path: root/macros
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authorttt2018-05-22 13:46:15 +0530
committerttt2018-05-22 13:46:15 +0530
commit24e70f6edc8fb7d5faafc768a2928717e4b22e82 (patch)
tree58da8f74e4c5646940978f7ccc0655055ccb34f3 /macros
added macros, travis and gitignore
Diffstat (limited to 'macros')
15 files changed, 1692 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/alignsignals.sci b/macros/alignsignals.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2013e3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/alignsignals.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+function varargout = alignsignals(x,y,varargin)
+//This function aligns the two input signals.
+//Calling Sequence
+//[Xa Ya D] = ALIGNSIGNALS(...)
+//[Xa Ya] = ALIGNSIGNALS(X,Y) aligns the two vectors X and Y by estimating
+//the delay D between the two. If Y is delayed with respect to X, D is
+// positive , and X is delayed by D samples. If Y is advanced with respect
+// to X, D is negative, and Y is delayed by -D samples.
+// [Xa Ya] = ALIGNSIGNALS(X,Y,MAXLAG) considers MAXLAG be the maximum correlation
+// window size which is used to calculate the estimated delay D between X and Y.
+// MAXLAG is an integer-valued scalar. By default, MAXLAG is equal to MAX(LX,LY)-1.
+// If MAXLAG is empty ([]),then default value is considered. If MAXLAG
+// is negative, it is replaced by its absolute value.
+// [Xa Ya] = ALIGNSIGNALS(X,Y,MAXLAG,1) keeps the lengths of Xa
+// and Ya the same as those of X and Y, respectively.
+// Here, 1 implies truncation of the intermediate vectors.
+// Input argument 4 is 0 implies truncation_off (no truncation).
+// D is positive implies D zeros are pre-pended to X, and the last D samples of X are truncated.
+// D is negative implies -D zeros are pre-pended to Y, and the last -D samples
+// of Y are truncated. That means, when D>=Length(X), all samples of X are lost.
+// Similarly, when -D>=Length(Y), all samples of Y are lost.
+// Avoid assigning a specific value to MAXLAG when using the truncate=1 option, set MAXLAG to [].
+// [Xa Ya D] = ALIGNSIGNALS(...) returns the estimated delay D.
+// Examples
+// X = [0 0 0 1 2 3 ];
+// Y = [1 2 3 ];
+// [Xa,Ya] = alignsignals(X,Y,[],1)
+// See also
+// finddelay
+// Authors
+// Pola Lakshmi Priyanka, IIT Bombay//
+// Check number of input arguments
+if inp_a<=1 | inp_a>4 then
+ error('comm:alignsignals: Invalid number of input arguments')
+if out_a>3 then
+ error('comm:alignsignals: Invalid number of output arguments')
+//Check input arguments
+if (~or(type(x)==[1 5 8]) | ~isvector(x) )
+ error('comm:alignsignals:Input argument 1 should be a vector of numbers');
+[row_x,col_x] = size(x);
+len_x = length(x);
+if (~or(type(y)==[1 5 8]) | ~isvector(y) )
+ error('comm:alignsignals:Input argument 2 should be a vector of numbers');
+[row_y,col_y] = size(y);
+len_y = length(y);
+//Check for MaxLag
+if inp_a==3 then
+ maxlag = varargin(1)
+ maxlag = max(len_x,len_y)-1; //Default value
+if ~isempty(maxlag) then
+ if ( ~or(type(maxlag)==[1 5 8]) | ~isreal(maxlag) | length(maxlag)~=1 | ceil(maxlag)~=maxlag),
+ error('comm:alignsignals:Input argument 3 should be a scalar integer');
+ elseif (( isnan(maxlag)) | isinf(maxlag)),
+ error('comm:alignsignals:Input argument 3 can not be Inf or NAN');
+ end
+ maxlag = maxlag_default;
+maxlag = double(abs(maxlag));
+//Check for truncate
+if inp_a==4
+ if (varargin(2))
+ trunc_on=1;
+ end
+// Estimate delay between X and Y.
+if inp_a==2
+ d = finddelay(x,y);
+ d = finddelay(x,y,maxlag);
+if d == 0 // X and Y are already aligned.
+ varargout(1) = x;
+ varargout(2) = y;
+elseif d > 0 // Y is estimated to be delayed with respect to X.
+ if row_x>1 // X is entered as a column vector.
+ if trunc_on==0
+ varargout(1) = [zeros(d,1) ; x];
+ else
+ if d>=row_x
+ warning('comm:alignsignals:firstInputTruncated');
+ varargout(1) = zeros(row_x,1);
+ else
+ varargout(1) = [zeros(d,1) ; x(1:len_x-d)];
+ end
+ end
+ else // X is entered as a row vector.
+ if trunc_on==0
+ varargout(1) = [zeros(1,d) x];
+ else
+ if d>=col_x
+ warning('comm:alignsignals:firstInputTruncated');
+ varargout(1) = zeros(1,col_x);
+ else
+ varargout(1) = [zeros(1,d) x(1:len_x-d)];
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ varargout(2) = y;
+else // X is estimated to be delayed with respect to Y.
+ varargout(1) = x;
+ if row_y>1 // Y is entered as a column vector.
+ if trunc_on==0
+ varargout(2) = [zeros(-d,1) ; y];
+ else
+ if (-d)>=row_y
+ warning('comm:alignsignals:secondInputTruncated');
+ varargout(2) = zeros(row_y,1);
+ else
+ varargout(2) = [zeros(-d,1) ; y(1:len_y-(-d))];
+ end
+ end
+ else // Y is entered as a row vector.
+ if trunc_on==0
+ varargout(2)= [zeros(1,-d) y];
+ else
+ if (-d)>=col_y
+ warning('comm:alignsignals:secondInputTruncated');
+ varargout(2) = zeros(1,col_y);
+ else
+ varargout(2) = [zeros(1,-d) y(1:len_y-(-d))];
+ end
+ end
+ end
+varargout(3) = d;
diff --git a/macros/arithdeco.sci b/macros/arithdeco.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95a06b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/arithdeco.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+function [seq] = arithdeco(code, count, len)
+// This function decodes the given code using arithmetic coding
+// Calling sequence
+// Description
+// SEQ = ARITHDECO(CODE, COUNT, LEN) decodes the given received seq (CODE) to message using arithmetic coding.
+// COUNT is vector whihc gives information about the source statistics (i.e. frequency of each symbol in the source alphabet)
+// CODE is the binary arithmetic code
+// Source Alphabet is assumed to be {1,2,....N} where N is a positive integer
+// Therefore, sequence should be finite and positive
+// Length of the COUNT should match the length of the source alphabet
+// Examples
+// counts = [40 1 9];
+// len = 11;
+// seq = [1 3 2 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 ]
+// code = arithenco(seq,counts);
+// disp(code)
+// dseq=arithdeco(code,counts,len)
+// disp(dseq)
+// disp(seq)
+// Bibliography
+// Sayood, K., Introduction to Data Compression, Morgan Kaufmann, 2000, Chapter 4, Section 4.4.3.
