path: root/index.html
diff options
authorChhavi22082016-06-02 14:55:28 +0530
committerChhavi22082016-06-02 14:55:28 +0530
commitecd382ad3ad98423edf4790c21107d976064557e (patch)
tree9634f88fe4c2d0cc54fe33ac57718a3b7a65accd /index.html
parentc8bf66bb97d50e159135e63bda5c13b230cd5072 (diff)
parentd51ae668143e7481d796be575a7ece8a45cb0161 (diff)
Implement CONST_m and added Images
Diffstat (limited to 'index.html')
1 files changed, 1451 insertions, 1167 deletions
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index d393c65..4ba3077 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -1,1191 +1,1475 @@
- <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
- <meta content="utf-8" http-equiv="encoding">
- <title>Xcos</title>
- <style type="text/css" media="screen">
- BODY {
- font-family: Arial;
- }
- H1 {
- font-size: 18px;
- }
- H2 {
- font-size: 16px;
- }
- </style>
- <!-- Loads and initializes the library -->
- <script type="text/javascript" src="mxClient.min.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="editor/mxDefaultKeyHandler.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="handler/mxKeyHandler.js"></script>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery/jquery-ui.css">
- <script src="jquery/jquery-1.8.2.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="details.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="json2.js"></script>
- <!-- Example code -->
- <script type="text/javascript">
- // Program starts here. Creates a sample graph in the
- // DOM node with the specified ID. This function is invoked
- // from the onLoad event handler of the document (see below).
- function main(container, outline, toolbar, sidebar, status)
- {
- // Checks if the browser is supported
- if (!mxClient.isBrowserSupported())
- {
- // Displays an error message if the browser is not supported.
- mxUtils.error('Browser is not supported!', 200, false);
- }
- else
- {
- // Assigns some global constants for general behaviour, eg. minimum
- // size (in pixels) of the active region for triggering creation of
- // new connections, the portion (100%) of the cell area to be used
- // for triggering new connections, as well as some fading options for
- // windows and the rubberband selection.
- mxConstants.MIN_HOTSPOT_SIZE = 16;
- mxConstants.DEFAULT_HOTSPOT = 1;
- // Enables guides
- mxGraphHandler.prototype.guidesEnabled = true;
- // Alt disables guides
- mxGuide.prototype.isEnabledForEvent = function(evt)
- {
- return !mxEvent.isAltDown(evt);
- };
- // Enables snapping waypoints to terminals
- mxEdgeHandler.prototype.snapToTerminals = true;
- // Workaround for Internet Explorer ignoring certain CSS directives
- if (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS)
- {
- = 'hidden';
- new mxDivResizer(container);
- new mxDivResizer(outline);
- new mxDivResizer(toolbar);
- new mxDivResizer(sidebar);
- new mxDivResizer(status);
- }
- // Creates a wrapper editor with a graph inside the given container.
- // The editor is used to create certain functionality for the
- // graph, such as the rubberband selection, but most parts
- // of the UI are custom in this example.
- var editor = new mxEditor();
- var graph = editor.graph;
- var model = graph.getModel();
- // Disable highlight of cells when dragging from toolbar
- graph.setDropEnabled(false);
- // Uses the port icon while connections are previewed
- graph.connectionHandler.getConnectImage = function(state)
- {
- return new mxImage([mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE], 16, 16);
- };
- // Centers the port icon on the target port
- graph.connectionHandler.targetConnectImage = true;
- // Does not allow dangling edges
- graph.setAllowDanglingEdges(false);
- // Sets the graph container and configures the editor
- editor.setGraphContainer(container);
- //var config = mxUtils.load('config/editor-commons.xml').getDocumentElement();
- var config = mxUtils.load('config/keyhandler-commons.xml').getDocumentElement();
- editor.configure(config);
- // Disables drag-and-drop into non-swimlanes.
- graph.isValidDropTarget = function(cell, cells, evt)
- {
- return this.isSwimlane(cell);
- };
- // Disables drilling into non-swimlanes.
- graph.isValidRoot = function(cell)
- {
- return this.isValidDropTarget(cell);
- }
- // Does not allow selection of locked cells
- graph.isCellSelectable = function(cell)
- {
- return !this.isCellLocked(cell);
- };
- // Returns a shorter label if the cell is collapsed and no
- // label for expanded groups
- graph.getLabel = function(cell)
- {
- var tmp = mxGraph.prototype.getLabel.apply(this, arguments); // "supercall"
- if (this.isCellLocked(cell))
- {
- // Returns an empty label but makes sure an HTML
- // element is created for the label (for event
- // processing wrt the parent label)
- return '';
- }
- else if (this.isCellCollapsed(cell))
- {
- var index = tmp.indexOf('</h1>');
- if (index > 0)
- {
- tmp = tmp.substring(0, index+5);
- }
- }
- return tmp;
- }
+ <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
+ <meta content="utf-8" http-equiv="encoding">
+ <title>Xcos</title>
+ <style type="text/css" media="screen">
+ BODY {
+ font-family: Arial;
+ }
- // Disables HTML labels for swimlanes to avoid conflict
- // for the event processing on the child cells. HTML
- // labels consume events before underlying cells get the
- // chance to process those events.
- //
- // NOTE: Use of HTML labels is only recommended if the specific
- // features of such labels are required, such as special label
- // styles or interactive form fields. Otherwise non-HTML labels
- // should be used by not overidding the following function.
- // See also: configureStylesheet.
- graph.isHtmlLabel = function(cell)
- {
- return !this.isSwimlane(cell);
- }
- // To disable the folding icon, use the following code:
- graph.isCellFoldable = function(cell)
- {
- return false;
- }
- // Shows a "modal" window when double clicking a vertex.
- graph.dblClick = function(evt, cell)
- {
- // Do not fire a DOUBLE_CLICK event here as mxEditor will
- // consume the event and start the in-place editor.
- if (this.isEnabled() &&
- !mxEvent.isConsumed(evt) &&
- cell != null &&
- this.isCellEditable(cell))
- {
- if (!this.isHtmlLabel(cell))
- {
- this.startEditingAtCell(cell);
- }
- else
- {
- var content = document.createElement('div');
- content.innerHTML = this.convertValueToString(cell);
- showModalWindow(this, 'Properties', content, 400, 300);
- }
- }
- // Disables any default behaviour for the double click
- mxEvent.consume(evt);
- };
- graph.getTooltipForCell = function(cell){
- var text = null;
- // If cell is a block or port
- if(cell.source == null && == null) {
- if(cell.connectable) { // Cell is a port
- // @ToDo: Port Number
- text = 'Style : '+ + "\n";
- }
- else{ //Cell is a block
- // @ToDo: Block Name, Simulation, Flip, Mirror
- // @ToDo: Number of Input, Output, Control, Command Ports
- var geometry = cell.getGeometry();
- text = 'UID : '+ + "\n" +
- 'Style : '+ + "\n" +
- 'x : '+ geometry.x + "\n" +
- 'y : '+ geometry.y + "\n" +
- 'w : '+ geometry.width + "\n" +
- 'h : '+ geometry.height + "\n";
- }
- }
- return text;
- };
- // Create XML tags!
- // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- //
- // Uncomment this block to see XML tags work
- /*graph.convertValueToString = function(cell)
- {
- if (mxUtils.isNode(cell.value))
- {
- return cell.getAttribute('label', '');
- }
- };*/
- var cellLabelChanged = graph.cellLabelChanged;
- graph.cellLabelChanged = function(cell, newValue, autoSize)
- {
- if (mxUtils.isNode(cell.value))
- {
- // Clones the value for correct undo/redo
- var elt = cell.value.cloneNode(true);
- elt.setAttribute('label', newValue);
- newValue = elt;
- }
- cellLabelChanged.apply(this, arguments);
- };
+ H1 {
+ font-size: 18px;
+ }
- // Enables new connections
- graph.setConnectable(true);
+ H2 {
+ font-size: 16px;
+ }
+ </style>
- // Adds all required styles to the graph (see below)
- configureStylesheet(graph);
+ <!-- Loads and initializes the library -->
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="mxClient.min.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="editor/mxDefaultKeyHandler.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="handler/mxKeyHandler.js"></script>
- // Adds sidebar icons.
- addIcons(graph,sidebar);
- // Creates a new DIV that is used as a toolbar and adds
- // toolbar buttons.
- var spacer = document.createElement('div');
- = 'inline';
- = '8px';
- // Defines a new export action
- editor.addAction('toggle', function(editor, cell)
- {
- var toggle = document.getElementById("toggleBlocks");
- var button = document.getElementById("toggle");
- button.innerHTML = '';
- if(toggle.innerHTML == 'Expand All'){
- createButtonImage(button, 'images/navigate_plus.png');
- }
- else if(toggle.innerHTML == 'Collapse All'){
- createButtonImage(button, 'images/navigate_minus.png');
- }
- var titleName = document.createTextNode(toggle.innerHTML);
- button.appendChild(titleName);
- });
- addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'toggle', 'Expand All', 'images/navigate_plus.png');
- toolbar.appendChild(spacer.cloneNode(true));
- addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'delete', 'Delete', 'images/delete2.png');
- toolbar.appendChild(spacer.cloneNode(true));
- addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'cut', 'Cut', 'images/cut.png');
- addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'copy', 'Copy', 'images/copy.png');
- addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'paste', 'Paste', 'images/paste.png');
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery/jquery-ui.css">
+ <script src="jquery/jquery-1.8.2.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="details.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="json2.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ function main(container, outline, toolbar, sidebar, status) {
+ // Checks if the browser is supported
+ if (!mxClient.isBrowserSupported()) {
+ // Displays an error message if the browser is not supported.
+ mxUtils.error('Browser is not supported!', 200, false);
+ } else {
+ // If connect preview is not moved away then getCellAt is used to detect the cell under
+ // the mouse if the mouse is over the preview shape in IE (no event transparency), ie.
+ // the built-in hit-detection of the HTML document will not be used in this case.
+ mxConnectionHandler.prototype.movePreviewAway = false;
+ mxConnectionHandler.prototype.waypointsEnabled = true;
+ mxGraph.prototype.resetEdgesOnConnect = false;
- toolbar.appendChild(spacer.cloneNode(true));
- addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'undo', '', 'images/undo.png');
- addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'redo', '', 'images/redo.png');
- toolbar.appendChild(spacer.cloneNode(true));
- addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'show', 'Show', 'images/camera.png');
- addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'print', 'Print', 'images/printer.png');
- toolbar.appendChild(spacer.cloneNode(true));
- // Defines a new export action
- editor.addAction('export', function(editor, cell)
- {
- var textarea = document.createElement('textarea');
- = '400px';
- = '400px';
- var enc = new mxCodec(mxUtils.createXmlDocument());
- var node = enc.encode(editor.graph.getModel());
- //alert(mxUtils.getPrettyXml(node));
- textarea.value = mxUtils.getPrettyXml(node);
- showModalWindow(graph, 'XML', textarea, 410, 440);
- });
- addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'export', 'Export', 'images/export1.png');
- // Adds toolbar buttons into the status bar at the bottom
- // of the window.
