diff options
authorAdhitya Kamakshidasan2016-06-17 00:22:19 +0530
committerGitHub2016-06-17 00:22:19 +0530
commit4c9937556717378e009595162f80b2d19ea76ce5 (patch)
parent13f47b3791fd18956a40c5afc00a9799e9adc248 (diff)
parent93917ade2cef044a22d18a6908efefe5525b2fbb (diff)
Merge pull request #41 from jiteshjha/port-constraints-redefined
Shorter version for port constraints
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 316 deletions
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 0c74773..075346d 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -256,168 +256,49 @@
var config = mxUtils.load('config/keyhandler-commons.xml').getDocumentElement();
- // @jiteshjha, @pooja
- /*
- The code creates a function that informs the undoManager of an undoable edit
- and binds it to the undo event of mxGraphModel and mxGraphView
- using mxEventSource.addListener.
- */
- var undoManager = new mxUndoManager();
- var listener = function(sender, evt) {
- undoManager.undoableEditHappened(evt.getProperty('edit'));
- };
- graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.UNDO, listener);
- graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.REDO, listener);
- graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.UNDO, listener);
- graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.REDO, listener);
- editor.addAction('undoCustom', function(editor, cell) {
- undoManager.undo();
- });
- editor.addAction('redoCustom', function(editor, cell) {
- undoManager.redo();
- });
- For every click on the graph, check if the selected mxCell is the recently created edge,
- and then check if that edge satisfies one of the port constraints.
+ For a new edge on the graph, check if that edge satisfies one of the port constraints.
- graph.addListener(mxEvent.CLICK, function(sender, evt) {
- var selectedEdgeObject = graph.getSelectionCell();
- if (selectedEdgeObject != null && selectedEdgeObject.isEdge() == true) {
- var selectedEdgeObject = graph.getSelectionCell();
- var target =;
- var source;
- if (selectedEdgeObject != null && selectedEdgeObject.isEdge() == true) {
- function getEdgeId(edgeObject) {
- while (edgeObject.source != null && edgeObject.source.isEdge() == true) {
- edgeObject = edgeObject.source;
- }
- return edgeObject.source;
- }
+ graph.addEdge = function(edge, parent, source, target, index) {
- if (selectedEdgeObject.isEdge() == true) {
- source = getEdgeId(selectedEdgeObject);
- }
- if (source != null && target != null) {
- if (!(((source.value == "ExplicitOutputPort" && target.value == "ExplicitInputPort") ||
- (source.value == "ExplicitInputPort" && target.value == "ExplicitOutputPort") ||
- (source.value == "ImplicitOutputPort" && target.value == "ImplicitInputPort") ||
- (source.value == "ImplicitInputPort" && target.value == "ImplicitOutputPort") ||
- (source.value == "CommandPort" && target.value == "ControlPort") ||
- (source.value == "ControlPort" && target.value == "CommandPort")) &&
- (source.getEdgeCount() <= 1 && source.isVertex() == true &&
- target.getEdgeCount() <= 1 && target.isVertex() == true)
- )) {
- if (!(source.getEdgeCount() <= 1 && source.isVertex() == true &&
- target.getEdgeCount() <= 1 && target.isVertex() == true)) {
- alert("Port is already connected, please select an please select an unconnected port or a valid link");
- } else if (source.value == "ImplicitInputPort") {
- alert("Implicit data input port must be connected to implicit data output port");
- } else if (source.value == "ImplicitOutputPort") {
- alert("Implicit data output port must be connected to implicit data input port");
- } else if (source.value == "ExplicitOutputPort") {
- alert("Explicit data output port must be connected to explicit data input port");
- } else if (source.value == "ExplicitInputPort") {
- alert("Explicit data input port must be connected to explicit data output port");
- } else if (source.value = "ControlPort") {
- alert("Control port must be connected to command port");
- } else if (source.value = "CommandPort") {
- alert("Command port must be connected to control port");
- }
- /*
- Remove last mxEvent from the undoManager history stack,
- Store all the remaining undo mxEvents into a temporary array,
- clears the history, and readds the mxEvents into the undoManager history stack.
- */
- editor.execute('undo');
- // Remove the last element from the history array.
- undoManager.history.splice(-1, 1);
- // storage[] -> temporary array
- var storage = [];
- for (i in undoManager.history) {
- if (undoManager.history[i] != null) {
- storage.push(undoManager.history[i])
- }
- }
+ var edgeSource = source;
- // Clear the undoManager history, and reset the undoManager pointer to avoid any undo of null events.
- undoManager.clear();
- // Move the remaning mxEvents back into the undoManager history stack.
- for (i in storage) {
- if (storage[i] != null) {
- undoManager.undoableEditHappened(storage[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- // Disables drag-and-drop into non-swimlanes.