+// See also
+// arithenco
+// Authors
+// Pola Lakshmi Priyanka, IIT Bombay//
+ //Input argument check
+ [outa,inpa]=argn(0);
+ if(~inpa==3)
+ error("comm:arithenco:Wrong number of Input Arguments");
+ end
+ [row_code,col_code]=size(code);
+ [row_sta,col_sta]=size(count);
+ // Check to make sure that sequence is 1D
+ if(~(row_code==1|col_code==1))
+ error("comm:arithenco: Invalid dimensions: Input Arithmetic Encoded Sequence should be 1D ");
+ end
+ // Check for source statistics matrix
+ if(~(row_sta==1|col_sta==1))
+ error("comm:arithenco: Invalid dimensions: Argument 2 should be 1D ");
+ end
+ if(~isreal(code) | or(code<0) )
+ error("comm:arithenco: Input sequence should be finite positive integer");
+ end
+ if(~isreal(count) | or(count<0) )
+ error("comm:arithenco: Source statistics should be finite positive integer");
+ end
+ if(~isreal(len) | or(len<=0) | ~isscalar(len))
+ error("comm:arithenco: length should be finite positive integer and scalar");
+ end
+ //Check the incoming orientation and adjust if necessary
+ if (row_code > 1),
+ code = code.';
+ end
+ if (row_sta > 1),
+ count = count.';
+ end
+ // Check if the given code is binary
+ for i=1:length(code)
+ if (~(code(i)==1 | code(i)==0 ))
+ error("comm:arithenco:Input Arithmetic Encoded Sequence is not binary");
+ end
+ end
+ [row_s,col_s]=size(code);
+ [row_c,col_c]=size(count);
+ //Calculate the cumulative count
+ cum_count=[0,cumsum(count)];
+ total_count=cum_count(length(cum_count));
+ //Initialization
+ m=ceil(log2(total_count)) + 2;
+ low=zeros(1,m);
+ up=ones(1,m);
+ dec_low=0;
+ dec_up=2^m-1;
+ seq= zeros(1,len);
+ seq_index=1;
+ k=m;
+ tag=code(1:m);
+ dec_tag=0;
+ value=0;
+ for i=1:length(tag)
+ dec_tag=dec_tag+tag(i)*2^(length(tag)-i);
+ end
+ //loop till you decode entire seq
+ while (seq_index <= len)
+ // Compute value
+ value =floor( ((dec_tag-dec_low+1)*total_count-1)/(dec_up-dec_low+1) );
+ //Decode the symbol and update it
+ c=find(cum_count <= value)
+ ptr=c(length(c))
+ seq(seq_index)=ptr;
+ seq_index=seq_index+1;
+ //Compute lower and upper bounds
+ dec_low_new = dec_low + floor( (dec_up-dec_low+1)*cum_count(ptr)/total_count );
+ dec_up = dec_low + floor( (dec_up-dec_low+1)*cum_count(ptr+1)/total_count )-1;
+ dec_low = dec_low_new;
+ for i=1:m
+ low(i)=strtod(part(dec2bin(dec_low,m),i))
+ end
+ for i=1:m
+ up(i)=strtod(part(dec2bin(dec_up,m),i))
+ end
+ //Loop while E1, E2 or E3 condition
+ while(isequal(low(1),up(1))) | (isequal(low(2),1) & isequal(up(2),0))
+ if (k==length(code)) then
+ break;
+ end
+ k=k+1;
+ if isequal(low(1),up(1)) then //E1 or E2 holds
+ //Left shift
+ low=[low(2:m) 0];
+ up=[up(2:m) 1];
+ tag=[tag(2:m) code(k)];
+ elseif (isequal(low(2),1) & isequal(up(2),0)) then //for E3
+ //left shift
+ low=[low(2:m),0];
+ up=[up(2:m),1];
+ tag=[tag(2:m) code(k)];
+ low(1)=bitxor(low(1),1);
+ up(1)=bitxor(up(1),1);
+ tag(1)=bitxor(tag(1),1);
+ end
+ end
+ dec_low=0;dec_up=0;dec_tag=0;
+ for i=1:length(low)
+ dec_low=dec_low+low(i)*2^(length(low)-i);
+ dec_up=dec_up+up(i)*2^(length(up)-i);
+ dec_tag=dec_tag+tag(i)*2^(length(tag)-i);
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/macros/arithenco.sci b/macros/arithenco.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a463afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/arithenco.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+function [code] = arithenco(seq, count)
+// This function encodes the given sequence using aritmetic coding
+// Calling sequence
+// Description
+// CODE = ARITHENCO(SEQ, COUNT) encodes the given sequence (SEQ) using arithmetic coding.
+// COUNT is vector whihc gives information about the source statistics (i.e. frequency of each symbol in the source alphabet)
+// CODE is the binary arithmetic code
+// Source Alphabet is assumed to be {1,2,....N} where N is a positive integer
+// Therefore, sequence should be finite and positive
+// Length of the COUNT should match the length of the source alphabet
+// Examples
+// counts = [40 1 9];
+// len = 4;
+// seq = [1 3 2 1]
+// code = arithenco(seq,counts);
+// disp(code)
+// Bibliography
+// Sayood, K., Introduction to Data Compression, Morgan Kaufmann, 2000, Chapter 4, Section 4.4.3.
