path: root/src/js/handler/mxVertexHandler.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/js/handler/mxVertexHandler.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 753 deletions
diff --git a/src/js/handler/mxVertexHandler.js b/src/js/handler/mxVertexHandler.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b12e27..0000000
--- a/src/js/handler/mxVertexHandler.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,753 +0,0 @@
- * $Id: mxVertexHandler.js,v 1.107 2012-11-20 09:06:07 gaudenz Exp $
- * Copyright (c) 2006-2010, JGraph Ltd
- */
- * Class: mxVertexHandler
- *
- * Event handler for resizing cells. This handler is automatically created in
- * <mxGraph.createHandler>.
- *
- * Constructor: mxVertexHandler
- *
- * Constructs an event handler that allows to resize vertices
- * and groups.
- *
- * Parameters:
- *
- * state - <mxCellState> of the cell to be resized.
- */
-function mxVertexHandler(state)
- if (state != null)
- {
- this.state = state;
- this.init();
- }
- * Variable: graph
- *
- * Reference to the enclosing <mxGraph>.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.graph = null;
- * Variable: state
- *
- * Reference to the <mxCellState> being modified.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.state = null;
- * Variable: singleSizer
- *
- * Specifies if only one sizer handle at the bottom, right corner should be
- * used. Default is false.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.singleSizer = false;
- * Variable: index
- *
- * Holds the index of the current handle.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.index = null;
- * Variable: allowHandleBoundsCheck
- *
- * Specifies if the bounds of handles should be used for hit-detection in IE
- * Default is true.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.allowHandleBoundsCheck = true;
- * Variable: crisp
- *
- * Specifies if the selection bounds and handles should be rendered in crisp
- * mode. Default is true.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.crisp = true;
- * Variable: handleImage
- *
- * Optional <mxImage> to be used as handles. Default is null.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.handleImage = null;
- * Variable: tolerance
- *
- * Optional tolerance for hit-detection in <getHandleForEvent>. Default is 0.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.tolerance = 0;
- * Function: init
- *
- * Initializes the shapes required for this vertex handler.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.init = function()
- this.graph = this.state.view.graph;
- this.selectionBounds = this.getSelectionBounds(this.state);
- this.bounds = new mxRectangle(this.selectionBounds.x, this.selectionBounds.y,
- this.selectionBounds.width, this.selectionBounds.height);
- this.selectionBorder = this.createSelectionShape(this.bounds);
- this.selectionBorder.dialect =
- (this.graph.dialect != mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG) ?
- mxConstants.DIALECT_VML : mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG;
- this.selectionBorder.init(this.graph.getView().getOverlayPane());
- // Event-transparency
- if (this.selectionBorder.dialect == mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG)
- {
- this.selectionBorder.node.setAttribute('pointer-events', 'none');
- }
- else
- {
- = '';
- }
- if (this.graph.isCellMovable(this.state.cell))
- {
- }
- mxEvent.redirectMouseEvents(this.selectionBorder.node, this.graph, this.state);
- // Adds the sizer handles
- if (mxGraphHandler.prototype.maxCells <= 0 ||
- this.graph.getSelectionCount() < mxGraphHandler.prototype.maxCells)
- {
- var resizable = this.graph.isCellResizable(this.state.cell);
- this.sizers = [];
- if (resizable || (this.graph.isLabelMovable(this.state.cell) &&
