path: root/day2
diff options
authorMadhusudan.C.S2009-10-28 16:01:29 +0530
committerMadhusudan.C.S2009-10-28 16:01:29 +0530
commitbda73d30672ff5e0b3784b245e00a4e1bb3695a1 (patch)
tree1e489ed2799e117079ac9720ecf688fd5331e101 /day2
parent3ac4dbeeda246892c4d0866d0fe0ff94e5f53844 (diff)
parent59ff411333b7e73b3253210c8fb8fe30cf510305 (diff)
Merged Madhu and Mainline branches.
Diffstat (limited to 'day2')
-rw-r--r--day2/DebugginDiagram.pngbin0 -> 8560 bytes
4 files changed, 440 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/day2/DebugginDiagram.png b/day2/DebugginDiagram.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41af377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/day2/DebugginDiagram.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/day2/session3.tex b/day2/session3.tex
index 72fde4d..f623b32 100644
--- a/day2/session3.tex
+++ b/day2/session3.tex
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
% Title page
\title[]{3D data Visualization}
-\author[FOSSEE Team] {FOSSEE}
+\author[FOSSEE] {FOSSEE}
\institute[IIT Bombay] {Department of Aerospace Engineering\\IIT Bombay}
\date[] {1, November 2009\\Day 2, Session 3}
@@ -157,22 +157,22 @@
- \frametitle{Is this new?}
- \begin{center}
- We have moved from:
- \end{center}
- \begin{columns}
- \column{}
- \hspace*{-1in}
- \includegraphics[width=1.75in,height=1.75in, interpolate=true]{data/3832}
- \column{}\hspace*{-0.25in}
- To
- \column{}
- \hspace*{-1in}
- \includegraphics[width=1.75in, height=1.75in, interpolate=true]{data/torus}
- \end{columns}
+%% \begin{frame}
+%% \frametitle{Is this new?}
+%% \begin{center}
+%% We have moved from:
+%% \end{center}
+%% \begin{columns}
+%% \column{}
+%% \hspace*{-1in}
+%% \includegraphics[width=1.75in,height=1.75in, interpolate=true]{data/3832}
+%% \column{}\hspace*{-0.25in}
+%% To
+%% \column{}
+%% \hspace*{-1in}
+%% \includegraphics[width=1.75in, height=1.75in, interpolate=true]{data/torus}
+%% \end{columns}
+%% \end{frame}
\frametitle{3D visualization}
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
\frametitle{Using mlab}
->>> from enthought.mayavi import mlab
+In []:from enthought.mayavi import mlab
@@ -248,9 +248,9 @@
->>> mlab.test_<TAB>
->>> mlab.test_contour3d()
->>> mlab.test_contour3d??
+In []: mlab.test_<TAB>
+In []: mlab.test_contour3d()
+In []: mlab.test_contour3d??