+// See also
+// arithdeco
+// Authors
+// Pola Lakshmi Priyanka, IIT Bombay//
+ //Input argument check
+ [outa,inpa]=argn(0);
+ if(~inpa==2)
+ error("comm:arithenco:Wrong number of Input Arguments");
+ end
+ [row_seq,col_seq]=size(seq);
+ [row_sta,col_sta]=size(count);
+ // Check to make sure that sequence is 1D
+ if(~(row_seq==1|col_seq==1))
+ error("comm:arithenco: Invalid dimensions: Input Sequence should be 1D ");
+ end
+ // Check for source statistics matrix
+ if(~(row_sta==1|col_sta==1))
+ error("comm:arithenco: Invalid dimensions: Argument 2 should be 1D ");
+ end
+ if(~isreal(seq) | or(seq<0) )
+ error("comm:arithenco: Input sequence should be finite positive integer");
+ end
+ if(~isreal(count) | or(count<0) )
+ error("comm:arithenco: Source statistics should be finite positive integer");
+ end
+ //Check if number of elements in source alphabet is equal to dimensions of source statistics matrix
+ if max(seq) > length(count)
+ error("comm:arithenco:Source alphabet size does not match with source statistics size");
+ end
+ //Check the incoming orientation and adjust if necessary
+ if (row_seq > 1),
+ seq = seq.';
+ end
+ if (row_sta > 1),
+ count = count.';
+ end
+ [row_s,col_s]=size(seq);
+ [row_c,col_c]=size(count);
+ //Calculate the cumulative count
+ cum_count=[0,cumsum(count)];
+ scale3=0;
+ total_count=cum_count(length(cum_count));
+ //Initialization
+ m=ceil(log2(total_count)) + 2;
+ low=zeros(1,m);
+ up=ones(1,m);
+ dec_low=0;
+ dec_up=2^m-1;
+ code_len = length(seq) * ( ceil(log2(length(count))) + 2 ) + m;
+ code = zeros(1, code_len);
+ code_index = 1;
+ // For each bit in the seq
+ for k=1:length(seq)
+ symbol = seq(k);
+ // Compute the lower and upper bounds
+ dec_low_new = dec_low + floor( (dec_up-dec_low+1)*cum_count(symbol+1-1)/total_count );
+ dec_up = dec_low + floor( (dec_up-dec_low+1)*cum_count(symbol+1)/total_count )-1;
+ dec_low = dec_low_new;
+ for i=1:m
+ low(i)=strtod(part(dec2bin(dec_low,m),i))
+ end
+ for i=1:m
+ up(i)=strtod(part(dec2bin(dec_up,m),i))
+ end
+ //Loop while E1, E2 or E3 condition
+ while(isequal(low(1),up(1))) | (isequal(low(2),1) & isequal(up(2),0))
+ // Check for E1 or E2 condition
+ if isequal(low(1),up(1)) then //E1 or E2 holds
+ // Transmit MSB
+ b=low(1);
+ code(code_index) = b;
+ code_index = code_index + 1;
+ //Left shift
+ low=[low(2:m) 0];
+ up=[up(2:m) 1];
+ while (scale3>0)
+ code(code_index) = bitxor(b,1);
+ code_index = code_index + 1;
+ scale3 = scale3-1;
+ end
+ end
+ if (isequal(low(2),1) & isequal(up(2),0)) then //for E3
+ //left shift
+ low=[low(2:m),0];
+ up=[up(2:m),1];
+ //disp(up,low,"up,low");
+ low(1)=bitxor(low(1),1);
+ up(1)=bitxor(up(1),1);
+ scale3=scale3+1;
+ end
+ end
+ dec_low=0;dec_up=0;
+ for i=1:length(low)
+ dec_low=dec_low+low(i)*2^(length(low)-i);
+ dec_up=dec_up+up(i)*2^(length(up)-i);
+ end
+ end
+ if scale3==0 then
+ code(code_index:code_index + m - 1) = low;
+ code_index = code_index + m;
+ end
+ if ~scale3==0 then
+ b=low(1);
+ code(code_index)=b;
+ code_index = code_index + 1;
+ while (scale3>0)
+ code(code_index) = bitxor(b,1);
+ code_index = code_index + 1;
+ scale3 = scale3-1;
+ end
+ code(code_index:code_index+m-2) = low(2:m);
+ code_index = code_index + m - 1;
+ end
+code = code(1:code_index-1);
diff --git a/macros/build_help.sce b/macros/build_help.sce
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e477d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/build_help.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+help_lang_dir = get_absolute_file_path("build_help.sce");
+TOOLBOX_TITLE="Communications Toolbox"
+tbx_build_help(TOOLBOX_TITLE, help_lang_dir);
+clear help_lang_dir;
diff --git a/macros/finddelay.sci b/macros/finddelay.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb8e96a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/finddelay.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+function d = finddelay(x,y,varargin)
+// This function returns the estimated delay between two input signals using crosscorrelation.
+// If signals are periodic, delay with least absolute value is returned.
+// Calling Sequence
+// Description
+// D = FINDDELAY(X,Y), returns estimated Delay D between X
+// and Y. D is positive implies Y is delayed with respect to X and vice versa.
+// If X, Y are matrices, then D is a row vector corresponding to delay between columns of X and Y
+// D = FINDDELAY(...,MAXLAG), uses MAXLAG as the maximum correlation
+// window size used to find the estimated delay(s) between X and Y:
+// > If MAXLAG is an integer-valued scalar, and X and Y are row or column
+// vectors or matrices, the vector D of estimated delays is found by
+// cross-correlating (the columns of) X and Y over a range of lags
+// > If MAXLAG is an integer-valued row or column vector, and one input is vector
+// and another be matirx (let X is a row or column vector ,
+// and Y is a matrix) then the vector D of estimated delays is found by
+// cross-correlating X and column J of Y over a range of lags
+// -MAXLAG(J):MAXLAG(J), for J=1:Number of columns of Y.
+// > If MAXLAG is an integer-valued row or column vector, and X and Y are
+// both matrices. then vector D of estimated delays is found by
+// cross-correlating corresponding columns of X and Y over a range of lags
+// By default, MAXLAG is equal to MAX(LX,LY)-1 for vectors,
+// Examples
+// X = [ 0 0 1 2 3 ];
+// Y = [ 0 0 0 1 2 3];
+// D = finddelay(X,Y,2)
+// disp(D)
+// X = [ 0 1 0 0 ; 1 0 2 1 ;0 0 0 2 ];
+// Y = [ 0 0 1 0 ;1 0 0 2 ; 0 0 0 0 ];
+// D = finddelay(X,Y)
+// disp(D)
+// See also
+// alignsignals
+// Authors
+// Pola Lakshmi Priyanka, IIT Bombay//
+// Check number of input arguments
+if inp_a<=1 | inp_a>3 then
+ error('comm:finddelay: Invalid number of input arguments')
+if out_a>1 then
+ error('comm:finddelay: Invalid number of output arguments')
+//Error Checking of input arguments
+if (~or(type(x)==[1 5 8]) | (isempty(x) ) | (ndims(x)>2) | ~or(type(y)==[1 5 8]) | (isempty(y) ) | (ndims(y)>2))
+ error('comm:finddelay:Input arguments must be numeric');
+if isvector(x)
+ x = x';
+if isvector(y)
+ y = y';
+[row_x,col_x] = size(x);
+[row_y,col_y] = size(y);
+x = double(x);
+y = double(y);
+// Check if matrices are of compatible
+if ~isvector(x) & ~isvector(y)
+ if col_x~=col_y
+ error('comm:finddelay:When both inputs are matrices, they must have the same number of columns.')