- this.state.width >= 2 && this.state.height >= 2))
- {
- var i = 0;
- if (resizable)
- {
- if (!this.singleSizer)
- {
- this.sizers.push(this.createSizer('nw-resize', i++));
- this.sizers.push(this.createSizer('n-resize', i++));
- this.sizers.push(this.createSizer('ne-resize', i++));
- this.sizers.push(this.createSizer('w-resize', i++));
- this.sizers.push(this.createSizer('e-resize', i++));
- this.sizers.push(this.createSizer('sw-resize', i++));
- this.sizers.push(this.createSizer('s-resize', i++));
- }
- this.sizers.push(this.createSizer('se-resize', i++));
- }
- var geo = this.graph.model.getGeometry(this.state.cell);
- if (geo != null && !geo.relative && !this.graph.isSwimlane(this.state.cell) &&
- this.graph.isLabelMovable(this.state.cell))
- {
- // Marks this as the label handle for getHandleForEvent
- this.labelShape = this.createSizer(mxConstants.CURSOR_LABEL_HANDLE,
- this.sizers.push(this.labelShape);
- }
- }
- else if (this.graph.isCellMovable(this.state.cell) && !this.graph.isCellResizable(this.state.cell) &&
- this.state.width < 2 && this.state.height < 2)
- {
- this.labelShape = this.createSizer(mxConstants.CURSOR_MOVABLE_VERTEX,
- null, null, mxConstants.LABEL_HANDLE_FILLCOLOR);
- this.sizers.push(this.labelShape);
- }
- }
- this.redraw();
- * Function: getSelectionBounds
- *
- * Returns the mxRectangle that defines the bounds of the selection
- * border.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.getSelectionBounds = function(state)
- return new mxRectangle(state.x, state.y, state.width, state.height);
- * Function: createSelectionShape
- *
- * Creates the shape used to draw the selection border.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.createSelectionShape = function(bounds)
- var shape = new mxRectangleShape(bounds, null, this.getSelectionColor());
- shape.strokewidth = this.getSelectionStrokeWidth();
- shape.isDashed = this.isSelectionDashed();
- shape.crisp = this.crisp;
- return shape;
- * Function: getSelectionColor
- *
- * Returns <mxConstants.VERTEX_SELECTION_COLOR>.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.getSelectionColor = function()
- return mxConstants.VERTEX_SELECTION_COLOR;
- * Function: getSelectionStrokeWidth
- *
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.getSelectionStrokeWidth = function()
- * Function: isSelectionDashed
- *
- * Returns <mxConstants.VERTEX_SELECTION_DASHED>.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.isSelectionDashed = function()
- return mxConstants.VERTEX_SELECTION_DASHED;
- * Function: createSizer
- *
- * Creates a sizer handle for the specified cursor and index and returns
- * the new <mxRectangleShape> that represents the handle.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.createSizer = function(cursor, index, size, fillColor)
- size = size || mxConstants.HANDLE_SIZE;
- var bounds = new mxRectangle(0, 0, size, size);
- var sizer = this.createSizerShape(bounds, index, fillColor);
- if (this.state.text != null && this.state.text.node.parentNode == this.graph.container)
- {
- sizer.bounds.height -= 1;
- sizer.bounds.width -= 1;
- sizer.dialect = mxConstants.DIALECT_STRICTHTML;
- sizer.init(this.graph.container);
- }
- else
- {
- sizer.dialect = (this.graph.dialect != mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG) ?
- mxConstants.DIALECT_VML : mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG;
- sizer.init(this.graph.getView().getOverlayPane());
- }
- mxEvent.redirectMouseEvents(sizer.node, this.graph, this.state);
- if (this.graph.isEnabled())
- {
- = cursor;
- }
- if (!this.isSizerVisible(index))
- {
- = 'hidden';
- }
- return sizer;
- * Function: isSizerVisible
- *
- * Returns true if the sizer for the given index is visible.