- graph.isValidDropTarget = function(cell, cells, evt) {
- return this.isSwimlane(cell);
- };
- // Disables drilling into non-swimlanes.
- graph.isValidRoot = function(cell) {
- return this.isValidDropTarget(cell);
- }
- // Does not allow selection of locked cells
- graph.isCellSelectable = function(cell) {
- return !this.isCellLocked(cell);
- };
- // Returns a shorter label if the cell is collapsed and no
- // label for expanded groups
- graph.getLabel = function(cell) {
- var tmp = mxGraph.prototype.getLabel.apply(this, arguments); // "supercall"
- if (this.isCellLocked(cell)) {
- // Returns an empty label but makes sure an HTML
- // element is created for the label (for event
- // processing wrt the parent label)
- return '';
- } else if (this.isCellCollapsed(cell)) {
- var index = tmp.indexOf('</h1>');
- if (index > 0) {
- tmp = tmp.substring(0, index + 5);
- }
- }
- return tmp;
- }
+ // If the source of the edge is also an edge, find the port.
+ while (edgeSource.isEdge() == true) {
+ edgeSource = edgeSource.source;
+ }
- // Disables HTML labels for swimlanes to avoid conflict
- // for the event processing on the child cells. HTML
- // labels consume events before underlying cells get the
- // chance to process those events.
- //
- // NOTE: Use of HTML labels is only recommended if the specific
- // features of such labels are required, such as special label
- // styles or interactive form fields. Otherwise non-HTML labels
- // should be used by not overidding the following function.
- // See also: configureStylesheet.
- graph.isHtmlLabel = function(cell) {
- return !this.isSwimlane(cell);
- }
+ // If the edge violates any port constraints, return null.
+ if(!((edgeSource.getEdgeCount() == 0 && edgeSource.isVertex() &&
+ target.getEdgeCount() == 0 && target.isVertex()) ||
+ (edgeSource.getEdgeCount() <= 1 && source.isEdge()))) {
+ alert("Port is already connected, please select an please select an unconnected port or a valid link");
+ }
+ else if(edgeSource.value == "ExplicitOutputPort" && target.value != "ExplicitInputPort") {
+ alert("Explicit data output port must be connected to explicit data input port");
+ }
+ else if(edgeSource.value == "ExplicitInputPort" && target.value != "ExplicitOutputPort") {
+ alert("Explicit data input port must be connected to explicit data output port");
+ }
+ else if(edgeSource.value == "ImplicitOutputPort" && target.value != "ImplicitInputPort") {
+ alert("Implicit data output port must be connected to implicit data input port");
+ }
+ else if(edgeSource.value == "ImplicitInputPort" && target.value != "ImplicitOutputPort") {
+ alert("Implicit data input port must be connected to implicit data output port");
+ }
+ else if(edgeSource.value == "CommandPort" && target.value != "ControlPort") {
+ alert("Command port must be connected to control port");
+ }
+ else if(edgeSource.value == "ControlPort" && target.value != "CommandPort") {
+ alert("Control port must be connected to command port");
+ }
+ else {
+ // If the edge is legit, return the edge.
+ return mxGraph.prototype.addEdge.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
- // To disable the folding icon, use the following code:
- graph.isCellFoldable = function(cell) {
- return false;
+ return null;
// Shows a "modal" window when double clicking a vertex.
@@ -552,159 +433,6 @@
- /*
- @pooja, @jiteshjha
- Create a custom rotate action for a selected cell.