+ end
+// Check for maxlag
+if inp_a==3
+ if ( ndims(varargin(1))>2 | ~isreal(varargin(1)) | isempty(varargin(1)) | or(isnan(varargin(1))) | or(isinf(varargin(1))) | varargin(1) ~= ceil(varargin(1))),
+ error('comm:finddelay:Input argument 3 should be a finite integer vector')
+ end
+ if ( (isvector(x)) & (isvector(y)) & (length(varargin(1))>1) )
+ error('comm:finddelay: If x and y are both vectors, maxlag should be a scalar')
+ elseif ( (isvector(y)) & (length(varargin(1))>1) & (length(varargin(1))~=col_x) ),
+ error('comm:finddelay: If maxlag is a row/column vector, it should be of same length as the number of columns of X or Y');
+ elseif ( (isvector(x)) & (length(varargin(1))>1) & (length(varargin(1))~=col_y) ),
+ error('comm:finddelay: If maxlag is a row/column vector, it should be of same length as the number of columns of X or Y');
+ elseif ( (length(varargin(1))>1) & (length(varargin(1))~=col_x) & (length(varargin(1))~=col_y) ),
+ error('comm:finddelay: If X and Y are matrices, MAXLAG should be the same length as the number of columns of X and Y.');
+ else
+ if isempty(varargin(1))
+ maxlag = max(row_x,row_y)-1; //default value
+ else
+ maxlag = double(abs(varargin(1)));
+ end
+ end
+ maxlag = max(row_x,row_y)-1;
+if (length(maxlag)==1)
+ maxlag = repmat(maxlag,1,max_col);
+if col_x<max_col
+ x = repmat(x,1,max_col);
+elseif col_y<max_col
+ y = repmat(y,1,max_col);
+// Initialise cross-correlation matrix .
+maxlag_max = max(maxlag);
+c_normalized = zeros(2*maxlag_max+1,max_col);
+index_max = zeros(1,max_col);
+max_c = zeros(1,max_col);
+// Compute cross-correlation matrix:
+sq_x = abs(x).^2
+sq_y = abs(y).^2
+cxx0 = sum(sq_x,"r");
+cyy0 = sum(sq_y,"r");
+for i = 1:max_col
+ if ( (cxx0(i)==0) | (cyy0(i)==0) )
+ c_normalized(:,i) = zeros(2*maxlag_max+1,1);
+ else
+ c_normalized(maxlag_max-maxlag(i)+1:maxlag_max-maxlag(i)+2*maxlag(i)+1,i) ...
+ = abs(xcorr(x(:,i),y(:,i),maxlag(i)))/sqrt(cxx0(i)*cyy0(i));
+ end
+// Find lowest positive or zero indices of lags (negative delays) giving the
+// largest absolute values of normalized cross-correlations.
+[max_pos,index_max_pos] = max(c_normalized(maxlag_max+1:$,:),"r");
+// Find lowest negative indices of lags (positive delays) giving the largest
+// absolute values of normalized cross-correlations.
+[max_neg,index_max_neg] = max(A($:-1:1,:),"r");
+if isempty(max_neg)
+ index_max = maxlag_max + index_max_pos;
+ for i=1:max_col
+ if max_pos(i)>max_neg(i)
+ index_max(i) = maxlag_max + index_max_pos(i);
+ max_c(i) = max_pos(i);
+ elseif max_pos(i)<max_neg(i)
+ index_max(i) = maxlag_max + 1 - index_max_neg(i);
+ max_c(i) = max_neg(i);
+ elseif max_pos(i)==max_neg(i)
+ if index_max_pos(i)<=index_max_neg(i)
+ index_max(i) = maxlag_max + index_max_pos(i);
+ max_c(i) = max_pos(i);
+ else
+ index_max(i) = maxlag_max + 1 - index_max_neg(i);
+ max_c(i) = max_neg(i);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+// Subtract delays.
+d = (maxlag_max + 1) - index_max;
diff --git a/macros/gfcosets.sci b/macros/gfcosets.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed69f86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/gfcosets.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+function gfcs = gfcosets(m, p)
+// This function produces cyclotomic cosets for a Galois field GF(P)
+// Calling Sequence
+// Description
+// GFCS = GFCOSETS(M) produces cyclotomic cosets mod(2^M - 1). Each row of the
+// output GFCS contains one cyclotomic coset.
+// GFCS = GFCOSETS(M, P) produces cyclotomic cosets mod(P^M - 1), where
+// P is a prime number.
+// Because the length of the cosets varies in the complete set, %nan is used to
+// fill out the extra space in order to make all variables have the same
+// length in the output matrix GFCS.
+// Examples
+// c = gfcosets(2,3)
+// disp(c)
+// See also
+// gfminpol, gfprimdf, gfroots
+// Authors
+// Pola Lakshmi Priyanka, IIT Bombay//
+//Input argument check
+// Error Checking
+if inp_a < 2
+ p = 2;
+elseif ( isempty(p) | ~isscalar(p) | abs(p)~=p | floor(p)~=p | length(factor(p))~=1 | p==1)
+ error('comm:gfcosets: P should be a positive prime number');
+if ( isempty(m) | ~isscalar(m) | ~isreal(m) | floor(m)~=m | m<1 )
+ error('comm:gfcosets: M should be a positive integer');
+if ( ( p == 2 ) & ( m == 1 ) )
+ i = [];
+ i = 1;
+n = p^m - 1;
+gfcs = [];
+mk = ones(1, n - 1);
+while ~isempty(i)
+ mk(i) = 0;
+ s = i;
+ j = s;
+ pk = modulo(p*s, n);
+ //compute cyclotomic coset for s=i
+ while (pk > s)
+ mk(pk) = 0;
+ j = [j pk];
+ pk = modulo(pk * p, n);
+ end;
+ // append the coset to gfcs
+ [row_cs, col_cs] = size(gfcs);
+ [row_j, col_j ] = size(j);
+ if (col_cs == col_j) | (row_cs == 0)
+ gfcs = [gfcs; j];
+ elseif (col_cs > col_j)
+ gfcs = [gfcs; [j, ones(1, col_cs - col_j) * %nan]];
+ else
+ gfcs = [[gfcs, ones(row_cs, col_j - col_cs) * %nan]; j];
+ end;
+ i = find(mk == 1,1); // find the index of next number.
+// adding "0" to the first coset
+[row_cs, col_cs] = size(gfcs);
+gfcs = [[0, ones(1, col_cs - 1) * %nan]; gfcs];
diff --git a/macros/gflineq.sci b/macros/gflineq.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b34529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/gflineq.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+function [x, sflag] = gflineq(a, b, p)
+// This function finds a solution for linear equation Ax = b over a prime Galois field.
+// Calling Sequence
+// [X, SFLAG] = GFLINEQ(A, B)
+// [X, SFLAG]= GFLINEQ(A, B, P)
+// Description
+// [X, SFLAG] = GFLINEQ(A, B) returns a particular solution (X) of AX=B in GF(2).
+// If the equation has no solution, then X is empty and SFLAG = 0 else SFLAG = 1.
+// [X, SFLAG]= GFLINEQ(A, B, P) returns a particular solution of the linear
+// equation A X = B in GF(P) and SFLAG=1.
+// If the equation has no solution, then X is empty and SFLAG = 0.
+// Examples
+// A=[1 0 1; 1 1 0; 1 1 1]
+// p=3
+// [x,vld] = gflineq(A,[1;0;1],p)
+// disp(A,'A=')
+// disp(x,'x=');
+// if(vld)
+// disp('Linear equation has solution x')
+// else
+// disp('Linear equation has no solution and x is empty')
+// end
+// disp( pmodulo(A*x,p),'B =')
+// See also
+// gfadd, gfconv, gfdiv, gfrank, gfroots
+// Authors
+// Pola Lakshmi Priyanka, IIT Bombay//
+// Check number of input arguments
+if inp_a >3 | out_a> 2 | inp_a <2 then
+ error('comm:gflineq: Invalid number of arguments')
+// Error checking .