+ // Enables guides
+ mxGraphHandler.prototype.guidesEnabled = true;
- addToolbarButton(editor, status, 'zoomIn', '', 'images/zoom_in.png', true);
- addToolbarButton(editor, status, 'zoomOut', '', 'images/zoom_out.png', true);
- addToolbarButton(editor, status, 'actualSize', '', 'images/view_1_1.png', true);
- addToolbarButton(editor, status, 'fit', '', 'images/fit_to_size.png', true);
- // Creates the outline (navigator, overview) for moving
- // around the graph in the top, right corner of the window.
- var outln = new mxOutline(graph, outline);
+ // Alt disables guides
+ mxGuide.prototype.isEnabledForEvent = function(evt) {
+ return !mxEvent.isAltDown(evt);
+ };
- // To show the images in the outline, uncomment the following code
- //outln.outline.labelsVisible = true;
- //outln.outline.setHtmlLabels(true);
- // Fades-out the splash screen after the UI has been loaded.
- var splash = document.getElementById('splash');
- if (splash != null)
- {
- try
- {
- mxEvent.release(splash);
- mxEffects.fadeOut(splash, 100, true);
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- // mxUtils is not available (library not loaded)
- splash.parentNode.removeChild(splash);
- }
- }
- // Handles cursor keys - guides.html
- var nudge = function(keyCode){
- graph.container.focus();
- if (!graph.isSelectionEmpty()){
- var dx = 0;
- var dy = 0;
- if (keyCode == 37){
- dx = -1;
- }
- else if (keyCode == 38){
- dy = -1;
- }
- else if (keyCode == 39){
- dx = 1;
- }
- else if (keyCode == 40){
- dy = 1;
- }
- graph.moveCells(graph.getSelectionCells(), dx, dy);
- }
- };
- // Transfer initial focus to graph container for keystroke handling
- //graph.container.focus();
- // Handles keystroke events
- var keyHandler = new mxKeyHandler(graph);
- keyHandler.bindKey(37, function(){
- nudge(37);
- });
- keyHandler.bindKey(38, function(){
- nudge(38);
- });
- keyHandler.bindKey(39, function(){
- nudge(39);
- });
- keyHandler.bindKey(40, function(){
- nudge(40);
- });
- }
- }
- function createButtonImage(button, image){
- if (image != null)
- {
- var img = document.createElement('img');
- img.setAttribute('src', image);
- = '16px';
- = '16px';
- = 'middle';
- = '2px';
- button.appendChild(img);
- }
- }
- function addIcons(graph, sidebar){
- var req = mxUtils.load('palettes/palettes.xml');
- var root = req.getDocumentElement();
- var x = root.getElementsByTagName('node')[0];
- var categories = x.getElementsByTagName('node');
- for (var i = 0, nodeLength = categories.length; i < nodeLength; i++) {
- var categoryName = categories[i].getAttribute('name');
- var title = document.createElement('h3');
- title.setAttribute('class', 'accordion-header ui-accordion-header ui-helper-reset ui-state-default ui-accordion-icons ui-corner-all');
- var span = document.createElement('span');
- span.setAttribute('class', 'ui-accordion-header-icon ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-e');
- var titleName = document.createTextNode(categoryName);
- title.appendChild(span);
- title.appendChild(titleName);
- sidebar.appendChild(title);
- var newImages = document.createElement('div');
- newImages.setAttribute('class', 'ui-accordion-content ui-helper-reset ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom');
- var blocks = categories[i].getElementsByTagName('block');
- for (var j = 0, blockLength = blocks.length; j < blockLength; j++) {
- var name = blocks[j].getAttribute('name');
- var icon = blocks[j].getElementsByTagName('icon')[0];
- var iconPath = icon.getAttribute('path');
- addSidebarIcon(graph, newImages, name, iconPath);
- }
- sidebar.appendChild(newImages);
- }
- }
- function getImgHTML(name){
- return '<img src="'+'blocks/'+name+'.svg'+'" height="80" width="80">';
- }
- function addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, action, label, image, isTransparent)
- {
- var button = document.createElement('button');
- = '10';
- createButtonImage(button, image);
- if (isTransparent)
- {
- = 'transparent';
- = '#FFFFFF';
- = 'none';
- }
- mxEvent.addListener(button, 'click', function(evt)
- {
- editor.execute(action);
- });
- mxUtils.write(button, label);
- button.setAttribute('id',action);
- toolbar.appendChild(button);
- };
- function showModalWindow(graph, title, content, width, height)
- {
- var background = document.createElement('div');
- = 'absolute';
- = '0px';
- = '0px';
- = '0px';
- = '0px';
- = 'black';
- mxUtils.setOpacity(background, 50);
- document.body.appendChild(background);
- if (mxClient.IS_IE)
- {
- new mxDivResizer(background);
- }
- var x = Math.max(0, document.body.scrollWidth/2-width/2);
- var y = Math.max(10, (document.body.scrollHeight || document.documentElement.scrollHeight)/2-height*2/3);
- var wnd = new mxWindow(title, content, x, y, width, height, false, true);
- wnd.setClosable(true);
- // Fades the background out after after the window has been closed
- wnd.addListener(mxEvent.DESTROY, function(evt)
- {
- graph.setEnabled(true);
- mxEffects.fadeOut(background, 50, true, 10, 30, true);
- });
- graph.setEnabled(false);
- graph.tooltipHandler.hide();
- wnd.setVisible(true);
- };
- function addSidebarIcon(graph, sidebar, name, image)
- {
- // Function that is executed when the image is dropped on
- // the graph. The cell argument points to the cell under
- // the mousepointer if there is one.
- var funct = function(graph, evt, cell, x, y)
- {
- var parent = graph.getDefaultParent();
- var model = graph.getModel();
- var v1 = null;
- var doc = mxUtils.createXmlDocument();
- model.beginUpdate();
- try
- {
- var label = getImgHTML(name); // Will not exist for all blocks
- if(name == 'ANDBLK'){
- var Object = {
- style: "ANDBLK",
- simulationFunctionName: "csuper",
- simulationFunctionType: "DEFAULT",
- blockType: "h",
- interfaceFunctionName: "ANDBLK"
- };
- /*
- var details = doc.createElement('BasicBlock');
- details.setAttribute('name', name);
- details.setAttribute('label', label);
- */
- var obj = new BasicBlock(Object); // This isn't even the right function!
+ // Enables snapping waypoints to terminals
+ mxEdgeHandler.prototype.snapToTerminals = true;
+ // Assigns some global constants for general behaviour, eg. minimum
+ // size (in pixels) of the active region for triggering creation of
+ // new connections, the portion (100%) of the cell area to be used
+ // for triggering new connections, as well as some fading options for
+ // windows and the rubberband selection.
+ mxConstants.MIN_HOTSPOT_SIZE = 16;
+ mxConstants.DEFAULT_HOTSPOT = 1;
+ // Workaround for Internet Explorer ignoring certain CSS directives
+ if (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS) {
+ = 'hidden';
+ new mxDivResizer(container);
+ new mxDivResizer(outline);
+ new mxDivResizer(toolbar);
+ new mxDivResizer(sidebar);
+ new mxDivResizer(status);
+ }
+ // Creates a wrapper editor with a graph inside the given container.
+ // The editor is used to create certain functionality for the
+ // graph, such as the rubberband selection, but most parts
+ // of the UI are custom in this example.
+ var editor = new mxEditor();
+ var graph = editor.graph;
+ var model = graph.getModel();
+ graph.setPanning(true);
+ graph.setConnectable(true);
+ graph.setConnectableEdges(true);
+ graph.setDisconnectOnMove(false);
+ graph.foldingEnabled = false;
+ // Disable highlight of cells when dragging from toolbar
+ graph.setDropEnabled(false);
+ // Centers the port icon on the target port
+ graph.connectionHandler.targetConnectImage = true;
+ // Does not allow dangling edges
+ graph.setAllowDanglingEdges(false);
+ // Sets the graph container and configures the editor
+ editor.setGraphContainer(container);
+ //var config = mxUtils.load('config/editor-commons.xml').getDocumentElement();
+ var config = mxUtils.load('config/keyhandler-commons.xml').getDocumentElement();
+ editor.configure(config);
+ // Disables drag-and-drop into non-swimlanes.
+ graph.isValidDropTarget = function(cell, cells, evt) {
+ return this.isSwimlane(cell);
+ };
+ // Disables drilling into non-swimlanes.
+ graph.isValidRoot = function(cell) {
+ return this.isValidDropTarget(cell);
+ }
+ // Does not allow selection of locked cells
+ graph.isCellSelectable = function(cell) {
+ return !this.isCellLocked(cell);
+ };
+ // Returns a shorter label if the cell is collapsed and no
+ // label for expanded groups
+ graph.getLabel = function(cell) {
+ var tmp = mxGraph.prototype.getLabel.apply(this, arguments); // "supercall"
+ if (this.isCellLocked(cell)) {
+ // Returns an empty label but makes sure an HTML
+ // element is created for the label (for event
+ // processing wrt the parent label)
+ return '';
+ } else if (this.isCellCollapsed(cell)) {
+ var index = tmp.indexOf('</h1>');
+ if (index > 0) {
+ tmp = tmp.substring(0, index + 5);
+ }
+ }
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ // Disables HTML labels for swimlanes to avoid conflict
+ // for the event processing on the child cells. HTML
+ // labels consume events before underlying cells get the
+ // chance to process those events.
+ //
+ // NOTE: Use of HTML labels is only recommended if the specific
+ // features of such labels are required, such as special label
+ // styles or interactive form fields. Otherwise non-HTML labels
+ // should be used by not overidding the following function.
+ // See also: configureStylesheet.
+ graph.isHtmlLabel = function(cell) {
+ return !this.isSwimlane(cell);
+ }
+ // To disable the folding icon, use the following code:
+ graph.isCellFoldable = function(cell) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Shows a "modal" window when double clicking a vertex.
+ graph.dblClick = function(evt, cell) {
+ // Do not fire a DOUBLE_CLICK event here as mxEditor will
+ // consume the event and start the in-place editor.