- * This returns true for all given indices.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.isSizerVisible = function(index)
- return true;
- * Function: createSizerShape
- *
- * Creates the shape used for the sizer handle for the specified bounds and
- * index.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.createSizerShape = function(bounds, index, fillColor)
- if (this.handleImage != null)
- {
- bounds.width = this.handleImage.width;
- bounds.height = this.handleImage.height;
- return new mxImageShape(bounds, this.handleImage.src);
- }
- else
- {
- var shape = new mxRectangleShape(bounds,
- fillColor || mxConstants.HANDLE_FILLCOLOR,
- shape.crisp = this.crisp;
- return shape;
- }
- * Function: createBounds
- *
- * Helper method to create an <mxRectangle> around the given centerpoint
- * with a width and height of 2*s or 6, if no s is given.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.moveSizerTo = function(shape, x, y)
- if (shape != null)
- {
- shape.bounds.x = x - shape.bounds.width / 2;
- shape.bounds.y = y - shape.bounds.height / 2;
- shape.redraw();
- }
- * Function: getHandleForEvent
- *
- * Returns the index of the handle for the given event. This returns the index
- * of the sizer from where the event originated or <mxEvent.LABEL_INDEX>.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.getHandleForEvent = function(me)
- if (me.isSource(this.labelShape))
- {
- return mxEvent.LABEL_HANDLE;
- }
- if (this.sizers != null)
- {
- // Connection highlight may consume events before they reach sizer handle
- var tol = this.tolerance;
- var hit = (this.allowHandleBoundsCheck && (mxClient.IS_IE || tol > 0)) ?
- new mxRectangle(me.getGraphX() - tol, me.getGraphY() - tol, 2 * tol, 2 * tol) : null;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.sizers.length; i++)
- {
- if (me.isSource(this.sizers[i]) || (hit != null &&
- this.sizers[i] != 'hidden' &&
- mxUtils.intersects(this.sizers[i].bounds, hit)))
- {
- return i;
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- * Function: mouseDown
- *
- * Handles the event if a handle has been clicked. By consuming the
- * event all subsequent events of the gesture are redirected to this
- * handler.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function(sender, me)
- if (!me.isConsumed() && this.graph.isEnabled() && !this.graph.isForceMarqueeEvent(me.getEvent()) &&
- (this.tolerance > 0 || me.getState() == this.state))
- {
- var handle = this.getHandleForEvent(me);
- if (handle != null)
- {
- this.start(me.getX(), me.getY(), handle);
- me.consume();
- }
- }
- * Function: start
- *
- * Starts the handling of the mouse gesture.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.start = function(x, y, index)
- var pt = mxUtils.convertPoint(this.graph.container, x, y);
- this.startX = pt.x;
- this.startY = pt.y;
- this.index = index;
- // Creates a preview that can be on top of any HTML label
- = 'hidden';
- this.preview = this.createSelectionShape(this.bounds);
- if (this.state.text != null && this.state.text.node.parentNode == this.graph.container)
- {
- this.preview.dialect = mxConstants.DIALECT_STRICTHTML;
- this.preview.init(this.graph.container);
- }
- else
- {
- this.preview.dialect = (this.graph.dialect != mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG) ?
- mxConstants.DIALECT_VML : mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG;
- this.preview.init(this.graph.view.getOverlayPane());
- }
- * Function: mouseMove
- *
- * Handles the event by updating the preview.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.mouseMove = function(sender, me)
- if (!me.isConsumed() && this.index != null)
- {
- var point = new mxPoint(me.getGraphX(), me.getGraphY());
- var gridEnabled = this.graph.isGridEnabledEvent(me.getEvent());
