path: root/src/js/util/mxUndoableEdit.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/js/util/mxUndoableEdit.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 168 deletions
diff --git a/src/js/util/mxUndoableEdit.js b/src/js/util/mxUndoableEdit.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 886c262..0000000
--- a/src/js/util/mxUndoableEdit.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
- * $Id: mxUndoableEdit.js,v 1.14 2010-09-15 16:58:51 gaudenz Exp $
- * Copyright (c) 2006-2010, JGraph Ltd
- */
- * Class: mxUndoableEdit
- *
- * Implements a composite undoable edit.
- *
- * Constructor: mxUndoableEdit
- *
- * Constructs a new undoable edit for the given source.
- */
-function mxUndoableEdit(source, significant)
- this.source = source;
- this.changes = [];
- this.significant = (significant != null) ? significant : true;
- * Variable: source
- *
- * Specifies the source of the edit.
- */
-mxUndoableEdit.prototype.source = null;
- * Variable: changes
- *
- * Array that contains the changes that make up this edit. The changes are
- * expected to either have an undo and redo function, or an execute
- * function. Default is an empty array.
- */
-mxUndoableEdit.prototype.changes = null;
- * Variable: significant
- *
- * Specifies if the undoable change is significant.
- * Default is true.
- */
-mxUndoableEdit.prototype.significant = null;
- * Variable: undone
- *
- * Specifies if this edit has been undone. Default is false.
- */
-mxUndoableEdit.prototype.undone = false;
- * Variable: redone
- *
- * Specifies if this edit has been redone. Default is false.
- */
-mxUndoableEdit.prototype.redone = false;
- * Function: isEmpty
- *
- * Returns true if the this edit contains no changes.
- */
-mxUndoableEdit.prototype.isEmpty = function()
- return this.changes.length == 0;
- * Function: isSignificant
- *
- * Returns <significant>.
- */
-mxUndoableEdit.prototype.isSignificant = function()
- return this.significant;
- * Function: add
- *
- * Adds the specified change to this edit. The change is an object that is
- * expected to either have an undo and redo, or an execute function.
- */
-mxUndoableEdit.prototype.add = function(change)
- this.changes.push(change);
- * Function: notify
- *
- * Hook to notify any listeners of the changes after an <undo> or <redo>
- * has been carried out. This implementation is empty.
- */
-mxUndoableEdit.prototype.notify = function() { };
- * Function: die
- *
- * Hook to free resources after the edit has been removed from the command
- * history. This implementation is empty.
- */
-mxUndoableEdit.prototype.die = function() { };
- * Function: undo
- *
- * Undoes all changes in this edit.
- */
-mxUndoableEdit.prototype.undo = function()
- if (!this.undone)
- {
- var count = this.changes.length;
- for (var i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- var change = this.changes[i];
- if (change.execute != null)
- {
- change.execute();
- }
- else if (change.undo != null)
- {
- change.undo();
- }
- }
- this.undone = true;
- this.redone = false;
- }
- this.notify();
- * Function: redo
- *
- * Redoes all changes in this edit.
- */
-mxUndoableEdit.prototype.redo = function()
- if (!this.redone)
- {
- var count = this.changes.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- var change = this.changes[i];
- if (change.execute != null)
- {
- change.execute();
- }
- else if (change.redo != null)
- {
- change.redo();
- }
- }
- this.undone = false;
- this.redone = true;
- }
- this.notify();