@@ -279,12 +279,12 @@
->>> from numpy import *
->>> t = linspace(0, 2*pi, 50)
->>> u = cos(t)*pi
->>> x, y, z = sin(u), cos(u), sin(t)
+In []: from numpy import *
+In []: t = linspace(0, 2*pi, 50)
+In []: u = cos(t) * pi
+in []: x, y, z = sin(u), cos(u), sin(t)
- \emphbar{\PythonCode{>>> mlab.points3d(x, y, z)}}
+ \emphbar{\PythonCode{In []: mlab.points3d(x, y, z)}}
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
- \emphbar{\PythonCode{>>> mlab.plot3d(x, y, z, t)}}
+ \emphbar{\PythonCode{In []: mlab.plot3d(x, y, z, t)}}
Plots lines between the points
@@ -308,11 +308,11 @@
->>> x, y = mgrid[-3:3:100j,-3:3:100j]
->>> z = sin(x*x + y*y)
+In []: x, y = mgrid[-3:3:100j,-3:3:100j]
+In []: z = sin(x*x + y*y)
- \emphbar{\PythonCode{>>>, y, z)}}
+ \emphbar{\PythonCode{In []:, y, z)}}
\alert{Assumes the points are rectilinear}
@@ -322,18 +322,18 @@
\myemph{\Large 2D data: \texttt{mlab.mesh}}
- \emphbar{\PythonCode{>>> mlab.mesh(x, y, z)}}
+ \emphbar{\PythonCode{In []: mlab.mesh(x, y, z)}}
\alert{Points needn't be regular}
->>> phi, theta = numpy.mgrid[0:pi:20j,
+In []: phi, theta = numpy.mgrid[0:pi:20j,
... 0:2*pi:20j]
->>> x = sin(phi)*cos(theta)
->>> y = sin(phi)*sin(theta)
->>> z = cos(phi)
->>> mlab.mesh(x, y, z,
+In []: x = sin(phi)*cos(theta)
+In []: y = sin(phi)*sin(theta)
+In []: z = cos(phi)
+In []: mlab.mesh(x, y, z,
... representation=
... 'wireframe')
@@ -349,10 +349,10 @@
->>> x, y, z = ogrid[-5:5:64j,
+In []: x, y, z = ogrid[-5:5:64j,
... -5:5:64j,
... -5:5:64j]
->>> mlab.contour3d(x*x*0.5 + y*y +
+In []: mlab.contour3d(x*x*0.5 + y*y +
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
->>> mlab.test_quiver3d()
+In []: mlab.test_quiver3d()
\emphbar{\PythonCode{obj = mlab.quiver3d(x, y, z, u, v, w)}}
@@ -511,6 +511,15 @@
+ \frametitle{We have covered:}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Need of visualization.
+ \item Using mlab to create 3 D plots.
+ \item Mayavi Toolkit.
+ \end{itemize}
diff --git a/day2/session4.tex b/day2/session4.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7aae3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/day2/session4.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+% Tutorial slides on Python.
+% Author: Prabhu Ramachandran <prabhu at>
+% Copyright (c) 2005-2009, Prabhu Ramachandran
+% \documentclass[handout]{beamer}
+% \usepackage{pgfpages}
+% \pgfpagesuselayout{4 on 1}[a4paper,border, shrink=5mm,landscape]
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+ %\usetheme{default}
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+ \setbeamercovered{transparent}
+% To remove navigation symbols
+\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
+% Taken from Fernando's slides.
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily\bfseries,
+ commentstyle=\color{red}\itshape,
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+ showstringspaces=false,
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+% My Macros
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+ {#1}
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+% Configuring the theme
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+% Title page
+\title[]{Debugging and \\Test Driven Approach}
+\author[FOSSEE] {FOSSEE}
+\institute[IIT Bombay] {Department of Aerospace Engineering\\IIT Bombay}
+\date[] {11, October 2009}
+\date[] % (optional)
+ \begin{frame}<beamer>
+ \frametitle{Outline}
+ \Large
+ \tableofcontents[currentsection,currentsubsection]
+ \end{frame}
+%% Delete this, if you do not want the table of contents to pop up at
+%% the beginning of each subsection:
+ \begin{frame}<beamer>
+ \frametitle{Outline}
+ \tableofcontents[currentsection,currentsubsection]
+ \end{frame}
+ \begin{frame}<beamer>
+ \frametitle{Outline}
+ \tableofcontents[currentsection,currentsubsection]
+ \end{frame}
+ \maketitle
+\subsection{Errors and Exceptions}
+ \frametitle{Errors}
+ \begin{lstlisting}
+>>> while True print 'Hello world'
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \begin{lstlisting}
+ File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
+ while True print 'Hello world'
+ ^
+SyntaxError: invalid syntax
+ \frametitle{Exceptions}
+ \begin{lstlisting}
+>>> print spam
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
+NameError: name 'spam' is not defined
+ \frametitle{Exceptions}
+ \begin{lstlisting}
+>>> 1 / 0
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
+ZeroDivisionError: integer division
+or modulo by zero
+ \frametitle{Debugging effectively}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \kwrd{print} based strategy
+ \item Process:
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Debugging effectively}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Using \typ{\%debug} in IPython
+ \end{itemize}
+\frametitle{Debugging in IPython}
+In [1]: import mymodule
+In [2]: mymodule.test()
+NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
+<ipython console> in <module>() in test()
+ 1 def test():
+----> 2 print spam
+NameError: global name 'spam' is not defined
+In [3]: %debug
+ 0 print spam
+\frametitle{Debugging: Exercise}
+import keyword
+f = open('/path/to/file')
+freq = {}
+for line in f:
+ words = line.split()
+ for word in words:
+ key = word.strip(',.!;?()[]: ')
+ if keyword.iskeyword(key):
+ value = freq[key]
+ freq[key] = value + 1
+print freq
+%% \begin{frame}
+%% \frametitle{Testing}
+%% \begin{itemize}
+%% \item Writing tests is really simple!