+ if (this.isEnabled() &&
+ !mxEvent.isConsumed(evt) &&
+ cell != null &&
+ this.isCellEditable(cell)) {
+ if (!this.isHtmlLabel(cell)) {
+ this.startEditingAtCell(cell);
+ } else {
+ /*
+ var content = document.createElement('div');
+ content.innerHTML = this.convertValueToString(cell);
+ showModalWindow(this, 'Properties', content, 400, 300);*/
+ showPropertiesWindow(graph);
+ }
+ }
+ // Disables any default behaviour for the double click
+ mxEvent.consume(evt);
+ };
+ graph.getTooltipForCell = function(cell) {
+ var text = null;
+ // If cell is a block or port
+ if (cell.source == null && == null) {
+ if (cell.connectable) { // Cell is a port
+ // @ToDo: Port Number
+ text = 'Style : ' + + "\n";
+ } else { //Cell is a block
+ // @ToDo: Block Name, Simulation, Flip, Mirror
+ // @ToDo: Number of Input, Output, Control, Command Ports
+ var geometry = cell.getGeometry();
+ text = 'UID : ' + + "\n" +
+ 'Style : ' + + "\n" +
+ 'x : ' + geometry.x + "\n" +
+ 'y : ' + geometry.y + "\n" +
+ 'w : ' + geometry.width + "\n" +
+ 'h : ' + geometry.height + "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return text;
+ };
+ // Create XML tags!
+ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
+ //
+ // Uncomment this block to see XML tags work
+ graph.convertValueToString = function(cell)
+ {
+ if (mxUtils.isNode(cell.value))
+ {
+ return cell.getAttribute('label', '');
+ }
+ };
+ var cellLabelChanged = graph.cellLabelChanged;
+ graph.cellLabelChanged = function(cell, newValue, autoSize) {
+ if (mxUtils.isNode(cell.value)) {
+ // Clones the value for correct undo/redo
+ var elt = cell.value.cloneNode(true);
+ elt.setAttribute('label', newValue);
+ newValue = elt;
+ }
+ cellLabelChanged.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ // Enables new connections
+ graph.setConnectable(true);
+ // Adds all required styles to the graph (see below)
+ configureStylesheet(graph);
+ // Adds sidebar icons.
+ addIcons(graph, sidebar);
+ // Creates a new DIV that is used as a toolbar and adds
+ // toolbar buttons.
+ var spacer = document.createElement('div');
+ = 'inline';
+ = '8px';
+ // Defines a new export action
+ editor.addAction('toggle', function(editor, cell) {
+ var toggle = document.getElementById("toggleBlocks");
+ var button = document.getElementById("toggle");
+ button.innerHTML = '';
+ if (toggle.innerHTML == 'Expand All') {
+ createButtonImage(button, 'images/navigate_plus.png');
+ } else if (toggle.innerHTML == 'Collapse All') {
+ createButtonImage(button, 'images/navigate_minus.png');
+ }
+ var titleName = document.createTextNode(toggle.innerHTML);
+ button.appendChild(titleName);
+ });
+ addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'toggle', 'Expand All', 'images/navigate_plus.png');
+ toolbar.appendChild(spacer.cloneNode(true));
+ addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'delete', 'Delete', 'images/delete2.png');
+ toolbar.appendChild(spacer.cloneNode(true));
+ addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'cut', 'Cut', 'images/cut.png');
+ addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'copy', 'Copy', 'images/copy.png');
+ addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'paste', 'Paste', 'images/paste.png');
+ toolbar.appendChild(spacer.cloneNode(true));
+ addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'undo', '', 'images/undo.png');
+ addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'redo', '', 'images/redo.png');
+ toolbar.appendChild(spacer.cloneNode(true));
+ addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'show', 'Show', 'images/camera.png');
+ addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'print', 'Print', 'images/printer.png');
+ toolbar.appendChild(spacer.cloneNode(true));
+ // Defines a new export action
+ editor.addAction('export', function(editor, cell) {
+ var textarea = document.createElement('textarea');
+ = '400px';
+ = '400px';
+ var enc = new mxCodec(mxUtils.createXmlDocument());
+ var node = enc.encode(editor.graph.getModel());
+ textarea.value = mxUtils.getPrettyXml(node);
+ showModalWindow(graph, 'XML', textarea, 410, 440);
+ });
+ addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'export', 'Export', 'images/export1.png');
+ // Adds toolbar buttons into the status bar at the bottom
+ // of the window.
+ addToolbarButton(editor, status, 'zoomIn', '', 'images/zoom_in.png', true);
+ addToolbarButton(editor, status, 'zoomOut', '', 'images/zoom_out.png', true);
+ addToolbarButton(editor, status, 'actualSize', '', 'images/view_1_1.png', true);
+ addToolbarButton(editor, status, 'fit', '', 'images/fit_to_size.png', true);
+ // Creates the outline (navigator, overview) for moving
+ // around the graph in the top, right corner of the window.
+ var outln = new mxOutline(graph, outline);
+ // To show the images in the outline, uncomment the following code
+ //outln.outline.labelsVisible = true;
+ //outln.outline.setHtmlLabels(true);
+ // Fades-out the splash screen after the UI has been loaded.
+ var splash = document.getElementById('splash');
+ if (splash != null) {
+ try {
+ mxEvent.release(splash);
+ mxEffects.fadeOut(splash, 100, true);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // mxUtils is not available (library not loaded)
+ splash.parentNode.removeChild(splash);
+ }
+ }
+ // Handles cursor keys - guides.html
+ var nudge = function(keyCode) {
+ graph.container.focus();
+ if (!graph.isSelectionEmpty()) {
+ var dx = 0;
+ var dy = 0;
+ if (keyCode == 37) {
+ dx = -1;
+ } else if (keyCode == 38) {
+ dy = -1;
+ } else if (keyCode == 39) {
+ dx = 1;
+ } else if (keyCode == 40) {
+ dy = 1;
+ }
+ graph.moveCells(graph.getSelectionCells(), dx, dy);
+ }
+ };
+ // Transfer initial focus to graph container for keystroke handling
+ //graph.container.focus();
+ // Handles keystroke events
+ var keyHandler = new mxKeyHandler(graph);
+ keyHandler.bindKey(37, function() {
+ nudge(37);
+ });
+ keyHandler.bindKey(38, function() {
+ nudge(38);
+ });
+ keyHandler.bindKey(39, function() {
+ nudge(39);
+ });
+ keyHandler.bindKey(40, function() {
+ nudge(40);
+ });
+ // Starts connections on the background in wire-mode
+ var connectionHandlerIsStartEvent = graph.connectionHandler.isStartEvent;
+ graph.connectionHandler.isStartEvent = function(me) {
+ return connectionHandlerIsStartEvent.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ // Avoids any connections for gestures within tolerance except when in wire-mode
+ // or when over a port
+ var connectionHandlerMouseUp = graph.connectionHandler.mouseUp;
+ graph.connectionHandler.mouseUp = function(sender, me) {
+ if (this.first != null && this.previous != null) {
+ var point = mxUtils.convertPoint(this.graph.container, me.getX(), me.getY());
+ var dx = Math.abs(point.x - this.first.x);
+ var dy = Math.abs(point.y - this.first.y);
+ if (dx < this.graph.tolerance && dy < this.graph.tolerance) {
+ // Selects edges in non-wire mode for single clicks, but starts
+ // connecting for non-edges regardless of wire-mode
+ if (this.graph.getModel().isEdge(this.previous.cell)) {
+ this.reset();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ connectionHandlerMouseUp.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ mxEvent.disableContextMenu(container);
+ }
+ };
+ function showPropertiesWindow(graph) {
+ /*var array = ["Number of curves",
+ "color (>0) or mark (<0)",
+ "line or mark size",
+ "Output window number (-1 for automatic)",
+ "Output window position",
+ "Output window sizes",
+ "Xmin and Xmax",
+ "Ymin and Ymax",
+ "Zmin and Zmax",
+ "Alpha and Theta",
+ "Buffer size"
+ ];*/
+ var array=CONST_m("get");
+ //console.log(array);
+ // Create basic structure for the form.
+ var content = document.createElement('div');
+ // = "contentProperties";
+ content.setAttribute("id", "contentProperties");
+ // Heading of content.
+ var heading = document.createElement('h2');
+ heading.innerHTML = "Set Scope Parameters";
+ = "headingProperties"
+ content.appendChild(heading);
+ // Add Form.
+ var myform = document.createElement("form");
+ myform.method = "post";
+ = "formProperties";
+ // Line break.
+ var linebreak = document.createElement('br');
+ myform.appendChild(linebreak);
+ for (field in array) {
+ // Input Title.
+ var fieldName = array[field];
+ var namelabel = document.createElement('label');
+ namelabel.innerHTML = fieldName;
+ myform.appendChild(namelabel);
+ // Input.
+ var input = document.createElement("input");
+ = fieldName;
+ = 'float: right;';
+ = fieldName;
+ myform.appendChild(input);
+ // Line break.
+ var linebreak = document.createElement('br');
+ myform.appendChild(linebreak);
+ // Line break.
+ var linebreak = document.createElement('br');
+ myform.appendChild(linebreak);
+ }
+ // Line break.
+ var linebreak = document.createElement('br');
+ myform.appendChild(linebreak);
+ // Button - Submit.
+ var btn = document.createElement("button");
+ btn.innerHTML = 'Submit';
+ btn.type = "button";
+ = "submit";
+ // Executes when button 'btn' is clicked.
+ btn.onclick = function() {
+ var params = {};
+ var i=0;
+ for(i=0;i<array.length;i++)
+ params[array[i]] = document.getElementById(array[i]).value;
+ console.log(params);
+ CONST_m("set",params);
+ };
+ myform.appendChild(btn);
+ // Button - Reset.
+ var btn = document.createElement("button");
+ btn.innerHTML = 'Reset';
+ btn.type = "button";
+ = "submit";
+ = "resetButtonProperties"
+ //'float:right;';
+ btn.onclick = function() {
+ // Only removes the content div, not the modal window.
