diff options
authorsarangsingh292016-07-11 14:35:11 +0530
committersarangsingh292016-07-11 14:35:11 +0530
commit8223207d188ea3ff0689cd6ea62662826300ed02 (patch)
parent2b8ff4319806419bf796a2b40ade9df6676cde18 (diff)
Import Button added
1 files changed, 530 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 554ff15..4ff538b 100644..100755
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
<script type="text/javascript" src="details.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="setup.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="combined.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Stores edgeState for every recently created edge in updateFixedTerminalPoint() function
@@ -76,7 +75,6 @@
var diagRoot = new XcosDiagram(null, model, null);
@@ -1037,7 +1035,7 @@
exportXML : 2 arguments
exportXcos: 3 arguments
- function displayXMLorXcos() {
+ function displayXMLorXcos(){
var textarea = document.createElement('textarea'); = '400px'; = '400px';
@@ -1100,6 +1098,447 @@
showModalWindow(graph, 'Xcos', textarea, 410, 440);
+ /*
+ Maverick
+ Adding a new button to import an Xcos diagram to our GUI and perform the simulation
+ on the remote server.
+ The flow of control is as follows:
+ The entire XML document is traversed, beginning from the root node.
+ The document is traversed three times:
+ 1. All the blocks are appended on the graph.
+ 2. All the ports are added to the blocks.
+ 3. All the links are made.
+ Old ids are the ones which can be found from the imported file but when the blocks are added
+ to the graph mxGraph assigns new ids to them.
+ Careful mapping needs to be done between these two ids.
+ */
+ editor.addAction('importXcos', function(editor, cell) {
+ var xml = '';
+ var div = document.createElement('div');
+ var node = document.createElement('form');
+ div.setAttribute("id", "tempdiv");
+ div.setAttribute("style", "height:200;width:200");
+ var fileNode=document.createElement('input');
+ fileNode.type='file';
+ if(window.File && window.FileReader && window.Blob && window.FileList)
+ {
+ console.log("supported");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ alert('This browser doesn\'t support this feature.');
+ }
+ = "tempform";
+ node.appendChild(fileNode);
+ var ta = document.createElement('textarea');
+ ta.setAttribute("rows", "15");
+ ta.setAttribute("cols", "60");
+ ta.setAttribute("name", "tarea");
+ node.appendChild(ta);
+ var btn = document.createElement('button');
+ var btn = document.createElement("button");
+ btn.innerHTML = 'Submit';
+ btn.type = "button";
+ = "submit";
+ node.appendChild(btn);
+ fileNode.addEventListener('change', function(evt){
+ var[0];
+ var r = new FileReader();
+ r.onload = function(e) {
+ var contents =;
+ /* console.log( "Got the file.n"
+ +"name: " + + "n"
+ +"type: " + f.type + "n"
+ +"size: " + f.size + " bytesn"
+ + "starts with: " + contents.substr(0, contents.indexOf("n"))
+ ); */
+ xml=contents;
+ xml = xml.replace(/\n*/, '');
+ xml = xml.replace(/>\s*</g, '><');
+ xml = xml.replace(/<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g,'');
+ ta.value=xml;
+ //console.log(xml);
+ }
+ r.readAsText(f);
+ }, false);
+ /*
+ Maverick
+ A dictionary is used to perform the mapping between the old ids and the new ids.
+ See explanation at the beginning of the function!!!
+ */
+ var dict={};
+ btn.onclick = function() {
+ //console.log(xml);
+ //xml=ta.value;
+ /*var xmlqr = ta.value,
+ xmlDoc = $.parseXML( xmlqr ),
+ $xmlqr = $( xmlDoc );
+ console.log("printing");
+ console.log(xmlqr);*/
+ /*
+ Maverick
+ The following regular expressions are used to format the imported Xcos XML
+ according to the format that is recognized by the mxCodec decoder.
+ */
+ // xml = xml.replace(/\n*/, '');
+ // xml = xml.replace(/>\s*</g, '><');
+ //console.log(xml);
+ wind.destroy();
+ graph.model.beginUpdate();
+ try {
+ var parent = graph.getDefaultParent();
+ var doc = mxUtils.parseXml(xml);
+ var codec = new mxCodec(doc);
+ //var elt = doc.documentElement.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild;
+ var rootNode=doc.documentElement;
+ /*
+ Maverick
+ Extracting 'Setup Window' values from Xcos diagram and setting the same
+ on the new diagram.
