path: root/src/js/editor/mxDefaultToolbar.js
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authoradhitya2016-04-12 07:02:39 +0000
committeradhitya2016-04-12 07:02:39 +0000
commitdd83478e3fcaac98de690aa59e6288ad41a1c351 (patch)
tree38653bdf0ae95053f66777c4ac3fe5be5d8fbd33 /src/js/editor/mxDefaultToolbar.js
parent92f3207b50a1caca07df5c5b238212af3358905b (diff)
Keyboard shortcuts work properly
Diffstat (limited to 'src/js/editor/mxDefaultToolbar.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 567 deletions
diff --git a/src/js/editor/mxDefaultToolbar.js b/src/js/editor/mxDefaultToolbar.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f8f901..0000000
--- a/src/js/editor/mxDefaultToolbar.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,567 +0,0 @@
- * $Id: mxDefaultToolbar.js,v 1.67 2012-04-11 07:00:52 gaudenz Exp $
- * Copyright (c) 2006-2010, JGraph Ltd
- */
- * Class: mxDefaultToolbar
- *
- * Toolbar for the editor. This modifies the state of the graph
- * or inserts new cells upon mouse clicks.
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * Create a toolbar with a button to copy the selection into the clipboard,
- * and a combo box with one action to paste the selection from the clipboard
- * into the graph.
- *
- * (code)
- * var toolbar = new mxDefaultToolbar(container, editor);
- * toolbar.addItem('Copy', null, 'copy');
- *
- * var combo = toolbar.addActionCombo('More actions...');
- * toolbar.addActionOption(combo, 'Paste', 'paste');
- * (end)
- *
- * Codec:
- *
- * This class uses the <mxDefaultToolbarCodec> to read configuration
- * data into an existing instance. See <mxDefaultToolbarCodec> for a
- * description of the configuration format.
- *
- * Constructor: mxDefaultToolbar
- *
- * Constructs a new toolbar for the given container and editor. The
- * container and editor may be null if a prototypical instance for a
- * <mxDefaultKeyHandlerCodec> is created.
- *
- * Parameters:
- *
- * container - DOM node that contains the toolbar.
- * editor - Reference to the enclosing <mxEditor>.
- */
-function mxDefaultToolbar(container, editor)
- this.editor = editor;
- if (container != null &&
- editor != null)
- {
- this.init(container);
- }
- * Variable: editor
- *
- * Reference to the enclosing <mxEditor>.
- */
-mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.editor = null;
- * Variable: toolbar
- *
- * Holds the internal <mxToolbar>.
- */
-mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.toolbar = null;
- * Variable: resetHandler
- *
- * Reference to the function used to reset the <toolbar>.
- */
-mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.resetHandler = null;
- * Variable: spacing
- *
- * Defines the spacing between existing and new vertices in
- * gridSize units when a new vertex is dropped on an existing
- * cell. Default is 4 (40 pixels).
- */
-mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.spacing = 4;
- * Variable: connectOnDrop
- *
- * Specifies if elements should be connected if new cells are dropped onto
- * connectable elements. Default is false.
- */
-mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.connectOnDrop = false;
- * Variable: init
- *
- * Constructs the <toolbar> for the given container and installs a listener
- * that updates the <mxEditor.insertFunction> on <editor> if an item is
- * selected in the toolbar. This assumes that <editor> is not null.
- *
- * Parameters:
- *
- * container - DOM node that contains the toolbar.
- */
-mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.init = function(container)
- if (container != null)
- {
- this.toolbar = new mxToolbar(container);
- // Installs the insert function in the editor if an item is
- // selected in the toolbar
- this.toolbar.addListener(mxEvent.SELECT,
- mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, evt)
- {
- var funct = evt.getProperty('function');
- if (funct != null)
- {
- this.editor.insertFunction = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
- {
- funct.apply(this, arguments);
- this.toolbar.resetMode();
- });
- }
- else
- {
- this.editor.insertFunction = null;
- }
- })
- );
- // Resets the selected tool after a doubleclick or escape keystroke
- this.resetHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
- {
- if (this.toolbar != null)
- {
- this.toolbar.resetMode(true);
- }
- });
- this.editor.graph.addListener(mxEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, this.resetHandler);
- this.editor.addListener(mxEvent.ESCAPE, this.resetHandler);
- }
- * Function: addItem
- *
- * Adds a new item that executes the given action in <editor>. The title,
- * icon and pressedIcon are used to display the toolbar item.
- *
- * Parameters:
- *
- * title - String that represents the title (tooltip) for the item.
- * icon - URL of the icon to be used for displaying the item.
- * action - Name of the action to execute when the item is clicked.
- * pressed - Optional URL of the icon for the pressed state.
- */
-mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.addItem = function(title, icon, action, pressed)
- var clickHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
- {
- if (action != null && action.length > 0)
- {
- this.editor.execute(action);
- }
- });
- return this.toolbar.addItem(title, icon, clickHandler, pressed);
- * Function: addSeparator
- *
- * Adds a vertical separator using the optional icon.