+ };
+ myform.appendChild(btn);
+ // Base height without fields : 135 px
+ height = 135 + 26 * array.length + 15;
+ content.appendChild(myform);
+ showModalWindow(graph, 'Properties', content, 450, height);
+ };
+ function createButtonImage(button, image) {
+ if (image != null) {
+ var img = document.createElement('img');
+ img.setAttribute('src', image);
+ = '16px';
+ = '16px';
+ = 'middle';
+ = '2px';
+ button.appendChild(img);
+ }
+ }
+ function addIcons(graph, sidebar) {
+ var req = mxUtils.load('palettes/palettes.xml');
+ var root = req.getDocumentElement();
+ var x = root.getElementsByTagName('node')[0];
+ var categories = x.getElementsByTagName('node');
+ for (var i = 0, nodeLength = categories.length; i < nodeLength; i++) {
+ var categoryName = categories[i].getAttribute('name');
+ var title = document.createElement('h3');
+ title.setAttribute('class', 'accordion-header ui-accordion-header ui-helper-reset ui-state-default ui-accordion-icons ui-corner-all');
+ var span = document.createElement('span');
+ span.setAttribute('class', 'ui-accordion-header-icon ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-e');
+ var titleName = document.createTextNode(categoryName);
+ title.appendChild(span);
+ title.appendChild(titleName);
+ sidebar.appendChild(title);
+ var newImages = document.createElement('div');
+ newImages.setAttribute('class', 'ui-accordion-content ui-helper-reset ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom');
+ var blocks = categories[i].getElementsByTagName('block');
+ for (var j = 0, blockLength = blocks.length; j < blockLength; j++) {
+ var name = blocks[j].getAttribute('name');
+ var icon = blocks[j].getElementsByTagName('icon')[0];
+ var iconPath = icon.getAttribute('path');
+ addSidebarIcon(graph, newImages, name, iconPath);
+ }
+ sidebar.appendChild(newImages);
+ }
+ }
+ function getImgHTML(name) {
+ return '<img src="' + 'blocks/' + name + '.svg' + '" height="80" width="80">';
+ }
+ function addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, action, label, image, isTransparent) {
+ var button = document.createElement('button');
+ = '10';
+ createButtonImage(button, image);
+ if (isTransparent) {
+ = 'transparent';
+ = '#FFFFFF';
+ = 'none';
+ }
+ mxEvent.addListener(button, 'click', function(evt) {
+ editor.execute(action);
+ });
+ mxUtils.write(button, label);
+ button.setAttribute('id', action);
+ toolbar.appendChild(button);
+ };
+ function showModalWindow(graph, title, content, width, height) {
+ var background = document.createElement('div');
+ = 'absolute';
+ = '0px';
+ = '0px';
+ = '0px';
+ = '0px';
+ = 'black';
+ mxUtils.setOpacity(background, 50);
+ document.body.appendChild(background);
+ if (mxClient.IS_IE) {
+ new mxDivResizer(background);
+ }
+ var x = Math.max(0, document.body.scrollWidth / 2 - width / 2);
+ var y = Math.max(10, (document.body.scrollHeight || document.documentElement.scrollHeight) / 2 - height * 2 / 3);
+ var wnd = new mxWindow(title, content, x, y, width, height, false, true);
+ wnd.setClosable(true);
+ // Fades the background out after after the window has been closed
+ wnd.addListener(mxEvent.DESTROY, function(evt) {
+ graph.setEnabled(true);
+ mxEffects.fadeOut(background, 50, true, 10, 30, true);
+ //alert("jitesh");
+ });
+ graph.setEnabled(false);
+ graph.tooltipHandler.hide();
+ wnd.setVisible(true);
+ };
+ function addSidebarIcon(graph, sidebar, name, image) {
+ // Function that is executed when the image is dropped on
+ // the graph. The cell argument points to the cell under
+ // the mousepointer if there is one.
+ var funct = function(graph, evt, cell, x, y) {
+ var parent = graph.getDefaultParent();
+ var model = graph.getModel();
+ var v1 = null;
+ var doc = mxUtils.createXmlDocument();
+ model.beginUpdate();
+ try {
+ var label = getImgHTML(name); // Will not exist for all blocks
+ if(name == 'ANDBLK'){
+ var details = new BasicBlock(name);
var encoder = new mxCodec();
- var result = encoder.encode(obj);
- var xml = mxUtils.getPrettyXml(result);
- var blockName = document.createTextNode(xml);
+ var result = encoder.encode(details);
+ result.setAttribute('label',label);
+ //var xml = mxUtils.getPrettyXml(result);
+ //var blockName = document.createTextNode(xml);
- //console.log(details);
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, obj, x, y, 80, 80, 'ANDBLK'); //replaced details with obj @Chhavi
+ //console.log(details);*/
+ var temp=encoder.encode(parent);
+ result.setAttribute('parent',temp.getAttribute('id')); //@ASP1234 to get id in Basic Block
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null,result, x, y, 80, 80, 'ANDBLK');
createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL','CONTROL'], [], ['COMMAND']);
- }
- else if(name == 'CMSCOPE'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80,'CMSCOPE');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], [], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'CONST_m'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1', x, y, 80, 80,'CONST_m');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'CONVERT'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Convert to', x, y, 80, 80,'CONVERT');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'CSCOPXY'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80,'CSCOPXY');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], [], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'DEMUX'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '', x, y, 80, 80,'DEMUX');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'IN_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1', x, y, 80, 80,'IN_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'LOGICAL_OP'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'AND', x, y, 80, 80,'LOGICAL_OP');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'MUX'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '', x, y, 80, 80,'MUX');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'NRMSOM_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '', x, y, 80, 80,'NRMSOM_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'OUT_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1', x, y, 80, 80,'OUT_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], [], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'RELATIONALOP'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '<FONT SIZE="6"><</FONT>', x, y, 80, 80,'RELATIONALOP');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'SWITCH2_m'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80,'SWITCH2_m');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'CLINDUMMY_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'DUMMY<BR>CLSS', x, y, 80, 80,'CLINDUMMY_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], [], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'CLR'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1<BR><HR>1 + s', x, y, 80, 80,'CLR');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'CLSS'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '<TABLE><TR><TD ALIGN="RIGHT">xd</TD><TD>=</TD><TD>Ax+Bu</TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="RIGHT">y</TD><TD>=</TD><TD>Cx+Du</TD></TR></TABLE>', x, y, 130, 80,'CLSS');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'DERIV'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'du / dt', x, y, 80, 80,'DERIV');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'INTEGRAL_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1/s', x, y, 80, 80,'INTEGRAL_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'INTEGRAL_m'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80,'INTEGRAL_m');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'PID'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'PID', x, y, 80, 80,'PID');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'TCLSS'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Jump<BR>(A,B,C,D)', x, y, 80, 80,'TCLSS');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'TIME_DELAY'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Continuous<BR>fix delay', x, y, 80, 80,'TIME_DELAY');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'VARIABLE_DELAY'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Variable<BR>delay', x, y, 80, 80,'VARIABLE_DELAY');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'PDE'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'PDE', x, y, 80, 80,'PDE');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'BACKLASH'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Backlash', x, y, 80, 80,'BACKLASH');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'DEADBAND'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80,'DEADBAND');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'DELAYV_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Variable<BR>delay', x, y, 80, 80,'DELAYV_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], ['COMMAND','COMMAND']);
- }
- else if(name == 'HYSTHERESIS'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80,'HYSTHERESIS');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'RATELIMITER'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Rate limiter', x, y, 80, 80,'RATELIMITER');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'QUANT_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80,'QUANT_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'SATURATION'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80,'SATURATION');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'AUTOMAT'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Automaton<BR>nM=2, nX=1', x, y, 80, 80,'AUTOMAT');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], ['COMMAND']);
- }
- else if(name == 'DELAY_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Delay', x, y, 80, 80,'DELAYV_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'DLR'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1<BR><HR>1 + z', x, y, 80, 80,'DLR');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'DLRADAPT_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'N(z,p)<BR><HR>D(z,p)', x, y, 80, 80,'DLRADAPT_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'DLSS'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '<TABLE><TR><TD ALIGN="RIGHT">x</TD><TD ALIGN="CENTER">+=</TD><TD>Ax+Bu</TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="RIGHT">y</TD><TD ALIGN="CENTER">=</TD><TD>Cx+Du</TD></TR></TABLE>', x, y, 80, 80,'DLSS');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'DOLLAR_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1/z', x, y, 80, 80,'DOLLAR_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'DOLLAR'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1/z', x, y, 80, 80,'DOLLAR');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'DOLLAR_m'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1/z', x, y, 80, 80,'DOLLAR_m');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'SAMPHOLD_m'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'S / H', x, y, 80, 80,'SAMPHOLD_m');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'REGISTER'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Shift<BR>register', x, y, 80, 80,'REGISTER');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'CLOCK_c'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80,'CLOCK_c');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], [], ['COMMAND']);
- }
- else if(name == 'SampleCLK'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80,'SampleCLK');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], [], ['COMMAND']);
- }
- else if(name == 'VirtualCLK0'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80,'VirtualCLK0');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL'], [], []);
- }
- // ANDBLK to come here
- else if(name == 'ANDLOG_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'LOGICAL<BR>AND', x, y, 80, 80,'ANDLOG_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL','CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'CEVENTSCOPE'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80,'CEVENTSCOPE');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL'], [], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'CLKFROM'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'A', x, y, 80, 80,'CLKFROM');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], [], ['COMMAND']);
- }
