path: root/src/js/handler/mxCellHighlight.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/js/handler/mxCellHighlight.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 271 deletions
diff --git a/src/js/handler/mxCellHighlight.js b/src/js/handler/mxCellHighlight.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f967f00..0000000
--- a/src/js/handler/mxCellHighlight.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
- * $Id: mxCellHighlight.js,v 1.25 2012-09-27 14:43:40 boris Exp $
- * Copyright (c) 2006-2010, JGraph Ltd
- */
- * Class: mxCellHighlight
- *
- * A helper class to highlight cells. Here is an example for a given cell.
- *
- * (code)
- * var highlight = new mxCellHighlight(graph, '#ff0000', 2);
- * highlight.highlight(graph.view.getState(cell)));
- * (end)
- *
- * Constructor: mxCellHighlight
- *
- * Constructs a cell highlight.
- */
-function mxCellHighlight(graph, highlightColor, strokeWidth)
- if (graph != null)
- {
- this.graph = graph;
- this.highlightColor = (highlightColor != null) ? highlightColor : mxConstants.DEFAULT_VALID_COLOR;
- this.strokeWidth = (strokeWidth != null) ? strokeWidth : mxConstants.HIGHLIGHT_STROKEWIDTH;
- // Updates the marker if the graph changes
- this.repaintHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
- {
- this.repaint();
- });
- this.graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.SCALE, this.repaintHandler);
- this.graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.TRANSLATE, this.repaintHandler);
- this.graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.SCALE_AND_TRANSLATE, this.repaintHandler);
- this.graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.repaintHandler);
- // Hides the marker if the current root changes
- this.resetHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
- {
- this.hide();
- });
- this.graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.DOWN, this.resetHandler);
- this.graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.UP, this.resetHandler);
- }
- * Variable: keepOnTop
- *
- * Specifies if the highlights should appear on top of everything
- * else in the overlay pane. Default is false.
- */
-mxCellHighlight.prototype.keepOnTop = false;
- * Variable: graph
- *
- * Reference to the enclosing <mxGraph>.
- */
-mxCellHighlight.prototype.graph = true;
- * Variable: state
- *
- * Reference to the <mxCellState>.
- */
-mxCellHighlight.prototype.state = null;
- * Variable: spacing
- *
- * Specifies the spacing between the highlight for vertices and the vertex.
- * Default is 2.
- */
-mxCellHighlight.prototype.spacing = 2;
- * Variable: resetHandler
- *
- * Holds the handler that automatically invokes reset if the highlight
- * should be hidden.
- */
-mxCellHighlight.prototype.resetHandler = null;
- * Function: setHighlightColor
- *
- * Sets the color of the rectangle used to highlight drop targets.
- *
- * Parameters:
- *
- * color - String that represents the new highlight color.
- */
-mxCellHighlight.prototype.setHighlightColor = function(color)
- this.highlightColor = color;
- if (this.shape != null)
- {
- if (this.shape.dialect == mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG)
- {
- this.shape.innerNode.setAttribute('stroke', color);
- }
- else if (this.shape.dialect == mxConstants.DIALECT_VML)
- {
- this.shape.node.strokecolor = color;
- }
- }
- * Function: drawHighlight
- *
- * Creates and returns the highlight shape for the given state.
- */
-mxCellHighlight.prototype.drawHighlight = function()
- this.shape = this.createShape();
- this.repaint();
- if (!this.keepOnTop && this.shape.node.parentNode.firstChild != this.shape.node)
- {
- this.shape.node.parentNode.insertBefore(this.shape.node, this.shape.node.parentNode.firstChild);
- }
- // Workaround to force a repaint in AppleWebKit
- if (this.graph.model.isEdge(this.state.cell))
- {
- mxUtils.repaintGraph(this.graph, this.shape.points[0]);
- }
- * Function: createShape
- *
- * Creates and returns the highlight shape for the given state.
- */
-mxCellHighlight.prototype.createShape = function()
- var shape = null;
- if (this.graph.model.isEdge(this.state.cell))
- {
- shape = new mxPolyline(this.state.absolutePoints,
- this.highlightColor, this.strokeWidth);
- }
- else
- {
- shape = new mxRectangleShape( new mxRectangle(),
- null, this.highlightColor, this.strokeWidth);
- }
- shape.dialect = (this.graph.dialect != mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG) ?
- mxConstants.DIALECT_VML : mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG;
- shape.init(this.graph.getView().getOverlayPane());
- mxEvent.redirectMouseEvents(shape.node, this.graph, this.state);
- return shape;
- * Function: repaint
- *
- * Updates the highlight after a change of the model or view.
- */
-mxCellHighlight.prototype.repaint = function()
- if (this.state != null && this.shape != null)
- {
- if (this.graph.model.isEdge(this.state.cell))
- {
- this.shape.points = this.state.absolutePoints;
- }
- else
- {
- this.shape.bounds = new mxRectangle(this.state.x - this.spacing, this.state.y - this.spacing,
- this.state.width + 2 * this.spacing, this.state.height + 2 * this.spacing);
- }
- // Uses cursor from shape in highlight
- if (this.state.shape != null)
- {
- this.shape.setCursor(this.state.shape.getCursor());
- }
- var alpha = (!this.graph.model.isEdge(this.state.cell)) ? Number([mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION] || '0') : 0;
- // Event-transparency
- if (this.shape.dialect == mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG)
- {
- this.shape.node.setAttribute('style', 'pointer-events:none;');
- if (alpha != 0)
- {
- var cx = this.state.getCenterX();
- var cy = this.state.getCenterY();
- var transform = 'rotate(' + alpha + ' ' + cx + ' ' + cy + ')';
- this.shape.node.setAttribute('transform', transform);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- = '';
- if (alpha != 0)
- {
- this.shape.node.rotation = alpha;
- }
- }
- this.shape.redraw();
- }
- * Function: hide
- *
- * Resets the state of the cell marker.
- */
-mxCellHighlight.prototype.hide = function()
- this.highlight(null);
- * Function: mark
- *
- * Marks the <markedState> and fires a <mark> event.
- */
-mxCellHighlight.prototype.highlight = function(state)
- if (this.state != state)
- {
- if (this.shape != null)
- {
- this.shape.destroy();
- this.shape = null;
- }
- this.state = state;
- if (this.state != null)
- {
- this.drawHighlight();
- }
- }
- * Function: destroy
- *
- * Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
- */
-mxCellHighlight.prototype.destroy = function()
- this.graph.getView().removeListener(this.repaintHandler);
- this.graph.getModel().removeListener(this.repaintHandler);
- this.graph.getView().removeListener(this.resetHandler);
- this.graph.getModel().removeListener(this.resetHandler);
- if (this.shape != null)
- {
- this.shape.destroy();
- this.shape = null;
- }