path: root/day2/python-quickref.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'day2/python-quickref.tex')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/day2/python-quickref.tex b/day2/python-quickref.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b464a5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/day2/python-quickref.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily\bfseries,
+ commentstyle=\color{red}\itshape,
+ stringstyle=\color{darkgreen},
+ showstringspaces=false,
+ keywordstyle=\color{blue}\bfseries}
+\textbf{Quick Reference}\\
+FOSSEE -- Dec 1, 2010\\
+ \hr\textbf{Basic Data types}
+Declaring an Integer:\\
+{\ex \lstinline| b=9999999999999999999 |}
+Declaring a float:\\
+{\ex \lstinline| p=3.141592 |}
+Declaring a Complex number:\\
+{\ex \lstinline| c = 3.2+4.6j |}
+\hr\textbf{Arithmetic Operators}
+Addition: {\ex \lstinline|+|} &
+Subtraction: {\ex \lstinline|-|} &
+Multiplication: {\ex \lstinline|*|} \\
+Division: {\ex \lstinline|/|} &
+Modulo: {\ex \lstinline|%|} &
+Exponentiation: {\ex \lstinline|**|}
+\hr\textbf{Strings} (immutable)
+Declaring a string:\\
+{\ex \lstinline|k='Single quote' |}\\
+{\ex \lstinline|l="Double quote contain's single quote" |}\\
+{\ex \lstinline|m='''"Contain's both"''' |}\\
+{\ex \lstinline|s[5]|} -- Elements can be accessed with their index
+ \hr\textbf{Manipulating Strings}
+String indexing starts from 0, like lists.\\
+\lstinline|s = `Hello World'|
+\lstinline|s[0:5]| -- \texttt{Hello} &
+\lstinline|s[6:]| -- \texttt{World} &
+\lstinline|s[6::2]| -- \texttt{Wrd}
+\lstinline|s.replace('e', 'a')| new string; `e' replaced by `a'
+{\ex \lstinline| print x|} -- print variable \texttt{x} (with new line)\\
+{\ex \lstinline| print x, |} -- print with out new line\\
+{\ex \lstinline| print "a is %d b is %f" %(a, b)|} -- formatting
+{\ex \lstinline| x = raw_input()|} -- take input from user\\
+{\ex \lstinline| x = raw_input("Age: ")|} -- take input with prompt
+\hr\textbf{Control Flow}
+Writing an if/elif/else block:
+if condition1:
+ # do A, B, C
+elif condition2:
+ # do D, E
+ # do Y, Z
+The ternary operator:\\
+{\ex \lstinline|C if X else Y|} -- Do C if X is True else do Y.
+For loop:\\
+{\ex \lstinline|for i in range(1,11,2):|}\\
+{\ex \lstinline| s = s + i|}
+{\ex \lstinline|empty=[]|} -- empty list\\
+{\ex \lstinline|nonempty = ['spam', 'eggs', 100, 1.234]|} -- filled list\\
+{\ex \lstinline|nonempty[0]|} -- accessing elements\\
+{\ex \lstinline|nonempty[-1]|} -- accessing elements: negative indexing\\
+{\ex \lstinline|len(nonempty)|} -- obtain length of list\\
+{\ex \lstinline|nonempty.append('python')|} -- append element to list\\
+{\ex \lstinline|del(nonempty[1])|} -- delete elements\\
+{\ex \lstinline|nonempty.remove(100)|} -- remove elements\\
+{\ex \lstinline|A[start:stop:step]|} -- slicing a list \lstinline|stop| excluded
+{\ex \lstinline|sorted(A)|} -- returns a new sorted list\\
+{\ex \lstinline|A.sort()|} -- in-place sort\\
+{\ex \lstinline|A[::-1]|} -- returns new reversed list\\
+{\ex \lstinline|A.reverse()|} -- in-place reverse\\
+{\ex \lstinline|x in A|} -- check for container-ship
+{\ex \lstinline|t = (1, "hello", 2.5)|} -- creating a tuple\\
+{\ex \lstinline|t[index] Ex: t[2]|} -- accessing elements\\
+{\ex \lstinline|t[start:stop:step]|} -- accessing slices\\
+{\ex \lstinline|a, b = b, a|} -- swapping: tuple packing, unpacking
+\hr\textbf{Dictionaries} (key value pairs)
+{\ex \lstinline|d = {'k1':'v1', 'k2':'v2'}|} -- creating \\
+{\ex \lstinline|print d['k1']|} -- accessing values using keys\\
+{\ex \lstinline|d['k3'] = 'v3'|} -- adding a key-value pair\\
+{\ex \lstinline|del d['k1']|} -- deleting a key-value pair
+{\ex \lstinline|p10 = set([2, 3, 5, 7]) |} -- creating a set
+{\ex \lstinline+s1 | s2 +} -- Union
+Other operations available:\\
+{\ex \lstinline|&|} -- Intersection, {\ex \lstinline|-|} -- Difference,
+{\ex \lstinline|^|} -- Symmetric Difference, {\ex \lstinline|<|} -- Subset
+Defining a function:
+def name([arguments]):
+ code
+ [return values]
+Arguments of functions can have default arguments. Arguments with default arguments are at end of definition
+Functions can be called with keyword arguments. All keyword arguments
+should be at the end of the argument list.
+Import all definitions to current name-space:\\
+{\ex \lstinline| from scipy import *|}
+Import few definitions to current name-space:\\
+{\ex \lstinline| from scipy import linspace, pi, sin|}
+Import a module as a new name-space:\\
+{\ex \lstinline| import scipy|}
+\hr\textbf{Writing python scripts}
+See where python searches for modules:\\
+{\ex \lstinline|sys.path|}
+Include our own path in PYTHONPATH:\\
+{\ex \lstinline|sys.path.append(our_path)|}
+Run certian code only if executed and not if imported:\\
+{\ex \lstinline|if __name__=="__main__": #do something|}
+\hr\textbf{Skeleton of a Test}
+{\ex \lstinline| if __name__ == '__main__':|}\\
+{\ex \lstinline| result = gcd(48, 64) |}\\
+{\ex \lstinline| if result != 16: |}\\
+{\ex \lstinline| print ``Test Failed'' |}\\
+{\ex \lstinline| print ``Test Passed'' |}
+Get results from function or unit of code being tested. \\
+Compare it to original output. \\
+Test passed if they match else failed.
+\hr\textbf{Try-Catch} (Skeleton)
+{\ex \lstinline| try: |}\\
+{\ex \lstinline| num = int(a) |}\\
+{\ex \lstinline| except: |}\\
+{\ex \lstinline| print ``Wrong input...'' |}
+\hr\textbf{Code Style}
+Four Space Indentation\\
+79 character limit on a line\\
+Funtions should be seperated by blank line\\
+Use Docstrings\\
+White space around operators