- var scale = this.graph.getView().scale;
- if (this.index == mxEvent.LABEL_HANDLE)
- {
- if (gridEnabled)
- {
- point.x = this.graph.snap(point.x / scale) * scale;
- point.y = this.graph.snap(point.y / scale) * scale;
- }
- this.moveSizerTo(this.sizers[this.sizers.length - 1], point.x, point.y);
- me.consume();
- }
- else if (this.index != null)
- {
- var dx = point.x - this.startX;
- var dy = point.y - this.startY;
- var tr = this.graph.view.translate;
- this.bounds = this.union(this.selectionBounds, dx, dy, this.index, gridEnabled, scale, tr);
- this.drawPreview();
- me.consume();
- }
- }
- // Workaround for disabling the connect highlight when over handle
- else if (this.getHandleForEvent(me) != null)
- {
- me.consume(false);
- }
- * Function: mouseUp
- *
- * Handles the event by applying the changes to the geometry.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.mouseUp = function(sender, me)
- if (!me.isConsumed() && this.index != null && this.state != null)
- {
- var point = new mxPoint(me.getGraphX(), me.getGraphY());
- var scale = this.graph.getView().scale;
- var gridEnabled = this.graph.isGridEnabledEvent(me.getEvent());
- var dx = (point.x - this.startX) / scale;
- var dy = (point.y - this.startY) / scale;
- this.resizeCell(this.state.cell, dx, dy, this.index, gridEnabled);
- this.reset();
- me.consume();
- }
- * Function: reset
- *
- * Resets the state of this handler.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.reset = function()
- this.index = null;
- if (this.preview != null)
- {
- this.preview.destroy();
- this.preview = null;
- }
- // Checks if handler has been destroyed
- if (this.selectionBorder != null)
- {
- this.selectionBounds = this.getSelectionBounds(this.state);
- = 'visible';
- this.bounds = new mxRectangle(this.selectionBounds.x, this.selectionBounds.y,
- this.selectionBounds.width, this.selectionBounds.height);
- this.drawPreview();
- }
- * Function: resizeCell
- *
- * Uses the given vector to change the bounds of the given cell
- * in the graph using <mxGraph.resizeCell>.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.resizeCell = function(cell, dx, dy, index, gridEnabled)
- var geo = this.graph.model.getGeometry(cell);
- if (index == mxEvent.LABEL_HANDLE)
- {
- var scale = this.graph.view.scale;
- dx = (this.labelShape.bounds.getCenterX() - this.startX) / scale;
- dy = (this.labelShape.bounds.getCenterY() - this.startY) / scale;
- geo = geo.clone();
- if (geo.offset == null)
- {
- geo.offset = new mxPoint(dx, dy);
- }
- else
- {
- geo.offset.x += dx;
- geo.offset.y += dy;
- }
- this.graph.model.setGeometry(cell, geo);
- }
- else
- {
- var bounds = this.union(geo, dx, dy, index, gridEnabled, 1, new mxPoint(0, 0));
- this.graph.resizeCell(cell, bounds);
- }
- * Function: union
- *
- * Returns the union of the given bounds and location for the specified
- * handle index.
- *
- * To override this to limit the size of vertex via a minWidth/-Height style,
- * the following code can be used.
- *
- * (code)
- * var vertexHandlerUnion = mxVertexHandler.prototype.union;
- * mxVertexHandler.prototype.union = function(bounds, dx, dy, index, gridEnabled, scale, tr)
- * {
- * var result = vertexHandlerUnion.apply(this, arguments);
- *
- * result.width = Math.max(result.width, mxUtils.getNumber(, 'minWidth', 0));
- * result.height = Math.max(result.height, mxUtils.getNumber(, 'minHeight', 0));
- *
- * return result;
- * };
- * (end)
- *
- * The minWidth/-Height style can then be used as follows:
- *
- * (code)
- * graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Hello,', 20, 20, 80, 30, 'minWidth=100;minHeight=100;');
- * (end)
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.union = function(bounds, dx, dy, index, gridEnabled, scale, tr)