+if inp_a < 3
+ p = 2;
+elseif ( isempty(p) | length(p)~=1 | abs(p)~=p | ceil(p)~=p | length(factor(p))~=1 )
+ error('comm:gflineq:Input argument 3 must be a positive prime integer.');
+[row_a, col_a] = size(a);
+[row_b, col_b] = size(b);
+// Error checking - A & B.
+if ( isempty(a) | ndims(a) > 2 )
+ error('comm:gflineq:Input argument 1 must be a two-dimensional matrix.');
+if ( isempty(b) | ndims(b) > 2 | col_b > 1 )
+ error('comm:gflineq:Invalid dimensions of input argument 2 .');
+if ( row_a ~= row_b )
+ error('comm:gflineq:Dimensions of A and B are not compatible');
+if (( or( abs(a)~=a | floor(a)~=a | a>=p )) | ( or( abs(b)~=b | floor(b)~=b | b>=p )) )
+ error('comm:gflineq:Elements of input matrices should be integers between 0 and P-1.');
+// Solution is found by using row reduction (Reducing it to echelon form)
+ab = [a b]; // Composite matrix
+[row_ab, col_ab] = size(ab);
+row_i = 1;
+col_i = 1;
+row = [];
+col = [];
+while (row_i <= row_ab) & (col_i < col_ab)
+ // Search for a non zero element in current column
+ while (ab(row_i,col_i) == 0) & (col_i < col_ab)
+ idx = find( ab(row_i:row_ab, col_i) ~= 0 );
+ if isempty(idx)
+ col_i = col_i + 1; // No non zero element
+ else
+ // Swap the current row with a row containing a non zero element
+ // (preferably with the row with value 1).
+ idx = [ find(ab(row_i:row_ab, col_i) == 1) idx ];
+ idx = idx(1);
+ temp_row = ab(row_i,:)
+ ab(row_i,:) = ab(row_i+idx-1,:)
+ ab(row_i+idx-1,:) = temp_row
+ end
+ end
+ if ( ( ab(row_i,col_i) ~= 0 ) & ( col_i < col_ab ) )
+ // Set major element to 1.
+ if (ab(row_i,col_i) ~= 1)
+ ab(row_i,:) = pmodulo( field_inv( ab(row_i,col_i),p ) * ab(row_i,:), p );
+ end
+ // The current element is a major element.
+ row = [row row_i];
+ col = [col col_i];
+ // Find the other elements in the column that must be cleared,
+ idx = find(ab(:,col_i)~=0);
+ for i = idx
+ if i ~= row_i
+ ab(i,:) = pmodulo( ab(i,:) + ab(row_i,:) * (p - ab(i,col_i)), p );
+ end
+ end
+ col_i = col_i + 1;
+ end
+ row_i = row_i + 1;
+if ( rank(ab) > rank( ab(:,1:col_a) ) )
+ disp('comm:gflineq:Solution does not exist');
+ x = [];
+ sflag = 0;
+ x = zeros(col_a, 1);
+ x(col,1) = ab(row,col_ab);
+ sflag = 1;
+function [x] = field_inv(a,n)
+ t = 0;
+ newt = 1;
+ r = n;
+ newr = a;
+ while newr ~= 0
+ quotient = floor(r / newr);
+ temp = t;
+ t = newt;
+ newt = temp -quotient*newt;
+ temp = r;
+ r = newr;
+ newr = temp - quotient*newr;
+ end
+ if r>1
+ [x c] = find( pmodulo( (1:(p-1)).' * (1:(p-1)) , p ) == 1 );
+ end
+ if t<0
+ t = t + n;
+ end
+ x = t;
diff --git a/macros/gfrepcov.sci b/macros/gfrepcov.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e16717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/gfrepcov.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+function q = gfrepcov(p)
+// This function represents a binary polynomial in standard ascending order format.
+// Calling Sequence
+// Description
+// Q = GFREPCOV(P) converts vector (P) to standard ascending
+// order format vector (Q), which is a vector that lists the coefficients in
+// order of ascending exponents, if P represents a binary polynomial
+// as a vector of exponents with non-zero coefficients.
+// Examples
+// The matrix below represents the binary polynomial $1 + s + s^2 + s^4$
+// Implies output vector should be [1 1 1 0 1]
+// A=[0 1 2 4 ]
+// B=gfrepcov(A)
+// disp(B)
+// Also try A=[1 2 3 4 4] which is incorrect way of representing binary polynomial
+// See also
+// gfpretty
+// Authors
+// Pola Lakshmi Priyanka, IIT Bombay//
+//Input arguments
+[row_p, col_p] = size(p);
+// Error checking
+if ( isempty(p) | ndims(p)>2 | row_p > 1 )
+ error('comm:gfrepcov: P should be a vector');
+for j=1:col_p
+if (floor(p(1,j))~=p(1,j) | abs(p(1,j))~=p(1,j) )
+ error('comm:gfrepcov: Elements of the vector should be non negative integers');
+// Check if the given vector is in ascending order format, if not convert //
+if max(p) > 1
+// Check if P has any repetative elements.
+ if (length(unique(p))~=length(p))
+ error('comm:gfrepcov: Repeated elements in Vector');
+ end
+ q = zeros(1,max(p)+1);
+ q(p+1) = 1;
+ q = p;
diff --git a/macros/gftrunc.sci b/macros/gftrunc.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de0e6e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/gftrunc.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+function at=gftrunc(a)
+//This function is used to truncate the higher order zeroes in the given polynomial equation
+//Calling Sequence
+//A is considered to be matrix that gives the coefficients of polynomial GF(p) in ascending order powers
+//A = [1 2 3] denotes 1 + 2 x + 3 x^2
+//AT=GFTRUNC(A) returns a matrix which gives the polynomial GF(p) truncating the input matrix
+//that is if A(i)=0, where i > d + 1, where d is the degree of the polynomial, that zero is removed
+//A= [ 0 0 1 4 0 0] returns [0 0 1 4]
+//c = gftrunc([0 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 4 5 0 1 0 0])
+//See also
+//gfadd, gfconv, gfdeconv, gfsub, gftuple
+//Pola Lakshmi Priyanka, IIT Bombay//
+// Check number of input arguments
+if inpa~=1 then
+ error('comm:gftrunc: Invalid number of input arguments')
+if row_a~=1 then
+ error('comm:gftrunc: Input argument should be a row vector')
+ for j=1:col_a
+ if ( abs(a(1,j))~=a(1,j) | floor(a(1,j))~=a(1,j) )
+ error('comm:gftrunc:Elements Of A should be Positive Integers');
+ end
+ end
+for i=col_a:-1:1
+ if a(1,i)~=0 then
+ break;
+ else
+ at=[at(1:i-1)]
+ end
diff --git a/macros/iqcoef2imbal.sci b/macros/iqcoef2imbal.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c08c2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/iqcoef2imbal.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+function [Amp_Imb_DB, Ph_Imb_Deg] = iqcoef2imbal(Comp_Coef)
+// This function returns the amplitude imbalance and phase imbalance
+// that a given compensator coefficient will correct.
