path: root/testing/SendLog/
diff options
authorAdhitya Kamakshidasan2016-11-04 12:58:48 +0530
committerGitHub2016-11-04 12:58:48 +0530
commite56ebbef304e4837359065efe197e823404a33c9 (patch)
tree60ea0bda8304875291381ad24e8565ab0ea61dfe /testing/SendLog/
parentf785feb9507c6c3d4c3ee9e601957b77280b36ea (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/SendLog/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/testing/SendLog/ b/testing/SendLog/
deleted file mode 100755
index 10c66ef..0000000
--- a/testing/SendLog/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-## Hrishi Hiraskar
-## 23 September 2016
-import gevent
-import time
-from gevent import monkey
-from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer
-from flask import Flask, request, Response, render_template
-app = Flask(__name__)
-# Delay time to look for new line (in s)
-# States of the line
-DATA = 2
-NOLINE = -1
-# List to store figure IDs
-figure_list = []
-class line_and_state:
- # Class to store the line and its state
- def __init__(self, line, state):
- self.line = None
- self.state = NOLINE
- def set(self, line_state):
- self.line = line_state[0]
- self.state = line_state[1]
- return False
- def get_line(self):
- return self.line
- def get_state(self):
- return self.state
-def parse_line(line):
- # Function to parse the line
- # Returns tuple of figure ID and state
- # state = INITIALIZATION if new figure is created
- # ENDING if current fig end
- # DATA otherwise
- line_words = line.split(' ')
- if line_words[0] == "Initialization":
- # New figure created
- # Get fig id
- figure_id = int(line_words[-1])
- return (figure_id, INITIALIZATION)
- elif line_words[0] == "Ending":
- # Current figure end
- # Get fig id
- figure_id = int(line_words[-1])
- return (figure_id, ENDING)
- else:
- # Current figure coordinates
- figure_id = int(line_words[2])
- return (figure_id, DATA)
-def get_line_and_state(file):
- # Function to get a new line from file
- # This also parses the line and appends new figures to figure List
- global figure_list
- line = file.readline()
- if not line:
- return (None, NOLINE)
- parse_result = parse_line(line)
- figure_id = parse_result[0]
- state = parse_result[1]
- if state == INITIALIZATION:
- # New figure created
- # Add figure ID to list
- figure_list.append(figure_id)
- return (None, INITIALIZATION)
- elif state == ENDING:
- # End of figure
- # Remove figure ID from list
- figure_list.remove(figure_id)
- return (None, ENDING)
- return (line, DATA)
-def event_stream():
- global figure_list
- # Log file directory
- log_dir = "../../bin/"
- # Log file name
- log_name = "scilab-log-0.txt"
- # Open the log file
- log_file = open(log_dir + log_name, "r")
- # Seek the file pointer to the end of file
- # 0 signifies the displacement index relative to given position and
- # 2 signifies the position (here, end of file; 0 is for start of file and 1 is for current position)
- # Refer for more
- # Start sending log
- line = line_and_state(None, NOLINE)
- while line.set(get_line_and_state(log_file)) or (line.get_state() != ENDING or len(figure_list) > 0):
- # Get the line and loop until the state is ENDING and figure_list empty
- if line.get_state() != DATA:
- gevent.sleep(LOOK_DELAY)
- else:
- yield "event: log\ndata: "+line.get_line()+"\n\n";
- # Finished Sending Log
- yield "event: DONE\ndata: None\n\n";
-def sse_request():
- # Set response method to event-stream
- return Response(event_stream(), mimetype='text/event-stream')
-def page():
- return render_template('index.html')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- # Set server address
- http_server = WSGIServer(('', 8001), app)
- http_server.serve_forever()