path: root/macros/istrellis.sci
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authorttt2018-05-22 13:46:15 +0530
committerttt2018-05-22 13:46:15 +0530
commit24e70f6edc8fb7d5faafc768a2928717e4b22e82 (patch)
tree58da8f74e4c5646940978f7ccc0655055ccb34f3 /macros/istrellis.sci
added macros, travis and gitignore
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/istrellis.sci')
1 files changed, 163 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/istrellis.sci b/macros/istrellis.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da8be0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/istrellis.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+function [isOk, status] = istrellis(S)
+// This function checks if the given input is of trellis structure
+// Calling Sequence
+// Description
+// [ISOK, STATUS] = ISTRELLIS(S) returns [T,''] if the given input is valid trellis structure. Otherwise ISOK is F and STATUS
+// indicates the reason for invalidity
+// Fields in trellis structure are
+// numInputSymbols, (number of input symbols)
+// numOutputSymbols, (number of output symbols)
+// numStates, (number of states)
+// nextStates, (next state matrix)
+// outputs, (output matrix)
+// Properties of the fields are as follows
+// numInputSymbols and numOutputSymbols should be a power of 2 (as data is represented in bits).
+// The 'nextStates' and 'outputs' fields are matrices of size 'numStates' x 'numInputSymbols' .
+// Each element in the 'nextStates' matrix and 'output' matrix is an integer value between zero and (numStates-1).
+// The (r,c) element of the 'nextStates' matrix and 'output' matrix,denotes the next state and output respectively when
+// the starting state is (r-1) and the input bits have decimal representation (c-1).
+// To convert to decimal value, use the first input bit as the most significant bit (MSB).
+// Examples
+// Valid trellis structure
+// trellis.numInputSymbols = 4;
+// trellis.numOutputSymbols = 4;
+// trellis.numStates = 3;
+// trellis.nextStates = [0 1 2 1;0 1 2 1; 0 1 2 1];
+// trellis.outputs = [0 0 1 1;1 1 2 1; 1 0 1 1];
+// [isok,status] = istrellis(trellis)
+// Inavlid trellis structure
+// trellis.numInputSymbols = 3;
+// trellis.numOutputSymbols = 3;
+// trellis.numStates = 3;
+// trellis.nextStates = [0 1 2 ;0 1 2 ; 0 1 2 ];
+// trellis.outputs = [0 0 1 ;1 1 2 ; 1 0 1 ];
+// [isok,status] = istrellis(trellis)
+// See also
+// iscatastrophic
+// Authors
+// Pola Lakshmi Priyanka, IIT Bombay//
+// Check arguments
+if (inp_a~=1 | out_a>2) then
+ error('comm:istrellis:Invalid number of arguments')
+status = '';
+// Check if input is a structure
+isOk = isstruct(S);
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis:Input is not a structure'));
+ return;
+// Check for valid field names
+names = fieldnames(S);
+numf = size(names, 1);
+actual = {'numInputSymbols';'numOutputSymbols';'numStates';'nextStates';'outputs'}
+isOk = (numf == 5) & isequal(gsort(names),gsort(actual));
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis:Structure is not of trellis type'));
+ return;
+// Check for number of Input Symbols.
+numInputSymbols = S.numInputSymbols;
+isOk = isequal(length(numInputSymbols), 1);
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis:Number of input symbols is not scalar'));
+ return;
+power = log2(numInputSymbols);
+isOk = isequal(power, double(int32(power)));
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis:Number of input symbols is not power of 2'));
+ return;
+// Check for number of Output Symbols.
+numOutputSymbols = S.numOutputSymbols;
+isOk = isequal(length(numOutputSymbols), 1);
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis:Number of output symbols is not scalar'));
+ return;
+power = log2(numOutputSymbols);
+isOk = isequal(power, double(int32(power)));
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis:Number of input symbols is not power of 2'));
+ return;
+//Check Number of states
+isOk = isequal(length(S.numStates), 1) & ...
+ isequal(S.numStates, double(int32(S.numStates)));
+if isOk then
+ isOk = S.numStates > 0;
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis:Number of states is not scalar positive integer'));
+ return;
+// Check nextStates
+nextStates = S.nextStates;
+numStates = S.numStates;
+// Check size of nextStates
+s = size(nextStates);
+isOk = ((length(s) == 2) & (s(1) == numStates) & (s(2) == numInputSymbols) & isequal(double(uint32(nextStates)), nextStates));
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis:Next states field matrix size is incorrect'));
+ return;
+//Check values of nextState
+isOk = isempty(find(nextStates >= numStates));
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis: Elements in next state must be in between 0 to numStates - 1'));
+ return;
+// Check outputs
+outputs = S.outputs;
+// check size of outputs
+s = size(outputs);
+isOk = ((length(s) == 2) & (s(1) == numStates) & (s(2)== numInputSymbols) );
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis:Outputs field matrix size is incorrect'));
+ return;
+//Check values of output
+decOutputs = oct2dec(string(outputs));
+isOk = isempty(find(decOutputs >= numOutputSymbols));
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis: Elements in output must be in between 0 to numStates - 1 '));
+ return;