+// Calling sequence
+// Description
+// the amplitude imbalance and phase imbalance
+// that a given compensator coefficient will correct.
+// Comp_Coef is a scalar or a vector of complex numbers.
+// AMP_IMB_DB and PH_IMB_DEG are the amplitude imbalance in dB
+// and the phase imbalance in degrees.
+// Examples
+// [a_imb_db,ph_imb_deq] = iqcoef2imbal([4 2 complex(-0.1145,0.1297) complex(-0.0013,0.0029)])
+// disp(a_imb_db,'amplitude imbalance in dB =')
+// disp(ph_imb_deq,'phase imbalance in degrees=')
+// Bibliography
+// See also
+// iqimbal2coef
+// Authors
+// Pola Lakshmi Priyanka, IIT Bombay//
+//Input argument check
+if (inp_a > 1) | (out_a >2) then
+ error('comm:iqcoef2imbal: Invalid number of arguments')
+if (or(Comp_Coef==%nan) | or(Comp_Coef==%inf))
+ error('comm:iqcoef2imbal: Input arguments should be finte')
+Amp_Imb_DB = zeros(size(Comp_Coef));
+Ph_Imb_Deg = zeros(size(Comp_Coef));
+for i = 1:length(Comp_Coef)
+ if imag(Comp_Coef(i)) == 0 // To avoid division by zero
+ c = real(Comp_Coef(i));
+ if abs(c) <= 1
+ Amp_Imb_DB(i) = 20*log10((1-c)/(1+c));
+ Ph_Imb_Deg(i) = 0;
+ else
+ Amp_Imb_DB(i) = 20*log10((c+1)/(c-1));
+ Ph_Imb_Deg(i) = 180;
+ end
+ else
+ R11 = 1 + real(Comp_Coef(i));
+ R22 = 1 - real(Comp_Coef(i));
+ R21 = imag(Comp_Coef(i));
+ R12 = imag(Comp_Coef(i));
+ K0 = [R22 -R21; -R12 R11];
+ if R11 == 1
+ a = 0;
+ else
+ C1 = -K0(1,1)*K0(1,2) + K0(2,2)*K0(2,1);
+ C2 = K0(1,2)^2 + K0(2,1)^2 - K0(1,1)^2 - K0(2,2)^2;
+ if abs(Comp_Coef(i)) <= 1
+ a = (-C2 - sqrt(C2^2 + 4*C1^2))/(2*C1);
+ else
+ a = (-C2 + sqrt(C2^2 + 4*C1^2))/(2*C1);
+ end
+ end
+ K = K0 * [1 -a; a 1];
+ Amp_Imb_DB(i) = 20*log10(K(1,1)/K(2,2));
+ Ph_Imb_Deg(i) = -2*atan(K(2,1)/K(1,1))/%pi*180;
+ end
diff --git a/macros/iqimbal2coef.sci b/macros/iqimbal2coef.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2116ca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/iqimbal2coef.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+function Comp_Coef = iqimbal2coef(Amp_Imb_dB, Ph_Imb_Deg)
+// This function returns the I/Q imbalance compensator coefficient for given amplitude and phase imbalance.
+// Calling Sequence
+// Description
+// COMP_COEF = IQIMBAL2COEF(AMP_IMB_DB, PH_IMB_DEG) returns the I/Q imbalance
+// compensator coefficient for given amplitude and phase imbalance.
+// Comp_Coef is a scalar or a vector of complex numbers.
+// AMP_IMB_DB and PH_IMB_DEG are the amplitude imbalance in dB
+// and the phase imbalance in degrees and should be of same size.
+// Examples
+// [a_imb_db,ph_imb_deg] = iqcoef2imbal([4 2 complex(-0.1145,0.1297) complex(-0.0013,0.0029)])
+// disp(a_imb_db,'amplitude imbalance in dB =')
+// disp(ph_imb_deg,'phase imbalance in degrees=')
+// Comp_Coef = iqimbal2coef(a_imb_db, ph_imb_deg)
+// disp(Comp_Coef,'Compensator Coefficients=')
+// Bibliography
+// See also
+// iqcoef2imbal
+// Authors
+// Pola Lakshmi Priyanka, IIT Bombay//
+//Input argument check
+if (inp_a > 2) | (out_a > 1) then
+ error('comm:iqimbal2coef: Invalid number of arguments')
+if ( or(Comp_Coef==%nan) | or(Comp_Coef==%inf))
+ error('comm:iqimbal2coef: Input arguments should be finte')
+if ( size(Amp_Imb_dB) ~= size(Ph_Imb_Deg) ) then\
+ error('comm:iqimbal2coef: Input arguments should be of same size')
+Comp_Coef = complex(zeros(size(Amp_Imb_dB)));
+for i = 1:length(Amp_Imb_dB)
+ Igain = 10^(0.5*Amp_Imb_dB(i)/20);
+ Qgain = 10^(-0.5*Amp_Imb_dB(i)/20);
+ angle_i = -0.5*Ph_Imb_Deg(i)*%pi/180;
+ angle_q = %pi/2 + 0.5*Ph_Imb_Deg(i)*%pi/180;
+ K = [Igain*cos(angle_i) Qgain*cos(angle_q); ...
+ Igain*sin(angle_i) Qgain*sin(angle_q)];
+ R = inv(K);
+ w1r = (R(1,1)+R(2,2))/2;
+ w1i = (R(2,1)-R(1,2))/2;
+ w2r = (R(1,1)-R(2,2))/2;
+ w2i = (R(2,1)+R(1,2))/2;
+ w1 = w1r + complex(0,1) * w1i;
+ w2 = w2r + complex(0,1) * w2i;
+ Comp_Coef(i) = w2/w1;
diff --git a/macros/iscatastrophic.sci b/macros/iscatastrophic.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c54f19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/iscatastrophic.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+function result = iscatastrophic(trellis)
+// This function determines if a convolutional code is catastrophic or not
+// Calling Sequence
+// Description
+// RESULT = ISCATASTROPHIC(TRELLIS) returns 1 if the specified
+// trellis corresponds to a catastrophic convolutional code, else 0.
