounds held in this object after bounds held in the
+ solver have been tightened.
+ */
+ virtual void resetBounds();
+ /// data
+/** Cut branching object
+ This object can specify a two-way branch in terms of two cuts
+class CbcCutBranchingObject : public CbcBranchingObject {
+ /// Default constructor
+ CbcCutBranchingObject ();
+ /** Create a cut branching object
+ Cut down will applied on way=-1, up on way==1
+ Assumed down will be first so way_ set to -1
+ */
+ CbcCutBranchingObject (CbcModel * model, OsiRowCut & down, OsiRowCut &up, bool canFix);
+ /// Copy constructor
+ CbcCutBranchingObject ( const CbcCutBranchingObject &);
+ /// Assignment operator
+ CbcCutBranchingObject & operator= (const CbcCutBranchingObject& rhs);
+ /// Clone
+ virtual CbcBranchingObject * clone() const;
+ /// Destructor
+ virtual ~CbcCutBranchingObject ();
+ using CbcBranchingObject::branch ;
+ /** \brief Sets the bounds for variables or adds a cut depending on the
+ current arm of the branch and advances the object state to the next arm.
+ Returns change in guessed objective on next branch
+ */
+ virtual double branch();
+ using CbcBranchingObject::print ;
+ /** \brief Print something about branch - only if log level high
+ */
+ virtual void print();
+ /** \brief Return true if branch should fix variables
+ */
+ virtual bool boundBranch() const;
+ /** Return the type (an integer identifier) of \c this */
+ virtual CbcBranchObjType type() const {
+ return CutBranchingObj;
+ }
+ /** Compare the original object of \c this with the original object of \c
+ brObj. Assumes that there is an ordering of the original objects.
+ This method should be invoked only if \c this and brObj are of the same
+ type.
+ Return negative/0/positive depending on whether \c this is
+ smaller/same/larger than the argument.
+ */
+ virtual int compareOriginalObject(const CbcBranchingObject* brObj) const;
+ /** Compare the \c this with \c brObj. \c this and \c brObj must be os the
+ same type and must have the same original object, but they may have
+ different feasible regions.
+ Return the appropriate CbcRangeCompare value (first argument being the
+ sub/superset if that's the case). In case of overlap (and if \c
+ replaceIfOverlap is true) replace the current branching object with one
+ whose feasible region is the overlap.
+ */
+ virtual CbcRangeCompare compareBranchingObject
+ (const CbcBranchingObject* brObj, const bool replaceIfOverlap = false);
+ /// Cut for the down arm (way_ = -1)
+ OsiRowCut down_;
+ /// Cut for the up arm (way_ = 1)
+ OsiRowCut up_;
+ /// True if one way can fix variables
+ bool canFix_;