path: root/webapp/documentation/
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1 files changed, 82 insertions, 0 deletions
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+# Xcos-on-Web Wires Connection
+#### @jiteshjha @pooja
+Track our progress on wires connection here on [xcos-on-web group](!searchin/xcos-on-web/authorname$3A$20Jitesh$20Jha).
+[Depends on mxGraph library, version, which can be found [here]( ]
+## Purpose
+ - One of the major feature of xcos-on-desktop is the connections between blocks.
+ - We used [wires.html]( example as the basic structure of our xcos-on-web application, with many additions explained below to closely resemble the connections possible on xcos-on-desktop.
+#### `mxConnectionHandler.prototype.movePreviewAway`
+ - Switch to enable moving the preview away from the mousepointer. This is required in browsers where the preview cannot be made transparent to events and if the built-in hit detection on the HTML elements in the page should be used. This is set as false in index.html.
+#### `mxConnectionHandler.prototype.waypointsEnabled`
+ - Specifies if single clicks should add waypoints on the new edge. This is set as true in index.html.
+#### `mxGraph.prototype.resetEdgesOnConnect`
+ - Specifies if edge control points should be reset after the the edge has been reconnected. This is set as true in index.html.
+#### `graph.setPanning(true)`
+ - Specifies if panning should be enabled.
+#### `graph.setConnectable(true)`
+ - Specifies if the graph should allow new connections.
+#### `setConnectableEdges(true)`
+ - Specifies if edges should be connectable.
+#### `setDisconnectOnMove(false)`
+ - Specifies if edges should be disconnected when moved. (Note: Cloned edges are always disconnected)
+#### `foldingEnabled = false`
+ - Specifies if folding. (collapse and expand via an image icon in the graph should be enabled)
+[**NOTE**: The following six functions are implemented from the [wires.html]( under javascript-example of [mxGraph]( ]
+### function `connectionHandlerIsStartEvent()`
+ - Starts connections on the background in wire-mode.
+ - function connectionHandlerMouseUp() depends on this function.
+### function `connectionHandlerMouseUp()`
+ - Avoids any connections for gestures within tolerance except when in wire-mode or when over a port.
+ - Responsible for the removal of self connections over an mxCell (edges or vertices) in wire-mode.
+### function `updateFixedTerminalPoint()`
+ - Updates connection points before the routing is called.
+ - Enables connection from any point on an edge.
+ - Without this function, default edge characteristics ( mid-point-specific connections only) come in play.
+### function `createEdgeState()`
+ - Overrides methods to preview and create new edges.
+ - Enables horizontal and vertical edges in preview state.
+ - Without this function, any connection from an edge will have it's source point and target point chosen based on the assumed center of a straight edge having source edge's source point and target point.
+### function `createMarker()`
+ - Adds in-place highlighting for complete cell area (no hotspot).
+ - Uses complete area of cell for new connections.
+ - Adds in-place highlighting when reconnecting existing edges.
+### function `WireConnector()`
+ - Creates a custom horizontal and vertical edge style.
+ - Without this function, the source and terminal of a connection from an source edge is assumed as if the source edge were an perpendicular connection.