+ */
+ var defaultProperties = setup("get");
+ var propertiesObject = {};
+ for (var key in defaultProperties) {
+ //console.log(key);
+ if (defaultProperties.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ console.log(defaultProperties[key][1]);
+ propertiesObject[defaultProperties[key][1]] = rootNode.getAttribute(defaultProperties[key][1]);
+ /*
+ Maverick
+ Adding the corresponding attributes to the <XcosDiagram> tag.
+ */
+ diagRoot[defaultProperties[key][1]] = rootNode.getAttribute(defaultProperties[key][1]);
+ }
+ }
+ setup("set", propertiesObject);
+ while(rootNode.nodeName!='root')
+ {
+ console.log(rootNode.nodeName);
+ /*
+ Maverick
+ Extracting 'Set Context' values from Xcos diagram and setting the same
+ on the new diagram.
+ */
+ if(rootNode.nodeName=='Array'){
+ console.log("if");
+ var contextValues=[];
+ var contextChild=rootNode.firstChild;
+ while(contextChild!=null){
+ contextValues.push(contextChild.getAttribute('value'));
+ contextChild=contextChild.nextSibling;
+ }
+ diagRoot.context = contextValues;
+ diagRoot.context.scilabClass = "String[]";
+ handleContext("set", contextValues);
+ rootNode=rootNode.nextSibling;
+ }
+ else{
+ console.log('else');
+ rootNode=rootNode.firstChild;
+ }
+ console.log(rootNode.nodeName);
+ }
+ //console.log(elt);
+ var cells = [];
+ elt=rootNode.firstChild;
+ while (elt != null) {
+ var curNodeName=elt.nodeName;
+ //console.log(curNodeName);
+ //cells.push(codec.decode(elt));
+ var cell = codec.decode(elt);
+ //console.log(cell);
+ var curId=elt.getAttribute('id');
+ /*
+ Maverick
+ Finding the mxGeometry node for all the nodes.
+ */
+ var geometryNode = elt.firstChild;
+ var geometryCell = null;
+ if (geometryNode != null) {
+ while (geometryNode!=null && geometryNode.nodeName != 'mxGeometry') {
+ geometryNode = geometryNode.nextSibling;
+ }
+ if(geometryNode!=null){
+ geometryCell = codec.decode(geometryNode);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ Maverick
+ Adding the blocks.
+ Finding out the constructor names for all the blocks which are not a port or a link.
+ Ports will be automatically handled with the respective constructor calls.
+ */
+ if(!(curNodeName.endsWith('Link') || curNodeName.endsWith('Port'))){
+ var ifaceFuncName=cell.interfaceFunctionName;
+ console.log(curNodeName);
+ /*
+ Maverick
+ The following data structure is used to store the information required for each block
+ to the subsequent mapping.
+ */
+ var tempObj=new Object();
+ tempObj.inputArray=[];
+ tempObj.outputArray=[];
+ tempObj.controlArray=[];
+ tempObj.commandArray=[];
+ tempObj.inputIds=[];
+ tempObj.outputIds=[];
+ tempObj.controlIds=[];
+ tempObj.commandIds=[];
+ var details_instance = null;
+ if (ifaceFuncName != null) {
+ //Constructor call
+ console.log(ifaceFuncName);
+ details_instance = new window[ifaceFuncName]();
+ }
+ if (details_instance != null) {
+ var details = details_instance.define();
+ var enc = new mxCodec(mxUtils.createXmlDocument());
+ var node = enc.encode(details);
+ //var label = getImgHTML(ifaceFuncName);
+ var temp = enc.encode(parent);
+ /*node.setAttribute('label', label);*/
+ /*
+ * @jiteshjha
+ */
+ // Get the stylesheet for the graph
+ var stylesheet = graph.getStylesheet();
+ console.log(elt.getAttribute('style'));
+ // From the stylesheet, get the style of the particular block
+ var styleName=elt.getAttribute('style');
+ if(styleName.indexOf(';') != -1) {
+ styleName = styleName.substring(0, styleName.indexOf(';'));
+ }
+ var style = stylesheet.styles[styleName];
+ /*
+ * When a particular block is loaded for the first time,
+ * the image in the style of the block will be a path to the image.