- *
- * Parameters:
- *
- * icon - Optional URL of the icon that represents the vertical separator.
- * Default is <mxClient.imageBasePath> + '/separator.gif'.
- */
-mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.addSeparator = function(icon)
- icon = icon || mxClient.imageBasePath + '/separator.gif';
- this.toolbar.addSeparator(icon);
- * Function: addCombo
- *
- * Helper method to invoke <mxToolbar.addCombo> on <toolbar> and return the
- * resulting DOM node.
- */
-mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.addCombo = function()
- return this.toolbar.addCombo();
- * Function: addActionCombo
- *
- * Helper method to invoke <mxToolbar.addActionCombo> on <toolbar> using
- * the given title and return the resulting DOM node.
- *
- * Parameters:
- *
- * title - String that represents the title of the combo.
- */
-mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.addActionCombo = function(title)
- return this.toolbar.addActionCombo(title);
- * Function: addActionOption
- *
- * Binds the given action to a option with the specified label in the
- * given combo. Combo is an object returned from an earlier call to
- * <addCombo> or <addActionCombo>.
- *
- * Parameters:
- *
- * combo - DOM node that represents the combo box.
- * title - String that represents the title of the combo.
- * action - Name of the action to execute in <editor>.
- */
-mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.addActionOption = function(combo, title, action)
- var clickHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
- {
- this.editor.execute(action);
- });
- this.addOption(combo, title, clickHandler);
- * Function: addOption
- *
- * Helper method to invoke <mxToolbar.addOption> on <toolbar> and return
- * the resulting DOM node that represents the option.
- *
- * Parameters:
- *
- * combo - DOM node that represents the combo box.
- * title - String that represents the title of the combo.
- * value - Object that represents the value of the option.
- */
-mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.addOption = function(combo, title, value)
- return this.toolbar.addOption(combo, title, value);
- * Function: addMode
- *
- * Creates an item for selecting the given mode in the <editor>'s graph.
- * Supported modenames are select, connect and pan.
- *
- * Parameters:
- *
- * title - String that represents the title of the item.
- * icon - URL of the icon that represents the item.
- * mode - String that represents the mode name to be used in
- * <mxEditor.setMode>.
- * pressed - Optional URL of the icon that represents the pressed state.
- * funct - Optional JavaScript function that takes the <mxEditor> as the
- * first and only argument that is executed after the mode has been
- * selected.
- */
-mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.addMode = function(title, icon, mode, pressed, funct)
- var clickHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
- {
- this.editor.setMode(mode);
- if (funct != null)
- {
- funct(this.editor);
- }
- });
- return this.toolbar.addSwitchMode(title, icon, clickHandler, pressed);
- * Function: addPrototype
- *
- * Creates an item for inserting a clone of the specified prototype cell into
- * the <editor>'s graph. The ptype may either be a cell or a function that
- * returns a cell.
- *
- * Parameters:
- *
- * title - String that represents the title of the item.
- * icon - URL of the icon that represents the item.
- * ptype - Function or object that represents the prototype cell. If ptype
- * is a function then it is invoked with no arguments to create new
- * instances.
- * pressed - Optional URL of the icon that represents the pressed state.
- * insert - Optional JavaScript function that handles an insert of the new
- * cell. This function takes the <mxEditor>, new cell to be inserted, mouse
- * event and optional <mxCell> under the mouse pointer as arguments.
- * toggle - Optional boolean that specifies if the item can be toggled.
- * Default is true.
- */
-mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.addPrototype = function(title, icon, ptype, pressed, insert, toggle)
- // Creates a wrapper function that is in charge of constructing
- // the new cell instance to be inserted into the graph
- var factory = function()
- {
- if (typeof(ptype) == 'function')
- {
- return ptype();
- }
- else if (ptype != null)
- {
- return ptype.clone();
- }
- return null;
- };
- // Defines the function for a click event on the graph
- // after this item has been selected in the toolbar
- var clickHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt, cell)
- {
- if (typeof(insert) == 'function')
- {
- insert(this.editor, factory(), evt, cell);
- }
- else
- {
- this.drop(factory(), evt, cell);
- }
- this.toolbar.resetMode();
- mxEvent.consume(evt);
- });
- var img = this.toolbar.addMode(title, icon, clickHandler, pressed, null, toggle);
- // Creates a wrapper function that calls the click handler without
- // the graph argument
- var dropHandler = function(graph, evt, cell)
- {
- clickHandler(evt, cell);
- };
- this.installDropHandler(img, dropHandler);
- return img;
- * Function: drop
- *
- * Handles a drop from a toolbar item to the graph. The given vertex
- * represents the new cell to be inserted. This invokes <insert> or
- * <connect> depending on the given target cell.
- *
- * Parameters:
- *
- * vertex - <mxCell> to be inserted.
- * evt - Mouse event that represents the drop.
- * target - Optional <mxCell> that represents the drop target.