+// Examples
+// eg_1.numInputSymbols = 4;
+// eg_1.numOutputSymbols = 4;
+// eg_1.numStates = 3;
+// eg_1.nextStates = [0 1 2 1;0 1 2 1; 0 1 2 1];
+// eg_1.outputs = [0 0 1 1;1 1 2 1; 1 0 1 1];
+// res_t_eg_1=istrellis(eg_1)
+// res_c_eg_1=iscatastrophic(eg_1)
+// if (res_c_eg_1) then
+// disp('Example 1 is catastrophic')
+// else
+// disp('Example 1 is not catastrophic')
+// end
+// eg_2.numInputSymbols = 2;
+// eg_2.numOutputSymbols = 4;
+// eg_2.numStates = 2;
+// eg_2.nextStates = [0 0; 1 1 ]
+// eg_2.outputs = [0 0; 1 1];
+// res_t_eg_2=istrellis(eg_2)
+// res_c_eg_2=iscatastrophic(eg_2)
+// if (res_c_eg_2) then
+// disp('Example 2 is catastrophic')
+// else
+// disp('Example 2 is not catastrophic')
+// end
+// See also
+// istrellis
+// Authors
+// Pola Lakshmi Priyanka, IIT Bombay//
+// Check number of input arguments
+if inp_a~=1 then
+ error('comm:iscatastrophic: Invalid number of input arguments')
+if out_a>1 then
+ error('comm:iscatastrophic: Invalid number of output arguments')
+// Check if the input is a valid trellis
+if ~istrellis(trellis),
+ error('comm:iscatastrophic:Input should be a valid trellis structure.');
+result = 0;
+// Find indices of zeros in trellis structure
+[r_idx,c_idx] = find(trellis.outputs==0);
+//Find Connectivity matrix and check if it is catastrophic
+A = zeros(trellis.numStates,trellis.numStates);
+for k = 2:length(r_idx)
+ A(r_idx(k),trellis.nextStates(r_idx(k),c_idx(k))+1)=1;
+test = A;
+for i = 1:trellis.numStates
+ for j = 1:trellis.numStates
+ if test(j,j)==1
+ result = 1
+ end
+ end
+ if result==1
+ break
+ else
+ test = test*A;
+ end
diff --git a/macros/istrellis.sci b/macros/istrellis.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da8be0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/istrellis.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+function [isOk, status] = istrellis(S)
+// This function checks if the given input is of trellis structure
+// Calling Sequence
+// Description
+// [ISOK, STATUS] = ISTRELLIS(S) returns [T,''] if the given input is valid trellis structure. Otherwise ISOK is F and STATUS
+// indicates the reason for invalidity
+// Fields in trellis structure are
+// numInputSymbols, (number of input symbols)
+// numOutputSymbols, (number of output symbols)
+// numStates, (number of states)
+// nextStates, (next state matrix)
+// outputs, (output matrix)
+// Properties of the fields are as follows
+// numInputSymbols and numOutputSymbols should be a power of 2 (as data is represented in bits).
+// The 'nextStates' and 'outputs' fields are matrices of size 'numStates' x 'numInputSymbols' .
+// Each element in the 'nextStates' matrix and 'output' matrix is an integer value between zero and (numStates-1).
+// The (r,c) element of the 'nextStates' matrix and 'output' matrix,denotes the next state and output respectively when
+// the starting state is (r-1) and the input bits have decimal representation (c-1).
+// To convert to decimal value, use the first input bit as the most significant bit (MSB).
+// Examples
+// Valid trellis structure
+// trellis.numInputSymbols = 4;
+// trellis.numOutputSymbols = 4;
+// trellis.numStates = 3;
+// trellis.nextStates = [0 1 2 1;0 1 2 1; 0 1 2 1];
+// trellis.outputs = [0 0 1 1;1 1 2 1; 1 0 1 1];
+// [isok,status] = istrellis(trellis)
+// Inavlid trellis structure
+// trellis.numInputSymbols = 3;
+// trellis.numOutputSymbols = 3;
+// trellis.numStates = 3;
+// trellis.nextStates = [0 1 2 ;0 1 2 ; 0 1 2 ];
+// trellis.outputs = [0 0 1 ;1 1 2 ; 1 0 1 ];
+// [isok,status] = istrellis(trellis)
+// See also
+// iscatastrophic
+// Authors
+// Pola Lakshmi Priyanka, IIT Bombay//
+// Check arguments
+if (inp_a~=1 | out_a>2) then
+ error('comm:istrellis:Invalid number of arguments')
+status = '';
+// Check if input is a structure
+isOk = isstruct(S);
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis:Input is not a structure'));
+ return;
+// Check for valid field names
+names = fieldnames(S);
+numf = size(names, 1);
+actual = {'numInputSymbols';'numOutputSymbols';'numStates';'nextStates';'outputs'}
+isOk = (numf == 5) & isequal(gsort(names),gsort(actual));
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis:Structure is not of trellis type'));
+ return;
+// Check for number of Input Symbols.
+numInputSymbols = S.numInputSymbols;
+isOk = isequal(length(numInputSymbols), 1);
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis:Number of input symbols is not scalar'));
+ return;
+power = log2(numInputSymbols);
+isOk = isequal(power, double(int32(power)));
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis:Number of input symbols is not power of 2'));
+ return;
+// Check for number of Output Symbols.
+numOutputSymbols = S.numOutputSymbols;
+isOk = isequal(length(numOutputSymbols), 1);
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis:Number of output symbols is not scalar'));
+ return;
+power = log2(numOutputSymbols);
+isOk = isequal(power, double(int32(power)));
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis:Number of input symbols is not power of 2'));
+ return;
+//Check Number of states
+isOk = isequal(length(S.numStates), 1) & ...
+ isequal(S.numStates, double(int32(S.numStates)));
+if isOk then
+ isOk = S.numStates > 0;
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis:Number of states is not scalar positive integer'));
+ return;
+// Check nextStates
+nextStates = S.nextStates;
+numStates = S.numStates;
+// Check size of nextStates
+s = size(nextStates);
+isOk = ((length(s) == 2) & (s(1) == numStates) & (s(2) == numInputSymbols) & isequal(double(uint32(nextStates)), nextStates));
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis:Next states field matrix size is incorrect'));
+ return;
+//Check values of nextState
+isOk = isempty(find(nextStates >= numStates));
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis: Elements in next state must be in between 0 to numStates - 1'));
+ return;
+// Check outputs
+outputs = S.outputs;
+// check size of outputs
+s = size(outputs);
+isOk = ((length(s) == 2) & (s(1) == numStates) & (s(2)== numInputSymbols) );
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis:Outputs field matrix size is incorrect'));
+ return;
+//Check values of output
+decOutputs = oct2dec(string(outputs));
+isOk = isempty(find(decOutputs >= numOutputSymbols));
+if ~isOk then
+ status = string(('comm:trellis: Elements in output must be in between 0 to numStates - 1 '));
+ return;
diff --git a/macros/lteZadoffChuSeq.sci b/macros/lteZadoffChuSeq.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f4a6c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/lteZadoffChuSeq.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+function seq = lteZadoffChuSeq(R, N)
+// This function generates root Zadoff-Chu sequence of complex symbols as per LTE specifications.
+// Calling sequence
+// Description
+// SEQ = LTEZADOFFCHUSEQ(R, N) generates the Rth root Zadoff-Chu sequence (SEQ)
+// of length N.