+%% \item Using nose.
+%% \item Example!
+%% \end{itemize}
+%% \end{frame}
+\section{Test Driven Approach}
+ \frametitle{Need of Testing!}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Quality
+ \item Regression
+ \item Documentation
+ \end{itemize}
+ %% \vspace*{0.25in}
+ %% \emphbar{It is to assure that section of code is working as it is supposed to work}
+ \frametitle{Example}
+ \begin{block}{Problem Statement}
+ Write a function to check whether a given input
+ string is a palindrome.
+ \end{block}
+ \frametitle{Function:}
+def is_palindrome(input_str):
+ return input_str == input_str[::-1]
+ \frametitle{Test for the palindrome:}
+from plaindrome import is_palindrome
+def test_function_normal_words():
+ input = "noon"
+ assert is_palindrome(input) == True
+ \frametitle{Running the tests.}
+$ nosetests
+Ran 1 test in 0.001s
+ \frametitle{Exercise: Including new tests.}
+def test_function_ignore_cases_words():
+ input = "Noon"
+ assert is_palindrome(input) == True
+ \vspace*{0.25in}
+ Check\\
+ \PythonCode{$ nosetests} \\
+ \begin{block}{Task}
+ Tweak the code to pass this test.
+ \end{block}
+% \frametitle{Lets write some test!}
+%#for form of equation y=mx+c
+%#given m and c for two equation,
+%#finding the intersection point.
+%def intersect(m1,c1,m2,c2):
+% x = (c2-c1)/(m1-m2)
+% y = m1*x+c1
+% return (x,y)
+%Create a simple test for this
+%function which will make it fail.
+ \frametitle{Exercise}
+ Based on Euclid's algorithm:
+ \begin{center}
+ $gcd(a,b)=gcd(b,b\%a)$
+ \end{center}
+ gcd function can be written as:
+ \begin{lstlisting}
+ def gcd(a, b):
+ if a%b == 0: return b
+ return gcd(b, a%b)
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \vspace*{-0.15in}
+ \begin{block}{Task}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Write at least
+ two tests for above mentioned function.
+ \item Write a non recursive implementation
+ of gcd(), and test it using already
+ written tests.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{block}
+ \frametitle{We have learned}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Following and Resolving Error Messages.
+ \item Exceptions.
+ \item Approach for Debugging.
+ \item Writting and running tests.
+ \end{itemize}
diff --git a/day2/session5.tex b/day2/session5.tex
index f3b517e..5a5949d 100644
--- a/day2/session5.tex
+++ b/day2/session5.tex
@@ -147,14 +147,14 @@
\frametitle{Problem set 4}
- Finite difference
+ Central difference
- \frac{sin(x+h)-sin(x)}{h}
+ \frac{sin(x+h)-sin(x-h)}{2h}
- >>> x = linspace(0,2*pi,100)
- >>> y = sin(x)
- >>> deltax = x[1] - x[0]
+ In []: x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100)
+ In []: y = sin(x)
+ In []: deltax = x[1] - x[0]