- */
- editor.addAction('rotateCustom', function(editor, cell) {
- selectedCell = graph.getSelectionCell();
- if (selectedCell != null) {
- var cells = [];
- cells.push(selectedCell);
- for (var i = 0; i < selectedCell.getChildCount(); i++)
- cells.push(selectedCell.getChildAt(i));
- graph.getModel().beginUpdate();
- try {
- for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
- var cell = cells[i];
- if (cell.isVertex() == true) {
- var geo = graph.getCellGeometry(cell);
- if (geo != null) {
- // Rotates the size and position in the geometry
- geo = geo.clone();
- geo.x += geo.width / 2 - geo.height / 2;
- geo.y += geo.height / 2 - geo.width / 2;
- var tmp = geo.width;
- geo.width = geo.height;
- geo.height = tmp;
- graph.getModel().setGeometry(cell, geo);
- // Reads the current direction and advances by 90 degrees
- var state = graph.view.getState(cell);
- if (state != null) {
- if (cell.isConnectable() == true) {
- if (cell.value == "ExplicitOutputPort" || cell.value == "ImplicitOutputPort") {
- var dir =[mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION] || 'east';
- var geoCell = cell.getGeometry();
- if (dir == 'east' || dir == 'west') {
- var temp = geoCell.x;
- geoCell.x = geoCell.y - 0.0625;
- geoCell.y = temp + 0.0625;
- cell.setGeometry(geoCell);
- if (dir == 'east')
- dir = 'south';
- else
- dir = 'north';
- } else if (dir == 'south' || dir == 'north') {
- geoCell.y = geoCell.x + 0.0625;
- if (dir == 'south') {
- dir = 'west';
- geoCell.x = 0 - 0.125;
- } else {
- dir = 'east';
- geoCell.x = 1;
- }
- cell.setGeometry(geoCell);
- }
- } else if (cell.value == "ExplicitInputPort" || cell.value == "ImplicitInputPort") {
- var dir =[mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION] || 'east';
- var geoCell = cell.getGeometry();
- if (dir == 'south' || dir == 'north') {
- geoCell.y = geoCell.x - 0.0625;
- if (dir == 'south') {
- dir = 'west';
- geoCell.x = 1 + 0.125;
- } else {
- dir = 'east';
- geoCell.x = 0;
- }
- cell.setGeometry(geoCell);
- } else if (dir == 'east' || dir == 'west') {
- geoCell = geoCell.clone();
- var temp = geoCell.x;
- geoCell.x = parseFloat(geoCell.y) + 0.0625;
- geoCell.y = temp - 0.0625;
- cell.setGeometry(geoCell);
- if (dir == 'east')
- dir = 'south';
- else
- dir = 'north';
- }
- } else if (cell.value == 'CommandPort') {
- var dir =[mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION] || 'east';
- var geoCell = cell.getGeometry();
- if (dir == 'south' || dir == 'north') {
- var temp = geoCell.x;
- geoCell.x = geoCell.y + 0.0625;
- geoCell.y = temp - 0.0625;
- cell.setGeometry(geoCell);
- if (dir == 'south')
- dir = 'west';
- else
- dir = 'east';
- } else if (dir == 'east' || dir == 'west') {
- geoCell.y = parseFloat(geoCell.x) - 0.0625;
- if (dir == 'east') {
- dir = 'south';
- geoCell.x = 0 - 0.0625;
- } else {
- dir = 'north';
- geoCell.x = 1 + 0.0625;
- }
- cell.setGeometry(geoCell);
- }
- } else if (cell.value == 'ControlPort') {
- var dir =[mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION] || 'east';
- var geoCell = cell.getGeometry();
- if (dir == 'south' || dir == 'north') {
- var temp = geoCell.x;
- geoCell.x = geoCell.y - 0.0625;
- geoCell.y = temp + 0.0625;
- cell.setGeometry(geoCell);
- if (dir == 'south')
- dir = 'west';
- else
- dir = 'east';
- } else if (dir == 'east' || dir == 'west') {
- geoCell.y = parseFloat(geoCell.x) + 0.0625;
- if (dir == 'east') {
- dir = 'south';
- geoCell.x = 1 + 0.0625;
- } else {
- dir = 'north';
- geoCell.x = 0 - 0.0625;
- }
- cell.setGeometry(geoCell);
- }
- }
- } else {
- var dir =[mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION] || 'east';
- if (dir == 'east') {
- dir = 'south';
- } else if (dir == 'south') {
- dir = 'west';
- } else if (dir == 'west') {
- dir = 'north';
- } else if (dir == 'north') {
- dir = 'east';
- }
- }
- graph.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION, dir, [cell]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } finally {
- graph.getModel().endUpdate();
- }
- }
- }, null, null, 'Ctrl+R');
// @jiteshjha, @pooja
On selection and deletion of any block, 'deleteBlock'
@@ -767,8 +495,9 @@
- addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'undoCustom', '', 'images/undo.png');
- addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'redoCustom', '', 'images/redo.png');
+ addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'delete', '', 'images/delete2.png');
+ addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'undo', '', 'images/undo.png');
+ addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'redo', '', 'images/redo.png');
addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, 'show', 'Show', 'images/camera.png');
@@ -816,7 +545,7 @@
var node = enc.encode(diagRoot);
var str = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"+mxUtils.getPrettyXml(node);
if (arguments[2] == null) {
@@ -860,7 +589,7 @@
Using resultDocument.documentElement to remove an additional tag "<#document>" created by the XSLTProcessor.
var str = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n\n"+mxUtils.getPrettyXml(resultDocument.documentElement);
showModalWindow(graph, 'Xcos', textarea, 410, 440);
@@ -1099,13 +828,13 @@
var contextValue = handleContext("get");
var displayValue = "";
Modified the for loop because only requirement was to
- traverse the array of 'contextValue' and not all the
+ traverse the array of 'contextValue' and not all the
elements of it.
- */
+ */
for (var i=0;i<contextValue.length;i++) {
displayValue += contextValue[i] + "\n";
@@ -1248,7 +977,7 @@
cell.value = node;
- We have changed the value of the cell, but the change won't be reflected
+ We have changed the value of the cell, but the change won't be reflected
unless the graph is refreshed.