- if (this.singleSizer)
- {
- var x = bounds.x + bounds.width + dx;
- var y = bounds.y + bounds.height + dy;
- if (gridEnabled)
- {
- x = this.graph.snap(x / scale) * scale;
- y = this.graph.snap(y / scale) * scale;
- }
- var rect = new mxRectangle(bounds.x, bounds.y, 0, 0);
- rect.add(new mxRectangle(x, y, 0, 0));
- return rect;
- }
- else
- {
- var left = bounds.x - tr.x * scale;
- var right = left + bounds.width;
- var top = bounds.y - tr.y * scale;
- var bottom = top + bounds.height;
- if (index > 4 /* Bottom Row */)
- {
- bottom = bottom + dy;
- if (gridEnabled)
- {
- bottom = this.graph.snap(bottom / scale) * scale;
- }
- }
- else if (index < 3 /* Top Row */)
- {
- top = top + dy;
- if (gridEnabled)
- {
- top = this.graph.snap(top / scale) * scale;
- }
- }
- if (index == 0 || index == 3 || index == 5 /* Left */)
- {
- left += dx;
- if (gridEnabled)
- {
- left = this.graph.snap(left / scale) * scale;
- }
- }
- else if (index == 2 || index == 4 || index == 7 /* Right */)
- {
- right += dx;
- if (gridEnabled)
- {
- right = this.graph.snap(right / scale) * scale;
- }
- }
- var width = right - left;
- var height = bottom - top;
- // Flips over left side
- if (width < 0)
- {
- left += width;
- width = Math.abs(width);
- }
- // Flips over top side
- if (height < 0)
- {
- top += height;
- height = Math.abs(height);
- }
- return new mxRectangle(left + tr.x * scale, top + tr.y * scale, width, height);
- }
- * Function: redraw
- *
- * Redraws the handles and the preview.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.redraw = function()
- this.selectionBounds = this.getSelectionBounds(this.state);
- this.bounds = new mxRectangle(this.selectionBounds.x, this.selectionBounds.y,
- this.selectionBounds.width, this.selectionBounds.height);
- if (this.sizers != null)
- {
- var s = this.state;
- var r = s.x + s.width;
- var b = s.y + s.height;
- if (this.singleSizer)
- {
- this.moveSizerTo(this.sizers[0], r, b);
- }
- else
- {
- var cx = s.x + s.width / 2;
- var cy = s.y + s.height / 2;
- if (this.sizers.length > 1)
- {
- this.moveSizerTo(this.sizers[0], s.x, s.y);
- this.moveSizerTo(this.sizers[1], cx, s.y);
- this.moveSizerTo(this.sizers[2], r, s.y);
- this.moveSizerTo(this.sizers[3], s.x, cy);
- this.moveSizerTo(this.sizers[4], r, cy);
- this.moveSizerTo(this.sizers[5], s.x, b);
- this.moveSizerTo(this.sizers[6], cx, b);
- this.moveSizerTo(this.sizers[7], r, b);
- this.moveSizerTo(this.sizers[8],
- cx + s.absoluteOffset.x,
- cy + s.absoluteOffset.y);
- }
- else if (this.state.width >= 2 && this.state.height >= 2)
- {
- this.moveSizerTo(this.sizers[0],
- cx + s.absoluteOffset.x,
- cy + s.absoluteOffset.y);
- }
- else
- {
- this.moveSizerTo(this.sizers[0], s.x, s.y);
- }
- }
- }
- this.drawPreview();
- * Function: drawPreview
- *
- * Redraws the preview.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.drawPreview = function()
- if (this.preview != null)
- {
- this.preview.bounds = this.bounds;
- if (this.preview.node.parentNode == this.graph.container)
- {
- this.preview.bounds.width = Math.max(0, this.preview.bounds.width - 1);
- this.preview.bounds.height = Math.max(0, this.preview.bounds.height - 1);
- }
- this.preview.redraw();
- }
- this.selectionBorder.bounds = this.bounds;
- this.selectionBorder.redraw();
- * Function: destroy
- *
- * Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
- */
-mxVertexHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
- if (this.preview != null)
- {
- this.preview.destroy();
- this.preview = null;
- }
- this.selectionBorder.destroy();
- this.selectionBorder = null;
- this.labelShape = null;
- if (this.sizers != null)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.sizers.length; i++)
- {
- this.sizers[i].destroy();
- this.sizers[i] = null;
- }
- }