+ * Set the label in the style property of the block has a html image,
+ * and set the image in the style property as null
+ *
+ * NOTE: Since the image of any block need not be changed for
+ * for every movement of that block, the image must be
+ * set only once.
+ */
+ if(style != null && style['image'] != null) {
+ // Make label as a image html element
+ var label = '<img src="' + style['image'] + '" height="80" width="80">';
+ // Set label
+ style['label'] = label;
+ // Set image as null
+ style['image'] = null;
+ // Add the label as a part of node
+ node.setAttribute('label', label);
+ }
+ /*
+ * If a particular block with image tag in it's style property
+ * has been invoked already, the image tag would be null for any
+ * successive instances of the same block. Hence, set the label
+ * from the label tag in style which was set when that blockModel
+ * was invoked on the first time.
+ */
+ if(style!= null && style['label'] != null) {
+ // Set label from the label field in the style property
+ node.setAttribute('label', style['label']);
+ }
+ node.setAttribute('parent', temp.getAttribute('id'));
+ var i, arr = [];
+ var blockModel = details_instance.x.model;
+ var graphics =;
+ var v1 = graph.insertVertex(graph.getDefaultParent(), null, node, geometryCell.x, geometryCell.y,80, 80, ifaceFuncName);
+ // @Chhavi: Additional attribute to store the block's instance
+ v1.blockInstance = createInstanceTag(details_instance);
+ console.log(curId);
+ dict[curId]=tempObj;
+ console.log(dict[curId]);
+ //findAndCreatePorts(graph,v1,doc,curId,codec);
+ //createPorts(graph, v1, inputPorts, controlPorts, outputPorts, commandPorts);
+ //console.log(v1);
+ v1.setConnectable(false);
+ }
+ /*
+ Maverick
+ Handling SplitBlock in a different manner.
+ */
+ if(curNodeName=='SplitBlock'){
+ // (x-5, y-5.5) is the offset to correct the position of split-block
+ var v1 = graph.insertVertex(graph.getDefaultParent(), null, '', geometryCell.x - 5, geometryCell.y - 5.5, 10, 10, 'Split', false);
+ dict[curId]=tempObj;
+ v1.setConnectable(false);
+ }
+ }
+ if(curNodeName.endsWith('Port'))
+ {
+ //console.log("port: " + curNodeName + " " + curId);
+ var oldParentId=elt.getAttribute('parent');
+ var newParentObj=dict[oldParentId];
+ var newParentId=newParentObj.newId;
+ console.log(graph.getModel().getCell(newParentId));
+ var newParentCell=graph.getModel().getCell(newParentId);
+ if(curNodeName=='ExplicitInputPort'){
+ newParentObj.inputArray.push('E');
+ newParentObj.inputIds.push(curId);
+ }
+ if(curNodeName=='ImplicitInputPort'){
+ newParentObj.inputArray.push('I');
+ newParentObj.inputIds.push(curId);
+ }
+ if(curNodeName=='ExplicitOutputPort'){
+ newParentObj.outputArray.push('E');
+ newParentObj.outputIds.push(curId);
+ }
+ if(curNodeName=='ImplicitOutputPort'){
+ newParentObj.outputArray.push('I');
+ newParentObj.outputIds.push(curId);
+ }
+ if(curNodeName=='CommandPort'){
+ newParentObj.commandArray.push('COMMAND');
+ newParentObj.commandIds.push(curId);
+ }
+ if(curNodeName=='ControlPort'){
+ newParentObj.controlArray.push('CONTROL');
+ newParentObj.controlIds.push(curId);
+ }
+ }
+ //console.log(newParentObj.inputIds);
+ //To continue traversal of all the nodes.
+ elt=elt.nextSibling;
+ }
+ /*
+ Maverick
+ Adding the ports.
+ */
+ //elt=doc.documentElement.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild;
+ elt=rootNode.firstChild;
+ while(elt!=null)
+ {
+ var curNodeName=elt.nodeName;
+ /*
+ Maverick
+ Handling all the ports of a given block collectively.