- */
-mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.drop = function(vertex, evt, target)
- var graph = this.editor.graph;
- var model = graph.getModel();
- if (target == null ||
- model.isEdge(target) ||
- !this.connectOnDrop ||
- !graph.isCellConnectable(target))
- {
- while (target != null &&
- !graph.isValidDropTarget(target, [vertex], evt))
- {
- target = model.getParent(target);
- }
- this.insert(vertex, evt, target);
- }
- else
- {
- this.connect(vertex, evt, target);
- }
- * Function: insert
- *
- * Handles a drop by inserting the given vertex into the given parent cell
- * or the default parent if no parent is specified.
- *
- * Parameters:
- *
- * vertex - <mxCell> to be inserted.
- * evt - Mouse event that represents the drop.
- * parent - Optional <mxCell> that represents the parent.
- */
-mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.insert = function(vertex, evt, target)
- var graph = this.editor.graph;
- if (graph.canImportCell(vertex))
- {
- var x = mxEvent.getClientX(evt);
- var y = mxEvent.getClientY(evt);
- var pt = mxUtils.convertPoint(graph.container, x, y);
- // Splits the target edge or inserts into target group
- if (graph.isSplitEnabled() &&
- graph.isSplitTarget(target, [vertex], evt))
- {
- return graph.splitEdge(target, [vertex], null, pt.x, pt.y);
- }
- else
- {
- return this.editor.addVertex(target, vertex, pt.x, pt.y);
- }
- }
- return null;
- * Function: connect
- *
- * Handles a drop by connecting the given vertex to the given source cell.
- *
- * vertex - <mxCell> to be inserted.
- * evt - Mouse event that represents the drop.
- * source - Optional <mxCell> that represents the source terminal.
- */
-mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.connect = function(vertex, evt, source)
- var graph = this.editor.graph;
- var model = graph.getModel();
- if (source != null &&
- graph.isCellConnectable(vertex) &&
- graph.isEdgeValid(null, source, vertex))
- {
- var edge = null;
- model.beginUpdate();
- try
- {
- var geo = model.getGeometry(source);
- var g = model.getGeometry(vertex).clone();
- // Moves the vertex away from the drop target that will
- // be used as the source for the new connection
- g.x = geo.x + (geo.width - g.width) / 2;
- g.y = geo.y + (geo.height - g.height) / 2;
- var step = this.spacing * graph.gridSize;
- var dist = model.getDirectedEdgeCount(source, true) * 20;
- if (this.editor.horizontalFlow)
- {
- g.x += (g.width + geo.width) / 2 + step + dist;
- }
- else
- {
- g.y += (g.height + geo.height) / 2 + step + dist;
- }
- vertex.setGeometry(g);
- // Fires two add-events with the code below - should be fixed
- // to only fire one add event for both inserts
- var parent = model.getParent(source);
- graph.addCell(vertex, parent);
- graph.constrainChild(vertex);
- // Creates the edge using the editor instance and calls
- // the second function that fires an add event
- edge = this.editor.createEdge(source, vertex);
- if (model.getGeometry(edge) == null)
- {
- var edgeGeometry = new mxGeometry();
- edgeGeometry.relative = true;
- model.setGeometry(edge, edgeGeometry);
- }
- graph.addEdge(edge, parent, source, vertex);
- }
- finally
- {
- model.endUpdate();
- }
- graph.setSelectionCells([vertex, edge]);
- graph.scrollCellToVisible(vertex);
- }
- * Function: installDropHandler
- *
- * Makes the given img draggable using the given function for handling a
- * drop event.
- *
- * Parameters:
- *
- * img - DOM node that represents the image.
- * dropHandler - Function that handles a drop of the image.
- */
-mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.installDropHandler = function (img, dropHandler)
- var sprite = document.createElement('img');
- sprite.setAttribute('src', img.getAttribute('src'));
- // Handles delayed loading of the images
- var loader = mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
- {
- // Preview uses the image node with double size. Later this can be
- // changed to use a separate preview and guides, but for this the
- // dropHandler must use the additional x- and y-arguments and the
- // dragsource which makeDraggable returns much be configured to
- // use guides via mxDragSource.isGuidesEnabled.
- = (2 * img.offsetWidth) + 'px';
- = (2 * img.offsetHeight) + 'px';
- mxUtils.makeDraggable(img, this.editor.graph, dropHandler,
- sprite);
- mxEvent.removeListener(sprite, 'load', loader);
- });
- if (mxClient.IS_IE)
- {
- loader();
- }
- else
- {
- mxEvent.addListener(sprite, 'load', loader);
- }
- * Function: destroy
- *
- * Destroys the <toolbar> associated with this object and removes all
- * installed listeners. This does normally not need to be called, the
- * <toolbar> is destroyed automatically when the window unloads (in IE) by
- * <mxEditor>.
- */
-mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.destroy = function ()
- if (this.resetHandler != null)
- {
- this.editor.graph.removeListener('dblclick', this.resetHandler);
- this.editor.removeListener('escape', this.resetHandler);
- this.resetHandler = null;
- }
- if (this.toolbar != null)
- {
- this.toolbar.destroy();
- this.toolbar = null;
- }