+// Examples
+// seq1 = lteZadoffChuSeq(2, 3)
+// disp(seq1,'seq1')
+// Error should occur because inputs are not co primes
+// seq2 = lteZadoffChuSeq(25, 5)
+// disp(seq2,'seq2')
+// Bibliography
+// 3rd Generation Partnership Project, Technical Specification Group Radio
+// Access Network, Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA),
+// Physical channels and modulation, Release 10, 3GPP TS 36.211, v10.0.0,
+// 2010-12.
+// Authors
+// Pola Lakshmi Priyanka, IIT Bombay//
+//Input argument check
+if inp_a~=2 then
+ error('comm:lteZadoffChuSeq:Invalid number of input arguments')
+if out_a>1 then
+ error('comm:lteZadoffChuSeq:Invalid number of output arguments')
+// Error Check for input arguments
+if(~isscalar(R) | ~or(type(R)==[1 5 8]) | ~isreal(R) | R==%inf | R~=floor(R) | R<=0) then
+ error('comm:lteZadoffChuSeq: Input argument 1 should be a finite positive integer')
+if(~isscalar(N) | ~or(type(N)==[1 5 8]) | ~isreal(N) | N==%inf | N~=floor(N) | N<=0 | modulo(N,2)==0) then
+ error('comm:lteZadoffChuSeq:Input argument 2 is invalid')
+if(gcd(uint8([R N])) ~= 1) then
+ error('comm:lteZadoffChuSeq:Both the input arguments should be co primes')
+m = (0:N-1).';
+seq = exp( -complex(0,1) * %pi * R * m.*(m+1) / N );
diff --git a/macros/ssbdemod.sci b/macros/ssbdemod.sci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7271cf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/ssbdemod.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+function z = ssbdemod(y, Fc, Fs, varargin)
+// This function performs Single Side Band Amplitude Demodulation
+// Calling Sequence
+// Z = SSBDEMOD(Y,Fc,Fs)
+// Description
+// Z = SSBDEMOD(Y,Fc,Fs)
+// demodulates the single sideband amplitude modulated signal Y
+// with the carrier frequency Fc (Hz).
+// Sample frequency Fs (Hz). zero initial phase (ini_phase).
+// The modulated signal can be an upper or lower sideband signal.
+// A lowpass butterworth filter is used in the demodulation.
+// adds an extra argument the initial phase (rad) of the modulated signal.
+// adds extra arguments about the filter specifications
+// i.e., the numerator and denominator of the lowpass filter.
+// Fs must satisfy Fs >2*(Fc + BW), where BW is the bandwidth of the
+// modulating signal.
+// Examples
+// Fs =200;
+// t = [0:2*Fs+1]'/Fs;
+// ini_phase = 5;
+// Fc = 20;
+// fm1= 2;
+// fm2= 3
+// x =sin(2*fm1*%pi*t)+sin(2*fm2*%pi*t);
+// y = ssbmod(x,Fc,Fs,ini_phase);
+// o = ssbdemod(y,Fc,Fs,ini_phase);
+// z = fft(y);
+// zz =abs(z(1:length(z)/2+1 ));
+// axis = (0:Fs/length(zz):Fs -(Fs/length(zz)))/2;
+// figure
+// subplot(3,1,1); plot(x);
+// title(' Message signal');
+// subplot(3,1,2); plot(y);
+// title('Amplitude modulated signal');
+// subplot(3,1,3); plot(axis,zz);
+// title('Spectrum of amplitude modulated signal');
+// z1 =fft(o);
+// zz1 =abs(z1(1:length(z1)/2+1 ));
+// axis = (0:Fs/length(zz1):Fs -(Fs/length(zz1)))/2;
+// figure
+// subplot(3,1,1); plot(y);
+// title(' Modulated signal');
+// subplot(3,1,2); plot(o);
+// title('Demodulated signal');
+// subplot(3,1,3); plot(axis,zz1);
+// title('Spectrum of Demodulated signal');
+// See also
+// ssbmod
+// Authors
+// Pola Lakshmi Priyanka, IIT Bombay//
+// Check number of input arguments
+if(inpa > 6)
+ error("comm:ssbdemod:Too Many Input Arguments");
+//funcprot(0) //to protect the function
+//Check y,Fc, Fs.
+if(~isreal(y)| ~or(type(y)==[1 5 8]) )
+ error("comm:ssbdemod: Y must be real");
+if(~isreal(Fc) | ~isscalar(Fc) | Fc<=0 | ~or(type(Fc)==[1 5 8]) )
+ error("comm:ssbdemod:Fc must be Real, scalar, positive");
+if(~isreal(Fs) | ~isscalar(Fs) | Fs<=0 | ~or(type(Fs)==[1 5 8]) )
+ error("comm:ssbdemod:Fs must be Real, scalar, positive");
+// Check if Fs is greater than 2*Fc
+ error("comm:ssbdemod:Fs<2Fc:Nyquist criteria");
+// Check initial phase
+if(inpa<4 )
+ ini_phase = 0;
+ ini_phase = varargin(1);
+if(~isreal(ini_phase) | ~isscalar(ini_phase)| ~or(type(ini_phase)==[1 5 8]) )
+ error("comm:ssbdemod:Initial phase shoould be Real");
+// Filter specifications
+ H = iir(5,'lp','butt',[Fc/Fs,0],[0,0]);
+ num = coeff(H(2));
+ den = coeff(H(3));
+ num = num(length(num):-1:1);
+ den = den(length(den):-1:1);
+// Check that the numerator and denominator are valid, and come in a pair
+elseif( (inpa == 5) )
+ error("comm:ssbdemod:NumDenPair: Filter error :Two arguments required");
+// Check to make sure that both num and den have values
+elseif( bitxor( isempty(varargin(1)), isempty(varargin(2))))
+ error(message('comm:ssbdemod:Filter specifications'));
+elseif( isempty(varargin(1)) & isempty(varargin(2)) )
+ H = iir(7,'lp','butt',[Fc/Fs*2*%pi,0],[0,0]);
+ num = coeff(H(2));
+ den = coeff(H(3));
+ num = num(length(num):-1:1);
+ den = den(length(den):-1:1);
+ num = varargin(1);
+ den = varargin(2);
+// check if Y is one dimensional
+wid = size(y,1);
+if(wid ==1)
+ y = y(:);
+// Demodulation
+t = (0 : 1/Fs :(size(y,1)-1)/Fs)';
+t = t(:, ones(1, size(y, 2)));
+z = y .* cos(2*%pi * Fc * t + ini_phase);
+for i = 1 : size(z, 2)
+ z(:, i) = filter(num, den, z(:, i)) ;
+ z=z(length(z):-1:1)
+ z(:, i) = filter(num, den, z(:, i)) ;
+ z=z*-2;
+// restore the output signal to the original orientation
+if(wid == 1)
+ z = z';
+// End of function