+ */
+ if(!(curNodeName.endsWith('Port')||curNodeName.endsWith('Link'))){
+ var curId=elt.getAttribute('id');
+ var newParentObj=dict[curId];
+ if(newParentObj!=null){
+ var newParentId=newParentObj.newId;
+ //console.log(graph.getModel().getCell(newParentId));
+ var newParentCell=graph.getModel().getCell(newParentId);
+ createPorts(graph, newParentCell, newParentObj.inputArray, newParentObj.controlArray, newParentObj.outputArray, newParentObj.commandArray, newParentObj, dict);
+ }
+ }
+ elt=elt.nextSibling;
+ }
+ /*
+ Maverick
+ Connecting the links.
+ */
+ //elt=doc.documentElement.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild;
+ elt=rootNode.firstChild;
+ while(elt!=null){
+ var curNodeName=elt.nodeName;
+ if(curNodeName.endsWith('Link')){
+ console.log(curNodeName);
+ var pointsArray=[];
+ var newSourceObj=dict[elt.getAttribute('source')];
+ var newTargetObj=dict[elt.getAttribute('target')];
+ console.log(newSourceObj);
+ console.log(newTargetObj);
+ var newSourceCell=graph.getModel().getCell(newSourceObj.newId);
+ var newTargetCell=graph.getModel().getCell(newTargetObj.newId);
+ var childNode=elt.firstChild;
+ if(childNode!=null){
+ if(childNode.nodeName=='mxGeometry'){
+ var tempNode=childNode.firstChild;
+ if(tempNode!=null){
+ if(tempNode.nodeName=='mxPoint'){
+ pointsArray.push(new mxPoint(tempNode.getAttribute('x'),tempNode.getAttribute('y')));
+ }
+ else{
+ if(tempNode.nodeName=='Array'){
+ var pointNode=tempNode.firstChild;
+ while(pointNode!=null){
+ pointsArray.push(new mxPoint(pointNode.getAttribute('x'), pointNode.getAttribute('y')));
+ pointNode=pointNode.nextSibling;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ console.log(newSourceCell);
+ console.log(newTargetCell);
+ for(var i in pointsArray){
+ console.log(pointsArray[i]);
+ }
+ createEdgeObject(graph, newSourceCell, newTargetCell, null);
+ }
+ elt=elt.nextSibling;
+ }
+ } finally {
+ graph.model.endUpdate();
+ }
+ }
+ //node.appendChild('br');
+ div.appendChild(node);
+ //div.appendChild('br');
+ console.log(div);
+ = "visible";
+ var wind = showModalWindow(graph, 'Set Context', div, 450, 300);
+ });
+ addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'importXcos', 'Import Xcos', 'images/export1.png');
addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'exportXML', 'Export XML', 'images/export1.png');
addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'exportXcos', 'Export Xcos', 'images/export1.png');
@@ -1109,10 +1548,10 @@
editor.addAction('simulate', function (editor, cell) {
var diagram = getXcosDiagram(editor, cell);
var blob = new Blob([diagram], {type: 'text/plain'});
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
-'POST','ScilabServlet', true);
+'POST','servlet/SciExec', true);
xhr.onload = function() {
// Create basic structure for the form
var content = document.createElement('div');
@@ -1128,11 +1567,11 @@
paragraph.innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
- //var img = document.createElement("img");
- //img.src = "data:image/;base64,"+xhr.responseText;
- //content.appendChild(img);
+ var img = document.createElement("img");
+ img.src = xhr.responseText;
+ content.appendChild(img);
var wind = showModalWindow(graph, 'Properties', content, 1000, 1000);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
@@ -1315,7 +1754,7 @@
function XcosDiagram(context, model, attributes) {
- this.context = context;
+ this.context = context;
this.model = model;
this.finalIntegrationTime = attributes;
@@ -2191,7 +2630,7 @@
// Get the stylesheet for the graph
var stylesheet = graph.getStylesheet();
+ console.log(name);
// From the stylesheet, get the style of the particular block
var style = stylesheet.styles[name];
@@ -2308,20 +2747,39 @@
// Create ports
- function createPorts(graph, block, left, top, right, bottom) {
- createInputPorts(graph, block, left, top);
- createOutputPorts(graph, block, right, bottom);
+ /*
+ Maverick
+ Modified the createPorts funtion so that it can be used while creating ports from
+ a given Xcos diagram.