- else if(name == 'CLKGOTO'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'A', x, y, 80, 80,'CLKGOTO');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL'], [], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'CLKGotoTagVisibility'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '{A}', x, y, 80, 80,'CLKGotoTagVisibility');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], [], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'CLKOUTV_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1', x, y, 80, 80,'CLKOUTV_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL'], [], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'CLKSOMV_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '+', x, y, 80, 80,'CLKSOMV_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL','CONTROL','CONTROL'], [], ['COMMAND']);
- }
- else if(name == 'EDGE_TRIGGER'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Edge<BR>trigger', x, y, 80, 80,'EDGE_TRIGGER');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], [], ['COMMAND']);
- }
- else if(name == 'ENDBLK'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'END', x, y, 80, 80,'ENDBLK');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], [], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'END_c'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'END', x, y, 80, 80,'END_c');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL'], [], ['COMMAND']);
- }
- else if(name == 'ESELECT_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Event select', x, y, 80, 80,'ESELECT_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], [], ['COMMAND','COMMAND']);
- }
- else if(name == 'EVTDLY_c'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Delay: 0.1', x, y, 80, 80,'EVTDLY_c');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL'], [], ['COMMAND']);
- }
- else if(name == 'EVTGEN_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Event at<BR>time 0', x, y, 80, 80,'EVTGEN_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], [], ['COMMAND']);
- }
- else if(name == 'EVTVARDLY'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Event<BR>delay', x, y, 80, 80,'EVTVARDLY');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], [], ['COMMAND']);
- }
- else if(name == 'Extract_Activation'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Extract<BR>activation', x, y, 80, 80,'Extract_Activation');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], [], ['COMMAND']);
- }
- else if(name == 'HALT_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'HALT', x, y, 80, 80,'HALT_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL'], [], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'IFTHEL_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'if in>0<BR>then else', x, y, 80, 80,'IFTHEL_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], [], ['COMMAND','COMMAND']);
- }
- else if(name == 'M_freq'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Multiple<BR>frequency', x, y, 80, 80,'M_freq');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL'], [], ['COMMAND','COMMAND','COMMAND']);
- }
- else if(name == 'MCLOCK_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '2freq clock<BR>f/n f', x, y, 80, 80,'MCLOCK_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], [], ['COMMAND','COMMAND']);
- }
- else if(name == 'MFCLCK_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'M. freq<BR>clock', x, y, 80, 80,'MFCLCK_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL'], [], ['COMMAND','COMMAND']);
- }
- else if(name == 'freq_div'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Frequency<BR>division', x, y, 80, 80,'freq_div');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL'], [], ['COMMAND']);
- }
- else if(name == 'INTRP2BLK_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Interp 2', x, y, 80, 80,'INTRP2BLK_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'INTRPLBLK_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Interp', x, y, 80, 80,'INTRPLBLK_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'LOOKUP_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80,'LOOKUP_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'ABS_VALUE'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'ABS', x, y, 80, 80,'ABS_VALUE');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'BIGSOM_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80,'BIGSOM_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'COSBLK_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'COS', x, y, 80, 80,'COSBLK_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'EXPBLK_m'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'a^u', x, y, 80, 80,'EXPBLK_m');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'GAINBLK_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1', x, y, 80, 80,'GAINBLK_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'GAINBLK'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1', x, y, 80, 80,'GAINBLK');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'GAIN_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1', x, y, 80, 80,'GAIN_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'INVBLK'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1/u', x, y, 80, 80,'INVBLK');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'LOGBLK_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'LOG', x, y, 80, 80,'LOGBLK_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'MATMAGPHI'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Mag & Phi', x, y, 80, 80,'MATMAGPHI');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'MATZREIM'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Re & Im', x, y, 80, 80,'MATZREIM');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'MAXMIN'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'MAX', x, y, 80, 80,'MAXMIN');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'MAX_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'MAX', x, y, 80, 80,'MAX_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'MIN_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'MIN', x, y, 80, 80,'MIN_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'POWBLK_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'u^a', x, y, 80, 80,'POWBLK_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'PRODUCT'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '<TABLE><TR><TD>*</TD><TD ROWSPAN="2"><FONT SIZE="6">∏</FONT><TD></TR><TR><TD>÷</TD><TD/></TR></TABLE>', x, y, 80, 80,'PRODUCT');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'PROD_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'X', x, y, 80, 80,'PROD_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'SIGNUM'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'SIGN', x, y, 80, 80,'SIGNUM');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'SINBLK_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'SIN', x, y, 80, 80,'SINBLK_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'SQRT'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'SQRT', x, y, 80, 80,'SQRT');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'SUMMATION'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '<TABLE><TR><TD>+</TD> <TD ROWSPAN="2"><FONT SIZE="6">∑</FONT><TD></TR><TR><TD>-</TD> <TD/></TR></TABLE>', x, y, 80, 80,'SUMMATION');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'SUM_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '+', x, y, 80, 80,'SUM_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'SOM_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '+', x, y, 80, 80,'SOM_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT','EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'TANBLK_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'TAN', x, y, 80, 80,'TANBLK_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'TrigFun'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Trig function', x, y, 80, 80,'TrigFun');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'OpAmp'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '<table><tr><td>+</td><td></td></tr><tr><td></td><td>OP</td></tr><tr><td>-</td><td></td></tr></table>', x, y, 80, 80,'OpAmp');
- createPorts(graph, v1, ['IMPLICIT','IMPLICIT'], [], ['IMPLICIT'], []);
- }
- else if(name == 'TEXT_f'){
- v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '', x, y, 80, 80,'TEXT_f');
- createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], [], []);
- }
- v1.setConnectable(false);
- }
- finally
- {
- model.endUpdate();
- }
- graph.setSelectionCell(v1);
- }
- var para = document.createElement('p');
- var blockFigure = document.createElement('figure');
- var img = document.createElement('img');
- img.setAttribute('src', image);
- var caption = document.createElement('figcaption');
- var blockName = document.createTextNode(name);
- caption.appendChild(blockName);
- blockFigure.appendChild(img);
- blockFigure.appendChild(caption);
- para.appendChild(blockFigure);
- sidebar.appendChild(para);
- var dragElt = document.createElement('div');
- = 'dashed black 1px';
- = '80px';
- = '80px';
- // Creates the image which is used as the drag icon (preview)
- var ds = mxUtils.makeDraggable(img, graph, funct, dragElt, 0, 0, true, true);
- ds.setGuidesEnabled(true);
- };
- // Create ports
- function createPorts(graph, block, left, top, right, bottom){
- createInputPorts(graph, block, left, top);
- createOutputPorts(graph, block, right, bottom);
- }
- function createInputPorts(graph, block, leftArray, topArray){
- var topNumber = topArray.length;
- var leftNumber = leftArray.length;
- if(leftNumber != 0){
- for(var i=1; i<=leftNumber; i++){
- var x = 0;
- var y = (i/(leftNumber+1)).toFixed(4);
- var portType = leftArray[i-1];
- createInputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, 'left');
- }
- }
- if(topNumber != 0){
- for(var i=1; i<=topNumber; i++){
- var x = (i/(topNumber+1)).toFixed(4);
- var y = 0;
- var portType = topArray[i-1];
- createInputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, 'top');
- }
- }
- };
- function createOutputPorts(graph, block, rightArray, bottomArray){
- var bottomNumber = bottomArray.length;
- var rightNumber = rightArray.length;
- if(rightNumber != 0){
- for(var i=1; i<=rightNumber; i++){
- var x = 1;
- var y = (i/(rightNumber+1)).toFixed(4);
- var portType = rightArray[i-1];
- createOutputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, 'right');
- }
- }
- if(bottomNumber != 0){
- for(var i=1; i<=bottomNumber; i++){
- var x = (i/(bottomNumber+1)).toFixed(4);
- var y = 1;
- var portType = bottomArray[i-1];
- createOutputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, 'bottom');
- }
- }
- };
- function createInputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, position){
- var port = null;
- if(portType == 'COMMAND'){
- port = graph.insertVertex(block, null, 'CommandPort', x, y, 10, 10,'CommandPort', true);
- }
- else if(portType == 'CONTROL'){
- port = graph.insertVertex(block, null, 'ControlPort', x, y, 10, 10, 'ControlPort', true);
- }
- else if(portType == 'IMPLICIT'){
- port = graph.insertVertex(block, null, 'ImplicitInputPort', x, y, 10, 10, 'ImplicitInputPort', true);
- }
- else if(portType == 'EXPLICIT'){
- port = graph.insertVertex(block, null, 'ExplicitInputPort', x, y, 10, 10,'ExplicitInputPort', true);
- }
- if(port != null){
- if(position == 'top'){
- port.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(-6, -10);
- }
- else if(position == 'left'){
- port.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(-10, -6);
- }
- }
- };
- function createOutputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, position){
- var port = null;
- if(portType == 'COMMAND'){
- port = graph.insertVertex(block, null, 'CommandPort', x, y, 10, 10, 'CommandPort', true);
- }
- else if(portType == 'CONTROL'){
- port = graph.insertVertex(block, null, 'ControlPort', x, y, 10, 10, 'ControlPort', true);
- }
- else if(portType == 'IMPLICIT'){
- port = graph.insertVertex(block, null, 'ImplicitOutputPort', x, y, 10, 10,'ImplicitOutputPort',true);
- }
- else if(portType == 'EXPLICIT'){
- port = graph.insertVertex(block, null, 'ExplicitOutputPort', x, y, 10, 10, 'ExplicitOutputPort', true);
- }
- if(port != null){
- if(position == 'bottom'){
- port.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(-6, 0);
- }
- if(position == 'right'){
- port.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(0, -6);
- }
- }
- };
- function configureStylesheet(graph)
- {
- var req = mxUtils.load('styles/Xcos-style.xml');
- var root = req.getDocumentElement();
- var dec = new mxCodec(root.ownerDocument);
- dec.decode(root, graph.stylesheet);
- };
- </script>
+ } else if (name == 'CMSCOPE') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80, 'CMSCOPE');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], [], []);
+ } else if (name == 'CONST_m') {
+ var details = new BasicBlock(name); // This isn't even the right function!