+ New parameters are the parentObj where the port is supposed to be added and a dictionary
+ object which contains the mapping between the newly assigned Ids and imported Ids.
+ */
+ function createPorts(graph, block, left, top, right, bottom, parentObj, dict) {
+ createInputPorts(graph, block, left, top, parentObj, dict);
+ createOutputPorts(graph, block, right, bottom, parentObj, dict);
- function createInputPorts(graph, block, leftArray, topArray) {
+ function createInputPorts(graph, block, leftArray, topArray, parentObj, dict) {
var topNumber = topArray.length;
var leftNumber = leftArray.length;
if (leftNumber != 0) {
for (var i = 1; i <= leftNumber; i++) {
var x = 0;
var y = (i / (leftNumber + 1)).toFixed(4);
var portType = leftArray[i - 1];
- createInputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, 'left', i);
+ //console.log(parentObj.inputIds);
+ if(parentObj!=null){
+ createInputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, 'left', i, dict, parentObj.inputIds);
+ }
+ else{
+ createInputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, 'left', i);
+ }
if (topNumber != 0) {
@@ -2329,12 +2787,20 @@
var x = (i / (topNumber + 1)).toFixed(4);
var y = 0;
var portType = topArray[i - 1];
- createInputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, 'top', i);
+ //console.log(parentObj.controlIds);
+ if(parentObj!=null){
+ createInputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, 'top', i, dict, parentObj.controlIds);
+ }
+ else{
+ createInputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, 'top', i);
+ }
- function createOutputPorts(graph, block, rightArray, bottomArray) {
+ function createOutputPorts(graph, block, rightArray, bottomArray, parentObj, dict) {
var bottomNumber = bottomArray.length;
var rightNumber = rightArray.length;
if (rightNumber != 0) {
@@ -2342,7 +2808,13 @@
var x = 1;
var y = (i / (rightNumber + 1)).toFixed(4);
var portType = rightArray[i - 1];
- createOutputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, 'right', i);
+ //console.log(parentObj.outputIds);
+ if(parentObj!=null){
+ createOutputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, 'right', i, dict, parentObj.outputIds);
+ }
+ else{
+ createOutputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, 'right', i);
+ }
if (bottomNumber != 0) {
@@ -2350,12 +2822,20 @@
var x = (i / (bottomNumber + 1)).toFixed(4);
var y = 1;
var portType = bottomArray[i - 1];
- createOutputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, 'bottom', i);
+ //console.log(parentObj.commandIds);
+ if(parentObj!=null){
+ createOutputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, 'bottom', i, dict, parentObj.commandIds);
+ }
+ else{
+ createOutputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, 'bottom', i);
+ }
- function createInputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, position, ordering) {
+ function createInputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, position, ordering, dict, idArray) {
var port = null;
if (portType == 'COMMAND') {
port = graph.insertVertex(block, null, 'CommandPort', x, y, 10, 10, 'CommandPort', true);
@@ -2373,11 +2853,25 @@
port.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(-10, -6);
port.ordering = ordering;
+ if(dict!=null){
+ var obj=new Object();
+ obj.oldId=idArray[ordering-1];
+ //console.log(idArray[ordering-1]);
+ dict[idArray[ordering-1]]=obj;
+ }
+ if('Split'){
+ port.setVisible(false);
+ port.setConnectable(false);
+ }
- function createOutputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, position, ordering) {
+ function createOutputPort(graph, block, x, y, portType, position, ordering, dict, idArray) {
var port = null;
if (portType == 'COMMAND') {
port = graph.insertVertex(block, null, 'CommandPort', x, y, 10, 10, 'CommandPort', true);
} else if (portType == 'CONTROL') {
@@ -2395,6 +2889,19 @@
port.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(0, -6);
port.ordering = ordering;
+ if(dict!=null){
+ var obj=new Object();
+ obj.oldId=idArray[ordering-1];
+ //console.log(idArray[ordering-1]);
+ dict[idArray[ordering-1]]=obj;
+ }
+ if('Split'){
+ port.setVisible(false);
+ port.setConnectable(false);
+ }