+ var encoder = new mxCodec();
+ var result = encoder.encode(details);
+ result.setAttribute('label',"1");
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null,result, x, y, 80, 80,'CONST_m');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'CONVERT') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Convert to', x, y, 80, 80, 'CONVERT');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'CSCOPXY') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80, 'CSCOPXY');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], [], []);
+ } else if (name == 'DEMUX') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '', x, y, 80, 80, 'DEMUX');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'IN_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1', x, y, 80, 80, 'IN_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'LOGICAL_OP') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'AND', x, y, 80, 80, 'LOGICAL_OP');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'MUX') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '', x, y, 80, 80, 'MUX');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'NRMSOM_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '', x, y, 80, 80, 'NRMSOM_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'OUT_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1', x, y, 80, 80, 'OUT_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], [], []);
+ } else if (name == 'RELATIONALOP') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '<FONT SIZE="6"><</FONT>', x, y, 80, 80, 'RELATIONALOP');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'SWITCH2_m') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80, 'SWITCH2_m');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ }
+ else if (name == 'CLINDUMMY_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'DUMMY<BR>CLSS', x, y, 80, 80, 'CLINDUMMY_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], [], []);
+ } else if (name == 'CLR') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1<BR><HR>1 + s', x, y, 80, 80, 'CLR');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'CLSS') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '<TABLE><TR><TD ALIGN="RIGHT">xd</TD><TD>=</TD><TD>Ax+Bu</TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="RIGHT">y</TD><TD>=</TD><TD>Cx+Du</TD></TR></TABLE>', x, y, 130, 80, 'CLSS');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'DERIV') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'du / dt', x, y, 80, 80, 'DERIV');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'INTEGRAL_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1/s', x, y, 80, 80, 'INTEGRAL_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'INTEGRAL_m') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80, 'INTEGRAL_m');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'PID') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'PID', x, y, 80, 80, 'PID');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'TCLSS') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Jump<BR>(A,B,C,D)', x, y, 80, 80, 'TCLSS');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'TIME_DELAY') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Continuous<BR>fix delay', x, y, 80, 80, 'TIME_DELAY');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'VARIABLE_DELAY') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Variable<BR>delay', x, y, 80, 80, 'VARIABLE_DELAY');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'PDE') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'PDE', x, y, 80, 80, 'PDE');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], []);
+ }
+ else if (name == 'BACKLASH') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Backlash', x, y, 80, 80, 'BACKLASH');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'DEADBAND') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80, 'DEADBAND');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'DELAYV_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Variable<BR>delay', x, y, 80, 80, 'DELAYV_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], ['COMMAND', 'COMMAND']);
+ } else if (name == 'HYSTHERESIS') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80, 'HYSTHERESIS');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'RATELIMITER') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Rate limiter', x, y, 80, 80, 'RATELIMITER');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'QUANT_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80, 'QUANT_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'SATURATION') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80, 'SATURATION');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ }
+ else if (name == 'AUTOMAT') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Automaton<BR>nM=2, nX=1', x, y, 80, 80, 'AUTOMAT');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], ['COMMAND']);
+ } else if (name == 'DELAY_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Delay', x, y, 80, 80, 'DELAYV_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'DLR') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1<BR><HR>1 + z', x, y, 80, 80, 'DLR');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'DLRADAPT_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'N(z,p)<BR><HR>D(z,p)', x, y, 80, 80, 'DLRADAPT_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'DLSS') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '<TABLE><TR><TD ALIGN="RIGHT">x</TD><TD ALIGN="CENTER">+=</TD><TD>Ax+Bu</TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="RIGHT">y</TD><TD ALIGN="CENTER">=</TD><TD>Cx+Du</TD></TR></TABLE>', x, y, 80, 80, 'DLSS');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'DOLLAR_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1/z', x, y, 80, 80, 'DOLLAR_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'DOLLAR') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1/z', x, y, 80, 80, 'DOLLAR');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'DOLLAR_m') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1/z', x, y, 80, 80, 'DOLLAR_m');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'SAMPHOLD_m') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'S / H', x, y, 80, 80, 'SAMPHOLD_m');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'REGISTER') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Shift<BR>register', x, y, 80, 80, 'REGISTER');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ }
+ else if (name == 'CLOCK_c') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80, 'CLOCK_c');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], [], ['COMMAND']);
+ } else if (name == 'SampleCLK') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80, 'SampleCLK');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], [], ['COMMAND']);
+ } else if (name == 'VirtualCLK0') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80, 'VirtualCLK0');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL'], [], []);
+ }
+ // ANDBLK to come here
+ else if (name == 'ANDLOG_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'LOGICAL<BR>AND', x, y, 80, 80, 'ANDLOG_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL', 'CONTROL'], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'CEVENTSCOPE') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80, 'CEVENTSCOPE');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL'], [], []);
+ } else if (name == 'CLKFROM') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'A', x, y, 80, 80, 'CLKFROM');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], [], ['COMMAND']);
+ } else if (name == 'CLKGOTO') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'A', x, y, 80, 80, 'CLKGOTO');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL'], [], []);
+ } else if (name == 'CLKGotoTagVisibility') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '{A}', x, y, 80, 80, 'CLKGotoTagVisibility');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], [], []);
+ } else if (name == 'CLKOUTV_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1', x, y, 80, 80, 'CLKOUTV_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL'], [], []);
+ } else if (name == 'CLKSOMV_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '+', x, y, 80, 80, 'CLKSOMV_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL', 'CONTROL', 'CONTROL'], [], ['COMMAND']);
+ } else if (name == 'EDGE_TRIGGER') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Edge<BR>trigger', x, y, 80, 80, 'EDGE_TRIGGER');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], [], ['COMMAND']);
+ } else if (name == 'ENDBLK') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'END', x, y, 80, 80, 'ENDBLK');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], [], []);
+ } else if (name == 'END_c') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'END', x, y, 80, 80, 'END_c');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL'], [], ['COMMAND']);
+ } else if (name == 'ESELECT_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Event select', x, y, 80, 80, 'ESELECT_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], [], ['COMMAND', 'COMMAND']);
+ } else if (name == 'EVTDLY_c') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Delay: 0.1', x, y, 80, 80, 'EVTDLY_c');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL'], [], ['COMMAND']);
+ } else if (name == 'EVTGEN_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Event at<BR>time 0', x, y, 80, 80, 'EVTGEN_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], [], ['COMMAND']);
+ } else if (name == 'EVTVARDLY') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Event<BR>delay', x, y, 80, 80, 'EVTVARDLY');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], [], ['COMMAND']);
+ } else if (name == 'Extract_Activation') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Extract<BR>activation', x, y, 80, 80, 'Extract_Activation');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], [], ['COMMAND']);
+ } else if (name == 'HALT_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'HALT', x, y, 80, 80, 'HALT_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL'], [], []);
+ } else if (name == 'IFTHEL_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'if in>0<BR>then else', x, y, 80, 80, 'IFTHEL_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], ['CONTROL'], [], ['COMMAND', 'COMMAND']);
+ } else if (name == 'M_freq') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Multiple<BR>frequency', x, y, 80, 80, 'M_freq');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL'], [], ['COMMAND', 'COMMAND', 'COMMAND']);
+ } else if (name == 'MCLOCK_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '2freq clock<BR>f/n f', x, y, 80, 80, 'MCLOCK_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], [], ['COMMAND', 'COMMAND']);
+ } else if (name == 'MFCLCK_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'M. freq<BR>clock', x, y, 80, 80, 'MFCLCK_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL'], [], ['COMMAND', 'COMMAND']);
+ } else if (name == 'freq_div') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Frequency<BR>division', x, y, 80, 80, 'freq_div');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], ['CONTROL'], [], ['COMMAND']);
+ }
+ else if (name == 'INTRP2BLK_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Interp 2', x, y, 80, 80, 'INTRP2BLK_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'INTRPLBLK_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Interp', x, y, 80, 80, 'INTRPLBLK_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'LOOKUP_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80, 'LOOKUP_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ }
+ else if (name == 'ABS_VALUE') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'ABS', x, y, 80, 80, 'ABS_VALUE');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'BIGSOM_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, label, x, y, 80, 80, 'BIGSOM_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'COSBLK_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'COS', x, y, 80, 80, 'COSBLK_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'EXPBLK_m') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'a^u', x, y, 80, 80, 'EXPBLK_m');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'GAINBLK_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1', x, y, 80, 80, 'GAINBLK_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'GAINBLK') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1', x, y, 80, 80, 'GAINBLK');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'GAIN_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1', x, y, 80, 80, 'GAIN_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'INVBLK') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '1/u', x, y, 80, 80, 'INVBLK');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'LOGBLK_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'LOG', x, y, 80, 80, 'LOGBLK_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'MATMAGPHI') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Mag & Phi', x, y, 80, 80, 'MATMAGPHI');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'MATZREIM') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Re & Im', x, y, 80, 80, 'MATZREIM');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'MAXMIN') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'MAX', x, y, 80, 80, 'MAXMIN');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'MAX_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'MAX', x, y, 80, 80, 'MAX_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'MIN_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'MIN', x, y, 80, 80, 'MIN_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'POWBLK_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'u^a', x, y, 80, 80, 'POWBLK_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'PRODUCT') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '<TABLE><TR><TD>*</TD><TD ROWSPAN="2"><FONT SIZE="6">∏</FONT><TD></TR><TR><TD>÷</TD><TD/></TR></TABLE>', x, y, 80, 80, 'PRODUCT');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'PROD_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'X', x, y, 80, 80, 'PROD_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'SIGNUM') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'SIGN', x, y, 80, 80, 'SIGNUM');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'SINBLK_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'SIN', x, y, 80, 80, 'SINBLK_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'SQRT') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'SQRT', x, y, 80, 80, 'SQRT');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'SUMMATION') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '<TABLE><TR><TD>+</TD> <TD ROWSPAN="2"><FONT SIZE="6">∑</FONT><TD></TR><TR><TD>-</TD> <TD/></TR></TABLE>', x, y, 80, 80, 'SUMMATION');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'SUM_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '+', x, y, 80, 80, 'SUM_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'SOM_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '+', x, y, 80, 80, 'SOM_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT', 'EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'TANBLK_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'TAN', x, y, 80, 80, 'TANBLK_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'TrigFun') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Trig function', x, y, 80, 80, 'TrigFun');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['EXPLICIT'], [], ['EXPLICIT'], []);
+ }
+ else if (name == 'OpAmp') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '<table><tr><td>+</td><td></td></tr><tr><td></td><td>OP</td></tr><tr><td>-</td><td></td></tr></table>', x, y, 80, 80, 'OpAmp');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, ['IMPLICIT', 'IMPLICIT'], [], ['IMPLICIT'], []);
+ } else if (name == 'TEXT_f') {
+ v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '', x, y, 80, 80, 'TEXT_f');
+ createPorts(graph, v1, [], [], [], []);
+ }
+ v1.setConnectable(false);
+ } finally {
+ model.endUpdate();
+ }
+ graph.setSelectionCell(v1);
+ }
+ var para = document.createElement('p');
+ var blockFigure = document.createElement('figure');
+ var img = document.createElement('img');
+ img.setAttribute('src', image);
+ var caption = document.createElement('figcaption');
+ var blockName = document.createTextNode(name);
+ caption.appendChild(blockName);
+ blockFigure.appendChild(img);
+ blockFigure.appendChild(caption);
+ para.appendChild(blockFigure);
+ sidebar.appendChild(para);
+ var dragElt = document.createElement('div');
+ = 'dashed black 1px';
+ = '80px';
+ = '80px';
+ // Creates the image which is used as the drag icon (preview)
+ var ds = mxUtils.makeDraggable(img, graph, funct, dragElt, 0, 0, true, true);
+ ds.setGuidesEnabled(true);
+ };
+ // Create ports
+ function createPorts(graph, block, left, top, right, bottom) {
+ createInputPorts(graph, block, left, top);
+ createOutputPorts(graph, block, right, bottom);
+ }
+ function createInputPorts(graph, block, leftArray, topArray) {
+ var topNumber = topArray.length;
+ var leftNumber = leftArray.length;
+ if (leftNumber != 0) {
+ for (var i = 1; i <= leftNumber; i++) {
+ var x = 0;
+ var y = (i / (leftNumber + 1)).toFixed(4);
+ var portType = leftArray[i - 1];
+ createInputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, 'left');
+ }
+ }
+ if (topNumber != 0) {
+ for (var i = 1; i <= topNumber; i++) {
+ var x = (i / (topNumber + 1)).toFixed(4);
+ var y = 0;
+ var portType = topArray[i - 1];
+ createInputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, 'top');
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function createOutputPorts(graph, block, rightArray, bottomArray) {
+ var bottomNumber = bottomArray.length;
+ var rightNumber = rightArray.length;
+ if (rightNumber != 0) {
+ for (var i = 1; i <= rightNumber; i++) {
+ var x = 1;
+ var y = (i / (rightNumber + 1)).toFixed(4);
+ var portType = rightArray[i - 1];
+ createOutputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, 'right');
+ }
+ }
+ if (bottomNumber != 0) {
+ for (var i = 1; i <= bottomNumber; i++) {
+ var x = (i / (bottomNumber + 1)).toFixed(4);
+ var y = 1;
+ var portType = bottomArray[i - 1];
+ createOutputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, 'bottom');
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function createInputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, position) {
+ var port = null;
+ if (portType == 'COMMAND') {
+ port = graph.insertVertex(block, null, 'CommandPort', x, y, 10, 10, 'CommandPort', true);
+ } else if (portType == 'CONTROL') {
+ port = graph.insertVertex(block, null, 'ControlPort', x, y, 10, 10, 'ControlPort', true);
+ } else if (portType == 'IMPLICIT') {
+ port = graph.insertVertex(block, null, 'ImplicitInputPort', x, y, 10, 10, 'ImplicitInputPort', true);
+ } else if (portType == 'EXPLICIT') {
+ port = graph.insertVertex(block, null, 'ExplicitInputPort', x, y, 10, 10, 'ExplicitInputPort', true);
+ }
+ if (port != null) {
+ if (position == 'top') {
+ port.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(-6, -10);
+ } else if (position == 'left') {
+ port.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(-10, -6);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function createOutputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, position) {
+ var port = null;
+ if (portType == 'COMMAND') {
+ port = graph.insertVertex(block, null, 'CommandPort', x, y, 10, 10, 'CommandPort', true);
+ } else if (portType == 'CONTROL') {
+ port = graph.insertVertex(block, null, 'ControlPort', x, y, 10, 10, 'ControlPort', true);
+ } else if (portType == 'IMPLICIT') {
+ port = graph.insertVertex(block, null, 'ImplicitOutputPort', x, y, 10, 10, 'ImplicitOutputPort', true);
+ } else if (portType == 'EXPLICIT') {
+ port = graph.insertVertex(block, null, 'ExplicitOutputPort', x, y, 10, 10, 'ExplicitOutputPort', true);
+ }
+ if (port != null) {
+ if (position == 'bottom') {
+ port.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(-6, 0);
+ }
+ if (position == 'right') {
+ port.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(0, -6);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function configureStylesheet(graph) {
+ var req = mxUtils.load('styles/Xcos-style.xml');
+ var root = req.getDocumentElement();
+ var dec = new mxCodec(root.ownerDocument);
+ dec.decode(root, graph.stylesheet);
+ var style = graph.getStylesheet().getDefaultEdgeStyle();
+ style['edgeStyle'] = 'wireEdgeStyle';
+ };
+ </script>
+ <!--
+ Updates connection points before the routing is called.
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ // Computes the position of edge to edge connection points.
+ mxGraphView.prototype.updateFixedTerminalPoint = function(edge, terminal, source, constraint) {
+ var pt = null;
+ if (constraint != null) {
+ pt = this.graph.getConnectionPoint(terminal, constraint);
+ }
+ if (source) {
+ edge.sourceSegment = null;
+ } else {
+ edge.targetSegment = null;
+ }
+ if (pt == null) {
+ var s = this.scale;
+ var tr = this.translate;
+ var orig = edge.origin;
+ var geo = this.graph.getCellGeometry(edge.cell);
+ pt = geo.getTerminalPoint(source);
+ // Computes edge-to-edge connection point
+ if (pt != null) {
+ pt = new mxPoint(s * (tr.x + pt.x + orig.x),
+ s * (tr.y + pt.y + orig.y));
+ // Finds nearest segment on edge and computes intersection
+ if (terminal != null && terminal.absolutePoints != null) {
+ var seg = mxUtils.findNearestSegment(terminal, pt.x, pt.y);
+ // Finds orientation of the segment
+ var p0 = terminal.absolutePoints[seg];
+ var pe = terminal.absolutePoints[seg + 1];
+ var horizontal = (p0.x - pe.x == 0);
+ // Stores the segment in the edge state
+ var key = (source) ? 'sourceConstraint' : 'targetConstraint';
+ var value = (horizontal) ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical';
+[key] = value;
+ // Keeps the coordinate within the segment bounds
+ if (horizontal) {
+ pt.x = p0.x;
+ pt.y = Math.min(pt.y, Math.max(p0.y, pe.y));
+ pt.y = Math.max(pt.y, Math.min(p0.y, pe.y));
+ } else {
+ pt.y = p0.y;
+ pt.x = Math.min(pt.x, Math.max(p0.x, pe.x));
+ pt.x = Math.max(pt.x, Math.min(p0.x, pe.x));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Computes constraint connection points on vertices and ports
+ else if (terminal != null && terminal.cell.geometry.relative) {
+ pt = new mxPoint(this.getRoutingCenterX(terminal),
+ this.getRoutingCenterY(terminal));
+ }
+ }
+ edge.setAbsoluteTerminalPoint(pt, source);
+ };
+ </script>
+ <!--
+ Overrides methods to preview and create new edges.
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ // Sets source terminal point for edge-to-edge connections.
+ mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createEdgeState = function(me) {
+ var edge = this.graph.createEdge();
+ if (this.sourceConstraint != null && this.previous != null) {
+ = mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_X + '=' + this.sourceConstraint.point.x + ';' +
+ mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_Y + '=' + this.sourceConstraint.point.y + ';';
+ } else if (this.graph.model.isEdge(me.getCell())) {
+ var scale = this.graph.view.scale;
+ var tr = this.graph.view.translate;
+ var pt = new mxPoint(this.graph.snap(me.getGraphX() / scale) - tr.x,
+ this.graph.snap(me.getGraphY() / scale) - tr.y);
+ edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(pt, true);
+ }
+ return this.graph.view.createState(edge);
+ };
+ // Uses right mouse button to create edges on background (see also: lines 67 ff)
+ mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isStopEvent = function(me) {
+ return me.getState() != null || mxEvent.isRightMouseButton(me.getEvent());
+ };
+ // Updates target terminal point for edge-to-edge connections.
+ mxConnectionHandlerUpdateCurrentState = mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updateCurrentState;
+ mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updateCurrentState = function(me) {
+ mxConnectionHandlerUpdateCurrentState.apply(this, arguments);
+ if (this.edgeState != null) {
+ this.edgeState.cell.geometry.setTerminalPoint(null, false);
+ if (this.shape != null && this.currentState != null &&
+ this.currentState.view.graph.model.isEdge(this.currentState.cell)) {
+ var scale = this.graph.view.scale;
+ var tr = this.graph.view.translate;
+ var pt = new mxPoint(this.graph.snap(me.getGraphX() / scale) - tr.x,
+ this.graph.snap(me.getGraphY() / scale) - tr.y);
+ this.edgeState.cell.geometry.setTerminalPoint(pt, false);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // Updates the terminal and control points in the cloned preview.
+ mxEdgeSegmentHandler.prototype.clonePreviewState = function(point, terminal) {
+ var clone = mxEdgeHandler.prototype.clonePreviewState.apply(this, arguments);
+ clone.cell = clone.cell.clone();
+ if (this.isSource || this.isTarget) {
+ clone.cell.geometry = clone.cell.geometry.clone();
+ // Sets the terminal point of an edge if we're moving one of the endpoints
+ if (this.graph.getModel().isEdge(clone.cell)) {
+ clone.cell.geometry.setTerminalPoint(point, this.isSource);
+ } else {
+ clone.cell.geometry.setTerminalPoint(null, this.isSource);
+ }
+ }
+ return clone;
+ };
+ var mxEdgeHandlerConnect = mxEdgeHandler.prototype.connect;
+ mxEdgeHandler.prototype.connect = function(edge, terminal, isSource, isClone, me) {
+ var result = null;
+ var model = this.graph.getModel();
+ var parent = model.getParent(edge);
+ model.beginUpdate();
+ try {
+ result = mxEdgeHandlerConnect.apply(this, arguments);
+ var geo = model.getGeometry(result);
+ if (geo != null) {
+ geo = geo.clone();
+ var pt = null;
+ if (model.isEdge(terminal)) {
+ pt = this.abspoints[(this.isSource) ? 0 : this.abspoints.length - 1];
+ pt.x = pt.x / this.graph.view.scale - this.graph.view.translate.x;
+ pt.y = pt.y / this.graph.view.scale - this.graph.view.translate.y;
+ var pstate = this.graph.getView().getState(
+ this.graph.getModel().getParent(edge));
+ if (pstate != null) {
+ pt.x -= pstate.origin.x;
+ pt.y -= pstate.origin.y;
+ }
+ pt.x -= this.graph.panDx / this.graph.view.scale;
+ pt.y -= this.graph.panDy / this.graph.view.scale;
+ }
+ geo.setTerminalPoint(pt, isSource);
+ model.setGeometry(edge, geo);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ model.endUpdate();
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ </script>
+ <!--
+ Adds in-place highlighting for complete cell area (no hotspot).
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ mxConnectionHandlerCreateMarker = mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createMarker;
+ mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createMarker = function() {
+ var marker = mxConnectionHandlerCreateMarker.apply(this, arguments);
+ // Uses complete area of cell for new connections (no hotspot)
+ marker.intersects = function(state, evt) {
+ return true;
+ };
+ return marker;
+ };
+ mxEdgeHandlerCreateMarker = mxEdgeHandler.prototype.createMarker;
+ mxEdgeHandler.prototype.createMarker = function() {
+ var marker = mxEdgeHandlerCreateMarker.apply(this, arguments);
+ // Adds in-place highlighting when reconnecting existing edges
+ marker.highlight.highlight = this.graph.connectionHandler.marker.highlight.highlight;
+ return marker;
+ }
+ </script>
+ <!--
+ Imlements a custom resistor shape. Direction currently ignored here.
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ mxEdgeStyle.WireConnector = function(state, source, target, hints, result) {
+ // Creates array of all way- and terminalpoints
+ var pts = state.absolutePoints;
+ var horizontal = true;
+ var hint = null;
+ // Gets the initial connection from the source terminal or edge
+ if (source != null && state.view.graph.model.isEdge(source.cell)) {
+ horizontal =['sourceConstraint'] == 'horizontal';
+ } else if (source != null) {
+ horizontal =['portConstraint'] != 'vertical';
+ // Checks the direction of the shape and rotates
+ var direction =[mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION];
+ if (direction == 'north' || direction == 'south') {
+ horizontal = !horizontal;
+ }
+ }
+ // Adds the first point
+ var pt = pts[0];
+ if (pt == null && source != null) {
+ pt = new mxPoint(state.view.getRoutingCenterX(source), state.view.getRoutingCenterY(source));
+ } else if (pt != null) {
+ pt = pt.clone();
+ }
+ var first = pt;
+ // Adds the waypoints
+ if (hints != null && hints.length > 0) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < hints.length; i++) {
+ horizontal = !horizontal;
+ hint = state.view.transformControlPoint(state, hints[i]);
+ if (horizontal) {
+ if (pt.y != hint.y) {
+ pt.y = hint.y;
+ result.push(pt.clone());
+ }
+ } else if (pt.x != hint.x) {
+ pt.x = hint.x;
+ result.push(pt.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ hint = pt;
+ }
+ // Adds the last point
+ pt = pts[pts.length - 1];
+ if (pt == null && target != null) {
+ pt = new mxPoint(state.view.getRoutingCenterX(target), state.view.getRoutingCenterY(target));
+ }
+ if (horizontal) {
+ if (pt.y != hint.y && first.x != pt.x) {
+ result.push(new mxPoint(pt.x, hint.y));
+ }
+ } else if (pt.x != hint.x && first.y != pt.y) {
+ result.push(new mxPoint(hint.x, pt.y));
+ }
+ };
+ mxStyleRegistry.putValue('wireEdgeStyle', mxEdgeStyle.WireConnector);
+ // This connector needs an mxEdgeSegmentHandler
+ mxGraphCreateHandler = mxGraph.prototype.createHandler;
+ mxGraph.prototype.createHandler = function(state) {
+ var result = null;
+ if (state != null) {
+ if (this.model.isEdge(state.cell)) {
+ var style = this.view.getEdgeStyle(state);
+ if (style == mxEdgeStyle.WireConnector) {
+ return new mxEdgeSegmentHandler(state);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return mxGraphCreateHandler.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ </script>
<!-- Page passes the container for the graph to the program -->
<body onload="main(document.getElementById('graphContainer'),
document.getElementById('statusContainer'));" style="margin:0px;">
- <!-- Creates a container for the splash screen -->
- <div id="splash"
- style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;height:100%;background:white;z-index:1;">
- <center id="splash" style="padding-top:230px;">
- <img src="images/loading.gif">
- </center>
- </div>
- <!-- Creates a container for the sidebar -->
- <div id="toolbarContainer"
- style="position:absolute;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;top:0px;left:0px;max-height:24px;height:36px;right:0px;padding:6px;background-image:url('images/toolbar_bg.gif');">
- </div>
- <!-- Creates a container for the toolboox -->
- <div id="sidebarContainer" class="ui-accordion ui-widget ui-helper-reset"
- style="position:absolute;overflow:scroll;top:36px;left:0px;bottom:36px;max-width:266px;width:270px;padding-top:10px;padding-left:4px;">
- </div>
- <!-- Creates a container for the graph -->
- <div id="graphContainer"
- style="position:absolute;overflow:hidden;top:36px;left:270px;bottom:36px;right:0px;background-image:url('images/grid.gif');cursor:default;">
- </div>
- <!-- Creates a container for the outline -->
- <div id="outlineContainer"
- style="position:absolute;overflow:hidden;top:36px;right:0px;width:200px;height:140px;background:transparent;border-style:solid;border-color:black;">
- </div>
- <!-- Creates a container for the sidebar -->
- <div id="statusContainer"
- style="text-align:right;position:absolute;overflow:hidden;bottom:0px;left:0px;max-height:24px;height:36px;right:0px;color:white;padding:6px;background-image:url('images/toolbar_bg.gif');">
- <div style="font-size:10pt;float:left;">
- <a href="" target="_tab">FOSSEE</a>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- Secret -->
- <p class="accordion-expand-holder" style="display:none">
- <a id='toggleBlocks' class="accordion-expand-all">Expand All</a>
- </p>
+ <!-- Creates a container for the splash screen -->
+ <div id="splash" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;height:100%;background:white;z-index:1;">
+ <center id="splash" style="padding-top:230px;">
+ <img src="images/loading.gif">
+ </center>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Creates a container for the sidebar -->
+ <div id="toolbarContainer" style="position:absolute;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;top:0px;left:0px;max-height:24px;height:36px;right:0px;padding:6px;background-image:url('images/toolbar_bg.gif');">
+ </div>
+ <!-- Creates a container for the toolboox -->
+ <div id="sidebarContainer" class="ui-accordion ui-widget ui-helper-reset" style="position:absolute;overflow:scroll;top:36px;left:0px;bottom:36px;max-width:266px;width:270px;padding-top:10px;padding-left:4px;">
+ </div>
+ <!-- Creates a container for the graph -->
+ <div id="graphContainer" style="position:absolute;overflow:hidden;top:36px;left:270px;bottom:36px;right:0px;background-image:url('images/grid.gif');cursor:default;">
+ </div>
+ <!-- Creates a container for the outline -->
+ <div id="outlineContainer" style="position:absolute;overflow:hidden;top:36px;right:0px;width:200px;height:140px;background:transparent;border-style:solid;border-color:black;">
+ </div>
+ <!-- Creates a container for the sidebar -->
+ <div id="statusContainer" style="text-align:right;position:absolute;overflow:hidden;bottom:0px;left:0px;max-height:24px;height:36px;right:0px;color:white;padding:6px;background-image:url('images/toolbar_bg.gif');">
+ <div style="font-size:10pt;float:left;">
+ <a href="" target="_tab">FOSSEE</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Secret -->
+ <p class="accordion-expand-holder" style="display:none">
+ <a id='toggleBlocks' class="accordion-expand-all">Expand All</a>
+ </p>
- <!-- It's good if this part happens after the entire page has loaded-->
- <script type="text/javascript">
- // Preload all images
- var dir = ["blocks","images"];
- var fileextension = ".";
- var blockImages = [];
- $.each(dir, function (index, value) {
- $.ajax({ //
- url: value,
- success: function (data) {
- $(data).find("a:contains(" + fileextension + ")").each(function () {
- var filename = this.href.replace(, "");
- filename = filename.replace("https://", value);
- filename = filename.replace("http://", value);
- blockImages.push(filename);
- });
- // Prevent multi-threading and have function within call!
- function preload(sources) {
- var images = [];
- for (var i = 0, length = sources.length; i < length; ++i) {
- images[i] = new Image();
- images[i].src = sources[i];
- }
- }
- preload(blockImages);
- }
- });
- });
- //Find out more here:
- $(window).load(function(){
- var headers = $('#sidebarContainer .accordion-header');
- var contentAreas = $('#sidebarContainer .ui-accordion-content ').hide();
- var expandLink = $('.accordion-expand-all');
- // add the accordion functionality
- {
- var panel = $(this).next();
- var isOpen =':visible');
- // open or close as necessary
- panel[isOpen? 'slideUp': 'slideDown']()
- // trigger the correct custom event
- .trigger(isOpen? 'hide': 'show');
- // stop the link from causing a pagescroll
- return false;
- });
- // hook up the expand/collapse all
- var isAllOpen = $(this).data('isAllOpen');
- contentAreas[isAllOpen? 'hide': 'show']()
- .trigger(isAllOpen? 'hide': 'show');
- });
- // when panels open or close, check to see if they're all open
- contentAreas.on({
- // whenever we open a panel, check to see if they're all open
- // if all open, swap the button to collapser
- show: function(){
- var isAllOpen = !':hidden');
- if(isAllOpen){
- expandLink.text('Collapse All')
- .data('isAllOpen', true);
- }
- },
- // whenever we close a panel, check to see if they're all open
- // if not all open, swap the button to expander
- hide: function(){
- var isAllOpen = !':hidden');
- if(!isAllOpen){
- expandLink.text('Expand All')
- .data('isAllOpen', false);
- }
- }
- });
- });
- </script>
-</html> \ No newline at end of file
+<!-- It's good if this part happens after the entire page has loaded-->
+<script type="text/javascript">
+ // Preload all images
+ var dir = ["blocks", "images"];
+ var fileextension = ".";
+ var blockImages = [];
+ $.each(dir, function(index, value) {
+ $.ajax({ //
+ url: value,
+ success: function(data) {
+ $(data).find("a:contains(" + fileextension + ")").each(function() {
+ var filename = this.href.replace(, "");
+ filename = filename.replace("https://", value);
+ filename = filename.replace("http://", value);
+ blockImages.push(filename);
+ });
+ // Prevent multi-threading and have function within call!
+ function preload(sources) {
+ var images = [];
+ for (var i = 0, length = sources.length; i < length; ++i) {
+ images[i] = new Image();
+ images[i].src = sources[i];
+ }
+ }
+ preload(blockImages);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ //Find out more here:
+ $(window).load(function() {
+ var headers = $('#sidebarContainer .accordion-header');
+ var contentAreas = $('#sidebarContainer .ui-accordion-content ').hide();
+ var expandLink = $('.accordion-expand-all');
+ // add the accordion functionality
+ {
+ var panel = $(this).next();
+ var isOpen =':visible');
+ // open or close as necessary
+ panel[isOpen ? 'slideUp' : 'slideDown']()
+ // trigger the correct custom event
+ .trigger(isOpen ? 'hide' : 'show');
+ // stop the link from causing a pagescroll
+ return false;
+ });
+ // hook up the expand/collapse all
+ {
+ var isAllOpen = $(this).data('isAllOpen');
+ contentAreas[isAllOpen ? 'hide' : 'show']()
+ .trigger(isAllOpen ? 'hide' : 'show');
+ });
+ // when panels open or close, check to see if they're all open
+ contentAreas.on({
+ // whenever we open a panel, check to see if they're all open
+ // if all open, swap the button to collapser
+ show: function() {
+ var isAllOpen = !':hidden');
+ if (isAllOpen) {
+ expandLink.text('Collapse All')
+ .data('isAllOpen', true);
+ }
+ },
+ // whenever we close a panel, check to see if they're all open
+ // if not all open, swap the button to expander
+ hide: function() {
+ var isAllOpen = !':hidden');
+ if (!isAllOpen) {
+ expandLink.text('Expand All')
+ .data('isAllOpen', false);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });